#OC: DraxAna Mahariel
Oh Gray Warden.
DraxAna and Leliana have a moment to catch up in Skyhold's rookery.
Leliana’s tower was a noisy place, full of the sounds of cawing ravens and echoed voices from the library down below and occasionally the far louder chatter of the main hall whenever the downstairs door was open.
Yet it was where Leliana had her altar to Andraste, where she prayed and sat in contemplation.
DraxAna watched quietly, she used to mock the spymaster about her religion, perhaps a bit too much in retrospect, but the chantry and the Dalish were not known for getting along, together they had found the urn of sacred ashes, the supposed remains of Andraste, Even DraxAna felt something otherworldly in that place, and she refused to taint them, she didn’t regret that, even if it meant fighting a entire cult.
At least they didn’t set the dragon on them.
“Maker, forgive them for their sins and welcome them at your side, know it was all for the greater good..”
Those words stood out, the idea of the greater good, in DraxAna’s opinion had never lead anywhere good, wasn’t that Loghain’s excuse for allowing Callian and the wardens to die at Ostogar?
Leliana had changed, she was colder than she used to be, didn’t smile as much and amongst all the scouting reports, books and ravens there wasn’t a single lute or instrument. 
The chantry sister she knew was always full of music, always had a smile on her face.
But then again, that had been a mask hadn’t it? She was hiding in the chantry to escape her abuser.
DraxAna had killed Marjolaine to protect her, and Leliana shed no tears over her former lover, that was a glimpse into the future, to the woman kneeling before her, this Leliana knew how to hide her emotions.
A decade had passed, neither of them were the same.
“I apologize…You came here to talk to me, not watch me pray.” Her voice was still as soft, but had matured “Is there anything particular you wished to speak about?”
“Just checking on you, as a friend, not The Warden-Commander.”
“The title suits you.”
DraxAna shrugged “I have had little choice…” She laughed, “That shall be the name of my life story.”
“Your life story has already been written by many.”
“Not all of it..Not one person has ever asked me about my childhood.” 
“I have heard a few stories that omit the part you’re even an elf.”
“Don’t let that happen to Lavellan…don’t let the stories erase her.”
“I shall try my best.”
“No, you promise me.”
Leliana looked surprised, her eyebrows raising ever so slightly.
“I promise you, DraxAna..”
“Thank you.” 
DraxAna walked towards the rookery’s outer door “Come, I bet there’s a gorgeous view from up here.”
“It is quite breathtaking.”
They both reached for the handle of the door, Leliana’s arm brushed against DraxAna’s, lifting the sleeve ever so slightly, revealing the blackened veins snaking their way up her forearm.
DraxAna pulled it back down before Leliana noticed, but it was too late, the nightingale see’s everything
“Its nothing.”
“Is it the taint?”
“There’s a reason you never see an old gray warden, you know that.”
“But its too soon..”
There was a hint of panic in Leliana’s voice, she cleared her throat
“Do you think Corypheus could be causing it?” Already she was back to her cold self.
“I doubt it, I caught the blight before becoming a warden, perhaps it's something to do with that.”
“You don’t seem very concerned.”
Then DraxAna was a better actress than she thought, she was terrified, half insane with despair at the idea of turning into a ghoul, of becoming like Tamlen.
“There’s a glowing hole in the fucking sky, Lel…I won’t die until I know its not going to destroy everything and everyone I love.” 
“Promise me.”
They met eyes and Leliana was a decade younger, the chantry sister who stepped in to stop a fight when she had no reason, who invited herself on a hopeless quest because the Maker had told her too.
“I promise.”
Leliana nodded, curt and quick, somehow DraxAna knew that not even death would touch her now.
The Sister’s arrows always hit their mark.
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New Pfp, from here.
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Old Friends
Skyhold’s library was dusty, and smelt of old books and dust, someone, a maid who drew the short straw no doubt, had gone and dusted away all the cobwebs but yet dust still clung to the ancient books.
DraxAna leaned on the stone arch of the doorway and watched as Morrigan scanned the shelves
“Well, well, well what do we have here?” 
She repeated the first phrase the woman had ever said to her, in the Korcari wilds during the blight, Creators, she wasn’t even a gray warden then, it was before her joining, before Ostogar, before….
Morrigan didn’t turn to look at her, instead she pulled out a book and opened it, before turning around, eyes fixed on the pages.
“It seems they just let anyone into Skyhold these days..” DraxAna smiled and walked into the room “They need to tighten their security.”
“Indeed, if they let rabble like you past the front gate.” 
Morrigan looked up from the book, a small smile on her dark red lips and a glint in her amber eyes.
“Its good to see you, Mori.” DraxAna opened her arms “Properly I mean, without the entire imperial court breathing down our necks.”
Morrigan closed the book and put it back, before placing herself between DraxAna’s open arms and hugging her.
“Affection?” DraxAna raised her eyebrows “The years have made you soft.”
DraxAna looped her arms around Morrigan’s back, remembering the last time they had seen each other, The Archdemon was dead, she lived, thanks to the witch and her unborn child.
“No, that is all you're doing, Ana.” Morrigan chuckled “My one and true friend, Tis you to blame for who I’ve become.” 
“Hardly fair to drop all the blame in my lap..” 
DraxAna rested her head on Morrigan’s shoulder, she wasn’t as boney as she remembered.
“I have missed you, Witch.”
“And I you.”
They released each other from their hug
“Alistair is surprised..”
Morrigan laughed “I imagine he wishes I was dead in a bog somewhere?”
DraxAna paused, listening to see if anyone was lurking around, the walls in Skyhold had ears.
“I hear..the boy is with you.”
“He is yes.” Morrigan turned back to the book shelf “Kieran enjoys the gardens..”
“Kieran?” DraxAna smiled “A nice name..”
“He will be glad to hear you think so, he idolizes the Hero of Ferelden, he is constantly badgering me to tell him tales of when we traveled together.”
“I would like to meet him, so would Ali..”
Morrigan tensed, DraxAna walked to her side and placed a hand on her arm
“I know, We spoke of never telling him…but we don’t need to, we can simply be Aunt DraxAna and Uncle Alistair..”
“Would he allow that?”
“Alistair knows how it feels to not know your Father, to wonder who the man who helped create you was..he wants Kieran to at least know him.”
“I shall think on it.”
“Its all I ask.”
With a smile, she removed her hand
“Now, I must go to the Rookery…Lily has been dying to tell me about her nugs..”
Morrigan chuckled “I do not envy you having to listen to that.”
“Its my fault, never should have given her one of the blighted things..”
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POV your Alistair Therin and the love of your life just slew the archdemon
made with this
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DraxAna Mahariel
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Orgin, young, adventuress, cocky.
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Searching for the cure, Brave, snide, too old for this shit.
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DraxAna, commander of the Grey leading Grey Warden Force’s against a darkspawn hoard.
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Anders talks about the Warden-Commander.
Violetta rolled over in bed, trying to get comfy, Crunchie had decided to sleep right between her legs, she was uncomfortable but knew better than to try and move the hound,
Anders was still awake, flicking through a book in the light from the moon outside, it was a talent that he could read in such dim light.
“Why don’t you go to the library?” 
He looked up from the book, a small smile on his face “Because I’d be away from you, my love.”
Violetta smiles, always the charmer.
“What are you reading?”  
He closes the book and shows her the cover, but she can’t quite make out the words in the dark, she can just make out a Griffon Symbol. 
“A historical account of the fifth blight..” He sighs and throws it on to the bedside table, Crunchie’s ears twitch at the noise. “It seems rather exaggerated to me…The Warden-Commander never mentioned half the shite in it.”
“I heard she ran into a crazy hermit in the woods…and a talking tree.” Violetta laughs “Are those outlandish claims true?”
Anders nods “Oh most definitely, the tree spoke in rhymes, It annoyed the void out of her.”
“Then what's in the book that doesn’t seem true?”
“Well it completely ignores the fact that DraxAna was Dalish, It talks about her praying to the Maker for strength.” He scoffs “The only time DraxAna mentioned the Maker was sarcastically.”
“No wonder you two were fast friends.” 
“She found me surrounded by dead templars and didn’t even bat an eye..” he laughs “ she offered to make me a gray warden so that I couldn’t be dragged back to the Circle..”
“That seems noble.”
“Perhaps..The order needed bodies, most of them were wiped out at Ostagar..”
“Have you spoken to her…since you left?”
Anders shifts and Violetta feels guilty for bringing it up.
“I wrote her a letter, Maker knows if it actually got to her…”
“Did she ever meet Justice?”
The room is bathed in a blue glow as Justice makes an appearance, turning Anders eyes to an icy blue. At first it had scared Violetta, having a spirit take control of her lover's body at a moment's notice, but she had grown used to it, He was an interesting conversationalist. 
“Warden-Commander Mahariel knew me before I inhabited this body…When I was inside of a corpse.” 
“So she did know you as separate entities?” 
That made Violetta feel oddly jealous, who had Anders been before Justice? What part of him did she not know?
“Did you help fight the darkspawn?”
“I did, Yes.” 
“What did you think of her?”
“The Gray Warden taught me that I couldn’t inhabit someone’s corpse, And I met the wife of my host's body…she did not react well.”
Violetta chuckles
“In a way she helped lead to Anders and I bonding.” 
The flash of blue again, Anders was back.
“Don’t blame DraxAna for this…it was my choice.”
“I know.” She reached out and traced his face with her finger tips “I support you in this..I just wonder what you were like before.” 
He smiled “Not that much different, Just lonely..”
He takes her hand and kisses her knuckles “Of course, I didn’t have my bird, did I?”
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A walking history lesson.
After being recruited by Duncan and saying her final goodbyes to the Clan, DraxAna finds herself walking down a muddy road, where she decides to finally talk to the human who saved her life.
Thick forest soon gave way to farmland, hills and a tiny village in the far distance, a grey speck of man-made stone on an ocean of lush green.
“I’ve never been to a shem settlement before.” DraxAna finally engages Duncan in conversation, the older human had seemed very focused and stern on their walk through the forest, his hand never far away from the dagger strapped to his belt.
He was on high alert looking for those creatures they had encountered in the cave, darkspawn he had called them, She tried her best to reassure him that she could hear a mouse if it stepped on a twig and could put an arrow between its beady eyes before it could sneeze.
He was now relaxed, which was the opposite to how DraxAna felt, she was the furthest from her clan that she had ever been.
“What’re they like?”
Duncan lets out something that was half a sigh and half a chuckle.
“Depends.” He shrugs his shoulders “They are all different.”
DraxAna frowns, that was not a helpful response. 
“Do all shems speak so vaguely or is that just a grey warden thing?”
This time Duncan does laugh
“My apologies.” He looks over his shoulder at her and smiles “Villages are often quite lively..especially if you go on market day.” 
DraxAna had heard about Shem marketplaces from the other adults in the clan, sometimes they would have to trade for supplies and a few would take a wagon and a Halla to do so.
She was never allowed on such trips, Keeper Marethari had always insisted it was because she didn’t know what she was doing, and that the trips should be kept as short as possible.
Tamlen always said it was DraxAna was likely to try and pinch some rich Shems coin purse and bring the wrath of the village down on the Clan.
Both were correct, DraxAna did enjoy the shiny coins the Shem used, the way they glittered in the sunlight and made an almost musical noise when dropped.
The Clan had no use for money, so she never really saw the point in it.
“Are they very large places?” DraxAna squinted at the buildings on the horizon, They didn’t look like the huge stone buildings Pol had mentioned. 
“Well there are villages...towns and cities.” Duncan explained “Cities being the largest.”
Ah, a city, that must be where Pol was from.
“And elves..are allowed in these places?”
“Yes.” Duncan paused “But they live in their own quarters, usually sectioned off.”
“They’re called Alan-gee’s, aren’t they?”
Duncan laughed, but tried to disguise it as a cough.
“Alienages, yes.” 
“One of the Clan used to live in one of those...he said that the elves there seem to think us Dalish are just bedtime stories.”
“Sadly, City Elves don’t know much about your culture, It is as much of a mystery to them as that of Teivinter.” 
“Are they not told the stories?”
Duncan shakes his head and DraxAna feels a wave of sadness come over, She can’t imagine being a elf and not knowing the tales of Elvhenan, not knowing her own history. 
“Well...Once I’m a Gray Warden..I can teach them.” DraxAna smiles “If..If thats allowed.”
Duncan laughs again “Lets get the Battle at Ostagar over with before we make plans for the future, shall we?”
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The two DraxAna’s.
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DraxAna during the blight, fresh faced and ready to be another one of histories heroes.
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DraxAna when she joins the Inquisition, Ten years older and the Warden-Commander, tired and wishing the world would fix itself.
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Some DraxAna looks. Made using: AATAVEITH CHARACTER CREATOR
Fancy party (She hates everything and everyone but she looks good)
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Casual. (For Camp, annoying Alistair and helping Morrigan cook.)
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And on the job (She’ll stab you and look cute while doing it.)
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First line tag game:
Rules: Rules: post the first spoken lines of the main characters (however you define that) of your WIP with no context whatsoever.
I was tagged by @musetta3 (thank you so much)
I’ll be doing this for each of my main OC’s from my WIP Fic:
  All as one: A retelling of Inquistion where each of the player characters from all of the games work together.
Eirwen-Onyx Lavellan: "Of course Varric." She closes her book with a heavy snap and places it in her lap.
DraxAna Mahariel: "Its one of Lili's." DraxAna responds, stroking the bird along its back "It has a note."
Violetta Hawke: "Or dare I say Carver." Violetta couldn't help but snort at the very idea as she reaches for the letter, the wax seal does confirm its from Varric, a 'T' in orange wax.”
Tagging: Anyone who see’s this and wishes to take part :D 
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DraxAna my love <3
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In my everyone-meets-during- the-inquistion fic DraxAna had to be held back by Alistair from punching Solas after he breaks up with Eirwen-Onyx.
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Been on a Heroforge kick so I made DraxAna, as she would be seen when she first meets Duncan, fresh from the darkspawn cave.
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Draxie again!
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Whenever I see a fantasy thing I always have to make my girl DraxAna <3
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