mxgichour · 1 year
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fullmetalgirl98 · 7 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 11: the very first song you listened to
🎤 「ヒプノシスマイク -Division Battle Anthem-」
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Basically, this is not only the very first Hypmic song I heard, but it's the thing that introduced me to the project too. And I'm not exaggerating when I say it was probably also the very first rap song I ever listened to in my whole life. And the one that changed my music tastes from that moment on. I remember it was July 2018 when it appeared among YT's recommended videos on the home page. Granted that I had no idea what a multimedia project even was at the time, I opened the video out of pure curiosity and the very first thing I thought was that it was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen in my life. Of course, for someone like me who absolutely did not like rap, the style of music hit my eardrums like a shovel to the face, but despite my first grievances (because, damn, for someone who had never listened to rap before, it was a pretty intense song, other than a strange way, to approach the genre (in JAPANESE, btw!) ...I mean, we're talking about the Anthem. And we all know how intense it is, as a song). So kudos to me for not shutting everything down immediately and deciding to continue the viewing, because here I am today, 6 years later ¯\_₍ッ₎_/¯ Well, yes, ladies and gentlemen, I practically saw this project BORN (although I did not follow it with interest, at beginning. Shame on me, now). So, the video started, and the thing that left me most pleasantly surprised was just the setting of the MV. I found it extremely interesting, as well as innovative, to show the behind-the-scenes footage of the recording with the seiyuus and the chacaters, in short....it gave me an effect like "'???so coooool???akhgakgkad?! (⚆ᗝ⚆) " And now here is a list of the very first things I thought while listening:
Ichiro/Subaru: I immediately thought that he had the face of an Italian and that he was ridiculously cool. And then the way he rapped??? WOW. I remember I didn't like Ichiro's mole lol
Samatoki/AsaShin: AsaShin hit me...like a truck, yeah. I loved his voice, it was so scratchy! My eyes were mesmerized by his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Instant crush for Samatoki, at that moment.
Ramuda/Shirai: they didn't blow me away, at first glance.
Jakurai/Hayami: what a deep voice O.O And what a hair....
Chorus: THIS STUFF SLAPS AS HELL?!?! ∑(; °Д°) In particular, the "Welcome to the division, Welcome to the division, oh yeah" part sent me high.
Jiro/Ishiya: uh, nice guy, this one. But why does his seiyuu look like he's about to have a seizure?! O.O
Jyuto/Komada: why is he screaming so much???? Turn off this man, PLEASE!
Gentaro/Saito Soma: WOW. YOUUUU. I LIKE YOU. YOU'RE SEXY, MAN. I LIKE YOU. YES. YOU AND YOUR SEIYUU. I was struck by both the initial "uhm?" with which SS peeped in the shot and the very elegant way in which he brought his hand to his headphones shortly thereafter.
Hifumi/Kijima: You guys have no idea how much Hifumi annoyed me at first. And continued to annoy me for a very long time. Just because of this MV. The "paaaaaaati naaaaaai" in particular was something that bothered me deeply, I don't even know why lol. LOOK AT ME NOW, i love my baby ;^;.
Saburo/Kohei: the moles disturbed me LOL. Kohei seemed to be having a particularly good time, jumping around haha
Rio/Kamio: what an... austere??....way.... of... speaking? Cool character design, though!
Dice/Nozuyama: AHHHHHHH!!! STRANGE NOISES!!! WHAT'S WITH THIS GUY!!! The guy (Nozu) is AMAZING!!! And the character looks really cool! I like the way he dresses (◎0◎) he looks like a dangerous one, tho...
Doppo/Kento: Here I became seriously concerned. The seiyuu was twitching his fingers in an alarming way. And the character looked even less well than he did. I thought Doppo was an apathetic, at first. But then??? The YELLS???? WHO IS THIS MAN!? I'M SCARED.
OH, Hello again first two great seiyuu of whom I still didn't know life, death and miracles. So yes. This is the first song I ever listened to :)
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exploding-fountain · 2 years
I can’t believe Jinni’s out. I know that Wonder Girls had lineup changes but I just unconsciously believed that JYP girl groups were untouchable. Stray Kids, Day6, and 2PM all lost members (nice going Got7) but with Twice so happily OT9 and Itzy going strong I just never imagined this would happen. A little over a week after their MAMA performance. Before their first anniversary, even! At least it’s better sooner rather than later. And it’s not like Stray Kids failed to find success after losing a member and a lackluster debut year.
Well, wherever she is, whatever she’s doing, I hope Jinni is okay. I’ll miss Nmixx’s nice odd-numbered formations but I won’t pretend that matters more than an actual person.
Nmixx was my favorite girl group of the year, ever since I watched their pre debut videos. They’re just so good at what they do and they love performing so much. But this year has been hard for me and them. Seeing O.O/Dice’s lack of success while other rookie girl groups dominate the charts. Growing frustration with their management for everything—the lack of songs, the lack of creative vision behind them. And now this.
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aprilfayelikes · 4 years
So I’m reading TGCF... (part 3)
Welcome to the third part of my TGCF readthrough. The story got really exciting so this part is even more incoherent than the previous one:D *WARNING: SPOILERS EVERYWHERE:)
Stick around if you’ve already read the book from chapter 43 to chapter 57.
Chapter 43
(Hua Cheng’s palace is full of traps and they keep falling into one after another. They have to fight with giant worms, then cannibals, then upon finally finding the Earth Master whom Hua Cheng captured, they fall right into....) - Well this was like a weird dream falling to scarier and scarier places every time they roll the dice. - Wind Master is a fun guy. I can’t help but laugh imagining him running from crazy cannibals in a sexy purple dress XD  - All these gods are so spoiled! Flipping out because of one tiny scratch?:D - And yet again, the end of the chapter is a cliff-hanger... asdasdasd
Chapter 44
(...Hua Cheng’s lap! At least Xie Lian does. It turns out that the Earth Master was spying on Hua Cheng for years, that’s why he got captured. They start to fight and even the crown prince of Yong’An gets involved. Xie Lian tries to stop them and gets injured and burns down Hua Cheng’s palace as a result) - He fell onto his lap! This is too good! Such a shame we can’t enjoy the situation! - This was painful to read. Xie Lian is powerful and really cool with a sword in his hand, but hell, this could crack a ‘friendship’ (I’m sure it won’t crack their relationship, but still). I mean, I’d be slightly annoyed if someone burned down my armory and rescued the person caught on spying. - Okay, what is going on. Xie Lian as Guoshi? That’s one hell of a cliff-hanger. AGAIN
Chapter 45
(When they get back to the Heavens, the crown prince of Yong’An declares that Xie Lian murdered his whole family, and he just now managed to recognize him from his swordsmanship. Xie Lian doesn’t deny the accusations. The princeling requests a duel, which Xie Lian refuses and asks to be banished instead. He gets house arrested for the time being) - kjsfkavféqabfb - Did I say that Xie Lian is not exciting? I’ve changed my mind! Damn, that was sexy:D - ‘Fight me, and you will for sure die.’ - very factual, very cold, and very cruel for a chapter ending line. <3
Chapter 46
(In the house arrest Xie Lian laments on the past. Turns out he really was the Guoshi of Yong’An. Two visitors appear - these are his past subordinates (Mu Qing and Feng Xin) who either came to laugh at him, or to give him medicine, that’s not clear:P And Hua Cheng also pops in. He casually breaks into the Heavens and ‘kidnaps’ Xie Lian) - They came~ It was so exciting to see these three together again. I heard a lot about them and I really like the dynamic between Mu Qing and Feng Xin. - Also it really was him! And I don’t mind. But I’m really curious, why? There has to be a reason. - Hua Cheng! I’m abnormally happy whenever I see him XD
Chapter 47-48
(Hua Cheng has no ill intentions, and he is not angry about that small arson either. Everyone who tries to follow them gets trapped in that dice labyrinth from chapter 43 and has to face their biggest fears. Only the prince of Yong’An is able to catch up to them, and he keeps pushing for a duel, which he basically gets, and Xie Lian wins with a sneak attack, then Hua Cheng turns the princeling into a daruma doll) - Was that dice labyrinth part really necessary? I was slightly bored for a few pages. And I really wanted the story to move on, since these were quite exciting chapters. (the woman’s bath trauma was funny, tho XD).  - My heart melted slightly when this exchange happened:  “I rolled snake eyes earlier. Does that mean every time snake eyes are rolled, I’ll be able to see you?” Hua Cheng replied, “No.” Xie Lian felt a little awkward and scratched his cheek. “Oh. So that’s not the case. I got it wrong.” Hua Cheng, walking in front of him, said, “If you wanted to see me, it won’t matter what you roll. I will appear.” Hearing this, Xie Lian swallowed hard, and forgot everything else he wanted to say. - They are too cute!!! <3 - This princeling really wants to die. He’s lucky, that Xie Lian doesn’t want to kill him. - Hua Cheng’s sword is crying. So cute! He didn’t want to cut Xie Lian. Can I pat him, please? - I never thought this arson incident will change their relationship, but I’m happy that it really didn’t.  - Also this quote: “That’s right, I ambushed you. So what? I succeeded. Yes, I was cunning, but so what? I won. If your opponent was anyone other than me, you would already be dead.”
Chapter 49
(Hua Cheng leads the group to a cave, because he wants to show something to Xie Lian and his daruma doll. The cave is the nest of the Night Something Green Lantern Qi Rong. They disguise themselves as dinner, and get close to Qi Rong, who happens to have a very familiar statue as a foothold) - And we’re sneaking again. Half of this book is sneaking into and sneaking out of places XD. This time they are sneaking into the cave of the Green Night Something-Something Qi Rong, who sounds like a real dick (also I just can’t seem to memorize his name) - A statue of.... who? O.o
Chapter 50-55 
(Qi Rong turns out to be a familiar face: the cousin of Xie Lian. They hate each other quite a lot. Hua Cheng brought Xie Lian and the daruma doll here, to let Qi Rong tell them (or more like to beat out of him) what happened at that banquette, where Xie Lian presumably killed the whole family of the princeling. As it turns out, Xie Lian, who was, by the way, the teacher of the prince, did kill the prince’s father, but did not kill everyone else. The murderer was Qi Rong and the prince’s best friend, the last living descendent of the Xianle bloodline An Le. After the daruma doll turns back into a prince, he cooks Qi Rong alive. (don’t worry, he’s a ghost, he can’t really die). When all is settled the Wind master and Mu Qing arrives just in time to see the aftermath of everything. The heavenly officials return to heaven.) - This was the point where the story picked up so much I couldn’t keep up with the notes. I just read it in one swing, and the only note I wrote down is this: Oh so we know Qi Rong? I shouldn’t be surprised. Xie Lian is 800 years old, he knows a lot of people... but that was sudden. - I really liked how emotionally brutal these chapters were. I don’t know whether I’m a masochist or a sadist, but I loved to see Xie Lian getting rude and violent and broken. The backstory was also very engaging, and Qi Rong was a fun antagonist, who you can hate wholeheartedly. - I also loved the way Hua Cheng comforted Xie Lian after everything went down. - Oh! One more thing! The gore. I loved the descriptions of Qi Rong getting... cooked ^^; (literally)
Chapter 56-57
(After reporting back to the Heavens, Xie Lian descends to the Earth to visit his family tomb, where he finds that someone burnt the remains of his parents. Who could that be? Of course it’s Qi Rong. He possessed a young father and dragging his child along he broke into the tomb. Qi Rong refuses to leave the body. Xie Lian gets really furious. He almost beats the man to death in front of his son.) - And that cliff-hanger! Dang! I was literally shaking by the end of these chapters. -The tomb parts were really creepy. When he realized that he can only see the ashes of his mother, my stomach turned. - His rage is so earthshaking that I can’t wait to continue reading. -This last sentence, tho: ‘With a flash of a swing, the ominous black blade struck down!’ I’d be raging If I’d have to wait for the next volume after reading this. 
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Cuphead OC Interview 0v0 by HealerCharm 1.- What is your real name and nickname? Hello there, my real name is Jadette ^w^ But I have been called 'doll' or 'doll face' a few times 2.- Interesting, what is your current age? I am in my early 20's  (Around 22-24) 3.- What is your favourite food? Oooh, I can't get enough of sweet treats and desserts, especially banoffee pie~!   4.- And your favourite drink? A lovely mocha~ 5.-Confession time, Who is your lover? Oooh...well... I don't really have one yet. But I do have a few admirers, which is...King Dice along with my neighbours, Ribby & Croaks >//w//`< 6.- Have you kissed anyone yet? Only on the cheek as a thank-you  Not properly yet. 7.- Do you have a childhood sweetheart? Well...I knew King Dice as a child, around 11 years old to be precise. We lived in the same city and we played together a lot and grew really close. I really missed him when he was gone ow`o 8.- Who is your favourite author? Ooh, I really enjoyed JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit. I couldn't put it down once I started reading 9.- What is your biggest fear? To lose everyone and everything I love and cherish all...   10.- Any siblings? No, I am an only child ^-^ 11.- Who is your worst enemy? I don't really have one. Although I am quite wary of the Devil o.o; 12.- Huh, okay. Who is your best friend? Oooh, I have many friends, who are grand company~ =^v^= I get on with almost everyone, especially Elsa The Bride ( @bri-lights‘ lovely character X3) 13.- What would you do if you meet your creator? I would give her a big hug and grateful thanks for bringing me to life~  >w< 15.- What is your worst nightmare? For the whole world to be covered in complete darkness...   16.- What is your life long dream? To one day have the strength to help save all who mean a lot to me, and the world we all live in, so that we would all happily live in peace and harmony~ 17.- What would you do if your dream came true? I would be over the moon that all was safe and peace is restored!  I'd feel like a real hero~ 18.- Okay, where is your favorite place to relax? I actually have my own little garden where I like to relax, especially when the weathers nice. I have lots of flowers growing there and multi-coloured lanterns hanging up to give it a more relaxing atmosphere UwU 19.- Last question, what do you do most of the time? Along with spending time with my friends, l like to improve on my light controlling ability and baking skills, making others happy and sometimes, I do a little painting now and again too~ ^u^
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fear-is-nameless · 7 years
I had only one dream about Anti, but it was in October. There were buildings and landscapes in very Inception style, including twists and metamorphoses of reality. Stairs could go down, but a second ago they were to lead up. Lightening sides of corridors and rooms changed their angles and brightness any random time. But somehow I knew all these differences and changes, like if it was usual, like the sun or the gravity. It was a part of the reality and I felt like I've always lived there (1/2)
Though I could know and kinda predict the most of that changes, I never controlled them. I don’t think I even had myself in a body until the end of a dream, but for now it didn’t matter. I enjoyed the feeling of being “omniscient”. There was a thing which I had in my hands. It was about if something changes or happens I don’t like, I could skip back and see different change. It was like rolling the dice. I had no boundaries, but I was all alone. When I realized that, everything went South (2/?)
That reality started to fill with unpredictable things and I could meet my different self. I never knew what was exactly going on, nor other me knew. They were weird, some of them I wish I could never see, some of them like “what of I decided to be a programmer or a biologist”, we had a few details of appearance to match each other. They were a mess. I couldn’t control them, I couldn’t even exist in that reality anymore ‘coz all was twisted and badly unexpected. They were tearing me apart (3/?)
The dream collapsed. I thought I skipped back so far they never existed, but I was mistaken. I was them all at once, that’s why I could know things. Every time I decided to “skip”, I left one of me in time and space, and went forward. I lost all my traits, trying to keep myself together! And that was the moment of Anti’s approach. On the “up-down” stairs he was, distorted and contorted. He said, I’m a fool. That he spent eternity to understand and he has his knowledge. And then he strangled me.
…. That’s quite an experience O.o
One with an unhappy ending.
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winteronce · 7 years
I’m just a big softie who needs to scrape together my feelings of barely recalled, 1am thoughts with regards to a certain game of dice via out-of-context ramblings from tonight’s (10/5) episode live. 
- Taliesin is a couple hairs less 
- Sam man, he’s the scan-man, man-scan, scanlan lan-man, lanscan, scan..
- Bards are the definition of fucking CLUTCH
- As you make your way up the tower...
- “the wings flex out and around. ‘quickly, forever... forever and always.’ and i steal what I assume to be our last kiss” 
- Matt is evil
- That moment when the rule lawyers take over the world (or just chat)
- Don’t. Stop. Me. NOWWWW (Cause everyone’s got freedom of movement)
- When the DC is 25+ for everything o.O
Mid Game + Dying:
- Everybody is going to die
-Oh dear, they’re gone
- FYI, regardless of a roll, the concentration of the hold spell broke due to casting telekinesis
- Active- wait, I mean Climax
- oh, but i just counter spelled it at 8th level, bitch
- that’s why i moved up *agressive finger guns
End Game:
- Hug your local cleric
- Hey its an archon
-  Rest in peace Tom Petty 
- You were saving Wish for me?
- Sadness is there, but it's outweighed by a content heart full of pride and love for our heroes in an imaginary land of magic and dragons
- I don’t think I’ve seen or been a part of such an actively loving and engaged community of fans
- An utter privilege to be along for the ride through this beautiful story. I hope to be there with you all for adventures come
- Thank you. Thank you to the beautiful and talented cast and crew for sharing your story with us Critters
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canaryfeather · 7 years
CR Binge: Best Laid Plans, Test of Pride, The Kill Box
We just watched three episodes, 9+ hours, straight through with pauses only for bathroom breaks. What were we supposed to do? Episodes 50 and 51 ended on cliffhangers! Now it’s 1:30 AM, and hopefully I can write this post without falling asleep at the computer.
Best Laid Plans
Episode 50! Yay!
OMG the sword ate Grog’s soul. I sorta would have expected possession, but not just yoink. Travis’ face. :( But everyone pitched in to bring him back and get rid of the sword! <3 Vax legitimately prayed for the first time -- this was beyond him asking for answers last time, this was him actually asking for help. O.O <3 (I’m honestly not clear if he succeeded or not. Gods don’t really do straightforward answers.) Meanwhile, Percy still has enough shadow in him to face down an evil spirit stuck in a sword, so... there’s that. But! Now Craven Edge is stuck in a pocket dimension that hopefully no one can get to, and that hopefully it won’t have some way to get out of, so that problem is officially banished. YAY.
Vex helping Percy with the broom was adorable. They are just so cute! <3 <3
Pike read Scanlan’s “do not open until I’m dead” letter! Immediately! PIKE.
So sad they got Reginald killed. :( I’m glad they were able to talk to his spirit, at least, but. :( 
Test of Pride
Travis is AMAZING. Holy crap, is he amazing. I have new heights of appreciation for his RP skills. He’d never really gotten to show them off before.
The Kill Box
The entire episode was one big fight. WOW.
These battle maps/sets are freaking Amazing.
At some point early in the fight, I almost said that the battle was going well. @spacefiend0128 chastised me. “The Foolkiller is not bound by space and time!” 
Everyone was so stressed, omg. Throughout all of a nearly three hour fight! That’s not healthy! Understandable, though. I was certainly tense, too! That was crazy. It’s a miracle everyone survived! Kind of literally miraculous, given the dice rolls, but also a lot of it is due to the great choices people made. Scanlan with that Hold Person spell! Vex using her locket to medivac Grog out of danger! How cool was that? <3 <3
See above about Travis being AMAZING. Everything after the fight, talking to the herd, to his cousin, was just fantastic. Give the man an award or something.
I love that they brought the kid back to life. At least they were able to save one of the innocents that was in the square. (I do wonder if Scanlan’s choice to blow up two of them in his fireball spell rather than risking his far more hardy friends will come back to haunt him.)
There was one adorable moment! Liam: “While the entire square sets on fire, Vax quietly and quickly falls a little deeper.” Laura: ?? Liam: "In love.” All the girls: “Awwww!” Me: *squee*
And now I’m going the hell to bed.
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lindwurmkai · 7 years
OKAY SO. Symbolism, metaphors, gender stuff, and semi-religious ramblings coming up! You have been warned.
[...Let me preface this by saying that I’m feeling TERRIBLY self-conscious about giving off the impression that I’m suddenly obsessed with all things Chinese or something, which is not the case and I’m very sorry but my life keeps doing this, this ... Baader-Meinhof phenomenon-like thing except with concepts instead of words, and I’m used to it but I always worry about how it looks from the outside??
The curse of the chaos child. Everything is coincidence, except NOT because I don’t actually believe in those anymore--I’m sure my mother would be delighted to hear the news.]
It started when I was trying to determine whether or not to feel insulted by something that a doctor at the hospital had said. The problem with metaphors and gods is that I don’t even need to be looking for them; they'll just burst into my life without an invitation.
(no new gods today, but I sure fell into a wellspring of metaphors)
This doctor ... he likes to go off on tangents. We’d been discussing acupuncture when he suddenly started to tell me about the merits of traditional Chinese medicine in general, and how it’s totally undervalued here but he believes there is a lot of wisdom to be found in it? And I thought, wow, that’s the first time this dude has said something I actually respect. LMAO.
Anyway, at one point he mentioned that he thought I “could use a bit more _____” and it was either yin or yang, but in the moment I couldn’t remember which was which, and once I was in a position to look them up, I couldn’t remember which word he had said. This irritated me greatly because I know one of them is associated with femininity and the other with masculinity. If it had been the feminine one, I would have suspected questionable motivations. :|
Today it occurred to me that I could look up their other meanings and piece together from context which he was more likely to have said. Interestingly, that turned out to be yang (the masculine one). I feel much better now! And if all goes according to plan, I am going to start HRT soon, so little did that doctor know how literally I was about to “add more yang to my life” lmao.
But where it got really fascinating was ... well.
You may recall that I was born in the year of the tiger, and that I’m super into dragons. Now, it seems that tigers are connected to yin ... and dragons, yang.
You may also recall that I have this Thing about being born on a new moon, and I’ve never known why, I just felt it was The Coolest And Somehow Significant. (NK J///emisin kindly justified this in her Inheritance T///rilogy, where the new moon is associated with my favourite nonbinary chaos god, N///ahadoth.) Suddenly it seems to me that since yin also means moon, “born in the year of the tiger but at a time when there was no moon in the sky” is a gloriously rad thing to be able to say about my genderqueer self. :D
The tiger used to be my favourite animal for a while. My mother got it into her head to keep buying me tiger-themed gifts at the time, which was awkward because internally I was kinda like, “Tigers are great but I don’t want to decorate my entire room with them? And I don’t really like orange???” WHAT A FUN METAPHOR FOR NOT BEING A GIRL HAHA I’LL SEE MYSELF OUT.
(She was still doing that by the time I had moved on to lizards. Thankfully, I have since managed to convince her that further tiger gifts are unnecessary. Now she keeps giving me things shaped like dice or with pictures of dice on them instead, although I’ve explained repeatedly that I only collect actual dice. Parents.)
Dragons ... are another matter. I have loved them since whenever my tiny self first discovered a work of fiction in which they appeared, and I love every animal that can be said to have dragon-like features (according to my personal “headcanon” of what dragons are like). I feel a certain ....... spiritual kinship (uh, yes) with Jörmungandr, child of Loki, who can arguably be referred to as a dragon as well. (Also they are genderless, fite me.)
The idea of dragons as a symbol of masculinity does not immediately resonate with me as much as the rest of this stuff, except in the sense that it is something I am lacking and therefore craving maybe? The nicest thing about the theory of yin and yang is that the goal is always balance, and the symbology is very flexible--it doesn’t work like some kind of scientific equation. There are different kinds of balance. AND: everything is a cycle of creation and destruction. That nicely echoes my own beliefs as a Lokean.
I should get back into contemplating these things more often, I’ve forgotten half the relevant concepts ... creation by way of destruction, wildfires, liminality ... damn, I need to reread my own old posts.
Back to yin and yang, one aspect that amuses me is yang being the sun because I have all these sensory difficulties that make sunlight a pain to endure, lol. It vaguely bothers me that this does not immediately fit with the rest (if I want more masculinity, shouldn’t I also like the sun, then?), but perhaps I’ll eventually find an angle from which it does fit. Or I’m just being too literal.
There is more, but words are leaving me. In any case, I’m glad this ‘‘‘coincidence’‘‘ reawakened my fascination with ... stuff. Oh gods. No more words now.
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