#Now he's rent free in my brain with Thancred
frankenhoez · 6 months
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Emetwol but as The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
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idealistsinc · 3 years
8 // adroit
adj. expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body wc: 513 content warning: goblin brain ship fluff
“—and your stance.” Charlotte squared her feet and rolled her shoulders back, feeling her spine settle into a stable, familiar alignment with her hips. Behind her, Thancred chuffed. “A little less like you’re going to punch someone in the face, darling.”
“This is my stance. Maybe you should have been more specific.”
“Very well, then. Right foot forward a bit—here.” A warm leather glove touched her arm, guiding it so her hand was now level with her ear. He stood so close to her that her tail brushed against his legs. Charlotte fought the urge to lean into him—she was, after all, holding a knife, which was perhaps an inappropriate scenario in which to indulge in shameless fantasies. “Hold that nice and straight. Now, when you throw, do it cleanly. Don’t try any complex movements with your wrist; efficiency wins over elegance.”
“Like when you backflipped over that Sahagin?” asked Charlotte.
“That,” said Thancred, with a teasing little poke in the small of her back that nearly distracted her completely, “was necessary for the maneuver, which you might know if you ever held a dagger.”
“I’m holding a dagger right now.”
“It’s a weighted throwing knife, love. Hardly the same thing.” Regretfully, Thancred stepped away. Charlotte’s ears swiveled to track him, already missing the warmth against her back. “Try your throw. Remember, leave the showmanship to the experts.”
Charlotte blew air through her teeth, but she reluctantly redirected her attention to her target—a slat of plywood nailed to the wall of the training room, already nicked with many such knife throws. She tried a few practice motions from the shoulder, testing the knife’s weight. Easy. Just let go at the arc and—
Clang. The knife whacked the plywood on its broad side and skittered across the floor.
“Not bad for a first try,” said Thancred. He stooped to pick it up with an artful—and entirely unnecessary—little flourish, the handle slipping into his palm like it belonged there. “Perhaps you’d benefit from a demonstration.”
Charlotte huffed, stubbornly resisting a smile. “Or you think you’ll benefit from showing off.”
“Why, I have no idea what you mean.”
Oh, he knew what he was doing. He didn’t need to somersault the knife in the air while he assessed the distance to the target with a cool, level eye. He certainly didn’t need to look at her while he threw it, winking, with a deft and graceful flick of his wrist that sent the knife cleanly into the plywood—a deft and graceful flick of his wrist that had her thinking of...other applications.
Matron’s tits, she was hopeless.
“Not bad,” said Charlotte, approaching, “but your stance was wrong.”
Thancred turned and raised an eyebrow. “Wrong? Pray tell what was wrong with it.”
“You were standing too far away, for one.” So saying, she skimmed her fingers over his biceps, guiding his hands to rest at her hips, and tilted her head so her mouth was one (deft, graceful) movement away from his. He smiled, long and slow. “As for the rest, well, perhaps you’d benefit from a demonstration.”
this is @mimiorzea’s fault and i take no responsibility for her ship living rent-free in my brain
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here to bring u more translations ! // do not reblog 
a little change, that is barely nothing, but I like the german wording more. is emet saying in english “for good or ill, I am immortal” in german it’s closer “be it blessing or curse, I am immortal” same cutscene he also refers to lahabrea not just by name but “old man lahabrea” ...which absolutely had me giggle. he also does not comment on thancred having some murderous glint in his eyes, the two are, for the most part civil with each other. ( in general, all the characters are less... aggressive?)
minfilia, when first speaking through ryne, says in english ( if i remember it right ) “like this I am not unlike an ascian” in german she tells thancred “like this, I am not unlike the ascian who possessed you” a small difference but. dunno. i find it significant(?)
not a translation. just a fact. the exarch & jack sparrow share the same german voice actor, pirate exarch lives rent free in my brain now.
emet says “become allies worthy of the burden of truth”, in german it’s... sadder (?) he says that, if we prove ourselves he would repay us and “I will share the truth with you. a truth that I have carried on my shoulders for too long”
the wol does not say “Uh, kupo?” but “kupo. kupo!!! kupooo!!!!” like okay there. dork.
uh smth I found rlly, rlly meaningful is the difference of alphinaud calling out to emet in amaurot. in english i believe he starts right away by saying that emet’s loved ones are in the past, while theirs are in the present. in german he says “you and us. we are similar, even if you wish to deny it. you protect your loved ones, not unlike us” ( technically he says ‘you have your loved ones back’ but it does not sound right to translate it like that ) anyway, the fact that he gives an ascian the benefit of doubt, that emet loves the people he lost during the sundering, just feels rlly?? important ??
"rest assured if your heart can be broken, so can mine” is such a scene that stuck with me, so I was surprised how different it plays out in german bcs emet says, when the wol seems surprised he feels... an emotion “all emotions that you are capable of feeling, you have from us”
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