#Norval Sinclair Marley
omg-lucio · 4 months
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Fotografía poco común del veterano del ejército británico Norval Sinclair Marley, oficial jamaicano blanco que fue padre del cantante de reggae jamaicano Bob Marley, década de 1930
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agendaculturaldelima · 5 months
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🎬 “BOB MARLEY. ONE LOVE” [Bob Marley, la leyenda] ☮️💚💛❤️✊
🔎 Género: Drama / Biográfico / Música
⌛️ Duración: 104 minutos
✍️ Guión: Terence Winter, Reinaldo Marcus Green, Frank E. Flowers y Zach Baylin.
📕 Historia: Terence Winter y Frank E. Flowers
🎼 Música: Kris Bowers
📷 Fotografía: Robert Elswit
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🗯 Argumento: Una celebración de la vida y la música de un icono que inspiró a generaciones a través de su mensaje de amor y unidad. Por primera vez en la gran pantalla, descubrimos la impactante historia de superación de la adversidad de Bob y la travesía que subyace a su música revolucionaria.
👥 Reparto: Kingsley Ben-Adir (Bob Marley), Lashana Lynch (Rita Marley), James Norton (Chris Blackwell), Umi Myers (Cindy Breakspeare), Jesse Cilio (Norval Sinclair Marley), Sevana (Judy Mowatt), Tosin Cole (Tyrone Downie), Michael Gandolfini, Nadine Marshall y Anthony Welsh
📢 Dirección: Reinaldo Marcus Green
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© Productoras: Paramount Pictures, Tuff Gong Pictures & Plan B Entertainment
💻 Distribuidora: Paramount Pictures
🌎 País: Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 2024
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📆 Miércoles 14 de Febrero
📽 Cartelera Nacional: Cineplanet / Cinemark Perú / Cinépolis / Multicines Cinestar
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nerdwelt · 1 year
Schon gewusst..? Bob Marley sein Vater war eine "Kalkleiste"
Schon gewusst..? Bob Marley sein Vater war eine “Kalkleiste”. Das bedeutet, dass er ein weißer Mann war, der in Jamaika lebte. Er hieß Norval Sinclair Marley und war ein britischer Marineoffizier. Er heiratete Bob Marleys Mutter, Cedella Booker, als sie erst 18 Jahre alt war. Er war 32 Jahre älter als sie. Norval Sinclair Marley, der 1885 im Vereinigten Königreich geboren wurde, wurde nur selten…
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lyrasky · 4 years
【Bob Marley and the Wailers/ Redemption Song】和訳 解説 ボブ・マーレーの願い Bob Marley's Hope
【Bob Marley and the Wailers/Redemptin Song】和訳 解説ボブ・マーレーの願いBob Marley's Hope #bobmarley #redemptionsong #uprising #RobertNestaMarley #ボブマーリー #reggae #rasta #PanAfricanist #MarcusGarvey #ラスタファリアン #cedellabooker #セデラブッカー #ritaanderson #petertosh #bunnywailer
世界中が知っているであろうラスタのシンボリックなお方、Bob Marley。
もしかしたらドレッド= Bob Marlyかもね。
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Wie is Bob Marley's vader?
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Als je van reggae en Bob Marley houdt, heb je je waarschijnlijk afgevraagd wie zijn ouders waren. We weten van Mama B, Cedella, de moeder van de zanger, maar minder is bekend over zijn vader, Norval Sinclair Marley, een Brit die een weinig vleiende herinnering heeft achtergelaten. Wil je meer weten over deze vader die vaak als onwaardig wordt beschouwd? Als fan van rastafarisme en reggae is het niet meer dan normaal dat ik meer zou willen weten over de iconische Bob Marley. Dus begon ik onderzoek te doen naar de ouders van de zanger en meer in het bijzonder, voor dit artikel, naar zijn vader. Het onderzoek was niet gemakkelijk, want we hebben weinig informatie en wat er van de man over is, is niet erg vleiend. Maar ik ben erin geslaagd nuttige informatie te verzamelen om het personage en de invloeden die hij op zijn zoon had, beter te begrijpen.
Bob Marley is de zoon van Cedella Malcolm en Norval Marley. De laatste was een blanke Britse man die werd gezien als onttrekker aan zijn verantwoordelijkheden, verachtelijk, waarschijnlijk een leugenaar, en in ieder geval niet erg eerbaar.
Bob Marley is de zoon van Cedella Malcolm en Norval Marley. De laatste was een blanke Britse man die werd gezien als onttrekker aan zijn verantwoordelijkheden, verachtelijk, waarschijnlijk een leugenaar, en in ieder geval niet erg eerbaar.
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Om meer te weten te komen over de vader van de zanger, ontdek je via dit artikel :
Wat is er bekend over Norval Marley;
Wat we ons kunnen voorstellen over N. Marley;
De invloeden die hij had op zijn zoon.
Klaar om de vader van de reggae legende te ontmoeten? Maak het u gemakkelijk en kom alles te weten wat u moet weten door ons artikel te lezen.
Jamaica was nog onder Brits bewind toen Bob Marley in 1945 werd geboren. Sporen van slavernij waren nog zeer aanwezig en racisme was nog wijdverbreid. Het was in deze moeilijke omgeving dat Cedella, een Afro-Caribische vrouw, een relatie begon met een Britse man.
a) Norval Marley
Norval Sinclair Marley was de voorman van de plantage van Cedella Malcolm's ouders. Geboren in 1885 (datum niet zeker), in Jamaica (Clarendon parish), was hij de zoon van Albert Thomas Marley (overleden 1 februari 1885 in Panama) en Ellen Bloomfield. Zijn vader was afkomstig uit Essex (Little Warley), zijn moeder was geboren in Jamaica in een Britse kolonistenfamilie. Hij had een broer die in 1938 op 53-jarige leeftijd in Jamaica overleed. Zijn moeder overleed op 25 oktober 1952, 67 jaar oud, ook in Jamaica.
Er zijn maar weinig gegevens over zijn leven. We weten dat hij als jonge man in Cuba werkte als ferrobetonwerker. Later is er enig bewijs van zijn aanwezigheid in het Britse leger tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hij sloot zich in 1916 aan bij de troepen in Liverpool (hij had Jamaica dus verlaten) en ging bij het Arbeidskorps. Hij keerde terug naar Jamaica op een onzekere datum. Het is bekend dat hij enige tijd op de boerderij van Cedella's ouders heeft gewerkt. Daar ontmoette hij het jonge meisje (zij was 17 jaar oud) toen hij 59 jaar oud was. Uit deze relatie werd Bob Marley geboren. De man stelde zich voor als kapitein bij de Royal Marines. Daar is echter geen bewijs voor. Hij eiste niettemin dat de mensen die hij ontmoette hem kapitein noemden. Het echtpaar was onderworpen aan de raciale vooroordelen die zo overheersend waren in het gebied. Een gemengd stel wordt door zowel blanken als zwarten inderdaad als zeer slecht beschouwd. Maar zij zullen deze verbintenis verwezenlijken met een huwelijksceremonie en een kind.
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b) Een man met een nomadische geest
De man lijkt nogal onstabiel en beweegt veel. Zelfs na zijn huwelijk met Cedella op 9 juni 1944 (8 maanden voor de geboorte van de zangeres). In feite was hij bijna nooit aanwezig aan de zijde van de jonge moeder. We weten dat hij zijn baan op de boerderij opgaf en van tijd tot tijd naar Kingston verhuisde. Er is heel weinig bewijs van wat de man tijdens zijn leven deed. Als marinier moet hij veel gereisd hebben. Maar afgezien van zijn werk in Cuba en zijn tijd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog, is er niets bekend. We zijn te weten gekomen dat hij heel weinig zorg droeg voor zijn zoon. Maar ook al bleef hij weg, toch stuurde hij af en toe geld naar zijn familie. We weten ook dat hij af en toe voor zijn zoon zorgde. Toen Bob Marley 8 jaar oud was, nam hij hem mee om in de hoofdstad te gaan wonen. Hij zei tegen zijn moeder dat het kind dan naar een goede school kon gaan. In feite ontdekte zij bij toeval dat het kind niet naar school ging, maar zijn tijd doorbracht met werken voor een bejaarde vrouw (Norval ontving zijn schamele salaris) en rondhangen op straat. Deze twee jaar zijn de langste periode die hij met zijn zoon doorbrengt. Dit is het enige verslag dat we hebben van Norval Marley na zijn huwelijk. Maar de man omringde zich ook met legendes.
De man heeft ongetwijfeld zijn 'CV' in de loop der tijd opgebouwd. De weinige informatie die we nog hebben laat ruimte voor allerlei hypotheses.
a) Een soldaat als ieder ander
Hij gaat er prat op dat hij lid is van de Royal Marines, maar er is geen bewijs van deze verbintenis dat het waar is. In feite is het zeer waarschijnlijk dat de 'Kapitein' er nooit een was.
We hebben slechts één officieel verslag van zijn soldatengeschiedenis, waarin staat dat hij in het Labours Corps zat. Dit korps van het Britse leger nam vanaf 1916 mannen in slechte gezondheid op. Misschien was dit het geval met Norval? Deze eenheden waren actief aan de West-Europese kust en in Salonika. De soldaten namen al het handwerk op zich: werken aan de spoorwegen, schepen lossen in de havens, enz.
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b) Controversiële oorsprong
Norval's neef, Michael George Marley, noemde een bepaald stukje informatie. Volgens hem zijn de Marleys een familie afkomstig uit Syrië, die via Engeland naar Jamaica is gekomen. De Marley familie is, volgens deze informatie, Joods. Maar er is geen getuigenis om dit te bevestigen. Verschillende leden van de familie betwisten het zelfs (zoals Christopher Marley).
Norval stierf toen zijn zoon nog heel jong was. De precieze datum van zijn overlijden tussen 1955 (mogelijk 10 augustus) en 1957 is niet bekend. Het is echter bekend dat hij in Jamaica begraven is, op dezelfde begraafplaats als zijn zoon. De relatie tussen de man en zijn zoon was kort maar intens.
a) Een bijzondere vader
Zoals we gezien hebben, lijkt Norval niet veel belangstelling te hebben gehad voor zijn zoon. Vanaf het moment van zijn geboorte, blijft hij een grote afwezige. Niettemin stuurt hij van tijd tot tijd geld om zijn vrouw in staat te stellen voor hun zoon te zorgen. Toen hij in 1953 tegen zijn vrouw loog om zijn kind terug te krijgen, kan men aannemen dat hij het nut ervan inzag een jong kind te laten werken om aan geld te komen. Deze episode heeft een blijvend stempel gedrukt op de zeer jonge Bob. Bob, die opnieuw contact wilde leggen met zijn afwezige vader, ontdekte een harde man die hem afwees. Hij verhaalt over deze episode in "Corner Stone '', het verhaal van een steen die door de bouwer wordt geweigerd en die niettemin het hoofdbestanddeel van zijn werk vormt.
b) De Joodse oorsprong van de Marley familie?
Er is al gezegd dat de Syrisch-Joodse afkomst van de familie Marley nog steeds niet bewezen is. Maar misschien heeft Norval het aan zijn zoon verteld tijdens hun korte ontmoetingen? Het is mogelijk dat deze connectie een belangrijke rol speelde toen Bob Marley geïnteresseerd raakte in Rastafari. Hij was in staat een gemeenschappelijk verband te vinden tussen de geschiedenis van Rastafari en zijn eigen afkomst, ook al was die verzonnen.
Wel, zoals je misschien al geraden en gemerkt hebt (!), is er niet veel bekend over Norval Sinclair Marley. Hij was soldaat, steward, Cedella's echtgenoot, en Bob's vader, maar voor de rest, extrapoleren we veel. Je weet nu alles wat er te weten valt over deze afwezige maar belangrijke man en je zult in staat zijn alle vragen te beantwoorden van degenen die meer willen weten over Bob Marley en zijn ouders. En aarzel niet om hieronder te klikken om de decoratieve accessoires te vinden die je nodig hebt om je pass
rastafarimarket team
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blackkudos · 4 years
Bob Marley
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Robert Nesta Marley, (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer, songwriter and musician. Considered one of the pioneers of reggae, his musical career was marked by fusing elements of reggae, ska, and rocksteady, as well as his distinctive vocal and songwriting style. Marley's contributions to music increased the visibility of Jamaican music worldwide, and made him a global figure in popular culture for over a decade. Over the course of his career Marley became known as a Rastafari icon, and he infused his music with a sense of spirituality. He is also considered a global symbol of Jamaican music and culture and identity, and was controversial in his outspoken support for the legalization of marijuana, while he also advocated for Pan-Africanism.
Born in Nine Mile, British Jamaica, Marley began his professional musical career in 1963, after forming Bob Marley and the Wailers. The group released its debut studio album The Wailing Wailers in 1965, which contained the single "One Love/People Get Ready"; the song was popular worldwide, and established the group as a rising figure in reggae. The Wailers subsequently released eleven further studio albums; while initially employing louder instrumentation and singing, the group began engaging in rhythmic-based song construction in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which coincided with the singer's conversion to Rastafarianism. During this period Marley relocated to London, and the group typified their musical shift with the release of the album The Best of The Wailers (1971).
The group attained international success after the release of the albums Catch a Fire and Burnin' (both 1973), and forged a reputation as touring artists. Following the disbandment of the Wailers a year later, Marley went on to release his solo material under the band's name. His debut studio album Natty Dread (1974) received positive reception, as did its follow-up Rastaman Vibration (1976). A few months after the album's release Marley survived an assassination attempt at his home in Jamaica, which prompted him to permanently relocate to London. During his time in London he recorded the album Exodus (1977); it incorporated elements of blues, soul, and British rock, enjoyed widespread commercial and critical success.
In 1977, Marley was diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma; he died as a result of the illness in 1981. His fans around the world expressed their grief, and he received a state funeral in Jamaica. The greatest hits album Legend was released in 1984, and became the best-selling reggae album of all time. Marley also ranks as one of the best-selling music artists of all time, with estimated sales of more than 75 million records worldwide. He was posthumously honored by Jamaica soon after his death with a designated Order of Merit by his nation. In 1994, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rolling Stone ranked him No. 11 on its list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.
Early life and career
Bob Marley was born on 6 February 1945 at the farm of his maternal grandfather in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, to Norval Sinclair Marley and Cedella Malcolm. Norval Marley was a white Jamaican originally from Sussex, whose family claimed to have Syrian Jewish origins. Norval claimed to have been a captain in the Royal Marines; at the time of his marriage to Cedella Malcolm, an Afro-Jamaican then 18 years old, he was employed as a plantation overseer. Bob Marley's full name is Robert Nesta Marley, though some sources give his birth name as Nesta Robert Marley, with a story that when Marley was still a boy a Jamaican passport official reversed his first and middle names because Nesta sounded like a girl's name. Norval provided financial support for his wife and child but seldom saw them as he was often away. Bob Marley attended Stepney Primary and Junior High School which serves the catchment area of Saint Ann. In 1955, when Bob Marley was 10 years old, his father died of a heart attack at the age of 70. Marley's mother went on later to marry Edward Booker, a civil servant from the United States, giving Marley two half-brothers: Richard and Anthony.
Bob Marley and Neville Livingston (later known as Bunny Wailer) had been childhood friends in Nine Mile. They had started to play music together while at Stepney Primary and Junior High School. Marley left Nine Mile with his mother when he was 12 and moved to Trenchtown, Kingston. She and Thadeus Livingston (Bunny Wailer's father) had a daughter together whom they named Claudette Pearl, who was a younger sister to both Bob and Bunny. Now that Marley and Livingston were living together in the same house in Trenchtown, their musical explorations deepened to include the latest R&B from United States radio stations whose broadcasts reached Jamaica, and the new ska music. The move to Trenchtown was proving to be fortuitous, and Marley soon found himself in a vocal group with Bunny Wailer, Peter Tosh, Beverley Kelso and Junior Braithwaite. Joe Higgs, who was part of the successful vocal act Higgs and Wilson, resided on 3rd St., and his singing partner Roy Wilson had been raised by the grandmother of Junior Braithwaite. Higgs and Wilson would rehearse at the back of the houses between 2nd and 3rd Streets, and soon, Marley (now residing on 2nd St.), Junior Braithwaite and the others were congregating around this successful duo. Marley and the others did not play any instruments at this time, and were more interested in being a vocal harmony group. Higgs was glad to help them develop their vocal harmonies, although more importantly, he had started to teach Marley how to play guitar—thereby creating the bedrock that would later allow Marley to construct some of the biggest-selling reggae songs in the history of the genre.
Musical career
1962–72: Early years
In February 1962, Marley recorded four songs, "Judge Not", "One Cup of Coffee", "Do You Still Love Me?" and "Terror", at Federal Studios for local music producer Leslie Kong. Three of the songs were released on Beverley's with "One Cup of Coffee" being released under the pseudonym Bobby Martell.
In 1963, Bob Marley, Bunny Wailer, Peter Tosh, Junior Braithwaite, Beverley Kelso, and Cherry Smith were called the Teenagers. They later changed the name to the Wailing Rudeboys, then to the Wailing Wailers, at which point they were discovered by record producer Coxsone Dodd, and finally to the Wailers. Their single "Simmer Down" for the Coxsone label became a Jamaican No. 1 in February 1964 selling an estimated 70,000 copies. The Wailers, now regularly recording for Studio One, found themselves working with established Jamaican musicians such as Ernest Ranglin (arranger "It Hurts To Be Alone"), the keyboardist Jackie Mittoo and saxophonist Roland Alphonso. By 1966, Braithwaite, Kelso, and Smith had left the Wailers, leaving the core trio of Bob Marley, Bunny Wailer, and Peter Tosh.
In 1966, Marley married Rita Anderson, and moved near his mother's residence in Wilmington, Delaware in the United States for a short time, during which he worked as a DuPont lab assistant and on the assembly line at a Chrysler plant in nearby Newark, under the alias Donald Marley.
Though raised as a Catholic, Marley became interested in Rastafari beliefs in the 1960s, when away from his mother's influence. After returning to Jamaica, Marley formally converted to Rastafari and began to grow dreadlocks.
After a financial disagreement with Dodd, Marley and his band teamed up with Lee "Scratch" Perry and his studio band, the Upsetters. Although the alliance lasted less than a year, they recorded what many consider the Wailers' finest work. Marley and Perry split after a dispute regarding the assignment of recording rights, but they would continue to work together.
1969 brought another change to Jamaican popular music in which the beat slowed down even further. The new beat was a slow, steady, ticking rhythm that was first heard on The Maytals song "Do the Reggay." Marley approached producer Leslie Kong, who was regarded as one of the major developers of the reggae sound. For the recordings, Kong combined the Wailers with his studio musicians called Beverley's All-Stars, which consisted of the bassists Lloyd Parks and Jackie Jackson, the drummer Paul Douglas, the keyboard players Gladstone Anderson and Winston Wright, and the guitarists Rad Bryan, Lynn Taitt, and Hux Brown. As David Moskowitz writes, "The tracks recorded in this session illustrated the Wailers' earliest efforts in the new reggae style. Gone are the ska trumpets and saxophones of the earlier songs, with instrumental breaks now being played by the electric guitar." The songs recorded would be released as the album The Best of The Wailers, including tracks "Soul Shakedown Party," "Stop That Train," "Caution," "Go Tell It on the Mountain," "Soon Come," "Can't You See," "Soul Captives," "Cheer Up," "Back Out," and "Do It Twice".
Between 1968 and 1972, Bob and Rita Marley, Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer re-cut some old tracks with JAD Records in Kingston and London in an attempt to commercialise the Wailers' sound. Bunny later asserted that these songs "should never be released on an album ... they were just demos for record companies to listen to". In 1968, Bob and Rita visited songwriter Jimmy Norman at his apartment in the Bronx. Norman had written the extended lyrics for Kai Winding's "Time Is on My Side" (covered by the Rolling Stones) and had also written for Johnny Nash and Jimi Hendrix. A three-day jam session with Norman and others, including Norman's co-writer Al Pyfrom, resulted in a 24-minute tape of Marley performing several of his own and Norman-Pyfrom's compositions. This tape is, according to Reggae archivist Roger Steffens, rare in that it was influenced by pop rather than reggae, as part of an effort to break Marley into the US charts. According to an article in The New York Times, Marley experimented on the tape with different sounds, adopting a doo-wop style on "Stay With Me" and "the slow love song style of 1960s artists" on "Splish for My Splash". An artist yet to establish himself outside his native Jamaica, Marley lived in Ridgmount Gardens, Bloomsbury, during 1972.
1972–74: Move to Island Records
In 1972, Bob Marley signed with CBS Records in London and embarked on a UK tour with soul singer Johnny Nash. While in London the Wailers asked their road manager Brent Clarke to introduce them to Chris Blackwell, who had licensed some of their Coxsone releases for his Island Records. The Wailers intended to discuss the royalties associated with these releases; instead, the meeting resulted in the offer of an advance of £4,000 to record an album. Since Jimmy Cliff, Island's top reggae star, had recently left the label, Blackwell was primed for a replacement. In Marley, Blackwell recognised the elements needed to snare the rock audience: "I was dealing with rock music, which was really rebel music. I felt that would really be the way to break Jamaican music. But you needed someone who could be that image. When Bob walked in he really was that image." The Wailers returned to Jamaica to record at Harry J's in Kingston, which resulted in the album Catch a Fire.
Primarily recorded on an eight-track, Catch a Fire marked the first time a reggae band had access to a state-of-the-art studio and were accorded the same care as their rock 'n' roll peers. Blackwell desired to create "more of a drifting, hypnotic-type feel than a reggae rhythm", and restructured Marley's mixes and arrangements. Marley travelled to London to supervise Blackwell's overdubbing of the album which included tempering the mix from the bass-heavy sound of Jamaican music and omitting two tracks.
The Wailers' first album for Island, Catch a Fire, was released worldwide in April 1973, packaged like a rock record with a unique Zippo lighter lift-top. Initially selling 14,000 units, it received a positive critical reception. It was followed later that year by the album Burnin' which included the song "I Shot the Sheriff". Eric Clapton was given the album by his guitarist George Terry in the hope that he would enjoy it. Clapton was impressed and chose to record a cover version of "I Shot the Sheriff" which became his first US hit since "Layla" two years earlier and reached number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 on 14 September 1974. Many Jamaicans were not keen on the new reggae sound on Catch a Fire, but the Trenchtown style of Burnin found fans across both reggae and rock audiences.
During this period, Blackwell gifted his Kingston residence and company headquarters at 56 Hope Road (then known as Island House) to Marley. Housing Tuff Gong Studios, the property became not only Marley's office but also his home.
The Wailers were scheduled to open 17 shows in the US for Sly and the Family Stone. After four shows, the band was fired because they were more popular than the acts they were opening for. The Wailers disbanded in 1974, with each of the three main members pursuing a solo career.
1974–76: Line-up changes and shooting
Despite the break-up, Marley continued recording as "Bob Marley & The Wailers". His new backing band included brothers Carlton and Aston "Family Man" Barrett on drums and bass respectively, Junior Marvin and Al Anderson on lead guitar, Tyrone Downie and Earl "Wya" Lindo on keyboards, and Alvin "Seeco" Patterson on percussion. The "I Threes", consisting of Judy Mowatt, Marcia Griffiths, and Marley's wife, Rita, provided backing vocals. In 1975, Marley had his international breakthrough with his first hit outside Jamaica, with a live version of "No Woman, No Cry", from the Live! album. This was followed by his breakthrough album in the United States, Rastaman Vibration (1976), which reached the Top 50 of the Billboard Soul Charts.
On 3 December 1976, two days before "Smile Jamaica", a free concert organised by the Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley in an attempt to ease tension between two warring political groups, Marley, his wife, and manager Don Taylor were wounded in an assault by unknown gunmen inside Marley's home. Taylor and Marley's wife sustained serious injuries but later made full recoveries. Bob Marley received minor wounds in the chest and arm. The attempt on his life was thought to have been politically motivated, as many felt the concert was really a support rally for Manley. Nonetheless, the concert proceeded, and an injured Marley performed as scheduled, two days after the attempt. When asked why, Marley responded, "The people who are trying to make this world worse aren't taking a day off. How can I?" The members of the group Zap Pow played as Bob Marley's backup band before a festival crowd of 80,000 while members of The Wailers were still missing or in hiding.
1976–79: Relocation to England
Marley left Jamaica at the end of 1976, and after a month-long "recovery and writing" sojourn at the site of Chris Blackwell's Compass Point Studios in Nassau, Bahamas, arrived in England, where he spent two years in self-imposed exile.
Whilst in England, he recorded the albums Exodus and Kaya. Exodus stayed on the British album charts for 56 consecutive weeks. It included four UK hit singles: "Exodus", "Waiting in Vain", "Jamming", and "One Love" (a rendition of Curtis Mayfield's hit, "People Get Ready"). During his time in London, he was arrested and received a conviction for possession of a small quantity of cannabis. In 1978, Marley returned to Jamaica and performed at another political concert, the One Love Peace Concert, again in an effort to calm warring parties. Near the end of the performance, by Marley's request, Michael Manley (leader of then-ruling People's National Party) and his political rival Edward Seaga (leader of the opposing Jamaica Labour Party) joined each other on stage and shook hands.
Under the name Bob Marley and the Wailers 11 albums were released, four live albums and seven studio albums. The releases included Babylon by Bus, a double live album with 13 tracks, were released in 1978 and received critical acclaim. This album, and specifically the final track "Jamming" with the audience in a frenzy captured the intensity of Marley's live performances.
1979–81: Later years
Survival, a defiant and politically charged album, was released in 1979. Tracks such as "Zimbabwe", "Africa Unite", "Wake Up and Live", and "Survival" reflected Marley's support for the struggles of Africans. His appearance at the Amandla Festival in Boston in July 1979 showed his strong opposition to South African apartheid, which he already had shown in his song "War" in 1976. In early 1980, he was invited to perform at 17 April celebration of Zimbabwe's Independence Day.
Uprising (1980) was Bob Marley's final studio album, and is one of his most religious productions; it includes "Redemption Song" and "Forever Loving Jah". Confrontation, released posthumously in 1983, contained unreleased material recorded during Marley's lifetime, including the hit "Buffalo Soldier" and new mixes of singles previously only available in Jamaica.
Illness and death
In July 1977, Marley was found to have a type of malignant melanoma under the nail of a toe. Contrary to urban legend, this lesion was not primarily caused by an injury during a football match that year but was instead a symptom of already-existing cancer. Marley turned down his doctors' advice to have his toe amputated (which would have hindered his performing career), citing his religious beliefs, and instead, the nail and nail bed were removed and a skin graft was taken from his thigh to cover the area. Despite his illness, he continued touring and was in the process of scheduling a world tour in 1980.
The album Uprising was released in May 1980. The band completed a major tour of Europe, where it played its biggest concert to 100,000 people in Milan. After the tour, Marley went to the United States, where he performed two shows at Madison Square Garden in New York City as part of the Uprising Tour.
Marley's last concert occurred at the Stanley Theater (now called The Benedum Center For The Performing Arts) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 23 September 1980. Just two days earlier he had collapsed during a jogging tour in Central Park and was brought to the hospital where he learned that his cancer had spread to his brain.
The only known photographs from the show were featured in Kevin Macdonald's documentary film Marley.
Shortly afterward, Marley's health deteriorated as his cancer had spread throughout his body. The rest of the tour was canceled and Marley sought treatment at the Bavarian clinic of Josef Issels, where he received an alternative cancer treatment called Issels treatment partly based on avoidance of certain foods, drinks, and other substances. After eight months of effectively failing to treat his advancing cancer Marley boarded a plane for his home in Jamaica.
While Marley was flying home from Germany to Jamaica, his vital functions worsened. After landing in Miami, Florida, he was taken to the hospital for immediate medical attention. Marley died on 11 May 1981 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami (now University of Miami Hospital), aged 36. The spread of melanoma to his lungs and brain caused his death. His final words to his son Ziggy were "Money can't buy life."
Marley received a state funeral in Jamaica on 21 May 1981, which combined elements of Ethiopian Orthodoxy and Rastafari tradition. He was buried in a chapel near his birthplace with his guitar.
On 21 May 1981, Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga delivered the final funeral eulogy to Marley, declaring:
His voice was an omnipresent cry in our electronic world. His sharp features, majestic looks, and prancing style a vivid etching on the landscape of our minds. Bob Marley was never seen. He was an experience which left an indelible imprint with each encounter. Such a man cannot be erased from the mind. He is part of the collective consciousness of the nation.
Awards and honours
1976: Rolling Stone Band of the Year
June 1978: Awarded the Peace Medal of the Third World from the United Nations.
February 1981: Awarded the Jamaican Order of Merit, then the nation's third highest honour, .
March 1994: Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
1999: Album of the Century for Exodus by Time Magazine.
February 2001: A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
February 2001: Awarded Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.
2004: Rolling Stone ranked him No. 11 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.
2004: Among the first inductees into the UK Music Hall of Fame
"One Love" named song of the millennium by BBC.
Voted as one of the greatest lyricists of all time by a BBC poll.
2006: A blue plaque was unveiled at his first UK residence in Ridgmount Gardens, London, dedicated to him by the Nubian Jak Community Trust and supported by Her Majesty's Foreign Office.
2010: Catch a Fire inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame (Reggae Album).
Other tributes
A statue was inaugurated, next to the national stadium on Arthur Wint Drive in Kingston to commemorate him. In 2006, the New York City Department of Education co-named a portion of Church Avenue from Remsen Avenue to East 98th Street in the East Flatbush section of Brooklyn as "Bob Marley Boulevard". In 2008, a statue of Marley was inaugurated in Banatski Sokolac, Serbia.
Internationally, Marley's message also continues to reverberate among various indigenous communities. For instance, the Australian Aboriginal people continue to burn a sacred flame to honour his memory in Sydney's Victoria Park, while members of the Native American Hopi and Havasupai tribes revere his work. There are also many tributes to Bob Marley throughout India, including restaurants, hotels, and cultural festivals.
Marley evolved into a global symbol, which has been endlessly merchandised through a variety of mediums. In light of this, author Dave Thompson in his book Reggae and Caribbean Music, laments what he perceives to be the commercialised pacification of Marley's more militant edge, stating:
Bob Marley ranks among both the most popular and the most misunderstood figures in modern culture ... That the machine has utterly emasculated Marley is beyond doubt. Gone from the public record is the ghetto kid who dreamed of Che Guevara and the Black Panthers, and pinned their posters up in the Wailers Soul Shack record store; who believed in freedom; and the fighting which it necessitated, and dressed the part on an early album sleeve; whose heroes were James Brown and Muhammad Ali; whose God was Ras Tafari and whose sacrament was marijuana. Instead, the Bob Marley who surveys his kingdom today is smiling benevolence, a shining sun, a waving palm tree, and a string of hits which tumble out of polite radio like candy from a gumball machine. Of course it has assured his immortality. But it has also demeaned him beyond recognition. Bob Marley was worth far more.
Several film adaptations have evolved as well. For instance, a feature-length documentary about his life, Rebel Music, won various awards at the Grammys. With contributions from Rita, The Wailers, and Marley's lovers and children, it also tells much of the story in his own words. In February 2008, director Martin Scorsese announced his intention to produce a documentary movie on Marley. The film was set to be released on 6 February 2010, on what would have been Marley's 65th birthday. However, Scorsese dropped out due to scheduling problems. He was replaced by Jonathan Demme, who dropped out due to creative differences with producer Steve Bing during the beginning of editing. Kevin Macdonald replaced Demme and the film, Marley, was released on 20 April 2012. In 2011, ex-girlfriend and filmmaker Esther Anderson, along with Gian Godoy, made the documentary Bob Marley: The Making of a Legend, which premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival.
In October 2015, Jamaican author Marlon James' novel A Brief History of Seven Killings, a fictional account of the attempted assassination of Marley, won the 2015 Man Booker Prize at a ceremony in London.
In February 2020, the musical Get Up Stand Up!, the Bob Marley Story was announced by writer Lee Hall and director Dominic Cooke, starring Arinzé Kene as Bob Marley. It will open at London's Lyric Theatre in February 2021.
Personal life
Bob Marley was a member for some years of the Rastafari movement, whose culture was a key element in the development of reggae. He became an ardent proponent of Rastafari, taking its music out of the socially deprived areas of Jamaica and onto the international music scene. He once gave the following response, which was typical, to a question put to him during a recorded interview:
Interviewer: "Can you tell the people what it means being a Rastafarian?"
Marley: "I would say to the people, Be still, and know that His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is the Almighty. Now, the Bible seh so, Babylon newspaper seh so, and I and I the children seh so. Yunno? So I don't see how much more reveal our people want. Wha' dem want? a white god, well God come black. True true."
Archbishop Abuna Yesehaq baptised Marley into the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, giving him the name Berhane Selassie, on 4 November 1980, shortly before his death.
Bob Marley married Alpharita Constantia "Rita" Anderson in Kingston, Jamaica, on 10 February 1966. Marley had many children: four with his wife Rita, two adopted from Rita's previous relationships, and several others with different women. The official Bob Marley website acknowledges 11 children.
Those listed on the official site are:
Sharon, born 23 November 1964, daughter of Rita from a previous relationship but then adopted by Marley after his marriage with Rita
Cedella born 23 August 1967, to Rita
David "Ziggy", born 17 October 1968, to Rita
Stephen, born 20 April 1972, to Rita
Robert "Robbie", born 16 May 1972, to Pat Williams
Rohan, born 19 May 1972, to Janet Hunt
Karen, born 1973 to Janet Bowen
Stephanie, born 17 August 1974; according to Cedella Booker she was the daughter of Rita and a man called Ital with whom Rita had an affair, nonetheless, she was acknowledged as Bob's daughter
Julian, born 4 June 1975, to Lucy Pounder
Ky-Mani, born 26 February 1976, to Anita Belnavis
Damian, born 21 July 1978, to Cindy Breakspeare
Other sites have noted additional individuals who claim to be family members, as noted below:
Makeda was born on 30 May 1981, to Yvette Crichton, after Marley's death. Meredith Dixon's book lists her as Marley's child, but she is not listed as such on the Bob Marley official website.
Various websites, for example, also list Imani Carole, born 22 May 1963 to Cheryl Murray; but she does not appear on the official Bob Marley website.
Marley also has two notable grandsons, musician Skip Marley and American football player Nico Marley.
Association football
Aside from music, association football played a major role throughout his life. As well as playing the game, in parking lots, fields, and even inside recording studios, growing up he followed the Brazilian club Santos and its star player Pelé. Marley surrounded himself with people from the sport, and in the 1970s made the Jamaican international footballer Allan "Skill" Cole his tour manager. He told a journalist, "If you want to get to know me, you will have to play football against me and the Wailers."
Personal viewsPan-Africanism
Marley was a Pan-Africanist and believed in the unity of African people worldwide. His beliefs were rooted in his Rastafari religious beliefs. He was substantially inspired by Marcus Garvey, and had anti-imperialist and pan-Africanist themes in many of his songs, such as "Zimbabwe", "Exodus", "Survival", "Blackman Redemption", and "Redemption Song". "Redemption Song" draws influence from a speech given by Marcus Garvey in Nova Scotia, 1937. Marley held that independence of African countries from European domination was a victory for all those in the African diaspora. In the song "Africa Unite", he sings of a desire for all peoples of the African diaspora to come together and fight against "Babylon"; similarly, in the song "Zimbabwe", he marks the liberation of the whole continent of Africa, and evokes calls for unity between all Africans, both within and outside Africa.
Marley considered cannabis a healing herb, a "sacrament", and an "aid to medication"; he supported the legalisation of the drug. He thought that marijuana use was prevalent in the Bible, reading passages such as Psalms 104:14 as showing approval of its usage. Marley began to use cannabis when he converted to the Rastafari faith from Catholicism in 1966. He was arrested in 1968 after being caught with cannabis but continued to use marijuana in accordance with his religious beliefs. Of his marijuana usage, he said, "When you smoke herb, herb reveal yourself to you. All the wickedness you do, the herb reveal itself to yourself, your conscience, show up yourself clear, because herb make you meditate. Is only a natural t'ing and it grow like a tree." Marley saw marijuana usage as a vital factor in religious growth and connection with Jah, and as a way to philosophise and become wiser.
Studio albums
The Wailing Wailers (1965)
Soul Rebels (1970)
Soul Revolution (1971)
The Best of The Wailers (1971)
Catch a Fire (1973)
Burnin' (1973)
Natty Dread (1974)
Rastaman Vibration (1976)
Exodus (1977)
Kaya (1978)
Survival (1979)
Uprising (1980)
Confrontation (1983)
Live albums
Live! (1975)
Babylon by Bus (1978)
See also
Outline of Bob Marley
List of peace activists
Fabian Marley
Desis bobmarleyi – an underwater spider species named in honor of Marley
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mundo-misterio · 3 years
Reseña de la película Marley y resumen de la película (2012)
Reseña de la película Marley y resumen de la película (2012)
Marley nació en 1945 en la aldea de Nine Mile en la parroquia de St. Ann, Jamaica. Las imágenes muestran chozas rudas, sin electricidad, niños descalzos y un sentido de comunidad. Su madre, Cedella, tenía 18 años. Su padre, Norval Sinclair Marley, tenía 60 años y era un capitán blanco de los Royal Marines. Norval se casó con Cedella y brindó asistencia en efectivo, pero el niño prácticamente no…
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sunwisher-blog · 5 years
Bob Marley – Three Little Birds
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Bob Marley – Three Little Birds
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Bob Marley: Nesta Robert Marley OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer-songwriter who achieved international fame through a series of crossover reggae albums. Starting out in 1963 with the group the Wailers, he forged a distinctive songwriting and vocal style that would later resonate with audiences worldwide. The Wailers would go on to release some of the earliest reggae records with producer Lee Scratch Perry. After the Wailers disbanded in 1974, Marley pursued a solo career which culminated in the release of the album Exodus in 1977 which established his worldwide reputation. He was a committed Rastafarian who infused his music with a profound sense of spirituality. Bob Marley was born on the farm of his maternal grandfather in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, to Norval Sinclair Marley and Cedella Booker. Norval Marley was a European-Jamaican of British/Syrian descent whose family came from England. Norval claimed to have been a captain in the Royal Marines though at the time of his marriage to Cedella Booker, an African-Jamaican then 18 years old, he was employed as a plantation overseer. His family named him Nesta Robert Marley though later a Jamaican passport official would reverse his first and middle names. Although Norval provided financial support for his wife and child he seldom saw them as he was often away. Bob Marley attended Stepney Primary and Junior High School which serves the catchment area of Saint Ann. In 1955, when he was 10 years old, his father died of a heart attack at the age of 70. Although Bob Marley recognised his mixed ancestry, throughout his life and because of his beliefs, he self-identified himself as a Jamaican of African descent, following the ideas of Pan-African leaders. The Wailers’ first major label album, Catch a Fire was released worldwide in April 1973, packaged like a rock record with a unique Zippo lighter lift-top. Initially selling 14,000 units, it didn’t make Marley a star, but received a positive critical reception. It was followed later that year by Burnin’, which included the standout songs “Get Up, Stand Up“, and “I Shot the Sheriff”, which appealed to the ear of Eric Clapton. Vincent Ford, a childhood friend from Jamaica, was given writing credit for “No Woman, No Cry” on the 1974 album Natty Dread, as well as the songs “Crazy Baldheads” (with Marley’s wife Rita), “Positive Vibration” and “Roots Rock Reggae” from the 1976 album Rastaman Vibration, along with “Inna De Red” and “Jah Bless” with Marley’s son, Stephen. “Three Little Birds” is a song by Bob Marley; The Wailers. It is the fourth track on side two of their 1977 album Exodus and was released as a single in 1980. The song reached the Top 20 in the UK, peaking at number 17. It is one of Bob Marley‘s most popular songs. The song has been covered by numerous other artists. One of the most notable covers was by British singer Connie Talbot, whose version reached number one on the Billboard Hot Singles Sales chart in 2008. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is a song by musician Bobby McFerrin but is often erroneously attributed to Bob Marley. lyrics: Dont worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin: dont worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right! Rise up this mornin, Smiled with the risin sun, Three little birds Pitch by my doorstep Singin sweet songs Of melodies pure and true, Sayin, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:) Singin: dont worry bout a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin: dont worry (dont worry) bout a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right! Rise up this mornin, Smiled with the risin sun, Three little birds Pitch by my doorstep Singin sweet songs Of melodies pure and true, Sayin, this is my message to you-ou-ou: Singin: dont worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh! Every little thing gonna be all right. dont worry! Singin: dont worry about a thing – I wont worry! cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin: dont worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right – I wont worry! Singin: dont worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin: dont worry about a thing, oh no! cause every little thing gonna be all right! Click here to return to positive music list Read the full article
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ansiklomedia · 6 years
Bob Marley Kimdir?
Bob Marley, 6 Şubat, 1945’te Saint Ann, Jamaika’da Robert Nesta Marley’de dünyaya geldi. Babası Norval Sinclair Marley beyaz bir İngiliz ve annesi Cedelia Booker ise siyah bir Jamaikalıydı. Bob Marley, 11 Mayıs 1981’de Miami’de kanserden öldü. Marley’nin eşi Rita’dan dört çocuğu vardı.
Bob Marley’nin babası 10 yaşındayken öldü ve annesi ölümünden sonra Kingston’un Trenchtown mahallesine…
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gcastillor · 6 years
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Cedella Marley Booker (23 de julio de 1926 - 8 de abril de 2008), fue una cantante y escritora jamaiquina, conocida por ser madre de Bob Marley. Cuando tenía 18 años se casó con Norval Sinclair Marley, un jamaiquino blanco de ascendencia inglesa. Al año nacío su hijo Bob. #cedellamarleybooker #cantante #escritora #undíacomohoy #nació23julio1926 #murió8abril2008 #qepd #GcastilloR
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bettadayzco · 6 years
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#blackhistorymonth #highlights.. Today is two in one... it's @bobmarley 's birthday too... HBD to the #kingofraggae @bobmarleymuseum .... * * Born Robert Nesta Marley 6 February 1945 Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica Died 11 May 1981 (aged 36) Miami, Florida, U.S. Cause of death Melanoma (skin cancer) Other names Donald Marley Tuff Gong Occupation Singer songwriter musician Home town Trenchtown, Kingston, Jamaica Spouse(s) Alpharita Anderson Marley (m. 1966; his death 1981) Children Sharon Marley Prendergast (adopted) Cedella Marley David Nesta "Ziggy" Marley Stephen Robert Nesta Marley Rohan Anthony Marley Julian Ricardo Marley Ky-Mani Marley Damian Robert Nesta Marley Parent(s) Norval Sinclair Marley Cedella Malcolm Booker Musical career Genres Reggae ska rocksteady Instruments Vocals guitar percussion Years active 1962–1981 Labels Beverley's Studio One JAD Wail'n Soul'm Upsetter Tuff Gong Island Associated acts Bob Marley and the Wailers Website bobmarley.com After the Wailers disbanded in 1974,[7] Marley pursued a solo career upon his relocation to England that culminated in the release of the album Exodus in 1977, which established his worldwide reputation and elevated his status as one of the world's best-selling artists of all time, with sales of more than 75 million records.[8][9] Exodus stayed on the British album charts for 56 consecutive weeks. It included four UK hit singles: "Exodus", "Waiting in Vain", "Jamming", and "One Love". In 1978, he released the album Kaya, which included the hit singles "Is This Love" and "Satisfy My Soul". The greatest hits album, Legend, was released in 1984, three years after Marley died. It subsequently became the best-selling reggae album of all time. Diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma in 1977, Marley died on 11 May 1981 in Miami at age 36. He was a committed Rastafari who infused his music with a sense of spirituality.[10]:242[11] He is credited with popularising reggae music around the world and served as a symbol of Jamaican culture and identity. Marley has also evolved into a global symbol and inspired numerous items of merchandise.... * #bettadayz #bettadayzthendorser @rbcentertainmentja #dior (at Kingston, Jamaica)
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sunwisher-blog · 5 years
Bob Marley – Positive Vibrations
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Bob Marley – Positive Vibrations
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Bob Marley: Nesta Robert Marley OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer-songwriter who achieved international fame through a series of crossover reggae albums. Starting out in 1963 with the group the Wailers, he forged a distinctive songwriting and vocal style that would later resonate with audiences worldwide. The Wailers would go on to release some of the earliest reggae records with producer Lee Scratch Perry. After the Wailers disbanded in 1974, Marley pursued a solo career which culminated in the release of the album Exodus in 1977 which established his worldwide reputation. He was a committed Rastafarian who infused his music with a profound sense of spirituality. Bob Marley was born on the farm of his maternal grandfather in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, to Norval Sinclair Marley and Cedella Booker. Norval Marley was a European-Jamaican of British/Syrian descent whose family came from England. Norval claimed to have been a captain in the Royal Marines though at the time of his marriage to Cedella Booker, an African-Jamaican then 18 years old, he was employed as a plantation overseer. His family named him Nesta Robert Marley though later a Jamaican passport official would reverse his first and middle names. Although Norval provided financial support for his wife and child he seldom saw them as he was often away. Bob Marley attended Stepney Primary and Junior High School which serves the catchment area of Saint Ann. In 1955, when he was 10 years old, his father died of a heart attack at the age of 70. Although Bob Marley recognised his mixed ancestry, throughout his life and because of his beliefs, he self-identified himself as a Jamaican of African descent, following the ideas of Pan-African leaders. The Wailers’ first major label album, Catch a Fire was released worldwide in April 1973, packaged like a rock record with a unique Zippo lighter lift-top. Initially selling 14,000 units, it didn’t make Marley a star, but received a positive critical reception. It was followed later that year by Burnin’, which included the standout songs “Get Up, Stand Up“, and “I Shot the Sheriff”, which appealed to the ear of Eric Clapton. Vincent Ford, a childhood friend from Jamaica, was given writing credit for “No Woman, No Cry” on the 1974 album Natty Dread, as well as the songs “Crazy Baldheads” (with Marley’s wife Rita), “Positive Vibration” and “Roots Rock Reggae” from the 1976 album Rastaman Vibration, along with “Inna De Red” and “Jah Bless” with Marley’s son, Stephen. “Three Little Birds” is a song by Bob Marley; The Wailers. It is the fourth track on side two of their 1977 album Exodus and was released as a single in 1980. The song reached the Top 20 in the UK, peaking at number 17. It is one of Bob Marley‘s most popular songs. The song has been covered by numerous other artists. One of the most notable covers was by British singer Connie Talbot, whose version reached number one on the Billboard Hot Singles Sales chart in 2008. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is a song by musician Bobby McFerrin but is often erroneously attributed to Bob Marley. lyrics: Live if you want to live (Rastaman vibration, yeah! Positive!) That’s what we got to give! (I’n’I vibration yeah! Positive) Got to have a good vibe! (Iyaman Iration, yeah! Irie ites!) Wo-wo-ooh! (Positive vibration, yeah! Positive!) If you get down and you quarrel everyday, You’re saying prayers to the devils, I say. Wo-oh-ooh! Why not help one another on the way? Make it much easier. (Just a little bit easier) Say you just can’t live that negative way, If you know what I mean; Make way for the positive day, ‘Cause it’s news (new day) – news and days – New time (new time), and if it’s a new feelin’ (new feelin’), yeah! – Said it’s a new sign (new sign): Oh, what a new day! Pickin’ up? Are you pickin’ up now? Jah love – Jah love (protect us); Jah love – Jah love (protect us); Jah love – Jah love (protect us). Rastaman vibration, yeah! (Positive!) I’n’I vibration, yeah! (Positive!) Uh-huh-huh, a yeah! Iyaman Iration, yeah! (Irie ites!) Wo-oo-oh! *Positive vibration, yeah! (Positive!) Pickin’ up? Are you pickin’ up now? Pickin’ up? Are you pickin’ up now? Pickin’ up? (Jah love, Jah love -) Are you pickin’ (protect us!) up now? Pickin’ up? (Jah love, Jah love -) Are you pickin’ (protect us!) up now? Pickin’ up? (Jah love, Jah love -) Are you pickin’ (protect us!) up now? Pickin’ up? Are you pickin’ up now? Click here to return to positive music list Read the full article
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Wie is Bob Marley's moeder?
Als je van het reggae icoon houdt, wil je waarschijnlijk meer weten over zijn oorsprong? Wie zijn Bob Marley's ouders? Het is een manier om te begrijpen wat belangrijk voor hem was en wat zijn persoonlijkheid vormde. Zoek uit wie Bob Marley's moeder is.
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Net als jij, stelde ik mezelf deze vragen. Ik ben al vele jaren gefascineerd door rastafarisme en reggae, dus ik wilde meer te weten komen over wat Bob Marley bezielde. Dus ik onderzocht de moeder van de zangeres en dit is wat ik vond.
Van haar jeugd in Jamaica tot haar dood in Florida had Cedella Marley een rijk leven, en niet alleen omdat ze de moeder was van een zekere Bob Marley. Als dochter van boeren, kon ze omgaan met de ups en downs van het leven. Ze groeide zelf uit tot een bekende zangeres en schrijfster.
In ons artikel kunt u meer te weten komen over Mama B. U kunt meer te weten komen over :
Zijn jeugd in Jamaica ;
Zijn leven in de Verenigde Staten;
Zijn relatie met zijn zoon en zijn activiteiten.
Klaar om Cedella te ontmoeten? Lees verder en ontdek alles wat je moet weten over de moeder van het reggae icoon!
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Cedella Editha Malcolm werd op 23 juli 1926 geboren in Rhoden Hall in de parochie van Saint Ann, een gebied in het noordelijk centrale deel van het eiland. Haar ouders (Omeriah Malcolm en Albertha Whilby) hadden de leiding over een boerderij waar ze bananen, koffie en pepers verbouwden. Het leven was hard maar de familie had een belangrijke plaats in de parochie. Cedella is de zesde dochter van het echtpaar. Zij zette haar eerste stappen in deze hardwerkende omgeving en ontmoette een belangrijke man toen zij pas 17 jaar oud was: Norval Sinclair Marley. Hij werkte op de boerderij als de plantage manager voor Hare Majesteit. De zoon van deze kolonist was meer dan 55 jaar oud toen hij Cedella verliefd op hem maakte. Hij was een blanke Engelse 'kapitein'. Hij is geboren in Jamaica als zoon van Britse kolonisten. Deze relatie werd afgekeurd in een sociale context die nog sterk door slavernij werd gekenmerkt. Maar dat weerhield hen er niet van om te trouwen (in 1944) en in 1945 een zekere Robert Nesta Marley ter wereld te brengen (doet dat een belletje rinkelen?).............
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sunwisher-blog · 5 years
Bob Marley – Get Up Stand Up
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Bob Marley – Get Up Stand Up
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Bob Marley: Nesta Robert Marley OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer-songwriter who achieved international fame through a series of crossover reggae albums. Starting out in 1963 with the group the Wailers, he forged a distinctive songwriting and vocal style that would later resonate with audiences worldwide. The Wailers would go on to release some of the earliest reggae records with producer Lee Scratch Perry. After the Wailers disbanded in 1974, Marley pursued a solo career which culminated in the release of the album Exodus in 1977 which established his worldwide reputation. He was a committed Rastafarian who infused his music with a profound sense of spirituality. Bob Marley was born on the farm of his maternal grandfather in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, to Norval Sinclair Marley and Cedella Booker. Norval Marley was a European-Jamaican of British/Syrian descent whose family came from England. Norval claimed to have been a captain in the Royal Marines though at the time of his marriage to Cedella Booker, an African-Jamaican then 18 years old, he was employed as a plantation overseer. His family named him Nesta Robert Marley though later a Jamaican passport official would reverse his first and middle names. Although Norval provided financial support for his wife and child he seldom saw them as he was often away. Bob Marley attended Stepney Primary and Junior High School which serves the catchment area of Saint Ann. In 1955, when he was 10 years old, his father died of a heart attack at the age of 70. Although Bob Marley recognised his mixed ancestry, throughout his life and because of his beliefs, he self-identified himself as a Jamaican of African descent, following the ideas of Pan-African leaders. The Wailers’ first major label album, Catch a Fire was released worldwide in April 1973, packaged like a rock record with a unique Zippo lighter lift-top. Initially selling 14,000 units, it didn’t make Marley a star, but received a positive critical reception. It was followed later that year by Burnin’, which included the standout songs “Get Up, Stand Up“, and “I Shot the Sheriff”, which appealed to the ear of Eric Clapton. Vincent Ford, a childhood friend from Jamaica, was given writing credit for “No Woman, No Cry” on the 1974 album Natty Dread, as well as the songs “Crazy Baldheads” (with Marley’s wife Rita), “Positive Vibration” and “Roots Rock Reggae” from the 1976 album Rastaman Vibration, along with “Inna De Red” and “Jah Bless” with Marley’s son, Stephen. “Three Little Birds” is a song by Bob Marley; The Wailers. It is the fourth track on side two of their 1977 album Exodus and was released as a single in 1980. The song reached the Top 20 in the UK, peaking at number 17. It is one of Bob Marley‘s most popular songs. The song has been covered by numerous other artists. One of the most notable covers was by British singer Connie Talbot, whose version reached number one on the Billboard Hot Singles Sales chart in 2008. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is a song by musician Bobby McFerrin but is often erroneously attributed to Bob Marley. Lyrics: Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right (3 times) Get Up, Stand Up, don’t give up the fight Preacher man don’t tell me heaven is under the earth I know you don’t know what life is really worth Is not all that glitters in gold and Half the story has never been told So now you see the light, aay Stand up for your right. Come on Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don’t give up the fight (Repeat) Most people think great God will come from the sky Take away ev’rything, and make ev’rybody feel high But if you know what life is worth You would look for yours on earth And now you see the light You stand up for your right, yeah! Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don’t give up the fight Get Up, Stand Up. Life is your right So we can’t give up the fight Stand up for your right, Lord, Lord Get Up, Stand Up. Keep on struggling on Don’t give up the fight We’re sick and tired of your ism and skism game Die and go to heaven in Jesus’ name, Lord We know when we understand Almighty God is a living man You can fool some people sometimes But you can’t fool all the people all the time So now we see the light We gonna stand up for our right So you’d better get up, stand up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don’t give up the fight Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don’t give up the fight. Click here to return to positive music list Read the full article
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sunwisher-blog · 5 years
Bob Marley – Don’t Worry Be Happy
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Bob Marley – Don’t Worry Be Happy
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Bob Marley: Nesta Robert Marley OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer-songwriter who achieved international fame through a series of crossover reggae albums. Starting out in 1963 with the group the Wailers, he forged a distinctive songwriting and vocal style that would later resonate with audiences worldwide. The Wailers would go on to release some of the earliest reggae records with producer Lee Scratch Perry. After the Wailers disbanded in 1974, Marley pursued a solo career which culminated in the release of the album Exodus in 1977 which established his worldwide reputation. He was a committed Rastafarian who infused his music with a profound sense of spirituality. Bob Marley was born on the farm of his maternal grandfather in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, to Norval Sinclair Marley and Cedella Booker. Norval Marley was a European-Jamaican of British/Syrian descent whose family came from England. Norval claimed to have been a captain in the Royal Marines though at the time of his marriage to Cedella Booker, an African-Jamaican then 18 years old, he was employed as a plantation overseer. His family named him Nesta Robert Marley though later a Jamaican passport official would reverse his first and middle names. Although Norval provided financial support for his wife and child he seldom saw them as he was often away. Bob Marley attended Stepney Primary and Junior High School which serves the catchment area of Saint Ann. In 1955, when he was 10 years old, his father died of a heart attack at the age of 70. Although Bob Marley recognised his mixed ancestry, throughout his life and because of his beliefs, he self-identified himself as a Jamaican of African descent, following the ideas of Pan-African leaders. The Wailers’ first major label album, Catch a Fire was released worldwide in April 1973, packaged like a rock record with a unique Zippo lighter lift-top. Initially selling 14,000 units, it didn’t make Marley a star, but received a positive critical reception. It was followed later that year by Burnin’, which included the standout songs “Get Up, Stand Up“, and “I Shot the Sheriff”, which appealed to the ear of Eric Clapton. Vincent Ford, a childhood friend from Jamaica, was given writing credit for “No Woman, No Cry” on the 1974 album Natty Dread, as well as the songs “Crazy Baldheads” (with Marley’s wife Rita), “Positive Vibration” and “Roots Rock Reggae” from the 1976 album Rastaman Vibration, along with “Inna De Red” and “Jah Bless” with Marley’s son, Stephen. “Three Little Birds” is a song by Bob Marley; The Wailers. It is the fourth track on side two of their 1977 album Exodus and was released as a single in 1980. The song reached the Top 20 in the UK, peaking at number 17. It is one of Bob Marley‘s most popular songs. The song has been covered by numerous other artists. One of the most notable covers was by British singer Connie Talbot, whose version reached number one on the Billboard Hot Singles Sales chart in 2008. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is a song by musician Bobby McFerrin but is often erroneously attributed to Bob Marley. lyrics: (whistling) Here’s a little song i wrote, you might want to sing it note for note, don’t worry, be happy in every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double don’t worry, be happy dont worry be happy now dont worry be happy dont worry be happy dont worry be happy dont worry be happy aint got no place to lay your head, somebody came and took your bed, don’t worry, be happy the landlord say your rent is late, he may have to litagate, dont worry (small laugh) be happy, look at me im happy, don’t worry, be happy i give you my phone number, when your worried, call me, i make you happy don’t worry, be happy aint got no cash, aint got no style, aint got no gal to make you smile but don’t worry, be happy cos when you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down, so don’t worry, be happy don’t worry, be happy now… don’t worry, be happy don’t worry, be happy don’t worry, be happy don’t worry, be happy now there this song i wrote i hope you you learned it note for note like good little children dont worry be happy listen to what i say in your life expect some trouble when you worry you make it double dont worry be happy be happy now dont worry, be happy dont worry, be happy dont worry, be happy dont worry, be happy dont worry dont worry be happy don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t do it, be happy,put a smile on your face, don’t bring everybody down like this don’t worry, it will soon pass whatever it is, don’t worry, be happy, i’m not worried Click here to return to positive music list   Read the full article
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