#Notes: Neon is Chrollo and Machi adoptive child while Kalluto is Phinks and Feitan child. Neither Light nor Silva exist here!
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My last fanfic for the @hxhsmallchristmas
Holiday Seasons on Family!
Pairings: Feitan/Phinks, Machi/Chrollo
Rated: General audiences
Summary: Kalluto participate in a Christmas recital much for his parents (miss)fortune.
"When he is going to appear?" asked Phinks to his husband. He and Feitan had decided to put their son Kalluto on a ballet class so he could have something fun to do after school and make friends. Initially neither Phinks nor Feitan were sure about the whole idea. Phinks wanted him to try soccer, since he had been a professional player and now served as coach of a well-known, team of the city, so having his son keeping on the tradition would make him very happy; while Feitan believed that Kalluto would be better at traditional art classes like drawing or sculpting on clay. But at the end Kalluto showed so much interest that they allowed him. And now both of them had been invited to his Christmas recital. Sadly, that meant that they had to see the rest of the ballet show just to see Kalluto dancing. "Dunno, the program said that the show is going to be 4 acts and we are just in the first" answered Feitan. "And there are three more? This is worse than those Lord of Rings movies!" complained Phinks receiving a strong "Shhh" reaction from other viewers.
“It is not that long; the whole recital is only an hour and forty minutes.” Said Feitan.
“Still, that’s too long, for me!” cried Phinks in a low voice. Feitan bite his lip feeling beyond bored. He loved arts and dance in general, bit seeing teens and children dance in such an amateurish manner a piece of old classic ballet made him nauseous. He just wanted to go back home and take a long nap with Phinks while Kalluto played in their old Wii, without even thinking on ugly ballets again. "Why is there Mickey Mouse?" asked Phinks confused. "That is not Mickey. Is the rat king. " explained Feitan. "What the hell a rat has to do with Christmas?" said Phinks confused. "It is part of the Nutcracker fairy tale." "That is very weird. They should have used the Grinch or something more Christmas-like. Not a rat!" exclaimed Phinks, followed by a massive "Shhh", making him shut him mouth for the rest of the act. Phinks could not understand anything about ballet, asides of how much tiresome that must be. As a professional soccer coach and PE teacher he knew that for the way they were moving that must have been a constant effort. Definitively ballet was not a thing for the weak. That make him smile with pride. He definitively had made a good choice putting Kalluto on that class. His son was going to get strong.
Feitan tried to look around the theatre if there was something fin way to entertain himself that wasn´t drooling while a bunch of kids that he didn’t care about danced. The scenography and the decoration of that play seemed way too professional to be made for such an ugly event and the way in which ballerinas were dressed seemed way too pimped out and elaborated for a child or a teenager.
“Their makeup looks like if they were clowns or drag queens.” Murmured Feitan as the act concluded making Phinks chuckle in silence, hoping that Kalluto would not have his face painted like that.
Both men saw that a couple entered discretely by the back door of the theatre, caring a baby with them. Feitan and Phinks recognized them, they were Machi and Chrollo with their baby son. Probably they had come to the recital to see their kid too, however unlike Feitan and Phinks they had arrived half an hour late.
“Hi, do you mind that we sit near you?” asked Chrollo to Phinks.
“It is ok.” Said Feitan.
“Why the hell you arrived so late?” asked Phinks.
“I was still busy in her work and Chrollo had to take our baby to the doctor for a small check-up, so we told Neon that we were going to be late.” Said Machi.
“But not long enough to miss her act!” said Chrollo.
“How the hell do you know when is her act?” asked Phinks furiously. If he had only knew when Kalluto act was he and Feitan may had arrived late too.
“Well both Machi and I know the play by memory and we even participated in the same recital when we were in high school. Neon said that she was going to be dancing the reed flutes dance, that happens after the Russian dance of the candy canes.” Said Chrollo.
“After that there is going to be another dance more about Arab coffee, then the Waltz of Flowers and finally some sort of grand finale.” Said Machi.
“Do you know in which act Kalluto is going to dance?” asked Chrollo, making Phinks and Feitan watch each other in embarrassment.
“No, no we don’t know.” Said Feitan, felling like a failure for not knowing much about his son hobby. Now that they thought about maybe he never said them about it because he was going to have an embarrassing minor role, like be a three who is part of the scenography or just staying there as a cloud or a snowflake, without making much movement and not dancing anything. Kalluto didn’t even let them saw his costume! Maybe letting him do ballet was not a good idea after all.
“I don’t know either, maybe he is going to be a three like that girl out there.” Said Phinks pointing to a small girl just standing in the scenario dressed as a three without moving.
“It is ok, any role is good! Plus, there is going to be another six or five dances before the finale and I am sure that Kalluto is going to be in there.” Said Chrollo. Both couples stayed quiet observing the whole show without a word. Each dance was played by a different group of children, sometimes younger sometimes older sometimes better and sometimes worse. The baby falled asleep with the music and both Feitan and Phinks would have done the same if they hadn’t drink insane amounts of coffee and energy drinks before going and if weren´t concerned about seeing Kalluto in the show.
When Neon appeared in the scenario Phinks could saw how Chrollo and Machi took as many pictures as possible, almost like if they were part of a fanclub. However, there was not any sign of Kalluto in the play. Feitan sighed silently. Now there was only two more acts before the finale and he doubted that Kalluto was in the grand finale, since he had only one year as dancer.
“When we are going to see our boy?” asked Phinks frustrated.
“Maybe he is the one in charge of the special effects.” Said Feitan.
“What special effects are you talking about? This is a ballet recital not a Marvel movie!” Grunted Phinks.
“Maybe he painted the background of that scenario. Or he is the one changing the color of the lights and opening the curtains.”
“That’s nonsense! If I wanted him to paint a gigantic Christmas tree, I would have put him on painting classes not on ballet! Our son has more talent than that!” said Phinsk losing his control, receiving an ear pull from Machi, who could not believe that her baby had been quieter during the play than a grown adult.
Phinks frowned his non-existent brows angry of what was happening. His son deserved to dance! Not to be just a piece of the scenario who does nothing!
However, Phinks frown was short lived. When the Arab Coffee started to play, he saw Kalluto entering to the scenario in a brown ballet costume full of golden glitter and shiny details. Another girl entered too, but he did not care about her, he only cared about his son.
“Yeah! Kalluto, Kalluto, Kalluto!” screamed Phinks and Feitan overly excited as they saw him.
“Shhh! This is a ballet recital, not a soccer game!” groaned Machi as she slapped both men, feeling annoyed of the fact that her one year old baby had been quieter than those two thirty something grown men.
Phinks and Feitan made an effort to shut up, feeling way too proud of their boy and how he started to dance. Despite of being an amateur he was able to carry the other girl and make her swing at the rhythm of the melodies. Kalluto definitively had been training and practicing much for that, no wonder why he sometimes spends more than the two and a half hours of his daily ballet class practicing and doing exercise with his both parents. He also was able to walk on his tiptoes and spin like a wheel and jump large distances with grace. Objectively, even if he was not their son, he was still better than many of the kids and teens that danced on that recital, including many of the older kids and teens who were more experienced.
When the dance concluded, both Phinks and Feitan stranded up cheering and clapping proud of their kid. Phinks was about to cry of the emotion (although he would never admit that) while Feitan could not stop shouting “Bravo, bravissimo!”.
Phinks and Feitan spend the rest of the function watching each other happily, feeling proud of themselves and their kid. It had been a long journey since they began to date each other back at university to then marry and finally being able to adopt a child. They remembered how Kalluto was so shy and nervous when he came home for the first time and how they had to spend a long time to make sure that he felt comfortable living with them. Now, they had overcome as family their struggles and could actually have a good time together, even if they were at a scenario from distance.
When the recital finished, they went to hug Kalluto and give him congratulations.
“You did a well job!” said Feitan to Kalluto.
“Thanks dad.” Said the boy happy.
“You were excellent! Definitively Santa is going to give you an extra present for that!” said Phinks.
“Papa, I am eleven, I know that Santa…”
“Shhh… you don’t have to know anything; he will still give you gifts anyway!” interrupted Phinks.
“Plus, Chrollo’s girl does not know it yet.” Said Feitan, making Kalluto laugh.
“She is sixteen! She should know!” exclaimed Kalluto laughin.
“Guess, his dad has too much Christmas spirit.” said Phinks.
“By the way, did you take any photos of me dancing?” asked Kalluto.
Phinks and Feitan saw each other with the face in blank. They had been so invested in watching him dance had forgot to take any photo!
“No… we forgot it.” Said Phinks with a bit of sadness.
“Don’t worry Kalluto, my wife and I took some photos when your parents were watching you. It seems, that they were way too impressed by your dance that they forgot to take pictures. But don’t worry I will send them to them on Messenger!” Said Chrollo, who appeared with Machi, Neon and their little baby.
“Thanks a lot, Mr Lucilfer!” said Kalluto happily.
Phinks and Feitan proceed to greet Chrollo and Machi, thanking them for taking those photos.
“Well did you liked my dance?” asked Neon to the other two men.
“Yeah, we liked it.” mumbled Phinks trying to conceal the fact that he had been way too distracted during her act.
“Machi and I were talking about inviting you today to our home to a small Christmas reunion like in the old times.” said Chrollo referring to the double dates that Machi and him had with Phinks and Feitan back when they were younger.
“Would you like to come home with us right now?” asked Machi.
“It would be good.” Said Phinks.
“Would not be too much hassle to you?” asked Feitan.
“Don’t worry, dad a I have made lots of ginger bread cookies!” said Neon.
“Also, we were planning to order some fast food after the recital.” Said Machi, while she rocked her baby in her arms.
“Yeah, we will go! Do you mind if we go to our home so Kalluto changes his ballet clothes for something less extravagant?” asked Phinks.
“I am okay with these clothes.” Said Kalluto.
“Of course, you are okay, after all you won’t clean them if they get dirty with soy sauce or ketchup when you get home!” groaned Phinks.
“I will be careful papa, and if I soil them, I will clean them myself!” said Kalluto.
“Besides, Neon is going to eat in her ballerina dress too.” Said Chrollo.
“Well, it seems we had no choice but comply.” Said Phinks smiling.
“Excellent, so let’s go then!” said Chrollo.
The Portor-Macub family was having a really good holiday season.
Merry Christmas to you all! I wish you happy holidays, to you and your loved ones. I loved to participate in this challenge and write fluff to end this in a stellar way!
#Notes: Neon is Chrollo and Machi adoptive child while Kalluto is Phinks and Feitan child. Neither Light nor Silva exist here!#hxh fanfic#hxh#hunter x hunter#phinks#feitan#phinfei#feiphin#machi komachine#chrollo#machi x chrollo#kuromachi#phinks x feitan#kalluto#neon nostrade#i put this on q here in case i can't post it on ao3 the correct day
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