#Nurturing Preschool Environment
Discover essential tips for selecting the perfect bilingual preschool for your child. Learn how to evaluate curriculum, teaching methods, and nurturing environments at Explorer Studio, a top-rated immersion preschool in Brooklyn, NY.
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kids-worldfun · 18 hours
How The Best Preschools In Tucson Nurture Your Child's Potential
In the best preschools in Tucson, curiosity thrives, creativity takes flight, and your child feels safe and supported to blossom. These early learning centers go far beyond babysitting. They provide a nurturing environment specifically designed to cultivate your child’s unique potential, setting the stage for lifelong success. Below are several ways these top-notch preschools foster your child’s…
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kidsvatikaschool · 7 months
Best Kindergarten in Zirakpur
Unlocking Excellence in Early Education: Kids Vatika – The Best Kindergarten in Zirakpur Are you on the lookout for the best kindergarten in Zirakpur? Look no further! Kids Vatika stands out as the top preschool in the region, offering unparalleled early childhood education that caters to the holistic development of your little ones. Why Kids Vatika is the Best Kindergarten in Zirakpur: 1.…
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surguja · 1 year
Welcome To Bachpan Play School, Surguja
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adore-laur · 3 months
— here’s an update on dad harry & the fam <3 please reblog/comment, or i will haunt you
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You've been dreading this day since March began.
Every time you passed the calendar on the refrigerator, you averted your eyes so you didn't see the specific date circled with the words "Lovebug's First Day" written inside it.
Time ticked by in an unyielding manner. Like an apex predator lying in wait, it crept up on you and pounced, leaving you disoriented, helpless, and wounded. You couldn't mentally process the breakneck speed of reality sprinting straight at you. When you merely blinked in a daze, another month unfurled, leaving no chance to recover.
The day arrives with a strong western wind and a brilliantly bright sunrise that mocks your low spirits. You're awake before anyone else, which is rare. Sleep evaded you last night, your eyes rejecting the heaviness that always comes with sleeping in Harry's warm embrace. The restlessness was paired with a fierce ache clutching your heart and holding on tight until the early morning.
At almost four years old, your eldest daughter is attending preschool today. After being a stay-at-home mom since she was born, you're finally setting her free to grow somewhere new. It was always in the cards, considering you would like to get back to working part-time to help provide for the family. You love bonding with and nurturing both your girls, but you're eager to put your brain to use in a different environment. It's time to return to other identities besides being a mother and a wife.
You begin brewing coffee, then open the kitchen curtains to allow the sun to pour in. For some odd reason, the atmosphere feels different. It feels like your first day of school all over again, where there's that nostalgic zest in the air fused with an underlying fear of the unknown. It's impossible to describe lucidly, but its presence is strongly felt nonetheless.
Today will forever change your family's routine, and it will make you want to rip your hair out and also burst with pride. There's a tug-of-war match taking place in your heart right now. Your nerves feel frayed; anxiety's merciless hands are harshly plucking at the threads. It's like fighting a biological battle with no shield—your brain is futile against all the attacks.
The sound of the wooden stairs creaking dissolves your whirlwind thoughts. Harry appears, wearing a snug black sweater and athletic shorts. He yawns, the sparkling sunlight accentuating his face gorgeously. The neatly trimmed scruff on his jaw he kept throughout winter. The tired shape of his eyes. The wispy way his hair curls after his morning shower. It's a blessing to be able to see the serene side of him that just woke up and isn't burdened by stress.
"Hi, sweetheart," he says, taking the mug of black coffee you prepared for him and sipping with an appreciative hum. "Both kids are still asleep."
You simply nod, afraid that if you speak, your poise will crumble instantaneously. Your hands distract themselves by lighting the wick of a sandalwood-scented candle. A part of you falsely hopes the comforting aroma will calm you down, but you know nothing will break through the full-body anxiety you're currently experiencing.
"No cuddles in bed this morning?" Harry asks curiously, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He smells like his sage and citrus body wash. "I missed you. Thought we'd have a little cry session before leaving."
Did he really have to mention the elephant in the room? You force your tears to save their arrival for later and say, "Sorry. I'm just trying to avoid crying as much as possible today."
His sigh is weighted with emotion as he sets his mug down and massages your shoulders. "I'm losing my composure already," he admits, laughing weakly.
At least he's in the same boat as you. Being a father has cracked him open in the best way possible—he's more softened than ever, and these parenting milestones always make him tenderhearted.
You rest your head against his chest and say, "This is harder than I thought it'd be." Every outcome you predicted involved an aching heart. Now, in the thick of it, you're defenseless.
"Remember our first night at home with her?" Harry asks, applying pressure with his thumbs to get rid of the muscle knots in your shoulder blades.
"Yeah. You woke me up because she had the hiccups."
He groans into your neck, almost like he's reliving the panicked moment. "I was so scared something was wrong."
You recall opening your eyes in the dead of night, the mellow lamplight illuminating Harry's troubled expression. Your baby, so small and precious in his arms, had harmless hiccups leaving her mouth. While you were half asleep, you reassured him by saying it was probably because she fed for too long. He agreed, yet still brought her to bed and gently rubbed her tummy until they were gone. You two were learning and tag-teaming through pure exhaustion. It was tough, but the rewards came in refreshing waves.
"Then she threw up on me," Harry adds, shaking his head fondly.
You turn around and slide your palms under his sweater, feeling the gloriously warm skin of his sculpted stomach. "Remember when she said her first word?"
He smiles reminiscently. "Mama."
"You started crying, if I'm not mistaken."
"Because she recognized you. It was special."
"Are you surprised she didn't say Dada first?"
"No, considering I talked about Mama all the time around her." His knuckle strokes under your chin. "Still do."
You hum thoughtfully, welcoming the pleasant memories that replay behind your closed eyelids. "Our girl is all grown up now. What are we going to do?"
Harry tilts your head to kiss the sensitive spot behind your ear. "You and I will be okay. It'll take time, but we'll eventually sink into this new normal."
"You think so?"
"I know so. Our love is steadfast, and nothing will ever change that." He hugs you in an all-consuming way—it's intimate and infuses you with safety, warmth, and a hopeful spark that everything will patch together the way it's supposed to.
When the preschool comes into view, you get slammed with immediate sadness.
You toured it with Harry months ago, ensuring it was where you wanted your daughter to be during the weekdays. The curriculum focuses on outdoor learning and is nestled in a safe neighborhood only ten minutes from the beach house. The teachers, classrooms, and overall energy of the place made you less anxious, but now it's back with a vengeance, eating away at your calm facade.
Kids linger outside the building, the sun shining on the blacktop that's scribbled with chalk drawings. A few participate in supervised hopscotch, while others twist their bodies nervously. A gated playground area is off to the left, with colorful swings, slides, and seesaws. To the right is a woodsy area with a large sandbox and flower beds. The stone pathway is decorated with little handprints that must have been dipped in paint. It's darling.
In the rearview mirror, you watch your daughter kick her legs in excitement and hug her tiny ladybug backpack, all ready to go. She woke up happy as a clam and impatiently scarfed down the big breakfast Harry had made her. After that, Harry braided her hair while sitting on the front porch, the March winds and briny air bringing the spring season with them. Pictures were taken, hearts were broken a bit more, and then you all were off to part ways.
Harry to the restaurant; you to your part-time job. No babies to look after, just an empty house waiting to be filled with love again.
Your youngest daughter, who's ten months old now, sleeps peacefully in the car seat. She's getting bigger every day, and it's a double whammy to see both of your children become more cognizant. You want to curse time for being such a thief.
She'll be dropped off at the nearby daycare center next, which will further twist the knife. It's possible for separation anxiety to occur, and while you can handle it, your baby girl's reaction will be a mystery. You sincerely hope the transition from home to somewhere unfamiliar will be smooth sailing.
Harry parks the car and looks over at you unwaveringly. "It's now or never," he whispers.
You draw in a deep breath, then exhale slowly. "Let's go."
Stepping out of the car, you open the back door and let your daughter hop out. You'd walk her to the door, but you want to stay near your youngest.
As she bounces with anticipation, you open her backpack and double-check that she has everything—her lunch box, a change of clothes, sunscreen, and the comfort blanket she's had since she was born. You zip it back up and then unhurriedly help her arms into the straps, trying to stall what happens next.
Harry, never the one to procrastinate, kicks things into gear by crouching and cradling her head. "You have the best day, all right? Be kind, make friends, and have fun. I'll be picking you up later."
"Can we eat ice cream after?" she asks, clasping her hands and standing on her tiptoes. "And play on the beach?"
He kisses her forehead. "We can do whatever you want, lovebug."
You can envision it now. Harry will bring the girls home, exhausted from work. He'll make dinner and wait for you, then you'll all sit at the kitchen table and attentively listen to her talk about her day in great detail. Then, as the sun sets, he'll entertain her by the shore until he insists on bedtime. Come tomorrow, he'll do it again with the same steadfast devotion because that's what good fathers do.
"We love you so much," you say, petting her braided hair.
"Love you," she replies distractedly, eagerly glancing at the front door. "I gotta go now, Mommy. Bye, Daddy."
She turns, ready to break free, but Harry stops her and says, "Not so fast, little lady. Give us some love to get through the day."
She shyly hugs him. She's growing out of her clingy tendencies and becoming more independent, and you can tell by Harry's sad smile that he recognizes it too. She briefly hugs your leg before running to the front door, where teachers are waiting with enthusiastic expressions and name tag stickers.
Harry slowly stands, never taking his eyes off her. He's more adjusted to not seeing her as much during the week than you, but you know the sentiment of her starting school still weighs heavy on his heart. After watching her disappear, he slings his arm around your shoulders and guides you to the car.
Inside is where you fall apart. The first cry that escapes has Harry blowing out an unsteady breath and embracing you. Against your neck, he sniffles, letting his piled-up emotions finally fall to pieces. He's not much of a crier, but when he does, it's a raw sight to see.
"Reservation for a cry session? Table for two?" he says humorously, rubbing your back and lightly scratching it.
"We're so lame," you whisper, gripping his sweater like a vice.
"God, I know. I even packed tissues." Harry takes an on-the-go pack out of his pocket, plucks two tissues out, and wipes both his and your tears with them.
"Eventually, we're going to have to do this again," you say. From the passenger seat, you peek at your baby girl and shoo away the thought—you still have more than enough time with her before she starts school.
Harry kisses your cheek. "One day at a time, honey."
Undoubtedly, this routine will get easier. It will become second nature, and you'll discover the exquisite simplicity of watching your children grow before leaving the nest and soaring through the sky.
They came into this world like a soft spring breeze, carrying seeds and dispersing them into your life. The roots emerged from under your home and flourished into a bountiful garden. Each day, there are new blossoms to admire and appreciate. And each day, you aim to help them thrive with support from Harry's sunshine.
Try as they might, the winds of change won't cause harm. Your family's roots are firm in the ground.
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catholichousehold · 1 month
Embracing Homeschooling on a Single Income: Our Journey with The Good and the Beautiful Curriculum
Hello, dear readers! Today, I want to share our story and how we have successfully embraced homeschooling despite living on a very low single income. If you're a low-income family considering homeschooling, I hope our journey with The Good and the Beautiful free curriculum will inspire and encourage you.
Our Homeschooling Journey
Life has not always been easy for us. With a single income, managing finances and providing for our family of seven has been a challenge. However, one thing my husband and I have always been passionate about is giving our children the best education possible. We believe in the value of personalized learning and the nurturing environment that homeschooling provides.
When we first started homeschooling, we were overwhelmed by the costs associated with various curriculums. Initially, our two eldest children were enrolled in Seton Home Study, which provided a very strong foundation in our Catholic faith. We are incredibly grateful to Seton for this, as it helped instill values and knowledge that continue to benefit our family today. However, as money became so tight, we had to stop enrolling them in Seton Home Study.
That's when we discovered The Good and the Beautiful curriculum, and it has been a true blessing for our family. The curriculum covers essential subjects like language arts, math, science, history, and art, with materials that are engaging and well-structured. It aligns with our values and provides a rich, character-based education that nurtures our children's minds and hearts. Despite using The Good and the Beautiful curriculum, we continue to use Seton materials, especially for Reading and Catholic Religion subjects. Thanks to our homeschooling friends here in the Philippines, who have shared their Seton materials with us, we can still incorporate these valuable resources. They are one of the many blessings we receive.
Success Stories: Our Two Older Kids
I am proud to share that our two older kids, who were homeschooled using The Good and the Beautiful curriculum, are now attending senior high school in a regular school setting. The transition was smooth, and they are thriving academically and socially. Their strong foundation in critical thinking, reading, and writing has set them up for success, and I credit much of that to the quality education they received through our homeschooling journey.
Continuing the Journey: Our Three Younger Kids
Currently, we have three children who are still homeschooling: a preschooler, a kindergartner, and a seventh-grader. Each of them benefits from the tailored approach of The Good and The Beautiful Currculum.
Our Preschooler: Learning through play and exploration, our little one is developing a love for learning from a young age. The curriculum's focus on character development and foundational skills  is perfect for this stage.
Our Kindergartner: The engaging lessons and hands-on activities keep our kindergartner excited about school each day. The phonics-based approach to reading is helping build strong literacy skills.
Our Seventh-Grader: The rigorous and in-depth materials challenge our seventh-grader while fostering independence and critical thinking. The curriculum's integration of art and geography makes learning a joy.
Encouragement for Low-Income Families
I know firsthand how daunting the idea of homeschooling can be, especially when finances are tight. But I want to encourage you: it is possible. The Good and the Beautiful curriculum has provided our family with an invaluable resource, allowing us to educate our children at home without financial burden. Additionally, the strong foundation provided by Seton Home Study, which we continue to use in key subjects, has been invaluable.
Here are a few tips to make homeschooling on a low income work for your family:
Utilize Free Resources: Take advantage of free curriculum options like The Good and the Beautiful. There are also many online resources, libraries, and educational websites that offer free or low-cost materials.
Join a Support Group: Connect with other homeschooling families for support and resource-sharing. Many communities have co-ops, Facebook groups, or local meet-ups.
Be Flexible: Adapt your homeschooling schedule and methods to fit your family's unique needs. Remember, homeschooling allows for flexibility, so find what works best for you and your children.
Stay Positive: Focus on the benefits of homeschooling and the precious time spent with your children. Celebrate the small victories and progress along the way.
Final Thoughts
Homeschooling on a low income is not only possible but can be incredibly rewarding. With dedication, creativity, and the right resources, you can provide your children with a rich and meaningful education. The Good and the Beautiful curriculum has been a lifeline for our family, and the strong foundation from Seton Home Study continues to guide us. I hope our story inspires you to take the leap and embrace homeschooling, no matter your financial situation.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, we can support and uplift each other as we navigate the beautiful world of homeschooling.
Disclosure: I do not receive any monetary compensation or other benefits from The Good and the Beautiful for writing this blog post. The opinions and experiences shared are entirely my own and based on my personal journey with homeschooling my children. My intent is to provide encouragement and support to other families who may be in similar situations.
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sakalyawisdom24 · 2 months
Sakalya Wisdom: Your Premier Educational Haven in Seegehalli and Whitefield
Welcome to Sakalya Wisdom, the leading educational institution nestled in the heart of Seegehalli and conveniently located near Whitefield. As the best preschool, daycare, and kindergarten in the area, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and enriching environment for your child's holistic development.
Playschool Near Seegehalli: At Sakalya Wisdom, we understand the importance of early childhood education. Our playschool near Seegehalli offers a stimulating and safe environment where children can explore, learn, and grow through play-based activities tailored to their developmental needs.
Preschool Near Seegehalli: Our preschool near Seegehalli focuses on laying a strong foundation for your child's future academic success. With a curriculum designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and social skills, we ensure that each child receives personalized attention to thrive academically and emotionally.
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Daycare Near Seegehalli: Need reliable childcare services near Seegehalli? Look no further than Sakalya Wisdom. Our daycare facility offers a secure and caring environment where children can learn, play, and interact under the supervision of qualified caregivers. With flexible scheduling options, we accommodate the needs of busy parents.
Creche Near Seegehalli: For parents seeking a nurturing creche near Seegehalli, Sakalya Wisdom provides a home away from home for infants and toddlers. Our experienced staff members offer personalized care and attention, ensuring the well-being and development of your little ones while you're at work or away.
Best Pre school in Seegehalli: Ranked as the best preschool in Seegehalli, Sakalya Wisdom goes beyond traditional education. We incorporate innovative teaching methods, interactive learning experiences, and a supportive environment to help each child reach their full potential.
Kindergarten in Seegehalli: Prepare your child for a successful academic journey with our kindergarten program in Seegehalli. Our curriculum is designed to equip children with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in primary school and beyond, setting the stage for lifelong learning.
Playschool Near Whitefield: Located just a stone's throw away from Whitefield, Sakalya Wisdom offers a playschool experience that combines fun and learning. Our engaging activities and dedicated educators ensure that children develop essential skills while making friends and exploring their interests.
Preschool Near Whitefield: As a premier preschool near Whitefield, Sakalya Wisdom provides a nurturing environment where children can thrive intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Our curriculum is designed to instill a love for learning and prepare children for future academic success.
Daycare Near Whitefield: For working parents in Whitefield, our daycare services offer peace of mind and convenience. Our safe and stimulating environment allows children to learn and play while parents attend to their daily responsibilities.
Creche Near Whitefield: When it comes to finding a reliable creche near Whitefield, Sakalya Wisdom stands out for its commitment to providing quality care for young children. Our experienced staff members ensure that your child receives the attention and support they need to thrive.
In summary, Sakalya Wisdom is more than just a childcare facility; it's a place where children's potential is nurtured, and families feel supported. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and enroll your child in an educational journey filled with growth and discovery.
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sakalyawisdom · 2 months
Discovering the Best Preschool Experience in Seegehalli with Sakalya Wisdom
In the vibrant community of Seegehalli, parents are constantly seeking the best educational opportunities for their little ones. Among the myriad options, Sakalya Wisdom stands out as a beacon of excellence in early childhood education.
Located conveniently in Seegehalli, Sakalya Wisdom offers a comprehensive range of programs tailored to meet the diverse needs of young learners and their families. As a parent myself, I understand the importance of finding a preschool that not only provides quality education but also fosters a nurturing and stimulating environment for children to thrive in.
Sakalya Wisdom's Playschool, Preschool, Daycare, Creche, and After School Program are designed to cater to children from infancy to kindergarten age. Their curriculum is carefully crafted to promote holistic development, encompassing cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth.
What sets Sakalya Wisdom apart is its commitment to providing the best infrastructure and resources for young learners. Their modern facilities are equipped with age-appropriate learning materials, safe play areas, and comfortable spaces for rest and relaxation. The classrooms are designed to inspire curiosity and creativity, fostering an environment where children can explore, discover, and learn through play.
Moreover, Sakalya Wisdom's team of experienced and dedicated educators are passionate about nurturing each child's unique talents and interests. They employ innovative teaching methods that encourage active participation and meaningful engagement, ensuring that every child receives personalized attention and support.
For parents seeking the best preschool experience in Seegehalli, Sakalya Wisdom is the top choice. Not only does it provide high-quality education, but it also cultivates a sense of community among families. Through regular communication, workshops, and events, parents are actively involved in their child's learning journey, creating a supportive network that enriches the overall experience.
In conclusion, if you're looking for the best preschool, daycare, or after-school program in Seegehalli, look no further than Sakalya Wisdom. Visit their website at Sakalya Wisdom to learn more about their programs and discover why they're the preferred choice for families in the area.
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childrenkare · 2 months
Find Daycares in Denver
When searching for the best daycares in Denver, Childrenkare stands out as a top choice. With a reputation for providing nurturing environments and quality care, Childrenkare ensures children receive the attention and support they need to thrive. Their experienced staff members are dedicated to creating engaging activities that promote learning and development. From spacious play areas to nutritious meals, Childrenkare prioritizes the well-being of every child in their care. Parents can trust that their little ones are in good hands at Childrenkare, making it a premier option for childcare in Denver.
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872670 · 6 months
Pre School in Greater Noida West
Innate Wisdom School is a nurturing haven where children flourish through our preschool day boarding program. Here, social interactions aren't just moments but stepping stones for lifelong connections, while our caring environment provides the foundation for an innate educational experience. At IWS, the seeds of wisdom blossom, nurturing not just intellect but the very essence of childhood itself.
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jumpforjoyae · 7 months
Pre Kg Schools in Mussafah
Discover the ultimate educational experience at Jump For Joy, the leading Pre Kg Schools in Mussafah, Abu Dhabi. Our comprehensive curriculum and nurturing environment are designed to empower young minds, fostering a love for learning while ensuring holistic development. Enroll Master Preschool in Abu Dhabi Mussafah for your child today and witness them thrive in a stimulating, safe, and enriching educational setting at Jump For Joy, your master preschool destination in Abu Dhabi's Mussafah area.
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starlearners · 11 months
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Welcome to Star Learners, Singapore's trusted provider of superior Preschool and Infant Care services. Our holistic, child-centric approach nurtures your infant's development in a warm, safe environment. Our qualified professionals are dedicated to supporting early growth and instilling a lifelong love for learning. See why parents endorse Star Learners as the gold-standard for Infant Care Singapore has to offer. Join the Star Learners family today!
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kidsvatikaschool · 9 months
Best Preschool in Baltana
Best Preschool in Baltana Welcome to Kids Vatika, the epitome of excellence in childcare and early education in Baltana! As the best preschool in Baltana and the most trusted daycare center near you, Kids Vatika stands out as a nurturing haven for your little ones. At Kids Vatika, we understand the importance of a child’s formative years. Our dedicated team of passionate educators is committed to…
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shesey · 9 months
Excerpts from Bessel Van Der Kolk's The Body Keeps the Score
The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves. We want to think of families as safe havens in a heartless world and of our own country as populated by enlighten, civilized people. We prefer to believe that cruelty occurs only in faraway places like Darfur or the Congo.
Most human suffering is related to love and loss and that the job of therapists is to help people acknowledge, experience, and bear the reality of life - with all its pleasures and heartbreak.
Our capacity to destroy one another is matched by our capacity to heal one another. Restoring relationships and community is central to restoring well-being. Language gives us the power to change ourselves and others by communicating our experiences, helping us to define what we know, and finding a common sense of meaning... We can change social conditions to create environments in which children and adults can feel safe and where they can thrive.
Trauma almost invariable involves not being seen, not being mirrored, and not being taken into account.
If an organism is stuck in survival mode, its energies are focused on fighting off unseen enemies, which leaves no room for nurture, care, and love. For us humans, it means that as long as the mind is defending itself against invisible assaults, our closest bonds are threatened, along with our ability to imagine, plan, play, learn, and pay attention to other people's needs.
How many mental health problems, from drug addiction to self-injurious behavior, start as attemps to cope with the unbearable physical pain of our emotions.
... knowing that we are seen and heard by the important people in our lives can make us feel calm and safe, and why being ignored or dismissed can precipitate rage reaction or mental collapse. It helped us understand why focused attunement with another person can shift us out of disorganized and fearful states.
When the message we receive from another person is 'you're safe with me,' we relax.
Most of our energy is devoted to connecting with others.
...almost all mental suffering involves either trouble in creating workable and satisfying relationships...
Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.
The critical issue is reciprocity: being truly heard and seen by the people around us, feeling that we are held in someone else's mind and heart. For our physiology to calm down, heal, and grow we need a visceral feeling of safety. No doctor can write a prescription for friendship and love: These are complex and hard-earned capacities.
Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves.
The most common response to distress is to seek out people we like and trust to help us and give us the courage to go on.
Supressing our inner cries for help does not stop our stress hormones from mobilizing the body.
The most natural way for human beings to calm themselves when they are upset is by clinging to another person.
... Human beings may be induced to sacrifice everything they hold dear and true -- including their sense of self -- for the sake of being loved and approved of by someone in a position of power.
i like my body when it is with your body ... muscles better and nerves more.
Economist have calculated that every dollar invested in high-quality home visitation, day care, and preschool programs results in seven dollars of savings on welfare payments, health-care costs, substance-abuse treatment, and incarceration, plus higher tax revenues due to better-paying jobs.
When we play together, we feel physically attuned and experience a sense of connection and joy.
However, the most natural way that we humans calm down our distress is by being touched, hugged, and rocked.
While trauma keeps us dumbfounded, the path out of it is paved with words, carefully assembled, piece by piece, until the whole story can be revealed.
Feeling listened to and understood changes our physiology; being able to articulate a complex feeling, and having our feelings recognized, lights up our limbic brain and creates an 'aha' moment. In contrast, being met by silence and incomprehension kills the spirit.
Death, destruction, and sorrow need to be constantly justified in the absence of some overarching meaning for the suffering.
This is one of the most profound experiences we can have, and such resonance, in which hitherto unspoken words can be discovered, uttered, and received, is fundamental to healing the isolation of trauma - especially if other people in our lives have ignored or silenced us. Communicating fully is the opposite of being traumatized.
Public story and inner experience finally meet.
The object of writing is to write to yourself, to let yourself know what you have been trying to avoid.
Like a splinter that causes an infection, it is the body's response to the foreign object that becomes the problem more than the object itself.
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parvirai · 10 months
Unlocking the Potential: Brainy Child Montessori Preschool in Orchard, Singapore
In the bustling heart of Singapore's prestigious Orchard Road, where high-end shopping and entertainment flourish, a haven of exceptional early education awaits your child – Brainy Child Montessori Preschool. This unique educational institution is not just a day-care centre; it's a place where young minds bloom, curiosity is cherished, and the foundations for lifelong learning are laid.
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The Montessori Approach: A Journey of Discovery
Fostering Independence
At Brainy Child Montessori Preschool, they embrace the internationally acclaimed Montessori approach. This method acknowledges that every child is unique and encourages them to learn at their own pace. Through carefully curated materials and a nurturing environment, children develop self-confidence, independence, and problem-solving skills.
The Montessori approach allows children to take ownership of their learning, fostering a sense of responsibility that stays with them throughout their educational journey.
Prepared Environments for Exploration
Brainy Child Montessori Preschool understands the significance of the learning environment. Their classrooms are thoughtfully designed to engage young learners. Child-sized furniture, abundant natural light, and a wealth of stimulating educational materials create an atmosphere of exploration and discovery.
The Brainy Child Difference
Passionate Educators
The dedicated educators at Brainy Child Montessori Preschool are not just teachers; they're mentors and guides on each child's journey of discovery. Trained in the Montessori method, they understand the importance of fostering a strong teacher-student relationship and nurturing each child's unique potential.
Holistic Development
At Brainy Child, education is not limited to academics. They prioritize holistic development, encompassing emotional, social, and physical growth. Music, art, yoga, and outdoor play are integral parts of the curriculum, ensuring children develop into well-rounded individuals.
Embracing Diversity
Singapore's multiculturalism is celebrated at Brainy Child Montessori Preschool. Children are exposed to a rich tapestry of cultures through activities, stories, and festivities from around the world. This global perspective fosters cultural awareness and empathy from an early age.
Parents as Partners
Brainy Child Montessori Preschool recognizes the importance of parental involvement in a child's educational journey. They maintain open channels of communication with parents, sharing insights into their child's progress and providing resources for continued learning at home. Regular parent-teacher meetings and workshops create a strong support system for families.
Enrichment Programs
To further enrich the learning experience, Brainy Child Montessori Preschool offers a variety of enrichment programs. From language and mathematics to science and the arts, these programs encourage children to explore their interests and talents. These experiences broaden their horizons and ignite a passion for lifelong learning.
A Secure and Nurturing Environment
Safety is paramount at Brainy Child Montessori Preschool. The facility is equipped with cutting-edge security measures, and rigorous safety protocols are followed to ensure the well-being of every child. Parents can rest assured that their little ones are in a secure and loving environment.
Brainy Child Montessori Preschool in Orchard, Singapore, isn't just a preschool – it's a sanctuary where young minds are nurtured, individuality is celebrated, and the seeds of lifelong learning are sown. In the heart of one of Singapore's most bustling districts, this exceptional institution provides children with the strong foundation they need to succeed in today's world while instilling in them a profound sense of curiosity and creativity.
If you're searching for a preschool that values your child's unique potential and is committed to their holistic development, Brainy Child Montessori Preschool in Orchard, Singapore, is your answer. It's a place where knowledge blossoms, and the future shines bright. Contact Brainy Child Montessori Preschool today and embark on a remarkable journey of exploration and growth for your child like no other. Here, brilliance begins.
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vera-playschool-121 · 10 months
The Crucial Role of Preschool in Child Development
Preschool education is a foundational stage in a child's life that lays the groundwork for their academic, social, and emotional development. It is during these early years that children's brains undergo remarkable growth and transformation, making the role of preschool particularly crucial. In this article, we will explore the importance of preschool in child development and how it contributes to building a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.
Cognitive Development
Cognitive development refers to the growth of a child's thinking, problem-solving, and language skills. Preschool provides an environment that fosters cognitive growth by introducing children to a structured learning environment. Through activities such as storytelling, puzzles, and educational games, children are exposed to new ideas, concepts, and vocabulary, which help stimulate their intellectual curiosity.
Preschool also cultivates skills like critical thinking and decision-making. Activities that encourage creativity and exploration allow children to develop their imagination and learn how to approach challenges from different angles. These skills form the basis for future academic success.
Social and Emotional Development
Daycare in marathahalli offers a unique setting where children interact with their peers, teachers, and other adults, helping them develop essential social skills. Learning to share, take turns, and collaborate are all critical lessons that are learned through play and group activities. These interactions foster empathy, cooperation, and communication skills that are vital for building positive relationships in the future.
Moreover, preschool provides a safe space for children to explore and understand their emotions. Through activities such as storytelling, role-playing, and discussions, children learn to express their feelings and develop emotional intelligence. This foundation equips them to manage their emotions effectively and navigate social situations with confidence.
Language and Communication Skills
Language development is a cornerstone of preschool education. Children are introduced to a rich language environment that includes conversations, storytelling, and reading activities. Exposure to diverse vocabulary and language structures enhances their linguistic abilities and lays the foundation for successful reading and writing skills in later years.
Preschool in bellandur also helps children develop effective communication skills. Engaging in group discussions, sharing stories, and expressing thoughts and ideas contribute to their ability to articulate themselves clearly and confidently, both verbally and non-verbally.
Motor Skills and Physical Development
Preschool activities are designed to promote the development of fine and gross motor skills. Art projects, puzzles, and building activities help refine fine motor skills, while outdoor play, dancing, and running games contribute to the development of gross motor skills. These physical activities are not only fun but also aid in improving coordination, balance, and overall physical health.
Preparing for Formal Education
Preschool serves as a bridge between the home environment and formal schooling. Children who attend preschool are better prepared for the transition to kindergarten and beyond. They are already familiar with structured routines, classroom dynamics, and basic academic concepts, which makes the adjustment to primary school smoother.
Preschool also helps instill a love for learning early on, setting a positive attitude towards education that can influence a child's entire academic journey.
The importance of preschool in child development cannot be overstated. This foundational stage shapes a child's cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth, preparing them for a successful academic journey and fostering skills that extend well into adulthood. By providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, preschool equips children with the tools they need to become well-rounded individuals capable of thriving in a rapidly changing world. As parents and educators, investing in quality preschool education is one of the most impactful decisions we can make for the future of our children.
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