#OC Gubs
scrawlingskribbles · 1 year
first drawing of the year (well, technically second, but shhh) & I am, once again, overflowing with adoration for my darling dorter~ 🤧❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💖✨
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*Edit: colored her digitally too bc I'm trying to get used to digital drawing what feels like all over again at this point lmao <3
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mudkirby · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day
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To all [select few] my fellas [mutuals]
All in order of what was drawn
@amazingmezmer bruv tysm for existing
@druidshollow I keep reading your name as Druid Shallow 💀
@trashiiplant that guy from discord
I would do all my fellas but the backlog is a child's book in length now and school go brrr. I just realized I didn't finish GUB >:v
Also, I just learned about stuff like (silly) or (affectionate) so apologies if I insulted someone beforehand :p
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gubbles-owo · 7 months
on a whim just opened some half-finished oc writings I made earlier this year, and like--
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d-damn, maybe I ought to try and finish some of these... if nothing else just to fully realize the fucked up chronically ill ink-monstergirl tf/degradation potential of cuttle here...
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mikamoo · 4 months
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Wanted to update Mika's design a bit and give him a pet! It's a different type of alien from Mika's home planet.
- Gub ferments its food in its tail dyring digestion and can spray that through its head stem as a defense or marking territory. The fermented substance has a calming effect.
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candied-rain · 7 months
OC ask rb but i intentionally try to engineer them to be as difficult to answer as possible let's gO Kingfisher, 5 For Marron, 8 12 for Corro Lucrecia, 14 And because absurd wildcard/fuck you: Ellie... 18. (that's all a LOT so feel free to just pick a couple, or space them out in separate posts, whatever u feel like)
Kingfisher - 5. What’s one hill your OC will die on (anything from a guiding moral position to a strong opinion about combining mint and chocolate)?
It's absolutely their freedom. They aren't willing to compromise that for anybody or anything.
Marron - 8. What’s something that your OC owns that means the world to them? What’s something they own that they don’t like, but can’t bring themself to part with?
Definitely her violin-- its a weird kinda electric violin that Kingfisher threw together for her years ago and it's her favorite thing in the world (second ofc to King themself). As for the second part, she kinda has mixed feelings about the special radio King gave her. It lets her talk to them more, but she wishes she didn't need it. Corro - 12. What does their bed and/or desk look like? Tidy or cluttered - are they both the same, or is one neat and the other messy?
Oh, her stuff is absolutely a mess. Completely disorganized, clothes and all sorts of junk strewn everywhere. She considers it a Statement (no idea what its meant to be a statement about).
Lucrecia - 14. How comfortable are they relying on other people, and what situations would change their comfort level?
So, at the beginning of Thirst, Lucrecia is really uncomfortable relying on anyone. She views herself as dangerous, unreliable, and self-sufficient. She thinks she can tough through anything alone, and that's inherently better than getting anyone involved with her ever, because of the danger she poses to people.
As for what can change that, well, Ellie, it seems. An extremely gentle older woman who seems to be impervious to the danger that Lucrecia sees herself as. She doesn't trust her fully yet, but she's come a long way since chapter one.
Ellie - 18. If they can or would drive, what would their car be like?
Absolutely something flashy, some kinda sports car, bright red, the works. Lucrecia is embarrassed every time she gets into it because she doesn't like attention being drawn to her but Ellie doesn't care.
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I cant comic but this stupid ass idea was taking up brain space and i needed it OUT and i also dont have the energy to chop this up into a less lame format so jus Take It
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trashiiplant · 8 months
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I don't really ever post my oc stuff here, probably in fear it wont be received that well but ah, here I go anyway.
I finally made a slugcat oc to accompany my iterator oc, Gaze Upon a Borealis HEHE.... they're very good friends
Some notes of both below the cut:
Gaze Upon a Borealis is an iterator located in the arctic region, making her even more isolated than many other iterators. Their communication network isn't all that great. I currently don't have any proper ocs that would be a part of her local group but I DO know that it's small as hell.
She is very gentle and welcoming of any small creatures that find their way to their can. They worry over every single one every time, aware of how cold it must be for them outside. She often times assists starving creatures.
Their puppet is made to be portable in case she needs to fix some outer damage to her structure by herself. (The Beacon likes helping them with this.) There's hardly ever a proper need for that though, so she simply walks around her facility and admires the view. They gaze upon the aurora borealis often. (ayy)
Borealis can even exit their can for a certain period of time with a built in lift. They like to go on walks with Beacon every now and then.
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AND OH BOY.. I rambled a bit while working on The Beacon OOPS
Anyway, here's the text if that's a bit hard to read:
-The Beacon is modified by an iterator, Gaze Upon a Borealis
-Also referred to as "Assistant" by GUB
-Specifically modified to survive the harsh climate of the arctic, where Borealis' can is located.
-Very durable and larger than most slugcats. It is awfully slow but much akin to the Gourmand, it's spear throws are quite deadly.
(2,5 dmg at most, maybe. Depends on the throw)
-Tail is designed to keep it warm, along with the thick fur
-The tail acts as a lantern, it's heat and light may lure in dangerous predators in seek of warmth.
-Rather grumpy and strict in personality. It is extremely wise due to it's old age and has acted as a mentor figure to a few slugcats in it's old colony
-Borealis managed to put it's physical aging to a halt... wont die permanently unless ascended. (screw the logic)
-At night, it's colors change to resemble the northern lights. It's tail even leaves a trail akin to one. Borealis simply thought of it as a pretty feature. Beacon finds it bothersome
-◉◉◉|◉◉◉◉◉◉ Easy peasy food pip req due to the lack of food in the arctic.
The rest is just height comparisons.
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mantayo · 9 months
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drew vinnuf (IG) and their oc gub for their birthday 🫶💕
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rednecrotic · 2 years
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A doodle and a draw of my Somnosprite OC Kaia for DREAMWILD by @fadingclub Also Gub @sketchesandnonesense
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scrawlingskribbles · 1 year
rotating my blorbos in my mind like a rotisserie chicken
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froschdoesstuff · 10 days
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Oc art gub gub gub
Oc angst video too
Ignore the lower quality procreate hates me
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gubbles-owo · 7 months
the oc ask meme,,, urchin, mantis,,
13 & 19 for both,,,, please,,
13. How do they deal with pain (physical or emotional)? Oh Mantis can take one hell of a beating, physically. She may stand at a breathtakingly steep... 152cm tall (on her toes), but true to her real life animal counterpart (the mantis shrimp!), she packs one hell of a punch. Doesn't bruise easily. The real hard hits will still get through to her though. Tries to act all tough but you can clearly see through the act. "Yeah, I'm fine!! ow fuck shit ouch Never felt better!! >:D" Emotional pain... similar response. Seems fairly resilient, but she's not very good at hiding it when something's wrong. Either she'll deny it, or downplay its effects, only admitting with a strong enough confrontation, or an emotional pain too great to bear. Takes a lot to break her. Urchin on the other hand... ho boy. So physical pain. Fun fact, Urchin is ✨ chronically ill! ✨ Just imagine like, hundreds of thousands of little spines all over your body that you can retract at will. Now imagine you don't have much direct control over them, and instead seem to be a more reactionary response of the automatic nervous system-- at least to the best of your knowledge. Now imagine all those little spines are ever so slightly misaligned with where they're supposed to come out! Congratulations, u experience chronic debilitating pain!! So yeah, given the magnitude and agonizing breadth to which their illness pans out, Urchin has some incredible fuckin' pain tolerance. Winces, deals with it in the ways they've learned how to over the years, though it ultimately results in them not getting around much. Mostly solitude, sedentary. Not out of choice, of course. They're afraid of getting too close to anyone else, physically or emotionally, and accidentally harming them with their own stupid sickly spines. Additional pain-- that is, from outside the body-- tends to throw them off kilter, upset the ANS, and resultingly make the internal pain worse. Fun! As for emotional pain... ouhhf... let's just say Urchin has a lot of baggage, and lots of alone time to ruminate on it all :3c 19. How do they connect with the people around them? Love language, how they offer comfort, etc.
Mantis (similarly to Cuttle) loves meeting new folks, but is probably not quiiite as charismatic. Her love language is typically intense/loud, but it can take more subtle forms as well. For example, Shrimps loves challenging those she loves, both in friendly competition and in their own assumptions, in the interest of spurring some sort of growth or new perspective. She will (lightly (for a mantis shrimp)) punch ur shoulder and u will like it. Contrast that with the little things... like, okay, let's not mince words here: Mantis can be absolutely oblivious. Many things tend to sail clean over her head. No thoughts, head empty. However! She will notice little things about you. Your shuffles and posture adjustments. The way you fidget with certain objects. The one or two particular photos or memorabilia tacked to your bedroom wall. Small things that often draw your attention or otherwise indicate where your mind might be at. And often she'll make lil gestures that demonstrate such fine observations. Like "Hey Urchin, I notice you kinda nervously tap your keyboard when you're at your desk, so here's a matching keycap that i affixed to a lil box, so you have something to keep in your pocket when you're elsewhere!" I wonder how she got so selectively observan- autism its definitely the autism On the other hand, Urchin... has an extremely difficult time figuring out just how to connect with those around them. Can I hide in my room? No, we're out of the apartment. Can I run off to some other room where I can close a door, or get some space to myself? No, s-so I really have to stand here around these other people? ...shit. Um. How do interact. Is my presence bothering them. What if I say something rude or insensitive. What if they bring up something upsetting or triggering. How do I get out of here. Fuck. It's no secret that Urchin does not hold themselves in very high regard, so how is it that someone else could love them? They must be manipulating someone in order for them to express such feelings... right? Throughout their life, their presence has ranged from passive lack-of-existence to "burden". They do not know how to properly express love. They do not know how to give comfort. They don't know how to interact with anyone without believing they are causing harm in some way. So how the hell do they communicate with another person when they're slapped in the same room together? Simple: avoidance, social awkwardness, and constant self-doubt. Hope this helps!! :3c
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dragon-dress-128 · 9 months
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Here’s a couple OCs that’re very physically active
In the back with one arm is Rinorere, a 16yo who’s ironically a shapeshifter, and was raised by an otter and a capybara. So they like playing in the great outdoors (And the little green dude is her familiar Gub)
The other one’s an 18yo human named Vic. A proud tomboy sportsgirl, though is Agender and Asexual. Their favorite sports include soccer and tennis
This is also a test drawing with hair textures on the limbs and body
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bug-carnival · 4 months
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Favorite beafst??
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I’m so hyperfixated on DREAMWILD I even made an OC
his name is Gub, he’s a somnosprite like Goutha but he’s just a lil babey the knight found out in the dangerous wilds.
I love him so much..
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eggobuggo · 2 years
Perhap some bug fables OCs.
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Presenting Maddie the cockroach and Gub the ladybug.
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