#Notable Deaths in September 2020
foxes-that-run · 10 months
Love of My Life
LOML closes out Harry's House, it's a sad song about realising someone is the love of his life after he had lost them. Harry has spoken about an albums start and end, Harry's House starts with Sushi, imploring his muse to let love in and asking himself if just a taste of love is enough. LOML is about loss of that person and realisation that they were the love of his life. To Zane Lowe Harry said:
"Love of my life, I’ve always wanted to write a song about like home and loving England and all that kind of stuff. And it’s always kinda hard to do without being like ‘went to the chippy and I did this thing’ and to me Love of My Life was the most terrifying song for a long time because it is so bare, it's so sparse." He went on to say: "And in the spirit of what Harry's House is about, I think it started as an idea that was very literal, on the nose, [...] As I started making the album it wasn't about the geographical location it was much more of an internal thing."
So, what he said was that it is about his home and England is a metaphor. Home is common theme in Harry's work, most notably in Sweet Creature but even in 1D it has meant more than a place to him. The notebook also has a quote 'your mother is my home'. Taylor has also used home or homeland to refer to Harry, WomanExile has a great post on their usage of home as a metaphor for each other.
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The Lyric Video has roses, which Harry and Taylor Swift also use to refer to each other:
Since 1989, all rose and thorn lyrics are about Harry
Harry 's rose Tattoo is from 11 September 2013, when they started dating again after the VMAs.
Roses have been in videos, outfits, social media posts about each other, a list is here.
In the NY ONO show Harry said he wrote it in Rob Stringers' (Sony CEO) house and that the phone ringing in it is his. As it Was was recorded in the same session, and in part, has a similar meaning. This places it in the first half of 2021. After the rest of the album, California. Also after Folk/evermore which are about communicating and endings respectively. Harry had seen Taylor in March at the 2021 Grammy's. At the time it was written Taylor was still dating Joe. Harry had been dating Olivia for a few months.
California in particular refers to 'summers death left to breathe' indicating that there may have been an ending of sorts in 2020 before he returned to England and drove to Italy over the time Folklore was released.
Though not lyrically addressed, to me LOML is a 'yes' to Question..?'s "Did you realize out of time, she was on your mind?" Question was written in the same time period, after the Grammy's interaction but was released 6 months later.
Tracklisting, release and length
Love of My Life is Harry's only track 13, Taylor's number. It was released on her birthday. It is 3:12 long, or March, 31 2012 - the date they met.
Live shows
Harry said to Zane Lowe he thought he would close the show with it. And he did up until March 25 2023 when it was replaced by Fine Line in the last leg. Later that same week Taylor Swift replaced Invisible String with The 1 and announced her split from Joe Alwyn. It only returned for the 3 Wembley shows.
It was missing for 30 shows and is one of the least played Harry’s House songs, only above Boyfriends and Grapejuice which was added for the last leg.
Baby, you were the love of my life, woah Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it
The first verse is a turn on the phrase “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” he reconnected with his love and found she is the 1 but it is past tense, he still lost her. This is similar to the Clean secret message, which also appeared in the OOTW video “She lost him but she found herself and somehow that was everything.” And the cyclical nature of this relationship.
Take a walk on Sunday through the afternoon We can always find somethin' for us to do We don't really like what's on the news, but it's on all the time
The second verse to me is remembering good times with this person, when he felt at home, with shared experiences and comfort. The Central Park walk with Taylor was on a Sunday.
I take you with me every time I go away In a hotel, usin' someone else's name I remember back at Jonny's place, it's not the same anymore
To me, I take you with me everytime I go away refers to what Harry said about an internal feeling, no matter where he is in the world his love is ever-present even when they are not.
In the Dublin show on the 22nd June 2023 Harry confirmed this refers to his childhood friend is Jonathan Harvey. This speaks to Harry’s concept of home as the feeling that you are loved and belong. To me this reference is to when Harry took Taylor on a tour of his home in England, to the lakes, where he grew up and she may have met Jonny in 2012. She said that was her best birthday, sharing his home with her was important to him. To me, this line means their relationship is different now to it was then. As it was is also similar with with an external view of how others would see them and their place in life.
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It's unfortunate, ooh Just coordinates, ooh
It’s unfortunate, just coordinates sounds to me like he’s reflecting on how they got from the Lakes trip to their current state. This applies to his feelings about love and home. The impact touring has had on his life, what is home and his relationships.
I don't know you half as well as all my friends I won't pretend that I've been doin' everything I can To get to know your creases and your ends Are they the same?
Knowing his love is a theme, in Sunflower Harry sang “Let me inside, I wanna get to know you” and in Fine Line “Spreading you open Is the only way of knowing you” to explore the idea of intimacy co-existing with distance with the same person.
He also sings about not knowing his love in Trouble “And I don’t even know you / But I feel like I do sometimes”. Interestingly in If I could fly he feels like she knows him “Now you know me / for you eyes only”.
The “are they the same” speaks to once knowing all the creases and ends but not now. “Super Pretty” has a similar theme of distant intimacy and vulnerability “do you still feel the same about me”.
Baby, you were the love of my life, woah Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it It's not what I wanted, to leave you behind Don't know where you'll land when you fly But, baby, you were the love of my life
The final chorus adds “don’t know where you’ll land when you fly” which confirms he is singing to a person not a country. Specifically a person with a private jet who can fly without the destination known. For that person every mystery take off is relentlessly tracked by an instagram account. How alienating it must be to someone who loves and wants her to see that and not know.
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
I do notice Danneel wearing a lot of black clothes a lot. I always get a very depressed dark evil vibe from Danneel wearing this colour. My opinion is to tell Danneel is a witch and doing dark magic. By the way, I got a feeling Danneel told her brother to go to Rome to keep his eyes on Jensen. And we all know we are talking about why the reason. (Wow, Danneel is a control freak and she won't let Jensen. Dear god, I hope Jensen will break free soon).
Hope you noticed Jensen wearing white theme clothes on his outfits this weekend for JIB con. I'm happy to see Jensen wearing brighter clothes to tell by his vibe is full of positivity and love. I hope not to see Jensen start to change into the man used to be before meets Danneel.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. So I see you asked this around the JIB con time and apologize because I thought I did respond and apparently have not. So, to establish this pattern, I am attaching clips and photos to point out the types of clothes both have been wearing not just around JIB but in some appearances outside of JIB as well. From my understanding, sometimes Daniela who is one of the managers hosting the JIB cons will "gift" clothes to Jared and Jensen to wear while at the cons. I don't think it was necessarily the case with the last JIB this year but I did notice he wore a lot more white.
Danneel in a video I saw today actually she's wearing black and a cross. I'm not sure what look she's aiming for with that look but to me that would indicate some "appearance" of either trying to redeem herself, getting more spiritually intuned or just trying to look like this is the case and is in fact the opposite. Interestingly so in years past, Danneel has also worn some strange and colorful outfits so who knows, maybe she is trying to be more conservative and attention grabbing these days.
Some people choose to wear more black due to minimizing things like decision fatigue, minimalism which is common in places like Japan, or to deter attention (Danneel has notably been posting far less selfies and such in the last few years), and because it can be worn anywhere and everywhere. It can also indicate power, danger, aggression, or even depression according to this article. I'm also sharing a video of an Indian mystic named Sadhguru speaking of why we should think twice before dressing in black. He speaks of how we should honor the dead yes but we should also remain separate from the dead. He implied that wearing more black means being closer to death in a way and says anything you don't want to absorb you wear white. It is true that black absorbs more heat and white reflects or bounces it off more, so why not bounce off other energies while you're at it?
Black is often associated with death and often worn in places like the USA; I was told by an Indian coworker it is actually white that people wear in India to funerals when she asked me why women wear white dresses to weddings (red is apparently often worn by Indian brides a lot).
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My take on the wearing more black on Danneel's part? It's possible it's her being more into black magic, trying to at times deter less attention to herself, and also possibly because she's feeling more "down". I think in the past she may have worn it more due to power and aggression but given how more conservative her attire choices are these days, I believe there's a different feel to it. As for Jensen, I noticed he's a bit allover the place at times. Yes he wore a lot more white at the JIB in April but he also wore white at Darklight and then also black. Personally, I think both of them ought to start wearing lighter colors to bounce off more energies, particularly with how their CT house is said to be haunted.
With regards to Gino going to Rome in April, I don't believe it has anything to do with Danneel at all. I speculated in private to some people via PMs that I believe Jensen had an unpleasant conversation with Gino with regards to FBBC. Curiously, FBBC closed its only taproom BEFORE securing another location last month which was 4 days after the annual party and only a few weeks after they were in Rome together. Tax writeoffs for "business dinners" and "travel expenses" are a thing that wealthy people do a lot. I have the utmost confidence that this is why Gino was in Rome coincidentally the same weekend Jensen was there for JIB (simple vacation for him and his wife my ass, this trip was at least in part paid for by his rich brother in law!). Nothing to do with watching Jensen because otherwise, why isn't he going with him to other cons?
As of June 10, the taproom location (and the house on that lot included) was listed on a commercial real estate website Loopnet for sale; before some moron comes along and says "IT'S NOT LISTED ON ZILLOW!", that is because Zillow is primarily for RESIDENTIAL properties not COMMERCIAL like the brewery taproom.
Take from this what you will but I am personally starting to think Danneel's black magic and such is actually showing some signs of fading.
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Zack Beauchamp at Vox:
I met Raqib Naik, a journalist who had fled his native India, at a coffee shop in suburban Maryland. We sat at the same metal table where he once discussed the prospect of his assassination with FBI agents.
Naik is a Muslim from Jammu and Kashmir, India’s only Muslim-majority state. In August 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked the state’s longstanding self-determination rights and temporarily imposed martial law. Indian officials arbitrarily detained thousands of Kashmiris, including many journalists. Through it all, Naik did his best to convey the reality in Kashmir to the outside world — a firsthand account of what was really going on in what’s often termed “the world’s largest democracy.” On August 15, 10 days after the crackdown in Kashmir began, Naik received the first of three visits from Indian military intelligence officers who interrogated him about his reporting. The harassment forced him underground; he eventually fled to the United States in the summer of 2020. But Modi wouldn’t let him go that easily. In September 2020, an Indian military official sent Naik a message saying “i have invited your father for a cup of tea.” In November 2020, a second intelligence officer said he too had contacted Naik’s father, vowing that he and Naik would “meet in person” even though Naik had moved to America. While traveling in another country in June 2022, Naik received an anonymous text message saying “you are being tracked and will be prosecuted.” He flew back to the US as quickly as possible.  [...]
India’s plot against America
I have spent the past several months investigating stories like Naik’s: critics of India who say the Indian government has reached across the Pacific Ocean to harass them on American soil. 
Interviews with political figures, experts, and activists revealed a sustained campaign where Narendra Modi’s government threatens American citizens and permanent residents who dare speak out on the declining state of the country’s democracy. This campaign has not been described publicly until now because many people in the community  — even prominent ones — are too afraid to talk about it. (The Indian government did not respond to repeated and detailed requests for comment.)  India’s efforts include a handful of high-profile incidents, most notably an assassination plot against American and Canadian activists. But more commonly, India engages in subtle forms of harassment that fly under the public radar. An American charity leader who spoke out on Indian human rights violations saw his Indian employees arrested en masse. An American journalist who worked on a documentary about India was put on a travel blacklist and deported. An American historian who studies 17th-century India received so many death threats that she could no longer speak without security. Even a member of Congress — and vocal critic of the Modi regime — said she was concerned about being banned from visiting her Indian parents.
And while Russian involvement in the 2016 election swayed few votes, there’s good reason to believe India’s campaign is working as intended — muting stateside criticism of India’s autocratic turn under Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
An American academic warned me that they couldn’t speak openly about India out of concern for family. An American think tank expert described numerous examples of censorship and self-censorship at prominent US institutions. These two sources, and many others, would only share their personal stories with me anonymously. All were concerned about the consequences for their careers, their loved ones, or even themselves — and they weren’t alone. “Indian Americans who are against the BJP, or oppose the BJP, have been intimidated and as a result routinely engage in self-censorship. I have heard them say as much to me,” says John Sifton, the Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “There are prominent Indian American intellectuals, writers, [and] celebrities who simply will not speak out against Modi because they are afraid that by doing so they will subject themselves to a torrent of online abuse and even death threats.” As a result, one of the most important developments of our time — Modi pushing the world’s largest democracy toward an authoritarian future — is receiving far less scrutiny in the United States than it should, especially at a time when Modi is running for a historic third term. 
India’s willingness to go after critics outside its borders — a practice political scientists call “transnational repression” — is a symptom of this democratic decline. Most sources told me that Indian harassment of Americans began in earnest after Modi took office in 2014, with most reported incidents happening in the past several years (when the prime minister became more aggressively authoritarian at home). Modi, a member of a prominent Hindu supremacist group since he was 8 years old, seems to believe he can act on the world stage in the same way he behaves at home. Despite the brazenness of India’s campaign — attacking Americans at home in a way that only the world’s worst authoritarian governments would dare — the Biden administration is putting little pressure on Modi to change his ways. Judging New Delhi too important in the fight against China, the US government has adopted its own unstated policy of avoiding fights with India over human rights and democracy. [...]
Modi’s “new India”
India was founded in 1947 as a secular democracy, with formal equality of all citizens enshrined in its constitution. But even before then, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) had begun laying the groundwork for an alternative Hindu nationalist state. Narendra Modi has been a part of this fight since 1958, when he first got involved in his town’s RSS branch.
The RSS’s ideology, called Hindutva, holds that India must be a state principally for Hindus. It treats non-Hindus, especially Muslims, as foreign imports at best and invading forces at worst. The BJP is the RSS’s political wing, and it has worked extensively to bring the Indian state in line with Hindutva principles.  Making this dream into reality has been the purpose of Modi’s political career. Since becoming prime minister, he’s proven remarkably adept at it. The revocation of Kashmir’s autonomous status, and the subsequent crackdown that swept up Raqib Naik, is just one of many Hindutva victories during his tenure.  His government recently inaugurated a major new Hindu temple in the city of Ayodhya, on the site of a mosque that was torn down by an RSS-aligned mob in 1992. It passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, a law that, among other things, set up discriminatory immigration rules for Muslims. In states across the country, local BJP governments have passed laws restricting interfaith marriage between Hindus and Muslims.
Vox exposes India’s siccing of Americans critical of its authoritarian turn under PM Narendra Modi.
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gone2soon-rip · 1 year
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SIR MICHAEL GAMBON (1940-Died September 27th 2023,at 82,Pneumonia).Anglo-Irish actor forever remembered by millions of Harry Potter fans as Professor Albus Dumbledore,in the last 6 films of the Harry Potter film franchise.
Gambon started his acting career with Laurence Olivier as one of the original members of the Royal National Theatre. Over his six-decade-long career, he received three Olivier Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and four BAFTA Awards. In 1998, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for services to drama.
Gambon appeared in many productions of works by William Shakespeare such as Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth and Coriolanus. Gambon was nominated for thirteen Olivier Awards, winning three times for A Chorus of Disapproval (1985), A View from the Bridge (1987), and Man of the Moment (1990). In 1997, Gambon made his Broadway debut in David Hare's Skylight, earning a Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play nomination.
Gambon made his film debut in Othello (1965). Other notable films include The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989), The Wings of the Dove (1997), The Insider (1999), Gosford Park (2001), Amazing Grace (2006), The King's Speech (2010), Quartet (2012), and Victoria & Abdul (2017). Gambon also appeared in the Wes Anderson films The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), and Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009). Gambon enhanced his stardom through his role of Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter film series from 2004 to 2011, replacing Richard Harris following his death in 2002.
For his work on television, he received four BAFTA Awards for The Singing Detective (1986), Wives and Daughters (1999), Longitude (2000), and Perfect Strangers (2001). He also received two Primetime Emmy Award nominations for Path to War (2002) and Emma (2009). Other notable projects include Cranford (2007) and The Casual Vacancy (2015). In 2017, he received the Irish Film & Television Academy Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2020, he was listed at No. 27 on The Irish Times' list of Ireland's greatest film actors.Michael Gambon - Wikipedia
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malaismere · 2 years
AO3 Stats: Comparing Campaigns
(for my other critical role fic stats, check out my ao3-stats tag)
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First off: total number of fics (by month) since the start. C2 and 3 have been pretty consistent since 2019, around 400-500 range, occasionally peaking higher, breaking 600 with the end of C2 and 700 in October this year with Laudna's resurrection lining up with October monthly prompts.
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Zooming in...let's compare campaigns. The left is total counts, the right percentage. They don't add up to 100% because oneshots like Undeadwood and EXU Calamity are in the total fic count, and any fic with tags for multiple campaigns counted as both (although instances of just Allura or Artagan in a C2 fic or just Keyleth or Delilah in a C3 fic were not counted for C1). EXU was counted in as C3; any fics with just Dariax or Opal are therefore included in C3 counts.
C1 has been pretty consistent in the 50-100 range (10-20%). It has peaks in September 21 (one person writing Kimallura for sapphic september. seriously), February/March 2022 (Legend of Vox Machina) and September/October of 2022 (Bells Hells visit Whitestone).
C2 was pretty constant in the 80-90% range through its runtime (the drop below 70% in 2019 is when Undeadwood aired) and mostly around the 300-400 fic mark, although with peaks higher (most notably the end of C2) and drops lower (2020 hiatus). After C3 starts, it stays around the 200 fic mark and around 40-50%, hitting an all time low of 27% in September, and 140 fic in August (excluding January 2018's 116).
C3 is around the 200 and 40% mark for most of it's runtime so far, staying just under C2. While the other campaigns aren't affected by EXU Calamity airing in June of 2022, you can see a sharp drop for C3. However, following that, C3 reaches an alltime high with over 300 fics in September and October with Laudna's death and resurrection, breaking the 50% threshold. In December, things went back to normal, which could be a sign that was an outlier...or a blip for the M9 reunion.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Fires Burning at ‘Full Tilt’ Across the Western U.S. Stretch Resources. (New York Times)
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The Park fire near Chico, Calif., is the largest in the western United States. It has burned through about 390,000 acres. Credit...Loren Elliott for The New York Times.
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The Alexander Mountain fire burning west of Loveland, Colo. A nearby wildfire was blamed by the authorities for at least one death. Credit...Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post, via Associated Press.
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
It took only a week for the Park fire north of Sacramento to grow into the fifth-largest in California history, signaling the potential for a destructive wildfire season across much of the Western United States. Almost 50 other large or notable fires were burning throughout the region on Wednesday, according to a New York Times tracker.
Although this year doesn’t yet compare to 2020, the most destructive wildfire season of the last two decades, the sheer number of fires currently burning in Western states — both big and small — has threatened to overwhelm firefighting resources at a rate that worries experts so early in the season.
“Normally we’re ramping up in July to get to that peak in August, early September,” said Alex Robertson, director of fire and aviation management for the U.S. Forest Service. But this year, he said, “we’re going into August already at our full tilt.”
At least one person was killed this week by a wildfire burning near Denver, and a historic mining town was leveled near Bakersfield, Calif. More than half a million acres of the Western United States have burned in the past week, according to the Times wildfire tracker.
Mr. Robertson said the Forest Service had already had to request about 80 aviation and fire operations experts from Australia and New Zealand to help manage the fires spreading in California and other states, including Washington, Oregon and Colorado.
It’s common for nations to share firefighting resources, but Mr. Robertson said it was unusual for the United States to need so much help by the end of July.
A wet winter and spring, which allowed vegetation to grow quickly, followed by record-breaking heat across much of the West have led to textbook fire-burning conditions, experts said. Climate change has been making heat waves in the region more intense and longer. July 22, two days before the Park fire began, was Earth’s hottest day on record, and some areas burned by the blaze experienced their warmest 30-day periods just before it broke out.
Weather forecasts in Western states including Washington, Oregon and Colorado promise more hot, dry conditions, said Ashton Robinson Cook, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service. Temperatures across the region are expected to reach about 100 degrees Fahrenheit each day through the end the week, with little to no rain in sight.
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black-arcana · 1 year
CRISTINA SCABBIA Says Next LACUNA COIL Album Won't Arrive Before 2024
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During an appearance on the latest episode of Knotfest's "She's With The Band", the show hosted by Tori Kravitz and Alicia Atout aiming to amplify the voices of women on stage, backstage and in the business, LACUNA COIL singer Cristina Scabbia spoke about the progress of the songwriting sessions for the band's follow-up to 2019's "Black Anima" album. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "We are already writing music. But I think it's going to be 2024 [before the new album is released].
"The problem is not really the music that we write. But now, in order to deliver a record, it takes a lot more time," she explained. "The pandemic delayed everything. And metal music is maybe the only genre in which the physical support [is] still very important. Because there are a lot of collectors, a lot of fans [who] really want to keep the copy of the record in their hand. And it takes time to print vinyls, to print CDs. You need sometimes one year in between the delivering of the master and the release of the record, because you have to set up a lot of things. That's why I'm talking about 2024. Maybe we will record an album in 2023, but it probably will be delivered in 2024. But we are definitely writing new music."
Earlier this month, LACUNA COIL released a new single, "Never Dawn". For the track, LACUNA COIL partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide". "Never Dawn" is a notable addition to CMON's latest Kickstarter project, "Zombicide: White Death", and was initially used as an instrumental version in a campaign trailer. The game introduces new characters, mechanics, and challenges for players to overcome, and the upcoming "White Death" version features five LACUNA COIL limited-edition survivor tokens.
Designed by Nicolas Raoult, one of the designers of the original "Zombicide", along with Jean-Baptiste Lullien and Raphaël Guiton, "Zombicide: White Death" is a sequel to the fantasy spinoff version of "Zombicide" with a new wintery theme. The third installment in this series, it follows "Zombicide: Black Plague", which introduced the concept in 2016, and "Zombicide Green Horde", which came out in 2018.
LACUNA COIL has spent the last few months promoting "Comalies XX", the recently released "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
LACUNA COIL celebrated the 20th anniversary of "Comalies", by performing it in its entirety at a one-night-only concert on October 15, 2022 at Fabrique in Milano.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
LACUNA COIL played its first show in front of an audience in more than two years on April 7, 2022 as the support act for APOCALYPTICA at the Masquerade in Atlanta, Georgia.
Prior to the Atlanta concert, the last time LACUNA COIL played together was at the group's special September 2020 livestream event where the bandmembers performed "Black Anima" in its entirety with no audience in attendance at the Alcatraz Club in Milan, Italy. That show was released as a live album, "Live From The Apocalypse", via Century Media.
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idolskpop · 1 year
2PM Taecyeon Reveals Shocking Truth About His ‘Vincenzo’ Role: He Didn’t Know He Was a Villain!
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2PM Taecyeon is one of the most versatile idols in the industry, who has successfully transitioned from being a singer to an actor. He recently amazed the viewers with his brilliant performance as a psychopathic killer in the hit drama ‘Vincenzo’. But did you know that he had no idea he was playing a villain when he accepted the role? Read on to find out more about this surprising revelation and his career journey!
From Idol to Actor: 2PM Taecyeon’s Career Highlights
Taecyeon debuted as a member of 2PM, one of the most popular K-pop groups in the second generation, in 2008. He quickly gained recognition for his charismatic rap skills, powerful dance moves, and charming personality. He also participated in various variety shows, such as ‘We Got Married’, ‘Family Outing’, and ‘Running Man’.
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(Photo : 51K Official Instagram) However, Taecyeon did not limit himself to music and entertainment. He also pursued his passion for acting, starting from minor roles in dramas like ‘Cinderella’s Sister’ and ‘Dream High’. He gradually improved his acting skills and took on more challenging roles in different genres, such as comedy, romance, thriller, and action. Some of his notable works include: - ‘Who Are You?’ (2013), where he played a detective who falls in love with a woman who can see ghosts. - ‘Wonderful Days’ (2014), where he played a prosecutor who returns to his hometown and reconnects with his childhood friends. - ‘Assembly’ (2015), where he played a bodyguard who helps a former welder become a politician. - ‘Let’s Fight Ghost’ (2016), where he played a college student who can see and fight ghosts. - ‘Save Me’ (2017), where he played a young man who tries to save his childhood friend from a cult. - ‘The Game: Towards Zero’ (2020), where he played a man who can see the moment of death of anyone he looks at.
2PM Taecyeon’s Dream Role: A Villain in ‘Vincenzo’
Taecyeon’s most recent and impressive work was in the 2021 smash hit drama ‘Vincenzo’, where he played the role of Jang Jun Woo/Jang Han Seok, the main antagonist of the story. He was initially introduced as a naive and clumsy intern at a law firm, but later revealed to be a ruthless and cunning serial killer who was behind a series of crimes.
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(Photo : tvN) Taecyeon’s portrayal of the character was praised by critics and fans alike, who were impressed by his ability to switch from being cute and funny to being cold and scary. He also received several awards for his role, such as the Best Villain Award at the 12th Korea Drama Awards and the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 8th APAN Star Awards. However, what many people don’t know is that Taecyeon had no clue that he was playing a villain when he accepted the role. In fact, he only found out about his character’s true identity when he received the script for episode 3. He revealed this shocking truth during his Asia solo tour, where he met his fans in different countries. In Hong Kong, he attended a media press conference on September 29, 2023, where he shared his career journey and stories about his profession. He said: Talking about Vincenzo I actually didn’t know the role was an evil character. The scripts that I received were only episodes 1 and 2, and back then I was the kind cute intern Jang Jun Woo. I myself was also surprised to know that I am a villain. He also posted this tweet on his official account: https://twitter.com/only_oktaec/status/1707384587545088309?s=20 This revelation surprised many fans, who wondered how he managed to pull off such a convincing performance without knowing his character’s background and motivation. Some of them commented: - Wow, that’s amazing! How did he do it? He was so good as Jang Han Seok! - I can’t believe he didn’t know! He must have been shocked when he read the script! - He is such a talented actor! He made me hate him so much in Vincenzo! - He deserves all the awards for his role! He nailed it!
2PM Taecyeon’s Next Role: A Physically Demanding Character
After achieving his dream role of playing a villain in ‘Vincenzo’, Taecyeon is not resting on his laurels. He is already looking forward to his next challenge, which is to play a character that requires more physicality and athleticism.
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(Photo : tvN's Official Twitter) He revealed his wish during his media press conference in Manila, where he met his fans on October 1, 2023. He said: For my next role, I want to show more of my physique. I want to play a character that is a boxer, a swimmer, or a fighter. I want to challenge myself and immerse myself in the role. He also expressed his gratitude to his fans for their support and love, saying: Thank you for always being there for me. I will work hard to show you more of my skills and charms. I love you!
2PM Taecyeon’s Bright Future as an Actor
2PM Taecyeon is one of the rare idols who can successfully balance his music and acting careers. He has proven his versatility and talent in various roles, especially in his latest drama ‘Vincenzo’, where he surprised everyone with his shocking revelation that he didn’t know he was a villain. He is not afraid to take on new challenges and explore different genres and characters. He is also eager to improve his skills and satisfy his fans with his performances. We can’t wait to see what he has in store for us in the future. We are sure that he will continue to impress us with his acting and charm us with his personality. What do you think of 2PM Taecyeon’s revelation? What role do you want to see him play next? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below. Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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drsohinisastri · 2 years
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Ketu stands for the subtle energies that either enable us to overcome our karmas or force us to confront our most potent and harmful karmas, either individually or collectively. The top astrologer in India has determined the course of our current astrological conflict with Ketu.
 Rahu and Ketu, two of the top astrologers in India, designate the zodiacal nodes or locations where eclipses of the Sun and Moon can take place. A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon coincides with one of the nodes. A lunar eclipse happens when the full Moon coincides with one of the nodes according to the best astrologer in India.
 Every year, there are often two sets of eclipses, spaced about six months apart. The nodes are not fixed; instead, they wander backward around the zodiac in cycles of 18.6 years. The Moon returns to the same node in 27 days.
 Strong Ketu:
Ketu is given a faint Mars influence that is mostly complemented by hints of Saturn. On a personal level, it leads to poor judgement, self-criticism, isolation, harm, and poisons. On a collective level, it causes wars, revolutions, and constrictive, fanatic viewpoints. Rahu stands for the media, entertainment, and the power to sway the masses, whereas Ketu represents mathematics, computers, research, and technology on a collective level today.
 Ketu is the most significant planet in the chart for showing Self-realization because it is the highest level planet that offers spirituality, emancipation, and psychic knowledge in addition to astrology. The most potent spiritual influence in the chart might be said to be Ketu.
 Because it puts a stop to everything, it is frequently referred to as the "terminator." Ketu possesses the power of negation, which at the highest spiritual level is the emancipation from body and mind, also known as Nirvana, and at the most severe human level is suicide. Ketu can represent death, either physically or psychologically, or it might represent transcendence to a greater reality.
 Ketu Transcends the Mind:
Ketu bestows inner abilities of perception, like the ability to see without an eye, hear without an ear, or breathe without a breath. The highest level of great Yogis and sages, including the opening of the third eye and crown chakras, are indicated by Ketu. On a more general level, however, Ketu represents the forces of opposing views and ideals that breed conflict and violence while also arousing strong subliminal feelings.
 Ketu is now traversing the galactic centre. The coronavirus pandemic has been the most notable event. It has a peculiar name since Rahu, who is behind Ketu in the zodiac, joins this pandemic as a result of Rahu's retrograde influence on all of those planets.
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However, even once Ketu enters Scorpio in September 2020 and turns retrograde, it will still be powerful, offering possibly greater potential for transformation for those who are receptive to it, with a new Kalasarpa Yoga developing in early 2021. The greatest opportunity for transformation will arise when Ketu crosses Jyeshta (Kali's star) and Rahu simultaneously crosses Rohini (Lakshmi's star). June 2021 will be the focal point of this.
 In any event, its passage through the Galactic Center and Mula Nakshatra has highlighted the most significant issues facing humanity and civilization, such as our beliefs, aspirations, and identities. It will encourage transcendence, which, if we reject it, may lead to annihilation. According to the famous astrologer in India, how we use the Ketu energy in humanity today will determine whether this century is coloured with darkness or light. This is especially true now that Ketu is moving into the sign of Scorpio.
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abneyconsult · 15 days
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“MidnightRose serves as a vibrant platform that highlights the diverse voices of multigenerational and multicultural writers from the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. This initiative is brought to life by Esther Productions Inc., in collaboration with The Institute for African American Writing and The Black Student Fund. The series aims to celebrate the literary talents within the community, showcasing a variety of poetic and prose works that reflect the rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives that define the region.
Attendees of MidnightRose can expect to engage with a dynamic array of award-winning poets and authors, each bringing their unique narratives and artistic expressions to the forefront. The event not only serves as a performance space but also as a gathering that fosters dialogue and connection among writers and audiences alike. By immersing oneself in the powerful words and stories shared during the series, participants are invited to explore themes of identity, culture, and resilience, all of which resonate deeply within the community.
The essence of MidnightRose lies in its ability to inspire and empower individuals through the art of storytelling. As the series unfolds, it creates an atmosphere where creativity flourishes, and the voices of underrepresented writers are amplified. This initiative not only enriches the cultural landscape of the Washington Metropolitan Region but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the literary arts, inviting everyone to partake in the transformative power of poetry and prose.” Sep 14, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
About the event
MidnightRose is a showcase of the multigenerational, multicultural writers in the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. Experience the richness of the community through the presentations of award-winning poets and authors. Come allow the words to inspire and empower you.
E. ETHELBERT MILLER is a literary activist and author of two memoirs and several poetry collections including his baseball trilogy: If God Invented Baseball, When Your Wife Has Tommy John Surgery and How I Found Love Behind the Catcher’s Mask published by City Point Press. He hosts the WPFW morning radio show On the Margin with E. Ethelbert Miller and hosts and produces The Scholars on UDC-TV which received a 2020 Telly Award. He is Associate Editor and a columnist for The American Book Review. He was given a 2020 congressional award from Congressman Jamie Raskin in recognition of his literary activism, awarded the 2022 Howard Zinn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and named a 2023 Grammy Nominee Finalist for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. On March 2, 2024, Miller received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to African American Literature and DC’s literary community from Esther Productions Inc. On September 18, 2024, he will receive the Furious Flower Lifetime Achievement Award.
NAOMI AYALA is a Puerto Rican poet, educator, and translator who’s published three poetry collections—Wild Animals on the Moon (Curbstone Press, 1997); This Side of Early (Curbstone Imprint, Northwestern University Press, 2008); and Calling Home: Praise Songs & Incantations (Bilingual Press, 2013). She’s the translator of La sombra de la Muerte/Death’s Shadow, a novel by His Excellency José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican Republic’s Ambassador to the U.S., and of Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s poetry collection La arqueología del viento/The Wind’s Archeology. She’s the proud recipient of artist fellowships from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities as well as Special Recognition for Community Service from the U.S. Congress.
BRIAN GILMORE is a native of Washington DC. Bard and Barrister, he is the author of four collections of poetry, including come see about me marvin (Wayne State University Press), a 2020 Michigan Notable Book Award recipient. Gilmore is also the author of the forthcoming cultural history, No More Worlds To Conquer: The Black Poet in Washington DC Since Dunbar, to be published in 2025 by Georgetown University Press. He practiced public interest law for 28 years in Washington DC and Michigan and served as a Clinical Law Professor at Howard University School of Law and Michigan State University College of Law. Presently, he is Senior Lecturer at the University of Maryland - College Park in the Law and Society Program (MLAW).
For those interested in learning more about this literary event, please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected].
Additional details can also be found on the official website of Esther Productions, Inc. at the provided link - https://www.estherproductionsinc.com/events-1/midnightrose-a-reading-series-of-poetry-prose.
Esther Productions Inc. is supported by generous contributions—past and present--from Kerry S. Pearson LLC, Emmanuel Bailey, Veterans Services Corp, Pepco, an Exelon Company, A.Scott Bolden, David Jannarone, HumanitiesDC, Lesa Warrick, Rosalind Blunt, Betty Nyangoni and Esther’s Friends.
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tinydark · 16 days
State of the Studio - Summer 2024
Eight months since the last update, and things have not gone as planned: in a very good way. Current roadmap is here. It was last updated today, September 4th.
Raigen I've mentioned Raigen before. He'd done some work to improve the Hub and tinydark.com in 2023. This year, he was brought on in a part-time capacity to help with the studio while still under my mentorship. The result has been life-changing for me. I never thought I'd see anyone else contributing code directly to GAM3 (our game engine), but here we are six months after he got access and he's taken so much off the list, including things I wanted but didn't have time for, such as accessibility. Mini-profiles, the Character Codex, encumbrance, level-based icons, and improvements to our sound implementation are among his biggest contributions.
The work process goes as follows: I write a spec, he submits the code, then I review it and clean it up if necessary. This has meant that I personally don't get as much time to code as I normally would, but we're still knocking things out at a pace I could only have hoped for.
Black Crown: Exhumed Spent time in February getting it actually working: the game is playable. It still gets tripped up at times, however, and that's my immediate priority. I have confidence that Black Crown will launch mid-late October 2024. It will be only a web release, not app store. This will be my first launched game since 2018's Bean Grower.
Licensing Someone wants to use GAM3 to build a cantrlike (which I'll officially be defining soon). After determining project requirements, I realized how close the engine is to being useful for other non-Tinydark developers. I told them $50/mo and to expect something workable in December. Check out the Palin discord server here to get a glimpse of what they'll be building.
I want to make cool, memorable, enriching games, but I also want to enable other people to do so. It has always been my intention to do Tinydark full-time and I hadn't seriously entertained hosting some installations for profit until this person came to me asking about GAM3. If anyone's interested in building something with the engine, find me on Discord or send me an old-fashioned email at [email protected]
Following Black Crown's release, we'll be spending the rest of the year improving the engine in various ways that are supportive of multiple games, as well as standalone (non-Hub/Tinydark) games.
URPG We've seen some big features so far this year: notably Area Stats, which allowed me to make a farming mechanic where players improve the farmland, and the Codex, which brought memories with it. I recently also made some UI improvements, though more quality passes are needed to reach my goal of "feeling like a Steam game."
Regarding a release date: URPG, still the Untitled Roleplaying Game awaiting its perfect title, released into alpha on December 26th, 2020. We're nearly 4 years into what I dubbed an alpha playtest. I know it's taken very long, but great things take a while. If I were only remaking Marosia with modern technology, I would have been done two years ago. The more time I put into URPG, the more imperative it becomes that it is a financial success, and the more likely that will be true. Still there's the plain fact that games such as these need to sit for a while to build a playerbase.
I wish I could say release was coming next year. It's entirely possible that we will see beta in Q4 2025. More likely is 2026, but take a look at the roadmap to see what all that time is for. There's also the reality of releasing and supporting a multiplayer game; marketing; stress-testing. I will also begin to quietly market the engine and I don't know what that could mean for my time commitments.
URPG-specific work will slow until next January, but allow me to build some hype. 2025 is the year we get NPCs. The year you will be able to hunt an animal, use Death Magic to resurrect it, then inhabit it, and roleplay as you would any other character on your account. It's the year of real-time travel in a true open world, not the facade we have now. The year of custom battle skills that you design yourself, FF7-materia-style. All of that is definitely coming.
Back to work. Vael Victus
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Sept. 14, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
About the event
MidnightRose is a showcase of the multigenerational, multicultural writers in the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. Experience the richness of the community through the presentations of award-winning poets and authors. Come allow the words to inspire and empower you.
E. ETHELBERT MILLER is a literary activist and author of two memoirs and several poetry collections including his baseball trilogy: If God Invented Baseball, When Your Wife Has Tommy John Surgery and How I Found Love Behind the Catcher’s Mask published by City Point Press. He hosts the WPFW morning radio show On the Margin with E. Ethelbert Miller and hosts and produces The Scholars on UDC-TV which received a 2020 Telly Award. He is Associate Editor and a columnist for The American Book Review. He was given a 2020 congressional award from Congressman Jamie Raskin in recognition of his literary activism, awarded the 2022 Howard Zinn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and named a 2023 Grammy Nominee Finalist for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. On March 2, 2024, Miller received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to African American Literature and DC’s literary community from Esther Productions Inc. On September 18, 2024, he will receive the Furious Flower Lifetime Achievement Award.
NAOMI AYALA is a Puerto Rican poet, educator, and translator who’s published three poetry collections—Wild Animals on the Moon (Curbstone Press, 1997); This Side of Early (Curbstone Imprint, Northwestern University Press, 2008); and Calling Home: Praise Songs & Incantations (Bilingual Press, 2013). She’s the translator of La sombra de la Muerte/Death’s Shadow, a novel by His Excellency José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican Republic’s Ambassador to the U.S., and of Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s poetry collection La arqueología del viento/The Wind’s Archeology. She’s the proud recipient of artist fellowships from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities as well as Special Recognition for Community Service from the U.S. Congress.
BRIAN GILMORE is a native of Washington DC. Bard and Barrister, he is the author of four collections of poetry, including come see about me marvin (Wayne State University Press), a 2020 Michigan Notable Book Award recipient. Gilmore is also the author of the forthcoming cultural history, No More Worlds To Conquer: The Black Poet in Washington DC Since Dunbar, to be published in 2025 by Georgetown University Press. He practiced public interest law for 28 years in Washington DC and Michigan and served as a Clinical Law Professor at Howard University School of Law and Michigan State University College of Law. Presently, he is Senior Lecturer at the University of Maryland - College Park in the Law and Society Program (MLAW).
IT'S ALL FREE. REGISTER NOW at estherproductionsinc.com/events
For more information: [email protected]
Esther Productions Inc. is supported by generous contributions—past and present--from Kerry S. Pearson LLC, Emmanuel Bailey, Veterans Services Corp, Pepco, an Exelon Company, A.Scott Bolden, David Jannarone, HumanitiesDC, Lesa Warrick, Rosalind Blunt, Betty Nyangoni and Esther’s Friends.
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abneyartist · 26 days
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Sept. 14, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
About the event
MidnightRose is a showcase of the multigenerational, multicultural writers in the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. Experience the richness of the community through the presentations of award-winning poets and authors. Come allow the words to inspire and empower you.
E. ETHELBERT MILLER is a literary activist and author of two memoirs and several poetry collections including his baseball trilogy: If God Invented Baseball, When Your Wife Has Tommy John Surgery and How I Found Love Behind the Catcher’s Mask published by City Point Press. He hosts the WPFW morning radio show On the Margin with E. Ethelbert Miller and hosts and produces The Scholars on UDC-TV which received a 2020 Telly Award. He is Associate Editor and a columnist for The American Book Review. He was given a 2020 congressional award from Congressman Jamie Raskin in recognition of his literary activism, awarded the 2022 Howard Zinn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and named a 2023 Grammy Nominee Finalist for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. On March 2, 2024, Miller received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to African American Literature and DC’s literary community from Esther Productions Inc. On September 18, 2024, he will receive the Furious Flower Lifetime Achievement Award.
NAOMI AYALA is a Puerto Rican poet, educator, and translator who’s published three poetry collections—Wild Animals on the Moon (Curbstone Press, 1997); This Side of Early (Curbstone Imprint, Northwestern University Press, 2008); and Calling Home: Praise Songs & Incantations (Bilingual Press, 2013). She’s the translator of La sombra de la Muerte/Death’s Shadow, a novel by His Excellency José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican Republic’s Ambassador to the U.S., and of Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s poetry collection La arqueología del viento/The Wind’s Archeology. She’s the proud recipient of artist fellowships from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities as well as Special Recognition for Community Service from the U.S. Congress.
BRIAN GILMORE is a native of Washington DC. Bard and Barrister, he is the author of four collections of poetry, including come see about me marvin (Wayne State University Press), a 2020 Michigan Notable Book Award recipient. Gilmore is also the author of the forthcoming cultural history, No More Worlds To Conquer: The Black Poet in Washington DC Since Dunbar, to be published in 2025 by Georgetown University Press. He practiced public interest law for 28 years in Washington DC and Michigan and served as a Clinical Law Professor at Howard University School of Law and Michigan State University College of Law. Presently, he is Senior Lecturer at the University of Maryland - College Park in the Law and Society Program (MLAW).
IT'S ALL FREE. REGISTER NOW at estherproductionsinc.com/events
For more information: [email protected]
Esther Productions Inc. is supported by generous contributions—past and present--from Kerry S. Pearson LLC, Emmanuel Bailey, Veterans Services Corp, Pepco, an Exelon Company, A.Scott Bolden, David Jannarone, HumanitiesDC, Lesa Warrick, Rosalind Blunt, Betty Nyangoni and Esther’s Friends.
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msafrikaabney · 1 month
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MidnightRose: A Reading Series of Poetry & Prose 
Sept. 14, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Tenley-Friendship Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA
About the event
MidnightRose is a showcase of the multigenerational, multicultural writers in the Washington Metropolitan Region and beyond. Experience the richness of the community through the presentations of award-winning poets and authors. Come allow the words to inspire and empower you.
E. ETHELBERT MILLER is a literary activist and author of two memoirs and several poetry collections including his baseball trilogy: If God Invented Baseball, When Your Wife Has Tommy John Surgery and How I Found Love Behind the Catcher’s Mask published by City Point Press. He hosts the WPFW morning radio show On the Margin with E. Ethelbert Miller and hosts and produces The Scholars on UDC-TV which received a 2020 Telly Award. He is Associate Editor and a columnist for The American Book Review. He was given a 2020 congressional award from Congressman Jamie Raskin in recognition of his literary activism, awarded the 2022 Howard Zinn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and named a 2023 Grammy Nominee Finalist for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. On March 2, 2024, Miller received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to African American Literature and DC’s literary community from Esther Productions Inc. On September 18, 2024, he will receive the Furious Flower Lifetime Achievement Award.
NAOMI AYALA is a Puerto Rican poet, educator, and translator who’s published three poetry collections—Wild Animals on the Moon (Curbstone Press, 1997); This Side of Early (Curbstone Imprint, Northwestern University Press, 2008); and Calling Home: Praise Songs & Incantations (Bilingual Press, 2013). She’s the translator of La sombra de la Muerte/Death’s Shadow, a novel by His Excellency José Tomás Pérez, the Dominican Republic’s Ambassador to the U.S., and of Luis Alberto Ambroggio’s poetry collection La arqueología del viento/The Wind’s Archeology. She’s the proud recipient of artist fellowships from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities as well as Special Recognition for Community Service from the U.S. Congress.
BRIAN GILMORE is a native of Washington DC. Bard and Barrister, he is the author of four collections of poetry, including come see about me marvin (Wayne State University Press), a 2020 Michigan Notable Book Award recipient. Gilmore is also the author of the forthcoming cultural history, No More Worlds To Conquer: The Black Poet in Washington DC Since Dunbar, to be published in 2025 by Georgetown University Press. He practiced public interest law for 28 years in Washington DC and Michigan and served as a Clinical Law Professor at Howard University School of Law and Michigan State University College of Law. Presently, he is Senior Lecturer at the University of Maryland - College Park in the Law and Society Program (MLAW).
IT'S ALL FREE. REGISTER NOW at estherproductionsinc.com/events
For more information: [email protected]
Esther Productions Inc. is supported by generous contributions—past and present--from Kerry S. Pearson LLC, Emmanuel Bailey, Veterans Services Corp, Pepco, an Exelon Company, A.Scott Bolden, David Jannarone, HumanitiesDC, Lesa Warrick, Rosalind Blunt, Betty Nyangoni and Esther’s Friends.
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nel-world · 3 months
Early Life:
Birth Name: Demario DeWayne White Jr.
Born: September 22, 1991, in Memphis, Tennessee.
Family: Raised by a single mother; oldest of three siblings.
Childhood: Difficult upbringing with financial struggles, often lacking basic necessities. Despite his mother's efforts to provide and keep them safe, Moneybagg Yo frequently ran away and sought refuge with friends or on the streets.
Education: Attended Mitchell High School, where he earned his stage name "Moneybagg Yo" as a tribute to his "hustler's mentality." Dropped out in the 12th grade due to feeling that school was not financially beneficial and to help provide for his family.
Early Career:
Entrepreneurial Pursuits: Turned to selling drugs to support his family. Began developing a passion for music, inspired by the financial success of peers in the rap industry.
First Single: Released "F U Pay Me" in 2011.
Local Scene: Built a following in the Memphis rap scene, performing and gaining recognition.
Career Highlights: 2011–2013: Early Life and Career
Mixtapes: Released several mixtapes, including Da Block 2 Da Booth in 2012.
Family Influence: His best friend Elo encouraged him to pursue a music career. Elo's death in 2015 prompted Moneybagg Yo to take his career more seriously. Released a tribute CD titled ELO (Everybody Lives On).
2016–2018: Release of Several Mixtapes and Debut Studio Album, Reset
Collaborations: Worked with Yo Gotti on 2 Federal (2016) and YoungBoy Never Broke Again on Fed Baby's (2017).
Interscope Records: Released Federal 3X (2017) under Interscope Records.
Mixtapes and Debut Album: Released Heartless (2017), 2 Heartless (2018), and debut studio album Reset (2018).
2019–2021: 43va Heartless, Time Served, and A Gangsta's Pain
Albums: Released 43va Heartless (2019), Time Served (2020), and A Gangsta's Pain (2021).
Chart Success: Achieved his first number-one album with A Gangsta's Pain, featuring guest artists like Future, Polo G, Lil Durk, and Jhené Aiko.
Hit Singles: "All Dat," "U Played," and "Said Sum."
Personal Life:
Community: Grew up in Walker Homes, a neighborhood known for high crime rates and gang activity.
Life-Threatening Experiences: Survived a shooting incident at a family picnic in 2011, which motivated him to work harder on his music career.
Motivation: Driven by a desire to make a better life for himself and his family, using his challenging experiences to fuel his music.
Notable Quotes:
Character: "I came from the gutter part of Memphis—like the bottom. To just have tunnel vision to get out should really tell you about my character." (2021 interview with Rolling Stone)
Survival: "If someone can make it out of Memphis, they're a soldier and meant to be here." (2021 interview with Rolling Stone)
Moneybagg Yo's journey from a challenging childhood in South Memphis to a successful rap career highlights his resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and provide for his family through music.
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editors-desk · 7 months
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http://marc-bolan.com Marc Bolan was an English guitarist, singer-songwriter and poet. He was a pioneer of the glam rock movement in the early 1970s with his band T. Rex.
image: t-rex - marc bolen © Edward Przydzial ecpi
Marc Bolan English guitarist and singer (1947–1977)
T. Rex. Bolan strongly influenced artists of many genres, including glam rock, punk, post-punk, new wave, indie rock, Britpop and alternative rock. He was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2020 as a member of T. Rex. Topix Newswire -
Birth name: Mark Feld Born: September 30 1947 Homerton London England (UK)* Age at death: 29 years
notable: bang the gong, slider...
http://youtu.be/2t13ifK5hgY?si=AqlsMgMFQr_hBi6w seduce - slider
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