#Nyack History
rocklandhistoryblog · 8 months
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Sixty years ago today, the Beatles arrived to screaming fans at New York's JFK Airport to begin their first American tour. Two days later they appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show.”
Here in Rockland, teen girls were able to get a Beatle haircut from Mr. Paul’s in West Nyack. ‘Miss Beatle’ models it in this vintage ad from the salon.
Clipped from the Journal News, Feb. 1964.
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harveyspictures · 1 year
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History and biking at Nyack Beach State Park, July 10, 2021 
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
Milestone Monday
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The Morse Dry Dock Dial, 1921
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New York Movie, 1939
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Houses of Squam Light, 1923
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Interior, 1925
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Self Portrait, 1904
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Cape Ann Granite, 1928
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Night Windows, 1928
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Jo Painting, 1936
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Nighthawks, 1942
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Cape Cod Morning, 1950
July 22nd marks the birthday of American realist painter and printmaker Edward Hopper (1882-1967). Born in Nyack, New York, Hopper took to art at a young age exploring shadows and shapes through charcoal drawings. By age ten, he started to sign and date his work and, with his parents' encouragement, spent his teen years delving into watercolor and oil painting. Declaring his professional interest in art, Hopper attended the New York School of Art and went on to become a renowned figure in American Realism.  
Like many before him, Hopper started his career in commercial illustration to pay the bills but by the late twenties he was supporting himself through showing and selling his paintings. Hopper’s work explores architectural American environments and intimate rural scenes through a lens of solitude. The dramatic moods of his paintings are created through his expertise in capturing light and shadow to convey the subtilties of human experience.  
In celebration of the day, we’re sharing Edward Hopper: a catalogue raisonné published in 1995 by Whitney Museum of American Art and edited by art historian Gail Levin (b. 1948). The three-volume catalog is a definitive work on Hopper featuring essays on the artist and hundreds of plates encompassing the entire scope of his career. Scholars will delight at the publication’s inclusion of bibliographic details including provenance and exhibition histories attributed to most pieces.  
Read other Milestone Monday posts here.
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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ladymalchav · 5 months
tagged by @casquecest
Kind of? My mom wanted to name me after my paternal grandmother, but Grandma said she'd never speak to us again if she did. So my mom let my half-sister name me. The name she chose just happened to be the same as my mom's best friend in high school.
Ugh, this morning everything I chose to watch made me weepy. Not a proper cry, but I don't really cry, so...
Sadly, no
Sometimes. I tend to be earnest and then think of the sarcastic thing to say right after.
Baton Twirling. We were in parades and everything. Not since I was a kid though.
Don't know.
I'm very good at trivia. I've been called 'walking google' by more than one person.
Nyack, NY, USA
Crochet, cross-stitch, reading, writing, photography, word puzzles, Animal Crossing, internet...
Yes. A orange-and-white tomcat named Jack.
Off the top of my head? Supernatural.
I loved English, History, and Spanish.
I've always just wanted to write and raise kids.
tagging YOU
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maswartz · 2 years
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davidshawnsown · 2 years
USA BASEBALL RPF (MODERN SETTING) 2 - Campaigns in the Ukraine (Chapter 2)
(AN: Made in honor of the Astros clinching the 2022 World Series championship, as Alex Bregman will be featured from this chapter onward. As a future reenactor, I will also plan to write a reenacting RPF set in this war to express gratitude to reenactors of wars past and present for preserving history in this day and age and it will be a first or 3rd person perspective.)
(Late edit: Given that John Gall has been elected the new and current president of USA Baseball, this series will be updated with my view that Gaski would find in him a successor as leader & commander of 76th Command in the future.)
1151H EST
"Welcome to the Able Company barracks."
These words by SFC Eric Filia introduced the 5 new additions to A Company of the 1st Battalion 78th BCT to where their company barracks is. Just southwest of the parade field and the headquarters buildings of the brigade are the barracks wherein the 1st Battalion's men live and work, either as a cadre formation or in active duty. Given the huge expansion, there are already works underway to build new barracks and related buildings in the Camp Lasorda complex to accomodate the growing number of personnel and the additional battalions of infantry, as well as plans to build a larger camp in Raleigh, where the 2nd Battalion is headquartered, to house the brigade's artillery and the other newly formed battalions with the armor and air defense artillery being expected to be at Chapel Hill at the UNC campus, its cadet brigade being expanded to include as well a light armor unit that the 78th is helping to form armed with the Humvee. Unlike the 1st Battalion, the rest of the brigade is made up of reservists and National Guardsmen, as well as select active duty transferees.
While the 5 are being welcomed to the barracks rooms where the personnel sleep and take their free time, as well as the mess halls for enlisted personnel and officers, and clinic for medical checks, as well as the other amenties, SSGT Patrick Kivlehan is chatting with 1LT Eric Thames regarding his Korean experience and the days they spent in Cincinnati while in separate regiments. The veteran staff sergeant hailing from New York state, in Nyack village situated within the town of Orangetown, served for some years with a number of 169th Corps regiments. Last year, his call to Tokyo as part of the national contingent came as a member of the 690th San Diego Infantry in the battalion based in El Paso in Texas state, near the Mexican border.
"Lieutenant Thames, you did show the people of Milwaukee all you worked so hard and with distinction in Korea, right?"
"Yeah, those were hard times. Having to be in Green Bay even in the winter, staff sergeant, but those were great years I may say," replied the lieutenant.
"And speaking of which," said the staff sergeant, " the battalion is planning to bring back 2LT Yelich. Part of the 2017 contingent. I expect that he will be one heck of a strategist for us here for future operations."
"Second Lieutenant Yelich? One of my fellow servicemen whom I served with before in Milwaukee?"
"Yes, he will arrive here in days."
Captain Frazier has been already helping the newbies to the 1st Platoon get used to their surroundings as well as the quarters for enlisted personnel and NCOs when he returned. These 5 and 1LT Thames had carried many of their belongings with them as well as their uniforms and boots. The captain then began to talk with 1LT Thames regarding his experiences in Milwaukee and the memories spent in New York's eastern neighborhoods together, first as the second in command to now retired Major David Wright and then as company commander of his unit of the 1st Battalion, 62nd New York Metropolitan, twice.
At the same time, Triston's already guiding Gavin towards his assigned quarters with the enlistees. Given that the specialist is about to spend the coming months with his brother, he knew of the risks it would take for him to fulfill his duty.
In the meantime Captain Tulowitzki, who is outside together with 1LT Robertson and the others, received a call from LTC Fenster informing that 1st Battalion will be 6 rifle companies strong together with the heavy weapons and cannon companies and the HQ company with F Company being set to be activated, making the battalion stronger than ever with 9 companies organizing this unit. It would entail the 2nd Battalion based in Raleigh to rename its companies as G, H, I and J companies together with the HQ and heavy weapons companies and they would also be granted permission to include a cannon company also armed with the M101 howitzer. These heavy weapons companies will be armed with the M60 machine gun and unlike the mortar platoons under the companies, are to be armed with the Israeli-made M120 and the BGM-71 TOW systems mounted on the Humvee chassis. F Company will be made up of the 2021 and 2022 high school cadet contingents trained in Cary given that they are 17 years old, the minimum age for enlistment, and the officers are already being studied at the Army OCS on acclerated courses before commissioning, as well as the junior high school mobilization contingents of 2012-17, as well as any available alumni of the high school contingents of 2008-2011.
1415H EST
Following a hearthy lunch at the mess hall, the men of the 5 platoons mobilized so far for Able Company of the 1st Battalion 78th BCT are already on the field for firearms training first before platoon level ops training for future operations within the territory of Camp Lasorda and within the fields and hills of Cary. Today they are already testing fast response methods of operation against possible hostile elements while on dismounted patrol.
As LTC Fenster and his staff are watching their manuevers, Captain Jake Arrieta approached them regarding B Company and its readiness to be activated, having taken command since last night with the left of its few officers and NCOs of the headquarters from its former cadre personnel from the Army Reserve. He was told that the captain had emailed the remainder of the 2008 national contingent as well as those of the 2013 contingent informing them of their recall to the colours as part of the brigade they trained with before, and they will be coming to Cary in days. He and his XO, 1LT Fowler, have arrived in Cary yesterday with the officers and NCOs who took over the company upon reactivation. The captain is a veteran sharpshooter and grenadier of several 169th Corps regiments, including the 71st North Chicago and the 83rd Philadelphia, and was a part of the 2008 national contingent as its commander. Together the personnel of that contingent to slated to return to Cary that week, almost all coming out of retirement with a few still serving and holding active ranks, were as follows:
Captain Jake Arrieta, company commander
Major John Gall, company representative to 78th BCT command (appointed to that role that same week and reactivated from the reserves as a Captain, set to study at the Command and Staff College)
1LT Fowler, company executive officer
1LT Brian Barden, adjutant
1LT Marson, 1st platoon commander
1LT Stephen Strasberg, 1st platoon second in command
1LT Brandon Knight, recalled from South Korea
SFC Matt LaPorta, company first sergeant
SFC Cummings, platoon sergeant
SSGT Teagarden
SSGT Cahill
SSGT Schierholtz
SGT Weathers
SGT Tiffee
SGT Brett Anderson
CPL Donald
CPL Koplove
CPL Duensing
CPL Brown
CPL Hessman
CPL Stevens
"All of them under the leadership of Major General Watson?" asked the lieutenant colonel.
"Yes they were," Captain Jake replied as he is still observing how A Company has been training lately since reactivation into active service with the new personnel taking over. "He died years ago and we still hold him in high esteem as our mentor. We miss this man and so too is the entire 169th Corps, including regiments in Houston and New York. He was our overall commander back in 2008," he said. The late Major General Watson, who for many years served in a number of regiments of the 169th Corps, including that of the 62nd Houston and the 3rd NY, was in 1996 appointed brigadier general and regimental colonel of the latter, having helped the then BGEN Torre to ensure his strong command despite his advanced age. He was together with retired MGEN Johnson, who was part as well of the contingent sent to Australia in 2000 to mark the country's centennial of federation, serving as superior officers in charge of that contingent.
The captain stated that the rest of that contingent will arrive here on this week. Staff Sergeant Adam Jones has been helping the captain in calling out the past mobilization contingents back into Cary and those retired or in reserve returned to active duty, once his fellow personnel of the 2017 contingent are arrived in Cary, he says, he will be slotted into A Company's 5th platoon. Retired personnel of the 2006 and 2009 mobilization platoons, he says, will be informed of mobilization in days while the 2015 and 2013 contingents are expected to be informed as well together with the rest as proposed by the battalion command. On that note the staff sergeant arrived to join them and to watch the training drills alongside Sergeant Major Ronai, battalion CSM, who reports to SGM Rosenblum under brigade headquarters and overall reports under CSM Wallace, who is planning to retire after many years due to his age, with SGM Beeker set to be his successor in the future.
"So how's B Company doing so far while you are still helping them before the rest arrives here?" asked the battalion commander.
The staff sergeant replied that they are already preparing the company barracks and the other facilities for those assigned to the unit before the bulk of the unit's personnel will arrive in time for activation into active duty service in the coming days. When that's all done he will join A Company's headquarters while the rest of his boys will arrive in Cary in days. He is also busy preparing the garrison chapel, PX, press office and other facilities with the civilian employees.
His battalion XO, Major Sogard, also a veteran of the 169th Corps, then asked him on what his experiences in Japan meant for him. He answered, "Although my experiences in Japan have been brief for me it has been a memorable few years there, meeting new people, training so hard with our Japanese allies and my fellow soldiers deployed there, and of course, sharpening my skills as a soldier of this nation."
The Major said to him, "Adam, these boys, the men who you be fighting with soon, are the boys who have trained here in these ground for years for one purpose - serving this country."
At this time, the individual drills have been replaced by squad level drills to orient the company towards small scale ops on their own accord or with allied or friendly forces. The officers and NCOs watching are in awe of the training skills shown by personnel of the company as they prepare for operations coming up for them.
1510H EST
1LT Dexter Fowler of the regiment from St. Louis had just arrived earlier to begin full time duties as XO of B Company when he made the call via his cellphone.
"Colonel Fenster, sir."
The call was from 1LT Michael Cuddyer, a part of brigade staff. 1LT Fowler, a veteran of several 169th Corps regiments, handed the cellphone over to his battalion commander.
He was already calling the brigade command regarding MAJ Jason Maxwell, a fellow veteran of the corps and commander of the 2021 high schools mobilization contingent. Slated to be promoted to lieutenant colonel, his contingent, he says, is being called up for service in the active ranks on his advice, following the meeting the 46th Command did in the Pentagon days ago. They will form the 8th platoon just as planned and by this week all of these young boys - including those OCS graduates via its short course - will be in Cary preparing for what the coming months may bring.
"So, lieutenant," asked LTC Fenster, "are the boys ready to be called up?"
The veteran 1LT, who served in a number of infantry regiments of the 169th Corps, first as a direct entry corporal and later on as a OCS alumnus, said yes and replied "They are to be informed thru phones and email of their deployment to Cary next week." Those who did not and were part of the pre-deployment contingents will be a part of the planned F Company slated to be activated in weeks, he also states. One thing's for sure is it will be ready to serve under Captain Frazier's command.
"When will the major come here to Cary?"
"Tomorrow", replied the lieutenant.
"Has the contingent roster been in the hands of the Major General as well?"
"Yes it is, and a copy is with the 1st Battalion HQ. These young boys are ready, colonel Fenster, to finally apply all that they have learned last year. They are preparing to leave even their college days just for the job that they have been training for."
"So are you sure 8th Platoon will be activated within the month with the rest?"
The lieutenant said yes, stating that they will be ready to join A Company ASAP. In addition, he stated that COL Jones will be in Cary that night to join battalion staff, given his son's preparedness to join the battalion's A Company as planned. He will be joined by MAJ Bracther, a part of the 46th's general staff, who was with him last year and was the superior officer of that contingent.
The 2021 high schools contingent slated to be 8th platoon of Able Coy. of the 78th Brigade's 1st Battalion upon future activation is to be composed of the following:
1LT Cuddyer, Platoon commander
1LT Druw Jones, Platoon second in command
2LT Johnson
2LT Fisher, Platoon adjutant
2LT Mitchell
2LT Austin
2LT Philips
SSGT Wilson, newly assigned as platoon sergeant
SSGT Penny
SGT Murphy
SGT Rodriguez
SGT Jackson Holliday, son of MSGT Matt Holliday, now part of 1st Battalion staff and assistant to 1SGT Gose
CPL Phillips
CPL Jayson Jones
CPL Sanford
CPL Dutkanych
CPL Dickerson
CPL Milbrandt
CPL Young
CPL Moore
SPC Collier
SPC Toman
SPC Biven
SPC Guidry
SPC Green
SPC Bowen
SPC Ritchie Jr.
SPC Romero
PFC Grove
PFC Smith
PFC  Barriera
PFC Santos
PFC Kilen
PFC Kennedy
PFC Fisher
PFC Kling
PFC Hylton
PFC Ferris
PVT Anderson
PVT Bitonti
PVT Jenkins
PVT O'Connor
PVT Disbro
PVT Ford
Like the other platoons of A Company, it will be Bradley equipped and will follow Captain Frazier's lead in performance of its duties in home or overseas operations. The young lads, all of them who did their short training course before home training last year for combat ops abroad, are soon ready to join the ranks of that formation. 1LT Cuddyer confirmed in that call that his boys are to be informed thru their emails or cellphones, or even android phones for their call up to Camp Lasorda to prepare for their mobilization.
"Is that true, colonel?"
As the call ended, LTC Fenster informed Captain Frazier that indeed they are being called. The captain knew Jackson as his father, MSGT Matt, served with him with the 3rd NY in 2017. And there's no timeline yet on when they will arrive in Cary for their activation, said the battalion commander.
Captain Tulowitzki too was stunned by the news that the 2021 high schools contingent will join A Company, and so were those present while most of the company were already doing platoon level operational training for close quarters operations in the cities. In the past days, they have been training for open area operations in the plains and hills while dismounted, in preparation for the arrival of the other companies as well as for mounted drill using the Bradley systems. So he asked his company commander, "Are we ready to welcome these young lads straight out of high school?"
Captain Frazier replied yes, given that they are above the minimum age for enlistment.
"And how about the senior veterans assigned?" asked First Sergeant Gose.
The captain said "I have full confidence in 1LT Michael Cuddyer and the boys under his leadership, as well as Staff Sergeants Penny and Wilson. They will be in good hands and will surely be ready to fight with the rest of the company. And also, when I was assigned to the regiment in Cincinnati as a young second lieutenant, I met up with Druw's father, COL Jones, whenever I met him if he was available. He will be happy to see me again, this time, as the one helping his son be prepared to serve the nation and uphold his oath of service."
Major Sogard then told the men that he is indeed excited to see the young boys finally join the company and also he got a call from SSGT Cole that he's on his way to Cary to join the brigade. In addition he was told that the 4th Platoon, made of personnel from the 2019 college contingent that served with the brigade for mobilization training, will be formed up and its men, per its commander 1LT Bailey who led that unit as the operational commander 3 years ago, are now already en route after being in Raleigh with the 2nd Battalion yesterday, as per his call that morning. He called the brigade command in Cary the previous night stating that he and his boys are all ready to return to Cary to begin their preps for overseas service. In addition, he recieved another call, this time from First Lieutenant Alex Bregman of the 1st Battalion, 62nd Houston, informing him that elements of the 2017 contingent have all been called that morning following the activation announcement and will be in Cary via Raleigh in a day or two to get their training ready. He and the other officers of the platoon together with the NCOs and enlisted will be ready to join the rest of the company.
"First Lieutenant Bregman?" asked a stunned Captain Frazier. "Are you kidding me that he's coming back to Cary?"
"Yes he is coming to the brigade HQ", answered LTC Fenster.
"That Jewish guy from New Mexico. He was a thorn for the 3rd NY and Brigadier General Girardi in '17. Those air assault boys from Houston, boy these are very fast guys. Proficient in rappeling and other things."
"Same for us in the Toronto Rifles that year", said Captain Tulowitzki.
Never did the captain from Toms River in New Jersey become so upset. Having began his military service in 2007 as a direct entry specialist with the 169th Cincinnati and later on became a OCS grad in 2010, in 2011 Todd, by now a second lieutenant, was reassigned to his parent formation after many years in the affilated units of this regiment. Before that, everyone knew him as a young cadet leader who at 12 years old distinguished himself with leadership skills with his fellow cadets of the Middle School Cadet Corps. 6 years on, he moved to the 901st South Chicago, and in summer 2017, got reassigned to New York and the aformentioned 3rd NY, alongside 1LT Robertson. That was when he first met then 2LT Austin, who promoted to 1LT the following year alongside 1LT Aaron Judge. In 2018, he got reassigned to the 62nd New York Metropolitan Light Infantry, two years later, with the 61st Texas, then back in Queens, and later on in Pittsburgh before joining a local militia formation under one of the 46th's corps. That was the situation last year when he recieved his papers to be redeployed to Cary once more, first as a college student, later as part of the 2011 national contingents, and by then as part of the 2021 contingent that ultimately went to Japan.
And of course, Todd's two brothers Jeff and Charlie too served in the 169th Corps, and that motivation for serving the nation was what made him motivated in leading this bunch of men once more, this time, as a company commander with the 1st Battalion of the 78th Brigade, a duty he did in 2019 with the 62nd to suceed retired lieutenant colonel David Wright, his superior the year before.
As they watched the platoons of A Company simulate combat operation scenarios in enemy held cities, they knew that it would be a matter of time before a company wide training drill would be held to apply all that they have trained for.
1526H EST
Meanwhile, the men of the 1st platoon of A Company under 1LT Austin its commander are have finished operational training for urban scenarios, in that time finding for hostile elements in such open-air places like parks and sports stadiums. This is to futher their preparedness for urban combat ops. In these scenarios, they and the 2nd, 3rd and 6th platoons are being shaped to fight in urban open areas against hostile elements and in conjuction with fellow US Army units and those of NATO allies. They did a huge job that morning after the activation ceremony, and will continue training for a variety of ground operations while waiting for the other mobilization companies to be activated. The 5 newbies are already with 1st Platoon, Gavin with 1st squad and the 4 others with the 4th squad.
The first lieutenant hailing from no less than Conyers in Georgia state and part of the 2021 national mobilization contingent that trained in Japan despite the pandemic had been a good leader to the boys and served as one of Captain Frazier's assistance during that summer deployment. The decade before he started out as a direct entry ROTC grad who recieved his 2nd Lieutenant's rank board and an officer's commission with the 3rd NY. It was in Japan as a XO with the local reserve battalion of the JSDF when he got the call to return home to join the national mobilization contingent that year after a lengthy stinct in Milwaukee and San Francisco.
"First Lieutenant Austin", phoned Captain Frazier, "1LT Bailey is now here in Cary with his men. He and the boys of the 2019 collegiate contingent who trained here in Camp Lasorda are ready for their activation."
"Understood sir, the 1st Platoon will be ready to meet them."
The first lieutenant from Greensboro in North Carolina had just arrived with the entire 2019 contingent with, with LTC Kingston from South Carolina representing BGEN McDowell, regimental colonel of the 2nd regiment of ROTC servicemen assigned to Louisville University and who served as the long time battalion commander of their unit affilated with the 46th. The brigadier general served as the commanding officer that year for that contingent from the nation's colleges and universities. With the colonel who returned to Cary alongside MSGT Turgeon from the Pittsburgh regiment and MAJ Barksdale assigned to 46th Command HQ were 1SGT Moore and SFC Skole.
The company ended their drills and began to march as a unit to meet the new additions that would expand the ranks. As the company's 4th platoon Bailey's men would be a big help to Captain Frazier and the rest of the company, as well as to the entire 1st Battalion.
@joeybosa-aaronjudge @lightninging @homerofthebraves @dilangleywritesfanfic @auroralightsthesky @alek @ilovetheyankees @darkorderaf @highwaytothedangerzone502 @zackcollins @lukeexplorer
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Kurtis Blow (August 9, 1959) Rapper, composer, actor, and activist was born in Harlem as Kurt Walker. His mother was a dancer in Harlem during the Renaissance at the Savoy and the Cotton Club.
His mother brought him a stereo-component system. He was a break dancer, DJ, and rapper in junior high, and in 1975, while using the name Kool DJ Kurt, he was a student at the Harlem School of the Arts. He left and obtained his GED.
He enrolled in The City College of New York as a speech and broadcasting major, and he signed a deal with Mercury Records, making him the first rapper signed by a major label. His album Christmas Rappin’ sold more than 400,000 copies. The Breaks went gold selling more than 500,000 copies. He released that year was his single, “The Breaks” which peaked at #4 on the R&B chart and #87 on the Billboard Hot 100. In the history of music, “The Breaks” was the first certified gold rap song for Hip-Hop and the second accredited gold 12-inch single.
He left City College and released “Hard Times” which peaked at #75 and remained on the chart for four weeks”. His single, “8 Million Stories,” was released and peaked at #45 on the R&B chart.
He married Shirley Stewart (1984). They have three children. He released “Basketball” which peaked at #29 on the R&B chart and remained on the charts for 15 weeks. “If I Ruled the World” and “I’m Chillin’” peaked at #16 and #20 respectively.
He performed “If I Ruled the World” in the hip-hop film Krush Groove, and he composed the anti-drug rap, “Ya Gotta Say No”. He was featured in a Hip Hop display at the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame. He was honored by the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers.
He received a BA in Theology from Nyack Christian College & Seminary. He co-produced the international film, Das Leben Amerikanischer Gangs and performed in Hannover, Germany, at the Musiktheater. He was the Special Guest MC for “The Hip Hop Nutcracker,” set to the music score of Tchaikovsky, the famous Russian composer.
He remains one of the founding fathers of Hip Hop music and the cultural genre “Rap.” He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Class of 2020. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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pastorhogg · 10 months
This Day in Church History
Earnest Presswood was born on the Canadian prairie in 1908 and came to Christ in a Sunday school class at age 11. Later, under the preaching of “Gipsy” Smith, he surrendered to Christian service. He enrolled in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Institute at Nyack, New York, and by 1930 he was in Borneo. Rumors soon flew across the island of the young, white man whose message could turn evil…
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dragonballhoodie · 10 months
Anime Hoodie Dragon Ball Z Super Goku Pl Hoodie
Introducing the Anime Hoodie Dragon Ball Z Super Goku Pl, a must-have for all Dragon Ball Z fans! This incredible hoodie is brought to you by Dragonballstore.us, a trusted brand that specializes in bringing you high-quality anime merchandise.Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this hoodie showcases the iconic character Goku from the popular Dragon Ball Z series. Made from premium materials, it offers both comfort and style. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just starting your journey into the world of anime, this hoodie is perfect for expressing your love for one of the most beloved characters in anime history.The Anime Hoodie Dragon Ball Z Super Goku Pl features an eye-catching design that captures Goku’s power and determination. The front of the hoodie showcases an impressive graphic print of Goku in his Super Saiyan form, surrounded by vibrant colors that truly bring him to life.
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The back displays his signature “Goku” logo in bold lettering, making it instantly recognizable to fellow fans.Not only does this hoodie look amazing, but it also provides ultimate comfort. It is made from a blend of high-quality cotton and polyester fabric that feels soft against your skin while providing excellent insulation during colder seasons. The adjustable drawstring hood allows you to customize your fit and keep warm on chilly days.Dragonballstore.us ensures exceptional quality with every product they offer. The Anime Hoodie Dragon Ball Z Super Goku Pl is no exception as it undergoes rigorous testing to ensure durability and long-lasting wearability. You can trust that this hoodie will withstand regular use without losing its shape or color vibrancy over time.This versatile piece can be worn casually or as part of your cosplay ensemble at conventions or events dedicated to anime culture. Pair it with jeans or joggers for a relaxed everyday look, or go all out by combining it with other accessories such as wristbands or sneakers inspired by the Dragon Ball Z series.Available in various sizes, the Anime Hoodie Dragon Ball Z Super Goku Pl caters to fans of all ages and body types. Please refer to the size chart provided by Dragonballstore.us to select the perfect fit for you. With its unisex design, this hoodie makes a great gift option for friends or family members who share your love for Dragon Ball Z.Ordering from Dragonballstore.us is simple and secure. Their user-friendly website offers a hassle-free shopping experience, and their dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist with any inquiries or concerns you may have.In conclusion, the Anime Hoodie Dragon Ball Z Super Goku Pl from Dragonballstore.us is an absolute must-have for any fan of the iconic series. Combining style, comfort, and exceptional quality, this hoodie will instantly elevate your wardrobe while showcasing your love for Goku and his incredible journey. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to own a piece of anime history ? order yours today!
Contact me:
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donveinot · 11 months
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mobilewavestudios · 1 year
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Two Screenings of my Documentary in Rockland County. Amazing! History comes alive is the thought I have about the screenings. So interesting to meet people connected to South Mountain Road and Henry Varnum Poor! Nyack, NY and New City are beautiful and I loved spending time there.
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#FBF Friday
[Image: Foyer, Fort Comfort Inn, Piermont. Undated postcard no. 333365, Published by Moore & Gibson, Inc., New York. Printed in Germany. Image courtesy of the Piermont Public Library, via NYHeritage.org.]
Read the full report here:
Flashback Friday appears every Friday. To receive it in your email inbox, enter your email address at the bottom of the HSRC’s website landing page, or call the HSRC office to register your email at 845-634-9629.
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themurals · 1 year
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Two Screenings of my Documentary in Rockland County. Amazing! History comes alive is the thought I have about the screenings. So interesting to meet people connected to South Mountain Road and Henry Varnum Poor! Nyack, NY and New City are beautiful and I loved spending time there. Here are some of the cupcakes mentioned in another post!
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kmrguez · 1 year
Representative Work: Nighthawks
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This art piece was done during the year 1942. This painting was not made for a specific person but instead showed more of a message. The work reflects the location of where this painting was created because of the story behind the picture. The art piece Nighthawks was created in New York.
Edward Hopper created an oil canvas artwork called the Nighthawks. The details that are important to me on the oil canvas show four people in an old diner. At the top of the diner are the words “Phillies”; beneath the sign is where you can see through the long glass window. Present is a man isolated on the left and looking lonely. The alone man is wearing a dark blue hat and coat and is only seen from the back.
Then, on the other side, a couple is shown. The woman's appearance is filled with red hair, a red dress, and red lipstick. The man next to her on the right is wearing a light blue hat and coat. The man is leaning against the bar, and the couple seems engaged with the worker. The worker appears to be preparing a beverage or food for the couple.
The oil canvas also shows a diner in New York City. Edward Hopper grew up in Nyack, New York. Edward then married, and his wife Josephine kept a journal stating that the painting was completed on January 1, 1942. Looking at the year and the place where Hopper painted Nighthawks specifically and that he lived in New York gives us a deeper meaning of the artwork.
Nighthawks painting tells us about the historical period in which it was created by just knowing the year 1942. World War II happened during this time, and 1941 was the year when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The knowledge of history goes hand in hand with Hopper's art piece. Surviving and living as an individual was hard; you felt alone. A lot was going on in the Big Apple with rapid modernization in technology and culture. Nighthawks oil canvas was a fantastic art piece, and as an individual who lived in New York City during the 1940s, you could relate to the characters and figures.
Knowing these details is essential because this piece originated in New York. I was born in Florida, but most of my family is from Brooklyn, New York. It is appealing to me because of my family connection. I have been to New York many times, and this painting can describe that New York feeling.
This picture speaks most to me because I have seen how people live a lonely lifestyle in the streets of New York. New York is not all about the big flashing lights. Low points always connect to the lonely feeling in a hard time, as shown in this art piece. The work's theme is that you cannot assume what one goes through; there is always a bigger picture.
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sjerzgirl · 2 years
Boneheads! Chicken and waffles is popular, but the timing is suspect.
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blakhanside00 · 2 years
Watch "Nyack Middle School Serves Chicken, Waffles & Watermelon On First Day Of Black History Month" on YouTube
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