sunshinehomecares · 2 years
Vitamin E Benefits for Men and Women
Vitamin E is very important to the human body and it helps in the functions of all organs healthy. It mainly acts as an antioxidant and repairs the damaged cells in our body. Vitamin E mainly need for brain functions, skin health, eye vision improvement, reduce coronary artery diseases and also boost immune functions in our body.
Vitamin deficiency test helps to monitor the levels of vitamins available in our blood. We can take all types of tests at home by booking through online then expert doctors can visit your home and give the proper consultation on your health and also do specialized nursing care services to help you on a fast recovery.
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sunshinehomecares · 2 years
Autoimmune Disorders – Definition, Reasons, Diagnosis & Treatment
Our body is designed with the unique duty of recognizing a foreign material or particle and releasing the necessary defense mechanisms to neutralize that material element. This defense mechanism of our immune system responds to a viral infection, where we see the production of certain antibodies that attack the viral load, because this load is considered foreign and harmful to the body. But when our body's defense mechanism works against us, when it cannot recognize which cells are ours and which are foreign, such a phenomenon is called an autoimmune disease.
To date, science has identified more than 80 autoimmune diseases that affect different parts of the body. Common autoimmune diseases diagnosed in humans are
• Hashimoto's thyroiditis - Hypothyroidism is the most common disease in women.
• Psoriasis
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Type 1 diabetes
• Lupus
• Crohn's disease
A person with an autoimmune disease usually has symptoms such as fatigue and swelling or a rash. But some autoimmune diseases have unique symptoms, and people with type 1 diabetes have increased thirst, weight loss and bloating and while in autoimmune diseases like psoriasis, symptoms can come and go ie. A period when symptoms are very immediate, this phase is called remission and a period when symptoms disappear is called remission. Many diagnostic tests can be done through home care services, such as
• Antinuclear antibody tests (ANA) - most commonly used.
• Comprehensive metabolic panel
• Autoantibody tests
• C-reactive protein
• ESR tests
People with autoimmune disorders lead normal lives, but are considered more susceptible to infection and disease. Autoimmune diseases occur more often in women than in men and are usually difficult to diagnose during diagnostic tests, so determining the right treatment requires a thorough analysis. Such diseases do not disappear completely but are controlled and reduced to a great extent by modern or traditional medicines and treatments. It is recommended to visit a doctor in the hospital or at home for proper treatment and medication.
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sunshinehomecares · 2 years
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