In her fighting days Lottie would absolutely eat a dragon steak
And let out a earth shattering belch as her armor came unbuckled and flew off from the immense pressure of her stomach. She’s still tearing into a large leg in one hand another in the opposite.
She looks smug but you know In the morning her armor will barely fit if not at all.
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Lottie shaped: Hugs, pastries, like big soft sofa
Sena shaped: Biggen hips, biggen booba, good for cuddling, tired bean that would like kisses
Kaori shaped: Stronk but cutie cow, gets stuck in doors but will smoosh you in hug
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Gossiping at The Lonely Isle -----------------------------------
It's a late night at Phaegate's number one bar, the Lonely Isle, but it's full of gossip and the laid back hustle and bustle of locals and the occasional trader stopping in at the capital before leaving the next day. The bartenders a big bubbly gal named Sherly. You're a trader passing by but you decide to take a bit to rest at the Lonely Isle, plus you're good friends with Sherley and she makes your favorite so so perfectly. Sliding inside, you sit at the bar and rest your feet on the bottom of the stool beneath you.
Sherly notices you settle down and instantly shuffles over to you. As she does this you notice a little more waddle in her step since the last time you stopped in.
"Heeeeeeeeeey! Long time since I've seen you in here, cutie. I'll get you the usual if that's fine."
As soon as you give her a warm smile and nod, she leans under the counter and brings out the shaker to mix your drink, "Since you haven't been around a lot want to hear some things going about?"
Shrugging and nodding you accept the offer, it's always good to know what's going on around Phaegate. Even if it's the capital of Solcera it's generally smaller than most cities in the other realms and it is good to hear about the recent happenings and gossip. Sherly starts pouring and you watch as she does this one handed while rubbing her fingers across her chin, thinking.
"Hmmmmm...oh! I know what you've missed! New shop moved in, the tall, slightly crooked one on the outskirts of Phaegate's shopping district. Got filled in by that Sherwood girl. She's a gorgeous gal too, used to be a fighter!"
You give a side smile and a nod. Lottie's been known around the city for awhile now. She used to be a part of one of the more well known adventuring parties. Hell, you've even run into her a few times through your connections in trading, nearly every party has to run through the market scene for supplies eventually. You wonder if her party struck it big if Lotts' is settling down finally.
"Suuuper cozy, called Lotts-of-Potions, built out of old wood painted a light blue and filled with that wonderful smell of baked goods. Don't know how she does it but she's a baker and a potion maker. Crazy craft but she makes it work, I'll tell ya! You should visit."
You tell Sherly you don't really have the time, work's been bombarding you with orders and you've got a huge shipment going out tomorrow via airship you have to oversee.
Sherly finishes up her mixing and hands you your drink, "Oh, well. Do so when you can, honey. I know the commerce business has been busy lately."
Sherly leans her arms against the counter and continues on. "Did go to Sena's the other day to get my blouse resized," The stout bartender let out a deep chuckle at the kind look you give her, "Yeah, hubbie's been treating me well lately. Though you've probably noticed," she says with a smile.
"But yeah! That new girl's shop's straight across from Sena's." She squeezes her belly with her palms beneath her apron and sighs with content, "tried one of her potions and gods, was it filling and soooo good. Nearly made me bust out of a dress, thought I heard some seams ripping."
Maybe you'll take a visit there after all. You need some more time off from work anyways, time that isn't dropping into a bar for a few minutes.
Considering this you spend a good hour at the bar. It's nice catching up with Sherly and it's been a long day. Sometimes you've gotta take some time to sit back and meet old friends. And tomorrow, maybe get some delicious pastries and potions.
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Could we have the fattest Lottie you’re capable of drawing? Even if it’s just a sketch of her face!
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"Lots-o-Lotts: After cooking mishap?"
Yes! I love drawing her! I decided to go all out with a FULL drawing of big fat Lottie. Had a long day, need something to relax with and draw. This is actually the fattest I've drawn any character yet...so...cool.
Thanks for the ask, anon :D
"Wait, did I put eler-root in that cake, or the pearlwort moss? Either way, it was really tasty...wonder if there's any left."
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Lottie slowly raised her hand closer to her face, the small frog placed upon it.
Rapidly tapping Sena on the shoulder, awaking her from a nap, Lottie quickly squeaked out, "Sena? Sena! Honey look!"
"Wha...What're you..." Sena lifted herself up and stopped, "what the hell is that?"
Lottie giggled, "a cutie"
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God the mental image of a bed sized Sena being tube fed potions as a pudgier Lottie so strong, why do you just have like the perfect girls?
thank you so much, anon!
Lottie and Sena are soooooooooooooooooooo adorable
I love 'em too.
And gosh, that mental image is too good!!!!!
I'm glad you like them o~o
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Would the pirate captain ever consider using one of her crew mates to get around to places? Like, inflating them into a portable blimp... (or would Sena ever do that to Lottie if she ever wanted to experiment with a “mobile stand”?)
*A sail gets torn down in an especially rough storm*
Just gotta inflate one of me crew and haul ‘em up, should keep the ship afloat. Plus they be real big cute hanging up there. Really helpful too. Never been a big fan of blimps, been a sailor all me life. But I gotta admit. A cute blimp is sure growing on me.
I also love that idea of portable shops floating around between islands, held up by someone super blimpy!
Sena would probably volunteer for that. She’s hardly ever been inflated, and oddly likes the idea of it.
Lottie’d be surprised when Sena would agree to the idea, but she absolutely wouldn’t complain.
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Look at her! It's Lottie, everyone's favorite big and squishy potions dealer! She's also the first OC in my new world I'm creating / writing about:
SOELCERA "The Shifting Sanctuary"
It's a plane of existence comprised of floating islands scattered throughout a sky like abyss. *squints at script* It also seems to be the dumping place for all the creatures and magic bent on expansion and weight gain, weird. The main city, Phaegate, is an outsider city, one built by the first non-natives to the plane. assembled around the first portal in and out of Soelcera, Phaegate is a city of immense proportions, built, sometimes precariously, onto one of the many wandering islands. It is home to people from all edges of the known planar system, valiant adventurers wanting a grand journey, citizens that wanted refuge or a nice place to settle down, foodies that came for the unique and filling dishes, shop keeps wanting to sell the magical goods found in the plane, etc. etc. And Lottie!
As for Lottie, her full name is Charlotte Shirwood and she's a retired adventurer who settled down and opened up her own potion shop, Lotts-O-Potions! Not only are most of her potions of her own creation, but she specializes in meal potions as well. Meal/food potions are just another one of Lottie's own creations, a magical potion and a full meal all in one!
Her more in depth bio is here, In my new, (very empty) OC list:
> Right Here, this is the OC list <
If you've got any questions/asks about Lottie, Soelcera, have any ideas for potions in her shop, or absolutely anything else, I'd absolutely enjoy answering them. She's got a lot of stories about her adventures and tons of various elixers she sells.
If you guys got any ideas for potions, I'd love to talk about them and draw what I imagine they'd look like.
Next OC I'll draw will probably be the one character mentioned in Lottie's bio, Sena, the tailor across the street from Lotts-O-Potion. I also feel like making a description for Soelcera and writing about the many stories it holds within.
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Strong fat Lottie?
She can lift you, your family, your cow. If she still had the enthusiasm and reckless attitude she had in her younger years, she’d probably still be starting and winning as many fights as she could.
Lottie’s by no means as fit as she used to be, but she’s still got a lot of muscle and the experience to go along with it. She used to start problems, now she’d much rather stay out of them. It’s heaps of food, tea, and relaxation for Lotts, and she’s perfectly content with that.
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where is lottie's shop, i NEED that potion
Well, if you’re in the material plane that contains Earth and it’s universe…
You’ll take a left at the lava plane, keep going until you enter the air elemental plane, don’t enter limbo, stay away from there, and pass the faewild. After that you go straight for about 5 more planes until you see an interplanar plasma station, stop there if you need a snack on the way, it’s not as great as the food in Soelcera, but it works for traveling. Finally, enter the plane of plains, there should be a portal there that’ll bring you smack dab in the middle of Phaegate. Lottie’s shop is on the eastern edge of town, not quite by the edge of the abyss. Small one story building, outside it looks like a rustic cafe, inside’s a potion shop.
Eh…you may also want to head off to Sena’s shop as well, she does tailoring work. After you drink that potion you’ll be needing new clothes. She’s right across the street, works and lives in a big three story building, looks like a library. Can’t really miss it.
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Consider: Lottie/Sena getting inflated off of the blobby other’s milk?
I love it!!! Just big old comfy times between the two of them, filled to the brim with each other’s milk. Big booba. They’d honestly both be super flustered, like BIG time flustered. But also BIG time enjoying every bit of it.
This actually gives me an idea for a new potion Lottie can sell! One that increases the rate of milk creation in the body. The potion makes the user’s boobas grow big (there can always be different intensities or potencies to the potions) and lactate much more. Not only this, but it makes the milk produced MUCH more filling. If you don’t manage the milk production accurately enough, the user’s breasts can weigh them down quite a bit with the higher potencies.
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What would Lottie milk taste like?
Of course heavier sweet cream, but with warm homegrown vanilla and a pinch of strawberry.
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What if Lottie and Soma were super fat and blobby and just very large?
Sena shot a glare over at Lottie, "I thought you said this potion was, and I'm quoting here, 'absolutely not potent' and would only add 'a lil' pudge'!?"
"Well," Lottie paused, Averting her eyes from Sena's, "atleast you're new fabric is holding up well."
Lottie blushed and attempted to sheepishly turn away, but she could barely even lift her legs an inch off the ground, let alone move her whole body.
Sena's attempts at moving were just as fruitless. Lottie's botched potion recipe looked to have made them pack on pound after pound until...until when? Every bit of her was weighing her down. They were currently unable to move and Sena began noticing a faint snugness continuing to push out from underneath her already snug sweater. She heard an audible stretch of fabric from Lottie behind the counter, "Lotts...How long do you think this will last?"
"I mean, the potion was gonna convert a little bit of food into a little more energy," she shifted her weight as much as she could, knocking over a jar of honeysuckle vine off her shop's counter, "a little more fat..."
"so you don't know."
"uh...no." Lottie let out a little embarrassed giggle.
Lottie and Sena couldn't see it, but both they 're faces were flushed red. Sena didn't say it out loud, but a thought crossed her mind. She wished she could squish her arms around Lottie. She just looked so soft and cuddly. Why was she so adorable and kind and just so lovely, even in situations like this!?
Sena sighed, "Why are you so damn cute?"
"What'd you say?"
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Name: Charlotte "Lottie" Sherwood
Species: Human
Age: 35
Height: 6'
Gender: Female
Weight: The weight of 1 Lottie
Single Lesbian
Friends / Relationships (subject to additions):
Sena (tailor across from her shop) - best friend, business partner, and crush.
Lottie is a lot of everything. Having retired from adventuring in her early 30s, Lottie eventually settled down in Soelcera and opened up her own potion and alchemy shop, "Lotts-O-Potions". Lottie still holds evidence of her fighting days, including her lost eye, scars across her back and face, and magical items lying about her shop from said time. Having seen the world and countless other realms, Lottie takes it slow these days and rather much prefers sitting down with a good alchemy book and countless plates of dessert. Lottie has always had a pretty big appetite, even when she was working for an adventuring party. Now that she's settled down though, she's packed on a few pounds and honestly doesn't mind it. If anything, she quite enjoys her new found weight gain. Lottie has also become good friends with the tailor across from her shop, Sena, who frequents Lotties shop on her downtime. If you visit Lots-O-Potions later in the day you'll often times find Sena hanging about the shop and chatting with it's owner. Lottie always seems to enjoy Sena's company, no matter the hour, and seems to absolutely adore her witty humor. Sena seems to enjoy Lottie's company just as much, and is always happy to help Lottie with sizing up her clothing. From time to time you can find specials from each other's shop being sold on the other's shelves. Lottie's shop sells potions of all kinds. Potions that'll pack on a few pounds, make you lose weight, expand certain aspects of your physique, make you float (nice for traversing Soelcera's islands), and much more (potion suggestions welcomed). Lottie's specialty is in fact food potions. They're packed full with astounding flavor and tons-o-calories. Perfect for rations, a bulking adventurer, or anyone wanting a VERY filling meal.
Very kind, seems to be full of life and stories, yet laid back, quiet and easygoing. Loves to eat, tends to sample her own creations a great deal.
--Body Shape--
Big, squishy, very huggable. The kind of belly you can just sink into, with thighs and legs that squish underneath chair armrests and a pillowy bosom laying ontop her soft belly, perfect for laying one's head on. Like a comfy bed / mattress all over, there's not a single spot on her that isn't soft and warm. Ever since her retirement from adventuring, she's begun to slowly balloon out. There's a reason she's struck up such a good friendship with the tailor across the street.
--Kink stuff--
Feedee and Feeder, Mutual gainer, accidental gainer but loving it.
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What if: Lottie was a big belch balloon?
Lottie covered her mouth and chuckled, "Excuse me! Sorry love, didn't-urp-mean to startle you so mu-"
"Oup...that was a big one wasn't it?"
Sena is is melting in the corner
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Hyper lip Sena smooching Lotte?
She drank a potion to give her biggin lips, the sole goal: to give Sena the biggest and softest Lottie kiss imaginable.
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