#ONCE AGAIN. geneaology remake truther because i want a binding blade remake.
felikatze · 1 year
bashing my head against a wall. i could fix binding blade's story. i could. and i am going to ramble about it and you can't stop me.
so long. this is so long.
Feli special usual features:
- tangents
- no apparent structure
- probably many typos
- getting emotional over the 2 moments i will actually deign to call well written
- i might as well just write fanfic at this point
- if you're me you understand
- actually dont even look at this. dont look at me.
first off one thing i actually really like about it compared to other FE games. everything, every location or name that ever gets mentioned, also shows up. every country can be visited and has more than one representative in the cast. additionally, you always know who to recruit people with if you paid attention to dialogue.
playing blazing blade rn and the augury really clutches it for that game. but in binding blade? the only characters i had to look up how to recruit were karel and gonzales. that's it. somebody's trapped or also fighting your enemy? talkto them with roy. anybody else? oh look, it's the brother clarine mentioned! that's the girl noah was hanging out with! that's sue's grandpa! character relations are clear and evident right from the introduction.
in short, the story is incredibly cohesive.
...doesn't stop it from being narratively weak though.
i've seen suggestions for changing who the main character is, and yeah, that works. the first suggestion is always lilina, which would work incredibly well. she fits more typically into the mold of FE lords, and hector's death gives her a more concise motivation for revenge against bern and zephiel. another suggestion i've seen is Fae, since she's the focus of the dragon conflict, and binding blade 100% undervalues her narrative potential (see: my complaint that she doesn't even get unique battle quotes against jahn)
(side note: for how cohesive the story is, jahn kinda spawns out of nowhere. like, he's the only guy not mentioned beforehand somewhere. wack.)
but the story could work with roy, i think.
so there's this part with roy and guinivere, when roy gets the binding blade. he asks if anyone could've pulled it, and she says yes. anyone could've pulled it with the fire emblem, but what matters now is that it's roy specifically who does so.
roy doesn't have anything to do with the conflict at large. he doesn't. the scouring? well, lilina's the descendant of one of the eight heroes. etruria and bern? elffin is actually the prince who faked his death, and he's the one percival and douglas care about. dragons? well, fae's the last divine dragon besides idunn.
but i think if you just like. made that the point. like echoes, except instead of undercutting your everyman protag by having him be a secret prince, he just stays.. some guy.
some guy who was in the wrong place at the right time, and it all just kinda spitballs until he's leading the etrurian army. ike is a protag who does this well, i think. it's just a job for him. and once he's done and paid, he leaves to do the next thing.
it's like. roy is kinda bland. but he doesn't have to be. this is ABSOLUTELY me honing in on minor character details because dissecting bland protags is a personal hobby of mine, but, dude was studying to be a bureaucrat. land management and shit. he's brains over brawn (if his stats didn't already show that). fucking string bean of a unit.
he is ardently chill about everything in the plot, but what if instead it like.. started to actually weigh on him. he struggles to live up to all the expectations suddenly on him, when all his life he just expected to be head of the second most important house of a minor nation. now there's un-dead princes and vengeful kings and dragons running about- and he has to unravel all these things as quick as he can to keep himself and his home safe.
what if he figured out that elffin is etruria's prince and had to weigh telling the three generals to gain their support, or potentially feeding an ally to the wolves? what kind of decision is dismantling the government of the nation you're supposed to be helping?
he just Does The Right Thing, Unquestionably, and that's it.
as for the dragons, introduce jahn earlier, by god. or, find some other way to exposition dump everything about idunn. hell, maybe fae has heard of idunn before, of a divine dragon who didn't make it to arcadia, and roy slowly reveils the horrifying truth of the demon dragon with what snippets he hears from bern's soldiers. maybe have an earlier fight with idunn actually staying on the field as a mysterious figure. anything. i bet you could just cut out jahn altogether if you did that.
like, make roy and everyman and commit to the bit. he wasn't born to step into hartmut's legacy. he just wanted to save his dad from a random attack. but he chose to do it anyway.
and one moment i do really like. from the atrocious exposition dumb of ch24. is when jahn says the binding blade conforms to its user's will, and that's how hartmut spared idunn, i could feel it just click for roy. in that moment, he knew how to save idunn. and he knew he would save idunn long before that.
play into the theme of legacies. hartmut's legacy is, on the surface, of the man who killed the demon dragon. a legacy of violence that roy finds himself in. but, beneath that, it was a legacy of kindness. of only as much blood as need be, and not a drop more.
put this against zephiel. he's like. i dont know how to phrase this. but the opposite of what the previous paragraph is. zephiel has a gigantic legacy as crown prince of an empire, but it's one that's denied to him out of petty jealousy by his father. i think his motivation is actually pretty compelling; he's lost faith in humanity. so he claims his birthright through murder, and uses it to end all legacies to ever exist. whereas the legacy roy obtains is kindness cloaked in violence, zephiel's is violence cloaked in kindness. by trying to end all conflict, he will only create an empty world. he doesnt really care about the dragons, either; it's idunn's soulless war dragons that are his ideal, not fellow creatures of ego like jahn.
and guinivere. god. the potential. zephiel has become to her what his father has become to him. it's again, legacy. zephiel's father broke his faith in humanity, and he has broken guinivere's. she is an ardent pacifist until the end.
....until she gives roy the tool he needs to kill her brother, that is. she first steals the fire emblem in the hope it will force a peaceful resolution. and she gives up. not in humanity. just in her brother.
GOD. THE TRAGEDY OF IT ALL?? in my head it could be so good. it's again just all cycles of violence and kindness. she's trying so so hard to break violence with kindness but it doesn't work. but she chooses to see the good in humanity despite it all. she really embodies that philosophy that roy brings up in his speech against zephiel. it may be humans who do wrong, but it's humans who stop them. we're all just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over, but we're always going to try to do better, and that's what matters. history isn't moving upward. just forwards. but we're trying. hartmut tried, and he didn't quite succeed; just prolonged it. but hartmut was just some guy who tried to save idunn, and that vain attempt was what allowed her to be saved for real.
(clears throat)
so. since this hypothetical binding blade remake would cater to me specifically.
first of all, replace merlinus with lilina. binding blade's story with her is really hampered by the fact that lilina is killable.
only unkillable characters (i.e roy), characters who 'retreat' instead of dying (elffin, merlinus) or NPCs (Guinivere) are allowed to have narrative importance for more than their intro chapter and relevant gaidens. this blows.
make lilina the deuteragonist. there's already a clear trajectory for her; she calls herself a warrior, she says she must stay strong in the face of adversity, she cannot allow herself to cry now, but still she fiercely believes in the good of others. she's an incredibly good judge of character, and chooses to bet her life on kindness, as seen in how she can recruit both gonzales and garret.
she's, as brought up occasionally already, a much more archetypical FE lord, with a weighty legacy and a dead dad. it would be fun if she just bottles everything up and it crushes her. maybe she has her dad's temper and is trying to be a Proper Marquess in conduct. she n roy can find solidarity in fellow imposter syndrome. they'd both believe they're not good enough, think the other is so much better, only to end up as each other's biggest supporter.
and. listen. the lilina ogier support haunts me. and it gives a terrifying opportunity. like choosing your legacy and not being bound by blood but by shared conviction?
hey. what if lilina was adopted.
i dont know where exactly i'd put a reveal like this. second half of the game, surely. how would she find out? who knows. i don't. i'm just rambling about random points of potential. maybe she encounters someone in the enemy army who fought hector; murdock, maybe? and then it's pointed out how odd it is for hector to have a daughter when he died a bachelor. reverse alm.
and then she'd remember something incredibly distant, long buried as unimportant; of being young and alone and abandoned and seeing a city for the first time.
it would be crushhhingggg for her, since she relied so much on "blood of a warrior" as a crutch. BUT THEN! thematic coherence. it doesn't matter whether she's of his blood or not; there's no doubt in anyone's mind that she's hector's daughter, through and through. and she chooses to keep that legacy, to believe herself worthy of it. she didn't get so far by being roland's descendant; she did it on her own strength, her own smarts, her own merits. hector could've picked anyone off the streets, but it happened to be her, and that's what matters. the paths life offers are infinite, but we are here, and these are our choices.
and that's what i'd do for lilina! yay!
if it wasn't difficult to figure out logistically considering theme-ing and pulling an alm again i would also ABSOLUTELY make ninian!roy canon since blazing blade pushes elinini anyway. yeah i talked about the unimportance of blood but also. manakete roy is REALLY fucking funny.
"dragons still exist?" listen to me boy you are for real a dragon asking this.
also fun recontextual reading of his desire to learn all he can about dragons to learn more about himself since he would've thought his mother was the last dragon in elibe, which would've given it a more tragic slant. and additionally his very existence would be proof that dragons and humans can live in peace, which feels poignant. imo you could still push the everyman angle since ice dragons are largely irrelevant to anything happening with the demon dragon, and all the shenanigans nergal pulled had no effect on binding blade's plot outside of worsening zephiel's already bad relationship with his dad.
it's also just so so so funny to me. on god. it really is.
also allows for solidarity moments i.e sophia as part-dragon people. and also a reason for him to be invested in the dragon plot. and maybe a motivation for him to want to save idunn too. and the sheer irony of wielding a dragon-slaying weapon.
feli is this hypocrisy. maybe a little bit. But Also you can still push thematically. It Just So Happened that roy pulled the binding blade. there are dragons already living in harmony with humans. sophia may well have been the one to lead instead. she just happened not to be.
it also extends the just some guy-ness to eliwood i guess. he kind of is. to me. a gentleman, maybe. a righteous guy. but not the most important guy ever.
anyway! yeah! this was my word vomit about binding blade!
don't let me know what you think! i don't want to hear it because i am doing this to exorcise thoughts from my brain! thank you for not reading! bye!
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