izumeno · 8 days
Rewriting Sonia Nevermind
Heya, last time we talked about, rewriting Akane Owari. I think my friend really liked the concept I made and because you seemed to like it too, it's time to rewrite my least favorite DR2 girl.
That being, Sonia Nevermind.
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I am not a huge fan of her. She barely has any depth, barely much focus or even an own character arc. She is just a nice girl, who happens to be a princess and a funny foreigner. Well, I think we can do so much more with her, so here are some ideas, to improve her. Feel free to disagree with me.
Okay so personality wise, I would keep her friendly nature. But I would also at the same time make her a tad more creepy and her love with serial killers, the occult and dark topics more pronounced. She would talk about it a lot more and a few times, giggles excited when she talks about such topics. This may make her seem like that she is loving serial killers and is romanticizing them, which causes her classmates to be a bit wary off her. In reality, she doesn't condone those crimes of course and she is simply fascinated and passionate about those dark topics. Why she has that fascination to begin with, will be explained later.
I would change Sonia's outfit slightly. She will wear a dark hoodie, one with some white symbols along a pair of blue jeans. Her nails would be painted pink and her face would look as pretty, as in canon. Her hair is a bit more braided from behind, given her a regal appearance. Now, why am I giving Sonia such a strange look? Well, like in canon, Sonia wants to be seen as a normal student by the others and therefore, she is wearing more casual clothing in order to seem more natural and to fit in with the rest. She is not a tomboy by any means and simply wears a hoodie, because its comfortable and because she is not that much of a fan of showing skin. Also, I think the dark clothing contrasts great with her golden blonde hair, so there's that.
Now, as I mentioned in the Personality Subsection, there's a reason Sonia is obsessed with serial killers and that has something to do, with her past. See, when Sonia was younger, she had a sister. One that was supposed to be the one next in line and become the future queen of Nosovelic. However, on the day that she was going to get crowned, (Sonia was 13 at the time), her sister was assassinated by a known serial killer in Nosovelic. This event traumatized Sonia of course and she began to study serial killers and their patterns, in order to partially learn from their methods, to possibly find the killer of her sister one day and also to cope with the loss of her sister. Gundham and her bonded because of their shared interests and they confide each other, thanks to their shared past too.
However, thanks to researching so many killers, Sonia began to develop some dark urges, like light sadism and a somewhat petty nature. She is aware of that of course, but she is trying her best to contain those negative aspects of course. Her light sadism only comes out, when Kazuichi begins to stalk her and she belittles him subtly out of annoyance and as a way, to vent out her darker aspects. Even though Sonia is still holding back and doesn't want to seriously hurt Kazuichi. I can imagine Sonia eventually opening up to Kazuichi and outright telling him, how his behavior creeps her out and Kazuichi will eventually realize it too and then tries to stop stalking her. I do see potential of them becoming somewhat good friends in the future though.
A few notes about Nosovelic in this rewritten version of mine:
-It's located between Montenegro and Albania
-It's a Parliamentary Monarchy and after Sonia's fall into despair, she stages a coup and turns it into an absolute monarchy.
-The main language is Nosovelician, a mix of German, Dutch and Albanian.
-Military knowledge and education is mandatory, because Nosovelic had been invaded countless times during its tenure.
-It was not part of the Eastern Bloc and remained neutral, throughout the cold war.
-Its closest economic partners are Germany, Bulgaria and Albania.
-The country itself has some LGBT right issues, something Sonia wants to fix.
Additional Notes regarding Sonia:
-She practices martial arts and military training. Sometimes during practice, she comes and teaches the other soldier trainees. Her rank is General.
-Her Japanese has a bit of an east European accent. She speaks European languages, like German, Dutch, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Ukrainian more fluid though.
-Apart from researching about serial killers, she also reads tons of political and economical books.
-The only subject Sonia struggled with in school, was Biology and Math.
And that's it! I hope ya liked my rewrite ideas for Sonia and if ya enjoy it, feel free to leave a like and re-post it. Until next time!
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when-they-meow · 7 months
I've just had a horrifying realisation. Sonia Nevermind Danganronpa and Rose Nylund Golden Girls are the same character.
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drippingviolets3 · 3 years
Hey bestie, can I get Kazuichi x buff! Reader?
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Of course, the perfect simp to match you bestie 💜
Kazuichi and a buff! S/O
•He most likely met you through Akane. She would not for the life of her shut up about this super strong person she fought. The whole class knew about you, so it was only a matter of time until she actually introduced you to them.
•It doesn’t matter what you looked like. Lean with muscles, or as buff as Sakura, Kazuichi was smitten at first glance. His eyes went all sparkly and everything (y’all know what sprite I’m talking about). But then denial set in and he tried to play it cool and act like he totally wasn’t in love with you.
•But we all know this simp is weak. The facade didn’t even last a full week.
•You have earned Sonia (and now all of Nosovelic) gratitude and service for finally getting Kazuichi to leave her alone
•Anyways, obviously he asked you our right away once he came to terms with this crush, and you agreed because apparently you have a thing for masochists-*COUGH*
•Getting back on track, he asks for your help with his builds a lot. Even if it’s stuff he could easily carry himself. He just wants an excuse to see you
•Bridal carry this man. I beg you. He will melt in your arms and throw his arms around your neck while laying his head on you and akfbakdjkw-
•It’s a beautiful and wholesome sight to witness
•He tests your strength a lot! Be prepared for him to run over to you asking if you’re strong enough to carry some giant ass chuck of metal he somehow got ahold of
•When you do pick it up, he gets so excited istg. His train of thought is just “oh my god that’s really my S/O they’re so cool and strong and AHHHH-“
•Haha, simp.
•He feels a lot safer letting a strong S/O around his machines since he believes that if something was to go wrong, you’d be strong enough to not get seriously injured.
•Please still be careful though. The guy’s inventions can be crazy.
•He gushes about you to Fuyuhiko and Hajime. Now they’re both hella insecure about their strength. Not like Kazuichi notices or cares anyways.
•Overall he’s just in love with you. That’s really all there is to it.
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ouranswer · 4 years
Baby's first anon encounter!
I’m not a baby, I’m a serious investigator.
“…Yukie, the opera box.”
The older detective’s voice was as cold as ice. She glanced at the royal family’s seats yet again, only to spot them all napping away. Even the security guards were—
“I’ll go check on them,” Olliver got up from his seat, already at the door when she turned her head. “DuPont might show up while I’m not looking, so stay here.”
Yukie had no time to respond. …Sheesh, Holmes, at least let me have a say in the matter. Wouldn’t it be best if he stayed here? I can check on the Nosovelic royal family too. I’m competent enough.
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ouranswer · 4 years
Yukie was hesitant to accept an invitation to the opera. She was a fan of the music, and she was a fan of the acting, but… she shouldn’t be. When she first expressed interest in, one day, watching an opera live, her father reprimanded her and left her without any food for the night. It was frivolous, emotional garbage, one that she couldn’t waste her time on. However, she was invited by none other than her mentor and a great detective, Olliver Carlisle, and after being confided in with the knowledge that Louis DuPont’s target would be in that opera house! That was basically a business venture now… right? She was definitely not trying to excuse her un-detective behavior!
Though… Holmes has a knack for disguising breaks and leisure moments as work. Well, it’s too late now.
With a sigh, she crossed her legs on her seat. Olliver was, well, wealthier than Yukie had ever been; they were in one of the opera boxes that had a great view of the stage, and she was sporting a magnificent dress that didn’t feel like hers at all. Did she dislike it? …Well, no. She enjoyed the aesthetic more than other people would, and she felt like a young lady from the Victorian era, visiting France in a nice trip, but it did feel impractical considering their task there. Many officers were stationed outside the opera house, and many were amongst the audience, so perhaps Olliver didn’t expect her to have to move much?
A hand landed on her head. Yukie’s thoughts ceased, as the hand caressed her hair with extreme delicacy. She knew who it was, but still, she looked to the side.
“Focus on the stage for once,” Carlisle smiled brightly, his eyes never leaving the opposite side of the room. “You’re a consultant, but I began as a practical detective. Worry not, darling, this is all under control.”
He was positively stunning. He refused to change his hair for the occasion, even when insisting she braided her hair, and he was dressed in clothes befitting for a Victorian noble. In a way, he perfectly matched Yukie, though his elegance wasn’t fabricated or ingrained in little things like the hair or the makeup. His every gesture was like a flower drifting in a river, like his hands were ornaments rather than limbs. She looked away, hoping the red of her cheeks wouldn’t be noticed.
It’s not time to keep thinking of pretty boys, Kisarijo. Focus on the case! Princess Rosavelia and the rest of the Nosovelic royalty are counting on you. You can’t afford to mess this up!
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