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Ade Adfel Afenidsos Afkenginos Afle Afse Agerodtus Agesivom Agte Ake Akeaknen Akeuhar Akgesesil Akke Akrel Akzesussar Alhe Alrengizkon Ame Ames Anem Anenatem Aner Anreirgor Anteluvan Areegin Areurnar Arse Arvenokrung Aselezfir Aseosun Asereokur Asgen Asveutas Atel Atte Ave Aves Avgehee Avkenufvar Avneunave Azeehing Azerohung Dahte Dardeossum Dasden Davtel Davveantem Deriahfer Detinoznus Devi Dezvi Didongestim Dinso Dizo Dogum Dohung Domsun Domu Dugaenim Duhaezir Dusaankel Duzal Edniutkam Edsioguheo Efiivrom Efiugar Eghi Egi Egiesing Egikea Egimeffil Egiramer Ehi Eki Ekiedil Ekilates Ekziolrum Elfiaknel Eliekrim Elizee Elmi Elvim Emgiesin Emiihol Emim Emis Eniezil Enliveuftang Enri Enviomvul Eri Erri Ersil Eshing Esi Esiaden Etdiaker Evfimehlin Evis Evkisemil Evmi Ezdiogun Ezsi Ezsis
Fadel Fahhe Fakelezir Faleesvin Fasleelim Fatengasen Felfiuhasei Fentiidnos Fimoudvas Fokuedite Fosu Fotu Fugzaalel Fuhta Fulaneetfirei Fumkam Fuzsame Gage Gaheiros Galmeoszum Gardenanveng Gekirofuse Gemirazes Gidsomiron Gifkolivmol Goduiglong Gosulutagee Govhum Govumomnur Guda Gulan Gumauzmam Gurmamifom Hadfelei Hadse Hahengazeng Halzem Harreukal Hesiater Hesinosrung Hihlom Hikon Himnong Hivroeltir Hivtoezir Hodungutang Hokguheifvong Hulfadeehdim Hunar Huralahese Idos Idvoleiemhim Iffo Ifgoeslim Ifnom Ifo Ifol Ifros Igkounkam Igto Ihoenmim Ihos Ikgomeffim Ikkosison Ikonagmel Ikose Ilo Ilol Ilonufdas Ilzoozmun Imoafder Imoronus Imsoehnide Imto Imzomadseng Inkong Inkoudzan Inoeving Inofei Invogeaoghur Irroihmol Irtoiror Irvonei Isdoadel Isno Isomevhir Isonishohe Isos Isoudal Ito Itolohul Itom Ivoitofei Ivonuznam Ivor Ivvos Izmo Izmoufgar Izo Izoizol Izonagem Izor Kafseehril Kagneomhul Kahger Kaklengadnel Kehiiklos Kehriozkul Keniutram Kigor Kimvoesgimea Kinfonagger Kittooknur Kogdumeiukal Kokuolrul Kommulerlir Kossuotul Kulaludnar Kumanatefe Kumang Kuraasfeng Kurza Lalfedeaihnoveo Lameevdim Langeorhun Lasemondute Lasne Lemdi Levsimozun Lidnozei Linome Lofu Lokur Losuukavea Lotruegife Lovzulular Lufdar Luhgas Lunan Lunrausfar Lusgal Malfeural Marzeumham Maseazmes Meffiakezea Mefi Mefkiunmar Mifometin Miknong Milvo Mivo Mivoiror Mokur Mossurirong Mudareo Muffa Muganee Muhraadtes Nadzen Nafmeeldim Nage Nahheitor Nanfe Nasemuftareo Nashel Natel Nazneivzozea Nehliermil Nifo Nivoinvome Nofus Notnueftis Nulganodhum Nurmangutar Nuthan Odku Odluatkes Odu Ofhu Ofkul Ofnu Ofsum Oftu Ofu Oful Ofuusdagea Ofzuidong Ogur Ogusenting Ogusivgong Ohgul Ohnu Ohuleldim Oku Okun Okzuegdir Olu Oluilfol Omgu Omkung Omulagsem Omzu Ontung Ontuufan Onu Onungifom Orhun Oru Oruaves Oruodus Osfuigor Osmul Otduogus Otguseztir Otmur Otuadem Ovturenir Ovur Ovusiros Ovvumekil Ozsu Ozumeving Ozuumam Ozvuehsin Rave Rediivlor Ridroesir Riholonung Rikmor Rimol Rodtusitom Rohnurotufe Rohtureesing Rohung Ronum Rorungikong Rotmumerir Rudsangodzum Rufkaadmel Ruldasihom Ruraokun Rutamivon Sagvelutvang Samgeizsose Samve Savle Sazen Sezlingazes Sigsoudang Siro Sivosetsing Sizol Solnungulale Sorruorun Sotsumuftan Sozulazer Sozur Suka Sumlaruzdar Tedliomus Tigoisoneo Tikkomeaulfam Tiloteeeling Tirmol Tislol Tivor Todgusetdim Tofmum Toluonun Totuikzol Tufgaameng Tufvarea Tutsaendin Uda Udfaaken Ufaizol Ufhaafkem Ufkarurfan Ufvangishol Ugamenin Ugan Uganuhamea Uhangidom Uhha Uhnaunam Uhvan Ukaohnul Ukraaneng Ulainton Ulsaaver Umas Umgaalel Umha Umras Unan Unfaonung Ungase Ungasenin Ura Urananzes Uraofhun Urfangivos Urra Ursang Usa Usaenis Ussa Utsas Uvar Uvfasemsir Uvgangafteng Uza Uzasakzege Uzvaivrom Vakhel Vazke Vemzil Verhiefsil Vikonohnum Virzoegim Vizos Vudnal Vuklaahfem Vulas Vusasarhen Zadeizgole Zazel Zesisikfong Zezinegmide Zimorumaree Zimtoogung Zino Zirlo Zitlorokur Zommuakfem Zosru Zufa Zufamiktos Zugha
Aderiggo Adeuga Adfedeikmo Adkeahse Adverodfu Afengahfe Afgeatne Afneura Afrenula Afterovhu Agengogru Aggengolu Agmease Agvemusza Agzemegi Akdeomu Akemadme Akkeusa Aleimo Alesedri Alfeornu Algeuzla Alkeunna Alneizdo Amelethi Ameudna Amteoku Anemotmu Anesutda Ankeafe Arlemeifo Arreane Arsengevi Aterehri Atvesonhu Avenigo Aveoddu Azengikro Azengula Azenovu Azeveoofu Azreegi Azteeri Azteudfa Azzeito Dahenilo Daneuda Defiate Dehiarre Dehingetzi Dekgirohu Dengideiate Desmiehni Detilovu Dikoehi Dikvoovu Diloheusa Dimoimfo Dizosuma Dufaulta Dugfalulta Dusnauha Dutaetti Duvamimro Edhiozmu Ediutka Edkiula Edliingo Efdinozu Efginozu Efiakse Efiteaffe Eghirorhu Egiido Egingovu Ehmiivo Ekfiuda Ekiare Eknimave Ektisito Elfiehi Elfiusa Eliage Emirave Emlimehi Emlingonu Endiorfu Engilezi Enkilate Entiesi Eriazre Eriigo Eriroku Erisifo Erkingula Ertiusza Esliade Ethideale Etisinto Etiufha Etzimino Evdisidko Evkisafge Ezdiifdo Ezileigo Eziuvza Ezkiokmu
Farerirvo Faseizo Fategeane Favlerervi Fediteito Fefvirogku Fehkiuvda Feriroffu Fifroadge Fohlurotlu Fudgariko Fukfanaffe Funareeunta Gaheteiigo Galeemsi Galnesade Gefhiazve Gefilumha Gesmioffu Giholetri Gistorudda Givouda Gokkuade Govgungatte Gufmaezi Gulkarale Gutaunha Hageido Haneneoezni Havkeesfi Hekinufa Highoahze Hiksongeli Hokuruvra Horduedi Hotulesgi Hukmaivo Humaresi Humaulka Hurangiszo Hutalerfi Huvanufa Idoheiigdo Idsouffa Ifoegi Ifonohu Igmoluhva Ihdorezi Ihoehi Ihomusna Ihvoalfe Ihzoesvi Ilhonage Iloane Iloidlo Ilosidro Ilouda Ilzosotlu Imoigo Imolenki Imosutra Imromedvi Imzoura Indoesi Inoodgu Irolavme Irosugga Irozeaeni Isoomgu Isroigo Itnonovu Itoruda Itousa Itouta Itvongudna Ivdonimo Ivolatse Ivoohsu Ivorodmu Ivrongemi Ivtoisso Izomomlu Kadfelizko Kadmeranle Kagemuta Kagmeluka Kazgeusra Kefiathe Kefirifo Kelmiade Kigomare Kilroufa Kirkosusza Kirorivo Kizkomodku Kodungonvu Komuleti Korduoklu Kufanasse Kufnasogku Kuhgaruka Kukhaodu Kumvafeake Kusarutga Kuvvaifo Kuzvaoru Lalteogzu Laseeri Lateeki Lazdeakme Lazgelafre Lediseki Lekiuna Leziorzu Ligoneoaze Lilootu Linougga Listoheodhu Lizomidso Lorumavde Lufaleiurda Lumazeaevti Lunzasaze Lusanehri Luvaveoate Madeakre Medilage Mediodru Melniogvu Mesiosvu Metiivro Milkonuska Modnulidlo Mosuinvo Munaade Nadeahze Nagenomtu Naremufsa Narterage Neftiaze Nelfiale Nesiiklo Neztisirfo Normuevi Nosusonu Nukamekni Nulhausa Nuraunra Nurfaonhu Odgusame Odkungaze Ofguuzfa Ofhuaffe Ofruefi Ofuluzda Ofuseni Ofuuda Ogsuuka Oguovu Ohgurehli Ohmunguka Ohuneouvla Ohuniso Okduare Okgulifto Okuirdo Okuozu Okvusiso Oluegi Oluermi Olumagne Olvuegi Omnungoknu Omrunguza Omtuufa Omuohru Omusemsi Orduminvo Oruivso Orulido Orunukra Oskuahe Oslugeurma Ostuiko Osueli Osuido Osunguva Osunuvga Osuruha Osusale Otkuudfa Otsunohu Otuemi Ovurolzu Ovuronu Ovzuteimo Ozduidfo Ozuigo Ozulollu Ozuotdu Ramremoffu Refgiokvu Reliezzi Relisizo Revtinizo Rezialze Rildoetfi Rizoosnu Roftuigo Rothuifo Ruhaino Rulairko Rullautka Rutkaomvu Ruzamuta Safgeikko Samleodu Saresokku Saseleoivo Sazeeri Sediido Sekfilaste Sezfiokhu Sezkisazse Sirfonanre Sizoagre Solumasse Sotfuruzva Sotfusisno Sovzusofu Sulaakhe Taheinho Tahteeni Takhearfe Takmerusha Tasheeti Tazemaghe Temgimaze Terviivho Tevinohlu Tezisuha Tisongirvo Tittorura Tizhoafle Tizoritto Todtungirno Tohvuteunda Tolsulazde Tonfuonsu Tozsuletgi Tutlasekmi Tuzfamarme Ufaale Ufaaske Ufaomu Ufasodu Ufhaave Ufkamizo Ufmaemi Uftangazme Ugamuma Ugaveouza Ugdasorsu Ugnalusha Ugrauka Uhaleura Uharuda Uhfaoru Uhhauza Ukalavze Ukanake Ukangenri Uklaildo Ulasuva Ulkaahde Ulladeelvi Ulsanevi Umaitvo Unasivo Unfainfo Unmairo Uraillo Uralatle Uranohmu Urgamiko Urlaegti Urrasifo Usaevi Usafeotsu Utaehzi Utamade Utaumda Utaura Uthamemi Utmaakte Utmangezi Uvairho Uvkameohnu Uzaidmo Uzanuza Uzasefi Vagerumta Vahesagte Vantesoru Vatderohru Vellingiko Veringufa Vesdiiko Vetiudva Viroido Vofumozu Vohuatde Vozuheivo Vukrasuda Vuvsaarke Zafereutfa Zaffeivvo Zavsengogdu Zazfengave Zedimumka Zedtioztu Zevlingodu Zifsooku Zilosakme Zisosimo Zisvosokru Zizsorusa Zogsungehhi Zohkuoztu Zohlurolnu Zohuegsi Zonuanve Zorrumomvu Zorsumilo Zozungohnu Zusaame Zuzdaluvfa
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Gloria Ramos → Gina Rodriguez → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: April 8
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Questioning
→ Her Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Artifact Tracker, Museum Curator, Organizer, and Manager
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Little acts of kindness and Fairs/Festivals
Two Dislikes: Dogs and Peanut Butter
Two Fears: Religion and Cytotoxic Reactions
Two Hobbies: Touring and Cycling
Three Positive Traits: Engaging, Good-Natured, Caring
Three Negative Traits: Avoidant, Ungrateful, Tenacious
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Manuel Ramos (Father): Manuel died when Gloria was 4 and she remembers very little about him.
Juana Ramos (Mother): Gloria is very close to her mother and is the child most likely to go and visit or spend time with her. She still has the lodge open, and refused to go up with the majority of the family.
Sibling Names:
Hector Ramos (Brother): Gloria was only 2 when Manuel died, and was primarily raised by Hector and her mother. She hung on his every word and believes passionately in what he taught her. He always accepted her and even encouraged her to follow her passion and get a job outside of hunting. It broke her heart when she found out he died and she still feels angry over his death; that he had a family and was a good father and husband with morals and that the Colts just took him from them.
Jose Ramos (Brother): Jose and Gloria have always fought the most. He has dismissed her before, claiming she doesn’t know enough about hunting to say where they go and what they do. That’s not to say they always fight, Jose can be a caring older brother when he wants, and he stepped up and came home when Hector died to do what he could.
Ximena Ramos (Sister): Ximena had always been Gloria’s favorite siblings. She thought she was so glamorous and such a badass. A warrior who fought for the safety of others. Then she found receipts that didn’t match up to where she and Jose said they were. More digging uncovered deaths who turned out to be supernaturals. When she confronted her about them, Ximena called her naïve and ungrateful before blowing her off. Losing Hector and finding out about her remaining siblings crushed Gloria and pushed her to be hyper thorough about every action and Ramos family member took so she at least could honor Hector’s memory by staying true to the family mission.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Platonic Connections:
Guadalupe Ramos (Sister-In-Law): Gloria is concerned that Guadalupe is giving into the violence and vengeance that Hector always preached against. They’d be fine if they continued in Hector’s footsteps, but she’s seen Lupe when no one’s looking. Despite the façade she’s put on, Hector’s death still devastates her. If this is what it takes to help gain some kind of peace with his death, she’s willing to help.
Yolanda Ramos (Niece): Gloria gets along best with Yolanda and sees her following her father’s teachings. She has confided in Gloria just how unhappy she is and that she wants to go home.
Mateo Ramos (Nephew): Mateo has happily followed his mother’s attack on the Colts. He created many of the tactics they’ve used against the Colts, especially those with the hacking. She hopes he doesn’t lose his way.
Camilla Garcia (Niece): Gloria hasn’t spent much time with Camilla since she was younger, and her mother moved her to Miami.
Lucas Garcia (Niece’s Boyfriend): He talks… a lot, but Lucas is always willing to lend a helping hand and he treats Yolonda very well.
Jia Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Jia frequently appears at auctions to bid on the same piece that Gloria is. It took her awhile to realize he was doing his best to take it out of the market as well.
Raul Santiago (Business Associate): Raul was their go to person to destroy magical items. He was the go-between for the Santiago family and theirs. He is apparently based out of Chicago, and their previous business relationship will continue.
Hostile Connections:
Eric Lasiter (Dislikes): Eric was viciously bidding against her on a magically infused mirror. When she came up to him after he lost, he screamed at her calling her a stupid girl. When she explained the situation to Raul, he said that Eric was a warlock himself.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Gina Rodriguez [1][2][3][4]
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theres so many i cant fuckorfg scroll oh ogdm ofhu
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headcanons for watching a scary movie with steve? (your writing gives me life)
wow i am such a sucker for this kind of stuff, please enjoy (also thank you!)
we all know that steve is a highkey scaredy cat
but like… of course he’s gonna pretend to be big and strong around his girl
so when you suggest having a scary movie marathon on halloween he has to say yes
“are you sure? remember how freaked out you were when we saw gremlins?”
“i wasn’t freaked out, y/n! gremlins is practically a kids movie!”
steve is also a terrible liar, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt
the two of you decide to watch poltergeist because it’s a movie the kids have seen
honestly, how scary can it be if tiny little will could get through it?
steve makes you watch it with the living room lights on because he “doesn’t want you to get scared”
twenty minutes in, when he’s got his arms wrapped tight around your waist, you realize who’s actually scared
he squeezes a little tighter each time a jump scare occurs
“how are you doing over there, harrington?”
“wonderful, y/l/n, thanks for asking.”
he rests his chin against your shoulder so that part of the screen is hidden by your hair
the only other time you two cuddle so close is after sex, but you don’t mind at all
he makes you stay put when you have to go to the bathroom so he doesn’t have to be alone
the two of you make a bet to see who can go the longest without jumping in their seat
steve loses about three minutes later when something pops out
you laugh and tease him about it
he throws popcorn at you for making fun of him
he literally just… refuses to let go of you??? and it’s so cute even though he’s squeezing you so tight it kind of hurts as;oiufa;ofhu
when the movie ends, he runs outside to get the bat from the trunk of his car
“steve, why the hell do you need that?!”
“in case any demons come and try to take us!”
he convinces you that he’s too scared to go home and needs to spend the night
you would literally say yes no matter the circumstances
when you two fall asleep, he still holds you just as tight as he did earlier that night
#steve harrington imagine#steve harrington x reader#stranger things imagine#stranger things#steve harrington#joe keery#joe keery imagine#joe keery x reader
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الأمن الروسي يعلن إحباط مخطط 'داعشي' - مرصد العربي برس
العالم- اوروبا وأكدت الهيئة في بيان لها أن مواطنا روسيا منحدرا من إحدى دول آسيا الوسطى ومنتميا إلى تنظيم “داعش” كان يخطط لتنفيذ عملية إرهابية في إحدى منشآت الطاقة بالمقاطعة. وأوضحت الهيئة أن المتطرف اقتنى، بإيعاز من قادة الإرهابيين، مكونات لتصنيع عبوة ناسفة وأنشأ في مقر إقامته مختبرا لإنتاج مواد متفجرة. وذكرت الهيئة أن المتطرف … https://s.alarabi.press/oFHUE
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"Un novelista escribe sobre..." - Hanasaki Horie (Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai)
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at Madrid, Spain https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gJB1-ofhU/?igshid=1w6k5ccp3amba
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للبيع ماعز محلي تربية العزبه عدد 29 راس عدد 9 فحول 4 كبير و 5 صغير عدد 20 من الإناث فيهن مداني عشار الموقع ابوظبي اليدوعيه عزبه رقم 57 / دليكه للتواصل : 0503247247 For Sale Local goat - - raising solitude Number 29 Number 9 is about 4 grand and 5 small 20 female They're a deviled civilian The position ofhu allegir is isomed by the company 57/delkhim Communicating: 0 503247247 برائے فروخت مقامی بکری اسٹیٹ کی پرورش 29 سربراہان نمبر 9 ، 4 بڑا اور 5 چھوٹا. 20 خواتین مجھے مقام ابو ظہبی کے درمیان ، 57/دالیکا رابطہ کریں: 0 503247247 brạỷے frwkẖt mqạmی bکrی ạsٹیٹ کی پrwrsẖ 29 srbrạہạn nmbr 9 ، 4 bڑạ ạwr 5 چھwٹạ. 20 kẖwạtیn mjھے mqạm ạbw ẓہbی کے drmیạn ، 57/dạlیکạ rạbṭہ کrیں: 0 503247247 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0OlLbfj7Ce/?igshid=1nmc296o157i1
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How many wipes does it take to clean a keyboard?
thbjgctr[HUV93tqwbhj4yui89 4ruq9-tyq3t9qp36crioedfh qweoyq9f7ewr y9p7q8tr q37902t 4047yq3rqwrqorgq rp8oqgrqo8g8owg fp8ewfg o8wegf ofhu prhq439pyr q4t83q[i09[fi0a[fdshv payuhieyu463wsur58ry r927ct9y1y9f38qepw0t7f8qeje278ee0
submitted by /u/T3hR3p0st3r [visit reddit] [comments]
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How many wipes does it take to clean a keyboard?
How many wipes does it take to clean a keyboard?
thbjgctr[HUV93tqwbhj4yui89 4ruq9-tyq3t9qp36crioedfh qweoyq9f7ewr y9p7q8tr q37902t 4047yq3rqwrqorgq rp8oqgrqo8g8owg fp8ewfg o8wegf ofhu prhq439pyr q4t83q[i09[fi0a[fdshv payuhieyu463wsur58ry r927ct9y1y9f38qepw0t7f8qeje278ee0
submitted by /u/T3hR3p0st3r [visit reddit] [comments]
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Rebecca Stone → Willa Holland → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: December 3rd
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Religion: Methodist
→ Her Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Weapons Training
Scars: One on her left leg from falling off a horse as a kid
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Cold Weather and Leather Jackets
Two Dislikes: Summertime and Poetry
Two Fears: Being trample by a horse and Getting sunburnt
Two Hobbies: Target Shooting and Gunsmithing
Three Positive Traits: Charismatic, Innovative, Objective
Three Negative Traits: Meticulous, Outspoken, Crass
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Harold Stone (Father): Rebecca hates her dad. He put all his energy into one kid, and treated his other two like they were nothing. When he comes back to Chicago, she goes to Helena’s and avoids the main house at all costs.
Kathleen Stone (Mother): Rebecca was very close to her mother growing up. She remembers her best days being the ones Harold and James were away for and she could play with Helena, Matthew her mother and Aunt Mary. She didn’t realize how bad her dad treated her mom until she was in her late teens. When she confronted Kathleen about leaving, she flat out refused and they got into a massive fight. Their relationship hasn’t been the same since.
Sibling Names:
James Stone (Brother): James tends to frustrate her as he often seems to see her more as his little sister and less as a hunter. She feels as though he gave her the purchasing job for the weapons as a way to placate her, causing her more anger towards him. Rebecca wants to be the head of the family in another city, but James is training Paul for that.
Matthew Stone (Brother): Rebecca is much closer to Matthew than she is James. Even as children they spent a great deal of time together when Harold would go off with James and leave them behind. Rebecca gets along well with Nina as well, and often joins them for Sunday brunch.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Platonic Connections:
Helena Stone (Cousin): Helena has been Rebecca’s best friend her whole life. Though they aren’t immune to fights, the two have been by each other’s side forever. They have grand plans to save up enough money to leave and set off on their own. Rebecca knows she’d be a good head, and doesn’t want to be married off to give James another family in his arsenal. She and Helena have begun to take hits and other jobs for hire, as well as started selling surplus weapons and supernatural parts on the black market.
Paul Stone (Cousin): Rebecca is angry that Paul is getting trained by James to be a head of the family. She doesn’t think that Paul has what it takes and that she does.
Mary Ametheon nee Stone (Aunt): Mary spent more time with her as a child than her own father did. She was always big on girl power talks and reminding Rebecca she could do whatever she wanted with her life. It pushed her to consider a life as a head of a family, and in turn bring it up to Helena. She knows Helena doesn’t trust her, but Rebecca thinks Mary would help them get out.
Nina Stone (Sister-In-Law): Rebecca and Nina got along well enough in the beginning but their relationship has slowly been on the decline. Rebecca was happy to have a new sister and took to Nina quickly. Over the years as Nina becomes a more prominent member of their family, Rebecca has noticed that she seems money and power hungry. Rebecca cannot deny that Nina and Matthew love each other and has chosen to ignore it the best she can.
Molly Bennett (Future Sister-In-Law): Molly and Rebecca didn’t initially hit it off but around a year into her and James’s public relationship things got better. Rebecca is teaching Molly how to shoot and work with other weapons.
Raven Jenkins (Good Friend): Rebecca and Raven have been friends for a few years and she is considering bringing Raven into her uprooting plans with Helena. Raven has tried to introduce Rebecca to other members of her family but Rebecca never seems to click with them, besides Ebony and Marquis.
Ebony Anderson (Friend): Rebecca pulled Ebony aside at Lilly’s House with inquiries about a leather jacket she was wearing, less than a week later Rebecca received multiple genuine leather jackets in the mail. Rebecca got in contact to thank her but they’ve remained in contact and have become friends.
Casper Colt (Acquaintance): Rebecca does the purchasing for the Stones. She goes to Casper for hunting knives and weapons. Rebecca finds him interesting and is impressed that Casper actually knows what he’s talking about when it comes to weapons.
Hostile Connections:
D.W. Colt (Distrusts): Alice and Helena have both brought up their concerns with the human. And though she knows Helena’s hate is out of jealousy, Alice thinks Colin’s too blind to see anything wrong. She’s started looking into her to see what she can find out about her.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Willa Holland [1][2][3][4]
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dynasty warriors 6 pc
dynasty warriors 6 pc
Dynasty Warriors 6 cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Dynasty Warriors 6 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Dynasty Warriors 6.
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Genre: Fighting, 3D Fighting Developer: Omega Force Publisher: Koei Corp ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: November 18, 2008
Currently we have no tips for Dynasty Warriors 6 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Dynasty Warriors 6 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Multiple Difficulty Unlocks
Chaos Difficulty : Clear Musou Mode with 1 character from Wu, Shu, Wei, andOther Very Hard Difficulty : Clear Musou Mode with any 1 character
Unlockable Characters
Cao Cao : Clear Musou Mode with 3 Wei characters Cao Pi : Deafeat Cao Pi within 5 minutes on Sun Jian side of He Fei Cao Ren : Succeed in Battle Objective 2 on the Lu Bu side of Fan Castle Diao Chan : Clear Musou Mode with 1 character from each Kingdom Dong Zhuo : Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Lu Bu side of The Battle ofHu Lao Gate Gan Ning : Clear Musou Mode with 1 Wu character Guan Ping : Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Shu side of Fan Castle andfinish battle with Guan Ping alive Huang Gai : Succeed in Battle Objective 3 on the Wu side of The Battle of ChiBi Huang Zhong : Succeed in 1 battle objective on the Wei side of Ding JunMountain Ling Tong : Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Wei side of the Battle of ShiTing Liu Bei : Clear Musou Mode with 3 Shu characters Lu Bu : Clear Musou Mode with Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Diao Chan, and Sun Jian Lu Meng : Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei side of He Fei Ma Chao : Succeed in battle objective 2 on the Wei side of Han Zhong AttackDefense Battle Pang Tong : Succeed in 3 battle objectives at Cheng Du battle and finishbattle with Pang Tong alive Sun Ce : Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Sun Jian side of the Battle ofXia Pi Sun Jian : Clear Musou Mode with 3 Wu characters Sun Quan : Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Lu Bu side of The Battle ofChi Bi Taishi Ci : Defeat him in the Battle for Wu Territory Wei Yan : Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Shu side of WuZhang Plains andfinish battle with Wei Yan alive Xiahou Yuan : Succeed in 1 battle objective on the Shu side of Ding JunMountain Xiao Quio : Succeed in Battle Objective 3 on the Wu side of the Battle of ShiTing Xu Huang : Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei/Wu side of Fan Castle Xu Zhu : He Fei, Wu side, Personally kill Cao Ren and Xu Chu Yuan Shao : As Wei, complete all 3 targets and capture Wu Chao beforecompleting the stage. Yue Ying : Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Wei side of the Battle of WuZhang Plains Zhang Jiao : Beat stage with completing all three targets in the Yellow TurbanRebellion. Playable in only Free Mode and Challenge Mode Zhang Liao : Clear Musou Mode with 1 Wei character Zhen Ji : Xu Du Invasion Battle, Lu Bu Scenario, succeed Battle Objective 1. Zheng He : Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Shu side of Han Zhong AttackDefense Battle Zhou Tai : Succeed in 3 battle objectives on the Shu side of Yi Ling Zhuge Liang : Clear Musou Mode with 1 Shu character
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dynasty Warriors 6 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Dynasty Warriors 6 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Dynasty Warriors 6 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Dynasty Warriors 6 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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Helena Stone → Alexandra Daddario → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: November 1st
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Religion: Methodist
→ Her Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Hunter - Focused on Orphan and Shadow Vampires
Scars: None
Tattoos: Questioning
Two Likes: Loyalty and Trivia Nights
Two Dislikes: Recklessness and Magic
Two Fears: Falling in love with a supernatural and Arranged Marriages
Two Hobbies: Falconry and Roaming the Underground
Three Positive Traits: Dauntlessness, Strong-Minded, Witty
Three Negative Traits: Stubborn, Judgmental, Savage
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Connor Stone (Father): Helena and Connor’s relationship has had its ups and downs throughout the years, but overall, they have what Helena believes to be one of the strongest parental bonds of the entire Stone family. Connor will do whatever it takes to protect Helena and the members of his family. They both love, support and look after each other.
Valerie Stone (Mother): Valerie is a human that married into their family for love but quickly divorced her father, Connor when she caught a real glimpse of a hunter's life. Valerie was always willing to do whatever it takes to support herself and her daughter, even if it meant working numerous double shifts as at Lily’s to keep their household running smoothly. However, Connor eventually won their custody battle and Helena hasn’t seen her mother since; it's been about 17 years.
Thea Stone (Step Mother): It had been only Connor and Helena for a long time before Thea popped into their bubble. Helena doesn’t hate Thea but she also doesn’t need a mother or a caregiver. She appreciates that Helena doesn’t try to force herself onto her and respects her space but at times she wishes Thea would.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Colin Colt (Interested/Crush): Helena genuinely likes Colin. She has fucked up a lot in terms of articulating her attraction but refuses to give up. Colin is 12 years older than her but Thea is also 12 years younger than her father.
Megan Colt (Entertainment): Helena identifies as bisexual but has yet to tell her family or friends. She isn’t looking for a serious or long term relationship with a woman. Which works out fine for Megan. Megan was a safe option and is willing to keep what they do hidden. Lately, Helena has been unsure, wondering if Megan plans on using her for blackmail and information down the line.
Aleksander Mazur (Unsure): Alexsander has been nothing but friendly and flirty with her but Helena is sure that he knows she is a hunter. Alexsander isn’t one of her targets and she has decided to entertain him for the time being. She is however surprised that she has taken a liking to him and looks forward to spending time Underground. Deep down she is terrorized by her attraction to him but is unable to stop herself from wanting more.
Platonic Connections:
James Stone (Cousin): James is an inattentive joke of a leader. He doesn’t see what they’re doing and Helena and Rebecca are better off for it. She knows Rebecca is somewhat reluctant to leave her brothers, but she knows all they’ll do is hold them back.
Paul Stone (Cousin): Paul is too bad on his own, but he’s perpetuating the Stone’s misogyny. Marrying himself to some pretty hunter girl to go pump out babies and run his own city. He stays out of her way, which is all she wants.
Mary Ametheon nee Stone (Aunt): Helena isn’t close with her aunt and often tries to stay away from her. She’s always watching and observing and Helena has a feeling she’d figure out what she is doing in the dark of the night.
Rebecca Stone (Cousin/Best Friend): Helena and Rebecca were raised together and are undeniably best friends forever. Their unwavering friendship is known by the entire family, and though the two have gone through rough patches, they always come through it in the end with their bond even stronger than ever. Secretly, the two have been plotting to gather their own money and set out on their own. They know they’re destined to be married off and forced into another family, so they’re finding their own way out. Helena and Rebecca have begun taking hits, as well as selling on the black market to fund their get away.
Alice Colt (Friend): Alice is as ruthless as she is. One of the most capable and deadly Colts, she can hunt almost as well as Helena. They secretly met Underground before embarking on hunts together to keep James off of their trail.
Raven Jenkins (Friend): Raven seems too cute and nice to be a hunter but with Jenkins and Anderson blood in her, she has proven herself worthy of Helena’s time. She has learned a lot from Raven and in turn has taught Raven a thing or two about vampires. They are constantly sharing information and new finds.
Marquis Anderson (Friend): Alice and Raven introduced Helena to Marquis. Just like Raven, Marquis is very skilled but doesn’t seem to have the passion or drive for hunting. Alice uses him as muscle and Helena has started to also.
Dan Prior (Curious): Helena has caught Dan staring at her a few times while she was Underground. Randomly, she noticed him from across the street one night above ground, staring at her. Helena doesn’t fear him but is curious as to who he is and what he wants. She found out his name was Dan from one of the bartenders at Cryptic Nightclub and that he is one of Getta’s. Helena hasn’t shared this information with anyone yet and wants to see how close she can get to him.
Hostile Connections:
D.W. Colt (Hate): Helena was devastated when she found out Colin was getting married to a human. She did everything she could to shake the human off of him but nothing worked. Seeing how D.W treats Colin and hearing doubts from Alice has added fuel to Helena’s fire. She’s plotting out ways to get rid of D.W.
Averill Sookram (Dislike): Averill ruined Helena’s pursuit of a shadow vampire. Her intelligence didn’t come back correct, therefore she didn’t know the shadow vampire was fucking a powerful warlock. Helena isn’t ashamed that she got her ass handed to her because she survived and lived to tell her tale.
Simon Brodeur (Possible Target): She and Becca killed the nimble’s mate a few months back for a client’s pelt collection. He’s trying to get an investigation into her death launched, which may be bad for her. She’s contemplating killing him to make the problem disappear.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Alexandra Daddario [1][2][3][4]
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Megan Colt → Kate Mara → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: January 20th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Questioning/Naturalism (philosophy)
→ Her Personality (one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Tracker
Scars: None
Tattoos: Star, moon and sun (star shaded black) on wrist and multiple piercings
Two Likes: Technology and Coffee
Two Dislikes: Early Mornings and Dressing Up
Two Fears: Heights and Planes/Flying
Two Hobbies: Roleplaying and Programming
Three Positive Traits: Tough, Composed, Individualistic
Three Negative Traits: Impassive, Unchanging, Devious
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Simon Colt (Father): At 8, Simon left her in her Uncle Bryce’s care and took off. She only saw him 5 more times before finding out he was killed by a vampire seethe. She holds a lot of resentment for him, especially after finding out he ran off and had another family.
Cassandra Washington (Mother): Simon never married her mom, and she had somewhat limited contact with her as a child. After Simon died, Megan wanted a connection to her past and searched for her mom. Cassandra doesn’t know what Megan does for a living, but they are building a relationship more and more.
Bryce Colt (Uncle): Bryce acted more like a father than any Simon ever did and she is very close with him. Oftentimes when she was young, she prayed that somehow she was Bryce’s daughter and that Blaine, Colin, Amy and Elle were her real siblings.
Sibling Names:
Iris Colt (Half-Sister): Megan always wanted siblings, she just imagined growing up with them, rather than finding out about them fully grown. Once over the shock, Megan has found herself close with her half sisters. She has been working with Iris to improve her tracking skills and practice more with online tech.
Hailey Colt (Half-Sister): Megan always wanted siblings, she just imagined growing up with them, rather than finding out about them fully grown. Once over the shock, Megan has found herself close with her half sisters. She can’t imagine what Hailey has been going through and has tried to brainstorm things for her to do for the family besides work at Lilly’s.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Helena Stone (Secret Hookup): Helena isn’t exactly out, or looking for a relationship. Which works out fine for Megan. She’s a safe option, and Megan can appreciate the darkness that hides under her Stone exterior.
Platonic Connections:
Blaine Colt (Cousin): Blaine, Colin, and Megan were very close as kids, often spending every weekend together while their parents were away hunting. Blaine was the first one to teach Megan how to shoot, and though they grew apart as the boys got more responsibilities, Megan sees them as her full brothers.
Colin Colt (Cousin):Blaine, Colin, and Megan were very close as kids, often spending every weekend together while their parents were away hunting. Colin and Megan still get together most weekends, and act as each other’s sounding boards. He and Blaine were like the siblings she always wanted when she was younger.
Elle Colt (Cousin): Elle quickly became one of Megan’s best friends as kids. She wanted a sister, and saw Elle as that. She is still the closest person to Megan and they meet up and grab meals multiple times a week. Megan was one of the main supporters behind Elle when she called off the wedding, and is the only person who knows the real reason why she did.
Amy Colt (Cousin): Amy is still the baby in her eyes. She was the last kid of her “era” before Megan started seriously training with the Colts and didn’t have as much time to play with her cousins. Amy and Megan both love dressing up and will hit thrift stores and consignment shops when they have time away.
Alice Colt (Cousin): Alice was one of the first people Megan was tasked to train after completing her own training. Though she is a mini-Blaine, she likes to think some of Alice’s deviousness comes from her training under Megan.
Casper Colt (Cousin): Megan also trained Casper. It didn’t go as well as Alice’s training, and she wonders if it is his personality that holds him back, or her training. She thinks he’s not as bad as everyone else makes him out to be, but is annoyed at his arrogance.
Imani Colt (Cousin-In-Law): Megan met Imani before Blaine did. She had talked and worked with her on a previous project and was the one to suggest setting up a joint hunt between the Andersons and Colts. She thinks Imani is a good hunter and great mom.
D.W Colt (Cousin-In-Law): D.W. is quiet in a way that is a bit strange to Megan. She’s smart and Elle adores her, but Megan always thought a guy like Colin needed someone more exuberant.
Isla Johns (Informant): Isla seemed like an easy target. Megan made quick work of digging up dirt and placing multiple seeds of doubt into the little raccoon nimble. Unlike Austin, Megan keeps it short and simple with Isla.
Austin Semler (Informant): Megan thought Austin was handsome but being an animal shifter supernatural removed all of the appeal. That made it easier for Megan to blackmail Austin into giving her information about possible supernatural coverups. While their relationship could not be considered friendly, Megan and Austin will meet at a human bar or restaurant for drinks and wings while they exchange information.
Hostile Connections:
Helo Adama (Hate): An unknown rat hacked into their surveillance camera, including their Ring doorbell and computer cams. Megan is sure she can kick them off of their server and hasn’t shared this information yet with her family.
R4M05 (Target): This hacker has stolen over half a million dollar from the Colt’s collective bank accounts. She and several other members around the country are trying to pinpoint this hacker, though they seem to be attacking from random points around North America. She has heard rumors of it being a smaller family called the Ramos, but it’s not a sure enough lead to send a hunter after it.
Morty (Sphynx): Mortimer was a gag gift from Helena when she found out her apartment had a rat problem. He’s caught quite a few in his time there.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Kate Mara [1][2][3]
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Nia Anderson → Kylie Bunbury → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: March 30
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Catholic
→ Her Personality (one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Hunter
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Cleanliness and Christmas
Two Dislikes: Cooking and Thanksgiving
Two Fears: Being a Disappointment and Failure
Two Hobbies: Co-op Hunting and Furthering Herself
Three Positive Traits: Perfectionist, Ambitious, Outspoken
Three Negative Traits: Private, Stern, Unapologetic
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Alexus Anderson (Mother): Growing up, Alexus and Nia had a strong bond. She strived to be everything her mother wanted and ended up feeling burnt out. As Nia became an adult, she began to realize that pleasing Alexus completely may never happen and pulled away from her mother’s controlling reach. She’s beginning to see the damage her mother has done to her relationships with her brothers and cousins. Nia is trying to work on herself in order to repair what relationships she can with her family.
Samson Anderson (Father): Nia remembers Samson being around more when she was young but their father daughter relationship quickly took a turn when her mother became head of their family. Samson has been absent lately, constantly going on out of state hunts with his own family or hidden in his study.
Sibling Names:
Trevon Anderson (Brother): Nia and Trevon do not get along and constantly end up fighting. She knows that Trevon doesn’t agree with their mother deciding that Nia is going to be the next head of the family, but Nia agrees with whatever choice her mother makes. She feels like Trevon is becoming dangerously angry, and something needs to be done about it. However, she also knows that no one will step in if she doesn’t.
Marquis Anderson (Brother): Marquis and Nia are fairly alright with each other. They don’t really spend any time together, and Marquis is more withdrawn than she’s ever seen him.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Mateo Ramos (Interested): She bumped into the younger hunter when he went to pay his dues at Lily’s House. She’d never seen or heard of the Ramos family before, but was intrigued by his attitude. Nia’s seen him around a couple of times at Lilly’s and recently invited him to grab a drink with her.
Nick Eldenstain (Ex-Boyfriend): Nick always wanted more of her time and attention that she has ever or will ever be able to give. He wanted her to drop everything to and move to Charlotte with him, which was never going to happen.
Platonic Connections:
Grant Anderson (Uncle): Nia doesn’t see how Grant could run the family better. She understands that her mother’s leadership is lacking some, but Grant’s, and by default the Colt’s, influence on their family has been hate fueled and Nia doesn’t think that’s the better option.
Imani Colt nee Anderson (Cousin): Nia and Imani have always been in competition with one another. It took awhile for Nia to realize what Alexus was doing and when she did it was too late to mend Nia and Imani’s broken relationship. Nia has recently taken to asking Imani for help as a way to get her to open up and hopefully form some type of friendship.
Ebony Anderson (Cousin): She was able to see some of her mother’s machinations in time to begin to rebuild a relationship with Ebony. They’ve started taking hunter trip “vacations” with one another and Nia feels like she’s learning a lot from her cousin.
Jazmine Anderson (Aunt): Jazmine causes a great deal of strife in the family. Nia knows she will have to deal with it if it’s still happening if she takes over as head of the family, but honestly has no idea as to how to deal with her aunt in a way that will actually work.
Raven Jenkins (Cousin): Nia believes that Raven is a strong and talented hunter. However, she does get very frustrated when she invites Raven to go on Co-Op hunts with her and Raven ends up either leaving on her own or not showing up all together. She believes Raven needs to be more willing to work with others.
Malik Jenkins (Uncle-In-Law): Malik is quieter than Tirra, just working to finish the hunt as efficiently as possible and then going home. Despite being from one of the most renowned hunting families, he doesn’t show it.
Tirra Jenkins (Aunt): Tirra often acts as if she was the “Last Jenkins”, instead of his wife. Like all her aunts, she’s intensely competitive and uses her daughter to show off her superiority.
James Stone (Friend): James and Nia met years ago and bonded over the fact that they are both meant to become the next heads of their respective families. Their friendship has proven to be a long lasting one.
Simone Campbell (Friend): Nia initially became friends with Simone to gain information about the local wolf pack. She’s cooled off the friendship since realizing that Simone is no longer dating Isaac. However, Nia is considering calling her up out of the blue and becoming genuine friends with her.
Molly Bennett (Friendly): Nia became friendly with Molly through James. She doesn’t have much in common with the human, but she doesn’t mind sharing a drink with her.
Casper Colt (Friendly): Nia likes Casper. He gave her a whole demonstration on his knives and techniques to use with them. Nia even bought her mother an engraved Bowie Knife for Christmas from him.
Hostile Connections:
Isaac Baker (Target): After the supernatural blackout of 2011 Nia has been sure it was one of their local witches or warlocks behind it. Although since that night there has been an increase of activity between the warlocks and wolves. Isaac is at the end of her link diagram and has become her main target.
Simon Lee Weyden (Unsure): Simon is a magic user that spends a majority of his time Underground and has a close relationship with some of the big ballers. Nia has never seen anything like this and has even brought it up to James. They’re both clueless and unsure what to make of it but he has caught their attention.
Judson Cleirigh (Target): Judson is a known magic user that caters to the supernatural population's magical needs. Nia was sure that he has a spell around his establishment but Ebony has confessed that people with ill intent are deterred and turned away from his building.
Lucy (Persian Cat): Nia purchased Lucy for herself on her 30th birthday. Lucy is friendly, sociable and very loving.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Kylie Bunbury [1][2][3][4]
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