#Nyx and Cole also have their own full backstories as well
pigeon-wizard · 2 years
I like Pokémon! I would love to hear about your OCs
OH! YAY!!!!!! Ok ok ok, there is a lot of them so I’ll start with Cassie,
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pronouns: she/her,
orientation: aromantic, asexual
Her main pokemon team is: Espeon (nicknamed Apollo), Gallade, Metang, Reuniclus, Meowstic (male), and Slowbro (that can mega evolve)
Professor Cassandra Acer (aka Cassie) is the professor of a region mostly based off Canada. She studies pokemon and human psychology, specifically how Pokémon and humans interact with each other. She studies things like the bonds needed for mega evolution and evolution via friendship and affection. She’s also a gym leader, she likes to study her opponents while battling them and see how strong their bonds are. (she’s usually really tried from all her work). Cassie was from the east side of the region (like around where newfoundland would be) but ran away when she was a teenager with only her espeon because of issues with her older brother and parents, mostly her brother. After a bit of searching she found a foster home run by a woman named Madam Nyx Nocturne, who is also a pretty major character. The home took in anyone who needed shelter, which means a lot of pokemon trainers. She stayed longer then she originally intended and grew close to Madam Nyx and another runaway kid at the foster home a little younger than her named Cole McGee. She eventually decides to become a psychologist to be the help she needed when she was younger. In the current day of the story, she lives alone on one of the islands on the far west of the region (like around Vancouver island irl) with her pokemon.
AAHH thanks for asking! that someone wants to hear about my oc's!
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