#OC Alys Tym
ainarosewood · 4 years
When the voice faded both of them looked up to see Alisaie drop.  Swiftly Rhel’a rushed forward catching the young Elezen before she hit the ground.
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He looked up and caught Alys’s eyes she just nodded her own heart wrenching as she took the girl from his arms.  Solemnly they both walked together making their way back to the Ala Mhigan encampment.  Rhel guarding her back as they threaded there way through the battle field.  
It seemed for now with their defeat of the Soranus twins the Garlean forces had chosen to retreat.  How long that would be remained to be seen.  Once they arrived Raubahn’s greeting died on his lips as he roared for a healer instead.
Once the healer arrived Alys handed the girl over to her knowing full well what would be found. Beneath her sorrow was a seething rage.  Why in the Seven Hells was this happening.  Why were their friends dropping while they remained for the most part unscathed.  Who was the voice and what in the name of the Twelve did it want.  
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Her eyes instantly sought out Rhel’s and he stepped forward placing a hand on her arm.  Without hesitation she pulled him into her arms grateful for his presence. She felt her anger slowing cooling brought on she knew full well by his calming influence.  She let him go and gave him a grateful smile as the healer returned.
He informed them of what they already knew Alisaie was gone pulled away by the mysterious voice just as the others had been.  Rhel’a picked her up once more and looked to Alys.  The Viera nodded in response and readied the teleport spell.
A few moments later they were before the aetheryte in Revenants Toll.  Slafborn started to greet them but fell silent as he saw whom Rhel was carrying and instead swore softly.  They bore her into the Seventh Heaven and the usually ruckus died down to be replaced with calls of sympathy and concern.  
Both the Viera and the Miqo’te gave reassurances as they made their way into the Rising Stones.  There they were met by Hoary Boulder who immediately called for Clemence.  Not long after Alisaie was lying on a bed not far from her brother with the rest of the Archons.  
Once she was settled Rhel and Alys retreated to their rooms in the Stones.  There they silently let loose their grief and guilt sobbing silently in each others arms.  They knew later they’d have to put on their Warrior of Light faces and make sure that people still held onto hope in this grim time but for now they were able to be themselves no words needed between them.  Their bond comforting them in ways mere words couldn’t.
Once thing was a given for both of them, should this voice be meaning any harm to their friends  there was no power in all of Eorzea that would keep it safe from their wrath.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
30 Day WoL Challenge-Day 14-Salvation
As the door to the small room that was set aside for them closed the silence was almost defeaning.
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A few moments later it was shattered by a ragged sob that tore from Ayls's throat.  The Viera sunk down her entire body shaking with the violence of her cries.
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Rhel jumped startled looking at her his own anguish threatening to overwhelm him.  Without hesitation he stepped forward pulling her into his arms.  
The Keeper held her tight letting his own grief loose.  Together they sobbed quietly allowing the pent up grief loose.
Hours later their grief all but spent curled in one another’s arms no words spoken, for none were needed.  
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As she sat there Alys gave Rhel a gentle smile  finally croaking, "Thank you, Im...glad your here without you....I don't think I could get through this."
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He leaned into her tightening his arms around her before returning the smile rasping, "Nor could I without you."
For the remainder of the evening they sat there in each other’s arms taking comfort in one another’s presence awaiting the dawn and what it might bring.  They had each other and that was what they needed.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? / What animal do they fear most?
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Alys here loves to wear lighter shades of white or off white.  She does look very nice in these colors cause they complement her dark hair and tanned skin.
She is actually afraid of cactaurs when she was young in Sunstone Village she nearly died to one that she had accidently stumbled upon.  The young Viera had thought it was not more than a regular plant as she passed it but it was startled and launched out its needles.  Had it not been for Leshir the assistant foreman of the Sunstone Mine she would have died to the seedkin.   Like her partner with wolves, dealing with cactuar tends to make her uneasy but his presence can ease that.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
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Tataru laid the flowers down upon the snow next to the sundered shield stating, “Now Lord Hauchefaunt can watch over all of Ishgard from here.”
Behind her and Alphinaud Alys and Rhel stood silent neither trusting their voices not to break.  Alphinaud then stated, “It has been a long and adourous journey.  And we have lost much and more along the way.  Yet come what may we must stay true unto our purpose and press on.”
Tataru gave a grin stating, “That’s right you three we best get back to rebuilding the Scions.  Which means we’re going to need money and lots of it.”
Alphinaud just gave her a smile then looked at Alys and Rhel giving them an understanding look and then motioned for Tataru to follow him.  The Lalafell looked up them and her smile faded and she gave them a look of sympathy.  Then she followed the young Elezen back toward Ishgard.
Once they were gone both the Viera and Miqo’te  stared quietly at the grave for a long moment before Alys said softly, “Forgive me Hauchefaunt if I hadn’t just rushed forward...if I had taken a moment....”
Rhel closed his amber eyes as the scene played back in his mind once again.  Her rushing forward him a handful of steps behind both ignoring everything except the old man stepping on to the damn air ship.  Hauchefaunt’s shout and then turning to see the spear pierce the shield and slam into the Elezen.  He had immediately tried to heal him, though he already knew the moment his aether had brushed the man, it was too late.
“As am I dear friend,” he murmured his grief raw on his voice, “I of all people should have been paying attention, should have been more aware....”
The two of them stood there tears streaming down their faces turning to ice in wintery air.  Naught could be heard save the whistle of the frigid wind across the cliff.
Rhel then took several ragged breaths the frozen air burning his lungs as he rasped, “Still thank you, for what you did then....for helping us tear those damn eyes from Estinien, without you and Ysale we never would have managed it.”
Alys whispered, “Aye, we never could have ended this damn war without you, Thank you Hauchefaunt and never again I swear, never again will I allow myself ignore my surroundings.”
Rhel nodded, “Nor I rest well dear friend, and know that Ishgard is in good hands.”
They stayed a bit longer both allowing their grief to be spent there on the icy cliff then together they turned and made their own way back to the city their faces set in the determined look they often wore.  Alphinaud had the right of it they needed to rebuild the Scions and bring forth the light of a better tomorrow.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Combat mode : Alys Tym
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★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ -Strength
★★★★★★★★☆☆ -Offense
★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆-Defense
★★★★★★★★★★ -Accuracy
★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ -Teamwork
★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-Close Combat
★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-Bladed Weapons(Swords/Daggers)
★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-Blunt Weapons(Staves/Staffs)
★★★★★★★★★★-Ranged Weapons (Bows/Guns)
Alys was raised in the Village of Tym in the Golmore Jungle till about 20 Summers Old.  Thought to be odd due to her quick mind and desire to make things better for her people rather than always following the past she was left for the most part alone.  She learned early on as had many within the village how to draw a bow and became exceptional with its accuracy.  After leaving the Wood at 20 she found herself being raised the rest of the way by a kindly Bangaa miner who taught her the trade.  After coming to Eorzea she took an interest in Arcanima due to her quick mind and then the summoner arts.
Strong thanks to years swinging a pickax in the mine with endurance to match. She still relies more on speed, agility and accuracy with ranged weapons more than anything.  She will resort to magic if the situation seems more favorable for it rather than a bow or firearm.  
Due to her past it is sometimes difficult for her to work with others particularly if they tend to want to just do as their elders did.  Her Bangaa ‘father’ Lestrik did impart on her the wisdom of working together and she ever tries to do so.  
Not above trying to get the field to her advantage she took to the tactics training of Arcanima quite well. Alys is not much of a healer but she can patch hurts well enough for a proper one to get to the person.
Her main focus in combat is bring it down so it cannot hurt others.  She can be reckless and forget her own safety from time to time  much to the vexation of those who want to patch her up.
–Any lasting combat injuries?–
Nothing that truly interferes with her ability to move mostly scarring from not getting out of the way in time and taking a strike or burn.  She typically tries to keep her distance from her foes be it with bow/gun or magic.
–Fighting Style–
commander /  duelist / honorable /dishonorable/ would have others do their fighting /  stealthy  / long-ranged/ melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities /  has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting  / cowardly /  reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks(sometimes)  / renowned for their skill / trained (magic) /  untrained  / keeps skills secret / won a battle / lost a battle / ruthless / merciful
╳   flaws
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful (especially for her own safety)| impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky
♔   strengths
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused(if not her yes) | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | loyal
Tagged by: @eorzean-capitalist​
Tagging: @jorandalkitor​ @autumnslance​ @dragons-bones​ @mai-takeda​ @house-vexile​ @shroudkeeper​ @wood-warder​ @cahli-tia​ @singforalamhigo​ and any one else who wants to :)
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Number Headcanon Asks-Alys Tym
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2. Emotional/Moral Weakspots-Alys was raised by Bangaa in Dalmasca and she saw it far too often how the Garleans and those influenced by their rule treated anyone not hyur as lesser.  She hated to see people belittle her adoptive father and the hard work he and his people did day in and out.  Seeing the same hatreds in Eorzea raises the same sort of rage and she does not always bite her tongue when people make certain comments about ‘beastmen’
5. Guilty Pleasures- Ayls enjoys working with gemstones and ore.  She loves to make little trinkets and toys for people.  Whenever she gets down time it is not unusual to see her tinkering with some sort of little item.
8. Bad Memories/Experiences-Alys still hates the way her sisters in the wood always treated her when younger.  They never wanted to accept that the clever viera was only trying to help the village and make things better for them.  Instead she was labeled as the odd and different one and that to this day is a bitter memory.
21-Turning Point-When the one person who used to at least hear what she had to say back in Tym, Chieftoness Yesra, dismissed her suggestions for trying to improve the way the village crops were watered.  The fact that she of all people finally started to act like the rest was what Ayls needed to leave the village and the wood behind.
22. People who influenced them greatly-Lestrik and Shesea her adoptive parents both were a very strong influence on her and did their best to help her get over her reluctance to actually give voice to her ideas.  That and they encouraged her to work with others and give them a chance instead of trying to do it all alone
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ainarosewood · 4 years
📜 for one of your bunny ladies?
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Alys here is a goldsmith and her favorite thing to make are Sunstone Necklaces for her friends.  These stones come from her native village and will give off a small amount of heat & light whenever exposed to the sun.  She gave one to Alphi when she saw how bad the Coerthean weather bothered him.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Determination for the FFXIV stat asks!
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All of her life Alys here has desired to protect people and make sure they don’t suffer some of the same things she has.  
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ainarosewood · 4 years
I uh ended up getting a day behind but here’s the one for yesterday.
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“So you need us to cull some of the mongrels,” Alys confirmed 
Catylin nodded to the Viera growling, “Aye and show em no mercy.”
Alys gave her word then sought out Rhel who was speaking with the nearby merchant to restock their potion supply.
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“Finished up?” Alys asked as the Miqo’te turned toward her.  He gave a nod then turned to face her as she explained, “Got us a job seems there’s some trouble with mongrels round and a woman by the name of Catylin is paying to have them put down.
Rhel felt a shiver of fear run down his spine as he asked, “How do you want to go about this then?”
The Viera thought a moment before stating, “Well she asked for seven of em to be culled but I figure with the two of us we could probably each thin out about that many.  So we should probably split up and meet once the beasts are down.”
“That...sounds good,” he replied as his gut went cold, of all the creatures it had to be.  You can do this Rhel, he told himself, You aren’t a tiny kit cornered with no where to go, your a conjurer with the elements at your call.  Surely if I keep my distance I can do this...
“We will find the majority of the packs to the south and east of Drybone,” Alys informed him, “Lets meet at the pond there when we’ve dropped the beasts.”
“Aye,” he responded and made his way out of the shop and up the ramp heading in the direction she spoke of.  It didn’t take him long to see a pack and he carefully made his way toward a good vantage to strike.  His whole body was quaking in fear as he looked upon the beasts.
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Once he spotted the first one he drew his cane and readied calling upon the elements.  The beast fortunately seemed to be facing away from him so he felt he had a bit more courage.  
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But then the beast turned toward him snarling and stalking forward and the Miqo’te’s mind jumped instantly back to that horrible day when he was cornered.  He screamed in terror and began to run hearing the beast slavering behind him, “Alys,” he howled not caring how the Viera might think seeing him run way like this.  
Rain began to fall causing the dry clay to become slick and Rhel slipped falling on his face.  Swiftly he rolled over his arms thrown before him as a makeshift defense as the Mongrel began leaping forward.  Only to drop inches from him an arrow piercing its throat.  
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Rhel turned to see Alys stride up her bow still drawn an arrow still knocked.  “You alright?” she asked concern in her features.
Rhel’a pushed himself up his head hung low ears flat as he murmured, “Aye, thank you....I...”
She put the bow away and strode over to him a hand on his shoulder.  He looked up at her shame in his eyes as he confessed, “I...I’m terrified of wolves and dogs in general.  When I was a kit I got cornered by a pack while I was gathering herbs and....well if it hadn’t been for a Dancer from Troupe Falasim, I would be dead.”
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Ayls crossed her arms at him frowning, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, had I known I would have never suggested we split up.  We’re partners are we not?”
“I...thought you might think less of me for being afraid of something that happened when I was a kit.  I mean I’m hardly that helpless child anymore.”
She gave him a gentle slap to the back of the head forcing him to look up surprised at her, “I care about you, you idiot.  I figure by now you would have realized this.  I am not going to think less of you simply because your afraid of something”
He gave her a sheepish grin, “Sorry it was a bit foolish huh,”  
“Quite, now lets finish bringing the beasts down together,” she stated softly, “I’ll take lead and you have my back ok?”
He nodded shakily picking up his cane as he straightened she pulled him into a hug, “It’s alright Rhel, I’m here your not going to face them alone.  I promise you I am here.”
He hugged her back and slowly his tremors stopped, “Thanks Alys.  I think I’m good now lets finish this and get back to the camp.”
She nodded letting him go and re drawing her bow stalking forward with him following behind to find the next one to fell.  It did not take them long to dispatch together fourteen of the beasts.  And together they returned to Camp Drybone and informed Catylin of the deed.
That eve as they settled down in their room in the Eternal Sleep inn there at the camp Rhel stated softly, “I never thought a mere memory would have been so crippling, sorry about earlier today.”
Ayls gave him a gentle smile, “Memories can have a lasting effect on us Rhel, good or ill.  You’ve not to apologize for.  But please, tell me next time before we start.  You have no idea how my heart dropped when I heard your shout.”
“Sorry,” he stated again, “I promise I will never hide anything from you again,”
She laid down on the bed with him pulling him into a hug stating, “Nor will I ever hide anything from you.  Now lets get some sleep, we still have to find those missing people.”
He snuggled into her arms murmuring, “Aye, good night Alys”
“Good night, Rhel” she responded and it wasn’t long before sleep claimed them both.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
30 Day Wol Challenge-Week 1
Below are the links to all of the stories I have done so far for this since its into the seventh day
Day 1-Omen
Day 2-Unspoken
Day 3-Broken
Day 4-Whimsy
Day 5-Sacrifice
Day 6-Shattered
Day 7-Tomorrow
I will be making one of these each week of it then a full master post at the end of it all.  Thank you for suggesting this it is a lot of fun.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Mythical Eye Color
For Alys Tym
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I| Your Mythic Eye Color |I
- Emerald Green -
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Your personality would seemingly be best reflected in bright, shimmering green eyes. This enhanced type of natural green eyes symbolizes an adaptable, intelligent, and deep-thinking individual. In the same way, you may find yourself at times pondering subjects that anyone rarely takes the time to stop and think about. Very likely, you find beauty in nature as well, and, most of all, see the great power in knowledge. ~~*****~~ Green eyes are represented by -The elements of Air and Earth- -The season of Spring- -East- -Both Light and Darkness- ~~*****~~ Some attributes of those with Green eyes -Very strong mind and intelligence- -Philosophical or creative thinker- -Has a love for nature- -Adaptable to different situations-
Test here
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
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Alys enjoys playing the flute that was gifted to her by the Tym Village Chieftoness Yesra.  Its the one tie that she keeps with her birth home. She has no problem playing for Rhel and he adores hearing it.  However only one other of the Scions have ever heard her play and that was Alphinaud.  She was so embarrassed she almost never played it again.  He promised her that he’d never tell any of the others.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
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Surprisingly enough it was just before the final battle with Nidhogg’s shade.  As Hresvelgar’s Eye surged and infused both her and Rhel with its power, she was in an absolute state of calm.  Beside her stood her partner and lover his presence, and all of her allies not far was all she needed as she stared into the eyes of that rage filled dragon.  
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ainarosewood · 4 years
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Alys Tym
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Character Profile- Alys Tym
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Name : Alys Tym
Age : 33
Race: Rava Viera
Birthplace: Tym Village in the Golmore Jungle
Raised: Sunstone Village Dalmascan Desert near Greylic’s Bend
History:  Alys was raised in Tym till she chose to leave at 18 summers due to others finding her to be the odd and different one when she was merely trying to help.  Found near death in the Dalmascan desert by a Bangaa miner by the name of Lestrik.  He nursed her back to health, then took her in as an adoptive daughter when he and his wife realized she was not an adult.  He taught her the mining trade, at her insistance, because she wanted to give back to him for saving her.  While learning she saw several ways the mine could be improved and with reservation offered her ideas.  The miners of Sunstone welcomed the improvements and after that sought her advice on many things.  When her first Echo vision hit her she didn’t quite know what to make of it so she ignored it.  As they came more and more frequently her adoptive mother Shesea finally coaxed it out of her and suggested she follow the visions.  
 Personality: Brash and quick to act she usually rushes into danger without a second thought.  This has led several times to injury during combat.  She is slow to trust anyone due to her past with Tym Village though she tries her best to keep in mind her ‘fathers’ advice on working with others.  She has a clever mind and quick hands  and often tries to use that combination to help others.  She will not leave something alone if she thinks there is a way to fix something.  Quick to anger and slow to forgive this viera is often very stubborn in many aspects of her life.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
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Alys and Rhel are soul bound to each other like Shiva & Hresvelgar were.  Both have issues opening to others due to their pasts.  But it seemed to never be an problem with one another when they began their journey in Gridania together.  After Hresvelgar gave them his eye to fight Nidhogg  and his defeat upon the eyes return they learned of their souls connection from Hresvelgar.  Which only strengthened their relationship.
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