euclydya · 15 days
really loud one eyed squint.
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nashidakyouko · 6 months
If We Have to Go ~ D'asta (D'arcy/Asta)~ Resident Alien
Also on Ao3
Ship: D'arcy Bloom and Asta Twelvetrees.
Summary: This could be the end, but at least D'arcy and Asta were together. // Word count: ~1100 // Rating: T
AN: I inserted a scene before Harry shows up in the S3 finale because D'asta is underrated. Asta would have broken the universe to find D'arcy and I am HERE for it. Also this is a bit cheesy, but I wanted that delicious cheese.
The only thing that mattered now was that Asta had found her. Sure, everything else sucked something fierce—of course D'arcy fucked up sneaking a bomb onto a spaceship. But Asta was here now, holding D'arcy's hand through the bizarre, horizontal cell bars. Guess the hand-holding sitch was a mixed bag, too, since it meant they were in an actual alien prison—or would it be a brig?—and they were still probably going to die.
They were definitely going to die.
And then everyone on Earth was going to die, too.
The shit-uation was about the worst D'arcy had ever been in. Alien brig, end of the world, freak that wanted to eat them. His ominous, creep-tastic presence had put the slightest damper on D'arcy's mood. She'd been thinking they were going to live somehow. Not so much with people-eater salivating over there.
But if they had to die, she was unspeakably grateful that she'd be with Asta in the end. D'arcy's grip tightened just enough that Asta gave her a quizzical look. Instead of asking what was on D'arcy's mind, Asta squeezed back while raising an eyebrow. A nervous little smile played at the corners of her lips.
After a long moment, D'arcy let out a defeated sigh. “If I have to go out, I hope you're the last thing I see. Don't know how these little alien shits are gonna kill us, but as long as I'm seeing you—not them—I think that'll be enough. I mean, just barely. This still royally sucks and I don't think I could've fucked up worse. But seriously, I meant it earlier. I just love you. It's better just 'cause you're here, y'know?”
Asta stared with eyes both wide and soft, pushing herself away just a bit from the bars. “Yeah, I do know. I hate that it came to this. I hate that you tried to do this alone. But I was afraid I'd never see you again, so at least I did get to hear that laugh one more time.” Her smile was shy, yet brilliant. “Circumstances being what they are, I'll take the win...” She looked away, pensive for a while. “Even if they separate us to kill us, don't look at them. Close your eyes and think of me. I mean, if you think that would help.” Embarrassed, Asta began to pull her hand away.
D'arcy held fast. “Same to you. If we have to go out like this...” She shook her head. “... I'm sorry about all this, Asta.”
“You aren't one of the grey aliens bent on destroying the planet—unless you've really kept it close to the chest—so there's not much point in you apologizing... Though it is true you fucked up by trying to do this alone, and I am still a little mad about it.” Asta grinned. “Well, I guess that means you do have to apologize, huh? But what I mean is that if we die, none of that will matter anyway. I want us to be okay in the end. Always.”
The Mantid in the nearby cell spat loudly, clearly annoyed at the sappy conversation happening between these dumb, delectable humans. He just wanted to eat them already. Twin glares zeroed in on him. He took a step back and decided that these two might be a bigger threat than he initially thought. For now, other prey was the best choice. He scurried away in a hurry.
Asta cackled as he fled. “He ruined the moment for sure, but damn, at least we could scare the shit out of one alien tonight.”
D'arcy, however, got caught on that first part. “Moment?”
“I mean, yeah? Our beautiful moment of reconciliation before our inevitable deaths?”
D'arcy looked sharply away, wrenching her hand from Asta's. “O-oh, yeah. That kind of moment.”
“Of course? What did you think I meant, D'arce?” To say Asta was perplexed by D'arcy's sudden change was an understatement.
“Oh, nothing! We're totally and completely on the same page. Beautiful reconciliation. Same page, same page. We did great on that one! Good for us!” The wild gesticulating of D'arcy's hands and the edge of panic in her voice betrayed her words, but didn't necessarily clarify anything for Asta.
“Why are you being weird all of a sudden?” Asta tried repeatedly to catch D'arcy's eye, but the redhead steadfastly avoided her gaze. “C'mon, if you've got something to say, this is probably the last chance you'll ever have to say it.” As she spoke, Asta's mouth went bone dry.
Shit, the same thing applied to her. Last chance. Maybe Harry would save them, but this could be the last chance. That also meant the last chance to screw things up so bad that D'arcy might kind of hate her in the end. So which was more unacceptable? Missing the last chance to tell her, or risking her being upset about it?
Her brain short-circuited, leaving her staring into the middle distance with her hand half-way reaching to the person dearest to her in all the world (in a different way than Jay, of course, but that wasn't the point right now).
D'arcy didn't notice, but that was mostly because she still wouldn't look directly at Asta. She'd tried to say her piece earlier. Couched it in potentially platonic words or whatever, but she'd told Asta, hadn't she? She'd even told her again! But both times seemed to fly right over her best friend's gorgeous, perfect, amazing, and very stupid head.
The two of them sat in contemplative silence for far too long. When they finally looked at each other, the world faded away again. The only thing that mattered now was that their eyes met. Sure, everything else was truly some bullshit they were in. But their eyes still met.
There wasn't enough space between the cell bars to properly do what had to be done.
That didn't stop them from trying.
Hands tangled together again as they drew close to those damned bars. Yeah, there was just barely enough space to do one very important thing.
So together they leaned in and kissed.
The cold, slick bars of the cell pushed against their cheeks, but who even cared anymore?
The words were still stuck in their throats, but right now this mattered more.
They finally managed to meet in the middle.
Please don't let this be the only time. I don't want to have to go.
AN: Thanks for reading!
Also for the love of god, if you like this ship let your feelings be known SOMEWHERE. I'm so sad how little stuff there is for them. I mean, even my straight mother has repeatedly said they should be canon, so where are the other fans??
DISCLAIMER: I obviously do not own Resident Alien but I'm Fandom Old and feel compelled to still use a disclaimer.
I DO claim naming the ship D'asta. I haven't seen anyone really give it a name and that one is sitting RIGHT THERE.
(can y'all believe I posted something after 3.5 years and it ISN'T in the Avatarverse? Truly wild)
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swiftscion · 2 years
Ethlyn didn't need the monastery's birthday calendar to know when Ayra's twins were born. She's always had a good head for dates and she'd been there when it happened. She'd been the first of the women in her brother's army to marry and the first to give birth. It had been nice when the others looked to her for her advice and she'd been happy to give it. She'd been more than happy to help out too. Ayra certainly had her hands full with the two of them.
And it seems Larcei's feisty nature continued into adulthood.
"Happy birthday, Larcei!" Ethlyn remembers too late that she has not actually interacted with the girl since she was almost two years old. "You don't remember me but I was there when you were born." That's a weird thing to say. She quickly adds in an attempt to make things less awkward, "I'm Ethlyn of Leonster. Your mom and I were good friends. I wanted to get you something that I think she would want you to have so. Here." She grins as she hands over a wooden box full of everything Larcei would need to maintain her sword. "Ayra taught me a lot about how to keep my own weapon in top shape. I'd been so used to someone doing it for me before. And, well, the tools provided by the monastery aren't the best quality, are they?"
//via birthday asks; still accepting!
First Deirdre, now Ethlyn. The stars must be watching over her, for Larcei runs into yet another link to her mother's past. Slowly, surely, she is piecing together Ayra's true nature. She's living vicariously through the stories they tell of her, imagining the character in weaved tales stroking her hair and feeding her soup. It is a soulless mortar for the mother-shaped hole in her heart, but it does the job of filling its gap.
Do I know you? is the first thing she wants to say, but before her lips can part and give way to words, Ethlyn explains herself. She receives a nod of understanding. This is good--very good. Maybe with her help, Larcei can get her hands on a stronger lead.
"Oh! Er, nice to meet you! I'm Larcei, but it seems you already know that... Heh..." sheepish is her smile, heistant is the hand that accepts her gift. Part of the Isaachian feels she hasn't done much to deserve something like this--not from Ethlyn, at least--but she remembers that's kind of the whole point of birthdays.
They are celebrating one's birth: an event they had no control over.
"But thanks! For the gift, I mean. Things that remind me of Mother," her hand smooths over the coarse wood, gloved fingers picking and prying it open, "are things I'll always cherish. I do my best to be just like her, after all!"
Smiling to herself a little, Larcei takes her eyes off the woman to admire her gift. Whetstones, handle wraps, sandpaper, even a set of smithing tools--all contained within one compact box, of high quality and ready to be used. They speak to her heart, more than any fancy jewelry or frilly skirts would.
She closes it once her eyes have had their fill, turning back up to Ethlyn with renewed warmth. "You said you were a Leonster, yeah? 'Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
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squeeeshsims · 8 months
10:00 AM "Beanie's Coffee Co"
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Skaadi: "Hey-y-y stranger! You're finally here!" Varg: "This place is pretty tucked away, to be fair..."
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Skaadi: "You look so sweaty... did you jog here?" Varg: "It's drizzling outside." Skaadi: "Sure it is." Varg: "Here, wanna find out?" Skaadi: "OH, EW! NO, get away from me!"
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Varg: "Fine, fine." Skaadi: "Now hurry up and come sit at the table. Where's Ivar?" Varg: shrugs "He had to make a bathroom run."
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Ivar: "I'm here, I'm here! Let me make an order and I'll be right there." Varg: "Where's this famous roommate, Skaadi?" Skaadi: "She'll be here soon enough. What a crazy coincidence that we ended up rooming with two siblings."
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Ivar: "The fates work their magic in mysterious ways. So nice to meet you, Skaadi. I'm Ivar." Skaadi: "Hi Ivar! I've heard so much about you, from both Varg AND Dagny." Ivar: "All good things, I hope. I have to admit, I would never have guessed the two of you are twins." Skaadi: "Mama used to say I got all the sunshine and Varg got all the moonlight."
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Dagny: "Well, sunshine is right. I've never had a better roommate." Skaadi: "Here she is! Varg, this is Dagny!" Varg: "I'm... glad to finally meet you." Ivar: "Hey, now. She won't bite - at least not you. She loved to bite when we were kids." Dagny: "Only you, because you were so insufferable."
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Dagny: "I see you're also a fan of the croissants. They're especially good at Beanie's." Varg: "Honestly, I just ordered what I saw first. But it was pretty good."
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Dagny: "Wow... the difference really is uncanny. Though both of you are making the same expression now, so I can kind of see it." Skaadi: "Varg always points out that he came out first. By a few minutes at least." Ivar laughs : "He does give off big brother energy."
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Dagny: "So, Varg, what do you like to do for fun?" Varg: "I, uh... I'm really into the rowing team." Dagny: "Ivar said that's how he met you. I love to watch the meets... maybe I'll have to come support you sometime!" Varg: "I'd... like that."
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Varg: "What about you? Ivar's told me about your garden." Dagny sighs: "Yes, my garden back home was incredible. The one here is small... but with Skaadi's help I'll have it blooming in no time." Varg laughs: "In autumn? I'll be impressed if you can have flowers growing in the snow." Dagny: "Don't underestimate my powerful green thumb. I've got magic of my own."
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Varg: "Oh, I won't. I believe women have power men can never grasp." Dagny chuckles : "Then you're already ahead of so many others. I like a man who knows things like that..." Varg coughs: "And I appreciate strong women." Dagny: "I can tell we'll get along, then."
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Ivar: "Varg... don't go hitting on my sister." Varg: "Wouldn't dream of it. You were getting pretty cozy with MY sister over there, friend." Ivar: "Skaadi's great, but I wouldn't take my best friend's sister out." Varg: "Nothing to worry about here, Ivar. I just enjoy conversations with intelligent people."
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Ivar: "Good... just be aware of the way you were looking at her." Varg: "What way are you talking about-" Dagny: "Such whispers. I hope you two aren't spreading secrets over there." Skaadi: "We'd better get home. Classes start tomorrow."
0 notes
nanaminokanojo · 3 years
Of Fools and Slaves
CHARACTERS: Miya Atsumu X You
WORD COUNT: 4,400+
GENRE: angst | oneshot | aged up | university au | exes to lovers | a little fluffy, like a smidge XD
TRIGGER WARNING: suggestive/strong language/profanity | mentions of toxic behavior/relationship, possessiveness, jealousy | alcohol use
collection masterlist
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You and Atsumu were like magnets. One moves, the other does, too.
You attract each other like moths to flame, your eyes immediately meeting across a room filled with people where others would have easily missed your presence. It was as if you both have developed a primal instinct to detect the other within a certain radius. And as your eyes locked, it seemed like everything else around the two of you melts away into nonexistence. Nothing is present and standing between the two of you, not time, not space, not even the female sitting on his lap thinking he had the blonde's full attention nor your friends directing you towards the opposite direction.
A smirk drew itself across your lips, otherwise inconspicuous to anyone none-the-wiser, but not to Miya Atsumu. He was aware of every single nuance in your expressions and movements, and in the next second, just as your left brow quirked up in an imperious gaze directed at him, the girl he was with was off from where she was perched on his lap. That smirk you sported turned into a full-blown, genuine smile directed at Suna who suddenly came up to you, but from your peripherals, you saw how Atsumu's expressions morphed from cockiness to outward indignation. As if he had any right. His eyes followed you to wherever his friend led you, the latter's hand on the small of your back.
It wasn't long into your endeavor of enjoying drinks with your girlfriends along with Suna, Ojiro and Osamu when you felt Atsumu's unmistakable presence behind you. His hands latched possessively on your hips, pulling you against his taut form.
And of course, with magnetism comes repulsion, too.
"You've got nerve showing yourself here knowing I'll be here, sweetheart," he told you, effectively disrupting the flow of your easy conversation with your common friends. He propped his chin on your shoulder, eyes on Suna who stared back with an impish grin.
"Tsumu," Osamu, his better, more level-headed and smarter clone, said in a stern tone, eyeing the blonde from the rim of his cup. It's the first of many warnings that are to come if Atsumu doesn't stop. And it looked like he wouldn't.
You glanced at him. "I'd appreciate it if you removed your filthy hands off me."
"Filthy –"
"Yes, Atsumu, filthy. At least have the decency not to touch me when you've just had yourself all over another one of your tramps."
He leered at that. "Aren't you one of them though?"
"Atsumu," Osamu hissed but was ignored.
"Oh, baby, you yourself know I am not."
Your friends have cleared out save for Ojiro and Osamu who stayed close just in case things go out of hand. Knowing you and Atsumu with your volatile relationship – if it could be called that anyway – the chances are high. It didn't matter who was watching or where you were.
He turned you around so you were facing him. "Are you jealous?" He was feigning arrogance, but he sounded hopeful.
You chuckled, the sound coming out cold despite of how beautiful it sounded to him. Shaking your head, you just sighed, pulling away from him. "Trying to get to me by making me jealous is, for one, low, and for another, ineffective. Stop acting as if you don't know me, Atsumu. You're becoming quite insulting."
He matched his expressions with yours. "Well, at least you are feeling enough to actually be insulted."
You saw Osamu move forward, hands on the ready but you raised a hand at him, eyes intent on his twin. "You misunderstood me. You're being insulting to yourself, not me." You took his stunned state to turn to the two boys with you. "Mind taking me home now, Samu?"
"Meet me out front," the grey-haired twin said, going ahead of you before his brother could say anything, seeing as how he was starting to protest.
"Bye, Aran. Tell the others for me? Thanks."
"Sure, Y/N."
Giving Atsumu one last look, you turned away and followed Osamu.
But it didn't end there. You're dealing with Miya Atsumu after all. He would never give up without a fight and if he had set himself on something, he was gonna have his way one way or the other.
And that's just what he did, walking towards you through the crowds that have gathered at the venue where the strips had been set up for the fencing tournament you were in. You've seen him at the stands despite not having come to see you at the waiting rooms like his pals and twin brother did, wishing you luck.
You felt those familiar ochre eyes on you when you finally came to the piste* at the beginning of the match, head gear and sabre in hand. Despite the distance, you knew he was watching you closely, and it looked like he wasn't satisfied with just that.
You breathed out laboriously as you stood still, sweat dripping off your brows and sporting a tedious expression despite just having come first in the semis. That's when Atsumu came, striding towards you like he owned the place, his hands in his pockets.
"As expected of you, Y/N," he drawled, extending a towel towards you. "You're at the top of your game, I see."
"Always am." You breathed out deeply as you glanced at him briefly, taking the towel and murmuring your thanks before walking out of the strips towards the direction of the back rooms.
Atsumu followed close behind you, walking in his own pace and not saying a word until you reached your designated waiting room. You vaulted yourself on the counter before the mirrors to sit, facing him when you heard him lock the door, but your eyes were on your sabre which you whipped twice as if testing your grip on it like you usually would before a game.
"You didn't come here to congratulate me, so just say what you want to say." Your expressions remained neutral as opposed to your words.
"I came to watch you win," he told you, gesturing to the bouquet that was sitting on the table.
You smirked at the object in question, not failing to notice that he got you your favorite carnations. "And I have. Is that all?"
"No." In the next moment, he was crossing the distance between the two of you, placing his palms on either of your sides. "You and my brother have a thing now?"
He, of all people, ought to know that it wasn't the case at all. Apart from not having the right to ask anyway. After all, Osamu has been your closest friend before you started fooling around with Atsumu.
"I mean, I can't blame you if you want a replacement, and he's the closest you could get to me. We look alike after all."
You set your sabre down and removed your gloves, throwing them alongside the former. It wasn't as if it was a secret that you've been hanging around his clone a lot. You've been doing so for years even before you got together with the person before you. Osamu was your best friend before Atsumu was your lover.
"How worthy do you think you are to say that your brother could be a stand-in for you?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" he hissed, his hackles definitely raised exponentially by that single remark.
Your high-handed disposition heightened upon sensing this, and you weren't exactly in a forgiving mood after the stunt he tried to pull at the party. While he may think he didn't incur any profound damages, he still managed to hurt you enough even if you made everyone think you didn't care.
"You're a grade-A prick who got too many balls to the head, I wouldn't even ask what feeds the goddamn air where your brain is supposed to be."
"And you're a real piece of work." He glared at you. "Are you done?"
"You think you're better than anyone and everyone, you can't cope when someone surpasses you, and Osamu isn't an exception. He's your brother, Atsumu. Maybe you ought to correct that."
You've always been very vocal about your opinions regarding their differences and your preference for Osamu in terms of personality. It was not as if there wasn't anything admirable about Atsumu. You loved him more than you cared to admit, loved him for his talents and candid traits, loved him for his drive and passion, loved him despite his flaws and despite of the fact that he was your sickness, loved him just as much for being your cure. However, at the moment, he was just pushing it by spouting groundless accusations and being mean to Osamu whom he supposedly cared about the most.
"So, you prefer him to me?"
"In many ways, yes." You answered callously. "We've always had a thing, Samu and I. We're great friends after all, the foundation of which is based on our vexation over you. Is that what you're referring to?"
He smirked. "You know damn well that's not what I'm talking about."
"Are you jealous of your own brother?"
"Do I have reason to be?"
"How about asking if you have any right to be?"
"Have you stripped me of that, too?"
"You are a royal pain," you muttered and sighed. "You should apologize to Samu for thinking he would betray you like that."
Realization dawned on him, and he let up on the harsh lines that defined the disgust he felt over your words, and in extension, towards you. "Fine, I'm sorry."
"I'm not Samu."
"Then I'll apologize to him later. Geez!"
"And you wonder why I like hanging out with him more?" You're getting tired of his histrionics which hid a deeper hurt, and you wished he would just meet you head on instead of going around and around and prolonging whatever was happening. "We're no longer together if your activities with your girls don't say so enough."
He flushed with anger at that. "I don't love them, and I don't fuck them, Y/N. If you're going to justify what you did with Rin –"
"Don't go there, darling," you stated calmly yet your words promised foreboding not even he can handle the moment you get started. "I'm not going to satisfy that with an explanation you yourself know."
"Well, I don't want any other guy getting close to you, not even one of my friends. You're mine, Y/N. Mine alone." His eyes burned into yours, and as if to punctuate his words, he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you towards him as he stood between your legs.
You shrugged, clucking your tongue, and feigning boredom even as he started nuzzling your neck. "You don't fail to remind me, Atsumu." His name wobbled on your lips when you felt his tongue lick just under your ear, making you pull away.
"What?" he asked as if he wasn't just trying to pick a fight with you. His mood changes like the weather, going all out with his tirades but becomes docile as a baby bunny when he gets what he wants.
"I just got off the piste, in case your taste buds aren't working. And I didn't say you can touch me."
"You're not fighting it, baby," he said, smiling as he leaned closer, about to claim your lips, but you held him back, shaking your head. "I need to shower."
"Can I come?"
"Tough luck. I have somewhere to be after this."
He relented, nodding in understanding. He knew how busy you are as an athlete, but still, he took your hand in his, pressing a small object into your palm, cold against your skin. Upon looking down, you saw the familiar key to the apartment he shared with Osamu, the same one you returned to him several months ago after you've supposedly ended things. Supposedly.
"Come see me later?" He started peppering your face with butterfly kisses, each word punctuated with his lips brushing onto your skin. "Please..."
"What for?"
"To celebrate your win." He grinned deviously. "I'll buy the wine."
You've lost, perhaps not in the argument but in other ways, and you knew it. "Fine."
"Promise?" He cupped your face, eyes searching yours. You've told him before that you would come see him but went back on that promise many times since you've called it quits. And yet, he still asked. Over and over again, he still held hope.
You patted him on the cheek as you maneuvered around him. "I said fine."
Your relationship with Atsumu is supposed to be over. It wasn't as if you haven't hurt each other enough when the two of you were like fire and ice. So many things tell you both to just quit each other. Still, at the end of the day, you both kept crawling back to where the other is like the masochists and sadists that you are.
"Are you going to see Tsumu?" Osamu asked over the phone just as you were about to drive to their place. "Or is he just being his nonsensical self?"
"I'm heading there now. I promised after all."
"I'm heading to Rin's then. Please don't trash the place."
"Will I see you there?"
"No. I'm clearing out before you start fighting..." He sighed. "...of fucking for that matter."
You heard Atsumu laugh from the other end. "You owe me," he told his brother before saying, "See you in a bit, baby."
Just then, you heard a door open and close from Osamu's end. "Y/N, I've never interfered with your business with Tsumu, but as his brother and as your best friend, I'm telling you this isn't healthy anymore."
"Break up for good or get back together."
Easier said than done when the pros and cons always reach a dead heat for both situations. You broke up and both of you come back to one another, you get back together and you want out at the first sign of trouble. Your relationship was like migraine-inducing strobe lights. And all because you're both such unrelenting assholes who didn't know what proper communication meant. Your tempers were like tornadoes head-butting each other on a field and when you finally wound each other, the regrets are overwhelming that neither of you knew how to deal with them.
You and Atsumu loved and hated each other in the same degree, fiery, covetous, and passionate as it gets, yet glacial, odious and bitter at the same time. Put together, they make one massive, toxic mess.
Maybe it was a passing phase, how you both sustain the sickness you both have or you're just not meant to be. Maybe you'll find your peace in one another, then again, maybe not. Who knew, really?
And yet, when all is said and done, neither of you could imagine life without the other.
"Hey," he greeted you with that smile, cocky and self-assured, but the same one that could melt a million years of blizzards, and along with that, your heart.
Osamu was right. You ought to deliberate before things go out of hand.
He just cocked his head for you to come in without making any attempt to touch you like he did earlier in the day. That's one thing about having Atsumu as a lover – he knew how to read you well, too well, and he knew when to give you your space both literally and figuratively. He looked happy enough just to see you, and you're a hypocrite if you said it didn't tug at your heartstrings.
You silently followed him deeper into the apartment until he stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning around to extend his hand towards you. You trusted him with your life, you can't help but think as you wordlessly took his proffered hand. And you're aware of the fact that you wouldn't feel the degree of confidence you felt with him, not even with Osamu. It's hard to establish that kind of bond with another.
Atsumu led you towards his room, pushing you in front of him and placing his hands on your shoulders. The sight of fairy lights and a haphazardly built blanket fort confronted you the moment you stepped inside. Pillows scattered about the carpeted floor inside the little house he built. Another thing about Atsumu is that he could be tooth-rottingly sweet if he wanted to be. You weren't immune to it.
"Remember that night you said yes to me?" he asked, snaking his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder.
You swallowed hard, nodding. "You made a replica." You chuckled, reaching up blindly to pat him on the cheek as was your habit. "You promised me wine."
He took your hand in his and planted a kiss on your palm before leading you to the blanket fort. It was tall enough for both of you to sit inside, and once you were, he brought out two wine glasses and poured the drink.
"To your victory until the end of the season," he said, raising his glass towards you.
You touched yours to his. "Pray my knees don't give out before its done." You immediately saw worry cross his features. "I'm not injured anywhere," you assured him, answering his unspoken question. As both sports players, you've learned to take care of one another and made sure neither of you were working too hard. It looked like it still applied.
"Sure? You don't want a massage? I'll give you one for free. Limited time offer."
You just snickered at his words, picking up the wine bottle instead. "Ooh, fancy," you commented, reading the label.
"Anything for my pretty girl." He winked at you.
You smirked at him. "You trying to make me fall for you again?"
"Is it working?" He handed you your glass. His tone suggested his question was a jest but it was easy to see through his intentions. You've known him for a while after all, and you've always been ten steps ahead of him because he was like an open book to you.
"Yes or no, Atsumu?" you said, waiting for his response while you took a sip from your wine.
He stayed quiet for a moment before nodding slowly. "That's all I've been doing."
"Well, your tactics are low and confusing to say the least. You're the only one who would think I'll succumb to your wishes when you're canoodling with some other chick."
Atsumu rolled his eyes, lazily lying down on the pillow just beside you. "It's so you to see only that –"
"Or that making me angry will make things work in your favor," you cut him short. After all, he knew you intimately; knew for a fact that he's the recipient of that kind of love you had that would not truly let go unless you knew he didn't want you anymore.
You were the same where he was concerned. He would never have anyone else have you if he can have his way. He made that quite clear. He'll torment you for it without a doubt and that's just what the two of you were doing: sinking your hooks into one another so deeply that neither of you could flail off each other's grips no matter what you did.
"I can ask you the same question, Y/N. Don't you think it's only fair? Is it working?"
You shrugged, taking in your drink in one go before mimicking his actions earlier. You stared up at the canopy of cream sheets and tiny lights twinkling above you, getting lost in the golden glow that surrounded you and the feeling of warm fingers intertwining with yours.
"It's never a question of whether it's working or not, is it?" You let your head loll to the side to meet his gaze and you saw the answer mirrored on his face.
Moving closer to you, he placed a kiss to your temple, breathing in deeply as if he was ingraining your scent in his mind. His lips brushed against your hair down to your jawline. He left his mark on ever surface of your skin, each one a declaration of his ownership over your heart, body, mind and soul. And you let him, gave him all the right to it as he sucked at the junction of your neck, sure to brand you.
"I know you still love me," he breathed out onto your ear.
"And I wish I never met you."
Atsumu pushed himself up to hover over you, eyes frantic as they searched yours, fear and confusion smoldering in his honey irises along with unshed tears you wished you never saw. "What's that supposed to mean?"
You reached up to card your fingers through his hair, the resentment emanating from him prying your veins open, making you bleed. "It's the things and people we love that turn us into slaves. The first time I saw you, I wished I never did because the moment you looked at me, I knew I was tethered to you in more ways than one. I didn't want to love you, but I do anyway."
You laughed, the action dissipating with a sigh. "Funny how you and Samu pretty much share the same DNA and face, but I don't feel that way for him. No offense. I am aware you are two different people, and I love you both, just in different ways. But I guess that just proves the state of things involving my feelings for you, how differently I see you from everyone else."
"So, what are you gonna do about it?" he asked, cautious as he was eager for the response.
"Nothing. If loving you means being enslaved to it, then I'll live my life in chains because that's when I feel the most liberty. I chose you of my own volition and I want you all to myself, so what's the point in fighting?"
Rain falling with the sun glowing in its full glory in the sky, that's how it looked like when Atsumu cries be it out of joy or sadness. The first drops of his precious tears fell on your cheeks, warm against your skin as you gazed up at the misplaced smile swathed over his lips. It spoke of relief, of happiness. And for the first time in a while, you beamed at him, fond and adoring like you always would even as your eyes mirrored his tears.
The first union of your lips and his in a while tasted salty, the familiar feeling of being that close to each other making it morph into that old sweetness akin to the very first time the two of you kissed.
It was that sense of familiarity that both of you missed and craved; that you both feared you can never live without from the moment your massive fight began over your lack of time for each other, and how you seemed to be chasing one another even if you were already in a relationship up to that moment.
Atsumu rested his forehead against yours, his half-lidded eyes boring into yours as he tried to steady his breath. "You're coming back to me?" he asked even if you haven’t already laid out your feelings for him. "I need to hear you say it, that you want me still without any misunderstanding."
Placing both of your hands on either side of his face, you pecked him on the mouth several times, breathing him in, more than glad to be honest about how you felt without posing defensive barbs. Love and hate, you felt that for one another in equal degrees, and though the pair of you never acknowledged the disparity between them, there exists a big difference between them with sentinels at every ten yards. And although the extent of such emotions were the same, you loved one another more profoundly than your petty hate. It showed in every single way.
You nodded. "Yes, I am coming back to you, Tsumu," you returned, finally addressing him with that fond nickname. "I can't go on like this."
His eyes lit up. "You mean it?"
You nodded. "Besides, Samu is about to kill us both. Let's not make him snap."
Atsumu clucked his tongue. "He loves you more than me, his own brother. You have no idea how mean he is being to me ever since we split."
You huffed. "You deserve it for dumping me and chasing me around like you did, weirdo."
"Y/N!" he protested, pouting like the brat he is, causing you to erupt in a fit of laughter, but then, his brows scrunched up. "What about Rin?"
Ah, you thought. He was concerned for his friend, too. Atsumu was a lot of things annoying, but he is a loyal friend.
"I can't believe you hooked up with him!" he whined. "How could you?"
"That's a lie."
You vaguely remembered that night when you had to pick up the pieces of your broken heart, thinking you can handle seeing Atsumu again when in reality you couldn't.
"Rin, Samu and Aran were pissed with you so they thought of making you jealous." You bit your lower lip, recalling being torn between being vindictive and guilty the moment you saw how he reacted, trashing one of the rooms at the frat house where the party was held back then.
"Rin was the most believable candidate," you chuckled, "And you took it hook, line and sinker."
"So...you and Rin..."
"Nothing happened. He watched me bawl my eyes out all night. Your friends love you too much, but they thought you needed to come to your senses."
You expected him to gripe about it, but he kissed you on the forehead instead and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm sorry if I want you to be with me even if I don't deserve you. I accused you of things, too. I'm such an asshole."
"And beyond that, actually," you added playfully, running your fingers through his hair. "But I can never be as close as I am with you with anyone else."
He placed his calloused hands on either side of your face. “I love you. More than anything in this world, and I’ll do anything to keep you with me.”
“I know.”
In the next second after your words left your lips, his was covering yours in an urgent, scorching kiss that felt as if he was bridging the gap between the present and the time you've lost, like a soothing balm to every single kind of pain you've inflicted on one another, rendering them forgotten in the all-devouring vortex that was your love combined.
You and Atsumu were like magnets. One moves and the other does, too. And despite your tendencies to oppose each other like fire and ice, as they say, opposites attract, and the attraction that binds you to one another is much stronger.
*piste - playing area in fencing, otherwise known as "strip"
I'm whipped for the Miya Twins. There, I said it!
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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faerune · 2 years
👪🏆🙏 for diana & ❌🔮⚰️ for grace!
— DIANA What is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? Was it always this way? Answered here!
Is your muse multitalented? What are their hobbies, and why did they pick up these hobbies? If they don’t have hobbies, why don’t they? I'd say she's multitalented! She's one of those people who learns super fast (usually) and catches onto things pretty easy. She learned piano as a child and even though she stopped taking lessons she can make her way through some music/read music at the very least. She also has a few more....ahem skills that served her in highschool. She's super sneaky and prior to managing to copy her dad's skeleton maintenance key she was (and still is) quite a adept lockpick. Diana also knows how to forge things excellently - she debated going into the fake id business for a semester but decided it was too much of a legal risk. And of course science is her absolutely favorite subject. Diana loves astronomy so, so much on top of her obsession with deep astrophysics and stuff. She can find and name all the constellations in the sky, has a telescope that was a gift for her 16th birthday from her parents where she often watches like major events like planets being visible and stuff, and loves reading about the stars and the universe too! Diana also loves reading, comic books, and music!
What does your muse need? This can be something material or something abstract. To get the fuck out of Hawkins and start her life!!! She needs Steve to be done saving up money so the two of them can start their lives in Boston and buy their first place together. She needs alternate dimension baddies to stop being dickheads. She needs to find out more about the Upside Down much to Robin, Nancy, and Steve's exasperation.
— GRACE Is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? What is it? Why do they have so much trouble with it? Oh god, her intense need for approval and people to like her. She hates the idea of someone thinking badly of her especially people she had been raised to hold in high regard (her parents, influential members of Hawkins, people in the church etc). That is just the iceberg of her religious trauma but I think even though it will always be a part of her she'll be able to not let it rule her so much as she becomes a more well-adjusted adult.
What is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? Were they raised in a certain religion? Have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? Are they settled in their spirituality now? This is a constant struggle and conflict for Grace. She was raised in Christianity (I can't decide which denomination yet) and of course her family was a huge part of the church given that her father is the local pastor. It shaped everything in her life from her family to her hobbies to her future goals. It also was the root of a lot of her insecurities. Her mother is a super overtly critical woman and uses a lot of scripture to make sure her children are perfect and godly. But on the other hand, she also found a lot of comfort in it and joy. Especially from her twin Joey. Joey was such a kind, nonjudgemental person and really showed Grace that they didn't have to subscribe to this judgy, evil, racist, homophobic, misogynistic side of Christianity and that those people aren't actually doing any good. There's no hate like Christian love! Joey wasn't the kind to shove his religion down your throat but was welcoming to anyone, anyone who wanted to come to church. Grace has a lot of fond memories of her twin and her at church gatherings, having fun and doing charity. Joey liked to sing in choir and play music.
There's a part of her that will always associate parts of religion with Joey and some parts with her parents and the awful people in Hawkins.
After Joey passes and she reconnects with Eddie, she's doubting her faith around that same time. Terrified of these awful nightmares and confused and grieving. She tries to seek out that comfort she had gotten from her faith before and just can't...find that anymore.
What are your muse’s greatest regrets? What would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed? Oh jeez. Her and Joey had a fight the night he went missing and that will haunt her forever. Joey was more relaxed about their parents' rules, more rebellious. Meanwhile, Grace had been a bit more militant and strict about faith and their parents and rules. She later learns that Joey had more of a life outside of her that she didn't realize and Grace thinks a lot about how he felt he couldn't trust her enough to share that with her.
She also really regrets letting her mother talk her out of being friends with Eddie when they were kids. Grace feels incredible guilt about it now that she struggles to express because there's so much bad blood between them now. Like she didn't go to his mom's funeral when she passed and that was kind of the beginning of their falling out.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 8
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(Y/n)'s POV
I know someone at camp resents Percy and me because one night, I come into the cabin alone and find a mortal newspaper dropped inside the doorway, a copy of the New York Daily News, opened to the Metro page. The article takes me almost an hour to read, because the angrier I get, the more the words float around on the page.
By Eileen Smythe
Sally Jackson, son Percy, and daughter (Y/n) are still missing one week after their mysterious disappearance. The family's badly burned '78 Camaro was discovered last Saturday on a north Long Island road with the roof ripped off and the front axle broken. The car had flipped and skidded for several hundred feet before exploding.
Mother, daughter, and son had gone for a weekend vacation to Montauk, but left hastily, under mysterious circumstances. Small traces of blood were found in the car and near the scene of the wreck, but there were no other signs of the missing Jacksons. Residents in the rural area reported seeing nothing unusual around the time of the accident.
Ms. Jackson's husband, Gabe Ugliano, claims that his stepson, Percy Jackson, is a troubled child who has been kicked out of numerous boarding schools and has expressed violent tendencies in the past.
Police would not say whether son Percy is a suspect in his sister's and his mother's disappearance, but they have not ruled out foul play. Below are recent pictures of Sally Jackson, (Y/n), Percy. Police urge anyone with information to call the following toll-free Crimestoppers hotline.
The phone number is circled in black marker.
I wad up the paper and throw it away, flopping down on my bunk on the far edge of the cabin under the window facing the sea.
I remain silent as Percy walks into the cabin, flopping down onto his bunk as well.
That night, I have the worst dream yet.
I was running along the beach in a storm. This time, there was a city behind me. Not New York. The sprawl was different: buildings spread farther apart, palm trees and low hills in the distance.
About a hundred yards down the surf, two men were fighting. They looked like TV wrestlers, muscular, with beards and long hair. Both wore flowing Greek tunics, one trimmed in blue, the other in green. They grappled with each other, wrestled, kicked, and head-butted, and every time they connected, lightning flashed, the sky grew darker, and the wind rose.
I had to stop them. I didn't know why. But the harder I ran, the more the wind blew me back until I was running in place, my heels digging uselessly in the sand.
Over the roar of the storm, I could hear the blue-robed one yelling at the green-robed one, Give it back! Give it back! Like a kindergartner fighting over a toy.
The waves got bigger, crashing into the beach, spraying me with salt.
I yelled, Stop it! Stop fighting!
The ground shook. Laughter came from somewhere under the earth, and a voice so deep and evil it turned my blood to ice.
Come down, little hero, the voice crooned. Come down!
The sand split beneath me, opening up a crevice straight down to the center of the earth. My feet slipped, and darkness swallowed me.
I wake up, sure I'm falling.
I am still in bed in Cabin Three. My body tells me it's morning, but it's dark outside, and thunder rolls over the hills.
A storm is brewing.
I hadn't dreamed that . . .
I hear a clopping sound at the door, a hoof knocking on the threshold.
"Come in?" Percy asks, sounding uncertain.
Grover trots inside, looking worried. "Mr. D wants to see the two of you."
"Why?" I ask, peeking through the curtain separating mine and Percy's side of the cabin.
'He wants to kill . . . I mean, I'd better let him tell you."
Nervously, Percy and I get dressed and follow, sure we were in huge trouble.
For days, Percy and I'd been half expecting a summons to the Big House. Now that we were declared children of Poseidon, one of the Big Three gods who weren't supposed to have kids, I figure it's just a crime for us to be alive. The other gods had probably been debating on the best way to punish us for existing, and now Mr. D is ready to deliver their verdict.
Over Long Island Sound, the sky looks like ink soup coming to a boil. A hazy curtain of rain is coming in our direction. I ask Grover if we'd need an umbrella.
"No," Grover says. "It never rains here unless we want it to."
Percy points at the storm, 'What the heck is that, then?"
Grover glances uneasily at the sky. "It'll pass around us. Bad weather always does."
I realize that he's right. In the week I'd been here, it had never even been overcast. The few rain clouds I'd seen had skirted right around the edges of the valley.
But this storm . . .
This one's huge.
At the volleyball pit, the kids from Apollo's cabin are playing a morning game against the satyrs. Dionysius's twins - Castor and Pollux - are walking around in the strawberry fields, making the plants grow. Everyone is going about their normal business, but they look tense; they keep their eyes on the storm.
Grover, Percy, and I walk up the front porch of the Big House. Dionysus sits at the pinochle table in his tiger-striped Hawaiian shirt with his Diet Coke, just as he had on my first day. Chiron sits across the table in his fake wheelchair. They are playing against invisible opponents - two sets of cards hovering in the air.
"Well, well," Mr. D says without looking up. "Our little celebrities."
I wait.
"Come closer," Mr. D says. "And don't expect me to kowtow to you, mortals, just because old Barnacle-Beard is your father."
A net of lightning flashes across the clouds; thunder shakes the windows of the house.
"Blah, blah, blah," Dionysus grumbles.
Chiron faints interest in his pinochle cards and Grover cowers by the railing, his hooves clopping back and forth.
"If I had my way," Dionysus says, "I would cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron seems to feel this would be against my mission at this cursed camp: to keep you little brats safe from harm."
"Spontaneous combustion is a form of harm, Mr. D," Chiron puts in.
"Nonsense," Dionysus says. "Boy wouldn't feel a thing. Nevertheless, I've agreed to restrain myself. I'm thinking of turning you into a dolphin instead, sending you back to your father."
"Mr. D - " Chiron warns.
"Oh, all right," Dionysus relents. "There's one more option. But it's deadly foolishness." Dionysus rises, and the invisible players' cards drop onto the table. "I'm off to Olympus for the emergency meeting. If the boy is still here when I get back, I'll turn him into an Atlantic bottlenose. Do you understand? And Perseus Jackson, if you're at all smart, you'll see that's a much more sensible choice than what Chiron feels you two must do."
Dionysus picks up a playing card, twists it, and it becomes a plastic rectangle. A security pass. He snaps his fingers. The air seems to fold and bend around him. He becomes a hologram, a wind, then he is gone, leaving only the smell of fresh-pressed grapes lingering behind.
Chiron smiles at me and Percy, but he looks tired and strained. "Sit, Percy,(Y/n), please. And Grover."
We do.
Chiron lays his cards on the table, a winning hand he hadn't gotten to use.
"Tell me, (Y/n)," he says. "What did you make of the hellhound?"
Just hearing the name makes me shudder.
Chiron probably wants me to say, Heck, it was nothing. I eat hellhounds for breakfast. But I don't feel like lying.
"It scared me," I admit. "If you hadn't shot it, I'd be dead."
"You two will meet worse. Far worse, before you're done."
"Done?" Percy asks. "With what?"
"You're quest, of course," Chiron says. "Will you accept it?"
I glance at Grover, who is crossing his fingers.
"Sir," I say, "you haven't told us what it is yet."
Chiron grimaces. "Well, that's the hard part, the details."
Thunder rumbles across the valley. The storm clouds had now reached the edge of the beach. As far as I can see, the sky and the sea were boiling together.
"Poseidon and Zeus," I guess. "They're fighting over something valuable . . . something that was stolen, aren't they?"
Chiron and Grover exchange looks.
Chiron shoots forward in his wheelchair. "How did you know that?"
"The weather since Christmas has been weird, like the sea and the sky are fighting. Then I talked to Annabeth, and she'd overheard something about a theft. And...I've also been having these dreams."
"I knew it," Grover says, his eyes bright.
"Hush, satyr," Chiron orders.
"But it is his quest!" Grover's eyes sparkle with excitement. "It must be!"
"Only the Oracle can determine," Chiron strokes his bristly beard. "Nevertheless, (Y/n), you are correct. Your father and Zeus are having their worst quarrel in centuries. They are fighting over something valuable that was stolen. To be precise: a lightning bolt."
Percy laughs, looking nervous, "A what?"
"Do not take this lightly," Chiron warns. "I'm not talking about some tinfoil-covered zigzag you'd see in a second-grade play. I'm talking about a two-foot-long cylinder of high-grade celestial bronze, capped on both ends with god-level explosives."
"Zeus's master bolt," Chiron says, getting worked up now. "The symbol of his power, from which all other lightning bolts are patterned. The first weapon made by the Cyclopes for the war against the Titans, the bolt that sheered the top off Mount Etna and hurled Kronos from his throne; the master bolt, which packs enough power to make mortal hydrogen bombs look like firecrackers."
"And it's missing?" I guess.
"Stolen," Chiron corrects.
"By whom?" I ask though I guessed what he was going to say.
"By you two," Chiron says and Percy's jaw drops.
"At least"—Chiron holds up a hand—"that's what Zeus thinks. During the winter solstice, at the last council of the gods, Zeus and Poseidon argued. The usual nonsense: 'Mother Rhea always liked you best,' 'Air disasters are more spectacular than sea disasters,' et cetera. Afterward, Zeus realized his master bolt was missing, taken from the throne room under his very nose. He immediately blamed Poseidon. Now, a god cannot usurp another god's symbol of power directly—that is forbidden by the most ancient of divine laws. But Zeus believes your father convinced a human hero to take it."
"But I didn't - We didn't -" Percy goes to say.
"Patience and listen, child," Chiron says. "Zeus has good reason to be suspicious. The forges of the Cyclopes are under the ocean, which gives Poseidon some influence over the makers of his brother's lightning. Zeus believes Poseidon has taken the master bolt and is now secretly having the Cyclopes build an arsenal of illegal copies, which might be used to topple Zeus from his throne. The only thing Zeus wasn't sure about was which hero Poseidon used to steal the bolt. Now Poseidon has openly claimed you two as his children. You were in New York over the winter holidays. You could easily have snuck into Olympus. Zeus believes he has found his thief.
"But we've never even been to Olympus! Zeus is crazy!"
Chiron and Grover glance nervously at the sky. The clouds don't seem to be parting around us, as Grover had promised. They are rolling straight over the valley, sealing us in like a coffin lid.
"Er, Percy . . . ?" Grover says. "We don't use the c-word to describe the Lord of the Sky."
"Perhaps paranoid," Chiron suggests. "Then again, Poseidon has tried to unseat Zeus before. I believe that was question thirty-eight on your final exam...." He looked at Percy.
"The Golden Net?" I guess again. "Poseidon and Hera and a few other gods trapped Zeus in it and wouldn't let him out until he promised to be a better ruler?"
"Correct," Chiron says. "And Zeus has never trusted Poseidon since. Of course, Poseidon denies stealing the master bolt. He took great offense at the accusation. The two have been arguing back and forth for months, threatening war. And now, you two have come along—the proverbial last straw."
"But we're just kids!" Percy protests.
"Percy," Grover cuts in, "if you were Zeus, and you already thought your brother was plotting to overthrow you, then your brother suddenly admitted he had broken the sacred oath he took after World War II, and that he's father, not one, but two mortal heroes who might be used as a weapon against you . . . Wouldn't that put a twist in your toga?"
"But I - we didn't do anything, Poseidon - our dad - he didn't really have this master bolt stolen, did he?" Percy asks, and I remain silent in thought.
Chiron sighs. "Most thinking observers would agree that thievery is not Poseidon's style. But the Sea God is too proud to try convincing Zeus of that. Zeus has demanded that Poseidon return the bolt by the summer solstice. That's June twenty-first, ten days from now. Poseidon wants an apology for being called a thief by the same date. I hoped that diplomacy might prevail, that Hera or Demeter or Hestia would make the two brothers see sense. But your arrival has inflamed Zeus's temper. Now neither god will back down. Unless someone intervenes, unless the master bolt is found and returned to Zeus before the solstice, there will be war. And do you know what a fullfledged war would look like, Percy? (Y/n)?"
"Bad?" Percy guesses.
"I'd guess that it would be like nature at war with itself," I say and Chiron nods.
"Olympians forced to choose sides between Zeus and Poseidon. Destruction. Carnage. Millions dead. Western civilization turned into a battleground so big it will make the Trojan War look like a water-balloon fight," Chiron adds to (Y/n)'s statement.
"Bad," Percy repeats.
"And you, Percy and (Y/n) Jackson, would be the first to feel Zeus's wrath."
And then, it starts to rain. Volleyball players stop their game and start in stunned silence at the sky.
We had brought this storm to Half-Blood Hill. Zeus was punishing the whole camp because of us.
"So we have to find that bolt," I say. "And return it to Zeus."
"What better peace offering," Chiron says, "than to have the son and daughter of Poseidon return Zeus's property.
"If Poseidon doesn't have it, where is the thing?" Percy asks.
"I believe I know." Chiron's expression is grim. "Part of a prophecy I had years ago...well, some of the lines make sense to me, now. But before I can say more, you must officially take up the quest. You must seek the counsel of the Oracle."
"Why can't you tell us where the bolt is beforehand?" Percy asks.
"Because if I did, you would be too afraid to accept the challenge."
I swallow thickly. "Good reason."
"You agree then?" Chiron asks.
I exchange a glance with Percy, then Grover, who nods encouragingly.
Easy for him, I think. We're the ones Zeus wants to kill.
"All right," Percy says. "It's better than being turned into a dolphin."
"Then it's time you consulted the Oracle," Chiron says. "Go upstairs, Percy and (Y/n) Jackson, to the attic. When you come back down, assuming you're still sane, we will talk more."
. . .
"Well?" Chiron asks us.
We slump into our chairs at the pinochle table. "She said we would retrieve what was stolen.
Grover sits forward, chewing excitedly on the remains of a Diet Coke can. "That's great!
"What did the Oracle say exactly?" Chiron presses. "This is important."
My ears are still tingling from the reptilian voice. "She said we would go west and face a god who had turned. We would retrieve what was stolen and see it safely returned."
"I knew it," Grover says.
Chiron doesn't look satisfied. "Anything else?"
"No," Percy says. "That's about it."
He studies Percy's face, then meets my green gaze. "Very well. But know this: the Oracle's words often have double meanings. Don't dwell on them too much. The truth is not always clear until events come to pass."
I get the feeling he knows we're holding something back, and he's trying to make us feel better.
"Okay," Percy says, looking anxious to change topics. "So where do we go? Who's this god in the west?"
"Ah, think, Percy," Chiron says."if Zeus and Poseidon weaken each other in a war, who stands to gain."
"Someone else who wants to take over?" I guess.
"Yes, quite. Someone who harbors a grudge, who has been unhappy with his lot since the world was divided eons ago, whose kingdom would grow powerful with the deaths of millions. Someone who hates his brothers for forcing him into an oath to have no more children, an oath that both of them have now broken."
"Hades," I say, raising an eyebrow.
Chiron nods. "The Lord of the Dead is the only possibility."
A scrap of aluminum dribbles out of Grover's mouth. "Whoa, wait. Wh - what?"
"A Fury came after Percy," Chiron reminds him. "She watched the young man until she was sure of his identity, then tried to kill him. Furies obey only one lord: Hades."
"Yes, but - but Hades hates all heroes," Grover protests. "Especially if he has found out Percy and (Y/n) are children of Poseidon . . ."
"A hellhound got into the forest," Chiron continues. "Those can only be summoned from the Fields of Punishment, and it had to be summoned by someone within the camp. Hades must have a spy here. He must suspect Poseidon will try to use Percy and (Y/n) to clear his name. Hades would very much like to kill these young half-bloods before he can take on the quest."
"Great," I mutter. "That's two major gods who want to kill us."
"But a quest to . . ." Grover swallows. "I mean, couldn't the master bolt be in someplace like Maine? Maine's very nice this time of year."
"Hades sent a minion to steal the master bolt," Chiron insisted. "He hid it in the Underworld, knowing full well that Zeus would blame Poseidon. I don't pretend to understand the Lord of the Dead's motives perfectly, or why he chose this time to start a war, but one thing is certain. Percy and (Y/n) must go to the Underworld, find the master bolt, and reveal the truth."
A strange fire burns in my stomach. The weirdest thing is, it isn't fear. It's anticipation. The desire for revenger. Hades had tried to kill me two times so far with the Minotaur, and the hellhound. It is his fault my mother had disappeared in a flash of light. Now he is trying to frame me, my dad, and my brother for a theft we hadn't committed.
Grover is trembling now; he'd started eating pinochle cards like potato chips.
The poor guy had to complete a quest with me and Percy so he could get his searcher's license, whatever that is, but how can I ask him to do this quest, especially when the Oracle said we were destined to fail?" This is a suicide mission.
"Look, if we know it's Hades," Percy tells Chiron, "why can't we just tell the other gods? Zeus and Poseidon could go down to the Underworld and bust some heads."
"Suspecting and knowing are not the same," Chiron says. "Besides, even if the other gods suspect Hades—and I imagine Poseidon does—they couldn't retrieve the bolt themselves. Gods cannot cross each other's territories except by invitation. That is another ancient rule. Heroes, on the other hand, have certain privileges. They can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as they're bold enough and strong enough to do it. No god can be held responsible for a hero's actions. Why do you think the gods always operate through humans?"
"You're saying I'm being used," Percy says.
"I'm saying it's no accident Poseidon had claimed you and (Y/n) now. It's a very risky gamble, but he's in a desperate situation. He needs the two of you."
My dad needs us.
Emotions roll around inside me like bits of glass in a kaleidoscope. I don't know whether to feel resentful or grateful or happy or angry. Poseidon had ignored me for twelve years. Now suddenly he needed me.
3rd Person POV
Percy looks at Chiron. "You've known I was Poseidon's son all along, haven't you?"
"I had my suspicions. As I said . . . I've spoken to the Oracle, too."
(Y/n) gets the feeling that there is a lot he wasn't telling them about the prophecy, but she decides that she couldn't worry about that at the moment. After all, she and Percy were hiding back information too."
"So let me get this straight," Percy says. "We're supposed to go to the Underworld and confront the Lord of the Dead."
"Check," Chiron says.
"Find the most powerful weapon in the universe."
"And get it back to Olympus before the summer solstice, in ten days."
"That's about right."
(Y/n) looks over at Grover, who gulps down the ace of hearts.
"But I mention that Maine is very nice this time of year?" he asks weakly.
"You don't have to go," Percy tells him. "I can't ask that of you."
"Oh . . ." He shifts his hooves. "No . . . it's just that satyrs and underground places . . . well . . ." He takes a deep breath, then stands, brushing the shredded cards and aluminum bits off his t-shirts. "You saved my life, (Y/n), Percy. If . . . if you're serious about wanting me along, I won't let the two of you down."
Percy feels so relieved that he wanted to cry, though he didn't think that would be very heroic. Grover is the only friend she'd ever had for longer than a few months. Percy isn't sure what a satyr can do against the forces of the dead but he feels better knowing he'd be with them.
"All the way, G-man," Percy turns to Chiron. "The Oracle just said to go west."
"The entrance to the Underworld is always in the west. It moves from age to age, just like Olympus. Right now, of course, it's in America."
Chiron looks surprised. "I thought that would be obvious enough. The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles."
Percy's POV
"Oh," I said. "Naturally. So we just get on a plane -"
"No!" Grover shrieks. "Percy, what are you thinking? Have you ever been on a plane in your life?"
I shake my head, feeling embarrassed. My mom had never taken me and (Y/n) anywhere by plane. She'd always said we didn't have the money. Besides, her parents had died in a plane crash.
"Percy, think," Chiron says. "You are the son of the Sea God. Your father's bitterest rival is Zeus, Lord of the Sky. Your mother knew better than to trust you in an airplane. You would be in Zeus's domain. You would never come down again alive."
Overhead, lightning crackles and thunder booms.
"Okay," (Y/n) says, not looking up at the storm. "So, we'll travel overland."
"That's right," Chiron says. "Two companions may accompany you. Grover is one. The other has already volunteered if you will accept her help."
(Y/n)'s POV
"Gee," I say, feigning surprise. "Who else would be stupid enough to volunteer for a suicide quest like this?"
The air shimmers behind Chiron.
Annabeth Chase becomes visible, stuffing her Yankees cap into her back pocket.
"I've been waiting a long time for a quest, Seaweed Brain," she says. "Athena is no fan of Poseidon, but if you're going to save the world, I'm the best person to keep you from messing up."
"If you do say so yourself," I say. "I suppose you have a plan, wise girl?"
Her cheeks flush. "Do you want my help or not?"
The truth is, I do. I need all the help I can get.
"A quartet," I say. "That'll work."
"Excellent," Chiron says. "This afternoon, we can take you as far as the bus terminal in Manhattan. After that, you are on your own."
Lightning flashes. Rain pours down on the meadows that were never supposed to have violent weather.
"No time to waste," Chiron says. "I think you should all get packing."
Word Count: 4018 words
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
💖 first time reader click here 💖
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Fluff and snowball fights. Forgiveness is a path and everyone's making their happy way down it. Friendly Steve slander. Hulk interaction!
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"So, what now?" I asked, eyes still closed, not resisting the desire to remain under the covers, nested snugly into Stephen's side. On his other side, Tony snored away, sprawled like a starfish in what looked to be the first decent shut-eye he got in months. I could smell the coffee and omelettes from Tony's kitchen and the soft jazz music playing where Bruce was taking care of the breakfast.
It was an unambiguous decision to take it easy after the last battle. Bucky and Natasha had been ironing out the details from the interrogation after Stephen had un-possessed Cabre, Wanda and Loki were itching to get a minute with the mercenary on their own and Veddie, as I started calling my uncle and his symbiote after experiencing the incredibly immersive symbiosis with Venom, hovered nearby in case Cabre would make a good snack.
"What do you want to do?" Stephen's morning voice was, ahem, an experience. He put Corpse Husband to shame and I knew that it wasn't only me who got hot and bothered by it but Tony as well...
Speaking of Tony, I still had no idea where we stood. My engineer had been less than happy about my actions and I thought I blew it. He wasn't as warm and playful, and while I kept telling myself that it was just the exhaustion from weeks of stress and worry, I knew better.
"I don't know. I didn't think this far," I admitted, damn well knowing what I wanted. I wanted things to be like they were - clear, honest, easy. My mother's voice rang out clearly again. I was being childish. Of course I was.
"I'm sure Tony will have my head for this, but seeing as there's no stopping you, I'm sure Natasha and Barnes will be happy to train you," Stephen sighed, his breath warm in my hair.
I blanched, stiffening in his arms, confused. "Where did that come from?" My eyes finally opened to stare at his sleepy face.
His eyebrows rose. "You don't want to..?"
"Be a hero, like you? No," I shook my head, then snorted. "I was trying to figure out how to tell you I don't want to go to college just yet, maybe take a gap year. In fact, I want to avoid actual in-person classes as much as humanely possible. And I still don't have a clue what major exactly I want to pursue." I was being honest, prepared to be judged. In-between my three men, there were at least ten PhDs whilst I was only nearly done with the first step of my education.
"So what, it was a one-time deal? Let an alien parasite take over your body for a coupla' hours and then continue with your life?" Tony's scratchy voice startled me; apparently, he'd been awake and actively eavesdropping.
I wasn't prepared for this conversation, but then again, I'd never be. Might as well rip the bandaid off. "I'm not that flavour of stupid," I immediately retorted, heart beginning to pick up speed. My mouth was gonna get me in trouble. "I am not delusional, I know things aren't and won't be the same. I did what I did because there was no other option, I'm not sorry and I will do it again if the need arises. It's not what you want to hear but it's the truth." I paused, well aware that my speech was becoming quicker, I was well on my way to nervous rambling. "I'm not hero material, I won't go on a death march for a rando," Justifying my actions? No. I stopped myself again. "I am sorry for lying. I am sorry for hiding things. But I am not sorry for putting my own ass out there so we can get some fucking peace." I finally settled, fisting my pajama top under the blanket in an attempt to release some of the tension.
Twin sighs erupted from my men, as if their bodies synchronized in response to my stubborn nature. Stephen's hold tightened on me as Tony rolled over, sleepy eyes blinking from the space opposite of me on Stephen's chest. Tony's hand reached for my face, stroking the side of it wordlessly - he wasn't the most vocal about his feelings but his eyes said it all. Tony was sad, hurt, a little bit angry but mostly he was relieved. It was the way he moved - nearly no traces of the tension that had gathered on his face in the previous weeks.
"Natasha should still train you, some basic hand to hand and weapons training, in case someone has it out for any of us. SHIELD's security has holes, you're basically one of us now. Everyone and their mother saw Clint hauling you to the quinjet," Tony finally grumbled, admitting his defeat. Everyone knew that if it had been up to him, I wouldn't leave the tower without an armed escort at all times. Thankfully, Bruce was there to screw on Tony's bolts right each time he wanted to go overboard. They thought I wouldn't notice, but I did.
Stephen's free hand landed in Tony's hair, the sorcerer effectively calmed both of us down with his gentle, unobtrusive support. He was far more empathetic than he liked to show. "That seems like a smart idea," He rumbled as my eyes began to drift shut once again.
With each steady breath, my heartbeat slowed and the feelings of guilt and dread began to dissipate. Tony might not had forgiven me yet but I was on my way to inner peace once more. I remembered feeling exactly the same way before our relationship, when every time I took a step inside Tony's lab, I tensed inwardly, shielded my feelings from his eyes, too focused on the outcome I thought would be absolutely disastrous. I had always thought he'd laugh at me, and yet... Laying on Steph's chest, inches away from Tony, my past panic seemed ridiculous.
"What's so funny?" Stephen asked, amused.
I didn't even notice the snort that managed to escape me. "Nothing," I answered immediately, feeling my face heat up. Oh my Loki, what kind of an idiot I had been...
"Sure," Tony's finger poked my cheek without preamble. "Staging a world domination plan, aren't we?" He snarked, much more like his usual self.
"I was just remembering when I was so terrified you'd find out I have a crush on you and you'd laugh at me," I mumbled, willing to placate Tony to avoid any more unnecessary lies and deceit.
Tony, did, in fact, laugh at my confession, but so did Stephen and I am pretty sure I heard Bruce snort from the direction of the archway leading into the spacious bedroom. The bed dipped as the scientist sat down, running a palm over my leg.
"I was pretty sure you would laugh at me," He admitted just as quietly and bashfully. Stephen and Tony only laughed harder. I heard the sound of a pillow hitting Steph in the face. "Let's go, Princess, let's leave the mean geezers alone. I made breakfast."
I could practically hear the pout in Bruce's voice and couldn't resist to comply, leaving a grumbling Tony to stretch and roll out of bed like a disgruntled cat.
"You're older than me, Bruce," Stephen rolled his eyes, I could feel his stare linger on my exposed thighs before Bruce picked me up. My sorcerer boyfriend switched to staring at Tony's bare back, which was an action I wholeheartedly supported.
"Cocky bastards," I stuck out my tongue a moment before we turned the corner and then all I could focus on was the feast of gods Bruce had made for us. The man was really too sweet and too kind, he never ceased to make me mushy and stuff. I stole a kiss, and then another one, and another one, until Tony's whining about the toast burning interrupted our moment.
The bread was fine. Tony was just being himself.
Our phones beeped at the same time - mine being already in my hand, as all normal young people did in the mornings - I looked at the message expecting another assemble and feeling my eyebrows crawl up at Steve's suggestion we all get some fresh air that day.
It had snowed. The whole city was covered in white, crisp snow, and Bucky has been liking nothing but other people's snowman pictures for several days. I suspected the brunette had convinced his boyfriend to take him out to build one or something, but as Steve was known to be exceptionally dense at times, Cap'n Jolly had unanimously decided it was a team bonding-slash-relaxing opportunity.
I relayed my thoughts to my own boyfriends, all of us giggling at Steve's eagerness to cater to his boyfriend and his cluelessness when it came to all things romantic. I was tempted to shoot Steve a text explaining his epic gamer moment but before I could even open the app, Bruce's eyes turned green briefly as he had a very obvious internal conversation with Hulk.
"Is that offer to spend time with Hulk still up?" The scientist asked timidly.
I had a lightbulb moment. "Absolutely!" I replied, watching my other two boyfriends. They didn't even bat an eye, evidently at peace with the green situation. "As long as the snowball fight is had with Thor, Steve or other enhanced individuals." Personally, I had no desire to be flipped over by a snowball the size of a watermelon. Or get any of the pretty but cold stuff under my clothes.
Bruce's responding grin was mostly Hulk.
It was a couple of days before Christmas. I was never one much for the holiday season, but something magical had seeped into me - it wasn't the shiny lights throughout the tower, it wasn't Clint's ugly Christmas sweater and the smell of gingerbread cookies and cinnamon that came from Wanda's apartment. I had no clue what it was, but it seemed to be tied to my boyfriends and Loki and many others who lived in the tower.
Bruce was all but wiggling during the car ride to the park - rationally, I knew it was the Hulk being excited but I still couldn't take my eyes off the usually reserved man. Bruce was happy. It made me smile and hold his hand like we were middle-schoolers in love. The rest of the team pretended to not notice it, or maybe they didn't care, or maybe they had already gotten used to my unconventional relationship.
Either way, Bucky had whisked Steve away almost immediately and I did what every kid ever had dreamed of. As Bruce went to a more secluded space to transform into the Hulk and Tony went to retrieve his thermos of coffee, I ushered Sam over to Steve's car and unlocked it, retrieving his shield from the trunk. It was heavier than it looked but did it stop me and Sam from running up the nearest hill and fighting over who gets to go first?
No, it did not. In mere moments, my ass was being frozen to the metal despite my snowsuit as I parked it inside the shield , holding onto the straps as Sam pushed on my back, hollering "Yeet!" at the top of his lungs, sending me in a steep slide towards where Thor was enthusiastically explaining something to the rest of the team.
"Oh shiiiiit!" I screamed, unprepared for the sudden increase in speed and the surprisingly good gliding abilities Captain America's shield possessed. "Watch o-o-out!" I yelled as the group scattered at the last moment. I heard some strong Russian words coming from Natasha, paired with snorts of badly concealed laughter.
The tree line grew closer by the second but the shield had no plans of stopping any time soon. Whoda thunk that things made of vibranium had all the characteristics to be the perfect sled? Something green entered my field of vision, stopping my crazy train with a grunt.
I answered with an oof of my own. One green palm was securely wrapped around me and the other held Steve's shield. "Hello," Hulk snorted, lifting me up like I was but a feather and setting me on his shoulder. "Puny Princess, don't hurt yourself," He stated firmly as I looked down at him, intrigued by the sudden change in his speech patterns. He sounded almost human.
"Hey, Big Guy," I ruffled his hair. "Aren't you cold?"
"No," He replied, setting me onto his shoulder. Hulk appeared to be completely unaffected by the December cold in his purple shorts. I felt my rear end begin to thaw, such was the heat that he emanated from his body. Meanwhile, Hulk caught Steve's eye, preparing to hurl the shield back to the frowning Captain.
Steve caught it effortlessly while Bucky ignored the interaction whatsoever, caught up in rolling an obscenely large ball of snow a ways from the group, tongue all but hanging out in concentration. I caught myself thinking he was gonna build a snow dick instead of a man and it made me feel...
"Wanna build a snowman?" I asked my green companion, rubbing my mittens in excitement.
The Hulk pondered for a brief moment, adopting that mischievous gleem, eyes shooting to Tony and Stephen who stood regally on the side of the clearing, sipping their hot beverages like the adult men that they were supposed to be. I snorted and Hulk echoed the sound, taking quick strides to a patch of land opposite Bucky. "No," Hulk shook his head. "We build a fort. Then smash," The green bean was all but vibrating in excitement.
Realistically, I knew I was gonna get snow stuck in uncomfortable places and might even get knocked over by an overeager person with super strength. But was I gonna pass up an opportunity to show off my superior construction skills? Hell naw.
It wasn't long before Stephen and Tony wandered off to us and began to pile up snow with a resigned huff, unsuccessful in their attempts to rebuff me ordering them around. In the end, we split in three teams, snow flew everywhere and by the time the battle was in peak heat, all of us were cold, wet and red-faced.
"To the death! BLOOD AND VINEGAR!!!" I screeched, hopping up and down after a series of small rapid snowballs I threw hit their target - Steve had a face full of snow and Bucky wasn't faring much better next to him, having had let a few of them hit him in the chest because he was distracted, doubling over in laughter at Steve's indignant, red face.
"You're bloodthirsty," Tony smirked from my side, dumping a fresh batch of ammo between me and Stephen. "It's hot."
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@another-stark-sub @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps @pilloclock @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads @hermione-grangers-wife @individualistfem @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95 @gladiosamicitias @warrior1-19 @toomanyrobins
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dolanssunshine · 3 years
𝗨𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲. | 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗜𝗜
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: None.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1732
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𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
   IT'S DAY TWO of the guys, and I taking a road trip up to Lake Tahoe. Ethan and a couple of friends, and I will go on a hike on the house's hiking trail. After I got dressed, I waited for Ethan, who takes at least an hour to get dressed every morning. Finally, when he came out of his room, we left for the woods.
  We walked up and down hills, and I had to hear Ethan complain the entire time.
"Honestly, Grayson, was this necessary?" Ethan asked as we walked up a hill.
"Yes, it was." I answered him making our friends laugh.
"No, it wasn't. This is ridiculous; my legs hurt, and I think I have poison ivy," Ethan complained.
"Stop being a little bitch, and come on." I accused jokingly, walking ahead of him.
  The further we walked, the more I enjoyed being in the wild. Ethan and I, along with two of our friends, continued to walk on the trail when I look up to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She had a gorgeous face, dark hair tied into a high ponytail, yoga pants that hugged her curves, and a nice size pair of boobs on her. I couldn't help but stare as the girl smiles at what her friends were saying. As we got closer, she looks up, and our eyes meet. I realized she's the girl that's staying in the house across the lake.
   I didn't even realize Ethan or my friends were calling me until Ethan snaps his fingers in my face. "What?"
"Why are you staring at that girl so hard?" He wondered bemusedly. If he followed my line of vision, he would see who I'm averting my eyes at her.
"Do you not see her? How can I not stare at her? She's gorgeous, bro." I crooned. This girl is a sight to see.
"Go talk to her." One of my friends urges me.
"Nah." I shook my head.
"Bro, she's right there; just go say hey." Ethan chuckled, patting me on the shoulder.
  Letting out a heavy sigh, I nodded. As I was about to walk over to the girl, she beat me to it.
"Well, look who we have here." Her angelic voice beams.
"It's the Dolan Twins." The girl with long dark hair next to her smiles.
"We are such fans of you guys. You two are funny." My angel from above laughs.
"Uh, thanks." I hear Ethan stutter out.
"Well, I'll let you guys go on. You probably want to explore nature and things like that, so I'll let you guys be." My angel smiles and walks away.
  Before she got too far, I stopped her. "Hey, wait."
   She stops and turns around. "Yea?"
"Aren't you the girl who moved into the big house across the lake?" I inquired, unsure.
"Yes, why?" She questions, nodding.
"We're staying in the smaller cabin across the lake from you." I hesitated nervously.
"No way." One of her friends laughs.
"Yea." I nodded.
"Well, since we're neighbors of somewhat...how would you guys like to come to hang out with us. The guys are barbecuing; we're going to try out the jet skis; it'll be fun." My angel explains to me.
  I turned to look back at Ethan and our friends, and they all nodded in agreement. "Sure, we'll be there."
"Awesome." She smiles before walking away.
   As I watched her walk away, I wanted her to stay to hear her voice. I turned to walk with Ethan and our friends, who patted my back, cheering. Finally, we made it back to the cabin and showered before we got in the car and drove to the house across the lake. There were a couple of guys riding on the jet skis as the girls watched. From where I stood, I can see the girl I ran into laying in the sun.
   The sun made her skin look faultless. It seems like she's lustrous, in my opinion. So many thoughts were running in my head at how good she looks.
"Snap out of it." Ethan laughs, snapping his fingers in my face.
"Asswipe," I grumbled, shaking my head.
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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
 I laid with Rachael and Nyeli, sun tanning on the dock, when Rachael taps my arm, pointing behind us. Sitting straight up, I turn to see none other than the Dolan Twins and their friends talking with the guys. Boy, does Grayson look good with the way the sun made his skin look? So many dirty things are run him through my head right now. How is it possible to look that godly?
"Holy greek god, he looks good." I gasped, looking him up and down.
"So does Ethan." Rachael attracted, biting her bottom lip.
"You girls are something else." I hear Nyeli laugh as she shakes her head.
"Let us lust in peace." Rachael jokes, rolling her eyes.
"Yea, let us lust in peace," I said to Nyeli in a chiding tone.
  As the guys continue to talk to the twins, my eyes never left Grayson; I couldn't take my eyes off Grayson Bailey Dolan. The things I could do to him if given a chance, I'd run my tongue all down his sculpted body down to his - okay, let me stop. Tearing my eyes away from him, I placed my sunglasses on my face and laid down in the sun. Thirty minutes passed, and some of the guys were in the water with the girls on the jet skis.
"Hey, Mandy, come join me on the jetski," Rachael says, waving me over.
  Rolling my eyes, I stood up and walked into the water, and hopped on the jetski behind Rachael. One of the guys pushed us into the water further, and Rachael turns on the jetski then takes off. I held onto my best friend's waist as she makes left and right turns. As the wind blew in my face, I could see on the dock Grayson and his brother staring at us. We laughed, going around on the jetski racing against Summer and Nyeli.
  The four of us laughed while getting off the jetskis as we walked on land.
"That's was so fun." Summer giggles.
"Hell yea." Rachael agreed.
  We sat on the balcony on the back of the house, looking over the beautiful scenery.
"You know he was staring at you," Rachael commented, nudging my with her arm.
"Who? Grayson?" I questioned.
"Yea, I saw that too." Nyeli nods.
"Oh, I guess," I spoke sheepishly, shrugging my shoulders.
"Now, you know you felt something when you noticed that." My best friend tells me.
"I'm not gonna say I did, but I don't even know him," I answer her honestly as I shrugged.
"So, just because you don't know him, it doesn't mean you can't feel anything for him," Rachael states shaking her head.
  Rolling my eyes, we continue talking until the guys called us down to roast some marshmallows. As we sat around the fire, everyone talked with each other.
"I'm so glad we can get away from school," Adam groans, head titled back.
"For real, I was so exhausted with all the essays," I agree, nodding my head, biting into my s’more.
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𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
   Even when she speaks, it sounds like music to my ears. Her voice is sweet and velvety smooth. I watched her talk with her friends smiling. Man, her smile is even beautiful. The way her cheeks look chubby made her look even cuter.
  Wait, Grayson, you don't even know her name. I can still admire her beauty.
"Hey, what's that girl's name?" I asked one of the guys.
"Who?" Joel, whose name I found out earlier, asked.
"The one in the white shirt," I answered, trying not to stare.
"That's Amanda. Why you like her?" Another boy named Adam smirks.
"What? N-No, she's the one who invited us." I replied as my cheeks turned red.
"Oh, when they went hiking this morning?" Joel's friend Gabriel questions.
"Yea," I answer, nodding.
"Well, yea, her name is Amanda, and the girl to her right is Rachael." Joel nods.
"Is she single?" My friend Jace inquires.
"Why don't you ask her," Adam replies, laughing.
"You think I should?" Jace asked my brother and me.
"You don't want to seem...desperate or thirsty." Our other friend Heath tells him.
"You're right." Jace nods.
  As we're talking, I notice Amanda glancing at me up and down before talking with her friends. The things this girl does to me, and I barely know her. She might be the one for me.
"So, are all of you in college?" Heath wondered, looking at Joel.
"Yea, we are." Gabriel nods.
"What classes are they taking?" Ethan questions referring to Amanda and Rachael.
"Business management." Adam answers.
"They want to open a business together," Joel replies, nodding.
"That's cool," I commented.
"Yea, that is." My brother agrees.
"What kind of business do they want to open together?" I asked him curiously.
"I think a restaurant because Amanda's grandma is a fantastic cook, and she wants to et her food out there," Gabriel explains.
  I nodded my head understanding what he explained. Not only is she beautiful she's smart and knows what she wants in life.
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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
   The campfire is going well. Grayson kept sending me glances which made me feel nervous inside. I had to admit it, though. He's so gorgeous, with the shadow from the fire illuminated his chiseled, handsome face. Anais and Rachael look at me and wiggle their eyebrows.
"Stop," I whisper in their ear.
"Girl, you know he looks fine." Rachael mischievously grins.
"I know that." I pointed out.
   It would be embarrassing if he found out I have a slight — no, a massive crush on him when he doesn't even know who I am, besides my name. I'd probably die if he finds out and confronts me.
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insensitivesurgeon7 · 4 years
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Original strange story
‹ Always with me ›
rating: PG-13
genres: drama, romance
warnings: ER, POV, death of the main character, non-linear narrative
— How far can you go?
— Well, at least smile at me, at such an important moment.
— Look, you're glowing!I don't know what it is, but it definitely suits you.Always be like this.
The performances of the terrible! The audience is not interested in this at all, on the contrary, they look at me with horror and disgust, turn pale and burst into screams at what is happening on the stage. Insultingly. Am I making such an effort for such uneducated trash? No one appreciates my efforts, no one except...
She never missed a single performance of mine, never took her burning eyes off the stage, and looked right into my soul. A bright ray stood out in the crowd of gray and gloomy gentlemen, almost jumping out of the chair in the first row and breaking her voice in one and the same phrase: "encore!"
— And now, ladies and gentlemen, the real horror of this neighborhood will be on the scene. Many lost their minds just seeing it!
The audience was simply dumbfounded, not knowing what else to expect this evening. Some covered themselves with their hands, and others wrapped themselves in their clothes, so as not to see even greater horrors. But that's what they came for, isn't it? So why are sobs and angry exclamations heard instead of cheers?
But only the tiny girl in the front row was waiting with lively interest for the miracle I had prepared especially for her. I removed the fake smile from my face and put on a genuine, real one that was meant only for her.
It's strange, but I don't remember what happened after the intermission. Right now, I'm standing at the door of the dressing room, not understanding how I got here. There was no memory of me going up to my room. Only the people actively moving towards the exit; the head of that old lady with wide eyes, which I held so carefully in my hands; the floorboards stained with dirty blood; the bright image of Emilia…
Still, I burst into the dressing room with a cry of joy, plopping down in an old ragged chair with gold upholstery on the uneven edges. I couldn't help but laugh out loud, throwing my head back. Why was I having so much fun? I suppose I was amused by the ladies, who were as pale as toadstools, who threw up their hands in fright, and who, forgetting their proprieties, screamed like slaughtered pigs. But the laughter didn't last long. I stopped abruptly and looked at the floor mirrors. I liked the reflection: my glasses had slid sideways; my hair, which had been so neatly arranged a few hours ago, was completely disheveled; my shirt was soaked with the blood of the old lady who had been so impudent.
I grinned even harder, my uneven smile with crooked teeth looking creepy, and my gaze, wild and triumphant, lingered in the background. A skeleton in a worn maroon dress and a dark wig with dirty patches.
— How do I look? — Emilia was busy twirling around the mirror, looking at herself from different angles. The full silk dress suited her immensely, and the hem of it rose above the tiled floor as she danced, exposing her pale little legs. She looked like a fragile butterfly whose wings were scorched by a scarlet flame.
— Honey, you look beautiful! — There was no lie in what I said, I really thought she looked amazing. Although in fact, it always looks like this.
— Oh, dear, are you here yet? How did you manage to get here before me?
I got up and went to my beloved, kneeling across from her and taking the leather-gloved hand in my palm, gently stroking the uneven surface with my fingers and gazing in awe at the empty eye sockets.
— Emilia, how do you like my performance? Did you like it? I tried my best, really! — She didn't say anything, just tilted her head, and the wig slid to the right. — Why aren't you talking? Did I do something wrong? I thought I had prepared only the best…
She doesn't answer, why? Did she enjoy it so much that she was speechless? Or is it so bad that she won't talk to me? But wait…
My head is full of holes. How could I forget our anniversary? I slapped my hand against my forehead, looking down guiltily. — Now you must be offended with me." You know what, let me fix it! I'll have a small dinner for the two of us, with your favorite music playing. Just give me some time, okay? — I looked at Emilia with pleading eyes, and I thought she was breaking down a little, but she nodded slightly. Or was it my imagination? .No.
— How soon? — Emilia tapped her heel impatiently, fidgeting with the bandage.
I untied the tight knot of the ribbon, and Emilia closed her eyes for a moment, shielding her hand from the bright light. At the same moment, her eyes widened at what she saw.
— You… Did you do all this? — she gazed with fascination at the ornate gazebo I'd been working on day and night for so long, given its taste. She always wanted a gazebo on this hill next to the twin oaks, and with a view of the cemetery.
— Do you like? - the smile did not leave my face, the pleasant surprise in Emilia's eyes made me happy. She didn't say anything, just came over and hugged me tightly, murmuring her thanks in a low voice. It was an important gift for her. I never understood why she wanted it so much, she only spoke in vague riddles that I never understood.
I stroked her hair, lifted her in my arms, and sat her down in the big chair, getting as close to her face as I could, feeling her hot breath and the tips of her dark brown hair tickling my cheeks.
— We have the whole night at our disposal... — My voice became eerily low, piercing the silence of the night. In an instant, the reddened Emilia smiled at the corners of her mouth, enticing me into a kiss with her soft pink lips…
The air was cool, and it enveloped my legs and crawled slowly down my back, penetrating my sensitive areas, feverishly tickling my skin. All life seemed to have died out: there was no sound of the confused rustle of leaves that sometimes fell to the ground, no cry of night birds that suddenly appeared from behind the trees, and even the old guard singing sailor songs, even he seemed to be gone.
But to be honest, I didn't care at all. But worried whether it Emiliа?
— The sky is unusually clear today, and the stars seem to Shine brighter today. — Trying to start a conversation and filling the glasses with sweet wine, I took a small SIP, watching the behavior of my beloved. Who behaved... in no way. Her skeleton was leaning back against the carved back of a chair, and her wonderfully shaped skull was hidden behind the remnants of artificial hair. She sat at a little distance from me and looked like a statue ready to shatter at any moment.
There was no response, and the silence was annoying.
I couldn't help laughing as I fiddled with the crystal glass filled with sparkling cherry liquid: too much resemblance to the blood of Emilia. So sweet, with a metallic taste, I remember there was a lot of it…
— Your death pleases me, because now we can always be together! Isn't that great?!
In my arms rested a cooling, lifeless body, dripping blood and staining everything possible. Her eyes were glassy, and there was a pain in them that pleased me so much. Still, I was a little disappointed.
— You promised to die with a smile on your face and a ringing laugh, welcoming a new world for yourself with open arms, so why did you scream and struggle, showering me with curses and bitter tears?
It was as if I felt my beloved's gaze on me, the emptiness of her once-bright brown eyes tearing at my soul, making me shudder with unpleasant memories. She still hasn't said a word. I was beginning to worry about it.
— Oh, honey, are you still mad?I have forgiven you for your incomprehensible affair, so be consistent. — the corners of his mouth twitched convulsively, the glass swayed in a trembling hand, and a scarlet drop fell on the snowy tablecloth, spreading across the rough patterns.
— Stop following me! I told you everything yesterday! We are no more!
— You seem to have forgotten something, my dear — there was a short click, and the revolver in my hand was aimed at a tall, slender young man with large blue eyes.
- No!..
Suppressing a sudden surge of anger, I tried to smile amiably, but I could feel my face shuddering, contorting into a terrible grimace.
— Why are you silent? We see each other so rarely, and the luxury we are allowed now will not come for a long time. So why don't you use it? — She didn't even look at me. What am I talking about, she didn't even touch the holiday table!
— Please say a word! Is that so much to ask?! — My left eye twitched nervously, the first tears came to the corners, and my voice trembled treacherously. I didn't like it, but Emilia seemed to enjoy it. Why do I hear her low, angry laugh?!
I swallowed hard and tried to keep my composure, but it didn't work. I stood up and walked resolutely toward Emilia, hovering over her skeleton, which seemed to me to have shrunk in size. Hot tears ran down my cheeks and into my mouth, and my chest ached, and my laughter was unhealthy.
— Y-You... you like hurting me, don't you? — choking back tears and laughing hysterically, I barely managed a few more words. — Answer me! — I must have looked pathetic from the outside.
No attention, but there was a mocking look directed at me, at my hands, or rather at my prosthetics.
— Are you so concerned that you cut off your own hands?!
— Answer me, you insensitive bitch!— I took her chin in my hand and looked into her empty eye sockets. Oh, my dear, where is your charming gaze? What happened to your velvety voice that soothed me in the evenings? And your delicate skin, pale and sore, where did it go, do you want to tell me?
It was very painful. Very. I've never felt such pain in my life. I couldn't see much because of the tears, and the bubbling, broken laughter tore at my chest.
Something cold touched my face, wiping away tears. These were the knuckles of Emilia's fingers, painfully prickling at the corners of my reddened, I'm sure, eyes. My hand held tight to the radius of my beloved, as if afraid to lose it again, afraid to let go, and the brush of a somewhat yellowed bone soothed my cheeks, and I felt a little relieved.
— Forgive me… Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... — I whispered endlessly, burying my face in the crumpled fabric somewhere in the area of my collarbone, my free hand clutching the fragile piece of bone.
— It's our holiday, isn't it? — I looked at Emilia's face with genuine love as I got up from my knees. — We haven't lost anything yet, so let's dedicate ourselves to each other under these sparkling stars!
— This is my favorite artist playing! Lehr, let's dance!
Everyone was looking at us that night.
Light jazz began to play, and Emilia's favorite tune turned on. You could see that she brightened and seemed to straighten up. I asked her to dance by pulling on me, and she plopped her skull on my neck, and I just giggled. She's funny. Trying to keep my balance, I put one hand on her waist and the other connected with the bone of her wrist, and she bent over and looked at me. I could see her confusion.
We began to circle slowly to the music, keeping our eyes on each other. Even though Emilia no longer had them, I still knew that she was looking at me, and only at me.
— You will always be with me.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Rocket Queen
1.4: Christmas Eve PT 2
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Duff's P.O.V
I look at the beautiful girl that's sitting on my lap. She has a bottle of vodka in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. I honestly, had no idea she smoked. Good to know I don't need to hide my cancer sticks around her.
She smiles at something Madeline says, then replies back to her. I can't even tell that any words are coming out of their mouths. I'm so focused on Henley. She's the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on.
And to think, I wouldn't have met her if I hadn't made Stevie sit at that table. I'd seen Henley around before, but I was too chicken to go say hi. Just the thought made my chest feel like it was going to collapse.
I knew that the only way I'd have the guts to talk to her was if I'd stole their table. I know it's a real stupid reasoning, but it was the only thing I could come up with. Steven offered to go talk to her for me multiple times but a.) we're not in high school and b.) he'd probably just say something really embarrassing and scare her off.
I honestly thought he scared her off when he went to talk to them. I'll admit, I felt like fainting when she finally looked at me. I couldn't believe that a gorgeous girl like her was going to talk to me. At first, she seemed distant and cold. That immediately changed after the fight between me and that "Hyde" guy.
I don't like that guy. Henley said that he's been hanging around her and Madeline a lot recently. I don't like it one bit. She said that the only reason Madeline is okay with it is because he gives them free weed.
I wish I could be around her to protect her at all hours of the day. But, the fact that she's still in high school puts a huge dent in that plan. God, I sound like a wuss, but I can't help it.
I think I'm falling in love with her. I can't ever imagine being with someone else.
Well there's only one thing wrong with that statement. We aren't a couple. I haven't had the balls to ask her out.
That's going to change tonight, I can guarantee that.
The box feels as if it's growing heavy in my pocket. Almost like it's made of lead. I feel my heart race with anticipation. I want to give it to her so badly!
"DUFF!" Steven screams at me, almost making me push Henley off my lap in shock.
She instantly wraps her arms around my neck tightly, pulling her body flush against mine. I wrap my arms around her waist and chuckle nervously.
"Sorry," I mutter, feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. I turn my head to Steven who has a smartass smile on his face. "What?"
"I was just saying, I think it's time to give out the gifts," Steven replies, his eyes glancing down to my pocket.
I knew I shouldn't have told him my plan. He's going to give it away!
"Wait," Henley says, her eyes widening. "I didn't know we were doing gifts! I left y'all's at home!"
"It's okay, sweetheart," I say in her ear, only loud enough for her to hear.
"No it's not," She pouts, turning her head to look at me. "I was just going to bring it over tomorrow."
"You can still bring it over tomorrow," I chuckle, placing a small kiss on her neck. "I don't think we have anything planned for tomorrow." I take a moment to think through my words. "Well, I'm not going anywhere. I think Steven was going to meet Madeline's parents."
"What?" Henley asks, clearly shocked. "I didn't know they were that serious."
I shrug, looking over at the couple that's in the same position Henley and I are in. "I didn't either, but the more I look at them, the more I can see that they're wild about each other."
"I have a feeling her parents and Jake aren't going to like that he's eighteen," Henley says, furrowing her eyebrows in that cute way she does when she's thinking.
"I'm sure they'll love him. It's hard not to love Stevie," I say. "He's one easy guy to get along with."
Henley smiles. "You guys are definitely best friends."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You just. . .I don't know. It just reminds me of my best friends back in LA."
I gasp, feigning shock. "You had friends?" Henley looks at me, unamused. She punches my shoulder rather hard, making me laugh. "I'm sorry!" I laugh. She doesn't say anything. She just sits there with an adorable pout on her face. "Tell me about your best friends."
She looks back at me with surprise. I guess no one's ever asked her that. "Well, they were actually brother and sister."
"Like Madeline and Jake?" I ask.
She nods. "Only they weren't twins. He was two years older than us. Anyways, they're the first friends I made in LA. I was constantly over at their house. I practically lived there. I was heartbroken when he turned eighteen and moved out. I didn't get to see him as much. . ," She trails off. "And I kinda had a crush on him." My heart drops. Does she still like him? "But I still hung out with his sister all the time. I thought it was the end of the world when I left Los Angeles. She calls me at least five times every few days and he calls every week on Saturday."
"Sounds like you really love them," I say, sounding a bit put out.
She nods. "I do, but I really love Madeline too." She pauses, looking at Steven trying to play the drums. We haven't even opened the alcohol yet. He's just like that sober. "And I guess Steven too."
I smile, nudging her a little. That's difficult because she's sitting in my lap. "What about me?"
She smirks. "Oh, I don't love you."
My mouth drops open. I pretend to be really hurt and fall back onto the couch. "You've hurt me deeply, Henley!"
She laughs, cupping my face in her hands. "I'm kidding." She leans in and quickly pecks my lips. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. Now's the time.
I stand up with her in my arms. She squeals in surprise, but doesn't protest. She just wraps her arms around my neck to keep her from falling.
I take Henley to my room. I place her down on the mattress on the floor. I watch her eyes look around my room, until they land on me. She smiles sheepishly, running her hand over the fabric of the blanket I have thrown on my bed.
"So, what are we doing in here?" She asks.
I pull out the box without saying a word. I hand it to her with a smile on my face. "Merry Christmas."
She opens it, an excited look in her eyes. Her smile widens as she sees what's inside. There's two necklaces. One's a padlock necklace, the other has a key on it.
"Duff," She says. Her voice makes it sound like she's about to cry. She stands up and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her as close to me as possible. "Thank you," She breathes into my ear.
Henley pulls away, taking the padlock necklace out of the box. She unclasps it and puts it around my neck. When she fastens it, she puts her own necklace around her neck.
I grin at her. "There's one more thing, only it's a question."
"Which is?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I feel like my heart is about to burst out of my chest.
"Yes!" She squeals, jumping into my arms.
I laugh, pulling away from our odd hug. I pull her face in and kiss her as deeply as I know how.
God, I'm definitely in love with her.
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme  
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @ Kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Duff: @daisystuffsstuff
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
There's a sneering attitude that the dub is inherently inferior solely for being a dub, and when I say 'dub' I mean the American one. No one attacks the South American interpretation, funnily enough, or the variety that exist globally.
Why not if foreign languages are so abhorrent?  Do you think it's kewl to hate America?
That's so original you know.
If the moan centres on the dub changing certain things, well that's a pointless stance, because it's impossible to do otherwise.
What's accepted in one country is not always permitted elsewhere, so either you make those alterations or it's never shown. I'd prefer seeing a slightly toned down version rather than have it never reach the West at all.
This is without considering the technical obstacles that a direct translation brings. The words do have to fit the mouth movements, and if they don't, truncation must follow.
America and Japan are different; the population of the former are not going to comprehend the references to the latter's history and culture, which necessitates some divergence from the original to give it mass appeal.
Anime is a branch of entertainment. It has to attract the public's good will to stay in business. If impenetrable, it'll fail, with all the resulting unemployment and finacial losses that brings.
Those in charge of dubbing understandably think they're on safer ground promoting familiarity rather than the strange, but that's not to say Pokémon was stripped of its identity. On the contrary, it was like nothing I'd ever encountered before.
I may have watched Western cartoons then, but the idea of doing so now is silly. I won't give time to any modern animation unless it's Japanese. Growing up on the dub has not produced an ephemeral fan less serious or 'true'.
The 4Kids dub had wit, humour, deep emotion, suggestive comments and flights of fancy. The voices fitted the characters well.
Unlike the current one, where everyone sounds on the verge of vomiting, but then they're clearly working with substandard material on a miserly budget. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear after all.
Dubs can be bad, but the very state of being a dub doesn't confer worthlessness automatically. Considering the work gone into them, attempting to gain your favour, it seems rude not to appreciate the time and energy spent in production.
Knowing a little about history, sub-only fanatics remind me of the kind of folk who opposed an English Bible, because it was too good for the oiks to read the word of God.
Of course it was alright for them, rich enough to be taught Latin, but not so much the ordinary man.
It amuses me how dozens dismiss the dub, but see no hypocrisy in using its evidence to further their ship or anti-ship arguments, so it can't be that revolting.
It's also bizarre that so many hold sacred the sub of a series currently in a frenzy to shed every aspect of its anime and Japanese origins, leaving a vague, rootless ghost, supposedly making it easier to slip down the gullet of the masses.
Pokémon I've seen referred to as a 'gateway drug', as in the anime that introduced a generation to the entire concept. This means the dub. You would not have got enough kids in the late Nineties to read a screen rather than watch it, and even today most would lose interest rapidly.
Where would you be without that dub? Unless you're Japanese, your first experience of Pokémon will have been a dub, and if not the American, the one where you live, which was only made because there was the funds available.
You may have then progressed to watching the sub, but only because that dub stirred love in your soul.
Where would the franchise be without that dub? You think Pokémon would've grown to be a world-wide obsession raking in billions by itself? No, it'd still be a solely Japanese phenomena, and most likely never lasted this long.
Its decades of supremacy rests on the quality of that dub. It sold games and merchandise to kids by the ton, giving an incentive to keep the series going. If you're not a fan from the first wave, then your favourite era would have never existed had it not been financially attractive carrying on.
The team who wrote the first film actually preferred the dub, moved to tears by its emotive use of music, therefore they aren't so precious as the fans.
Where would anime be without that dub? Pokémon brought it to the West. A handful slipped through previously, but made minor impression.
To those who would dismiss Pokémon entirely in favour of more 'worthy' output such as Studio Ghibli, I would say that Pokémon, first the games, then the programme they inspired, must have an integral quality to have caught on in Japan, which isn't exactly short on similar concepts.
To have gained popularity in a crowded market, and so fervently a dub became an option, can only have come about because it held a certain magic.
It was the dub that smashed a hole in the cultural barrier, setting free the tidal wave to engulf the world. In Pokémon's trail followed Digimon, Cardcaptors, Monster Rancher, Yu-Gi-Oh! et cetera.
Without Pokémon, I doubt they'd have been translated, and definitely never broadcast on mainstream television. That came about as channels desperately hunted down anything Japanese to serve as the next craze.
I really appreciated the effort made by 4Kids in converting every aspect of the series to suit American tastes, including changing text on signs, letters and books into English. I assumed this was standard practice until I watched others.
I could never be as involved in them as I was Pokémon because of that block. It was like being denied access to the deeper waters, fenced into the shallows, and implied a rushed dub, with little care shown but to chase the same crowd and money.
If personified, the dub 'n' sub wouldn't be one human being, but rather identical twins: the same to a casual observer, but easy to tell apart by the more attentive.
It's like the games: Red and Blue are versions of a single adventure, but not totally one. Take the dub and the sub the same way. They are parallel dimensions running on separate rails, and beyond reconciliation, and that's before we consider that, sub and dub alike, each generation has only a faint relation to its predecessor, working on its own whims.
Everyone has a favourite, or can like both, and there's nothing wrong in that, but so many are proud of the fact they hate the dub, as if it conveys a revered status of supremacy.
When Disney films are shown abroad, they too are translated, and I'm sure references and jokes are redesigned to make sense to the locals. It's no use selling yourself as a comedy then being surprised when the audience refuses to laugh, having no idea what you mean.
If people prefer that one, for being what introduced them to Disney as a whole, or as a fond memory of childhood, then so what?
I don't mind if their view of a character is minutely at odds with mine, having seen the original, because what they think is canon to their version, so can't be wrong.
I don't go round declaring every Disney dub to be pathetic by its nature, that viewers of them are of a lesser breed of fan for preferring their own tongue, even though more of the world's population understand English than they do Japanese.
If you enjoy one tailored to your country there's no crime in it, just as I like one at least comprehensible to mine. It's not even my culture, but I pick it up mostly.
The choice must be made on which to follow, and this blog runs on dub canon, as that has a claim on my heart. Just because I don't acknowledge what takes place in the sub doesn't mean I'm unaware of it, but it has no bearing on what I write.
The idea that the dub alters things willy-nilly without rhyme nor reason is also mistaken. Often it does it because the original does not make sense.
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In the sub, I know Nanny and Pop-Pop are just a couple of old duffers taken at random and dropped in to a castle, supposedly as James's far away nannies.
Oh yeah, that's a cushy position. You doing a lot of child care from miles off?
Mind you, it used to describe 'em as 'caretakers' on Bulbapædia, as if Nan serves as housekeeper whilst Pop tends to the garden.
That's right. Ma and Pa finally got some work out of this pair of freeloaders.
They're not related, remember? No, no, absolutely not, no way. Of course their style reflects that. They just gave Pop a 'tache, thick eyebrows and a bigger nose, and Nan got a bun and lines in her hair, but there's certainly no connection. Oh no. Such a thing is ridiculous.
They're NOT family. No. Yet Hoenn James still panics they might learn he's joined Team Rocket, spending the whole episode trying to hide the truth.
Why? Who are servants to criticise the son of their employers? Why should their opinion be of any consequence to Hoenn James, especially when his parents, fiancée and butler are cognizant of reality?
Children of aristocrats are usually brought up by governesses, thus develop a stronger attachment to these figures rather than their parents, but that isn't the case here.
James lived with Ma and Pa, not the codgers minding the castle. He would have very little contact with distant employees compared to those who waited on him daily, so why seek out their approval?
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Hoenn James apparently was permitted visits to Nan 'n' Pop, which is strange considering they're not relatives. Why them and not any other house-stters?
That's right, Ma and Pa sent their son to one of their properties without them, entrusting him to the care of two shrivelled pensioners of his size that he barely knew, and who could keel over at any minute. There are no other servants present. Apparently Nan and Pop clean an entire castle by themselves.
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Oh, and they run a makeshift Pokémon sanctuary, but since it's not their home it has to be done with Ma and Pa's blessing, who also have to pay for it, but they're eevul aren't they?
The idea that somehow Nanny and Pop-Pop have not cottoned on to James's occupation by now is risible.
Servants gossip about their masters. I bet the entire household of his home know, and so in turn does the county. That Nan and Pop remain oblivious proves how isolated they are, for no one's thought to inform them.
When it came to dubbing it, they were made his grandparents, removing all the above nonsense. Of course he visits his nan and granddad, it's their gaff and their money funding the place, and it is likely his mother or father would keep James's job a secret, for fear the shock would finish 'em off.
It should do really. If they're not bothered by it that's a sign of where his rapscallion ways were inherited.
They aren't facially akin to Ma and Pa, but display the same additions, so if staff it's bloody lazy, as if nannies have to resemble your parents, but inventing a blood link excuses the slothful characterisation.
Every reference I've seen on Tumblr relating to the coffin-dodgers calls them Nanny and Pop-Pop. Apparently the dub decision is met with universal approval. It does have redeeming aspects then.
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Now the sub writers, rather than ignore this development, took to it too. They aren't exactly bursting with ideas these days and are probably grateful for the lifelines offered.
Remembering James had parents, they forced a likeness between them and Nanny and Pop-Pop. How else do you explain the inexplicable ageing, even when Sinnoh Ma and Sinnoh Pa are younger than Ma and Pa?
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I've also known for years that the sub has this woman as Jessie's foster mother, not Ma Jess, but that's stupid.
I can grasp the idea that Jessie and Ma might have endured extreme deprivation, considering that's what Team Rocket has brought to Jessie anyway, and that they may have lived at the bottom of Mew's mountain prior to Ma's death.
What I find difficult to take in is that social services (or as they're known where I live, the S.S.), however notoriously awful they are, would give a child to a mad bitch in a shack with no running water.
Come on, they have to at least pretend to be concerned for Jessie's welfare.
As Jessie is very young, bereavement can't have befallen her in the distant past, so how can she be happy this soon after becoming an orphan? How could the grieving period be a cherished memory?
If that woman's creaming off the money, why hasn't she fixed the place up by now? Where do the payments go, sniffing glue?
Then there's the depiction. If this is just some daft bint never to be mentioned again, why do they conceal her face? Who cares what she looks like when she's unimportant?
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Here's another figure from Jessie's past. She isn't disguised, and why not when she too briefly appears and is then forgotten?
Who was she?
The only sort of characters they tended to hide were other members of Team Rocket:
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During the early scenes featuring Giovanni, he was enveloped in shadow, adding both intrigue and a sense of menace.
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Madame Boss also got this treatment, even though there was probably no intention to ever feature her in the anime. What's the use in keeping an appearance a mystery if it'll remain masked?
With that pattern, it implies this woman is in the same category, like Ma Jess.
When it came to animation, it definitely was intended to be a foster mother. Not her real one. No.
What did they do?
They gave her Jessie's skin tone and purple hair hanging down her back!
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You know, like Ma Jess?
Any colour would've done. Any at all, and being anime I do mean any colour, but no. The choice was made to give her the looks of the exact person she's not meant to be!
Is it that surprising the dub simplified things?
I don't mind if you like the dub, sub, both, or any from around the world, but I'm tired of the smug condescension, as if we all agree the sub is the only one that counts, and that dub fans are grunting troglodytes, or not 'proper' aficionados.
None of us would be here were it not for the dub. Pokémon would not be here. I think it deserves some respect for how much of a difference it made, to my life and to yours.
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Janis & Grace
Janis: [Let us say that some boys on the bus were going hard with being dicks because duh, shit always goes down on the bus] Janis: 3 of those lads have sent me dick pics Janis: say the word, like Grace: only 3? 💔 Janis: What can I say? Janis: Not got the pull I used to, obvs Grace: yeah same Janis: Yeah Janis: well, there's comfort in knowing you're always one #scandal away from being old news at this school, yeah Grace: mhmm I'm like so comforted rn Janis: Not my forte Janis: I'll work on getting the remaining 2 dicks Janis: revenge porn, I could do Grace: 🤞💜🙏 Janis: I hope the rest of the insults you've heard today have been more creative than that poor showing at least Grace: Duh of course they haven't 🙄 Janis: Gutting Janis: should've paid more attention in English, lads Grace: [sends her some of the quality content] Grace: that'll be easier when I'm not there to be like TOTALLY distracting obvs Janis: 😑 Janis: How dry Janis: 💀 or 👻 Grace: I mean like catch them at 20 still trying to pass Grace: much as I wanna kms Janis: True that Janis: only here past junior cert to get more fingering experience Grace: ugh Janis: I know Janis: romance is dead Janis: is there anything I can actually do though? Grace: get that as a matching tattoo with barista boy? no 👌👌 Grace: idk cos idk what I can even do soooo Grace: my life is just over Janis: I'll float the idea Janis: might be a bit mainstream Janis: yeah but is that such a bad thing Janis: was pretty tragic, right? Grace: can you not Janis: I'm not taking the piss Janis: I'm being real Grace: & I'm not in the mood for a life revamp atm Grace: or your advice Janis: I'm not trying to be a guru either Grace: well you don't know what you're talking about so that's a relief Janis: Alright Janis: not said I do either Janis: sorry I don't, if I knew how to avoid scandals, I could sell that shit for a high price Grace: just stop Grace: I could care less that I'm #cancelled Grace: it's not even Janis: Go on then Janis: I know you aren't upset over that idiot Grace: Duh Grace: he's the WORST but I knew that already Janis: and give a shit about everyone talking shit, apparently Janis: so, what is it? Grace: it's real if I say it Janis: Is that why you're not saying anything Janis: I know it doesn't stop the talk but some people might listen Janis: what don't you want to make real? Grace: I don't want people to listen, I literally don't want anyone to know Grace: I don't even wanna know, I wish I didn't Janis: Grace Janis: what are you talking about? Grace: I'm literally the worst person, I didn't wanna have his baby & now god has like cursed me forever Janis: Babe, God is NOT a subscriber Janis: tell me Grace: if you make me 😂 I will 😭 Janis: That would make things feel more normal Janis: but I'll calm my comedy genius Janis: you haven't grown another head and I don't think our animal have been slaughtered Grace: thanks babes Grace: but I'd rather have another head than this Janis: More to contour, I get it Janis: Kinda Janis: so it must be bad Grace: Yeah Grace: like I said, my life is over Grace: it's not even started & it's done Janis: Did you want the baby Janis: I know you said not HIS but like Janis: it'd be understandable to be in two minds, even after making a decision about it Grace: not now but I didn't know that'd mean not ever Janis: What? Grace: it's not just that I wasn't pregnant this time Grace: I can't be Janis: Ever? Janis: The Doctor told you? Grace: Ever Grace: the doctor said I'm going through the fucking menopause, like is nan even?! Janis: the menopause Janis: is that even possible Janis: fuck Grace: I don't think the doctor is allowed to drop fake news on me Grace: like maybe there's another storytime coming Janis: When did you find this out? Grace: I went to the doctors right after I delivered my fake news to him Janis: Jesus, Grace Janis: How are you in School Janis: why? Grace: I told you, I don't want this to be happening Grace: I'm freaking out, the symptoms are crazy Janis: Is it just pure bad luck Janis: it can't be like..reversed Grace: there's like no way to undo it Janis: Shit Janis: I'm sorry Janis: that is huge Grace: yeah me too Grace: the pity party this fam would throw would be huge Grace: along with the guestlist of all their accidental babies Janis: and we have enough birthdays with all those accidental kids so Janis: Obviously, no need to explain why you're keeping it to yourself Grace: I can't do this Grace: be this Janis: I don't think you have a choice Janis: well, you don't Grace: is it my fault though? all the binging I used to do Grace: Ro got to have a kid Janis: Of course it ain't your fault Janis: this shit is unfair and random Grace: Yeah Janis: and it'll always be shit and unfair Janis: but you can still live your life, just different to how you've imagined Grace: I don't wanna live this life Janis: There's not an alternative Janis: but I can guarantee it's not gonna be as bad as you feel right now Grace: I was just starting to get my shit together, for god's sake Janis: I know Janis: but you still have the rest together Grace: HE'S the last boy that's ever gonna come near me, that alone makes me wanna die Janis: that's bollocks Janis: you've not got the plague Janis: socially, right now Janis: but who gives a fuck, yeah, the lads 'round here are not the be all in any way Grace: I literally live here Grace: what else am I gonna do go online and find boys who are into 👵? Janis: Boys that don't go to our school, would be a start Janis: ones that aren't likely to be fans of that prick, shouldn't be hard Janis: you're not going for 12 year olds, like Grace: I said don't make me 😂 Janis: It can't hurt Janis: except literally, maybe Grace: I've gotta get used to all the fucking aches and pains anyway ugh Janis: Any excuse for a spa day, you Grace: I'll lose your invite, don't even worry Janis: 💔😏 Janis: you should though Janis: do something that doesn't make you feel like 👵 Grace: casual infertility party Janis: not exactly what I was thinking but Janis: interesting take on the baby shower epidemic Janis: I'd come Grace: oh god don't, Rio's gonna have another one soon Janis: It'll be nice to not have to snatch it back from an OTT gay this time Janis: more chill Grace: unless I snatch it cos I go fully mental Janis: I'd recommend a less baby crazy target Grace: maybe I'll start pushing all the 🐈s around in a pram like oh hey this is my new vibe Janis: if you want your face clawed off Janis: they're pretty unsympathetic little bastards Grace: I literally didn't wanna be in this fam before what am I meant to do now?! ugh Janis: As much as it would be a laugh to ask Ri to surrogate again Janis: let's think of something a little less drastic for the time being Grace: like? Janis: like Janis: you can't disown us all, it'd take to long Janis: but you could not be around for a while Grace: 👌👌 except I have nowhere to go Grace: not trying to have a Q&A with my friends about this Janis: You're so lucky I'm the twin with brains Grace: rude Janis: what about going to see Ava for a hot sec Janis: she's not the barrage-you-with-questions type Grace: it's lowkey very unlikely her mum & dad would want me there though Janis: yeah but it's as unlikely they'll be about enough to notice you that hard Janis: everyone knows you're going through it right now, even if they don't actually know what IT really is Grace: okay yeah Grace: mum does, she'd let me go Janis: exactly, who actually gives a shit if you miss a week or so of school Janis: Ava could still go if she so desperately needs, you just need to chill Janis: away from here Grace: not me, school was the worst even before this Janis: One thing we can agree on Grace: don't like tell anyone, okay? Janis: No shit Janis: 'course I won't Grace: Even your boyfriend who you're so 💖😍😘 for & have no secrets from Janis: Even though you're being purposefully antagonizing rn Janis: I won't tell no one Grace: thanks Janis: It ain't even an ask Janis: so don't mention it Grace: 👌💜 Janis: I'll hook it up with her, no stress Grace: I'll handle mum Janis: and your packing Grace: at least I don't have to serve a look as hard when there's only 1 person there I'm avoiding as opposed to like ALL of Dublin Janis: safe to say you can give the #ootds a break too Janis: strictly loungewear, like Grace: mhmmm Janis: bit rude to avoid Ava though Janis: do I need to tell her you're getting in the guestroom and not coming out, like? Grace: oh please, I would never Janis: Who are you avoiding then? Grace: just a boy Janis: unlike you Grace: excuse you Janis: You'd have your exes all back 'round like a family reunion Janis: who's this boy, did you shit in his bed, what's the story Grace: 😱😱😱 Grace: I WOULD NOT Janis: 👌👌 you love a repeat Grace: I'm a hoe reformed 😇🙏 Janis: so that's why you're avoiding Janis: get a wimple, join a convent Grace: literally can't 💍 anyone but god now anyway so Grace: obvs that's what he wanted when he cursed me Janis: #whenbaeisposessive 😍 Janis: and don't talk shit, you don't have to promise you'll have your firstborn within the year when you get married, like Janis: not necessary Grace: whatever we're so off topic rn Janis: the topic of you shitting in some London lad's bed, 'cos you did not deny it Janis: let's get back on that Grace: OMG no! Grace: I'm 👵 not 🤢💀🤒😓💀 Grace: he's just a hookup, no drama Janis: just gonna run for cover if you 👀 him Janis: standard Janis: probably not lurking about her gaff unless you've really one-upped everyone and fucked your uncle 🤢 Grace: EW! Grace: I'm not even gonna 👀 him cos he's her bfs brother but like I didn't know that so Janis: that's funny Janis: soz Janis: 😂 when the incestuousness of it all happens without you even trying Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: okay 🤐 Janis: but deffo avoid him Grace: duh Grace: the state of me & my life rn Janis: more like the state of that whole situation Janis: getting involved in that is not anyone's idea of relaxing Grace: obvs but that's not anything to do with him Grace: just like none of this #scandal involves you Janis: Think people know better than to imply it was a threesome, yeah Grace: Gross! & you know what I mean, babes Janis: yeah, it's beyond #obvs you don't wanna avoid this boy mhmm Grace: like that matters, he's not gonna hit me up & same Janis: well okay Janis: arranging that goes beyond sisterly duties into pimp territory so Janis: focus on what you're actually gonna do whilst you're there then Grace: 😭😭💀💀😭 then yeah? Grace: 👌💜 Janis: you could do that here Janis: at least go somewhere instagrammable to die Grace: well duh Grace: final livestream for the haters Janis: 🙄😏 Janis: wonder if anyone's killed themselves on stream yet Janis: must've Grace: obvs Grace: but I literally couldn't even if it was original content cos they'd all think it was about him & I'm sooo 💔💔💔 Janis: No one wants that as their legacy Grace: exactly Janis: even if the race to #1 most subscribed when he gets #cancelled would be just riveting Grace: he won't even though his fans are just Janis: sweaty virgins Janis: yeah, figures Grace: 😂 Grace: I'd tell him to hit them with a Q&A but like he's got no answers Grace: literally should've known I wasn't pregnant Janis: thank fuck you ain't Janis: this time anyway Janis: obvs the whole thing is a little more complex but Christ Janis: having to parent with that Janis: and knowing your child was the product of a really shit shag Janis: 💔 Grace: IKR Grace: at least he doesn't know he could blame the menopause for how shit it was Janis: I highly doubt he knows what the menopause is Janis: nevermind the concept of it coming early Janis: though that shouldn't be that unfamiliar Grace: who knew it could come this early though Grace: not his defence squad but like wtf Janis: I hadn't heard of it before, really Janis: like I knew people like Ro and Mia and co can stop getting their period and it might not come back, even if you sort yourself Janis: it's shit luck Grace: yeah Janis: Did you not get your period Janis: on whatever contraception you're on Grace: loads of people don't on the implant so I wasn't freaking out Janis: yeah Janis: s'what I thought Janis: you don't think, I mean that's not why, is it Grace: I'd hope someone would have floated that as a side effect before I got it put in but it's not like I can ask my former squad if they're also going through it Grace: they might've moved on by now anyways it only lasts 3 years Grace: hence my 👶 panic Janis: I don't think even doctors and scientists know what it does to our bodies Janis: we're still guineapigs for all this shit Janis: I know loads of people get fucked up from all the hormones they add to your body, and the ones they take away Janis: again, just bad luck it happened to be permanent, I guess Janis: fun times Grace: at least I won't have to do any of that shit any more Janis: that's true Janis: it's not like there aren't any perks Janis: or that the losses can't be filled with other potentials in the future, when you actually wanna think about all that shit Grace: unless I go bald then I will kms obvs Janis: If you go bald, you can just go for it and superglue a wig on Grace: find me one that doesn't make me look like a weird cartoon character & sure Janis: no 💗 or 💙 Janis: got it Grace: ty 💜 Janis: failing that, you could make Ri transplant you some of hers Janis: like so you won't give me a baby, okay Grace: 😂😂 coming at her with ✂ Grace: I love that you didn't volunteer yourself bitch Grace: 💇 or 👶 tbh Janis: Full horror movie moment that Janis: selfish to a fault me Janis: and final girl, so you can pry 'em off my cold dead head or outta my cold dead womb Grace: my 📽🎞😱 moment is that this is gonna change my skin type to dry so it'll take me at least a full week to find replacements for all my makeup faves Janis: yeah, but think about how hard your spots should disappear Janis: get yourself a decent moisturizer and you won't even need to bother barely Grace: !!! Grace: I didn't even think of that OMG Janis: mhmm 👵 don't get acne Grace: 🙏🙏 Janis: and you can try a new facial over there, yeah Grace: as long as Ava isn't like no thanks bitch Janis: won't give her an option tbh Grace: 📽🎞😱 Janis: 😏 you know I'm scary bitch Grace: oh please Janis: 👊 Grace: 😘
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Jealousy is an ugly thing
Clare: reached up to touch her cross necklace. "God doesn't give us more than we can handle." She muttered more to herself than to Dakota. Whatever happened, she could get through it. Clare smiled at Dakota feeling better after he comforted her. "I am? Thank you. It's very sweet of you to offer." She was surprised he'd offered her an escape if she needed one. "Usually I just drown my parents' fighting out with music. I have noise cancelling headphones so I'm able to fall asleep at night. But sometimes I really don't want to be there." Clare had other friends she could stay with and she did when it got to be too much but she wouldn't go over to anyone's house enough for their parents to ask what was going on. She listened to Dakota update Monica on his sibilings. Clare had to laugh when he said how his brothers corrected Emi about who was Thing One and Thing Two. "They sound like the Weasley twins from the Harry Potter books. Dom and Ash aren't twins though, right? Do any of your brothers go to Degrassi? Or are some of them younger or older?" She knew a couple of them went to different schools but Clare didn't think she'd ever be able to keep straight which brother was which, Dakota had so many. "It's good there's no language barrier. There aren't a lot of families who speak two languages at home so you're lucky Emi's did. Aww how cute! Itadakimasu." Clare repeated the word quietly to herself so she'd remember it. "Very cool, are those the shoes that Japanese people wear with kimonos?" Clare pictured Dakota trying to walk around in block like shoes that were probably higher and harder to walk in than heels. She laughed. "The festival sounds fun though and at least you found some shoes you like. I don't really know anything about Japanese culture, just what little I've seen on T.V, so this is all fascinating to me." Clare admitted. "They have a wide variety of food then. I've had Chinese takeout but I don't know how similiar the two are besides the noodles and soy sauce. Everything sounds delicious. I probably couldn't live without bacon though. Do they have pizza in Japan?" She asked, wondering what else Emi had never tried that seemed commonplace to her. "Okay I won't." Clare chuckled. "I was only kidding." She reassured Dakota. "I've never seen anyone do that in real life before that's all. Oh, yeah it's great you found a creative outlet. My mom signed me up for a lot of lessons but never martial arts or anything. The only athletic activities I enjoy are badminton and swimming." She nodded. Graduation was years away. Hopefully Emi's mom would be back by then but there was no way for Dakota to know. "There's plenty of time to decide. I only know I want to go to college. Maybe for writing." Clare frowned. "She'll probably check in eventually. If nothing else, on Emi's birthday or at Christmas. Yeah if she was younger and couldn't tell you what she needed, you'd be in way over your head." The bell rang and Clare slowly stood up and gathered her stuff. "I'll see you and Emi fifth period." She told Dakota. "Well if I don't, I'll know you had to take her home but I'm sure she will be fine." Clare smiled at him reassuringly.
Kota: looked at Clare when she muttered something, but couldn't quite make out what she was muttering. "You don't really have to be there. I mean we have a guestroom if you want to stay in there." he offered and laughed a bit when Clare mentioned his Dom and Ash being like the Weasleys from Harry Potter. "Yea, they're identical just like me and Dallas. That's how there are six of us. Two sets of twins. The only ones that weren't twins are my older sister and my brother Bren. Bren is 13, and Ash and Dom are 14." he said honestly. "Dallas and I were the first surprise twins since my mom thought we were all going to be girls since my aunt has all boys and since her first pregnancy she has Raquel we were all expected to be girls so we all have the names she picked out for us aside from Dom and Bren. Luckily we were given gender neutral names." he laughed a bit. "I'm the only one that goes to Degrassi. Dallas goes to a boarding school for now. We're betting that he wants out next year, Ash and Bren go to a middle school together while Dom chose to go off to a different one. Dom and Ash aren't allowed to go to the same school, nor are Dallas and I. During elementary school we all had to go to the same one. Dallas and I often got mistaken for the other and it was the same with Ash and Dom. Dallas and I were forced to go to separate high schools though. I get better grades than Dallas without studying because I like to read the books and work ahead and we were often in separate classes, when he had a science test and was afraid he'd fail it we'd go to the bathroom and change clothes in the middle of class. I'd take his science test while he'd go to art for me since we had two electives. We didn't get caught until eighth grade. Mom came to drop something off for Dallas and in turn I had to go to the office. It almost went off smoothly had it been for Dallas' girlfriend. She was the only one who could tell the difference between us which was why he agreed to date her. They're still dating." he explained. "Our mom still gets us confused if we dress the same." he chuckled a bit. "I am lucky that Emi was taught both languages." he agreed and chuckled a bit as he nodded. "Yes, they're the shoes." he confirmed and thought for a moment. "Yes there's pizza in Japan, but to Emi it's a delicacy. Pizza there costs a little over one thousand yen, 10.50 for a medium pizza and at least 21.00 for a large pizza. Her dad got paid 888 yen per hour he worked and after taxes were taken out that pay period most of the money he got went to bills, gas, food, and new clothes so there wasn't much left over for them to save for things like pizza that they really didn't need so it was put into savings. That savings helped with their apartment here." he explained. "I like swimming, but I've never really played badminton." he smiled at her and shrugged when she mentioned Emi's mom. "Who knows. I mean she left, had a kid, came back, and abandoned said kid so no one really knows what's going on in her mind." he said honestly. "I still have yet to decide, but we still have a year left." he sighed and thought for a moment. "That would be exactly one year from now. Emi's mom left her on her birthday. Her exact words were she was going to get her a birthday cake and some balloons, Emi didn't see her since. I'm going to make her a birthday cake if she's here that way she won't have to worry about me leaving and never coming back." he said honestly. When the bell rang, he put his books away, put his book bag on his shoulder and smiled at Clare. "Yea, see you at fifth." he smirked and picked up Emi keeping her wrapped up in the blankets.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: [Picture of messy Nancy] Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Is this gonna be my fault too, like? Rio: Nah Rio: Sure she could make a case but School is stressing her, got that info 'fore we got here so you're good Rio: How's your evening going, like Buster: Being hungover's really gonna help her ace all those classes but whatever Buster: I'll be the boring twin for the night again Rio: It's alright, we got it sorted before we went out Rio: she's helping me get my CV out Buster: Yeah? Buster: Proud of you, babe Rio: Maybe I'll work at the gay club, keep an eye on her Buster: The way she's going, someone needs to Buster: Maybe get off my back mum, you know Rio: She reckons the teachers don't really help her out now, since you know Rio: Idk if I should tell your Ma or if Nance will flip if I do Rio: I've told her to ask the others for help more Buster: We should tell her, she thinks she's failed me so she can claw some good parent points back Buster: But yeah, be careful 'cause Nance might not appreciate it as much as mum will Rio: Why does she think that? Buster: 'Cause I had to tell her how unhappy I was, you know, before Buster: So she'd cut us some slack now Rio: Ahh Rio: Yeah, imagine she wasn't buzzing to hear that Rio: I think Nance was okay but she wants to talk to you Buster: You're not wrong Buster: Well, I'll await the drunk texts then Buster: Always fun Rio: Yeah, leave it 'til she's sobered up and make her accountable, like Buster: Yeah Buster: So how drunk are you? Rio: Not even! Rio: How rude Rio: professional Buster: Just checking Rio: 😒 Rio: No faith, honestly Buster: Nance drives the best of us to join her drinking, that's all Rio: I mean, not being a nun about it Buster: Good to know Rio: Idk if I fuck with the vibe of this one anyway Rio: not to be a fussy bitch about it but you know Buster: You're a know-it-all that's your vibe, gotta trust it Buster: You'll find somewhere else Rio: Not that I can convince her to move on just yet Buster: It's like that then Buster: I see Rio: You know Rio: suppose I could leave her to it and pick her up like the 👵 I've become Buster: Ma life Buster: It don't sound like she'd mind though, so do what you want, babe Rio: 🙄 Rio: I'm bored Buster: Me too Buster: It's shit Rio: What are you doing Buster: I got talked into going to the literal worst house party I've ever been at Buster: I'm just gonna leave Rio: Ahh fun times Rio: People stop having house parties when you're out of school, which is weird because it's your house now like, you can do what you want Rio: is there not even decent booze to steal? poor boy Buster: 'Cause they're always shit and not worth the damage cunts are trying to cause to ease their boredom Buster: Nah, not even, I've got better at home, cheers Rio: True Rio: the shit Indie and her mates have wrecked Rio: and that's just 'cos they're clumsy stoners, like Rio: but we sound 100 this is ridiculous Buster: 😒 Buster: Is this what happens when you put a ring on it 'cause sorry, like Rio: Ugh, don't Rio: and we're getting carried away Rio: Gracie is sending me dress options and your sister basically wants her fee now, like Buster: Fuck that Buster: Forget carried away I'm about to run away from all their bullshit Rio: Yeah well take me with Rio: I'm the one fielding most of their bullshit IRL Buster: I'm sorry, babe Rio: It's alright Rio: They're just compensating for how weird it makes 'em feel but Rio: already over it Buster: At the start of this convo I was gonna say I wanna come home but Rio: Baby Rio: I miss it just being us Buster: I wish we could go somewhere else Buster: Fucking school Rio: I know Rio: least when exams start you do most at home right and just go in for the actual tests Buster: Giving me more time to miss you, like Rio: Nah, I mean Rio: we can work with that Rio: you can come here or I'll go there whatever Rio: I just need to get this flat situation sorted for Inds, she's staying 'round the house but it's not ideal Rio: especially when Eds comes back Buster: I can get a flat for you Buster: Probably not Drew's but a better one maybe Buster: Until then could you two not stay in the one over the pub? Rio: I don't actually know Rio: but I should ask Rio: I know the last student they had in there graduated but that was a while back now Buster: Hit up Granddad he'll never say no to you Rio: Worth a shot Rio: Got any other good ideas whilst we're here, babe? Buster: Always Buster: Get a drink first Buster: Catch up to me Rio: Long Island it is Rio: gotcha Buster: At least you ain't in Chelsea, could run through all your funds with a tab like that Buster: A tiny silver lining for you Rio: Is it? Rio: not even gonna buy me a drink now, okay 😜 Buster: I reckon that was another thing going in the vows Buster: 'Cause you hate it when I buy you shit Rio: Yeah I mean, exceptions to the rule though Rio: not trying to bankrupt myself Buster: I love you Rio: Love you idiot Buster: Cheers for looking so good it keeps me on your socials instead of my sister's Buster: That's another reason, like Rio: Yeah? Rio: Good to know you're still interested, like Buster: Good to know that my absence doesn't make you into a car crash, you know Buster: Save that for her Rio: Little harsh Rio: but don't think you need to take responsibility for it either Buster: Don't worry I wasn't Buster: I didn't break her heart like that Rio: Reality always gonna take that shot Buster: Anyway, bit rich to call me harsh when I bet she was saying worse about me Rio: You wanna know or? Rio: Should probably let you tell you herself Buster: I'm sure I'll hear it all firsthand tonight with no filter Rio: It wasn't that bad Rio: I just put her right on some things Buster: You're cute Buster: Defending my honor Rio: You're not mad? Buster: Why would I be? Rio: idk Rio: 'cos I'm emasculating you or some shit Buster: Shut up Buster: I like that you wanna speak up for me Rio: I'm glad you aren't mad Buster: It's hot, babe Buster: You are Rio: Shh Buster: Never Rio: I miss you Buster: I know Buster: I want you here Rio: I wish I was Buster: Me too Buster: I'd even rather be there and deal with the bullshit than be here without you Rio: Yeah? Rio: At least you can come when this kid finally shows Buster: Thank fuck Buster: Even my mum couldn't fault me there Rio: Be in the shit if you didn't put in an appearance Buster: Yeah, Ro loves me so much you can't dull the shine, babe Buster: I'm the fave Rio: Charming Rio: Only 'cos you're such a 🤓 Buster: You love it too Buster: Win, win Rio: 😒 Rio: Oh yeah, we'll bond over that Buster: 'Course Buster: You're welcome Rio: Truly who I want as my new BFF Rio: not got that old and boring, tah Buster: Glad to hear it Buster: As shit as it is to miss you I don't want you to change so I don't, like Rio: 😏 Yeah trapped now dickhead Buster: Charming Rio: 😂 you didn't wanna change me, like Buster: Yeah yeah Rio: Basically in the vows, soz Buster: It's fine, I'll write my own Rio: Uhmmm Rio: Slightly concerning Buster: Rude Rio: You want your ego stroked go to your Auntie babe Buster: I reckon she's a bit busy right now but I'll bear it in mind Rio: Is she tho Rio: we all waiting Buster: Always on the verge of that breakdown, takes time and a toll Rio: Oh my God Rio: speak of the devil, that was freaky Buster: What? Buster: Rio? Buster: Why am I talking to myself? What the fuck? Buster: Babe Buster: Come on Buster: You're freaking me out now Rio: Sorry, sorry Rio: That was a whole thing Rio: Drew was here Rio: first time I've seen him since, first time anyone has but Indie, like Buster: Are you okay? Rio: Yeah, I mean Rio: he was gross as ever but what's new Buster: What did he do? Rio: Nothing, like Rio: he's just always got chat ain't he Rio: though no one asked him Buster: Alright then what did he say? Rio: You're not going to be happy but she didn't hear him, like he wasn't saying it to her Rio: just some shit about being able to turn her, every straight boy ever Buster: Are you sure she didn't hear it Rio: Pretty sure, she was chatting to some girl at the time, like Rio: distracted anyway when he saw the ring Rio: that was fun Buster: Do you wanna go home? Buster: Nance will understand Rio: Fuck that Rio: Only here dealing anyway he's had to go off now, like Buster: Good Rio: How has he still not changed, like at all Rio: he didn't even ask about Indie Rio: or Ro or the baby or any of it Buster: He's a cunt Buster: He don't wanna change Buster: Or deal with any of it Buster: There's only one type of dealing he knows how to do, like Rio: Christ Rio: it almost makes you feel sorry for him Rio: what's it gonna take, man Buster: Maybe on his death bed when no fucker cares he'll have an epiphany Buster: I doubt the next stint in prison will do anything Buster: Are you gonna tell Indie you saw him? Rio: What's the point Rio: Poor bitch Rio: she don't need to know Buster: Yeah Buster: You're right Rio: It ain't giving her any false hope by not she still hates him Rio: but I don't need to drive home a point she already knows too well, like Buster: It's so fucked Rio: Yep Rio: and I'm the one feeling like the fucked up one Rio: thanks, Drew Buster: Fuck that Buster: Don't Rio: I'm trying Buster: I know, baby Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Not your fault Buster: But you shouldn't have to handle this on your own all the time Buster: I should be there Rio: It's nothing I can't handle Buster: Still Buster: I wanna handle him for you, the cunt Rio: So cute Buster: I'll find him when I'm back it won't be hard to do Rio: No you won't Rio: you'll be too busy Buster: Promises, promises Rio: You know you will, golden boy Buster: Fuck off Rio: Rude Buster: It ain't my fault you're not selling this Buster: Do you want me back or do you want me to run in the other direction from everyone else, like Rio: Sorry Rio: I'm being a bitch Buster: Don't say sorry Buster: Talk to me properly Rio: I don't know, I just feel gross Buster: Are you sure you don't wanna leave? Rio: I just want to be with you Buster: I know Buster: If you can get somewhere you can hear me, I'll call you Rio: Alright Rio: I feel like a party pooper Buster: Don't Buster: I wouldn't be faring any better if I saw that cunt out and about Buster: You know I wouldn't Rio: It's so stupid Rio: why do I even care Buster: It's not stupid Buster: He gets under your skin, he's always been good at it, with everyone Rio: Yeah Rio: Gotta be good at something right Buster: Exactly Buster: You know you'd tell me he ain't worth it, babe Rio: Yeah but what do I know Buster: Please Buster: You're a know-it-all and I love it Rio: Don't take the piss babe Buster: I ain't Rio: I have no idea what I'm doing Buster: Who the fuck does? Rio: At least you all have plans Buster: We have plans together, don't we? Rio: Yeah but I can't just piggyback off yours can I Buster: You won't be Buster: You can do anything you want Buster: When you decide what that is Rio: This is exhausting Rio: I should've finished School Buster: Shit that's worth having doesn't come easy, babe Buster: and you still can, if you want Rio: Well it'd be nice if it did Rio: just for a change, like Buster: You're telling me Rio: Fuck it Rio: I'm going somewhere else Buster: With Nance or without? Rio: She's busy Rio: I'll give her my location if she cares, like Buster: You can't say fairer than that Buster: Or do more, like Rio: Yeah Rio: she don't need a babysitter Rio: and not the job I'm after Buster: Where are you going? Rio: Not decided Rio: see where I end up Buster: Just try not to end up where he is again Buster: That's all I'm thinking Rio: Wow Rio: like I'm that stupid Buster: Calm down Rio: Nah you know what, I'll go back find him, see if he wanna get high again Rio: for fuck's sake Buster: How about you leave your attitude in this club and walk out Buster: Jesus Rio: Fuck off Buster: Don't take this out on me Rio: Go away then Buster: You're an idiot Buster: No Rio: I know, you've made it abundantly clear you think so Buster: Bullshit Rio: Whatever Rio: I don't wanna talk Buster: Stop doing this Rio: What Rio: Doing what Buster: Shutting me out Buster: It's shit that you couldn't keep avoiding Drew, fuck knows I wish you could, but how is giving me the silent treatment gonna help? Rio: Look, it ain't personal Rio: I don't want to think anymore Rio: I'm just gonna go get fucked up Buster: Fuck you Buster: It is personal 'cause I love you Rio: I know you do Buster: Just talk to me Buster: Let it go that way Rio: I've got nothing good to say Rio: everything is just Rio: not even shit Rio: just mind-numbingly meh Rio: I'm back in my childhood bedroom, for fuck's sake Buster: So do something about it Buster: That isn't getting fucked up Rio: I fucking am Rio: but I'm pissed off because I sank so much money into making his place decent and he's probably trashed it already Buster: Let's get it back then Buster: Or somewhere better Rio: How Rio: Ask him nice Rio: it's not like it's his Rio: it's done now but it just makes me realise how much time I've wasted Buster: It's not a waste Buster: You did it to help Indie Rio: Yeah well Buster: Yeah well nothing Buster: We'll figure this out Rio: You're being disgustingly optimistic, you knos Buster: Shut up Buster: Let me help you Rio: I'm just being dramatic Rio: must be catching Buster: Hilarious Buster: I've texted Granddad as soon as he texts me back I'll let you know Rio: Why have you done that Buster: To see if the flat's free, obviously Rio: I could've done that myself Buster: It's done Buster: If you want something to do make me a list of anything you actually want from Drew's so I can go get it when I'm back home Buster: I know they only got your bedroom shit, I remember you saying Rio: Why are you even bothering right now Rio: I've been nothing but a dick to you all night, never mind being useless with it Buster: Do you actually need me to answer that? Buster: Come on, Rio Rio: I'm sorry Rio: I'll do better Buster: Don't Buster: I don't want it or need it Buster: And you're allowed to have a bad night, especially after seeing him again Rio: What do you want or need Rio: salvage this night from being a total write-off, like Buster: You Buster: That's all Rio: You've got me Rio: I'm here now, honest Buster: Yeah? Buster: Good Rio: [Selfie] Rio: See? Buster: You look so fucking good Buster: I see that Rio: Send me one back Rio: I miss your face Buster: [selfie] Buster: Feel better? Rio: 😊 Yes Rio: You're so pretty Buster: You and me both, babe Buster: God, I miss you so much Rio: I miss you more Rio: defending you just made me realize how much I actually love you Buster: Well good, 'cause it'd be a bit awkward if you didn't at this point Rio: Shh I'm being sincere Buster: Carry on Rio: 😏 Rio: I don't know, think the moment's gone Buster: [Sends more pics] Buster: Are you sure? Rio: Fuck Rio: you are oh-so convincing, aren't you? 🤤😻 Buster: You tell me Rio: You are Rio: you really fucking are Buster: That definitely felt sincere Rio: I'm more than down to prove it to you, babe Buster: Yeah? Rio: [Bathroom nudes] Rio: Believe me now? Buster: Fuck Buster: Okay I believe you Rio: Good Rio: I love you so much Buster, don't forget Buster: I won't Buster: You know I can't Rio: Don't ever wish you could Buster: Never, baby Buster: You're so fucking perfect I have to keep you forever Rio: Please Rio: that's all I want Buster: You're all I want Buster: And I want you so much Rio: How much Buster: I heard your name in class, meaning the place, obviously, but I was so distracted I literally heard nothing else all lesson Buster: If I could have gotten away with touching myself at my desk I would've Rio: Baby Rio: I get you in so much trouble, don't I? Buster: I get myself in trouble Buster: You're an angel Rio: No, you're a good boy Rio: you didn't touch yourself once/ Buster: I wanted to but I didn't trust myself to stop if I did Rio: Just because you heard my name Rio: what did it make you think of? Buster: I couldn't stop thinking about how much you like hearing me say it Buster: That's how it started at least Rio: I do Rio: It sounds better when you say it Buster: You say my name like you're tasting it and me Buster: I think I'd do anything if you said it in a certain way, like Rio: I wish Rio: I know you would Rio: but I'm never gonna ask you to do anything you don't wanna do, trust me Buster: There's nothing you could ask me for that I wouldn't wanna give you Rio: Interesting Rio: I'm going to have A LOT of fun testing that Buster: Me too Rio: Now I'm distracted Buster: I'd say sorry but since you left I've woken myself up 'cause of dreaming about you so many times that I'm actually not Rio: No fair Rio: you know that's my favourite Rio: I'd help you get back to sleep, your dreams would be so sweet, like Buster: The other night I had to watch a video of you begging me to cum to make me so I could go back to sleep Rio: Fuck Rio: I love making you cum Rio: it's my favourite thing to do Buster: If I don't get to really see you soon I'm gonna go insane Buster: It's so much harder than before Rio: I know Rio: I can feel you touching me and holding me and kissing me all the time but it's never enough it's the worst kind of teasing Buster: Yeah same Rio: You'll be here soon Rio: and you only have to be a little bit social Rio: I can keep you the rest of the time Buster: I don't care if none of the others get to see my face Buster: I just want you Rio: Motivation to get a place, we can be as loud as we need Rio: 'cos I need to tell you how much I've missed you over and over Rio: and over, like Buster: I really fucking need that Rio: I know baby Buster: Whether the pub flat is occupied or not, I'll find you somewhere perfect, babe Rio: I love you Buster: I love you Buster: Everything's gonna be okay Rio: Yeah? Buster: I promise Buster: Whatever we have do to make it happen Rio: Okay Rio: I believe you Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you know I mean it Rio: You're so nice Buster: Shh Rio: You know you are Rio: I wish everyone else knew it too Buster: It's for you Buster: I don't care what anyone else thinks about me Buster: Unless you wanna tell 'em Buster: 'Cause like I said, that's hot Rio: You're silly Rio: What's so special about me Buster: I'm gonna have to work harder if you're still asking that question Rio: I wouldn't say no to you working me out right now Buster: I'm not gonna say no to that Buster: Where are you? Rio: Different club, same shit Rio: Where do you want me to be? Buster: You can stay there, we can make it work Buster: Tell me how you want me, you've had a shit night, you deserve everything you want Rio: 👑 right? Buster: You know it, baby Rio: Hmm, there's just so many ways I want you Rio: It's hard to choose Buster: Public or private? Start there Rio: If I don't get to be alone with you I want you public Buster: I like the way you think Rio: As if seeing him wasn't bad enough, every boy out here tryna prove how much they aren't you Buster: Forget them Buster: I'm right here Rio: I want to Rio: Make me Buster: [sends a video] Rio: Daddy Rio: How do you get me like this so easy Buster: 'Cause you're mine Rio: Yes Rio: Say it again Buster: You're all mine Buster: Forever Rio: Fuck Rio: I can't wait 'til you're here Rio: and we can be together all the time Buster: Me either Buster: It's the only thing keeping me sane here right now Rio: Everything is gonna be so good and so right Rio: I promise Buster: I know Rio: Not to mention you can fuck me everyday 😋 Buster: All day Rio: Well Rio: Might have to do some work baby Buster: Shh Rio: 😏 Okay Rio: all day every day Rio: I'm going to make you cum more than you've cum in your whole life Buster: I can't wait for you to prove that Rio: You won't need a video no more Rio: I'll be begging for your cum at your feet baby Buster: Jesus Rio: I want it so bad, it's all for me, isn't it daddy? Buster: You can have everything Buster: Anything Rio joined the chat 10 hours ago Rio: All I really want is you Rio: that's just how it is Rio: I wanna live good with you Buster: That's easy Rio: For you, 'cos you're the best Rio: no one has ever been this good to me Buster: It's a good thing you said yes to marrying me then Buster: 'Cause I always will so you don't need to worry about anyone else anymore Rio: I guess so Rio: How did they expect me to say no? Buster: My mum thinks I'm too young to know what I want Buster: Both hypocritical and hilarious Rio: Just one of those parental things they feel they have to say, probably Rio: when they don't know what they actually reckon Buster: Yeah Buster: Nobody in this family can just let there be a silence about anything Rio: Yeah, unless it's about Drew Buster: Literally Buster: It pisses me off,  I have to be held accountable for everything when I'm not doing anything wrong but he can do whatever he fucking likes Rio: It's a joke Rio: not even a good one Rio: I don't know why Grandad didn't fuck him up ages ago, he's far from being a kid now Buster: 'Cause he's the kind of petty cunt who'd take you down for making him look a mug Buster: Granddad's got too much to lose Rio: Yeah Rio: I know you're right Rio: I wish someone would though, Christ Buster: You should've let me Rio: What, like you've got nothing to lose? Rio: You got to break his nose, more than I did, like Buster: You could too, or worse Buster: I won't stop you, I'll help you Rio: You're funny Rio: but nah, that ain't how it goes down Rio: I just freeze Rio: I don't know why, him, Ryan, always happens Buster: Baby Rio: Don't be sad Rio: Like you said, I don't have to worry about anyone else anymore Rio: especially not them Buster: I just hate that all that shit happened to you Rio: I know Rio: I feel the same about the things that have happened to you Buster: I should have got my shit together and told you I loved you sooner Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Maybe it would've fucked shit up, who knows Buster: Okay yeah Buster: I'll take that Buster: I was a twat Rio: Awh baby 😂 Rio: I mean yeah Rio: we were all on our bullshit, just the age, idk how both our parents stayed so about each other Buster: They were both as bad as each other Buster: You were above me Rio: Please Buster: Come on Buster: Deny it Buster: You can't Rio: How good could I be Rio: I was such a hot mess, letting boys like that treat me like shit, like Buster: Shut up Buster: That wasn't your fault Rio: No one made me go out with wasteman Rio: I can own it Buster: It's not like you signed up for it Buster: You weren't there like let me find the shittest fucking prick in the 24 to get with Rio: Obviously I didn't know everything, I mean, I still thought he was alright, just a bit of a lad Rio: but there were plenty of warning signs I was happy to ignore like an idiot Rio: all his 'crazy' exes, for a start Buster: As someone who literally has a crazy 'ex' if we can give Chlo that much credit, it's not always that simple, babe Buster: You wanna see the good in people, don't let him think that's a mistake just 'cause he used it wrong Buster: make you* Rio: It's such a fucking catch 22 Rio: he knows how to play it, give him that Rio: 'cos now if I try to warn his next, I'm just one of those crazies who's actually obsessed with him, prick Buster: Yeah Buster: It'd be impressive if it wasn't so fucked Rio: You've got better game Rio: More fun Buster: Cheers, babe Buster: I'd fucking hope so, like Rio: Not high praise, fair Rio: but you already know you're the best I've ever had baby Buster: Tell me again though Buster: I love hearing it Rio: No other boy knows me like you Rio: so no other boy can turn me on like you because it's you, everything you do is my fetish, my fantasy, you're so Rio: Jesus, I need you Buster: You know no other girl knows me, yeah? End of story Buster: You're the only one Rio: So lucky Rio: seriously Rio: I'm so glad I know you, Buster Buster: I'm glad you wanna know me Rio: Of course I do Rio: I always have Rio: Why wouldn't I? Buster: I haven't really sold it before now, like Buster: Nobody else is trying that hard for a reason Rio: You were never as bad as you're saying, or think Rio: I want you to know that, no bias Buster: Shh Rio: I mean it Rio: You were just a kid Rio: it's ridiculous to judge yourself by those old standards, never mind anyone else still doing it Buster: I know what I was Buster: I can own it Rio: I'm just saying Rio: Maybe it's time to let it go Buster: Stop being right all the time Buster: So annoying Rio: You love it Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: I'm gonna look after you Buster: I wish you were here with me now Rio: Me too Rio: My poor baby Rio: You need to destress Buster: We both do Rio: We're going away as soon as we can Rio: Somewhere hot and far away and it'll just be us Buster: That's all I want for us, babe Rio: First, gotta flex your brain and get those A*s Buster: On it Buster: I've been getting decent feedback in spite of the rest of this bullshit going on Buster: It'll be easy Rio: I know, you work so hard Rio: I'm proud of you Buster: I'm proud of you too Rio: I'm not doing anything to be proud of right now but I'm gonna make you Buster: Bullshit Buster: I see you working hard, baby Buster: You've even been helping Nance do hers Rio: Anyone else would do the same Buster: Nah Buster: You're an angel and you know it Rio: Baby Rio: you make me melt Buster: Prove it Rio: Ah, so daddy wants to see how hot he's got his baby girl, yeah? Rio: Hold on, can't upskirt myself here and now for you in this outfit, sadly Buster: That's what happens when you go out with my sister Buster: Priorities, babe Rio: I'm sorry 😔 Rio: I didn't know how badly I'd need easy access without you here but I should've known you'd have be needing to touch myself Buster: Lesson learned Rio: I don't know, I still think I'll need you to really show me when you're here Rio: [Snaps] See? Such a big wet patch, so messy Buster: Christ Rio: I know Rio: You see how much I need you, daddy? Buster: I'm this close to getting on a flight so I can fulfill that need for you that's all I know Rio: Such a good daddy Rio: loves his baby so much Rio: but you can take care of me from there, that's how trained you've got me Buster: If you keep talking like this I'm not sure I'll be able to do anything Buster: You're so fucking hot Rio: That's okay, I can do it Rio: I'm a big girl, let baby do all the hardwork and you just lie back and enjoy the show Buster: How do you not know that you're perfect? Rio: I know you think I am Rio: and that makes me so happy Buster: I don't think it, I know it Rio: Every time you say that, it makes me tighter Rio: I wish it was your cock inside me instead of my fingers so you could feel how good I feel Buster: Soon baby Rio: I know Rio: I try to be patient but you know I'm bad at taking my time when you're not telling me to Buster: It's okay, I feel it too Buster: I just fucking need you Rio: You've got me Rio: I'm fucking myself for you so hard Buster: Yeah you are Buster: You're gonna cum for me so hard too Rio: Is that what you want, daddy? You want me to make an even bigger mess for you?  I'm so fucking needy and helpless right now, your baby girl is whimpering your name, anyone can come in hear how fucking much you own her Buster: It's exactly what I want Rio: Good, I wanna be your good girl, I wanna make you as happy as you make me Rio: and I feel like I'm gonna squirt, so it's going to be loud and messy in here Buster: Fuck Buster: I wanna see you so badly Buster: You look so fucking beautiful like this Rio: I'm recording for you best I can Rio: so you can enjoy it whenever you miss me Buster: Oh god Buster: The sound I just made then Buster: I've never been happier about the layout of this house 'cause I swear if you turn me on anymore I could still wake my dad up Rio: I can't be sorry Rio: the way you moan could make me cum by itself Buster: I'll record it for you 'cause I know even with all the others you have of me you can't get enough Rio: I can't, I wanna hear every time I get you off Rio: it's only right Rio: You're moaning my name, fucking yourself to the thought of me and my body Buster: Every word you say gets me closer, I can't get over it Buster: You're so Buster: I don't even have any words, like Rio: I don't wanna waste a single one Rio: if I'm not telling you how good you are and how good you make me feel, what's the point? Buster: You're too good Rio: It's all for you Rio: No one else Buster: Good, I need it all Rio: My whole body is yours, daddy Rio: nah, all of me, heart, soul, whatever the fuck else, me, I'm for you Buster: Rio Buster: I don't know how this happened but I'm so fucking glad it did Rio: Me either Rio: it just did Rio: but it feels right, like it's how it was always meant to be Buster: It does Buster: I don't have any fucking clue how I ever got this far without you Rio: I know Rio: I barely function without you now and it's like Rio: I hadn't seen you properly for so long before, then there was so much waiting and wanting before anything even happened Buster: Yeah Buster: Stay with me, okay Buster: No matter what Rio: Of course Rio: I need to Buster: I love you Rio: I love you so much Buster Buster: Say my name again Rio: Buster Rio: My Buster Buster: Every time I reckon I can't moan any louder you do something to prove me wrong Rio: Good, be loud with me Buster: For you Rio: You're such a good boy Rio: know just what to say to make me go harder Rio: deeper Buster: I need you to cum Buster: Do it for me Rio: Yes, keep going Rio: Tell me what to do, I'm so fucking close Buster: Stop being a tease and go harder Rio: Oh God Buster: You know how you want it Rio: I do, I want it to be so good it hurts Rio: I love it when I make you lose control like that and you fuck me like the whore I am Buster: I need you to feel it tomorrow when you're back home celebrating with the fam Buster: Don't forget about me Rio: Baby that's so fucked up Rio: I fucking love it Buster: Do it then Rio: Yes sir Rio: I'm not as good as you but I'm really trying Buster: You're so good baby Buster: Don't stop trying Rio: Can I leave bruises Rio: as I'm pretending to be you Buster: If you can Buster: I want you to Rio: I don't know how I haven't been kicked out Rio: I'm nearly screaming Buster: Maybe they're all enjoying it too Rio: I like that, Jesus Buster: Or maybe they know you couldn't stop even if they tried to make you Rio: Seriously Rio: There's no way I can now Buster: Don't Buster: Finish what you started Rio: I promise Rio: I'm not going to do you like that daddy, I know you need your baby to cum so you can too Buster: Please Rio: You've earnt it Rio: If you were here I would reward you with letting you cum wherever you want Rio: before letting you clean mine up, of course Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Where do you wanna cum, daddy? Buster: You know how good your tits look tonight dressed like that Buster: Easy decision Rio: Mmm, I like that one too Rio: means I can look you in the eyes when I lick up every drop Buster: Baby Rio: Yes daddy? Buster: You've got me so desperate Rio: Is your cock leaking precum for me? Buster: Jesus, I'm so close right now Rio: Please cum for me, I want it so badly Rio: I'll do anything to make you cum, daddy, anything Buster: I'm making so much noise for you Buster: I just wanna cum Rio: Let go, baby Rio: I bet your Dad has already heard you Rio: it's okay Buster: I bet half the street has heard me by now Buster: Lose control with me Rio: Fuck Buster: You make me feel so good Rio: You're my favourite person Buster: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Rio Rio: Marry me Buster: You're gonna be the best wife Rio: Yeah? Buster: Seriously Buster: I can't wait until you are Rio: Baby Buster: I can't believe you want that as much as I do Rio: Really bad Rio: to be honest, the way everyone's gone on made me wanna do it now just to piss them off Buster: I'll marry you now Rio: I know Rio: but fuck doing it for anyone but us really Buster: I know you're right Buster: Again Rio: We'll do it whenever we want though Buster: 'Course Buster: You're the only one who gets to tell me what to do, babe Rio: I'm not gonna spring a wedding on you though Rio: even if I want your name Buster: You do? Rio: Of course Rio: You know I do Buster: That's so hot Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck it, let's get married now Rio: You're so cute Buster: You are Rio: I want to show you off though Rio: don't reckon our turn-out would be all that hot right now Buster: We can have more than one Buster: Your parents did Rio: Well, their first didn't count but Buster: Still Buster: I'll marry you every year if you want Rio: You're killing me Rio: and making it sound like a good idea Buster: We have to do something for our anniversary, yeah? Why not, like? Buster: You can have a different dress for every one, that'd kill me Rio: and bankrupt you 😏 Buster: You wish, babe Buster: I'm gonna be a rich hot shot lawyer soon Rio: Yeah, I think I wish that more, babe Rio: 😻 Buster: So will you? Rio: Are you asking me to marry you again? Buster: Marry me now and then marry me again Rio: Can we? Buster: I want to, so if you want to Buster: Don't say yeah just 'cause I'm an impatient prick though Rio: I want to Buster: Just me and you? Rio: Yeah Buster: Where do you wanna go? I'll take you anywhere in the world Rio: I'll start looking Rio: This summer is going to be perfect Buster: It will Rio: I love you so much Buster Rio: I don't know how to say it in a way that explains how much anymore Buster: I know Buster: I feel the same about you Buster: And I always will Rio: I miss you Buster: I miss you too Buster: I'm sleepy and I want you here Rio: Baby Rio: if you can stay up a little bit longer, I'll facetime you when I get home Buster: Alright Rio: Nance already left off for home apparently so I've just gotta get a cab myself now so I won't be long Buster: I'm not gonna ask if she's alone, I don't wanna know Rio: I didn't ask for specifics Buster: If she tells you, don't tell me, like Rio: 🤐 Rio: 'Course Buster: I'm worried about her Buster: Don't tell her I said that either, obviously Rio: I'm not stupid, or that much of a blabbermouth Rio: You are? Buster: Like, okay worried might be a strong word but Buster: Going out, drinking, hooking up that isn't her, that's me Rio: I know what you mean Rio: but I think it's a case of, look where being me got me Rio: she's just trying things out, she's still her, she's sensible enough not to get too lost in it Buster: I don't want her to have more regrets just 'cause she reckons with all the shit that happened she has to be someone else Buster: I don't know Buster: Maybe I'm the stupid one, yeah? Rio: No, no Rio: It makes sense, I'm worried too but Rio: I don't think there's anything you can do, or any of us Rio: it's something she's gotta do, you know? Buster: Yeah Buster: At least she can't get pregnant Buster: Thank fuck for that Rio: I know Rio: The gays truly have that working in their favour Buster: And Indie's single now, right? Buster: I like our odds at keeping everyone out of too much shit Rio: Yeah Rio: Thank fuck again Rio: Bless 'em Rio: Heartbreak's a bitch Buster: Do I need to add him to my list of people to sort when I'm back home? Buster: 'Cause you know I will Rio: Stop being so hot Buster: If it matters to you then it matters to me Buster: We're a team, babe Rio: You're so daddy rn Rio: but seriously Rio: he's just a stupid kid, like a cunt but he didn't really do anything wrong you know Rio: it just weren't what she thought it would be Buster: Been there Buster: Not that I was ever leading girls on but you know Rio: It happens Buster: And sometimes being as honest as you've gotta fucks them over still Rio: Yeah, that's what I don't wanna ask her Rio: Sometimes you just want a thing a certain way, he might not have been selling it as that ever, idk Rio: like Nance really thinking her teach might be into it Buster: Yeah Buster: And my mum thinking I'm gonna wake up and realize I'm just not that into you Rio: Gotta get you worked up when she's in, clearly Rio: then she'd get it Buster: Probably not a good idea Buster: But I wouldn't be mad about it personally Rio: 😏 Buster: She's just obsessed with uni that's all Buster: Not like she can put pressure on Nance to go to Havard or Oxford or wherever so Rio: I'd get it more if I was stopping you from going, like Rio: show me where I said that Rio: I wouldn't Buster: She's losing her mind that I'm going to Trinity 'cause its not top for Law Buster: I've never cared about that Buster: I can succeed anywhere Buster: You're not the only 'distraction' she wants me to walk away from Chlo's kid too even if its also mine Buster: That's just how it is with her Rio: She knows it ain't that easy Rio: No offence but you wouldn't be here if it was that cut and dry Buster: Everything was a fight for her, it's easy for me so I have to do even better than she did Buster: Dad too Buster: Not make their 'mistakes' Rio: Damn Rio: does she realise how cold that sounds or? Buster: Have you met her? Buster: Babe she is cold Rio: Yeah but to say that to your face Rio: Jesus Buster: Maybe you don't get to go through all the shit she did and stay warm Buster: Or maybe that's just how she had to be to handle it, I don't know Rio: Probably Rio: I'm not trying to talk shit on her Rio: I just care about you too Buster: I know how it sounds, but it's not personal, she'd be like this if it was any other girl too Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Buster: And like it or not, I'm her only living son so Buster: I'll thrive under the pressure like always Rio: I know you will baby Rio: but you're allowed to not be perfect when you're with me, you know that, yeah? Buster: Please, you know I am perfect Rio: Yeah Rio: even if you weren't, I'd still stay Buster: You're gonna make me cry Buster: Behave Rio: That's allowed too, like Buster: Shh Buster: You're so nice to me Buster: And so cute Rio: Because you're nice Buster: It's so weird sometimes Buster: Remember when we weren't Rio: I know Rio: even then though, I knew you weren't as bad as you were fronting Rio: 'cos know-it-all first and foremost Buster: 'Course Buster: You had me all figured out, didn't you, babe? Rio: What, you think you were such an enigma? 😉 Buster: Well, yeah Rio: Awh baby Rio: shoulda left you living that fantasy Buster: Nah Buster: I prefer this one we're in Rio: Got to agree Buster: Good Rio: Town is so busy tonight, only just got a cab Buster: Do I need to get a coffee, like? Rio: You can go to sleep baby Rio: don't stay up on my behalf Buster: I'm just playing Buster: It's okay Rio: Hate to be distracting, you know Buster: Obviously Buster: I'm always saying that about you Rio: So you should be Rio: Very serious about your education Rio: who taught you how to kiss, like Buster: Damn I should have led with that argument when I was chatting to mum Rio: Missed a trick Rio: Keep it PG though, she ain't need to know everything I taught you Buster: Not with my competitive streak 'cause I'd have to let her know I've taught you just as much Buster: A very unnecessary convo Rio: Truly Rio: but I'm enjoying reminiscing very much Buster: I'm glad I kissed you that day finally Buster: I'd wanted to for ages before it Rio: Good thing you got dared to then so you couldn't bottle it Rio: I can't even remember who dared you now Buster: That annoying fucker who was always hanging around us Buster: What the hell was his name even? Rio: Oh I know who you mean Buster: He so reckoned I wouldn't do it Buster: He only dared me 'cause he was too scared to tell you that he liked you himself Rio: Awh Rio: he was probably gutted Buster: An irresistible heartbreaker even then, babe Buster: I know he was gutted 'cause he stopped hanging around, remember? Rio: Now I feel bad Rio: Would track him down but like, not got good news for you lad Buster: What so you'd have rather kissed him? Buster: Rude Rio: Obviously not Rio: could be the one that got away though Buster: 😒 Buster: If you wanna go marry him, like Rio: I'm tryna facebook him but I really can't remember his name at all Rio: I keep thinking J something but maybe that's just 'cos he was a twat too like a certain someone Buster: We all called him that same nickname but I can't even remember that Buster: Unlucky for you Rio: I'm gutted, like Rio: You cockblocking me forever Buster: You will only go to gay club lately Buster: Can't blame me for that Rio: Yeah, know you wouldn't stand in the way of that, babe Buster: I'm considerate like that Rio: You're a pervert like that Rio: it's okay, save you from the male gaze rant/your sister Buster: Cheers Buster: I've already had some drunk texts from her Rio: Maybe she did go home alone after-all Rio: anything worth hearing? Buster: They're hard to read Buster: I honestly don't know how that girl understood enough to wanna hit her up way back when Rio: Not gonna go there, you'll only get grumpy Buster: What is that meant to mean? Rio: There's plenty of ways to get wanna fuck understood, like Rio: ☛👌 Buster: It's Nance I don't reckon she went about it like that Rio: You reckon she sent her a poem Rio: She didn't even like her, like Buster: Shut up Buster: She's so awkward she can't even order her own coffee if we go out to breakfast Rio: Yeah, not drunk Nance though Buster: I'll take your word for that 'cause all I've seen her do then is wanna fight me Rio: You know Buster: Did she even fuck that girl though? Like you're saying she could've all but sent her nudes but like Rio: Apparently so Buster: She told you that or are you using your skills? Rio: Yeah, she told me Buster: Alright Rio: I didn't ask if that was her first time but sad if it was because she wasn't into it Buster: It would've been I know that much about her life, like Rio: Oh, that's shit Buster: Like I said, I'm worried Buster: But she ain't gonna talk about this to me Rio: I can try again Buster: I don't know Buster: Like you said, it's sad Buster: Do we wanna go there? Rio: Yeah, she might not want to Rio: I'll keep an eye best I can and be there how she wants but you know Buster: Yeah Rio: I'm sorry I didn't clock it Rio: I should've Buster: Don't Buster: You don't need to blame yourself for anything Buster: We don't even know the full story anyway, like Rio: Yeah Buster: Talk to her if it'll put your mind at ease Rio: I'm alright, just Rio: No one ever has a good time, you know Buster: Yeah Buster: Are we all cursed in this fam or what? Rio: I think it's weirdly standard, I don't know why Rio: impatience strikes again, probably Buster: True Buster: I know it did for me Buster: I had a good time until she dumped me after though Rio: Yeah Rio: Bit like Indie Rio: It's not the worst, I guess Buster: Had Indie not been with lads before him? Buster: I thought she had Rio: Not all the way Buster: I just assumed, I guess Buster: She's always got them around her, like Rio: Nah, those are just her mates Buster: Makes sense Rio: Yeah, she's not really one for other girl's company in general Buster: You'd never know it to see her with you Rio: Yeah well I'm great Buster: Obviously Buster: That's why I miss you so much Rio: Duh Buster: How far from home are you now? Rio: Not far now, promise Rio: 5 minutes Buster: I don't wanna go to sleep without seeing you Rio: I know baby, I can't do it either Buster: How did we ever? Rio: I've never slept well Buster: Me either, honestly Buster: It's hard to switch off Rio: Yeah Rio: Same Rio: I've never slept like I do when you're there Rio: not just because you've worn me out too Buster: If that worked I would have always slept well, like Buster: I used to drink and fuck so much Buster: It's always been different with you Buster: Remember when we fell asleep together before any of this Rio: Yeah Rio: Trying to look after me even then Buster: I've always tried to do that Buster: Wanted to Rio: I know Rio: even when I didn't appreciate it Buster: I behaved worse to you Buster: I don't know why you ever talked to me after some of the shit I said Buster: Well, I do, but Rio: You know, heard it all before Buster: Rio Rio: Hm? Buster: I hate that anyone has ever talked to you like that, me included Rio: It's alright Buster: It's not Rio: Well, I don't care now Rio: it is what it is Rio: easy target Buster: I'm never gonna hurt you again, okay Buster: Or let anyone else either Rio: I believe you Buster: Good 'cause I mean it Rio: You didn't mean any of it, did you? Buster: Baby Buster: Of course not Rio: Okay Rio: Good Buster: Did you really think I ever did? Buster: Seriously Rio: I wouldn't blame you Buster: Fuck Rio: Don't Buster: I have to Rio: Forget about it Rio: you didn't mean it, it's fine Buster: No Rio: Babe Buster: What? Rio: Sorry Buster: Don't apologise Buster: I should be Rio: You have and it's okay Buster: It's not good enough Rio: I say it is Rio: but what do you want to do to make it okay then? Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: This is on me, not you Rio: No it isn't Rio: it's my bullshit Buster: I still have to own what I did and what I made you feel like Rio: It's not like this came from you, is it Buster: That doesn't mean I'm fucking excused, like Rio: You didn't mean it, you apologized Rio: I'm not asking for more Buster: You never do Rio: Are you judging me for that now? Buster: I'm not judging you for any of this Rio: Then accept my acceptance Buster: Fine Rio: I wish I'd not brought it up now Buster: You never wanna bring it up Buster: Have we even talked about any of this since you were high on Drew's mystery stash, like? Rio: Why would I want to? Rio: You wouldn't wanna sit here and talk about your flaws Buster: I'm not saying you have to Rio: Yes you are Buster: I was just asking the question, Christ Buster: Don't get mad at me Rio: Whatever, I want to drop it Buster: Like I said, fine Rio: It isn't fine if you're gonna be pissy is it Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm not pissy I'm upset that you're carrying this bullshit around with you Rio: We've all got our own shit Buster: Obviously Rio: Just please can we forget about it Rio: I'm home now Buster: I'm not trying to upset you that's literally the opposite of what I was trying to do Buster: So yeah if you want Rio: Just Rio: you can't fix everything for me, babe, especially not tonight Buster: I know Buster: I'm just tired, alright Buster: I'm being dramatic Rio: Just taking off my makeup and getting comfy then I'll call you Buster: You still want to? Rio: Of course Rio: don't you want me to Buster: Of course I do Buster: But I get if you're pissed off at me Rio: Shh Rio: I'm not Rio: You're only trying to be gentlemanly and noble, as per, I'm not mad at you Rio: just myself Buster: I don't want you to be mad at yourself either though Rio: That's okay, I'll feel better when we snuggle Buster: I love you, Rio Buster: I'll be less of an annoying prick when we're together again Buster: I swear Rio: I feel it Rio: There'll be no room for miscommunication Buster: I'll do my best to make sure its hard for you to talk Rio: Promises promises Buster: You can hold me to it Buster: You know I really wanna hold you Rio: I know Rio: I want that so bad Rio: you make me feel so safe Buster: Soon Buster: I'm gonna look after you, baby Rio: You always do Buster: I try anyway Rio: You do Rio: Don't question it Buster: Okay Rio: Promise? Buster: I promise Buster: I believe you Rio: Good Rio: Okay, I'm in bed Buster: Good Buster: Call me Rio: 🧡
0 notes
Rio & Buster
Rio: Nancy is fun but she is so sad Buster: The fact that you're calling her fun, even if you retract it, shows me how gone you are Rio: How gone she is Rio: but she's home safe Buster: Well, cheers Buster: We all know she shouldn't drink. Can't like Rio: Not really a case of being good or bad Rio: not when needs must Rio: don't reckon my experience sneaking saved her from your 'rents but doubt they'll kick her whilst she's down, like Buster: They'll get over it Buster: Hardly the first or worst sin Rio: Ain't them I'm worried about tbh Buster: Be weird if you were, like Rio: What else is new Rio: Weirdo Buster: Shhh Rio: You love it Rio: what are you doing Buster: Talking to you now Buster: Telling you to drink some water Rio: I ain't the amateur Buster: Me either Buster: So listen to me Rio: You got anything worth saying tonight? Buster: Depends on what you wanna hear, babe Rio: How you been Buster: Standard Rio: Christ Buster: What do you want me to say? Buster: That I feel like shit? Is that better Rio: Least it's making conversation Rio: was hoping for better but you know take what I can get at this point Buster: Babe Rio: Forget about it Rio: talk to your sister Rio: not now Rio: but do it Buster: So what you're just gonna go back to telling me what to do like you never stopped? Rio: Yeah Rio: and what Rio: I'm right Buster: How are you right? Buster: What the fuck is trying to talk to Nance gonna do? Rio: For starters you can tell her you don't hate her Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Why would I do that? Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: cos that's what she reckons Rio: and i figure you want to put a stop to that no Buster: She doesn't reckon that Rio: Yeah Rio: she does Buster: Shut up Buster: She's just being dramatic. I can't blame her for that one Rio: You did fuck her bully Buster: Behave Buster: They were friends and they fell out and things got out of hand, like Buster: You don't have to join her in being dramatic Rio: Give me strength Rio: this is why you two need to talk Rio: not how it was like, remotely, not for her Buster: Leave it alone Rio: Whatever Buster: Not whatever. It's bullshit and the past and I'm asking you to Rio: Isn't going to make the problem go away Rio: but sure thing Buster: Yeah well it's my problem and she's my sister Buster: Not yours Rio: Yeah well act like it then Buster: What 'cause I'm not mothering and smothering, I ain't Buster: That's your way not the only way Rio: How's yours working for you? Buster: It's none of your business Buster: Act like it Rio: Is when I have to console your sister 'cos of the shit you've done Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: Was she begging you? No Buster: You put yourself in the middle of it 'cause that's where you wanna be Rio: Alright then, I wanted to 'cos I'm not a massive cunt Rio: Don't lash out at me 'cos you're angry at yourself and feeling sorry Buster: You wanted to 'cause anything not to deal with your own shit and how you feel Rio: My shit really ain't no concern of yours Buster: If that's how you want it Rio: Yeah Rio: keep telling yourself this is all how I want it Rio: not how you've got it Buster: It is how you want it though, babe Buster: We're stopped talking 'cause you wanted space and we're talking now 'cause you wanna have a go at me Buster: None of my choice in it Rio: Sure Rio: You're just a blameless angel who deserves none of this Rio: My bad Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I know what I did and if you wanna punish me forever you can, but I'm not gonna pretend that's how I want things to be Rio: Yeah 'cos I'm loving this Buster: I never said you are Buster: But you're doing it Rio: It's a reaction Rio: there's no want about it Rio: it is what it is Rio: deal with it Rio: i'm trying Buster: I'm here, aren't I? Buster: I am dealing with it Rio: Good Rio: I'm glad Buster: You should be 'cause if I wasn't dealing I'd be at your door Rio: that meant to make me feel better Buster: Yeah Rio: Fucking hell Rio: you're so clueless Buster: Fuck that Buster: I am not Rio: You are Rio: completely clueless Buster: I'm not having that Rio: Well I'm out here spitting nothing but truth and wisdom and you ain't having that either Rio: whaddya want me to do boy Buster: You wish, babe Buster: Truth maybe, but hardly life lessons Rio: Please Rio: just 'cos you don't wanna hear it Buster: No I don't Buster: I've got enough bullshit in between my ears without you adding to it Rio: If you fucking talk about it Rio: it'll clear some space Rio: 'nother hot tip Buster: Sure, I'll get Granddad to stick the kettle on so I can pop round and spit some truth at him Buster: Fuck that Rio: Priorities Rio: he's fine without your chat Rio: you know who you gotta chat to pussy Buster: Fuck you Buster: Just drop it Rio: Good luck you trying that approach yourself Buster: Go to bed, Rio Buster: You've done your good deed for the night already Rio: Shut up Rio: I'm not tired you wish Buster: I will if you will Buster: Like you said, it's a reaction Buster: Shut up to shut me up Rio: Nah Buster: Then get new chat Buster: You're wasting your time saying it Rio: idc Rio: slow night Buster: At least you can't blame me for that as well Buster: Wrong twin, like Rio: I told you she's a laugh Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: I get it Rio: she ain't your biggest fan either, like Rio: which was fun, btw, fuck you Buster: Fun you decided to have Buster: I didn't twist your arm Buster: I didn't even know you were out so don't start on me Rio: it ain't a decision how many times Rio: i can't just ignore her when she's hurt like Rio: not got the distance Buster: You don't have to seek it out Buster: Not like you live with her Buster: Or go to school with her either Rio: She's family Rio: don't fool me Buster: So what? Buster: She's stuck with me, I don't have to make it worse for her by showing up and vice versa Rio: Impressive you've got it in you to do worse Buster: Cheers Rio: Very welcome Buster: Are mum and dad there still? Rio: Last I checked, yeah Rio: why Buster: 'Cause you said Nance was home Buster: You know her track record when she's had a few Rio: Yeah, they were there then Rio: she's fine Buster: Alright Rio: Yep, told you, not fooled Rio: leave you to your evening now though Buster: Fine Buster: Drink that water though Rio: Lame Rio: we're going on to another club Rio: or party idk Buster: Don't they have taps that far into the 24? Buster: Still doable Rio: Boring Rio: what can i get you darling Rio: oh a tap water Rio: sexy Buster: like you couldn't make it sexy Buster: come on Buster: try harder, babe Rio: fuck off Rio: need all the help i can get Buster: No you don't Rio: do tonight Buster: I'm not buying it Rio: good thing i ain't trying to get you to buy rn then Buster: Yeah Buster: Sure you'll still be a hit wherever you end up Buster: It's only the 24 after all Rio: Right? Rio: Always got Ryan to hit up when it gets real desperate ay Buster: That's not funny Rio: Neither are you Buster: I'm not trying to be Buster: If you're not fooled I'm not gonna bother playing the fool for you, am I Rio: Just a dick then? Rio: Fun Buster: Complain all you want now but you had your fun with that when it suited you Rio: Heaven forbid anyone ever calls you out on your shit Buster: You've been there and done it Buster: It's the same old shit Buster: Sorry to disappoint but I haven't actually fucked up again yet since we spoke last Rio: Sorry I ain't impressed when you're doing fuck all to sort what you did last Buster: Says you Rio: Sort of given yourself away Rio: even if Nance hadn't told me Rio: but go off Buster: What's a give away is that the only way to sort things between me and her is to leave each other alone Rio: Ignore the problem and hope it goes away Rio: especially if its her who does it right, you can feel left all over again Rio: brilliant Buster: Fuck you Rio: You could do better Rio: you both could Buster: So could everyone Buster: That's life Buster: I'm not gonna pick at wounds until they open up over and over again and pretend I'm fixing things Rio: What happened to the best? Rio: And I need to try harder Buster: You can always do better Buster: Truth and wisdom, babe Rio: You might be clueless but don't act like you're fucking hopeless and helpless too Buster: I ain't Rio: Of course not Buster: You want me to apologize for my high standards now? Rio: What standards? Rio: The ones you hold yourself to or your conquests, either way Rio: hardly aspirational Buster: Hilarious Buster: Well done on keeping it fun, like Rio: Like you said Rio: weren't complaining were you Buster: I'm still not Buster: You're the one dead set on it Rio: That's all you've done this entire conversation don't lie Buster: How do you work that out? Rio: Slow night or not Rio: don't need to sit here and pick out all the best insults Buster: Then don't Rio: Shame for your work to go to waste Rio: but there it is, no doubt i'll remember 'em still though Buster: Good luck with that Buster: All the best, like Rio: Piss off Rio: not above a reread anyway Buster: More fool you Rio: make it easier to keep ignoring you Buster: Like I said, good luck etc Rio: I hate you Buster: Understandable Buster: Stick with Nance, you're in good company there Rio: why don't you care Buster: I do Rio: then fucking show it Buster: I am Rio: if i can't tell Rio: and she can't tell Rio: then it isn't working is it Buster: You can tell Buster: And she doesn't want to Rio: you both just want it on your terms and won't budge an inch Buster: Yeah well Buster: Like you said, it is what it is Rio: For God's sake Rio: Buster Buster: What? Rio: Just.. why is everything fucked Buster: 'Cause of me Buster: It's that simple, like it or not Rio: No Rio: if only Buster: Yes. I fucked it. You didn't and Nance didn't Rio: Nah Rio: She's fancied her, loved her, whatever for years Rio: and same here so Rio: not like we didn't play our parts Rio: and its everyone Rio: all the time Rio: its all fucked Buster: You reckon? Rio: Yeah Buster: Then why bother. With any of it Buster: You still do though Rio: Someone has to Rio: What's the alternative? Rio: Be like Drew Buster: If it's all fucked anyway then why does someone have to? Buster: Why does it have to be you? Buster: It's cause you know it isn't Buster: Not everything and not all the time Rio: Just hoping to get into heaven still Rio: loves a trier, remember Buster: At least when you do you won't have to put up with me any more Buster: Worth it for that, yeah? Rio: Shut up Rio: stupid Buster: Not all the time Rio: Don't say things like that Buster: Like what? Rio: About you being gone Rio: 'less you really want me to have a panic attack in this car, like Buster: Babe Buster: Come on Rio: I mean it Rio: not even jokes Buster: Okay calm down Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Hmm Rio: better be Buster: I don't say things I don't mean, remember Rio: even the horrible things Buster: I mean them when I say them Buster: My anger does Buster: but Rio: Yeah Rio: it's alright Rio: least you're honest Buster: It's not really alright Buster: But bit late to try and change my ways now, like Rio: Dramatic Rio: not even 18 Rio: you won't be this twat for life, babe Rio: don't worry Buster: You've met my parents Buster: You can't say that with any certainty Rio: Rude Rio: and maybe they were even worse before Rio: shock horror Buster: Now that's funny Buster: I knew you were capable Buster: Sometimes Rio: Just gotta stop taking yourself so serious, McKenna Rio: trust Buster: Says you Buster: I saw your snaps, serious business trying to straighten my sister out Rio: 😂 Rio: there goes my conversion camp idea Buster: I don't reckon she'll be your poster child, nah Buster: But don't give up Buster: Plenty of gays in Dublin Rio: Spread the good word Rio: thank god we've left the gay club Rio: that's a bit brazen, even for me Buster: 😂 Buster: Your t-shirt slogan taking on a homophobic meaning like Buster: Even me, massive hero I always am, would struggle to save you there Rio: 😏 Catch me getting disowned forreal for that one Buster: Same Rio: Hoping you wouldn't see that snap though Rio: spot on with try harder but like 😬 Buster: Shut up Buster: You know you look good Rio: Ha Rio: only got Nance's skills with the 📷 to thank for that then Buster: Bullshit Buster: You look beautiful like always Rio: Now you can go to bed Rio: Your gentlemanly act outta the way too Buster: shh Buster: I'm being real Rio: Shh Buster: I don't want to Rio: If it's any consolation, I don't want you to either Buster: Rio Rio: Buster Buster: You should go Rio: Right Rio: 'course Buster: Go have fun now you've ditched my boring sister, like Rio: Idiot Buster: I'm serious Buster: Lightweight and dead weight on a night out Rio: Want me to do you the favour of pretending you've got a clue? Buster: Don't do me any Rio: Yeah right Rio: If I was really in the business of doing you favours, I wouldn't be replying so Buster: And I'm the one who hasn't got a clue, yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: Getting tragic, honestly Buster: Fuck off, honestly Rio: See? Rio: You want it so bad Buster: Shut up Rio: Make me Buster: You wish Rio: 'Course Buster: Get a clue, kid Rio: Ain't sharing with you if I do Buster: Very mature and polite Rio: Never too late to change, babe Buster: If you say so Buster: Still a know it all, obviously Buster: That ain't changing any time soon then? Rio: Can't unknow shit Rio: Better or worse, like Buster: Good Buster: Pretty shit being clueless, not that I'd know, like Rio: You reckon? Rio: Ignorance is bliss, supposedly Buster: I don't buy it Buster: Happiness is expensive and how many idiots do you know with plenty of cash Rio: Can name a few, honestly Rio: but that's pure 🍀 Buster: Exactly Buster: And they know it so not so stupid, at least not entirely Rio: Would be the first time you've been on his side Buster: What? Rio: Talking about Drew, obviously Rio: he's made quite the life out of being an idiot Buster: Firstly, I thought you loved him again now Buster: and secondly, not that much of an idiot given he's still standing Buster: It's everyone else who gets hurt not him Buster: Some would call that a smart move Rio: Can still think, fuck it, KNOW, he's dumb Rio: people who don't know how sad and fucked up he is, maybe Buster: Yeah Buster: So most people, 'cause who's in his inner circle Buster: Nobody Rio: And why would you care what they think if they ain't even good enough to be in your circle? Rio: Irrelevant Buster: Exactly Rio: Are we agreeing now or what? Rio: I don't think that's allowed Buster: No takebacks Rio: Wow, coming for my gig being childish too Buster: It's a time for firsts, obviously Rio: Hmm Rio: Don't know if that's a bad or good thing Buster: Well, since we were being childish I was gonna ask if you wanna play truth or dare but fine Buster: It's a no from you Rio: Nuuh Rio: I wanna play Buster: Alright Buster: Truth or dare, babe? Rio: Truth Buster: Are you gonna drink your water or not? Buster: I'm invested here Rio: 😂 Rio: 'Course, this skin routine's worth shit if I don't get my 8 glasses Buster: Well that's a relief Buster: I'll be able to sleep easy tonight now Rio: You're ridiculous but it's your turn Buster: So ask me Rio: Truth or dare? Buster: Dare obviously Buster: Not an amateur Rio: Neither am I, for the record Rio: Hmm Buster: 'Course not, babe Buster: Such a pro Rio: I dare you to talk to your sister Buster: Seriously? Rio: Yeah, deadly, like Buster: Fine Buster: [sends a pic of the text so she knows he sent it] Rio: 👍 Rio: Impressive Buster: Don't act like I ain't always Buster: Which one do you want then? Rio: I'm picking dare so I don't have to confirm or deny the above Buster: Where are you first before I decide Rio: It was a house party in the end Buster: I dare you to go up to someone and tell them how you feel about me Rio: I don't know how you want me to document that bar sending you a picture of their utter confusion and horror but Rio: okay Buster: You'll figure it out Rio: [Sends video of random saying hi Buster] Rio: There Buster: For that you'll get a truth from me Rio: Okay Rio: Are you having a good night? Buster: I wasn't but now I am Rio: Good Rio: Truth me Buster: Why did you really go out tonight? Rio: Was a lot to cheer Nancy up, and she asked so, couldn't say no Rio: but being able to get wasted and not be alone is an obvious bonus Buster: Babe you're not alone Rio: A bit Rio: feels like it in comparison anyway, yeah? Buster: You don't have to be wasted to talk to me Buster: You know that, yeah? Buster: I'm still here for you, whatever Rio: At least I have an excuse then Rio: rather than just wanting to Buster: You never need an excuse with me Buster: You're not the one who did anything wrong Rio: But I'm doing it all wrong if I just forgive you, aren't I Buster: If it feels wrong to you, yeah Buster: But if not, I always wanna talk to you Rio: It feels wrong not talking to you Buster: Then talk to me Buster: Even if all you wanna say is something annoying Rio: Ha Rio: You've got that covered, babe Buster: Rude Buster: I was gonna say give me another truth but if you don't wanna hear it Rio: Okay okay Rio: one last one 'cos everyone's getting annoyed with me Rio: Do you still want to be with me? Buster: Yeah Buster: It's all I want Rio: Okay Rio: Now I know Buster: Did you honestly not know that I'd get on a plane in a second if you told me that's what you wanted? Rio: Hey, I didn't pick Buster: I know but you have to know that, Rio Rio: I do Rio: but I know you've got to focus so I can't tell you that Rio: it wouldn't be fair Buster: No it wouldn't be fair 'cause I'm sober and you're not Buster: And if I did come and see you I wouldn't want you to feel bad about it Rio: Babe Buster: Just tell me you want me tomorrow if you still do Rio: I will Rio: don't think I don't if I don't, alright? Buster: It's like you always said, I won't hold you to shit you say right now Buster: Except the truths, of course Rio: I said some mean things didn't I Buster: It doesn't matter Rio: It does Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Don't Buster: I've said and done worse to you Rio: Doesn't mean I get a free pass to do the same Rio: or does it 'cos might need to cash that in I can feel the regret already Buster: I think it means exactly that Buster: At least Rio: Good stuff Rio: I don't wanna go Buster: You can stay Rio: What you gonna stay with me 'til I fall asleep like before Buster: Yeah Buster: If you want me to Rio: I really do Buster: Tell me when you're home Buster: I'll call you Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too
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