#Nursing Care at Home Adelaide
bikashdas · 1 year
Things You Need To Know About NDIS Nursing Care
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {26}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, fluff - this is a work of fiction and the events are not based on reality. F1 Masterlist || Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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The last two hours were almost more nerve wracking than all of Pierre’s races combined and my knee bounced in the uncomfortable chair. The sterile surgical waiting room set me on edge, the smell of disinfectant reminding me of my own time spent on the ward. My cuticles hated me as I picked at them and I turned my phone upside down so I didn’t see it constantly lighting up with the text messages coming in asking for an update.
“Miss Vowles?” the administrator asked, disturbing the silence. “Mr Gasly is being moved to recovery, if you’ll follow me you can wait for him there.”
I rushed after her and her bright pink crocs with paw patrol pins that squeaked with every step on the vinyl floor. Addie would have loved the shoes and wanted her own pair so I was glad she was staying with Pascale. She had begged and pleaded to come, throwing herself to the ground with a mega tantrum that was rare for her, but she would have been bored waiting around the hospital and then probably been more upset seeing Pierre waking up from the operation.
The doors to the recovery room opened and my breath rushed out in relief as I saw Pierre on the gurney that was being rolled towards me. He was barely away, bleary eyes blinking slowly open and shut above his swollen cheeks as the orderly locked the wheels and left.
“Hey baby,” I murmured softly as I ran my fingers through his hair.
Green irises peeked out of his heavy eyelids and he looked around before they landed on me. “Where’s Sydney?” he slurred.
The nurse had warned me that he might be a little confused as the anaesthetic wore off but it was still a surprise. “Adelaide’s waiting at home with your mum.”
He tried to shake his head but ended up groaning in pain. “I know that, where’s our son?”
My heart skipped a beat and I didn’t know what to say since he obviously wasn’t thinking clearly. “That’s the drugs in your system, love. We don’t have a son.”
His brows pinched and his fingers reached for mine so I took his hand, careful to avoid the IV that was still there. He traced the engagement ring he had given me only a few days ago and the glazed look in his eyes started to clear. “We should,” he murmured. “Doesn’t have to be a son, another daughter would be amazing too.”
“I should be recording this so you can have a laugh when you sober up later,” I teased and kissed his forehead. “Would you really name your son Sydney?”
“Or Darwin, maybe Bathurst. Uh, Toowoomba?”
“That sounds like a knock-off robot-vacuum,” I said through the laughs that I tried to keep quiet so the nurses didn’t growl at us. “You will never be allowed to name any of our children.” 
“You said ‘children’, plural, I like the sound of that.” He shifted on the bed and patted the space he made so I could climb into his arms. I had to force myself not to stroke his face, such a habitual act that was difficult to break but I didn’t want to hurt him more than he already was. 
For months he had been avoiding this surgery so he could finish the season without  having to miss a race. The teething gel had worked enough that he made it to the end and Alpine had finished fourth in the Constructors Championship, something everyone had been absolutely thrilled about. Otmar was already talking about being on the podium for next season - now that he had the big cash injection from Granny to fund better technology on par with Red Bull, Astin Martin and Mercedes. 
Now that Peirre had all his wisdom teeth removed he would be able to concentrate on that dream even more.
I giggled quietly as Pierre drifted back off to sleep and a small line of dribble ran down his numb lips. I was careful to avoid his swollen jaw as I wiped it away for him, but not before I took a selfie with him first. He had more than enough embarrassing photos of me on his phone, it was about time I had one of my own. 
His power nap didn’t last long as a nurse came around to check on him and he woke up with a confused look on his face when he saw we weren’t in our bed at home. “Ow,” he grumbled as he buried his head in my neck and away from the bright lights. “Did you use your right hook on me?”
The information booklet that the surgeons had given him after his consultation before we left for Abu Dhabi had warned him that he would have tenderness for a couple of weeks and couldn’t do any vigorous exercise until the stitches were gone. That was the biggest reason he hadn’t had the troublesome teeth removed mid-season.
“No, I save my punches for assholes that deserve it,” I murmured as I stroked his back soothingly. 
“That’s my girl.”
“Do you want a drink? The nurse said when you pee then we can go home.”
He nodded more out of wanting to go home not because he was thirsty and I winced at the pained sound he made when trying to swallow. I took the cup away and used another napkin to dab the drops that clung to his lip as he tried to get comfortable again.
“I hate seeing you in pain,” I whispered, knowing the next week was going to be the hardest. 
“Then let me distract you,” he whispered back.
“Pierre,” I warned as his hand disappeared under the thin sheet. “Behave yourself.”
“I can never behave with you around.”
The telltale squeaks of the nurse's shoes approached and I pulled his hand back over my waist just as the curtain was pulled open. She didn’t look too impressed at both of us being in the bed still but it was a private hospital and we were paying more than enough to be granted the small comfort.
“How are you feeling, Mr Gasly?”
“Been better, but ready to get out of here.”
She nodded and pointed to the other side of the room. “Bathrooms are through that door. I’ll prepare your discharge papers.”
Not wanting to stay a minute longer, he grabbed the cup of water and chugged it down despite the ache each swallow made. “Ah, that tastes disgusting.”
I hopped off the bed so he could get up and he looked down at the hospital gown with distaste making me laugh. “You make it look good, I promise.”
His feet were unsteady as they touched the cold floor and I wrapped my arm around his waist when he started to sway. “Why is there a breeze at the back?”
I looked behind him and had to stifle a giggle as I closed the back of the gown that had come open to show off his ass. “Maybe they got your surgery mixed up and gave you a colonoscopy as well.”
“No, no. No more hanging out with my brothers,” he said as he shuffled along. “Phillipe said the same thing, that I would wake up with bottom surgery.”
“Oh, babe,” I burst out laughing, “that’s not what you think it is.”
His brows furrowed together. “Wait, what?”
“I’ll tell you later.” I opened the bathroom door and he froze as we crossed the threshold.
“You can wait outside,” he said quietly as he tried to step away but his legs were like jelly.
“Pierre, we are getting married, I held your head over a sick bowl when you had that tummy bug and I have brought you toilet paper when the roll ran out more times than I can count. I think I can handle seeing you pee.” I closed the door behind us as his face turned red. “Don’t be embarrassed. You are always taking care of me, it’s about time you let me take care of you.”
“Fine, but don’t look,” he ceded as you helped him stand up straight and turned your head away.
“Don’t worry about me, just focus so we can get out of here before Nurse Ratched comes back.”
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Pierre managed a smile when we got home and Addie came running out of the house like she hadn’t just seen him that morning. 
“Careful, sweetie,” I warned as he picked her up and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck before she tried to kiss his cheek. “Daddy’s face is sore and he needs to rest.”
“I can share Mr Snuggly,” she offered before climbing down and taking his hand to lead him to the living room. She didn’t even let me touch her favourite teddy that she had snuggled with since she was a newborn. “He’ll make the ouchies go away.”
While they went and got comfortable on the couch for a very lazy week planned ahead, I grabbed the bag of pain medication the doctor had prescribed and caught Pascale up on how it all went.
“Can you believe he kept his teeth they pulled out?” I asked with a cringe that she mirrored, shaking her head at her son.
“As long as he doesn’t show me them, or hide them around the house like he did when he was a boy, then he can do as he pleases.” She closed the car for me and laughed at the incredulous look I gave her. “I love my sons but boys keep you on your toes. How is the wedding planning going? Pierre said you were looking at a spring wedding.”
“Winter just wouldn’t work unless I want to hobble down the aisle, and Pierre is too impatient to wait until summer.” I smiled at the thought of the many ideas we had talked about in the last week. If he had his way we would already be hitched but I wanted to wait until mum had time to process the adoption papers and we could both become Gasly’s at the same time. “We are actually looking at having it in Australia since there is a free weekend between the Jeddah and Melbourne race. But nothing is set in stone yet, we really should get a wedding planner to sort it all out.”
“Ask the girls in the group chat, I’m sure they have someone to recommend.”
It was no secret that the drivers had a WhatsApp chat group but few people knew about the one for the WAGs. “How do you know about that?”
Pascale laughed and waved her hand. “Back in my day we used the party line then email came along.”
“What's the party line?”
“Oh, don’t make me feel any older than I already feel. Just ask the girls.”
“Considering Kevin and Sergio are the only ones married I’m not sure how much help they will be.”
“Doesn’t stop them from dreaming, darling. I should get going but call me if you need anything and Pierre’s favourite soup is in the fridge.” I followed her inside and she grabbed her handbag off the side table in the living room before kissing Pierre on the head as she passed the back of the couch then rubbed Addie’s back where she was curled up into his side. “Bye, my sweet, I love you.”
“Love you too, grand-mére,” she replied, barely tearing her eyes away from the movie they had chosen.
“Bye, ma,” Pierre said with a sleepy wave before he tipped his head back and closed his eyes. 
I walked Pascale out to the security gate and kissed her cheek, offering once again to drive her home but the afternoon was serene and the walk home wasn’t far. Pierre was still awake, just, when I got back inside and I massaged his shoulders as I stood behind him. “Stay awake for a minute, you’re due some medication.”
I grabbed the bag of supplies from the pharmacy and tipped them onto the coffee table so I could see what was what. One box was an anti-inflammatory, another was a pain killer, there was a large bottle of mouth rinse and the last box was the refill for my birth control. Pierre leaned forward to check the labels since he could be randomly tested for drugs through the off season and didn’t want to take anything that could show up.
His fingers grabbed the smallest box and turned it over to see my name on it. He stared at it for a minute, idly tapping it against his leg. “It felt so real.”
“What did?” I asked as I cracked two painkillers out of the blister back and went to get him a bottle of water.
“Sydney,” he murmured as I put the pills in his hand and went to take the box back but his fingers closed tightly around it. “I can still remember how it felt holding him, I can still hear his cries. What if…” He bit his lip and looked up from the box that held him fixated, his eyes clear and bright. “What if you don’t take these?”
Click here for chapter twenty seven.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife @prrttysposts @alwaysclassyeagle @dr3lover
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libras-interactives · 7 months
Do you have any OC’s for Lackadaisy who didn’t make it into the fic or who were made after you started writing? I love hearing about all of them so much
;v; wagh
So 2~3 of these kitties are connected to Devil's Moon characters but probably won't show up (or at least, will only be mentioned), and two arent related to it at all.
Viviana Carmina Holst - Slyvester's wife, who Ive thought so much about but may not even show up "on camera" LOL. A calico with auburn hair she keeps in a fairly old-fashioned style, to match her more modest dress. She's thin and has big, bright green-brown eyes.
She's quite sociable, observant, easygoing and a terrible cardshark. She loves company and doesn't get it nearly as much as she'd like; they live in a modest yet well-decorated home outside St. Louis city limits. Carmina comes from a large Italian family. She was the first of her siblings to be born in America. She's always been known as Carmina to them (there were already three Vivianas in the extended family), and Vivi to her husband.
Because she and Slyvester could not have children, they adopted three nephews after the boys' parents passed (Carmina's side). The boys are now grown and the two oldest are quite successful. The youngest still lives with them to help his mother, as Carmina is disabled and Slyvester works a lot, and they've yet to find a live-in nurse that suits them.
Carmina and Slyvester grew up together in the same Italian-majority neighborhood; his family is Danish and was one of the few non Italians on the block. Carmina's parents approved of him bc he agreed to convert, they knew he wasn't a drinker, and they were relieved their sickly daughter was able to get married and have someone take care of her for the rest of her life.
Flynn's Family - I've thought a lot about them but I don't think they'll be super relevant or come up, alas. His older brother Seamus is fairly important to the business, but rarely makes himself known. He has some pretty bad physical and mental damage from the war, so tends to be anti-social, plus years of Flynn's emotional manipulation have taken their toll. Tomas was the youngest and the golden child, died in the war. Flynn couldn't stand him. Sorcha was older than Tomas but younger than Flynn, I'm still unsure what happened exactly, but she's not around her parents anymore. They didn't really dote on her like they did the boys, or Tomas.
Their mother was tall and slender, while the father was more stout and broad, and a little shorter - only Seamus had his build and coloring, the rest of the children were looked and were built like their mama. All of them had orange and black markings but the Flynn we know is the only chimera.
I keep wanting to think of more for the family - their history, and appearances and whatnot, but then I pull back because it "won't be relevant" in Devil's Moon ... well, might do it anyway bc I just like writing family dynamics and drama, lol. I already wrote a ton about Carmina so might as well.
Okay these two are 100% not UTDM related and from an Arkham Horror board game/kinda tabletop bc we rp'd it a ton. The setting is 1920s anyway, and I forced my friends to play and make lackadaisy OCs (it was my birthday damn it 😂). These two characters rotted a crater in my brain for 2 weeks straight and I still like em a ton. Sister Marguerite was mine and Father Elijah was initially my partner's but I have since stolen him haha.
Sister Marguerite, formerly Adelaide Whitaker. Wheeww... so much to say here but I'll condense it. Originally from a wealthy East Coast family, she was forcefully sent to a "wellness and manners" sort of school for "esteemed ladies" that was really just a ruse to hide her pregnancy. It wasn't a Magdalene asylum/laundry, though. She lost the child, but a handful of nuns showed her such kindness (and she'd had religious-fixated OCD for years that her family actively made worse anyway) that she converted to Catholicism and began the process of becoming a nun once she was old enough. She's happy with her current life, enough that her OCD has lessened somewhat, but ofc there are still bad days. She often fixates on physical purity, baptism and "healing water"; most of her sisters chalk her "peculiarities" up to her extreme devotion and are willing to overlook her bad, spiraling days bc shes v dear to them. She's a good-hearted woman, quiet, and doesn't scare easily. Puts others before herself again and again.
As a cat, she's white with unsettling sectorial heterochromia, big slender ears, and an odd face. Lackadaisy cats are generally pretty cute but she's meant to be more "homely". Her eyes are more unnerving than striking. This is the photo that was the first inspiration for her, though this kitty is very cute, haha. If she were human I think she'd have bright eyes and a very plain face. I've drawn her but my art is pretty oof! I need to keep practicing bc her face and headshape in particular are kinda different.
Actually considered reworking her backstory to be one of Jack's many siblings; he did have a sister who ran off, but thats kinda irrelevant in UTDM rn. If anything itd be mentioned in an epilogue.
Father Elijah - A handsome man from a good Midwestern family. They were disappointed when Elijah joined the church, feeling like he was wasting his potential. He's always felt close to God and wanted to help others, but he's also a deeply scholarly person and loves theology, even if some things he studies would be considered heretical. This doesn't necessarily mean he's open minded, especially to those he considers "irredeemable", but he's always polite, protective of his flock and usually a pretty affable guy.
Elijah certainly has some kind of mental stuff rolling around in his noggin; I don't want to call it disorder or illness, especially since he doesn't really have a name for it at the time period (like Marguerite with her OCD). In the tabletop, they came to Arkham together as allies and quickly became rather ... obsessed with each other. He's very fixated with Marguerite, believing her to be a pinnacle of what a godly person should be, and later believing she can actually speak to angels (or is one??). He wants so much of her attention, to hear her opinions and interpretations of faith. To say he puts her on a pedestal is an understatement. Calling it "romantic" interest isnt the whole picture, and too simple for... whatever the hell he's got going on. Marguerite admires him deeply but in a more "inspired" way. Platonic is also too simple for what she's feeling, but her attachment certainly isn't as deep as his.
As a cat he's an orange tabby with pretty blue eyes. Meant to be a really tall good looking dude, a contrast to Sister Margy. Maaany women in the church have admired him but he's never considered or indulged in feelings like that until Marguerite; he doesn't even consider his appearance much. Just tries to keep tidy. I also terribly drew him real quick for the tabletop. I think his ears should have kind of a cute shape and he's got extra fur around his face :3 Still not sure on what sort of tail he'd have, though.
Shoutout to tabletop!Father Elijah who dual wielded a pistol and giant crucifix on the regular, constantly threw himself into danger to save Margie and slowly became twisted by the dark powers he was trying so hard to stop 👍🏽 One of my favorite scenes was both of them jumping into a portal together, then getting separated bc we rolled poorly and they both got HP/Sanity down to 0. Elijah woke up in the hospital in extreme pain, left without fully restoring HP and ran all the way back to the church to find Marguerite. They held each other at the altar for a while and she gave him her rosary bc he lost his crucifix in the void. and they promised to never leave each other again and stayed attached at the hip in spite of the usual eldritch horrors. normal arkham horror things. I'd love to make Arkham LCG cards for them; theyve already got custom cards for the 2nd edition board game (but now my other fixations and nerdness is showing so ill stop here).
(shoutout to that poor eldritch-corrupted NPC who sister marguerite believed needed a baptism to restore him, so father elijah held the dude down while he almost drowned and margeurte prayed over him and one party member witnessed all this and told the others so EVERYONE avoided "those catholic freaks" for the whole session sdkdskfs)
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mrsamaroevans · 2 years
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Fandom: Mayans M.C.
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Female OC Adelaide Lancaster.
Summary: After her crush rejected her for so many years, Adelaide found the love of her life, but not everything is perfect. Not when she fell in love with the devil.
Words: 2,602.
A/N: So... HI. It's been sooooo long and I'm so sorry. I'm not gonna come up with excuses, just so you know, I'm sorry lol. Uh... I don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are... thank you so much. I was sad for the news that the next Mayans season is the last one we'll get and I finished this chapter. I don't know what I'm gonna do once the show is over, but I guess will be our time to keep on writing about them idk lol... As always: English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor. *gifs not mine*
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“Your husband called.”
It was eight in the morning and Adelaide woke up when a nurse walked into her room. The first she told her was that she’ll have an intravenous antibiotic, but she didn’t pay too much attention. Truth was that she barely listened since the doctor told her that they didn’t find her baby’s heartbeat.
Dita got into her room during the night to leave her purse and ask her to let Miguel inside. She just thanked her for taking her stuff and for being there. She completely ignores what she had told her about Miguel. She didn’t care how worried he could be; she didn’t want to see him.
“He said he’s coming to replace his mother and wanted us to ask you if you could let him in.” The nurse says once she pulls out the syringe. Adelaide doesn’t turn to her.
“I don’t want to see anyone.” She repeats and the nurse just nods and walks out of the room.
Adelaide lays on her right side, her back to the door and her gaze to the window. She knows that she has to face Miguel at some point, but she still doesn’t want to do it. She would like to think that he didn’t mean what he told her the night before, but his words keep repeating in her head, and she is not sure she could stop them.
When she started to work after she got married, she had the purpose to leave her work in her office and be completely present at home. Her only job when she was with her son, was protecting him. Make sure he was fine and… she couldn’t do it. With neither. Both of them are gone.
“I said I don’t want to see anybody.” She says when she hears the door being open. She’s not sure how much time has passed by now, but she’s sure it’s not a nurse or a doctor, they would have knocked on the door before. So, she keeps her gaze on the IV that’s on the back of her hand and wipes the tears off of her face.
“And you know how much I fucking don’t care?”
When she hears that voice, Adelaide turns around to see her best friend a couple of feet away from her bed.
“Who called you?” She asks, sitting up as fast as she can ‘cause her back still hurts from the epidural she got. Ez translates that as the chance to get closer to her.
“Emily.” EZ says, shrugging “She said you didn’t want to see anyone, that maybe you’d talk to me.”
Adelaide's eyes start to fill with tears and Ez sits at her side to hug her, letting her cry on his shoulder as much as she wants.
She doesn’t understand why but there is something in Ez that, somehow, calms her down. She had to be mad at him, she had to tell him to go away and not get close to her again, but now that she has him near, his closeness comforts her.
“Emily also said that Miguel deleted our numbers…” She hears Ez say once she controls her tears. She texted Emily Ez’s number once Dita brought her things during the night, and she also told her what had happened. She never thought her friend would dare to talk to Ez that soon “How did you get them back?”
“I called Riz’s sister and she gave me his number, then he gave me yours,” Adelaide explains, but she realizes that Ez doesn’t pay that much attention to her. He looks like he has so many things in his head “What?”
“I don’t like what he did… it’s not right.” Ez says after sighing.
“He knew I saw Angel yesterday…” Adelaide looks at his friend and when she sees the confusion on his face, she realizes he doesn’t know the context of the situation “He always loses his mind when your brother is involved.”
“Why?” Ez asks even more confused.
“Because he hates him.” She simply says.
“You’re not gonna let it go, right?”
Adelaide sighs and even though she’s not in the mood to tell him about her past with Angel, she does it.
“Before I knew Miguel, I confessed my feelings to your brother. At first, he said that he didn’t feel anything back, but then he did. We started dating, I guess… at least everybody thought that we were but we never talked about it, we never felt we needed to.” She half smiles. “We were like that for eight months or so, and it was everything I imagined since I was a teenager…”
“Ugh…” Ez looks disgusted and all Adelaide can do is hit his ribs with her arm.
“Shut up, you wanted to know.” They laugh for a few seconds, and once their laughs calm down, she continues “Then, one day out of the blue, Angel came and said that what we were doing wasn’t right. That you saw me like a sister and your father as a daughter. He said that the only relationship he wanted to have with me, was the brother-sister one, and he left before I could tell him I was pregnant.”
Adelaide feels his gaze on her, but for some reason, she can’t look at him.
“I was so mad, Ez��� I’ve never felt like that before, and… what was I gonna do? He didn’t want anything with me and I didn’t feel ready to have a baby without a father, so, I went to Los Angeles to get an abortion.” She pauses, ‘cause the memories of last night come back to her. She waits until the lump in her throat vanishes and thanks Ez that he doesn’t push her to continue before she’s ready “Two weeks later, Angel came to me to ask me for a pregnancy test my mother found… I had other options; I could have lied to him, but I noticed he was happy and I felt the necessity to wipe that smile off of his face, I wanted him to feel the same that I felt so I told him, and I know it’s your brother but…”
“He’s an asshole most of the time, I know…” Ez says. Adelaide nods and even though she feels she doesn’t deserve it; she thanks the Lord because his best friend’s not judging her decisions.
“I got what I wanted. Angel was so mad, he even told me that he hated me for what I did. We stopped talking to each other until I went to the clubhouse for Coco’s birthday… I just went to give him a cake I baked but Angel asked me to stay, that he didn’t have any problem with that because I was Coco’s friend too, so I did… Angel got so drunk and he apologized for what he said. He told me he missed me, that he wanted us to go back to the friendship we had before all of that, and I missed him too so I pushed my feelings for him aside and I accepted.” She looks at the rings on her finger and she smiles ‘cause the words she’s about to say are forming a memory in her mind. She still can see it all perfectly and the butterflies are still there “A couple of months later I met Miguel…” she says “Angel didn’t like it at all when I started dating him. Even the club tried to convince me to leave him, but I loved him. It just… happened too fast. Then, two months before Miguel proposed to me, I had a pregnancy scare… I was at Lore’s house and I was crying when Riz stopped by. I tried to pretend to be okay but he knew something was wrong and he told Angel… When he asked me, I told him the truth and you know what he said?”
“Bullshit, I guess…”
Adelaide nods.
“His exact words were ‘Well... if you are, you already know how to get rid of the problem’.”
“What the fuck, Angel?” Ez mutters, shaking his head.
“That’s what I said.” Adelaide shrugs “I talked to him again the day after Miguel proposed…”
Ez doesn’t say anything for a moment. She sees him trying to digest everything she said. She also doesn’t add anything. She feels she talked way too much. Probably was way too honest.
“Miguel knows all of this.” Ez doesn’t ask. These few days, she’s been in charge of letting him know that Miguel is the one that she leans in, so he wouldn’t be surprised if she had told him everything.
“I had to tell him because your brother threw a scene at my parent’s house when I was pregnant with Cristobal. He held me in his arms the whole night while I cried.” That’s the moment when she can’t keep on with her words. It doesn’t matter how much she tries to put the events of the night aside; she can’t make them go away “I was thinking about all of that the whole night… that was the first thing I thought when the doctor told me that… that my baby was gone…”
Her hands land on her eyes trying to stop the tears from going out. But the blame she’s feeling for the decisions she made in the past is even stronger than when she made them.
“They told you why it happened?” Ez asks once she sighs and uncovers her face.
“No… they said that sometimes happens. It can be for long periods of stress, ‘cause the baby wasn’t completely fine… but I think it was karma.”
Ez shakes his head, disagreeing with her “You said Miguel loses his mind when Angel is involved… you can trust me, Addie. You can tell me what really happened…”
Adelaide takes her gaze up to him once she understands what he said between the lines. His words take her by surprise but she’s aware that more than one person in her social circle could and would think the same way.
“You think he did this? No… I mean, we argued but he didn’t touch me. He would nev—”
“I have seen him doing things that—”
“That I haven’t, I get it…” Adelaide says, a little bit mad ‘cause out of all the people in her life, she thought Ez would be the one that could never doubt her common sense “I know what he does, Ez, I know who he is. I don’t need anyone telling me about it.” Ez tries to speak, but Adelaide doesn’t give him the chance “I’m not that helpless little girl you met, anymore… you need to understand that.”
“I do…  I just… I don’t trust him.” He looks at her and, again, she’s not surprised by his words. It’s not the first time she hears them “The fact that he deleted our numbers because he was jealous…”
“Who said he was jealous?” She lets out a laugh and Ez throws her a glance “Miguel is not jealous of Angel…”
“No… he’s jealous about the life you used to have.” Ez tells her but she can’t imagine Miguel feeling that way “He’s insecure about you wanting to go back to that, after everything you left behind—”
“Why would I?” She interrupts him “I love him, and I know I said shit last night but I’m happy with him…”
Ez doesn’t insist anymore and she’s glad. She’s been listening to a lot of people saying that what she feels for Miguel isn’t love since the moment she started dating him. Even now that they’re married. She was tired of that.
“You said you saw Angel… what did you talk about?” He asks.
“You really don’t know?” She lifts an eyebrow and can see his regret for asking that crossing his face in less than a second.
“You know it…” Ez says and sighs “Listen, I didn’t know that she was trying to take Cristobal, if I knew, I would have warned you, I wouldn’t have—”
“Ez, I don’t care anymore.” Adelaide interrupts him, shaking her head no and making Ez turn to her “Cristobal’s fine and he has to come back tomorrow.”
“Adelita said something that I didn’t understand…” Ez says after a couple of seconds. Adelaide doesn’t say anything back ‘cause she knows Ez hasn’t finished talking “She said that she didn’t understand how could you marry one of the responsible for your father’s death.” At this point, Adelaide freezes. She doesn’t speak not because she doesn’t have anything to say, but ‘cause she doesn’t know how Adelita knows that “I thought your father died in a car crash…”
“I thought that too.” She finally says.
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| Then |
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“Your abuela made it…”
She wasn’t her grandmother, but Alonso’s mom loved her as her granddaughter and she almost threw a big party when Adelaide and Miguel told her they were expecting their first child.
Adelaide was almost six months pregnant. She could no longer hide her bump and that only made her and Miguel even more excited about starting their own family. The nursery was almost done; Adelaide and Bridget designed it and Miguel was also being part of the process it didn’t matter how tired he whenever he got home. Sure he had more money than what they needed to hire someone so his wife wouldn’t have to work, but he was enjoying so much being part of creating the place where his child would spend the first years of his life in.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” Adelaide smiled as she looked at the white knitted sweater that Alonso gave her. She was so thrilled to know her son would be loved by many people and she couldn’t wait any longer to have him in her arms, but she couldn’t say anything else ‘case her parents’ doorbell ranged. “I’ll go…” Adelaide said and still with the sweater in hand, she went out of the kitchen towards the front door. There, she found someone unexpected “Angel…” Adelaide said surprised and the smile that was forming on her face, disappeared immediately when she noticed Angel’s gaze was on her bump.
“You were the one I wanted to talk to…”
With those words, she confirmed that he was drunk. She took a glance at the jeep outside and saw Gabriel about to walk towards them, but she shook her head to let him know everything was fine.
“What happens?” She asked looking down at his hand, he still had a bottle of beer.
Angel looked at the bump on her belly again and didn’t say anything, as if he couldn’t do something else than look at that spot on her body.
“I was about to tell you, it’s just that Miguel and I decided to keep it between us for a couple of months…” she started to say. The moment she told Miguel she was pregnant, he said the news had to stay in their inner circle, just family and very close friends like Bridget and Emily knew. But Angel didn’t seem to be listening to her words. He just shook his head and looked up at her face slowly.
“You’re a piece of shit…” He said. Hatred irradiated out of his eyes as she gave a little step back not understanding what he was talking about.
“Angel…” She whispered looking back to see if anyone listened to his words but there was nobody near “What are you saying?”
“You…” he repeated slower “Are. A fucking. Piece of shit.” Angel gave a step towards her, and leaned to be closer to her face “That’s what you are…”
“You should go, you’re drunk.” Adelaide asked giving another step back to close the door, but he didn’t let her by placing a hand on it “Angel…”
“Why?” he asked raising the tone of his voice “Who’s in here? Here’s your husband? I didn’t see his lap dog outside…”
“No, it’s fine.” He said lengthening his last word and stepping into the house “Let’s tell him what kind of woman he married…”
“It’s everything all right?” Amanda asked coming out of the living room.
“Yes, mom,” Adelaide said nodding and about to ask her to go back to the kitchen. She didn’t want anyone to hear ‘cause at that moment she knew exactly what Angel was talking about.
“You never told her, right?” Angel said laughing under his breath “You didn’t have the guts to…”
“What’s happening?” Adelaide’s mom asked again but she only shook her head.
“He’s drunk; he doesn’t know what he’s saying…”
“The fuck I know!” He shouted, “You… you’re walking around, really happy, showing your bump, so proud for Galindo’s baby, but… what did you do to the other one?”
“Angel, please…”
“You… you killed it!” Angel shouted again.
Amanda looked at her daughter, but Adelaide only could look at Angel. Now, both of them had tears in their eyes. She pressed her lips together and tried to hold back the tears.
“You didn’t tell me shit!” Angel continued getting angrier “I would have been there for you and him, or her… I wouldn’t have run!”
“Angel! Angel!” He said laughing “Is that everything you know how to say?” Angel looked at her, both of them forgetting about the fact that Amanda was there and now, Alonso too “You let some doctors kill my baby… our baby.” He pointed to her and then to himself, and that was the moment when neither of them could hold their tears “And that’s something I’ll never forgive you for.”
“You should go, mister.” Gabriel tried to grab Angel’s arm but the Mayan moved.
“I hope you remember what you did every time you see that kid’s face.”
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tveitertotwrites · 5 months
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
Hey! Thanks for the questions! You can't really tell this that much based on the way I answered these, but all of my MC's/OC's are in the same room together doing this interview. The questions are from this ask!
3). What is your favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My favorite childhood memory is when my siblings (Elizabeth and Parker) and I would do a talent show with our cousins. We each did something different for our own separate sections, I usually did a song or a dance I had been learning for a competition. And since a lot of us were involved in dance and theater due to out parents, at the end we did a big cheesy dance number. It was always very fun and lighthearted and brought all of us closer together."
Claire: "My favorite childhood memory is when my grandmother and I would bake together. It was always so relaxing and it was something that I could do with someone who thought I was important at a time where home was not great."
Adelaide: "My favorite childhood memory is when my twin brother, Atlas, and I shared a room. We were little and while out parents always tried to make sure it was clean, we would always mess it up within like an hour after it was fully cleaned because we would make a big fort or something. It reminds me of when we were closer, not saying that we aren't close now, but there are times where I wish Atlas and I could be little again and making blanket forts and not having to care about the things that we thought was so far away at that time like paying rent and whatever else we didn't have to think about."
Charlie: "My favorite childhood memory is growing up with my siblings and doing the same sports as them. When I was a freshman, my older sister Athena was a senior and my older sister Summer was a junior and we were on the same volleyball team which was fun because I got to play alongside them and cheer them on during their senior nights. I also was on our school's co-ed swim team which I did with my younger brothers, Aaron and Sage, which was also fun because they were very supportive and I felt very proud of them, especially when they did well. Plus, I am the only one in our family to do a school activity with all of my siblings, so I feel like I won a competition or something."
4). Least favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My least favorite childhood memory was when my dog, Daisy who was a Yorkshire Terrier was ran over by a car. We had just gotten home and were sending out the dogs one at a time because if all 3 of the dogs we had at the time went outside together, it would be too much chaos and we were trying to get our oldest dog, Miley, outside and Daisy just bolted out the door and into the road and she was ran over by a car. She survived thankfully but she did have to have surgery and some casts for a little while but she made it through for a few more years."
Claire: "My least favorite memory is when my grandmother passed away when I was 12. For about a year or so prior to her death, she had been switching back and forth between the hospital and the nursing home due to some complications. And then about a year of hopping between the two, she said, or more likely wrote because she couldn't speak very well in her last couple of months, she had enough and wanted to stay at the nursing home until she passed, which was hard to hear at 11/12 because she is the one who said it and while I don't blame her or anything, it was hard knowing that she did as much as she could and it still wasn't enough."
Adelaide: "My least favorite childhood memory is when my older brother Rowan went off to college. At that time, Atlas and I were only like 7 years old and we had like no perception of time, so what we thought was that he was going to be gone forever but reality it was only a month or two at a time because of breaks and stuff. We also were all very close even though Atlas and I were 11 years younger than Rowan."
Charlie: "My least favorite childhood memory is when I broke both bones in my lower right arm. I was 8 and playing on a swing set when no one was around me at the time and I wanted to stop, so I went to go put my feet on the ground to stop myself. And where the little play set with the swings was placed, it was dirt underneath but there were roots of a nearby tree that kind of stuck out of the ground and my feet got caught by it and I fell and used my arm to break my fall and ended up breaking both of the bones in my lower arm. Which wasn't fun because it was near the start of winter and it was my dominant arm so i couldn't use it and at school when we would do assignments I had to have my teachers write for me."
8). What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Brooklyn: "Probably seeing my family doing theater and dance. They're the reason why I do what I do and I can't thank them enough. I always try to invite them to any event I can and show them appreciation for what they did for me and how I have the privilege to be as successful as I am because of their help."
Claire: "I think what had the biggest impact on me growing up was the favoritism of my younger sister. While I did have my own activities and things like that, I definitely felt my parents always being at everything for my sister. Like if I had something coming up, my parents would 99 percent of the time either had something to do with my sister or would say that they had something with my sister and would go do something else."
Adelaide: "What had the biggest impact on me growing up was growing up with two brothers. Having two brothers was interesting because I was told that doing things for me was vastly different from my two brothers even though I was the same age as one of them. It wasn't a bad thing in my opinion just interesting."
Charlie: "What had a big impact on me growing up was probably being the middle child. I felt like there were times that I was seen as too young or too old to hang out with my siblings at times and since there was 5 of us I felt like everyone had a partner except for me. But I didn't feel like that all the time because of sports and school activities which I am thankful for."
6). What is the hardest thing you have had to do?
Brooklyn: "Probably standing up for myself against people within the industry even though it is very hard. There a lot about the industry that is hidden and comes to light later down the road and it can be scary for anyone, especially those who don't have much power or respect. Trying to make it in the industry, no matter which side, is hard enough for the people who don't already have a way in and then having the added barrier of people only giving you jobs if you sexually satisfy them or satisfy them in a similar way is really frustrating for people who want to come into the industry."
Claire: "The hardest thing I have had to do is the chemical attack. It was during a time when I didn't believe in myself, and there were things going on in my personal life at the time. It was hard knowing what was going on and what people would be going through, such as the families of Bobby and Danny who had died due to what had happened. Knowing that I was partially to blame for it still haunts me to this day, but I am grateful to be around people who support me and care for me after everything."
Adelaide: "The hardest thing I had to do was probably go to med school. It was the first time where I had been away from my family for a while, especially Atlas. He had been going to school on the West Coast while I went to school on the east coast. Undergrad was the hardest as at least with Med School, my best friend Claire (Evans) and I were on the same campus and shared a dorm for our time there and we also went to hospitals within the same area so that part wasn't difficult. Undergrad, I was by myself and knew absolutely no one."
Charlie: "The hardest thing was probably losing my grandparents at a young age. My maternal grandpa and paternal grandma both died due to cancer when I was little and then my paternal grandpa had died prior to my birth. My maternal grandma was also sick during my senior year and died only two months before my graduation which was hard."
13). You have an unlimited budget to build anything you want! What do you build and where do you build it?
Brooklyn: "Well if you asked me when I was little then I probably would have said little dog houses all over the world. But now I would probably say either a theater in my hometown or a women's shelter."
Claire: "Umm... Selfishly I would say another location of my hometown's coffee shop and put it here in Boston. But also free period products, birth control, and help line information for different needs in stations all over the country."
Adelaide: "Yeah. I would also say resource stations around the country. But also I would love to have the view I had in Greece from my room here in Boston but at that point I should just move to Greece instead, it would be a lot cheaper."
Charlie: "I would probably build free donation buildings for good condition clothes. People could donate their clothes that were in good condition and look through other clothes and they could be free."
Any other questions?
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blossomhcir · 6 months
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Continuing my series on Adelaide's relationships with her family, I want to talk about Douglas today. Douglas is undoubtedly the parent Adelaide is closest to and has the most loving relationship with. Douglas often gets credit for bring the better parent in my writings, but I want to expand on aspects of their relationship things that had just as much of an influence on Adelaide as her mother.
While they're close, there was a period of time around when she hit puberty that Douglas began to distance himself from her more. Adelaide had always been his little girl, but by Westerosi standards she was starting to transition into womanhood. That led to the consideration that she might have to leave home, marry, start a family of her own, which was hard for him to handle. Adelaide was born not long after the death of his only living sibling, then when she was still small his father passed away, leaving him with no living relatives. Adelaide was his first child and the thought of losing her was painful. He’s not good at handling his own emotions, so he isolates and becomes distant. This created a bit of an anxious attachment to him that contributed to her need to look after him and prove she’s useful.
In many ways both Douglas and Esther parentified Adelaide. Esther in her poor health largely relied on Adelaide to serve as nurse and caretaker, while Douglas offloads his responsibilities to Adelaide. Following Esther’s death she went from caring for one parent to the other, all while being a teenager who had almost no outlet for her own grief. She spent a good portion of her life trying to emotionally manage both her parents, to be as pleasing as possible to both because she craved approval and love so much. Through both of their actions or in actions they’ve raised a daughter who constantly looks for outward validation instead of someone who is self assured.
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Understanding the Support You’ll Receive in Supported Independent Living
What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) program that enables individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible. For those wondering what type of support is offered under SIL, it’s essential to know that the services provided are tailored to each person’s unique needs. Whether you require help with daily tasks or more intensive care, SIL offers comprehensive support to ensure you can live a fulfilling life.
In Adelaide, there are several independent living specialists in Adelaide who work closely with individuals to develop personalized plans that align with their goals. These specialists are trained to create living environments that foster autonomy while ensuring safety and well-being. But what exactly does this support entail? Let’s explore how SIL benefits participants.
Personal Assistance for Daily Living Tasks
One of the primary forms of support offered in Supported Independent Living is personal assistance with daily tasks. For many individuals, performing everyday activities such as cooking, cleaning, or managing personal hygiene can be challenging. In such cases, SIL provides skilled staff to assist with these tasks, allowing participants to focus on other aspects of their lives.
Adelaide is home to various independent living specialists who provide personalized support to help individuals manage daily responsibilities. From meal preparation to organizing household chores, the goal is to ensure that participants feel empowered in their own space. This assistance is tailored based on each individual’s specific requirements, ensuring a level of care that promotes growth while addressing essential needs.
Moreover, the assistance isn’t just limited to basic tasks. It extends to more complex responsibilities, such as budgeting, managing medication, and maintaining a safe living environment. The flexibility and adaptability of SIL make it possible for participants to receive the exact level of help they need without compromising their independence.
Social Support and Community Participation
Living independently can sometimes feel isolating, but SIL recognizes the importance of social engagement. Many independent living specialists in Adelaide offer services focused on helping individuals stay connected to their communities. Social support under SIL encourages participants to build relationships, pursue hobbies, and engage in community activities, all of which contribute to a sense of belonging and mental well-being.
For those in Adelaide, independent living isn’t just about managing household tasks—it’s about thriving in a community. Social support may involve arranging group activities, helping participants attend local events, or simply providing companionship. These services are designed to enhance the individual’s social life and offer opportunities for growth outside of the home.
Another key aspect of community participation is fostering skills development. Independent living specialists can help participants enroll in classes, pursue employment, or volunteer in their local communities. By building these connections, individuals in SIL are empowered to live a more active and engaged life.
Health and Well-Being Support
A crucial component of supported independent living is ensuring the overall health and well-being of participants. This can include both physical and mental health support. In Adelaide, many independent living specialists work closely with healthcare providers to create care plans that promote a healthy lifestyle.
For participants with specific medical conditions or disabilities, SIL provides access to nursing care, medication management, and health monitoring. Regular check-ins ensure that any health issues are promptly addressed, and participants receive the necessary medical care. In addition to physical health, mental health is also prioritized through counseling services, emotional support, and stress management techniques.
Adelaide’s independent living services emphasize a holistic approach to well-being. This includes everything from ensuring proper nutrition and physical exercise to offering emotional support through mental health professionals. By focusing on both body and mind, SIL helps participants lead a balanced, healthy life.
Skill Building for Greater Independence
SIL is designed not just to provide support but also to encourage skill development. Independent living specialists in Adelaide work closely with participants to identify areas where they can improve their skills, whether it’s related to managing a household, making informed decisions, or pursuing personal goals.
For example, participants may receive training in areas such as financial management, meal planning, and effective communication. By developing these skills, individuals are better equipped to take control of their lives and make decisions that align with their personal goals. The aim is to create a pathway toward greater autonomy over time.
The skills learned in SIL programs aren’t just limited to the home environment. Participants are encouraged to apply these skills in various aspects of life, from social interactions to career opportunities. Through ongoing training and guidance, independent living specialists empower individuals to become more self-reliant and confident in their abilities.
Safety and Security Measures
While independence is the primary focus of SIL, ensuring a safe living environment is equally important. Safety and security are paramount, especially for individuals who may require additional assistance due to physical or cognitive limitations. Independent living specialists in Adelaide assess each participant’s home environment and make recommendations to enhance safety.
This could involve installing assistive technologies such as emergency response systems, ramps for easy access, or modifying the layout of the home to reduce hazards. The goal is to create an environment where participants feel secure and comfortable while maintaining their independence.
In addition to physical safety, emotional security is also addressed. SIL providers ensure that participants have a support network they can rely on, whether it’s through regular check-ins or access to emergency assistance. By prioritizing both physical and emotional safety, supported independent living creates a space where individuals can truly thrive.
Tailored Support Plans for Every Individual
The beauty of Supported Independent Living lies in its flexibility. No two participants are the same, and as such, each person receives a customized support plan that is developed in collaboration with independent living specialists. This ensures that the services provided align with each individual’s unique needs, preferences, and goals.
For those in Adelaide, this means working closely with specialists to determine the right balance of care and autonomy. Whether it’s help with daily tasks, social engagement, health monitoring, or skill-building, the support plan is designed to evolve as the participant’s needs change over time. Regular reviews and updates ensure that individuals are always receiving the appropriate level of care.
In conclusion, Supported Independent Living is a comprehensive and adaptable solution for individuals looking to live independently while receiving the necessary support. From daily living assistance and social support to health monitoring and skill development, SIL offers a wide range of services that empower participants to lead fulfilling lives. Independent living specialists in Adelaide play a crucial role in ensuring that each individual receives the right level of care, creating a balance between autonomy and support that fosters growth and independence.
Source BY: What is Supported Independent Living
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ourcommunityourcare · 2 months
Community Nursing Services in Adelaide 
Our Community Our Care provides Community Nursing Services, offering compassionate and professional healthcare at home. Our team of skilled nurses ensures patients receive personalized medical support, from routine care to complex treatments, enhancing quality of life and promoting independence in the comfort of their own homes. Explore Now! https://ourcommunityourcare.com.au/community-nursing-service/
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ndisprovideradelaide · 4 months
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NDIS respite care Adelaide at BestCare Support Services
🌟 Personalised and comprehensive care delivered to your home. 🌟 Skilled nursing for chronic conditions, disabilities, and ongoing support. 🌟 Bringing healthcare to your local community, beyond traditional settings.
We’re here to support your health and wellbeing every step of the way.
CommunityNursing #HomeCare #BestCareSupportServices #HealthcareAtHome
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spiffy-cleaning · 4 months
Seniors Deserve Cleanliness: Spiffy Clean's Service in Adelaide
Starting off: Seniors are a group that is often forgotten when people talk about cleaning. They live in the middle of Adelaide, where the flow of the city is filled with stories of strength and community. Because these people have made such important contributions to society, they should be able to spend their later years in places that care about cleaning and comfort. Here comes Spiffy Clean, a leader in cleaning services for senior living communities in Adelaide. Spiffy Clean is committed to making sure that seniors can age in comfort in clean, safe, and friendly places. They do this because they care deeply about our elders and want to keep things clean.
Why it's important for seniors to keep clean: For seniors, cleanliness isn't just about how things look; it's an important part of their health. As people get older, their immune systems get weaker, which makes them more likely to get sick. Also, a lot of seniors may already have health problems that mean they need to live in places that are free of dust, allergens, and germs. For adults, a clean-living area isn't just a nice-to-have; it's essential to their health, respect, and quality of life.
One size does not fit all when it comes to cleaning for senior living communities, and that's what Spiffy Clean knows. The reason for this is that we offer customised cleaning services that are made to fit the needs of each adult and their home. Our experienced cleaners work closely with seniors and their families to create a cleaning plan that fits their needs and tastes. This is true whether the cleaning is for an independent living apartment, an assisted living facility, or a nursing home.
Comprehensive Cleaning Services: Our comprehensive cleaning services include all parts of senior life, from shared areas to private apartments. We pay close attention to every detail and make sure that all objects that people touch are completely germ-free, the floors are spotless, and the living areas are free of dust and other garbage. We aim to make sure elders feel secure, comfortable, and valued in addition to being clean.
Safety first: Safety and health are very important to Spiffy Clean, and we take great care of them for adults. We follow stringent cleaning guidelines and policies to ensure that our methods of cleaning are safe and compliant with the best of health criteria. To ensure our staff members know how to provide the utmost care and respect while employed in senior living facilities, we also go through extensive background checks and training.
Spiffy Clean is more concerned with the planet than with safety or cleanliness. We also help to preserve the health of our planet by using environmentally friendly cleaning products and techniques suitable for elders and the surroundings. By using green cleaning techniques, we want to make the future stable and healthy for present generations as well as for next ones.
Reliable reviews: Our cleaning services are shown to be effective by the evaluations of contented people and their households. Senior testimonials reveal how much Spiffy Clean has enhanced their quality of life. From appreciation for our expertise and reliability to praises for our meticulous attention to detail, they span.
Ahead: A Look The need for excellent senior cleaning services will rise as Adelaide develops and changes. Regarding fulfilling this need, Spiffy Clean is always devoted and always strives excellence. . We are proud to be the best choice for senior living cleaning services in Adelaide because we focus on new ideas, the environment, and the health and happiness of seniors.
Seniors should be able to age with grace and respect in places that care about their health, safety, and comfort. We are proud to be a part of making this goal come true for adults all over Adelaide at Spiffy Clean. We are committed to improving senior living by giving them clean, safe, and friendly places to live out their golden years. We do this through personalized cleaning services, a focus on safety and sustainability, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.
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henify · 6 months
The one detail during Kate Middleton’s residence visit everyone missed, and we’re lost for words Princess Kate is finally reunited with her beloved children at Adelaide Cottage, where she is set to recover from her abdominal surgery over the coming months. Kensington Palace released the statement about the Princess of Wales leaving the residence on Monday and is “making good progress.” Who and when anyone has visited the residence, except for William, has been kept widely private. Reports about the media making a deal with the royal family not to take photos or camp outside the residence have surfaced, and there are still questions about whether George, Charlotte, and Louis even visited their mother once. That, royal expert Daniela Elser finds very strange. In an opinion piece, the royal expert questions whether the royal family did the right thing – revealing one detail that everyone seems to have missed. BLETCHLEY, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 14: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'D-Day: Interception, Intelligence, Invasion' exhibition at Bletchley Park on May 14, 2019 in Bletchley, England. The D-Day exhibition marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images) On Monday, the Princess of Wales was discharged from The London Clinic, Kensington Palace announced. Kate Middleton is back home from residence after abdominal surgery She will now recover at her and Prince William’s home at Adelaide Cottage in Windsor and spend quality time with their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. “The Princess of Wales has returned home to Windsor to continue her recovery from surgery. She is making good progress,” Kensington Palace said in a statement released Monday. “The Prince and Princess wish to say a huge thank you to the entire team at The London Clinic, especially the dedicated nursing staff, for the care they have provided.” The statement continued, “The Wales family continues to be grateful for the well wishes they have received from around the world.” “Based on the current medical advice, she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter.” Prince William visited Kate pretty much every day since her surgery. Reports also suggested that her children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, had visited her. However, later, sources told several news outlets that they hadn’t. Instead, according to Hello Magazine’s royal editor, Emily Nash, the Princess of Wales has used her phone to call her children via FaceTime. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK - FEBRUARY 22: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits the 'Copenhagen Infant Mental Health Project' (CIMPH) 'Understanding Your Baby Project' at Børnemuseet Children's Museum on February 22, 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Duchess of Cambridge visits Copenhagen between 22nd and 23rd February on a working visit with The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood. (Photo by Pool/Samir Hussein/WireImage) “Kate loves FaceTiming the children when she is working away overseas, so I’m sure they will be in regular contact while she’s in residence, and the kids will be keen to see her as soon as she’s well enough,” Hello Royal Editor, Emily Nash said, as per Express. William & Kate assisted by family nanny Maria Borrallo “Both William and Kate are very hands-on parents – they take the kids to school, attend sports matches and concerts and try to be home for bedtime as much as they can. While Kate is in residence, William will be at home keeping things as normal as possible.” While Kate has been away from William and her children, the family nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, has been of great help. Of course, she always has been a great asset to the Prince and Princess of Wales. But now more than ever, Borrallo was most likely a very calming person to have around for William. READ MORE
Kate Middleton hid her “planned” abdominal surgery from loved ones, according to royal source ‘Disgusting’ comments about Kate Middleton from Harry & Meghan fans sparks fury Maria Borrallo has been with William and Kate since 2014. The nanny began caring for George when he was only eight months old. “She is not married and doesn’t have a boyfriend, as her life is totally dedicated to the family she is working with. She is known for being totally professional – married to the job,” an insider told Hello Magazine. Borrallo was trained at the prestigious Norland College in Bath. She makes all the decisions at home regarding the children, keeping with William and Kate’s outlined wishes. A royal insider previously said, “Maria is firm, but she never acts unilaterally with the children on discipline. Kate and William, along with Maria, are strict with the children but have this magic ability to appear not to be.” George, Charlotte and Louis are “in good steady hands” When she was hired, Kensington Palace released a statement: “Maria is a full-time nanny who started work with us recently and will be accompanying the Duke and Duchess and Prince George to New Zealand and Australia. We will not be giving further details on Maria or her employment, except to say that the Duke and Duchess are, of course, delighted she has chosen to join them.” While Kate is back at Windsor, reunited with her children, and able to help with some chores, Barallos’ support will continue to be very much appreciated. When the family moved to Adelaide Cottage from Kensington Palace, the nanny stopped living in the same house. However, she lives at another property just around the corner. Speaking with Hello Magazine, parenting expert Jo Frost explained that Maria is a very important person for William, Kate, and their children. “The blessing of her nurturing ways and wonderful service to the family leave the children in good steady hands, affording William the flexibility to be present as a father, attend to his royal duties where he can at home and be the emotional support he will want to be for his wife,” she said. In an interview with the Daily Mail, royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams said that Kate must “rest as much as she can” after her surgery, meaning the family can rely on Maria “a great deal” in the coming weeks or months. “‘There is going to be very considerable speculation as to when William is able to resume royal duties. Obviously, especially given the temporary incapacity of King Charles, the sooner the better. This makes Maria’s contribution at this difficult time all the more invaluable,” Fitzwilliams said. Maria Borello is reportedly “extremely popular” The royal expert continued to say he hoped Kate would soon be fully recovered. However, at the same time, there will be a long “convalescence.” “William will be with her and forgoing royal duties for as long as he feels it is necessary. He has always put his family first. Kate has been as hands-on a mother as her role permits, but she has said that having a nanny is indispensable.” He continued speaking about the nanny, Maria, saying she was a perfect fit for the family. “Maria Teresa is, according to reports, extremely popular with the children but her training at Norland has meant she is ideal for whatever this role requires. She is of course a background figure, who is seen at some important royal occasions and who is indispensable at a time like this. Her training at the prestigious Norland College in Bath where she learnt a huge variety of skills and to work long hours if needed, will be particularly useful during the pivotal weeks of Catherine’s recovery,” Richard Fitzwilliams told the Daily Mail. GREAT ABACO, BAHAMAS - MARCH 26: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge are seen at Daystar Evangelical Church on March 26, 2022 in Great Abaco, Bahamas. Abaco was dramatically hit by Hurricane Dorian which saw winds of up to 185mph and left devastation in its wake.
Their Royal Highnesses learn about the impact of the hurricane and see how communities are still being rebuilt more than two years on. (Photo by Samir Hussein - Pool/WireImage) “The coming weeks may be difficult and will be a test of this redoubtable figure, who is so trusted by the future King and Queen.” Staying at a residence is never fun, although Kate appears to have had the best treatment regarding amenities at The London Clinic. Prince William is said to have visited his wife every day. However, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis reportedly haven’t seen her since they had school and other activities. However, they have allegedly kept in contact with their mother through Facetime. Royal expert questions Kate & William about their children visiting residence or not Kate Middleton wasn’t seen when she entered the London Clinic or when she left. The same would probably happen if her parents or possibly even George, Charlotte, and Louis were there to say hi to their beloved mum.
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Enhancing Healthcare in Adelaide: A Look into Medical Centres and Health Clinics
Adelaide, the vibrant capital city of South Australia, is home to a thriving healthcare ecosystem that provides quality medical services to its residents. In this article, we will explore the significance of Medical Centres and Health Clinic Adelaide, emphasizing their role in ensuring the community's well-being.
The Importance of Medical Centres:
Medical Centres in Adelaide are pivotal in offering comprehensive healthcare services to individuals and families. These facilities typically have various medical professionals, including general practitioners, specialists, nurses, and allied health professionals. Services provided by Medical Centres encompass routine check-ups, preventive care, diagnostic testing, and the management of chronic conditions.
In addition to their medical services, Medical Centres often serve as community hubs, fostering a sense of wellness and health education. Patients benefit from personalized medical attention and the convenience of having multiple healthcare services under one roof.
Health Clinics in Adelaide:
Health Clinics, similar to Medical Centres, contribute significantly to the healthcare landscape of Adelaide. These clinics are designed to address specific health concerns, offering specialized services and treatments. Whether it's a dental clinic, physiotherapy center, or mental health clinic, these facilities cater to diverse healthcare needs.
For instance, a Health Clinic may focus on women's health, offering services such as gynecological exams and family planning. Another clinic might specialize in sports medicine, caring for athletes and individuals with sports-related injuries. The diversity of Health Clinics ensures that residents have access to targeted and specialized care when needed.
The Intersection of Medical Centres and Health Clinics in Adelaide:
The synergy between Medical Centres and Health Clinics is evident in the integrated approach to healthcare delivery. Patients often move seamlessly between these facilities, receiving primary care at a Medical Centre and accessing specialized services at a Health Clinic when necessary. This collaboration ensures a continuum of care, addressing general health needs and specific medical conditions.
Medical Centre Adelaide and Health Clinic Adelaide – Meeting Community Needs:
Many Medical Centre Adelaide and Health Clinics in Adelaide have embraced technology to enhance patient care in response to the dynamic healthcare landscape. Telehealth services, online appointment scheduling, and electronic health records are just a few examples of how these facilities adapt to meet the community's evolving needs.
As the city grows, the importance of accessible and efficient healthcare becomes even more pronounced. Medical Centres and Health Clinics play a vital role in ensuring that the residents of Adelaide can easily access high-quality medical services, promoting a healthier and happier community.
The healthcare infrastructure in Adelaide is robust, with Medical Centres and Health Clinics working collaboratively to address the diverse needs of the population. Whether routine medical care, specialized treatments, or health education, these facilities contribute significantly to the community's well-being.
The Wakefield Medical Clinic is a testament to commitment and excellence for those seeking reliable and comprehensive healthcare services in Adelaide. Visit their website at wakefieldmedicalclinic.com.au to learn more about the services they offer and how they contribute to the health and vitality of Adelaide.
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yogabilitymind · 8 months
Disability Service Providers in Perth
Caring for a loved one with a disability can be overwhelming and exhausting. Respite care can help by providing a break for the primary caregiver and offering care and support to their loved one. This can improve family relationships and promote independence.
The NDIS is an Australian government scheme that provides funding to individuals with a permanent and significant disability. To be eligible, you must be an Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa, and be under 65 years old.
Respite care
Caring for a loved one with an illness or disability service providers perth is a 24-hour job, so it’s important that caregivers take time to care for themselves. Respite care is a way to do this. It’s a temporary break from caregiving, and it can be as short as a few hours or as long as a few weeks.
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In-home respite care is popular because it allows the temporary caregiver to get to know the person they are caring for in their own environment. This is often a more comfortable situation for the person receiving the care as well.
There are also many other types of respite care available. Some are run by charities and others by community-based organizations. Others are based in facilities such as adult day centers, senior centers, and nursing homes. These facilities offer a wide range of activities, including group meals and entertainment. These services are designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities and their families.
The National disability service providers Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government scheme that provides funding for people with significant and permanent disabilities. The aim is to provide them with the care and support they need to improve their quality of life. This will allow them to become more independent and participate in the community.
NDIS participants are able to choose the supports and services they need, with greater control over their funding and how it is used. These can include support workers, home modifications, community access programs, and therapeutic interventions. However, it is important to choose a reliable provider and select the right services for your needs.
A reputable NDIS provider will take the time to understand your goals and preferences, and will ensure that your plan is personalised. They will also offer daily living assistance and facilitate community participation, ensuring that your needs are met at every stage of your journey. This will ensure that you are able to live a fulfilling and enjoyable lifestyle.
Home care
Choosing the right residential home for disabled people in Australia is a complex process. It involves assessing specific needs and considering factors like accessibility and tailored support. It also requires researching the facilities, examining staff qualifications, reading resident testimonials, and visiting them in person. This comprehensive approach ensures that the disabled individuals receive adequate care and find a welcoming environment.
Disability home care services offer a range of personal and medical care for disabled people living at home. These services include nursing, respite care, and live-in care. The service providers are qualified and experienced professionals. They are familiar with the latest medical and disability home care requirements.
Disability home care is funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). NDIS participants are fully in control of their plan and can choose their preferred disability support provider. These providers are committed to providing high-quality and person-centred home care. They provide a wide variety of disability support services, including NDIS plans.
Community care
Community care focuses on societal support for people with disability service providers Adelaide to allow them to live in and participate in their communities. This can include help with personal care, 24-hour support, domestic assistance, and transport services. It can also include activities and programs that encourage socialisation.
Danecare is a registered NDIS provider in Perth WA that offers a range of disability home care and community services. Their team of professionals will work with you to develop a plan that meets your needs and goals. They will also provide ongoing monitoring and support to ensure that your needs are met.
The Activ NDIS Service Coordination team is here to help you find the best disability support services in Perth. They will assess your needs and assist you with the NDIS process. They can also help you access supports and services like home modification, assistive t4echnology, and therapeutic services. They can even help you connect to your local community and build new skills.
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team2care · 10 months
NDIS Providers in Melbourne | team2care.com.au
NDIS providers offer a wide range of services to assist participants with disabilities. This includes allied health support and behavioural supports. Some NDIS providers also manage supported residential services. Parvinder Kaur, the manager of two such facilities in Melbourne’s western suburbs, alleged that a rival provider led by Khawaja Haroon enticed her residents to relocate.
Miracle Hands
Miracle Hands is an NDIS registered organisation that provides a wide range of home care services to disabled people across Melbourne. Their team of professional care workers is dedicated to tailoring their disability support services to each individual client’s needs, while also promoting dignity and integrity. They offer a variety of services, including in-home health, personal, and community care.
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When choosing an NDIS provider, it’s important to do your research. Look for providers with a good reputation and service offerings that meet your needs. You can also ask for recommendations from your NDIS support coordinator or local disability organizations. This way, you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible services from your ndis provider melbourne. NDIS plan management is one such service that can be provided by Miracle Hands.
Admire Support Service
Admire Support Service is a registered disability support provider that offers caring and nurturing support to people with diverse medical conditions. Its specialized respite care program is designed to address the unique needs of participants and their caregivers. It encompasses planned respite and emergency respite, allowing caregivers time to rest and recharge.
Admire’s cloud-based software solution is flexible, easy to use, and helps you manage your NDIS plan. The platform provides a robust suite of tools to simplify donor management, financial management, data reporting, communication, and more. It also includes a dedicated customer success manager who will work with you to ensure your needs are met.
Assist Access/Maintain employment services include support associated with gaining and maintaining employment, including career counseling and guidance. These programs help disabled individuals to pursue their passion and nurture their skills, while boosting their self-esteem. This is a crucial service for those who have limited or no income. Moreover, it is a great way to gain independence and improve their quality of life.
South Eastern Wellbeing Assistance Pty Ltd
South Eastern Wellbeing Assistance is an ndis provider Adelaide. It offers a wide range of support services for people with disabilities and health conditions. These include core supports (personal care, daily tasks assistance, community nursing and meals), accommodation and tenancy, and capacity building. It also offers home care packages, which are subsidised by the Australian government. The company has been operating in Australia since 1992. Its service area includes the eastern region of Victoria.
The NDIS offers funding to help people with disability achieve their goals, including greater independence, involvement in community life, and access to education and employment. It is based on the development of a personalised plan that outlines what supports and services are needed to meet an individual’s needs and goals. The plan can include funding for accommodation, physiotherapy, recreation, and personal care.
NDIS participants can contact their local area coordination or early childhood early intervention partner for support to understand the scheme and access it. LAC and ECEI partners will also be able to connect people with disability to community and other government services.
The NDIS will require more workers in the disability sector, so it’s important to find out how you can become a registered provider. This will ensure you are delivering quality services that meet Australian regulations and compliance requirements. It will also allow you to provide a stronger support system for your participants.
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NDIS And Community 24/7 Nursing Care
NDIS And Community 24/7 Nursing Care
Aged and disability healthcare under the NDIS Providing round-the-clock care for the elderly in their homes can be challenging since some homeowners dislike having strangers in their home. This is natural, and at AD Healthcare, we go above and beyond to make sure that the patient is at ease among the staff members so that they feel safe and secure. We concentrate on assisting the elderly and the disabled so they can remain in their current homes rather than having to relocate to a care facility. The majority of people find themselves much more at ease when they are receiving the care they require while sitting in their own home, surrounded by their own belongings.
In order to prevent you or a loved one from having to transfer to a residential care facility, AD Healthcare can offer all the services required. We are here to provide high-quality, round-the-clock care for the elderly, which entails accomplishing any duties that may need to be done, day or night. Some folks want a little additional attention, as well as 24-hour companionship, which is exactly what we can provide.
Many people worry about costs, especially those who don’t have unlimited funds to spend on 24-hour nursing care, but we’re always looking for methods to keep things inexpensive for you.
Our Services:
Aged Care
Private Care
Dementia Care Services
Respite Care Services
Dementia Care
24 Hour Care
Overnight Care
Consumer Directed Care
Support Workers
NDIS Support Coordination
Years of specialized experience have prepared our staff to offer high-quality nursing care services. Our nurses are aware that individuals with unique needs require extra individualized care. The best medical practices and regulations are followed by our procedures and care plans, which have undergone extensive evaluation. Additionally, we have a system that is totally open and intended to involve the patient in every step of the procedure.
If you would like further information, kindly provide your contact information below, and we will call you to set up an appointment. In NSW (Greater Sydney, Gosford and Central Coast, Hunter Region, Mid North Coast, Tweed Heads), QLD (Brisbane Metro and Ipswich, Bundaberg, Gold Coast, Cairns), Adelaide (Adelaide metro), NT (Darwin, Alice Springs), and TAS (Hobart metro), our NDIS and geriatric home care services are offered. The NDIS Disability Care Provider is AD Healthcare. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or by calling 0493 061 477.
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makingmilestonessa · 1 year
The Role Of NDIS Occupational Therapy In Supporting Personal Development
It’s no secret that the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) has been a game-changer for people with disabilities. But there are many myths about what it can and can't do, as well as confusion regarding its role within the overall scheme of things.
One example is the idea that NDIS occupational therapy service Adelaide only supports physical disabilities, when in fact it also works to support mental health, cognitive development, sensory processing or any other area where someone may require specialist support.
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Fostering Independence and Self-Care Abilities
As part of their role, ndis occupational therapy Adelaide support people to develop the skills they need to live independently in their own home. In this way, they help people who have a disability or chronic illness become more self-reliant and participate more fully in society.
NDIS occupational therapists also provide support for individuals who are experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression by assisting them with daily living tasks such as meal preparation, hygiene routines and personal hygiene management (e.g., dressing).
This can be particularly beneficial for young people who may not have developed these skills yet because they haven't had enough time on earth yet!
Strengthening Mental Abilities
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it can be improved with the right support. Occupational therapy helps people learn new skills in order to improve their mental wellbeing.
For example, occupational therapists can help you learn new ways of communicating and socialising that are more effective for you. They can also show you how to manage your emotions better so that they don't get out of control when things go wrong in your life or at work.
This could mean learning how to deal with stressful situations better or finding ways of relaxing when there isn't enough time in the day for relaxation!
Supporting Physical Development
One of the key elements of personal development is physical development. The NDIS recognises this and has a number of supports available to help people with disabilities achieve their goals.
Occupational therapy can be one such support, helping clients with physical disabilities to improve their movement and coordination.
Occupational therapists work in collaboration with other professionals including physiotherapists, speech pathologists and occupational health nurses (OHNs). They also offer advice on how best to use assistive devices such as wheelchairs or walking frames so that they are used safely and effectively by individuals in their homes or community settings
Building a Path to Independence
Independent living is about having the skills and confidence to make choices about your life, such as where you live, what activities you do and how much help you need from others.
It's also about being able to take responsibility for yourself and manage your own finances. Independence gives people more control over their lives which can improve wellbeing by giving them a sense of purpose or achievement in doing things they want to do on their own terms.
The NDIS is a great resource for people with disabilities and their families. It helps to ensure that they have access to the services and supports they need in order to live independently and achieve their goals.
NDIS occupational therapy Adelaide plays an important role in this process by helping people develop the skills and abilities necessary for living with a disability or illness.
Source - https://makingmilestonessa.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-role-of-ndis-occupational-therapy.html
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