#OC: Ivyanne Tyrell
writingwenches · 1 month
Maids of the Reach
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summary: exploring my King's Landing Ladies of the Court OCs, this time hailing from The Reach. pairings: Aemond #1 childhood enemy, a sword lesbian. Helaena dreaming of being a fuckboi themes: 18+, mentions of sexual exploration, trans-character, unmarried Helaena, autistic Helaena, queer Helaena, men being clueless about wlw behavior ٭ ✵ ⁕ ✶ ✰ ﹡ HOTD fanfic universe maesterlist
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Aemond’s second betrothal lasted for about as long as his first. The Tyrells found their way into the small council chamber, that his own mother had remained a fixture of, even after Rhaenyra’s abandoned her position and moved her family to Dragonstone.
The Reach Maids were given their own personal wing of the Keep, where the sun shone bright and flowers grew along the walls of the red bricked palace. The open gardens the fleet of rooms surrounded grew grand trees and vibrant flowers, their own personal godswood, reserved just for them. 
Their fathers were always busy with fancy lord matters, leaving the girls to their own dream life. 
Ivyanne Tyrell had traveled everywhere with her father, as did her Lady mother. Before her teenage years, she had traveled to all the realms in the Seven Kingdoms and Essos besides, watching her father peddle the wares of his peoples. 
During their time in Braavos, Ivyanne found her very own dancing master, willing to train a little girl, because she was one as well. 
Tatsu of Nossos came from a realm so far beyond the edge of the world, that Maesters had argued of its existence. The child, not much older than Ivyanne herself, was brought to the Tyrell family by the richest in the city, as a gift to entertain his daughter.
After much remarking on her strange appearance, Tatsu unsheathed two, thin blades, and challenged any of the Tyrell guard to defeat her in single combat. She was stick thin, and wrapped in cloth close to the body, symbols adorned them, in language that looked more like pictures to the Westerosi.
The Tyrell guards were not wearing heavy armor, covering only their chest, and no shield in the casual setting. The guards had no hope of catching the foreigner, she was light on her feet, dancing under their blades like water charting a new path along the riverbank. Her movements were precise, flipping on the backs of the guards or between their legs without notice until it was too late. 
The noble crowd watching clapped in enjoyment, as Ivyanne screamed praises until her voice ran silent. The girl had bested every man that came before her, with a belief in her own skill enough to test it against an unsheathe blade. No one could ever force her into anything, Ivyanne thought. Her hands wrapping themselves around the hilt of an invisible blade. 
“It is an honor,” Tatsu bowed, their voice deep and warm, “In my home of Nossos, we nobles of the ancient houses of empires past, swear a sacred vow in front of the elders and all that have come before,” Tatsu explained, pointing out a similarly dressed teen, with the same thin eyes and dark hair. Ivyanne watched as the light flecked purple on their dark hair. “My brother and I have vowed to our pilgrimage of the known world, to drink from the fountain of knowledge that awaits us, so we may one day return to join the elders and all that have come before, to build our eternal empire.” The crowd hand on every word, enjoying their own refreshing drips from the fountain of knowledge. 
"It would be my great honor to travel with you to your land, Lord of Tyrells, and learn your ways.” 
Ivyanne began the round of clapping, her own hands could not move fast enough to express her excitement. 
“I Tatsu of Nasso have shed by family name, but I was born the son of Lord Emperor Toda–“ 
“Beg your pardon…son?” Lord Tyrell interrupted the story. 
“Yes! I was born the son of–“ This had been one of the first speakers Tatsu had ever learned, said much like a prayer for the preparation of this moment. 
“Are you not a girl?” the Lord asked.
“Well, I suppose but–“ Tatsu looked around the room of Braavosi, as it had never been made an issue before.
The Tyrell’s huddled together, not hearing the rest of the foreigners words. 
Ivyanne didn’t quite care what was happening, but her little hands weaved their way into her father’s beard and clenched, “Father, I shall never ask for a single thing again in my life if you only–“ 
“Daughter, please,” her parents tried to pry her away, until they eventually were defeated.
Ivyanne jumped from their pedestal, wrapping her arms around her newly gifted friend. “We shall be sisters! We shall be sisters!” Ivyanne chanted, all the way back to Westeros. 
Some years later, Ivyanne had absorbed as much information as possible from her Dancing Master in the time. They practiced nearly every free moment of every day. The girls had originally been sent for to be companions of Princess Helaena, but they seemed to rather their own company. 
Helaena did not mind seeking them out, as she always knew where they would be. The gardens connecting the Reach apartments had become Lady Ivyanne’s personal training yard, though the other ladies had carved themselves out a small piece of their paradise for more gentle pursuits. 
Helaena more often spent sleepless nights with the Reach Maids, playing their kissing and touching games, but Helaena found their obsession with gossip tiring, so she rarely found herself in their presence amongst the sun, unless she was in need of a model.
The princess had been instructed on painting dainty things like flowers and clouds, it was a man’s job to paint more serious pursuits like the human form. Helaena’s painting masters did not approve much of her use of life insect specimens for her paintings, but they allowed it, as her work was slowing progress. 
They had brought one of Helaena’s preferred subjects to be discussed under the digression of the Queen. 
“It looks…like…art?” Alicent regarded the canvas painted with lines and of color. “Thank you for your wise tutelage.” She was sure they were hear to ask for a raise in their compensation. The painting seemed…colorful enough.
The two painting maters flanked the sides of the painting of a flower. Close up and centered with deep red and blushing back the petals of pinks and gold. The colors dripped together in the juices of the paints mixed together, and neither of the painters could say anything else in the presence of the queen. 
And they were not about to suggest teaching the princess to paint…that.
So, Helaena went on her way, painting her flowers, with the help of the Reach girl’s spread legs. 
Ivyanne took a break from training, as Lady Alarie Mullendore rested her head on Ivy’s chest, her skirts pulled up around her waist as Helaena painted between her parted knees. Lady Oletta Redwyne sat with her mouth agape as she watched the painting come together, while she nursed a goblet of wine. Tatsu sharpened a blade. 
The girls spring to action when the tell tale sign of Lord Tyrell’s shoes clomped against the stone floor. Alarie lowered her skirts, and Helaena leaned herself back a comfortable distance to Westerosi men. 
“Good marrow, ladies,” Lord Tyrell offered, “painting, are we?” 
Helaena turned her canvas around to show the lord her work. 
“Ah! A rose! Perfectly fitting!” 
The girl’s shared a snicker. 
“Well, darling I have some most auspicious news!” he spoke to his daughter Ivyanne, who was still in her trousers from sword training. “The queen has accepted by offer of your hand to the young Prince Aemond. Could you imagine? The world’s largest dragon nesting in Highgarden? It will be simply glorious, simply glorious, now you ladies have a wonderful day, darling I shall see you later.” 
The lord babbled and eventually left the room, and all the ladies remained frozen in place. There had been no news of such an arrangement before Lord Tyrell just announced that it was accepted. 
“Ivy?” Alarie asked, sitting up from resting on her chest. 
Everything happened so quickly after Ivy unsheathed her sword. They Maids were running down the halls, chasing after Ivy, who’s sword was held with a precision too precise. “Ivy your trousers! You’re still in your pants, Ivy wait!” The girls called after her in confusion. 
Helaena knew where they were going. A place that had been strictly stated that Tatsu’s presence was not allowed. They said it was for the foreigners own protection, but Helaena knew what it was really about. 
Aemond did not like how is sword disappeared from his vision as he swung it wide, under the instruction of Ser Criston. He had been helping the young boy hone his skills in his newly adopted life. Cole had even gone so far as to wear an eyepatch while training, to get the feel of what the young boy was going through. 
“You!” Ivy shouted from the top of the stairs, Aemond saw a blade pointed his way as she jumped down the flight of stairs into the dirt. 
“Ser Crison?” he asked, half expecting it to be a jest set up by the man to help him find a more suitable opponent. 
She ran across the training yard, her sword drawn over her shoulder. With her first strike she cut Aemond’s wooden sword like a cooked meat. 
Aemond’s screamed joined the Maid’s that came shouting down the stairs. Criston drew his own sword from his belt, but he was disarmed and left with a deep gash on the top of his hand. 
Aemond was on his back, screaming to whatever god would hear him. Ivy brought her sword down into the dirt with the force enough to feld a tree. 
“Ivy!” The clang of metal against metal as Tatsu’s swords clashed against hers. “Run Prince!”
Aemond did not need to be told twice to move himself from her homocidel path. 
It took nearly every guard in the yard to subdue Ivyanne. Tatsu was hit on the back of the head with the hilt of a sword and went down quickly, but the guards were sure not to bring undo harm to a highborn lady. 
Aemond wanted as she screamed and fit and foamed at the mouth. He had witnessed Aemma’s tantrums his entire life, but Ivyanne had turned into a feral beast. A creature so unpredictable that a dragon would not engage. Crowds gathered from every direction, as the sound of a girl surely being murdered echoed through the keep. The maesters eventually forced liquid down her throat until her body went limp. 
The betrothal was called off soon after, and there was no other that followed.
a/n: the idea of Alicent, mom at 15, would force her 14 yo daughter to sleep with her brother makes me PHYSICALLY ILL, so my AUs generally always have single Aegon and Helaena 👍
Let me know what y'all think~ They will be side characters in the AU fic series I'm working on, but I could explore them on their own as well, if people want more~
If you liked what you read, want to comment, but can't think of anything to say, comment your favorite hand-held baked treat~ 🧁
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writingwenches · 1 month
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summary – In courts through history, all over the world, women played an important part of building the culture *tongue pop* I was inspired by the lack of courtly women in the HOTD universe, so I added a few dozen and the game of thrones began. Instead of a Fix-It Fic approach, I went with a more "explain it" direction regarding the overall plot related to the show.
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House of the Dragon Explain-it Universe
Freedom From – Aemond x Peasant OC; Mixed-Race OC; status – ACT ONE complete
summary: Prince Aemond finds himself in the northern Riverlands on a quest to fetch a gift for his sister. The local Peasantry do not believe him a real prince, and enjoys the lack of responsibility…until he learns that one of the peasants will soon be joining him in the Red Keep. series found here
Aemma Velaryion – Rhaenyra's Religious Team Green Daughter; status – more to come!
I started off wanting to write a version of Rhaenyra's daughter that was staunchly Team Green, and I ended up creating a nightmare monster. I love her so much. Part One
Aegon, Aemond, Daeron — teenage brotherly bonding; status: idk lol
Aegon’s new favorite hobby has taken him away from his training, and the punishment calls for a field trip, and the only way for real men to travel is on horseback rip it’s silly, it’s dumb, I hate/love it lol
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Original Character Directory
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Princess Aemma Velaryon – Rhaenyra's eldest daughter. She is angry, and sad, and everything in between. Currently a ward of Queen Alicent. [aesthetic inspiration – Hozier singing "Take Me to Church" at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show]
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Lyn – the main POV character we see the world through. Grew up as a lowborn peasant, in the backwoods of the Riverlands. She is living in a horror story. Have you ever dreamed of being a princess? Of having a family of untold wealth and power? To have everyone in the realm know your name? To truly have everything you've ever wanted? Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
She generally has no idea what is going on in this game of thrones. She can not yet read, she grew up thinking the Freys at The Twins were Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. The targtowers/courtly ladies have convinced her that Lord Larys Strong is the father of Rhaenyra’s bastards rip
Team Red
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Lady Cinda Lannister – Younger Sister to Lord Jason Lannister, Lady of Coin for the Red Keep, First Lady of Honor to Queen Alicent. Childhood crush of Aemond Targaryen. Her age is described as "almost too old to bare children." Aemond has proposed to her on numerous occasions through his youth (and beyond) and she has refused him every time. (Lady of Coin makes sure the cooks/servants have the coin they need to perform their job, a “lower” job, fit only for a women, because it requires speaking to servants lol)
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Lady Cordelia Lannister – Younger niece of Lady Cinda Lannister, by way of an elder brother. Both Cordelia's parents passed when she was younger, as has been living as a ward of Cinda, in the Red Keep, most of her life. She is supposed to be a friend to Princess Aemma, but she finds the princess extremely tiring. She has never had to make a decision for herself, and doesn't know if she will ever be able to. She doesn't want the life planned out for her...but what other choice does she have? Her age is described as "almost too young to bare children."
Team Reach
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Lady Ivyanne Tyrell – engaged to Aemond Targaryen on numerous occasions against her will, trapped in the Red Keep, living in a horror story. Aemond Targaryen’s number one hater, a sword lesbian. The only child to Lord and Lady Tyrell, there is a rumor she was caldron made. She would rather die than marry a man, and her parents seem to think removing a few fingers could make her see reason. They were wrong. If she is to die, she will die free. On again, off again with Helaena. What started as a way to annoy her nemesis, Aemond, Ivy sometimes finds herself dreaming of the princess. Ivy believes that Lyn MUST marry Aemond, if she has any hope to be free of him. (Face inspo: masc Kirsten Stewart in a dress)
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Lady Oletta Redwyne – the heir to The Arbor, a dragon pit is currently being constructed on the island, mentally engaged to Aegon Targaryen since the age of three, has shaped her entire personality around him, there is no option other than Aegon. There is a small chance she is poising him. (Face inspo: Havana Rose Liu)
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Lady Alarie Mullendore – first cousin to Lyn, the fashion influencer of the Seven Kingdoms, runs her own business designing and making dresses for ladies at court. Uses fashion as a backstabbing method. Her hair is big because it’s full of secrets.
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Lady Tatsu 🏳️‍⚧️ – A Nobleperson from Nososs, a place ruled by dragon lords long ago, but they all died out. Legendary fighter, “dancing master” to Lady Ivyanne. Living as a trans woman in King’s Landing. Maesters are fascinated by Nososs, but most refuse to speak with her for close-minded reasons. Wants to go home more than anything else in the world, but knows she’ll never be able to (unless…)
more characters coming soon...
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Original Location/House Directory
Nososs – geography based on Japan, on the other side of the known world, pre-Dawn society, former dragon lords, noble pilgrims
Tropicos – continent southwest of the Reach, destroyed during Aegon's Conquest, home to strange and hostile terrain, cursed from chemical poisoning, based on where i grew up, more info coming soon.
House Stone – Inspired by Mongolian culture, the Newest House of the Seven Kingdoms, sworn as loyal vessels to House Stark, and named a noble house by King Viserys I Targaryen after their economic rise from the sale of ice.
My requests are always open for original locations/house content! If you want to send geographic or cultural inspiration, I can make an OC house/country based on them~
Old Valyria Original Lore
Vaestal Virgins – Old Valyrian Goddess of Luck, Dragonfire, Virgins and Dragondreams // Inspired by the Vestal Virgins of Ancient city of Rome
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writingwenches · 16 days
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about me: call me Ed or Eddie~ In my 30s, I work too much to afford to live. Currently live in my own perfect apartment, it’s too expensive, but I’m surviving! I recently moved from an extremely conservative area of the USA Gulf Coast to one of the most liberal states in beautiful mountains with perfect weather. Life’s a struggle, but it’s fun with good buddies! Hit me up anytime, anywhere~
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words of fiction
Freedom From (Peasant OC; rags to riches plot) + family tree (fic spoilers) + mothers side Aemma Velaryon (Rhaenyra's nightmare daughter/worst enemy) Aegon and the Targtower Family Roadtrip (family bonding) Helaena and Her Gays (Helaena's queer in my AU)
Westeros Zodiac • AU Canon Character Lore • Face Claims to Use • Ask Games • Other's OCs • Fic Recs • Role Playing Guide
disclaimer — feel free to use any of my characters as silly lil pawns or side characters or target practice in your own stories. If anything here gives you muse, use it! Message/Tag me, I’m excited to see where it takes you~
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original character tags
Aemma Velaryon
Rhaenyra's eldest daughter. She is angry, and sad, and everything in between. Currently a ward of Queen Alicent. [aesthetic inspiration – Hozier singing "Take Me to Church" at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show]
Lynora Lannister
Grew up as a lowborn peasant, in the backwoods of the Riverlands. She is living in a horror story. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. She generally has no idea what is going on in this game of thrones. She can not yet read, she grew up thinking the Freys at The Twins were Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. The targtowers/courtly ladies have convinced her that Lord Larys Strong is the father of Rhaenyra’s bastards rip
Cinda Lannister
Younger Sister to Lord Jason Lannister, Lady of Coin for the Red Keep, First Lady of Honor to Queen Alicent. Childhood crush of Aemond Targaryen. Her age is described as "almost too old to bare children." Aemond has proposed to her on numerous occasions through his youth (and beyond) and she has refused him every time. (Lady of Coin makes sure the cooks/servants have the coin they need to perform their job, a “lower” job, fit only for a women, because it requires speaking to servants lol)
Pyter Royce
The Lord of Runestone, inherited after the mysterious death of his aunt Rhea Royce. He has no proof, but he knows the Targaryen scum was to blame, and he plans to take his revenge on whichever Targaryen he comes across first.
Rahul Qorgyle
Former heir to Sandstone, but after being kicked in the head by a horse, he developed a mental disability.
Beal Marlow
A theater troop actor from Essos, angered the wrong Prince of Astapor and had found himself hiding from the Good Masters in Westeros. He has become a legendary playwright in King's Landing, stealing his ideas from diaries of Old Valyrian's before the Doom. Looks suspiciously like Rahul Qorgyle.
Maeria Estermont
The feisty daughter from the second richest house in the Stormlands. Her parents are known for being embarrasing and harassed Maeria a place in the Red Keep as one of Princess Helaena's Lady in Waiting. Maeria thinks the princess is batty, and has a hard time holding her tongue where insults are concerned.
Oletta Redvyne
the heir to The Arbor, a dragon pit is currently being constructed on the island, mentally engaged to Aegon Targaryen since the age of three, has shaped her entire personality around him, there is no option other than Aegon. There is a small chance she is poising him. (Face inspo: Havana Rose Liu)
Ivyanne Tyrell 🏳️‍🌈
engaged to Aemond Targaryen on numerous occasions against her will, trapped in the Red Keep, living in a horror story. Aemond Targaryen’s number one hater, a sword lesbian. The only child to Lord and Lady Tyrell, there is a rumor she was caldron made. She would rather die than marry a man, and her parents seem to think removing a few fingers could make her see reason. They were wrong. If she is to die, she will die free. On again, off again with Helaena. What started as a way to annoy her nemesis, Aemond, Ivy sometimes finds herself dreaming of the princess. Ivy believes that Lyn MUST marry Aemond, if she has any hope to be free of him. (Face inspo: masc Kirsten Stewart in a dress)
Cordelia Lannister
Younger niece of Lady Cinda Lannister, by way of an elder brother. Both Cordelia's parents passed when she was younger, as has been living as a ward of Cinda, in the Red Keep, most of her life. She is supposed to be a friend to Princess Aemma, but she finds the princess extremely tiring. She has never had to make a decision for herself, and doesn't know if she will ever be able to. She doesn't want the life planned out for her…but what other choice does she have? Her age is described as "almost too young to bare children."
Tatsu of Nossos 🏳️‍⚧️
A Nobleperson from Nososs, a place ruled by dragon lords long ago, but they all died out. Legendary fighter, “dancing master” to Lady Ivyanne. Living as a trans woman in King’s Landing. Maesters are fascinated by Nososs, but most refuse to speak with her for close-minded reasons. Wants to go home more than anything else in the world, but knows she’ll never be able to (unless…)
Emelda Florent
Niece to Queen Alicent, through the Queen's Mother, Lady Floret. Emelda is the only daughter to the current Lord Floret. No one seems to get her name correct, choosing the simplified “Emma” instead. She longs to join the Faith of the Seven, but her father is requiring her to marry to improve their station even higher. Why can't having one queen in the family be enough?
Ima Shett
Thinking is hard, and it is nice when other people do it for you, just like how Lady Ima does her reading, by having someone else do it for her. Illiterate by choice, for the grace of the gods. Life would be so much simpler if Ima could marry her brother, the future Lord of House Shett, Ser Qyle Shett. She is reminded that this is a disgusting thought every time she brings it up, even though the Princess Aemma "gets" to marry one of her uncles. It's just not fair.
Joy Waters
An unremarkable girl, born in a brothel to a whore in King's Landing named Joy, how original. Everything changed for Joy the day a young Prince Aegon Targaryen found himself in her company. He had brought a long a costume for her to wear, and she obliged, and he left, not bothering to take back the scrapes of fabric. But, this was no ordinary fabric, this was the uniform of a maid of the Red Keep, a prestigious position, not held but just any daughter of a whore.
Ryver Erenford 🏳️‍⚧️
The Bolton's got most of their inspiration from the horrible tales of Red Ryver. Born into the body of a woman, Ryver longs to be the best knight and man the Realm has ever seen, even if he has to murder everyone along the way.
Oswalt Frey
The ally, best friend and follower of Ryver. Os once spit his pants in front of a filled crowd of a tourney. His manhood was legendary, and its the current courtly gossip about the Freys. Os is pretty embarrassed by the whole situation.
original lore
geography based on Japan, on the other side of the known world, pre-Dawn society, former dragon lords, noble pilgrims
House Stone
Inspired by Mongolian culture, the Newest House of the Seven Kingdoms, sworn as loyal vessels to House Stark, and named a noble house by King Viserys I Targaryen after their economic rise from the sale of ice.
Vaestal Virgins
Old Valyrian Goddess of Luck, Dragonfire, Virgins and Dragondreams // Inspired by the Vestal Virgins of Ancient city of Rome
Coming Soon...
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writingwenches · 2 months
Just some ramblings about various characters running around the background of my OC insert re-telling of the onset of Dance of the Dragons.
things to note -- I aged all the characters up for potential sexy time and to preserve my own sanity, I also pushed back the engagement between Helaena and Aegon, under the idea that Alicent would want Helaena to have the childhood that she was denied.
I also saw the opportunity to insert more bullies for Aemond, to really lean into that idea that fueled his current personality.
mission statement – Let’s turn Westeros into the girlhood centric sadbae YA novel of our dreams ✨
my take on --
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Princess Helaena Targaryen
Rider of Dreamfyre, Dreams of becoming a great explorer of the world like her ancestors.
While Helaena was often ignored by the Maesters, she was a wealth of knowledge of the world of Old Valyria. She is fascinated by the stories of the historic Jaenara Belaerys, who traveled Sothoryos for three years, never able to find its southern edge, and her more recent ancestor, Aerea Targaryen, who disappeared for years on the back of Balerion, supposedly traveling to the destitute Old Valyria, where she contracted some strange deadly ailment. 
In the show they are trying to show Helaena as autistic, and as an autistic person, I enjoy this idea! So, I’m going to try to run with that as a celebration of autism, and obviously not as a representation of everyone on the spectrum’s experiences. 
The princess enjoys spending time alone, preferring to circle King’s Landing on Dreamfyre, than be fussed over by her mother and their many, many maids. Helaena knows her mother is trying her best, sending for nearly every eligible young lady to come to court, as a way of finding friendships for Helaena. But, Helaena was content with the company of her creatures. They didn’t judge her like the other girls did, always correcting her behavior, and explaining her many errors.
Recently, Queen Alicent discovered Helaena’s ladies-in-waiting mocking her in their private chambers, and the queen had to be talked down from ordering their heads on spikes in the throne room. Helaena never understood her mother’s anger, she had never liked the other ladies and had never tried to befriend them, that didn’t merit death. 
Courtly Ladies --
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Lady Ivyanne Tyrell
She was raised in Highgarden, and was told since birth that she would have to eventually marry a lord. She knew since birth that was the worst fate. She traveled to Braavos in her youth with her father, she was able to see the potential of woman in their world. It wasn’t much, but it was better than a bedridden mother. 
She returned to Westeros and was sent to the Red Keep, where youths were gathering to play court with the royal children. As Lady Redwyne caught the eye of the eldest prince, Lord Tyrell once suggested that Ivyanne be offered to marry the second prince. 
Ivyanne made sure that was an impossibility, becoming one of the young Prince Aemond’s worst bullies. As the other ladies of The Reach joined in on the torment, it was only a matter of time before the entirety of the teenage members of the court joined in. 
She was not afraid of his dragon, and endlessly commented about his eye, pretending to be sick every time they crossed paths and making it a game amongst the other young ladies to run away “frightened” whenever he neared. 
Does Ivyanne know what she is doing is wrong? That is hard to say. She is protecting herself the only way she knows how. 
As they aged, she did not let up on tormenting Aemond. While she was not allowed to train with the boys, Ivyanne trained in secret, instructed by her “Water Dancing” master from far-away Nossos in the way of the fists and single-edged blade. While she was not allowed to fight the other boys, she knew she was accomplished. It wasn’t often that she challenged Aemond to a battle of swords, but she won every match. Aemond might claim that her win was because of her gender, him not wanting to hurt her, but she knew the truth. 
She was simply better than him. 
Within the month of Aemond replacing his slain eye with a sapphire stone, Ivyanne Tyrell began going by the moniker of “The Sapphire of Westeros,” simply because she could. Ivyanne once noticed a beautiful maiden from Drone, visiting the Red Keep for the first time, that had caught the eye of a young Prince Aemond, and Ivyanne took her too. 
There was no education on the pleasures shared between women in the land of Westeros, and Ivyanne used that to her advantage. While all her actions with other woman are physically consensual, Ivyanne did not spend much time on educating to her partners that what they were doing is sex. Ivyanne spent much time courting Helaena, just to get under Aemonds skin, only to find that the Princess might have been smarter than Ivyanne planned, with Helaena using Ivyanne for her own pleasures.
She dreams of being a great knight, a great warrior, but knows that is impossible in her current circumstances. She dreams of running away to Essos, or even farther beyond. Her father is very aware of her desires, and charges his own Green Cloaks in watching her every move.
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Lady Oletta Redwyne
future queen of the seven kingdoms or Princess of Wine and Pleasures
Oletta was raised on The Arbor, an island off the southern coast of The Reach, known for the greatest wines in all the seven kingdoms. She is the only child of the current Lord and Lady Redwyne, much to the dismay of the Lord. They expect nothing but perfection from their daughter, laying the survival of their ancient lineage on her shoulders. 
They were both young when she caught the eye of Prince Aegon, perhaps too young. Against his mothers wishes, Aegon spoke of their potential engagement was if it were fact. This pleased Oletta’s family. 
Because I am pushing back the Aegon/Helaena engagement to give Helaena time to have her own adventures, Aegon has already agreed to the terms of his marriage to Oletta. He would become the Prince of the Arbor, and all their children would take the name Redwyne. Aegon did not care much for names, but haggled a construction of a dragon pit on the Arbor for his dragon, Sunfyre. 
Beyond her planned engagement to Prince Aegon, Oletta does not know much about herself. She has spent her entire upbringing forming herself into Aegon’s perfect wife, in whatever way he asked. Oletta even joined in on the ruthless bullying of Aegon’s younger brother, Prince Aemond, because it made Aegon laugh. One the engagement between Aegon and Helaena is announced, Oletta loses herself into mind deafening anxiety. 
Her friends Ivyanne and Alarie convince Oletta that her only hope for a richer husband, that could impress her family, could be found somewhere in Essos. 
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Lady Alarie Mullendore
The fashion leader of Westeros
Alarie has always had an eye for business, inviting herself on the Tyrell’s voyage to Braavos with Ivyanne. She is a collector of fabrics and styles from around the world, keeping catalogs of patterns and textiles that make the Maesters laugh. 
The Mullendore family has been drunkards for generations, and Alarie wanted to break that cycle, but she knew there was no way she could reach her full potential in Westeros. She dreams of owning her own business, collecting her own money and paying off her own people that she would control. 
I’m still working out the rest of her history and personality, but she is the half-sister of my main character of this story, who is unknown to them until the beginning of this story.
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Tatsu - more info on Nossos
trans woman // Dancing Master for Lady Ivyanne Tyrell — Pilgrim of Nossos
She was born second into a noble family, knowing since birth that she was to be sent away. She felt guilty, wishing ill on her elder sibling, so that she could stay at home forever. But, that day never came. She can barely remember her entire, noble given name now. She was given all the tools she could wish for to prepare her for the long journey, being educated at the feet of elders who had taken the pilgrimage before. 
Newly named, Tatsu, traveled with a distant cousin and settled the first leg of their pilgrimage in the free city of Braavos. Tatsu threw themselves into the fighting style of the Braavosi masters, sharing their own knowledge of the Nossos water dancing. So her journey began, trading knowledge for skill. She hated herself every time she prayed to the Braavosi gods, that she would one day hear word that she is needed to return home, that her elder sibling was dead, but word never came. 
The Tyrell family visited the city with their young daughters, offering gold and goods that weighted down multiple ships. Tatsu began her employment to the Tyrells against the wishes of her cousin, claiming they were not trained to be servants. Tatsu enjoyed the taste of their wine. 
Tatsu became close to the Lady Ivyanne, a girl close to her own age, with her own queerness that Tatsu helped nurture as they returned to Westeros together, soon to move to the center of their seven kingdoms, the Red Keep.
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writingwenches · 2 months
Just some fun musing about an asian inspired "continent" in the world of Westeros for some writing Ive been doing in the world leading up to the Dance of the Dragon. I had fun making this, feel free to request any OC worlds/houses within the Game of Thrones universe! 💕
warnings - medieval style trans discrimination
Nossos // The Crescent World
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inspired by geography of Japan and a need for more asian inspo in this franchise
An ancient world, so far from Westeros that the people rarely cross paths. Their history is traced back that it mixes factual events with mythical happenings, unable to know what is history and what is fictional. 
Before the empire of the dawn, Nossos was a united land under the Emperor Caste. Much like Old Valyria, there was no single ruler, rather a caste of a few dozen families that claimed to be descendant of the volcanos and cracks in the earth. The lower castes were said to have crawled from the sea, just like the water and ice dragons of the region. 
Just like the lower castes, the emperors bent the dragons to their will. The Emperors made slaves of all under their power, competing amongst the royal houses to be the most feared and cruel. 
That was to be their doom. The Long Night was not kind to the Emperor Caste, their slaves rebelled and the dragons sided with the lands they were destined to protect. By the end of the long night, the lands of the Crescent World was flooded, scattering their lands into thousands of islands and the dragons retreated into the drivers and seas.
Those who survived the Great Flood, changed their ways completely. The former noble houses became stewards of their land, charged with keeping the peace amongst the working class, who have flourished in the new age.
The noble houses take their traditions seriously, the most important being The Pilgrimage. The first child of the noble family is the heir and is expected to marry into a powerful merchant family. All other children of noble families are sent on a great pilgrimage, forced to give up their family names and commit their lives to the cause. They were expected to travel far from their homes, to foreign lands and unknown nations. They are to give their lives to integrating themselves into societies until they are old and grey, all for the glory of one day returning home to share their vast knowledge with their people. 
The Maesters of Westeros only know of a handful of Nossos Pilgrims on the continent, most if not all were currently living in Dorne, away from their potential control. The Maesters were beyond excited when the Tyrells brought a Pilgrim to the Red Keep, but were not expecting to be greeted by a young trans-woman and water dancing master, who was willing to educate the ladies of court in the art of hands and swords. While the Maesters claim to be an agnostic order, they could not look past the distain the Faith of the Seven instilled in them since birth.
Characters --
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trans woman // Dancing Master for Lady Ivyanne Tyrell — Pilgrim of Nossos
She was born second into a noble family, knowing since birth that she was to be sent away. She felt guilty, wishing ill on her elder sibling, so that she could stay at home forever. But, that day never came. She can barely remember her entire, noble given name now. She was given all the tools she could wish for to prepare her for the long journey, being educated at the feet of elders who had taken the pilgrimage before. 
Newly named, Tatsu, traveled with a distant cousin and settled the first leg of their pilgrimage in the free city of Braavos. Tatsu threw themselves into the fighting style of the Braavosi masters, sharing their own knowledge of the Nossos water dancing. So her journey began, trading knowledge for skill. She hated herself every time she prayed to the Braavosi gods, that she would one day hear word that she is needed to return home, that her elder sibling was dead, but word never came. 
The Tyrell family visited the city with their young daughters, offering gold and goods that weighted down multiple ships. Tatsu began her employment to the Tyrells against the wishes of her cousin, claiming they were not trained to be servants. Tatsu enjoyed the taste of their wine. 
Tatsu became close to the Lady Ivyanne, a girl close to her own age, with her own queerness that Tatsu helped nurture as they returned to Westeros together, soon to move to the center of their seven kingdoms, the Red Keep.
🏳️‍⚧️ fun fantasy trans fact -- because Nossos is an ancient world, I believe their magic/science/worldly knowledge is so advanced that Tatsu could be in any state of transition the reader wishes and it would make perfect worldly sense~
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