#OC: Nikkolas ‘Blue’
timaeusterrored · 1 year
Number 35: A kiss between the shoulder blades.
For Vince and Blue, please 🥺💕
Otp: Vince and Blue (we need a ship name for them)
Vincent was used to the constant stress of school and work, and just life on top of it. It was exhausting to say the least, and it never fucking ended. And Vincent so fucking tired.
The student sat at his desk, hunched over and trying to stop the headache from coming on. But it was inevitable at this point, from staring at his laptop and tablet for the last two hours working and doing homework. He needed a break.
He hadn’t heard the door open, or the sound of keys and other things being put down out in the kitchen area of the apartment. He honestly didn’t notice until he felt hands on his shoulders that there was anyone here. He knew the hands well enough to not be too scared once he realized who it was.
“Let’s go take a warm shower, I picked up some lavender shower gel for you…” Blue buried his face in Vincent’s hair, nudging him up. Vince whined when he stood, falling into his chest. He was not being a human today, he was too tired.
Blue ended up just carrying him to their tiny bathroom, and even helped him undress. Vincent crossed his arms over his chest as if to try and hide himself. Blue just kissed his forehead and started the shower.
Once in, Vincent stood under the warm spray, exhaling a bit. He tilted his head when Blue started to rub his hips, massaging his way up to his shoulders. The smell of lavender filled the air, and Blue’s hands on him, Vincent could have sworn he was in heaven.
While Vincent was lost in thought, he felt Blue kneel down. He started to say he wasn’t in the mood for all that when he felt a kiss on his spine. He felt tears begin to swell in his eyes, feeling the stress finally begin to leave his body.
Blue kisses his way up Vincent’s spine, then moved his hair out of the way and pressed a final kiss between his shoulders.
“You need to relax, my love… you’ve had a long day.” Blue whispered, kissing his shoulder once again.
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vincentmatthews · 8 months
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vincentmatthews · 5 months
Random Sims4 spam. :)
Ft. Some of @timaeusterrored 's sims/ocs x3
{It's under the cut so it's not a wall of content x3}
Daddy Blue with Gwen and Vex x3
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Some small shots I like :)
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Mermaid Vince and his pet Dolphin :)
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I also decided to make some of my old OCs {Droyace and Lizzy. And make them kiss >:3}
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vincentmatthews · 7 months
Small things about Dean because it makes me happy and I am very sick
♡ He used to have a mohawk and skateboard when he was a teen.
♡ He isn't allowed to pick out his own clothes. Once, he tried leaving the house in an oversized hoodie. Just a hoodie and his shoes. Blue made him at least put on some damn pants before leaving. So he came back with just pants and shoes, no hoodie to be found. So now Blue sets out his clothes if they're to go anywhere, so he's at least dressed properly for it.
♡ He can't sleep alone. He has to either be sleeping on someone, cuddling someone, or cuddling a body pillow.
♡ Dean gets flustered easily, especially with Kerry, due to having a crush on him. Unfortunately, it almost always gets taken as a joke or isn't taken seriously.
♡ When he isn't feeling good, he lays in bed and plays cozy games {Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher, Sims 4, Minecraft}.
♡ He loves horror movies and playing horror games, even though they give him nightmares.
♡ He smells like dark chocolate, cinnamon, and cherries.
♡ He has moments where he gets attention starved and can have a breakdown if he doesn't get any form of attention when he needs it.
May add some things later.
I just wanted to talk about him🥺
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
May have accidentally created a new V/OC to shove into my suitcase with the rest of them. Here's Nikkolas. He goes by Nikki or "Blue"
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Graying Blue Edition
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May have made him to be friends with @timaeusterrored 's Vincent Welles~♡
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vincentmatthews · 6 months
Small things about Blue:
{Ft. @timaeusterrored 's Vincent Welles :)}
♡ He's an emotional roller-coaster. If he's upset, terrified, or angry enough; he cries. It doesn't take too long for him to calm down unless it's something really bad. Then the only thing you can do, is hold him tight and let him cry and go nonverbal until he's okay again.
♡ Blue loves the sound of wind chimes, and heavy rain.
♡ He's a whore for kisses, hand holding, and cuddling. Any form of physical affection makes him swoon.
♡ He's a great cook and loves cooking and baking. Especially if there's a possibility of getting the kids involved.
♡ There are very few things he actually can't do. He can come off as an overachiever, or someone who's full of himself because of how many skills he has.
♡ He has a fear of the dark. He has to sleep with the bathroom light on or with fairy lights. He's not scared of the dark itself. It's the fear of the unknown and what could be lurking within the darkness. Unfortunately, he's had people in the past feed off of that fear and even helped him develop that terror. He wouldn't tell his partner(s) about it because he knows it's childish and he's embarrassed by it.
♡ He's in a non-exclusive relationship/fling with Dean. They both will argue that they're not boyfriends, yet they live together, be romantic with each other, and even sleep together. It's a mutual agreement they've come to, and they're both happy with the arrangement. They consider each other best friends, but with benefits. Blue is one of the few people that Dean can 100% always rely on, and will know have his beat interest at heart.
♡ He has a history with Jaxx, but it's not as bad as Dean's is.
♡ He loves cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the ones he loves and doesn't ask for much of anything in return. His love language is simple and romantic acts.
♡ He knows how to use a gun but doesn't like packing one around. He's a great aim, but the idea of carrying around something that can end someone's life in a millisecond doesn't sit right with him. Plus, what if the kids get a hold of it, and end up hurting themselves? They're too dangerous, and he'll only carry one if he absolutely has to. But even then he'd perfer knives. {Dean makes him carry one when they do mercenary work together, and he hates it.}
♡ He knows how to play guitar, and on special occasions, he'll pull out his acoustic guitar and start playing it as he sings. He also owns a drum set, but he hasn't touched that since he as in a band. He also hasn't put out any albums since Vince passed. Now, he just plays his guitar for his own enjoyment, not for others like he used to.
♡ Blue was in a 6-month committed and loving relationship with Kerry after Vincent's death. He was the only thing keeping Kerry from fully self distructing between losing Johnny and Vincent Welles both. He left in the middle of the night, and Kerry has never forgiven him for it. After that, Ker went hard with self distructing by partying, doing drugs, drinking, and having sex with anyone who showed him 5mins of attention. When Blue did show up back in his life, it was bad. And one of the few times Kerry's fully lost his shit and had a hysterical breakdown to the point of screaming and even getting physical {just beating on Blue's chest, not hard enough to hurt him}. Blue held him close, and let him have his break down, and just kept saying he was sorry for hurting him as he ran a hand through Kerry's hair.
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
Jaxx and Blue for this post~♡
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Thank you for requesting them, love 🥺💕
I love talking about my boys, even if I don't talk about them enough 🥺💕
-> Bonus For Jaxx since I know you love him :)
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vincentmatthews · 11 months
✒️+ Blue and Jaxx
Thank you love 🥺💕
Blue is a whore for kisses, give this man any sort of affection and he'd be putty in your hands. He loves kissing, holding hands, cuddling. There's nothing that he loves more than kissing aside from giving someone head.
Blue sometimes finds it hard to admit his feelings for someone. He finds physical affection easier than actually telling them. Which has lead to complications in the past.
Blue's the romantic type, he'd love on you, cook for you, clean, and always make sure that you're well taken care of. He'd even make you homemade soup and tea when you're sick. He can't sleep unless he's cuddling someone, and that person would be you~♡
Jaxx is more of the "Kill them before they can kill you." Type of mentality. This leads to uncontrollable anger, a lot of physical violence {most being hair pulling, biting, choking, slapping, and sometimes even stabbing.} He's the hellhound with glowing red eyes, in a spiked collar that you see in the dark before you die.
His form of affection is complete, and total dominance; over your body, mind, and soul. If he can't have you face down in the dirt, in the middle of the woods, crying for mercy as he stands over top of you, threatening to breed you; then he doesn't want it. He enjoys primal play, but only if his prey isn't willing participant. He wants something that will fight back, something that will feel like he's hunting~♡
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
In love with the fact that there's an AU with @timaeusterrored where Blue is a baby daddy x3💕
He has a little girl named Violet Welles x3
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
Motion for all of your ocs, please and thank!
Question from this OC Ask sheet💕
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Dean- Dean's clumsy, this man can trip on air and has tripped over his own feet before. His clothes being baggy don't tend to aid that either, he's stepped on the end of his pants and face planted before. His nose is very prone to breaking so if he's punched in the face or falls face first, his nose with break, which cleaning up the blood isn't fun.
Blue- He's naturally off balance which adds to his sense of chaos. As the same as Dean, he's a bit clumsy yet not to the extreme as Dean is. He wears mostly skinny jeans, booty shorts, and crop tops, which don't tend to snag as much, but when he wears the Valentinos' jacket, it does cut down on the rang of motion for his arms. He's not able to make long reaches or reach up too high due to the weight of the leather and the stitching of the jacket, stiffening up the arms and shoulders.
Jaxx- He naturally has very heavy set footsteps, almost as if he was stomping into them. He wears steel toned boots so he can kick the shit out of someone with it; which also tends to add some weight to his steps. Everything he does is pre-planned in some form or another. His clothes are his wolf t-shirt, leather pants, and his black leather overcoat. He's gotten into the habit of going shirtless, which frees up his arm along with making it easier for him to choke and punch people.
Vinny- Vinessa wears latex body suits that hug her body, or she'll wear a bralette shirt with leather black pants. Her way of walking is either more swaying as if she's dancing, or her movements would be swift and jumpy. Her clothes clinging to her makes it easier for her to get the full range of motion, and makes it less likely for her to get grabbed.
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
For any/all or you babies🥺💕
Question from this OC Ask sheet💕
For all of them, it's their hair colors and styles. But aside from that, this is what they'd notice, aside from their hair:
Dean- His green eyes, his Greek styled nose, he just looks like some dude with nothing truly definable aside from his hair, eyes, and nose. He'd also almost always have a headphone earbud in, that's playing music or a podcast.
Blue- Blue hair. That's what earned him his nickname was his vivid blue hair, matched with his ice blue eyes, he either almost always wears something that's baby blue or Valentinos merch, his block styled tattoos, and the black X's over his eyes that are very Revenge Era, Frank Iero inspired style {Damn, I'm old xD}
Jaxx- His modded optics, the Maelstrom mask he wears a lot, along with the wolf shirt, he has a smoky scent to him like he's been near a fire recently, his voice sounding like a chainsaw {as if he growls and screams a lot}.
Vinny- Her green eyes, the freckles, her hourglass figure, the fact that she's a Maelstromer yet is 90% still 'ganic, her petite button nose, and that most of her tops compliment her breasts perfectly.
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
What are Vincent Welles' comfort take-out foods? What are his favorites that make him feel right at home? And what is his guilty pleasure dessert? X3
I'm asking for Blue🩵
He's too shy to ask V himself, so I have to do it for him xD
Omg?? Blue gonna as the baby on a date??? Do it.
Take-Out foods
Veggie fried rice
Crab rangoons
Any soup that has potatoes
Cookies and cream ice cream
Chocolate wafers
Comfort foods in general
Soup! Boy loves him some soup (especially if made by Mama Welles and Kerry’s mom)
Mac and cheese
Always paired with a ginger ale
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