#OC: Zoë Seed
curlymantis · 1 month
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“When it’s just us, together here. No John, no resistance, no cares. I see the person you used to be and they were so gentle…”
YALL, @/angelofthebliss (Insta) absolutely surprised me and blew away with this marvellous gift for my birthday of my Farcry 5 OC and Faith Seed having a precious moment to themselves.
I love this so so much, i can’t even put it into words. A million hugs for you, you amazing artist and friend 💚💚
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curlymantis · 1 year
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My Farcry 5 OC Zoë Seed and Faith Seed being all adorable and stuff.
Commission done by @/hopeless_robotics (Insta)
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curlymantis · 2 years
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I got a commission from @/aloofs_travelingcircus (Insta) of my Farcry 5 OC/self insert Zoë Seed of her precult/a few days before she was taken by the cult!!
I’m very happy with how this turned out 🥰🐝🪲
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curlymantis · 2 years
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Uploading this as I can’t find it on here anymore , I got this piece of Zoë and John a while ago from the always lovely @vasiktomis and it’s one of my all time fave commissions I have! I can’t wait till I get to commission you again 🥰
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curlymantis · 3 years
Chapter 5 of my FC5 fic ‘A Place to Call Home’ is out now!! 🥰
I hope y’all enjoy!
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curlymantis · 2 years
Done 300 words so far for chapter 6 of A Place to Call Home, going good! Bear with me haha :)
After chapter 6 the relationship with John really starts to develop, it’ll still be slow burn tho!
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curlymantis · 3 years
ღ for Zoe & John??
Yeeeees 🤩 thank you!! Also this was so much fun to do. 🥰
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Whos the first to wake up in the morning:
Zoë. 100%, she absolutely hates it tho, but her body makes her always get up between 5 and 7am. Occasionally she gets to sleep in if the previous day was an extra tough one. John also NEEDS his beauty sleep, he is such a sassy bitch if he doesn’t get it. Like honey I get it you’re mad you didn’t get your 10 hours 🙄
Whos the one to make breakfast:
Zoë cos she’s up early, however she only makes breakfast for John usually as she doesn’t like to eat a big meal in the mornings due to pain. However if John happens to rise early enough he will make himself breakfast and force Zoë to have some which she greatfully does.
Whos the one to serve the other breakfast in bed:
Both, it depends who manages to get up first, but mainly Zoë brings it to John as she loves doting on him. You know he loves it too.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work:
John, most mornings without fail. Doesn’t mean to say a quickie is always had tho. Zoë is in quite a lot of pain in the morning due to her health, she’s also always up way before him so feeling quite tired already. About 70% of the time tho she says yes.
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day:
Zoë, especially on the days she isn’t working, she practically begs John to stay home and be lazy with her. Maybe go sit in the backyard and just enjoy nature, just anything but work.
Who chooses the movies:
Both of them, they have quite similar taste in film and tend to go for comedies, horror or action. John has a soft spot for dramas as well, but don’t tell his siblings.
Who initiates kissing during the movie, thus distracting the other from the movie all together:
Both, but mainly John, he’s a lil horn dog and can’t help it. He craves and thrives off attention, so if he can get some more you damn well know he’s going to take it. Zoë however takes it to the next level and makes him pause the movie for… reasons 😏
Who orders lunch:
John. Always, always John. Zoë may sing in front of the cult and preform sermons but that does NOT mean she wants to have one on one interaction with a stranger when ordering food. She will attempt to avoid it at all costs.
Who steals food from the others plate without asking:
Both, but mainly Zoë. A lot of the time she finishes her food really quickly and then turn to John like: oh you gonna eat that? Or he will ask her if she’s hungry and she isn’t but then steals nibbles off his plate anyway.
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy:
Zoë, eating is very energy consuming and tuckers her out. An occasion this especially happens at is when they go to Joseph’s for weekly family dinner and she stuffs her face on Joseph’s cooking. She then falls asleep about an hour after dinner and is asleep for the whole car ride home. Or sometimes depending on what’s happening the next day John and Zoë will stay the night.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home:
Both, depends on what kind of work needs doing and how busy the week has been. Also is quite weather dependant. Zoë is very troublesome to John on rainy days as it means she cooped up inside.
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old:
Zoë, definitely Zoë, she love, love, looooves ice cream. Occasionally if they’re out running errands, they will stop at a cafe and get themselves a wee treat :3 don’t tell Joseph tho cos ice cream is a sin apparently >:(
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream:
John, he loves seeing Zoë being happy and it seems not many things bring out the pure joy in her these days, so it just makes John be with joy and he must capture the moment.
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partners face:
Zoë, she may not be the horniest out of the two of them, but she can be very immature and dirty minded. It’s one of her traits John loves, Joseph on the other hand absolutely hates it. She will make jokes around him and he loses it.
Who cooks dinner:
Zoë mainly and John assists in the kitchen, unless he’s swamped with cult work. Occasionally John cooks dinner, that can be hit or miss at times but he’s getting better at it. Cooking breakfast is his strength, not cooking dinner.
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards:
Both. Even if Zoë cooks dinner it’s easier if they both clean up together usually. If Zoë’s exhausted tho John is more than happy to clean up.
Who stays up until 2am reading:
Both. They both have issues with insomnia so sleep isn’t alway on their sides, so why lie their and stare at the ceiling when you can read or even do more work. Sometimes if John really can’t sleep he will sit on the porch and watch the stars contemplating his life, Zoë often joins him on nights like this.
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping:
Zoë, she loves watching his face, that sounds so creepy but she’s always enjoyed and needed to study peoples faces and watch them so she can understand their emotions better due to her autism. But John’s face she ESPECIALLY loves to look at. He looks so soft, serene and at peace when he sleeps without nightmares. She cherishes those moments.
Who kisses their partner while the sleep:
John. Seeing her asleep makes him happy as it lets her have an escape from everything that the world is dishing out. He loves the view but also envies it, hoping if he gives her a kiss some of her serenity will catch onto him and give him calm while his brain is on fire.
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curlymantis · 3 years
Finished chapter 5 of my FC5 fic A Place to Call Home!
Going to edit tomorrow and hopefully also upload tomorrow!
Love y’all!
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curlymantis · 3 years
Finished chapter 4 of my Farcry 5 fic ‘A Place to Call Home’ FINALLY!!!! OMG. Going to edit and post tomorrow 🥰🥰
(I’ve been very unmotivated to write lately and also been obsessing over League of Legends Arcane, Encanto, Telltale TWD and FNAF security breach so haven’t been thinking about Farcry 5 as much 😭) also I’m going to reply to y’all’s messages I’ve just been sick and not good at replying when I’m sick! I love y’all heaps!!
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curlymantis · 3 years
🎃 for Zöe?
Zoë would 100% wear something cursed instead of sexy for Halloween. She would pick from one of these things. And don’t think it would be some cheap outfit from the $2 shop. One of her hobbies is Cosplay so she’d be going ALL out 😏
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curlymantis · 3 years
Chapter 3 of A Place to Call Home is going to be up tomorrow. Just need to proof read it 😄
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curlymantis · 3 years
🍓🎤🧸 for Zöe?
Yay :D
*Zoë Seed takes the stage*
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🍓~favourite fruit
She is very fond of many different fruit types but her top favourites are
-Apples :3
🎤~favourite hobbies
She has far too many hobbies, she has a need to keep her brain very busy due to her ADHD and autism, luckily some of her hobbies she gets to do as cult work. Her top hobbies are:
-singing (gets to do as cult work)
-guitar (gets to do as cult work)
-writing (gets to do as cult work)
-insect pinning
-house plants
🧸~favourite animal
Narrowing down her favourite animals is a tough one, but these are her top picks
-praying mantis
-bumble bees
(Just want to add in case anyone wants to come at me: I have clinically diagnosed ADHD and autism and Zoë Seed is very much a reflection of me, hence why she has these things)
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curlymantis · 3 years
Your characters are gorgeous and I respectfully request for Zoë to beat me up please
Thank you! I put a lot of effort into my precious OCS ❤️ and Zoë said ofc she can do that 😌 meet her outside John’s bunker and she can make it happen 😏
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curlymantis · 3 years
I love zoë's hair and design sm <3
Ah thank you thats means a lot to me 🥰🥰 She means so much to me
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curlymantis · 3 years
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Ayoooo I was tagged by the lovely @kaminari-supremacy to do this Picrew with my OCS :D soooooo from left to right here we go:
Zoë Seed (Herald) - Farcry 5
Jessi Trees - Hannibal
Morgan Adam’s (Deputy) - Farcry 5
Meagan Hawke - Borderlands
Rosie Porter - Outlast
Jessie Crest - Grand Theft Auto 5
Roz Traeger - Telltale Batman
Rose (Avatar of The Eye) - The Magnus Archives
I am tagging: @grohiikmon @lokidaemonium @hawkfurze @jack-morrison @vasiktomis @coffeebucko @strafethesesinners @cullxtheherd @oorah22 @chazz-anova and anyone else that wants to do it 🥰🥰
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curlymantis · 3 years
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“Sin constantly flows from you like a never ending sea, will you ever be clean woman?!”
“You know, we both will never be free of sin John, don’t act like you don’t crave it.”
*proceeds to be choked* 😌
What happens when you put two hot-headed, prissy, horny heralds in a room. I dunno you tell me 👀😏
Fun fact my girl Zoë is like John’s mirror image in personality. This works out well for them as they think the same on many different things, but also means they clash, A LOT 😳
I commissioned @redreart to draw my Farcry 5 baby and a certain someone and OH MY GOODNESS, LOOK AT HER, MY CRAZY GIRL! Your art is so stunning 😭 I cannot wait to commission you again you talented human 💖
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