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estinininininen · 1 year ago
Aymeric: 32
Thordan: 74
Thordan had Aymeric when he was 42. When he was damn old enough to know better. Out of wedlock child when you're 20, barely of Elezen age? You're a young idiot but you can be forgiven and expected to do better. Out of wedlock child at age 42? This fucker wasn't making one "oopsy" after 20ish years of pious celibacy. This was a pattern.
How many half-siblings do y'all think Aymeric has?
. . . A few members of the Heavens' Ward kinda resemble him or Thordan.
Haumeric, Adelphel, Noudenet. Adelphel and Noudenet in particular have those startlingly blue eyes. Weird. I'm sure it's a coincidence. Not to mention if someone resembled their mother more than their father. And what was going on with Zephirin expected to be the Lord Commander? (The only Ward member who's definitely not Thordan's son is Grinnaux de Dzemael, not necessarily because he comes from a Great House but because his skin is pretty dark.) Anyroad. I'm sure Archbishop Thordan wouldn't pull from an available pool of young men desperate for his attention when only he knew their true connection if he had something he needed loyal followers for. Nope.
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lyrieuxsicons · 2 years ago
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Who? // : Ser Noudenet de Jaimberd From? // : Final Fantasy XIV Amount? // : 374 Size? // : 100 x100 px
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wyrmtaill · 1 year ago
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"Come come! Dragons are waiting to be killed by steel and spells!" Ignasse when outside the view of a certain other dragoon, tended to act with more passion and less maturity then needed. Sure he was a stable, if slightly of a fanboy outside of Ishgard proper. But right now...
He was acting like a child.
"Surely you are warm enough to walk unhindered?"
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veliara · 5 months ago
FFXIVWrite Day 25: Perpetuity
While enjoying the familiar chill, Ciel walked leisurely towards the Heaven's Ward quarters. Large, fluffy snowflakes flew past, blown away by the wind, but he paid no attention to such beauty. The youth, with a plain silver earring in his ear, walked leisurely through the streets of Ishgard, trying to clear his thoughts. The unsettling dreams were getting more realistic and intrusive, but Ciel couldn't find the source of the coming disaster.
  In some dreams, his own friends were raising their weapons against him with completely blank faces. Who had his back and whom he had saved more than once. He absolutely refused to believe in their betrayal. He wouldn't even consider the possibility of “What if...”
In other dreams, while without the earring, Ciel was in a strange room in which everything was created from unknown materials.  Unfortunately, she wasn't much interested in the intricate glyphs and glowing panels. Her attention was fixed on the twelve bodies in blue and white armor lying on the floor. And time and time again, she rushed towards them, hoping to help. Only to see them dissolve one by one into the aether, because there was nothing she could do. As lying on the floor Zephirin reached out with desperation in his eyes for the black mage who was curled up nearby. The way Vellguine tries to crawl to Adelphel and Janlenoux, in a vain attempt to save his boys, who have almost completely dissolved into the light blue sparks of the aether. How Hermenost whispers a prayer to Halon for Ignasse with his last bits of strength, for the latter has already closed his eyes for the last time. By then Guerrique, Noudenet and Haumeric were long gone. For some unknown reason, the last ones Ciel paid attention to were were Grinnaux and Paulecrain.  As always back to back, both in life and in the death that was already looming over them. Ciel never once saw Paul's face, unable to tear her gaze away from Grinnaux. From the sorrowful lilac eyes and his attempt to smile, whispering, “Don't cry. It's going to be okay...” He stopped abruptly and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the tugging pain that filled his whole being. “Nothing will change if I only cry,” the youth said to himself and rubbed his eyes. Ciel lost count of how many times she had woken up in the middle of the night crying after these visions. How many times Grinnaux had had to soothe her, whispering in her ear that everything was fine, which to Dzemael's dismay only made the tears grow even more violent... When Ciel reached the Wards headquarters, he pulled off his scarf and leaned his head against the cold stone wall, taking advantage of the emptiness of the hallway. It felt a little easier to breathe.  He looked at the door at the end of the small hallway leading to the common room where all the knights were gathered. “They are alive.” whispered the youth. “They have already gathered, milady,” Odin murmured. “They will soon begin to celebrate.” he sighed absently “Oh this fleeting victory high...” the old knight whispered, as he materialized in his ghostly form at the side of the entrance. He glanced sideways at the door, pursing his lips in displeasure. “You managed to help them once before. Delayed the unavoidable. But now you want to save them? Surely you realize that in the hour of Final Judgment, you'll have to stand in the way of Eternity itself.” The young man remained silent, continuing to rest his forehead against the stone wall and listening to the old paladin. “You are aware that no one will be able to help you. Your father won't be able to send help. And he won't be able to intervene himself either.” “He doesn't need to intervene. It's too personal.  If you and Night pray to the stars for me when the moment comes, that'll be enough.” He only snorted. “Our faith in you is unwavering. It has been and will continue to be.” Ciel smiled and straightened his shoulders and neck. Determination flashed in his green eyes. “My blood is still burning hot, which means I am bound to try.” Odin's voice, audible only to Ciel brooded thoughtfully: “The little fledgling has grown. It will be interesting to see how you will pull off this trick.” “Watch me closely, then.” Ciel smiled, pushing the door open and stepping into the hall, where a joyous chattering went on.
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queenofnohr · 1 year ago
Odeline Heaven's Ward Relationship Overview
Sympathetic to her plight, but ultimately has a job to do (pre-ARR)
Encourages the Ward to interact with her throughout the events of HW
Wants to persecute her as a heretic sooooooooooooooo badly
(pre-ARR) If she smells Charibert coming, she'll veil herself back up bc she does NOT want to deal with him
(after revival) bites each other bites each other bites each other
Technically her savior
Though because he was the one who persecuted her "family," he was the one she had to fight in trial by combat (real rin vs medea hours; aka she wins not bc of her magic but by mana burst punching him in the gut)
literally "the one that got away" for him. his white whale. LOVES fighting her
"look at this funny bitch"
Leans slightly neutral toward her, but thinks she's entertaining
Knew her as the weirdo who indulges Jannequinard during his tenure as a Durendaire knight
Wanted/wants (?) to fuck her ngl. He's 22. big shrug.
Gets along fairly well with her even though she rejects his advances
Thinks she's naïve despite being younger than her for thinking ppl don't break their vows of chastity constantly in ishgard
Even tempered, thought things would work out until the very end because they were friends :(
Eyepatch to eyepatch communication
by that I mean he recognizes her as (somewhat) cut from the same cloth as people who'd struggled to get by in Ishgard
Gains some amount of respect for her after she bests Charibert in her trial by combat
While it isn't really surprising to him that an Au Ra would thrive outside of Ishgard, seeing her when she returns, he wonders how high she plans to climb wrt status
Slightly bitter at her position as House Fortemps ward in HW, especially after learning she's a Problem Child now
On her part, she wants to see him succeed because she does consider him a person (as with the rest of the Ward) and is frustrated to see him content with his lot as it is - when asked "Doesn't [he] want more?" he half-bitterly replies with, "Where else is there to go when you've made it into the Ward?"
Is so fucking confused as to why she rubbed elbows with Jannequinard for clout and she's just like. "He was the only one stupid enough to take me"
post revival, he probably grounds her a lot of the time like "even if you're warrior of light, you're still just a person"
Was On Her Side during her scandal and sent her to complete her schooling afterward; despite this, because of her past trauma, she distrusts his acts of goodliness
Her scandal is what made him seriously consider stepping down from the clergy
(post revival) "I can fix her" "I can make him worse"
Thinks she's a good Halone-fearing woman and thinks her "fall from grace" is a tragedy
unintentionally bullies Odeline after reviving over stuff like pointing out she cried over the Ward or unintentionally making her beg for cock
likes sticking his dick in crazy so, you kno.
Last Ward member she fucks
Likes to fuck with him
before she likes to fuck with him u kno? (post-Ward reviving)
He broke her arm on accident once and feels really bad about it so he sort of lets her behavior slide
Figures out her vibes faster than anyone else but doesn't comment because it's not his lane
First Ward member Odeline fucks bc she thinks he'll be an easy conquest. why would she think this. he's literally exploded a dragon's head with a swing and broken 22 of his axes because of his strength. the reason is she's a little stupid and has a god complex.
Guerrique asks if he should name a new axe after her after they fuck and she's just like .........
Classmates in the Scholasticate
Would bitch about her magic constantly, making her strive to get better
Thinks her mana bursting is big poggers though ("It was very imaginative")
Tells her to study with Charibert rather than Haumeric when she's learning magic from the Ward mages
The only one who can make her calm down maybe a little (with his cooking. Real What's Cooking in the Emiya Household hours)
Technically knew her as the weirdo who indulges Jannequinard when he served House Durendaire
Ward members not listed I'm still cooking for! To be updated as I add more lore~
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sanctummiles · 1 year ago
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𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕋𝔼ℝ ℂ𝔸𝕃𝕃 for ​Ser Noudenet. Please feel free to like this post if you would like a starter of random length and subject! This also poses as an open invitation to hope into my inbox or my IMs for any plotting!
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knightstwelve · 1 year ago
navigation post for myself (wip)
series ~aesthetic~
dog days: [wip] softly with teeth: kill your darlings kiss your demons diana's ward otome adventures: dokidokiwardtxt [zephfic, paulefic, adelfic] diana's timeloop adventure: vaultfic
catherine in general: catherine hart catherine ~aesthetic~: diana in general: diana sawyer diana ~aesthetic~ : we know more about the moon than we do the ocean eve in general: eve bernard eve ~aethestic~: [wip]
specific characters ~aesthetic~ (seperate from general posts)
zephirin de valhourdin: history will vindicate us vellguine de bourbagne: all men must serve each in their own way charibert de leusignac: sickness must be purged grinnaux de dzemael: clever men die just as quick as the rest adelphel: and in turn adored beauty above all else paulecrain de fanouilley: virtue from the poisoned wine haumeric de peulagnon: worm of the dell guerrique de montrohain: ten in our hearts hermenost de la treaumaille: levinlight noudenet de jaimberd: the third son janlenoux de courcillant: naught less naught more ignasse de vesnaint: who are we to deny it
misc aesthetic:
ishgard: guide us o mighty fury
misc media
misc text post: olivtxt coms i bought: coms
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mentalrhapsody · 3 years ago
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Some doodles <3
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im-thinking-arson · 5 years ago
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A spicy noodle sandwich stares down man wielding a giant knife.
Featuring @sernoudenet and @of-knights-and-magi
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veliara · 8 months ago
Lost Part 2
Grinnaux`s PoV Grinnaux kicked the door with his foot, attracting the maximum attention of those in the room. The etheric chains instantly closed around the necks of those standing across the room. He only withdrew the chains as Zephirin and Paule approached the fallen pair of Elezens. Hyur, on the other hand, decided not to give up just yet. The dark-haired man, tried to slip through the door and ran into a very unhappy warrior. Dropping the man to the ground, Grinnaux easily held him in place with a foot on his back and an axe to his neck. Lilac eyes slid across the small room and stopped on the motionless, like a broken doll, body . He couldn't see if the boy's chest was rising, and at this distance he couldn't hear the usually frantically beating heart. He just stared unblinkingly at the motionless body and felt something inside him grow cold. Their commander stood up and walked over to the boy. He took a potion from his pocket, handed it to the mage and helped him pour its contents into Ciel's mouth.
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He was sure it was the first time he had seen the commander in such a state. All lines in the normally soft face seemed to have sharpened. The eyes, which often resembled summer greens, were now more like light green ice. Grinnaux couldn't hear what the mage was saying, but it was clear he was addressing the boy. After a moment, too long in the warrior's opinion, there was a painful groan and then the boy moved.
Eyes clouded with pain glanced around the room, at the knights standing there, but closed almost immediately. Inquisitor cursed quietly.
(Warning: what follows are my self-made, laughable attempts at photoshop bruises.I've never used photoshop before. There was no time to redo it and to ask someone else was not possible…well, brace yourselves.)
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"Grinnaux, Paule, take these three to the temple cells. Alive please. I think brother Charibert will wish to speak to them later. " "I'm already burning with anticipation" mage practically purred. But his tone sent a chill down Grinnaux's spine. "I`ll take Ciel to the infirmary. Charibert, please, find Haumeric and Noudenet," Zephirin commanded softly.
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From the looks on their faces, Grinnaux assumed that the captured trio wouldn't be in the world of living for long. P.S.I purposely skipped the scene from Ciel's side. When I do gather courage to translate and post the story I'm writing (at least part 1, which is already written), you'll be able to read the full version.
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morganaux · 2 years ago
The hand gently squeezing his own sent a rush of red through Morganaux's cheeks, quickly spreading to the tips of his ears, and suddenly, he was beginning to feel quite warm. Warmth was to be expected, of course, after having escaped from a blizzard moments ago, and that would be the reason he would tell himself for why he was feeling that way.
"Well, I, um... I suppose it's finally time for my nigh-encyclopedic knowledge of the Vault's many secret places to be put to good, wholesome, non-archbishop capturing-related use again," he spoke, lifting his head up to offer Raphael a tired, barely-there smile. "I have to admit, as much as it hurts to be here, I missed this. It's been many years since I've had a merry time sneaking around in this place. I used to come here all the time with..."
And then that small ghost of a smile vanished, and once more, Morganaux averted his eyes. "Sorry... I'm sorry." Was that apology for Raphael, for burdening him with his sorrows? For Noudenet, for letting his heart wander astray so soon after he drew his last breath? For any of the countless men who perished by his hand on the very floor he walked upon? That, he did not know. He did not know, and he did not want to know.
And as he often did when faced with feelings that were too painful to face head-on, he fled from them.
His grip upon Raphael's hand growing tighter yet, Morganaux's footsteps quickened before he would allow the other to respond to his sudden apologies, leading them further and further away from those who could find them, deeper and deeper into the labyrinthine heart of the Vault— so deep that he could not recognize the halls they found themselves in. Or perhaps it was the maddening grief that clouded his mind, twisting what was once familiar into something utterly alien to him.
After what felt like an eternity of rushing blindly through corridor after corridor, they would arrive at their destination— a small, elaborately-decorated, yet otherwise ordinary prayer room, or so it would appear.
"Forgive me for bolting off so suddenly. I really didn't mean it..." the Elezen murmured after catching his breath, cheeks pink with shame as he turned back toward the other. "I... Do not know what came over me. I just... Needed to get away." From what, he would not say. "But we're... We're here now, in a place I've always wanted to share with someone. A place not even he knew about it. I just ... Never found the right time to show him, or... Or anyone, for that matter. Will you... Will you see it with me?"
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The man who had once been 𝐇𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐄𝐔𝐒 knew all too well what it was like, to guise his pain beneath soft laughter and artful quips, and he marked well the impressions that such behaviour left upon the soul. To bear his agony with grace — it was what others expected of him; and it was, perhaps, all he could do in the end.
ㅤThat 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐔𝐗 was celebrated and beloved the star over and proclaimed as its champion and protector, just and right in all that he did — 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 almost begrudged him for it, for he knew that others would damn him as a villain, if ever his existence were to be discovered. And yet he was the only thing left, the only thing that could possibly love him in a way that mattered. Even 𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐓-𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐇 loved him only in memory, chasing his ghost with a bitter passion even when 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 had stood before him, once more in the full of his memory. And if 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐔𝐗 could not love him in a way that mattered, then 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 was resolved to simply devour him in the ant-lion of his perfidious affections, for such had been the fate of 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐔𝐗's since-rejoined counterparts on 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇.
ㅤNone of the mourning 𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐒 fazed him; none of the carnage wrought by 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐀𝐑 could hope to faze the baleful whore whose lips had ushered 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 to its end, and 𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍 by design was a nation destined to fail in fire. War never changed, and like all things that did not bend in a way that 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 found meaningful or interesting, it held no power over him, and 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 were pitiful, broken creachers who were born and died each day by the drovesl their ends certain before they would fain draw their first breath. Though part of him pitied them, they did not, in 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓's eyes, exist in a way that mattered.
ㅤ𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋's tiny battered hand curls into a fist momentarily before relaxing against 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐔𝐗's own. After a lengthy period of pensive silence, he dons thence a soft, empathetic smile, giving the other's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. Like all things he did, it meant nothing, but what 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐔𝐗 did not know would not hurt him; and 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓 was nothing if not an exceedingly convincing actor, for as he'd been called to the stage, so would he perform, and he gave no sign of his evil thoughts.)
ㅤ❝ Oh ? ❞ 𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 inquires, tilting his head curiously, eyes widening with a touch of innocent amazement. ❝ It is rather stuffy in here, ❞ he adds, giving 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐔𝐗 a knowing look thereafter. ❝ One could hardly blame you for seeking solace, and I've always been fond of secret places... ❞
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sanctummiles · 2 years ago
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It's Noudenet's Birthday and thus far, all he has done in celebration is drink a rather strong cup of coffee.
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meteorxfall · 7 years ago
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nightbloomnest · 7 years ago
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From a reply a while back about this picture made by @illustrisxarma
Sometimes you just need a pocketbirbfriend.
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paulecrain-ffxiv · 7 years ago
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Paulecrain, Grinnaux and Noudenet just out enjoying the festivities.  One of these things is not like the others....
Hint: It’s the ‘innocent’ little mage sitting there with his owl.
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morganaux · 3 years ago
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best friends
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