#Now I'm off to Starbucks  c ya
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bubblergoespop · 1 year ago
My Top Elliott Quotes
sunshine and elliott reunion WHENNNN?? @selene567 he’s hereee, sorry it took a while ♡
“I wanna snuggle okay? Sue me.”
“I was kind of joking earlier when I said they gave off culty vibes, but I don’t think it’s a joke at this point.”
“My powers can do more than just bring you peaceful sleep. I love them for their ability to do that, but they can also bring you wonder, and mystery, and strength, and joy. They’re yours, Sunshine. Always.”
“I’m glad you think it’s beautiful. But if you ask me—and if you won’t, I will—I think you are so much more amazing than any dreamscape I could create.”
“Do I have to send you back to your self-inflicted grocery store hell?”
“Since when do you have to date somebody to cuddle them? I mean that just seems like you are drastically reducing your list of potential cuddle partners for no reason.”
“I mean if I just come out and say it, I’ll be denying us both the opportunity for at least a few more years of reciprocated but undisclosed pining for one another that could easily be solved by an honest conversation but one that neither of us is prepared to make for fear of rejection…”
“It wasn’t a game to me. You aren’t a game and you aren’t some prize to win.”
“I call you Sunshine because that’s what you feel like to me. Like warmth. Like a guiding light. I literally smile when I think about you like some hallmark bullshit.”
“God, you’re fucking cute.”
“You’re all I have now Aaron, please help.”
“Congratulations. You unlocked a portion of my tragic backstory, brave traveler.”
“‘Yes’? That’s all I get? Well sure, it’s enough, but where’s the weeping, where’s the drama, where’s you cutting me off with a kiss like some kind of movie? OW, why are you hitting me?”
“Thank you, Sunshine. Well… for giving me a chance. A decision you very well may come to regret, but if that’s the case, it’s really not my problem.”
“I’m working on it, I promise. For you.”
“I think people are beautiful because they’re complex, and they can surprise you in a million little ways, every day.”
“I’m probably pronouncing half of these wrong, because, ya know. I’m trash.”
“That one there—that’s called Caelum. It’s one of the dimmest ones. It’s not a very exciting one, the name just means chisel. But the word also means Heaven, or Sky. I like that. It’s just a little guy, but… I feel like it’s got some cool secrets.”
“The dreams are always sweet when you’re in them.”
“I just want them to be safe.”
“Sorry, baby. Kiss to make it better.”
“I love my powers. But the waking reality that I have with you is so much better than the things I make. Because that reality is true. And I’ve got you in it.”
“‘Slew’ is a word, shut up.”
“Urgency? You say that like I'm annoyed my Starbucks order is taking a while, this is my partner's life we're talking about, ‘urgency’ doesn't begin to describe it.”
“No. No, I don’t think you’re crazy. I know you, sunshine. I trust you.”
“If they’ve been trying to use you in some way, I’ll make their life a living hell. They’ll wish they could wake up.”
“We’ll… figure this out. Together. That’s the part that I care about. You, Sunshine.”
“Fuck physics, fuck law of nature, just give me M. C. Escher, baby”
“Oh you think I sound whiny now? You don’t know how whiny I can get.”
“Oh good. I wanna hold you as I pass the fuck out.”
“Hey, but then again, we also might just get some looks because people know a power couple when they see one.”
“This feels like the magical equivalent to ‘we’ve been trying to reach you about your vehicle’s extended warranty’, just now with a fun culty, closed-community spin.”
“You feel good. No improvements necessary there. Well I mean maybe there are a few things I could fix—“
“Fuck off, Blake!”
“I know you hate me, you don’t have to remind me.”
“I’m just here for good dreams and good vibes, you know?”
“You’re doing so good, baby.”
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years ago
Some AUs that I Love
Okay so I made a giant list of AUs, prompts, and other things that I love so that you guys could reblog/request/get inspiration from them! I know some are really similar, but honestly that just means I really love that trope! Please feel free to reblog these and use them for your own purposes! I’ll update this list as time goes on, I’m sure, as I’ve had a running list for a long time that was just on my phone. I also don’t own any of these (besides 152 and 196). 
it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost
I thought I was the only one who liked the waffle station in the cafeteria
it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay
The guy with the bibles on the quad has cornered me and is screaming about hell, please rescue me
You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes
'i ordered a pumpkin spice latte at starbucks and you made a heart with the foam and i decided to drink it here so i can smile at you some more’ au
you walked here in a blizzard to get your hot chocolate but you forgot your wallet at home, here, let me buy your drink for you
we’re at the mall when there’s a severe weather warning over the loudspeakers, guess we’re spending the night here
“I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I’m going to stuff it down your throat” AU
“You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks” AU
“You have just witnessed me cry over the ending to my favorite game before class began please don’t ever tell anyone about this.”
“I’ve never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example for a scenario where we are married.”
“I’m exhausted, feverish, and hacking up a lung, and the student health center’s first suggestion was pregnancy, can you help me get to the ER in town” AU
“I know that this probably isn’t a good idea but it’s included in the meal plan and I’m stressed out, so I keep hitting the ice cream sundae bar in the buffet style dining hall at least a couple times a week” AU
bonding solely via eye contact over that annoying person on our plane that we’re both slowly becoming more and more exasperated about au
you fell asleep and i started making funny faces at your kid to keep them amused and the steward mistook us for a couple au
actually, any mistaken for a couple au
having to SHARE A LIVING SPACE FOR ARBITRARY FIC REASONS. having to see each other in their pajamas first thing in the morning, messy haired, drowsy eyed and soft faced. going from “you can have the bathroom first” to brushing their teeth beside each other and feeling like this closeness has always existed (at the same time, painfully aware that it won’t always).
bed sharing. :^) we all pretend we’re bigger than this but we are not. 
'room mate has a nightmare and doesn’t want to sit alone at night’ au 
'room mate gets sick and needs tissues and cough sweets and soup’ au
ok but a ‘your apartment is next to/above mine and i can hear you and your partner dancing and singing and the bed moving and you two laughing and talking in hussed tones and it won’t let me sleep so i bitch about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops and one day turns to one week and then months and i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me     in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au.
Don’t tell anyone you saw me crying AU
did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
I’m calling to cancel our date because I’m actually in the ER right now, sorry. …I mean, sure, I guess you can come down here, but… okay…
You’re my waiter and I’m on a really crappy date with an asshole
'i’m having a minor breakdown in the middle of bed bath and beyond and you’re a bewildered shopper who wants to buy plates but also to make sure i’m okay bc im wailing a little bit in the kitchenware section’ au
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
“We’re on the bus and I’m really not trying to take up your space I’m sorry I just have rlly rlly long legs” 
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious” 
It’s like 3AM and my roommate locked me out of the house and I forgot my keys and I’m really drunk pls take pity on me and let me crash at your place for the night o’ neighbor of mine AU
The walls in this apartment building are really thin and I can hear you having mental breakdowns all the time are you okay? AU
“I barely know you but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you heard me crying so you brought over ice cream and movies” AU
I was in a hurry and I ran into you outside the coffee shop while you were carrying two lattes and it turns out they were both for you except that now you’re wearing them I’m so sorry
‘i offer you my bed to sleep in bc our respective roommates are getting it on in your room and take the sofa to sleep on only i wake up back in my bed with your tiny body wrapped around me and damn me if it isn’t the cutest thing i’ve ever seen’ au
You passed out in my car because of strong medication and now I have to figure out how to get you home and avoid taking a picture of your cute sleeping face.” 
 “Hi so i know we haven’t talked before but we have French Literature together and i noticed you’ve been gone and since we’re on the same dormitory floor i thought i’d stop by and give you my really thorough notes and oh wow you’re rEALLY sick are you ok?” 
you look so good and so many people are trying to pick you up and I can only sit in the corner and seethe, and now people are giving me concerned looks
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
 I’m worried about your coffee dependency
  “My shower’s broken but I’ve got a date tonight could I possibly use your shower please?” “Oh sure (neighbour that I’ve been crushing on for the past six months) of course you can use my shower to get ready for your date (fuck fuck fuck)”
There’s a person who won’t stop bugging me will you pretend to be my partner so that they’ll fuck off?
meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room au
‘i’m pretending to be ur bff bc u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on u’ AU
“We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
“we work at the same office and never really interacted but suddenly we’ve been taken hostage” AU
“at a concert and you kinda saved me from being trampled” AU
“can i borrow your blanket? i need to cry.” AU
‘im really sorry i keep staring but i dreamed about you horribly dying last night and i just wanted to make sure you dont spontaneously combust’
‘i drew you a mathematical heart curve for valentine’s day u nerd’
“I’m a waiter/waitress and you always sit in my section. I really like you and i thought you liked me back until you walked in here with a date, w h o o p s would you look at that I keep spilling stuff on them” au
Another waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
“My friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster but now that we’re at the top it looks way too scary and hellO hot person sitting next to me (careful i might puke)” au
“My significant other just broke up with me and I impulse bought like 5 pizzas. Can you help me eat them and make me feel less like shit?” AU
“You’re a store clerk and oh shit I just spotted my ex please let me hide behind your desk-thing” AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“You crashed into me on your bicycle but I’m actually okay, you on the other hand look like you need some first aid” au
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
“we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn your cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au
“i was out in public and had an anxiety attack and you left your friends to give me some chocolate and talk me through it, so tysm” au
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
You and I ride the same bus home every day but never talk but then you fell asleep and sorry to wake you up (you look really cute in your sleep) but it’s your stop next
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
you started screaming bloody murder and i could hear you from my apartment and i thought something was horribly wrong but it turned out to be just a spider. and after i squashed it with a slipper you coerced me into being your spider-savior
“you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die” au
“you fell asleep on my shoulder on the plane ride and i  would ask you to move but you look so comfy and adorable when you sleep. also you smell really good and the feeling of your breath on my skin is somewhat relaxing, maybe we can go out to lunch in this shitty airport when you wake up?” au
“i’m a quiktrip worker and whenever I work a night shift, you always arrive and buy like 3 cans of redbull and you look exhausted, do you need some help? are you okay?” au
“i catch you at the bus terminal shivering your ass off because it’s 30 degrees and for some godforsaken reason you’re wearing a short sleeve t shirt, so out of pity i lend you my hoodie and you look so surprised it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen, setting aside the fact that you’re a goddamn idiot, do you want to get sick?” au
(cont.) “you look so sad and cold that i just tell you to keep my hoodie b/c you obviously need it more than i do. a week later i see you at a coffee shop/book store/etc. and you’re wearing my hoodie which you look so fucking tiny and cute in, and you just saw me and you look super embarrassed; you offer me it back but i tell you it suits you more and we end up talking and i buy you a drink” au
i tried to call a crisis hotline but got one number off and started ranting for 10 minutes before you got to speak and tell me i got the wrong number but now you’re worried about me and telling me not to hang up
Character A has been working at a retail store during the night/early morning of Black Friday and is so tired, but they need to stay awake so that they can drive home. Character A stops at Character B’s small coffee shop—which opened early in case people came in at 4am—and Character A accidentally falls asleep in a very comfortable chair while waiting on their coffee. Character B lets them sleep and even gets a blanket out of the back room to cover Character A
You’ve been missing for 5 months and suddenly you turn up at my doorstep with a huge scar across your face, looking more grim than when you left and won’t talk about what happened.
You usually only order hot chocolate and yet today you’re ordering something with six shots of espresso, are you okay??? Are you gonna die???
I just took a super dangerous job and you’re trying to talk me out of it, but we really need the money
You always bring your dates here to the restaurant I wait at and now you’re here alone…you okay mate?
We are trapped in a bank during a robbery
I saw you sleeping on the couch in the lounge in the morning, but now it’s like 5 pm and you’re still here. Are you okay?
I don’t know how we ended up having to sit next to each other on a roller coaster ride—sorry I fell against you  and grabbed your hand a couple times
“You’re so small”
“I can’t breathe”
“Fight me”
“Whose head do I have to rip off?”
“Don’t you ever fucking touch them again”
Found the other in an alleyway under the influence of drugs/alcohol and brought them home
“Why am I your emergency contact?”
“Wait, you actually stayed the night?”
“If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m gong to kick his ass.”
“I just want to cuddle and watch friends.
“I want my best friend back”
“If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Fuck…I feel like I’ve been hit by a car”
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“Are you drunk?”
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
“It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
“We should get you to a hospital.”
I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waiter please help me
“Please don’t touch me”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“Game’s over son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
“Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
“Shit, are you bleeding?”
“You haven’t touched your food. What’s going on?”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
“Every guy you date is a total jerk and I have to watch you get heartbroken over and over again because you can’t see that I love you!”   
We were snuggling in our underwear when my roommate came home early from vacation now you have to try and sneak down the fire     escape while I distract them with really terrible small talk
I don’t really know you but I noticed that this creep has been trying to chat you up even though you’ve already turned him down, so I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend until they leave you alone
It’s 2 am, we’re standing outside of our apartment building because someone pulled the fire alarm, and you look cold and unprepared, do you want to share my blanket?
We share a class at university and you forgot your notebook under your desk but luckily your phone number’s written inside PS: your doodles are pretty cool
I got stood up on a date and you were just grabbing dinner—shit my ex is here, sit down and pretend to laugh at something I said attractive stranger
Our flats are opposite each other and your kitchen window faces my kitchen so we always see each other making coffee at 3am.
Imagine you’ve been stood up by your douche of a boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you’re ready to order but you keep asking for more time hoping that he’s just late. People are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they now and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation but as you decide to just get up and leave, this boy you’ve never seen sits down explaining loudly “Sorry, I’m so late, traffic is crazy right now.” He quietly adds “I’m [name]. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.” And so you go with it because he’s sweet and trying to save you (and plus he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) and as you’re leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time.
I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out I was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff I sent oh my god why are they calling me now (+bonus if the person calls at 2am)
“Look I don’t mean to pry but you’ve been wearing the same outfit for three days and I just want to check that you’ve slept?” “Okay obviously not because you just passed out in the hallway holy shit what do I do?”
You’re the bartender and you catch someone slipping something into my drink
You’re the perpetual frowner in class and one day as I’m answering the teacher I intentionally make a very cheesy pun and I can hear crickets but you’re laughing out loud and that makes me feel very much accomplished
I come to this café pretty much every day after work and by now you know my order by heart and even wave at me when I come in
I brought you to my friend’s wedding as my plus one and it was really fun and all but now it’s the end of the night and we’re sitting alone together at the reception and all these twinkle lights and flowers everywhere are causing a hell of a lot of romantic tension between us and ohhhhhhhhh
We were the only two to show up to class because it was cancelled but stay inside to finish work and ‘Hey, are you good at math?’
You’re my neighbor who got drunk and thought this was your apartment but I can’t just send you back home when you keep crying and venting about all of these awful things happening to you
I’m always terrified no matter how many times someone draws my blood. And even though you don’t need to be there when the guy comes     in to take it you always stay with me and talk to me to calm me down and     hold my hand
There’s this creepy person asking me out over text and could you pretend to be my significant other?
“How much did you drink?”
I’m a little drunk and I tried to call my ex back and I typed in your number and you had to hear a long emotional rant ohmygod I’m mortified but you left me a really sweet voicemail aw
The coffee machine stopped working and you’re cramming for finals please don’t cry
I accidentally gave you the wrong dosage of your medication and now we’d better get to the hospital before you pass out and possibly die
Lady and the Tramp AU
“The manager says the only reason the restaurant where we work at is popular is because people enjoy eating while watching our relentless flirting with each other but I swear to God we’re not flirting???”
“It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” AU.
We bump into each other every Friday at the supermarket to buy the same ice cream and maybe we should eat it together?
“You’re the jerk-face customer that keeps on thumbing through their phone while ordering their drink so I exact revenge by spelling your name wrong on your cup and drawing phallic pictures on your coffee”
You’re my roommate who’s super cute and you’re cramming for your exams in your flannel pajamas and disheveled hair and it’s becoming     increasingly hard for me not to kiss you.
"We work together and I stayed after a couple minutes and I saw you on the intercom pretending you were at the Hollywood Bowl with Beyoncé and not to be weird but you're adorable ??"
“It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single”
“I’m sick so you make me chicken soup and I’m really grateful but I’ve also seen you read books on magical spells and potion-making so I’m not sure if I should drink your soup in case it turns me into a toad”
“I’m a perpetual frowner and most certainly not a morning person and I work part-time at a breakfast bar and your disheveled hair and content smile as you eat my waffles and scrambled eggs is the only thing that can get me to smile”
“You’re the health-conscious med student and I’m the chain-smoking art student who’s also your barista and you leave me notes on smoking and lung health on your napkins and also a 20-page essay on lung cancer tucked under your saucer” AU.
“I’m egging a random person’s house to relieve stress and you join me and as it turns out the house belongs to your ex and now they are chasing us as well as the police and now we’re both in jail waiting to be bailed so um you wanna talk about it?”
“I’m a fashion major and I’m working on my illustrations and maybe I’ve had too much coffee but I swear I just saw one of the mannequins move so here I am calling you in the middle of the night please help I’m scared” AU.
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP”
“I’m taking this Literature class to fill a Gen Ed, and for the love of God I can’t figure out this dumb poem. Here, you’re an English Major, please help me write this stupid paper” au
“I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be”
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
“I want my best friend back”
“I’ll be right over”
“I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
“Is there a special reason why you’re wearing my shirt?”
“It’s okay to cry”
“Look at me--just breathe okay?”
“She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 
“We have to pretend that we’re married.”
“Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 
“You did all this for me?”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 
“You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
While closing up Character A finds that they’re completely snowed in and the roads are blocked. Character B--another employee/a regular that stayed late--gets out two mugs and offers to make Character A a cup of hot cocoa while they wait for the snow to clear.
“how much did you drink?”
“You deserve better. It doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
“Please just hold my hand, that person’s basically undressing me with their eyes.”
Teacher from one department falls in love with teacher from another department AU
You found me singing a sad song on the fire escape a floor below you and you came down to ask me if something was wrong and I broke down and told you everything while you awkwardly sat there patting my head while I wept into your shoulder.
We sit across from each other on the train/tube everyday and I’m not sure how but we’ve ended up with this weird, silent, almost-friendship where we share “wtf” looks when we see another passenger doing something weird or telling a bizarre story and a few times I’ve almost gotten you to break and laugh out loud, but today you’re sitting with someone and I think they must be your partner because they are really in your space, but you shoot me a silent look that clearly screams ‘get this creep away from me’ and I’m all for that. AU
It’s the middle of winter and my heater went out and you let me stay at your place so I don’t freeze to death. God bless you.
Why are you crying in the hallway?? Are you okay?? Let’s go to my place, I have ice cream and Netflix.
I work in the library and I’m a little concerned for your health bc you never stop studying. 
I’ve been standing in line at the coffee shop for hours and you casually cut through for your drink but also buy me my favorite blend and now I’m not so sure what to make of you AU
“I don’t get sick”
“It’s not fun anymore, I’m dizzy...”
“We need to get this fever down”
“If you don’t stop soon, we’re going to the ER.”
You didn’t get a blanket on this flight so I figured we could share mine. You look cold okay? NO I AM NOT BLUSHING
You walked into the student lounge on our dorm floor and saw me cry-studying and walked out and now you’re back with coffee and a bag of chips and I’m seriously debating proposing to you with my ring pop
I kept getting harassed by some creepy person as I was trying to study and they’re not picking up on my ‘fuck off’ vibes and I started to actually get scared and then you put a coffee in front of my face and called me babe and scared them away thank you please let me buy you a new one on me oh you have a really cute smile when you’re shy
So I heard you get into this huge fight with someone and I know we’ve only exchanged genial smiles but I just wanted to check that you’re okay AU
You’re my adorably shy and awkward assistant who cares way too much about my love life and at a dance party you tell me to dance with the most attractive person in the room last so you can set up a date with them for me and when everyone’s gone I ask you to dance with me because you’re the prettiest person here to me duh AU
Your girlfriend decided to kick you out at 3 AM and I tripped over your boxes of shit in the hallways in my drunken trip to my apartment now I’m half passed out in a pile of your clothes AU
You asked who I had a crush on and so I described you to a tee but apparently you’re the most oblivious person in the world because you got kinda sad and nodded and HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS AU
So your TV is facing the window and you’ve been watching Say Yes to the Dress for three days straight I just want to make sure you’re okay AU
You don’t eat nearly enough food and so I’ve gotten in the habit of making you lunches and bringing you deserts to make sure you don’t starve
My cereal is always on the bottom shelf but today they changed the layout so it’s on the top and I can’t reach it AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR HELP YOU GIANT AU
You are stupidly tall and you sit in front of me in class and I can’t see anything so I despise you with all of my soul AU
You are fiery and outspoken but you are so short that nobody pays any mind and I am so tall and have a huge crush on you so I just sort of follow you around making people listen to you AU
Person A getting startled by the New Years fireworks--not being fond of loud noises. Person B pulls them in for a deep kiss, completely distracting them from the exploding lights filling up the night sky
I was really drunk and you walked me safely back to my dorm room
My roommate brought you back to our apartment because apparently you got really drunk last night and needed someone to keep you safe and now you’re hungover and making pancakes and wow you’re cuTE
My ex runs one of the rides and I want to RUB IT IN THEIR FACE hold my hand and by the way when the camera takes a pic imma lean over and kiss you okay AU
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blossom-hwa · 4 years ago
Okay I'm super sorry if I'm requesting too many things but I was listening to holiday music while driving home from work yesterday and was suddenly struck by the need for some chaotic holiday/winter shenanigans with the boyz, if that's okay? Reader involvement isn't necessary! Pretty please and thank you sooo much ❤❤❤ -🌻
You’re not requesting too many things don’t worry Sunny!!! I literally owe you everything for half the fics I’ve written in the past year so there’s no way I could refuse, also this is what the drabble game is for!! I hope you enjoy this half-baked bullshit LMAO
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
(don’t think I've mentioned it but all of these text aus are in the same universe lol)
(also this ended up not being as holiday-ish as you probably wanted.... SORRY)
Title: Holiday Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just the boyz being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing
quick clarification:
papi: sangyeon
angel: jacob
moon scribblez: kevin
new kid: chanhee
starbucks tissues: changmin
sundae: sunwoo
bread: younghoon
the better hyun: hyunjae
the better jae: eric
professional rollerblader: juyeon
foodie: haknyeon
new kid: I'm going to commit murder
sundae: who’s he making empty threats about this time
moon scribblez: who wants to hear about the cockroach that fucking crawled out of my mop today!!
papi: pls don’t tlalk about it I was scarred for life
papi: it’s not an infestation Kevin
new kid: is no one going to pay attention to my murder
angel: I will! but I won’t be an accessory
moon scribblez: I BEG TO FUCKING DIFFER
new kid: I love you jacob
angel: love you too <3
sundae: /barfs/
papi: #1 sunwoo just bc you’re allergic to emotion doesn’t mean the rest of us are
papi: some of us are capable of love
papi: #2 I don’t own the center I'm just the center director therefore I do not take responsibility for any possible infestations we may have
starbucks tissues: I heard my name :D
papi: therefore take it up with the owners @ moon scribblez
starbucks tissues: but it’s always halloween :(
moon scribblez: I TOOK THE MOP TO THE SINK
moon scribblez: AND YOU WON’T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY??????????
papi: I just deal with the parents and the kids not bugs
moon scribblez: time to pin it on ella
starbucks tissues: :(
sundae: now look what you’ve done chanhee
sundae: you’ve made him sad
starbucks tissues: :(
angel: I think I'm going to head out
angel: I don’t think even I can heal this rift
moon scribblez: well if jacob’s out I'm out
moon scribblez: I have a solution to my problems 
papi: just don’t get me involved
moon scribblez: no promises !
starbucks tissues: I can scare ella if you want kevin :)
moon scribblez: YES FUCKING PLEASE
papi: I'm going to get fired
moon scribblez: maybe so :D
new kid: no one cares about my problems I see
new kid: everyone hates me
sundae: ya it’s bc you’re the new kid
new kid: I exist only for pain 
bread: so hyunjin told me to tell changmin to stop using various horror movie masks to terrify him at work
starbucks tissues: so out of work is fair game?
bread: idk he didn’t specify
bread: probably
starbucks tissues: :D
the better hyun: oh what the fuck this shit isn’t normal
the better hyun: it’s impossible for someone to be so cute but so terrifying
starbucks tissues: I'll take that as a compliment :D
the better hyun: it isn’t but whatever makes you happy ig
the better jae: changmin
the better jae: I only ask that you leave the nun mask and chucky doll at home when we have our christmas party
starbucks tissues: well that’s no fun :(
bread: changmin I'm sorry but your idea of fun is very different from ours
bread: Jacob back me up
angel: I'm sorry changmin but he’s right :(
starbucks tissues: :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
the better hyun: by the way for the party
the better hyun: who’s doing what???????
the better jae: I'm bringing the xbox!!
foodie: I'm bringing cookies !
papi: I'm cooking with Kevin and juyeon
professional rollerblader: yes it’s going to be fun
professional rollerblader: Kevin says he’s going to make a cheesecake
the better jae: can I save a piece for jisung??
moon scribblez: if we don’t eat all of it
new kid: why
new kid: why did I just hear screaming from the tutoring center
moon scribblez: oH MY GOD SANGYEON
professional rollerblader: TAHT WAS GLORIOUS
sundae: what happened
foodie: why do you only show up for chaos
sundae: I only exist for chaos nothing else is worth my time
the better jae: fair enough
angel: what happened? I thought I saw someone fall ??
angel: but I'm across the walkway so idk :(
angel: is everyone all right?
papi: I think I have a concussion
moon scribblez: oh please you just fell off a tiny stepladder
professional rollerblader: can’t believe sangyeon just fell off a stepladder trying to put up a fucking Christmas stocking 
papi: I hate christmas
papi: I hate everything
moon scribblez: the kids are laughing
moon scribblez: I think I'm going to bust a lung
papi: my dignity has been stripped and I no longer want to live
the better hyun: wait juyeon why are you even there 
the better hyun: you don’t even tutor
foodie: ‘does she even go here’
the better jae: ‘does she even go here’
foodie: ERIC
the better jae: HAK
sundae: oh wow amazing their brain cells conjoined into one single coherent thought and of course it had to be a mean girls reference
starbucks: how did this start out with younghoon telling me to stop scaring hyunjin at work
bread: honestly I don’t know
moon scribblez: winter break is upon us
moon scribblez: and I can now bask in the fact that I don’t have to teach spoiled rich assholes basic math for two whole weeks !
papi: speak for yourself
moon scribblez: your fault for being center director
angel: I hate to agree with Kevin and be mean but you really did bring that upon yourself sangyeon
papi: want death
professional rollerblader: no don’t die! we need your food for the party tomorrow
papi: can’t believe all you care about is my food not even me
sundae: did you expect anything different
papi: on a regular basis no
papi: but it’s the holiday season
new kid: holidays are a social construct made to force us into the world of capitalism and giving our money to fat fucking corporations like amazon
starbucks tissues: if I could give Jeff Bezos a heart attack with my nun mask I would
new kid: that’s the only use of that mask that I approve of
starbucks tissues: turn around
the better jae: was that
the better jae: was that new
bread: I don't think I've ever heard chanhee scream that loud
foodie: I’m at the food court and I heard that what the fuck
foodie: the build a bear is like all the way down the mall what the fuck
starbucks tissues: :)
bread: I think that scream rivaled changmin’s dolphin levels
sundae: brb still dying of laughter
sundae: I'm so happy I caught that on video
new kid: Kim sunwoo
new kid: don’t you fucking dare
sunwoo: [ 1 video attached ]
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
professional rollerblader: I can’t believe I missed this I'm so mad
foodie: I think the fake Santa Claus looking over in abject horror just adds to it
starbucks tissues: ^^^
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
angel: there there
angel: no one’s dying tonight
new kid: someone IS
the better jae: bet changmin’s mask can
new kid: I'm ripping that fucking mask to shreds
starbucks tissues: :(
bread: now he’s hugging the fucking mask like it’s his baby 
bread: [ 1 image attached ]
the better hyun: as I have said before
the better hyun: it is not normal for someone to look that cute while holding a fucking horror movie mask
papi: I've come to accept that none of you are normal
papi: I think it’s best for your sanity to accept that too
moon scribblez: I'm so late but I'm also rolling on the floor with laughter
papi: can confirm he’s actually on the floor
papi: Kevin you give our center a bad name
moon scribblez: I deadass do not care
moon scribblez: you gave me ashley today so I'm giving you chaos
moon scribblez: suck it <3
angel: she can’t be that bad?????????
moon scribblez: Jacob I know you’re an angel
moon scribblez: but you don’t understand
angel: I guess I don’t :/
foodie: I'm going into a food coma!
foodie: don’t attempt to contact me for the next twenty four hours peace <3
sundae: we wouldn’t have in the first place
foodie: :(
angel: sunwoo don’t be mean :(
sundae: fine
sundae: sorry hak
foodie: :)
new kid: the power of one Jacob bae
starbucks tissues: he prevents wars with just his smile
bread: all hail the angel
the better jae: *bows*
angel: guys pls
moon scribblez: no they’re right
moon scribblez: he took me home last night when I was drunk off my ass
moon scribblez: a true angel
angel: guys pls I'm blushing :(
papi: can confirm ! I'm sitting next to him
papi: also he made me hangover soup so can confirm the angel bit too
professional rollerblader: honestly if Jacob wasn’t here we wouldn’t have survived last night
professional rollerblader: he de-escalated Mario kart
professional rollerblader: stayed sober
professional rollerblader: took people home
foodie: all hail Jacob bae
the better jae: I thought you were in a food coma?????
foodie: came back to pay my respects to our lord and savior Jacob bae
the better jae: ok valid
angel: g u y s
the better hyun: has this conversation just become an all hail Jacob bae conversation
moon scribblez: do you want to fucking argue about it
the better hyun: no on the contrary
the better hyun: I'm joining
the better hyun: alL HAIL JACOB BAE
papi: amen
moon scribblez: aMen
professional rollerblader: a fucking men
angel: I'm going to start crying guys pls
new kid: NO DON’T CRY
starbucks tissues: Jacob don’t cry :(((((((((
angel: you guys are so sweet I can’t not cry
papi: I'm hugging him now no more crying
the better jae: two bros, chillin in a hot tub
the better jae: no feet apart bc they’re secure in their masculinity and love each other very much <3
moon scribblez: fuck
the better jae: YOU RUINED IT
the better jae: yOU BITCH
professional rollerblader: didn’t Jacob call us sweet like one minute ago?
new kid: well he’s an angel he sees the best in us
sundae: there’s no best in you bitch
new kid: oh fuck you
bread: great way to end the holiday season ig
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februarys-wednesday · 3 years ago
favorite time of year
autumn!! halloween is my FAVORITE holiday omfg. i'm an amateur designer/sewer so i love making my own costumes and going all out and stuff. i also think the weather (on good days; where i live fall days can be one of those shitty freezing in the morning boiling in the afternoon deals but good cloudy crisp days are just MWUAH) is the best of all four seasons. idk everything feels super exciting in the fall, esp since it's the start of a new dance/theatre season in my community!
comfort food
soup . i luv soup. hot liquid. yas.
do you collect anything
i collect WAY too many things. i'd say the biggest thing i collect just for the sake of collecting and looking at is tiaras! i have six right now. i have no excuse. i can't practically wear them anywhere. they serve no function except to sit on my head and look sparkly. and i love them for that
favourite drink
pls don't cancel me it's a starbucks iced chai latte. i know its inauthentic i know its not real chai i know i kNOW and i'm sorry but theyre just so good. and so full of caffeine. forgive my sins.
favourite song / artist
taylor swift! i have some issues with her as a person/her fanbase who cannot comprehend that liking an artist and criticizing them don't need to be mutually exclusive but ANYWAYS exclusively musically, she's my favorite artist. i grew up on her and had a very bad not like other girls phase where i rejected things like girly music and shit and i am very much trying to allow myself to be feminine and girly again since it makes my heart happy! and i think if i HAD to choose a favorite song it would be cardigan off of the folklore album.
current favourite songs
that's a real toughie uhmmmmmmmm
who will love me as i am?-sideshow (yes i'm in musical theatre. go ahead and shoot me.)
i'm a man-the spencer davis group
kilby girl-the backseat lovers
both sides now (specifically the CODA cover)-joni mitchell
yea these r a bit basic but whateva i like what i like
favourite fics
i have irls following me. not that many but still. so i'll be vague.
i love any steph & bruce fics! i am a bruce is stephs unofficial father truther i do NOT care! uhmm i read a finnick-centric hunger games multichapter a while back that i will never forget and go back to all the time. i generally just read a lot of h/c, angst ect, i love found family shit, i love crying, i love emotions, i love blood and hugs and people telling other people they care about them. yas.
thank you for tagging me @kuebiko-kei 👹
tags: @katekanemybeloved @autisticjanehopper @megamindenjoyer @blackfawn
thats not ten ppl. but i'm afraid of all my mutuals. so. YAS!
Rules - Tag 10 people you wanna get to know better!
favourite time of year
i love the cosy vibes, cool and windy weather, best food selection, and spooky atmosphere. there’s so much to love about it. i really like having small parties bc it gives me an excuse to go over the top with themed decorations
comfort food
it’s really hard to find authentic asian food, tho that’s partially my fault bc i keep moving to places that obviously wouldn’t. latest example is England. i cannot find ANY shops that are asian owned and sell imported ingredients, so i can’t even make it at home :c but again, i did this to myself
do you collect anything
i have character figures that i have and display. some are “peek-a-boos”, it’s just what i call my figures that are hidden in silly places. i have a chibi Cloud figurine from FFVII that is chilling in a pot with my succulent. i have a range of figurines and they’re not displayed in cases or anything like that, they are just placed around where they seem to “fit”. that way nothing looks cluttered and they’re not banished to a single section of a room
favourite drink
green tea is a daily ritual for me. i have it to start my day and continually have it throughout the day. i like trying new and unique teas, so i have an assortment of teas and “station” for making tea. lately my favourite teas have been lavender earl grey, arabic earl grey, and sencha. green tea and black teas are my favourite
favourite song / artist
and the snakes start to sing - bmth
fall auf - Cro & badchieff
so i literally am unable to put an absolute favourite so i put my most nostalgic song first, my most frequently played song, then my most played artist
current favourite songs
Illuminated - Hurts
Life on Mars - AURORA
AURORA’s cover of Life on Mars - David Bowie
Save Yourself - ONE OK ROCK
Bicep - TR/ST
Japan ist weit - LaFee
LaFee’s cover of Japan Ist Weit - Sandra
favourite fics
Whatever Happened to Tim Drake?
Tim clones Kon and accidentally makes their son. Tim does not have a good time in this fic
Damian & Tim get kidnapped
Bury Your Sons
Arkham Knight is just a boy and Slade isn’t a creep in this one
It’s Not Funny
Gonna admit: this is mine. I wrote it. I wrote it for me and I love it
….I lost my favourite one so I made a post and hopefully someone will find it
@scanndan @howtolaundermoneyorg @arcticlutra @kluvcomicsnfantasy @nightmareinfloral @jasontoddenthusiast @timdrakecaffeineshakes @a-perfect-place-to-cry @maxiijay @briarrosevlogz
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