#O Hezin
toomanydesign · 2 years
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Hezin O
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playburo · 2 years
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Hezin O
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tt-type · 1 year
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Hezin O * Side A typeface
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carla-enjoys · 2 years
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Hezin O
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jjamflovesfarhan · 2 months
 he cant love a bender! (Kare wa bendā o aisenai)
Characters : MAIN: Yalien Hezine HER BROTHER: Atticus Hezine.
A: “Why did I ever listen to you from us come to where these creatures are.. We are never going to get out of this mess..”
Looks over at him
Y: “Yeah sorry but, we are pretty much just.. Trapped with these angels and demons, there's no getting out.”
He Sighs
A: “Yeah your rig-” a demon appears and starts attacking him.
She looks around for something to hit the demon with but she kicks the demon in the head managing to get it off of him.
He stands backing up into her
A: “What the fuck was that thing?!”
Y: “I don't know but we have an opening to leave.”
She runs to where the opening is and gets out hiding in a bush.
He follows her
A: “How are we gonna get out of here?”
She looks around and sees a place where its not guarded and points to it 
Y: “There!”
They look at each other and nod and run to where the place is getting into a safe spot
        Chapter 1: He's not harmful? 
They are slowly walking in a forest and sees someone hurt
He pulls her back 
A: “Yalien look”
He points at a hurt demon
Y: “Jeez.. do you think he's harmful..?”
A: “I dont know..” 
she walks up to the demon slowly
He tries to stop her but she's too close to him
A: “Shit..”
She moves his hair out of his face to see him
Y: “Atticus he's not harmful! Hes knocked out”  
He runs over to her
A: “God Yalien.. You could've gotten yourself killed.”
Y: “I know but he would have reacted instantly..”
A: “Yeah you're right I guess. He's just out cold.”
She lifts his head 
Y: “He is quite handsome..”
A: “Yalien!! He's a damn demon!”
She shakes her head
Y: “Yeah you're right sorry sorry
He sighs
A: “The hell are we gonna do with him?”
She thinks
Y: “Can we take him somewhere safe?”
A: “Yalien.. You don't know what he could do to us!”
She looks a bit disappointed 
Y: “I know but he doesn't look like he’ll cause harm!”
He sighs
A: “Fine but if he tries something he's dead!”
Y: “Thank you lil bro” 
She smiles and grabs the demons arms and he grabs his legs and takes him somewhere safe
They lay him on the floor of an abandoned cabin
“Y: There!” she smiles
The demon wakes up and freaks out
He steps in front of Yalien
A: “Stop yelling”
Y:'' Atticus it's okay.. And you demon, it's okay we won't hurt you!”
The demon calms down
??: “you aren't gonna kill me?”
A: “don't push your luck”
Y: “Atticus you're gonna scare him, stop.”
The demon is confused
??: “why would you kill me? A human isn't-”
She shushes everyone
Y: “stop.. Now demon, do you have a name?”
??: nikolai.
A: shitty name..” he whispers
Y: atticus!!”
A: “what??”
Y: “stop being rude.” N: “i can go-”
Y: “no no no!! You're hurt, let us help you!”
Atticus rolls his eyes
She walks over to him and looks up at him
Y: “may i?”
N: “y-yeah”
Nikolai gets nervous as she’s too close to him
Y: “do we have anything to help him with atticus?”
A: “no.”
Y: “shit we can't take you to our world..”
N: “It's okay I can wait here..”
         Chpt 2: The talk back home.
Atticus and Yalien are walking back home 
Atticus: Why did you offer him that demon.”
Yalien” c'mon.. He needed our help atticus and don't call him demon anymore, it's nikolai..”
Atticus rolls his eyes
A: “yeah yeah.”
She sighs
Y: “Atticus, Nikolai seems nice.. Don't think that way.”
A: “Look Yalien, a demon gave you that scar up your eyebrow down your eye.. There's no way you think he seems ‘nice’ in your damn eyes.”
She looks down as she’s walking
Y: “you don’t know he can be different..
He sighs 
A: “I doubt that Yalien. But I'm only doing this for you. I'll bring weapons just in case he tries anything.”
Y: “Okay, and thank you Atticus. And again thank you for wanting to protect me”
She sighs off
A: “you know i've always been like this since that happened to you.”
She smiles
Y: “I know lil bro..”
He opens the door to their house and they walk in to see their mom waiting for them
Y: “we went out just to see friends-”
A: “yeah we just came back to grab a medkit”
Mom: “You had me worried sick.. My babies” 
Mom runs over to them hugging and kissing them
A: “ugh.. mommm!!”
Yalien chuckles
Y: “cmon mom we’ll be back soon let us just grab the stuff-”
Mom: “Yalien.. We still need to talk about you getting married to the prince..”
Yalien looks away
Y: “you know i'm not gonna do that mom..”
Atticus walks away to find the stuff and weapons 
Mom: “you need to do it though! He’ll protect you from those monsters in the other worlds!”
Y: I can handle myself mom! Plus i have attics i dont ne-”
Mom: “you won't always have atticus, sweetie..”
She looks at her mom
Y: “I can still handle myself, plus demons and angels are that bad!”
Mom: “i don't care about what you think about them you're still doing it you have to lead this family to victory!”
Atticus walks back in 
A: “lets go Yalien i have all of the stuff.’’
She walks over to the door and looks at their mom
Y: “I'm not marrying a scumbag.”
Atticus & Yalien walk out of the house
A: “you didn't need to be so harsh on mom..”
Y: “I'm not marrying someone  who will ‘protect’ me, that's bullshit.”
A: “I mean you never know..?”  
He says leading her to the portal to the other world.
Y: “i do know, he's a scumbag.”
They walk into the portal
A: “i guess, but yalien you need to give it a chance..”
Y: “No, that's my final answer to all of you.”
A” You know mama is only trying to protect you because we dont have powers like everyone else does in the village!”
Y: “I know atticus! And yet they all hate demons and angels..”
A: “ you know why.. You know the history..”
She walks to the cabin silently
             Chpt 3: she has all of them?!
She puts out a fake smile and walks in
Yalien: “hey i hope we didn't keep you waitin’, Nikolai..”
Nikolai: “ no no you didnt trust me”
Nikolai sits up and sees atticus walking inside
Atticus: “still alive hm.”
Nikolai ignores atticus and sees Yalien go down and takes out the medkit and helps him out a bit
After while she puts a rap around his arm
Y: “there!.”
Nikolai smiles
N: “thank you.. Yalien is it?”
Y: “yes it is and hes just atticus!”
(almost done!)
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aykutiltertr · 5 months
Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında - Beyaz ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Anonim Uşşak Vahde...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/tM8qdGwIDz0 ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında - Beyaz ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Uşşak Vahde Afyonkarahisar) ANONİM TÜRKÜ CEVİZİN YAPRAĞI DAL ARASINDA Yöresi- İli AFYON   İlçesi- Köyü Dinar   Kaynak Kişi NUREDDİN GÜLER Derleyen MUZAFFER SARISÖZEN Notaya Alan MUZAFFER SARISÖZEN İcra Eden Makamsal Dizi UŞŞAK Konusu - Türü Aşk Sevda Karar Sesi La Bitiş Sesi La Usül 4/4 En Pes Ses La En Tiz Ses Fa Ses Genişliği 6 Ses TÜRKÜNÜN SÖZLERİ Bm Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında Am        D          C       Am        Bm Güzeli Severler Bağ Arasında Bağ Ararasında   2x Bm Üç Beş Güzel Bir Araya Gelmişler Am        D          C        Am       Bm Benim Sevdiceğim Yok Arasında Yok Arasında   2x Bm Evlerinin Önü Zerdali Dalı Am         D          C        Am      Bm Pencereden Gördüm Kınalı Eli O Nazlı Yari Bm Benim Sevdiceğim Tomurcuk Güldü Am          D        C         Am        Bm Sensiz Lokmaları Yiyemez Oldum Yiyemez Oldum Am        D        C         Am        Bm Sensiz Odalara Giremez Oldum Giremez Oldum CEVİZİN YAPRAĞI DAL ARASINDA GÜZELİ SEVERLER BAĞ ARASINDA ÜÇ BEŞ GÜZEL BİRARAYA GELMİŞLER BENİM SEVDİCEĞİM YOK ARASINDA SENSİZ LOKMALARI YİYEMEZ OLDUM (yutamaz oldum) SENSİZ ODALARA GİREMEZ OLDUM (yatamaz oldum) EVLERİNİN ÖNÜ ZERDALİ DALI PENCEREDEN GÖRDÜM KINALI ELİ (o nazlı yari) BENİM SEVDİCEĞİM DOMURCAK GÜLÜ SENSİZ LOKMALARI YİYEMEZ OLDUM (yutamaz oldum) SENSİZ ODALARA GİREMEZ OLDUM (yatamaz oldum) EVLERİNİN ÖNÜ BAHÇALIK BAĞLIK NE GÜZEL İŞLEMİŞ ELİNE SAĞLIK (koluna sağlık) YAR BANA YOLLAMIŞ BİR BEYAZ YAĞLIK BOYNUNA DOLASIN EYLENSİN DİYE (aldansın diye) YAĞLIK : Boyuna dolanan büyük mendil "Afyon türküleri" kategorisindeki sayfalar Bu kategoride yer alan toplam 35 sayfanın 35 adedi aşağıdadır. A A Gız Senin Adın Dudu Afiyon'un Ortasında Galesi Var Ahmet Ahmet Diye Al Fadimem Allı Gelin Taş Başını Yol Eder Arif Bey Geliyor Bakın Kastine B Ben Giderim Oduna C Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında D Dam Başına Asa Goymuş Galbırı E Emirdağı Birbirine Ulalı Erzurum’dan Çevirdiler Yolumu F Feracem de Dört Duvarda H Hapisane İçinde Mermerden Direk Hatçam Çıkmış Gül Dalına Haydi Güzelim Kundurana Tek Tek Bas Hezin Hezin Gir Kapıdan K Kapı Ardına Asa Koymuş Eleği Kara Hüseyin Mavzerini Yağlıyor Karahisar Kalesi Yıkılır Gelir Karanfil Dallanır mı Kaçındasın Gelin Ümmü Kaçında Kırmızı Gülden Dal Kestim Kumalar Dağından Göç Katar Katar M Mahpushane Dedikleri Bir Derin Guyu Molla Ahmed N Nazilli'nin Hanları Y Yeşil Olur Sandıklı'nın Biberi Z Zalım Poyraz Gıcım Gıcım Gıcılar Ç Çay Kenarında İnadına Bitiyor Kestane Çemberim Dalda Kaldı Ö Öte Yakanın Buludu Ü Ümmüm Seni Hanaylardan Atarlar Üç Guşuduk Uçarıdık Havada İ İki De Derviş Gelir Posdu Posdundan İslamoğlu Kale Yapar Taşınan Afyonkarahisar Madde Tartışma Oku Değiştir Kaynağı değiştir Geçmişi gör Araçlar Koordinatlar: 38°45′29″K 30°32′19″D (Harita) Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Bu sayfa Afyonkarahisar ilinin şehir merkezini anlatmaktadır. İl için Afyonkarahisar (il) sayfasına bakınız. Afyonkarahisar Şehir Türkiye üzerinde Afyonkarahisar Afyonkarahisar Afyon karahisar Ülke Türkiye Coğrafi bölge Ege Bölgesi İl Afyonkarahisar İdare • Belediye başkanı Burcu Köksal (CHP) Yüzölçümü • Toplam 1025 km² Rakım 1021 m Zaman dilimi UTC+03.00 (TSİ) Posta kodu 03030 Alan kodu 272 Plaka kodu 03 Resmî site Afyonkarahisar Belediyesi Afyonkarahisar veya eski ve halk arasındaki ismiyle Afyon, Afyonkarahisar ilinin merkezi olan şehirdir. Mermercilik ve gıda sektöründe Türkiye içinde ve dışında isim yapmıştır. Şehrin Afyon olan ismi, 2005 yılında Afyonkarahisar olarak değiştirilmiştir. Etimoloji Yerleşimin eski adı Karahisâr-ı Sâhib'dir. Karahisar ismi, şehrin ortasında yükselen koyu renkli volkanik kayaların renginden ve üstünde bulunan hisardan gelir. Sâhib adı ise, Anadolu Selçukluları'nın son devirlerinde yaşayan ve Moğol istilası sırasında buraya gelen Sâhib Ata Fahreddin Ali'nin unvanından gelmektedir. Günümüzde kullanılan Afyon adı da bölgede eskiden beri büyük alanda yapılan haşhaş ekimine dayanmaktadır. Tarihçe Kentin tarihi MÖ 3000 yılına kadar uzanmaktadır. MÖ 2000 ilk dönemlerinde Hattilerin egemenliğinde bulunan yerleşim, MÖ 2. bin yılın ortalarında Hititlerin denetimine geçmiştir. Hitit devleti yıkılınca MÖ 1000 yılı dolaylarında yerleşim Friglerin egemenliği altına girdi.
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Hezin O
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gabrielsarchive · 1 year
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hezin o
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lvdbbooks · 5 years
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O Hezin Image as a Tool, Document Press, 2018
English, Korean. 200 × 285 mm. 60 pages. Riso Print, Offset Print.
韓国のグラフィックデザイナー、オ・ヘジン(O Hezin)が、グラフィックデザイナーが作り出すイメージ(イラストレーション、ドローイング、オブジェクト)に着目して、デザインへのアプローチの仕方を同年代の世界各国のデザイナーに取材したインタビュー集。  
1980年代生まれの同年代のグラフィックデザイナーとして、スロベニアのNejc Prah、フランスのRudy Gued、ペルーのJonathan Castro、韓国のMyung Sang Yu、日本の佐々木俊と植田正がインタビューに回答しています。
オ・ヘジン(O Hezin)は1986年生まれ、韓国・ソウルを拠点に活動するグラフィックデザイナー。2014年にデザインスタジオOYEを設立。2019年のBergen Art Book Fairのメインビジュアルを手がけるなど、国内外のさまざまなプロジェクトに関わっています。  
컨트리뷰터: 조너선 카스트로 Jonathan Castro (페루) 유명상 Myung Sang Yu (한국) 네이치 프라 Nejc Prah (슬로베니아) 루디 게지 Rudy Guedj (프랑스) 사사키 슌 Shun Sasaki (일본) 우에다 타다시 Tadashi Ueda (일본)
This publication started with a curiosity in the sensibility one's of approach to graphic design via the creation of an image in the form of an illustration, drawing, object, and so on. It is interesting to observe that when someone fundamentally defines oneself as a graphic designer and produces necessary images for an output, such images sometimes go beyond their primary function of being the composition of a page, and become the tool, method, and identity of the graphic designer.
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eiginleiki · 5 years
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Hezin O
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toomanydesign · 5 years
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Hezin O
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playburo · 11 months
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Hezin O
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artistsagents · 2 years
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Hezin O
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chojipjoong · 2 years
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Hezin O / Bergen Art Book Fair (2019)
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O Hezin
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Read the full article
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