#Not seen; Wild and Legend watching Reader have their revelation and making bets
So idk why but I forgot you did requests. Now im suffering at the poly Sky and Warriors stuff-
Insanity what did you do to me I hate this.
My lovely Enno! Happy 100 and I hope the summer goes well for you! This has been sitting in my drafts for ages but I hope you enjoy what I have to offer you! Also please go follow Enno's wonderful LU x Reader blog, @cafecourage
The guys had been having fun and taking a moment to spar with each other while you decided to sit on a nearby log, sweating from your own lesson with Twilight who had been remarkably patient with you as he led you through some basic drills.
You took a long swig of the water you'd been handed and absently watched as Sky and Warriors traded barbs and blows. Both of them looked as if they were thoroughly enjoying themselves with wide grins, bright eyes and sweaty faces.
Warriors made eye contact with you and winked.
Letting out a low giggle, you didn’t notice Sky’s eyes dart towards you then back to his opponent and narrowed in on him. Warriors twirled his sword with a flourish and smirked.
You watched with ever wider eyes as the blows got more and more powerful and quick. You could barely keep up as Sky swiped at Warriors who backflipped out of the way.
The spar between them got more and more extravagant, with each of them pulling moves you had never seen before.
Next to you, Twilight snorted lightly with an amused tone. “Show-offs.”
“What do you mean?” You asked without taking your eyes off the way Sky easily slide to the side, his hair shining in the sun, and the way Warriors pulled some fancy footwork to block his retaliation, a loud laugh breaking his composure.
Twilight laughed again then ruffled his hand in your hair causing you to finally break eye contact with the fight and bat him off. He left you on the log to join Time and Four who were focused on Wind.
That was the third time this week one of the group had made a comment about Sky and Warriors before refusing to explain and it was starting to get on your nerves.
You turned back to the spar and saw Sky do something that made Warriors unable to block a strike before the point of the sword was held to his neck.
There was a beat of silence before they both grinned and shook hands, panting from the exertion. You quickly gathered up the water skins and trotted over to them with a wide grin.
“That was amazing!” You couldn’t help but gush.
Sky took the water first and took several sips while Warriors turned to you.
“And you, my dear, are a goddess-sent. Thank you.” He took the offered water and sipped it as well.
Your eyes caught on his throat swallowing the water before Sky caught your attention as he licked a couple of drops from his lips.
“How’d the lesson go? We saw a bit and you were doing really well!”
You couldn’t help but soften at the praise. “Well, I won’t be fighting alongside you guys any time soon, but I think it went well.”
A hand held your shoulder and you turned to see Warriors smiling softly at you. “We mean it. You are improving very quickly and we'd be happy to give you any pointers if you'd like."
Your stomach fluttered and a strange warmth passed over your cheeks. A feeling that had been reoccurring very frequently over the past couple of weeks.
"Of course." Sky nudged you companionably before turning back to Warriors. "Best out of three?"
Warriors smirked and your heart swooped. He flourished his sword again. "I'm going to need to redeem myself."
Sky also smirked and your breath caught. "I guess that means our lovely friend here will just have to judge it for themselves."
Warriors brushed a hand over your burning cheek. "Will you judge for us?"
Sky brushed a small errant strand of hair away from your face. "It'll be good to have someone watching."
Dazedly, you nodded absently and stepped aside as the two took up stances.
With a flash of steel and twin grunts, the two launched themselves at each other again.
You could barely pay attention to the way Warriors nearly danced out of reach and the way Sky showed his deep skill.
Your heart was thudding so loudly in your chest, you were surprised the others couldn't hear it and your face was burning from where the two had touched you.
Oh no.
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