#North Texas Luxury Living
officialnorthtexas · 16 days
Homes For Sale Highland Park TX | North Texas Luxury Living
As you can see, North Texas Luxury Living offers an exceptional standard of living with its beautiful homes and prime location in Highland Park TX. With a wide range of luxury homes for sale Highland Park TX, there is something to suit every individual or family's needs and desires. Contact us at (214) 430-8844 to learn more about our current listings and find your dream home in Highland Park today!
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hollysimone · 2 years
ONE OK ROCK @ the Dallas HOB, 9/21/22 - The best fucking show I’ve been to in ages, truly. I don’t think I stopped smiling once! 💙
I got so many amazing videos- can’t wait to watch them and relive the happiness all over again!
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missathlete31 · 1 year
Someone In Your Corner
Summary: Hangman, struggling to deal with his nightmares after the mission, goes for a run in the California heat. When he gets himself into trouble he finds a surprising ally on his side.
Aka if Maverick is MavDad meet DaggerMom
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Hey look, yet another Jake Seresin Whump/Angst fic….. also known as the only thing I know how to write lol! Enjoy!
Two week after the Uranium mission and Jake "Hangman" Seresin was struggling. The Navy had given them all a month's worth of leave, a ridiculously long time in Jake's opinion but extremely sought after for all the others. There was a mandatory week of debriefs and discussions, most of which Jake hovered in the back and only answered when he was addressed directly, but then they were free to go. The whole squadron seemed to have gotten plane tickets to head back home, the suicide mission making a lot of them place things in new perspective. Jake of course would rather perform ten suicide missions than even think about going home to Texas. Javy had invited him back to New Orleans with him and his family but Jake declined. He loved the Machados; he spent enough holidays over there to think of them as the closest thing he'd ever get to a real family, but he knew Javy was still shaken up from his G-Loc incident and the mission in general. He deserved a chance to decompress with his loved ones instead of trying to entertain Jake.
So Jake waved his best friend off at the airport on the third day after the start of their official leave and went back to the barracks to find a notice on his door. It seemed that the temporary living quarters they were supplied for training was being revoked now that everything was over. Jake had vaguely heard one of the others talking about it at the bar but he didn't realize it applied to those that weren't going home as well. He assumed he would be allowed to hang around base, maybe convince Admiral Simpson (or at least the more agreeable Admiral Bates) to let him jump into a few hops to keep his skills sharp. Those plans were scrapped though as both Admirals informed him in no uncertain terms that none of the Daggers would be allowed back in the air until they were given the all clear from both medical and psych. Jake was already cleared on the medical end but all psych evals were to be conducted after the team returned from leave. He wanted to push to get his moved up but Cyclone only gave him that un-amused look that he usually reserved for Maverick, and Jake figured it wasn't worth the fight (he was still on shaky ground for disobeying direct orders on the carrier that day- and for getting the rest of the flight crew to go along with him).
So now not only was Jake alone on North Island, he was also forced to find new housing. With no real other options, he checked into a random motel that was far from luxurious with its outdated decor and questionable activities for it's by the hour patrons. Jake found he didn't mind though as long as he used his own sheets. Also besides a few quick visitors a few doors down, Jake was virtually on his own in his section. This was a huge benefit for the blonde pilot as he found himself dealing with an added difficulty now that the mission was over: debilitating nightmares.
It was embarrassing for him to admit but Jake had always struggled with nightmares. As a child in an abusive household he was always so tense and on edge, especially at night after his father had had a couple of drinks in him, that he found his dreams were filled with running away from monsters that looked vaguely like his parents until he woke up screaming. After receiving punishments for waking anyone up with his pathetic cries, Jake learned to muffle his terror to much quieter levels, though the nightmares always held a grip on him for those formable years. As he got older and into his teen years, Jake's real world seemed to be worse than any dream ever could be and sadly that was what quashed his night terrors for a few years at least. When he left home and joined the Navy he felt freer than he ever had in the world and he finally learned what the term 'sleep like a baby' really meant.
It didn't last for long though because after his first confirmed kill, Jake's nightmares came back. He was forever dreaming of being back in his plane, sometimes shooting down the Bogey, other times the Bogey catching him first. He had nightmares where he shot his wingman down instead, his whole squadron condemning him for the action. Other times it would be his squad shot him down because they were protecting themselves from Hangman leaving them like his call-sign dictated. These dreams circled through Jake's sleep cycle for weeks until Javy caught on before he was sent to ship out again and noticed the dark bags under his best friend's eyes. Though Javy knew better than to push Jake towards any sort of professional therapy from the Navy that could ultimately keep him grounded, he did force his best friend to talk to him more about what was troubling him and to find healthy outlets for his anxiety, fear, and guilt. Jake's favorite method became running.
Jake already enjoyed running from when he was a kid and needed an escape at home so using it to relax from work stress as well came fairly easy. He took to jogging around bases in the morning, night or whenever he just felt a little overwhelmed. Javy would join him if he was able, though normally he cut out about half the miles while jokingly calling Jake a robot for being able to run so much. It was therapeutic and it worked, especially when he ran at night, as Jake felt his body become so tired he went off to sleep without any dreams at all.
But then this mission happened.
First it was Coyote's G-loc; the sounds of Maverick trying to stir his best friend back to consciousness before he crashed into a mountain staying with Jake even during waking hours. In dreams it was worse, Maverick never getting tone in time, Coyote's scream over the radio before he burned up in his jet. Jake would wake up each time with tears in his eyes and would struggle to not call his best friend right there and then. Jake also dreamed of the bird strike. Though he pretended to be indifferent, he really did care about Phoenix, she was one of his oldest friends, dating back to his Flight School days. That nightmarish day, after being so close to losing Javy, to then hear her and Bob forced to eject, it broke something in Jake. His dreams featured the two not ejecting in time, or sometimes different pilots were up there but with the same results. The worst nightmare was when Jake was in the air with them and he listened to Phoenix scream at him that because he left them hanging, the birds hit their plane instead of his. Both Bob and Phoenix's last words were wishing it was Jake instead. Maverick would share the sentiment on the radio as the two planes watched the other go down. When Jake woke from that particular dream, he usually felt so gutted all he could do was sit up in silence.
There were moments from the actual mission that attributed to his night terrors as well of course. First it was Dagger one going down, the others blaming Jake for not being good enough that Maverick had to take the spot of team leader to ensure the others survived and therefore sacrificed himself. Then he would hear Dagger Two going down and there was the guilt of having Bradshaw die after all the mean things Jake had said and done to him. But the worst was Jake's rescue of Maverick and Rooster. Jake couldn't count the times he would close his eyes (both awake and asleep) and see the damn missile that was headed right for that old F-14. He never told anyone outside of his debriefs with the Admirals but that missile was shot and deployed and not even seconds away from killing both Captain Mitchell and Bradshaw. He had had no time to spare.
Every night during the week of debriefs Jake would dream of being too late, of watching that missile kill his CO and his wingman in a fiery blaze as bright as the sun. Jake would be forced to call on the radio that he hadn’t reached them in time, would land on the carrier not to celebration and hugs but dirty looks and tears. One night the nightmare was so bad, felt so real, that Jake actually called Rooster just to hear his voice. The groggy other pilot thought it was some kind of joke and didn't respond incredibly kind but Jake hung up the phone with tears of relief in his eyes anyway. He would take a sarcastic Rooster over a dead one any day.
Last night Jake dreamed of the man he shot down. His second confirmed kill but it wasn't any easier. He dreamed of the man's family, his children growing up fatherless like Rooster did. A whole family lineage cursing him for taking away the man they loved most. When he woke up Jake only had a few seconds before he was puking in his toilet, no chance of falling back to sleep again. His count of hours slept in the week at a sickening level. He knew he should be worried, knew that he should address his problems with someone but everyone else was dealing and he didn’t understand how he couldn’t. He wasn’t one of the Daggers, he wasn’t the one completing the suicide course. He didn’t go into G-Loc or get hit with a bird strike. He wasn’t shot down and he wasn’t stuck behind enemy lines and scrambling to get home. Jake was just the spare; sure he had a lucky shot, but he did nothing more. He didn’t deserve to bother anyone with his lack of sleeping. He would get it sorted, just like he always did.
As the day progressed and Jake's lids got heavier he thought about his techniques to combat his nightmares in the past and looked for his running gear. He hoped to kill two birds with one stone, run enough to clear his mind but also to make himself so exhausted he would fall asleep right away. The pilot put on his sneakers and reached for headphones before heading out the door. He knew it was going to be hot but the minute he was outside he felt like a wall of humidity was surrounding him. It wasn't the ideal running conditions but Jake grew up in Texas where heat was a part of everyday life. He threw off his shirt knowing it would be soaked in a second and headed out.
Penny Benjamin wiped another hand across her brow as she turned to another box. She knew she shouldn't have chosen Tuesday to do inventory especially when the weather forecasts all called for the height of the heat wave to hit, yet here she was sweating in the back rooms of the Hard Deck anyway. She wished Maverick was around to help, though he was abnormally chaotic in a tight setting, at least the man could have helped with the lifting. Pete however, had taken Bradley for a 'getting re-acquainted trip' aka a 'get our crap together' trip up in Northern California. Penny was so happy to see the two trying to make things right and she knew it meant the world to Pete.
It did leave her alone though and with all the other pilots of the squadron gone on leave and Amelia visiting her father, Penny hated the quiet. Even doing normal chores around the bar made her ache for the loud and boisterous group she had grown to love. She hoped they were at least all trying to heal like Maverick and Rooster. She wasn't given all the details from the mission but she knew there were a lot of close calls and that for everyone to return was lucky, bordering on miraculous. Penny felt lucky herself every time she got to see Pete's smile again.
As the morning progressed and the heat got too much Penny opted to go over some sales numbers and to save the inventory for later. Grabbing her books, she headed for her usual table outside, the umbrella giving only the most miniscule relief from the heat.
She looked up as she watched a man run on the beach. He looked vaguely familiar but it wasn't until he was a bit closer that Penny realized it was Hangman. She had been surprised this morning when she saw the man arrive at the beach to run. She had assumed Hangman like all the others had gone away for leave. Clearly this wasn’t the case as the pilot putt his ear pods in and started his jog just as she first opened up to do inventory. Penny glanced at her watch and saw it was close to an hour later then since she had first arrived, and yet Hangman was still running. A hint of worry bubbled in her stomach but she learned that Top Gun pilots tended to be work-out fanatics, Hangman no exception.
As the man neared, Penny raised her hand, "Hangman!" she called but she wasn't surprised when the man kept running, no doubt lost in his music and training. She watched him for a minute, not immune to admit that the sight of the muscular shirtless blonde running along the beach wasn't the worst thing she's laid her eyes on. She shook her head at her silliness and turned back to her sales book figuring she would chastise the man for ignoring her later when he came in for some beers tonight.
Thirty minutes later the same figured appeared for the third time since she sat outside and Penny's brow furrowed. She knew Hangman liked to run but this was getting a bit excessive. She was familiar with his two mile loop, she had walked it with Amelia many times herself, but never this many times, nor in this kind of heat. When she included the time she was in the basement, she knew Jake was running much more than was normal or healthy on a day like today. It was nearing noon, the heat for the day was at its worse and she had heard an air quality alert on the news this morning. Jake ran with no water bottle, no shirt and if she had to guess no sunscreen. He just ran, and ran, and ran.
Perhaps it was the mother in her or perhaps it was just the concern for a pilot she had grown to care about over the years, but Penny refused to let Hangman run past again without at least taking a little respite. She stood herself up from the table and headed towards the sand, waving a bit to not startle the runner. As she got closer she noticed Hangman's gait was off, he seemed to be listing to the side with each step. Her concern mounting, Penny hurried forward a little faster, her heart dropping when she noticed Jake had started to stagger. "Hangman you alright?" the barmaid hollered, but instead of a verbal response Jake fell to one knee. "Jake!" Penny called as she watched the blonde collapse complete to the ground. He landed face first in the sand and the older woman felt herself fall next to him, a gentle hand reaching for his shoulder to help roll him over.
The man lying before her looked so far from the Hangman she knew that Penny gasped. Jake's normally lively green eyes were closed, his skin pale and his breath raspy. She gently nudged his face, trying to stir some kind of reaction and felt her heart relax a fraction when Jake gave a low groan and took a wobbling hand to brush hers away.
"Hey Hangman you with me?" she tapped his cheek again, worry increasing when she felt how warm his body was and yet she didn't notice much sweat on his body. Familiar with signs of overheating but in no way a doctor, Penny looked back towards the Hard Deck and hoped to see someone around that could help her. Unfortunately it seemed they were alone. She turned back to the blonde and saw his eyes were still closed though his body seemed to want to move. “Jake honey, can you hear me?” she asked again.
“P-Penny?” Jake murmured and finally those green eyes were open if barely past slits. He seemed to take a good look at the woman leaning over him before all the rest of the color in Hangman’s face disappeared and he rolled over to his side. As he retched out what Penny disgustingly assumed was his breakfast, she tried to run a soothing hand over his back but again she faltered at how hot his body temperature seemed to be. She reached to pull him back to face her carefully, allowing his back to land back in a clean portion of sand before trying to meet his eyes, “Jake, you with me? Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, yeah” he didn’t sound convincing, “’ll good.”
“I think you’re overheated, I need to get you inside.”
“No-“ he shook his head weakly, his voice low and gravelly, “-m fine…. Just-… just overdid it a bit. ”
Penny moved to brush back his damp hair from where it was plastered with sand to his forehead, “You really over did it, okay” she tried to give a reassuring smile but her concern was too great and it became more of a grimace, “you need to get out of this sun and get some water in you. You think you can stand?”
It didn’t look like Jake would be moving any time soon but when Penny gave him a small pull the pilot managed to follow the momentum enough to get himself standing. It wasn’t pretty and Hangman looked ready to puke again at least three different times, but he held it in and allowed Penny to throw his arm around her shoulders. The two took a moment to gain their balance before they started with small and slow steps all the way back to the Hard Deck.
The walk was long and tedious. With each step that they got closer Jake’s movements got sloppier and the weight Penny had to support seemed to double. When she finally got him inside, Penny deposited Jake to the nearest booth and ran for a cold water bottle and some towels. She ran them under the coldest water she could get and started to place them over Jake’s chest, his neck and his forehead. The man didn’t even flinch. “Keep those there” Penny ordered as she moved to grab more water bottles, “and take small sips of water.”
Jake tried to follow orders but when he moved his hands to open the bottle, they were shaking so bad he dropped it. He went to get his body to pick it up but instead he slid down to the floor, his back against the table’s leg. Penny heard the commotion and came running, finding the pilot out of it and on the floor of her bar. “Jesus Jake, I think we need to get you to the hospital” she told him, “This is way worse than over heating-“
“No” Jake shook his head, his eyes unfocused, “’m –ok-“
“Honey” she got him standing again, “no you’re not. Hang on, take a seat for a minute and let me get my keys. I have to lock up the basement and then I will take you.” She led him back towards the booths but didn’t wait for him to sit, instead running to her bag and car keys.
Meanwhile the blonde had teetered after her, following towards the bar and knocking over a stool followed by another, "shit” he cursed, “’m sorry. Y-you can just call m’ an uber" Jake slurred softly, now leaning heavily against the bar, “’t’s no bother.”
"Absolutely not, and I said to sit Jake" she ordered, manhandling him towards the booths, "sit before you collapse again."
"'M -fine-"
"No you're really not." Her eyes must have shown her anger and concern because Jake seemed to melt into the cushion of the seats. Penny gave a nod and then ran to lock up her basement door and lock the inventory room. When she got back to the bar she noticed Jake’s head was leaning down on the table. “Hangman?” she questioned, but the man didn’t stir, “Jake?” When she still got no answer, she hurried over and took one of the water bottles, emptying it over the man’s head in a frantic shake, “Lieutenant Seresin!” she yelled and was luckily awarded with a dazed Jake shaking his wet hair out in confusion. “-enny?” he murmured sleepily, “did it rain?”
“Something like that” Penny lied, moving to grab the man out of the booth once more and get him towards the exit, “now come on honey, we’re going to the hospital.”
“-Don’’ feel so g-good.”
“I know, but we’re going to get you all fixed up” she promised silently praying that she could deliver on such a statement. If she was honest with herself Jake’s condition was really starting to frighten her. He collapsed three times already, he threw up on the beach and his body temperature was frightening high. She had tried cold compresses but they didn’t seem to make a difference. He was incoherent and confused; his body a shaky and unstable mess when he was normally frighteningly in control.
They got to Penny’s car quickly; fortunately she parked in the closet spot this morning. She helped lay Jake out along the back seat, sparing a second to take a hand to his forehead where she still felt the heat radiating off his skin. She pursed her lips but didn’t say anything, instead starting her car and cranking the A/C, hoping that it would help cool the pilot down.
For the first few minutes of the ride, Jake stayed silent and if it weren’t for Penny looking towards him in the rear view mirror every few seconds she would have thought he was unconscious or worse. Instead she watched as the man took shallow wheezy breaths, praying they get to the hospital quickly so he could get real help.
After a few more minutes of silence, Penny heard what sounded like a throat clearing in the back seat. Jake’s voice sounded fractured when he finally spoke up, "'why-you helpin' me?" he whispered from the back, 'm a bad person. A bad person with no one left.”
"No you're not honey" Penny immediately argued back, watching as Hangman’s eyes closed and his face scrunched up in pain, "you're a good person. I know that and so do the others."
"Asshole to them.... always a jerk..."
"I think they've started to see all that for what it is.” And she really believed that. The Hangman that strutted around the Hard Deck all these years was a show, meant for entertainment and for keeping people at arm’s length. Penny, no stranger at pushing people away herself, could recognize the signs easily though she knew it took the others a while to see. “You earned your teammates’ trust” she continued with what she hoped sounded reassuring. Jake didn’t seem to react to the words though, so Penny tried to push a bit more remembering what Maverick had told her the night he returned after the boat docked, about how Jake had saved his life, “you showed them the true Jake Seresin during the mission. They see it now.”
“They all left, ‘m alone again.”
“You’re not alone sweetheart”
“I should be, ‘ve killed people” Jake announced next and in the driver’s seat Penny stilled. It’s not that she doesn’t know this fact, she’s heard Hangman address it before but hearing Jake speak the words so matter of factly while he himself was so broken, exhausted and barely conscious, Penny’s heart clenched. “You were just doing your job, Jake, it’s different.”
“No” he shook his head minutely, “’t’s not.” He sniffed back what sounded like a sob, “can’t sleep, just see it again and again… All my mistakes... all the early graves… all my fault.”
“Nothing was your fault Jake, you saved lives that day. You saved Maverick and Rooster-“
“see them die every night…. ‘m pathetic-“
“No you’re not, you’re so brave honey” she felt a tear fall down her cheek as Jake let out another raspy sob, “so, so brave.”
“’ can’t even sleep anymore” Jake moaned, “just wanna sleep-“
“We can get you help for that” she urged, “there are people that can help-“
“No one can ‘elp me” his head lulled to the side, “I…can’t be fixed.”
There was so much Penny wished to say, so much she wished to correct but before she got the chance she was pulling into the emergency driveway entrance of the hospital and screeching her brakes to a halt behind an empty ambulance. “Please!” Penny hollered from her window at the two paramedics heading out the exit doors. Both stopped and looked her way, “please I need help” she urged to them.
The two women hurried forward, following Penny’s directions to the back seat, “he’s in rough shape, can you help me get him inside?”
“I’ll get the backboard and gurney” the younger of the medics announced, running back to her rig. When she returned the three women were able to lift Jake up and onto it, the two medical professionals beginning to wheel him inside, Penny hot on their heels.
“Ma’am you can’t leave your car here” the security guard tried but Penny ignored it and just continued to follow the gurney wheeling Hangman further into the hospital. Getting a ticket was the least of her worries, even getting towed. All she cared about was making sure the blonde pilot in that bed got the care he needed.
She followed them through into the emergency room where Jake was taken into a corner make-shift room with curtains closing it off. A nurse started asking Penny questions about Jake’s age, medical history, and if he had any allergies. She tried to answer to the best of her abilities but the truth was she didn’t really know. Jake Seresin had been coming to the bar for years but Penny couldn’t even tell the hospital if he was allergic to peanuts yet alone any medication he was on; she just never bothered to get to know him that well. She vowed if they got through this debacle, she would find out, resolved to pester Jake with so many questions he would have no choice but to tell her everything. She looked forward to it with a spark of hope.
Suddenly an older man came forward from the other side of the curtain, ripping it open with an intern on his heels, “What do we have?” he asked, not looking away from his patient on the bed.
“32 year old white male, fading in and out of consciousness, feels excessively warm to the touch-“
The doctor sighed and put on his glasses, his thinning hair reflecting the light as he knelt down on his work stool, and started to lightly examine Jake’s face and chest, “what’s his name?”
When no one else replied Penny realized the question was addressed to her. She swallowed her nerves, “Lieutenant Jake Seresin” she told him.
“A Navy pilot, yes.”
“Why did you bring him here, shouldn’t he be on base?”
Penny shrugged, realizing she never even thought about taking Jake back to North Island, her mind just drove them to the first hospital she could think of, “this was closer” she explained instead.
The doctor hummed but continued his examination, “okay Lieutenant can you hear me?” when the blonde gave no response, the doctor turned to one of the nurses, “get me a temperature reading now” he ordered.
“Right away Doctor” and the nurse hurried to get the thermometer.
“What happened to him?” the ER doctor asked, shining a pen light as he used a hand to hold open Jake’s eye lid.
“He collapsed on the beach,” Penny supplied dutifully, still watching with what felt like a heavy weight on her chest, “he had been running and I think he might have over heated-“
“In this heat, I’m not surprised. Order a toxicology report, I don’t like his pupil dilation.”
Penny felt her temper flare, “He wasn’t drinking” she shot back, “he’s exhausted.”
“Let’s take the family out of the room-“ the doctor also added, rolling his eyes to his staff. As a nurse went to remove her, Penny listened as another rattled off Jake’s temperature. The minute his nurse was done saying 105 degrees, the ER doctor began sprouting commands, his voice a lot more concerned and worried than it were not two minutes ago. Penny knew 105 was dangerous, even deadly, but seeing doctors and nurses run in frantically made the woman more scared than she could ever remember being in her life. A curtain was pulled and her view was gone, and Penny felt her heart stutter as she wondered if that was to be the last time she would ever see Jake again. What if he died? What if she was too late getting him help, waited too long in the bar locking up a damn inventory closet when she should have been calling an ambulance and getting the poor man help. Her legs buckled for a moment but the nurse at her side kept a strong hand on her arm that kept her standing. “Here we go” the nurse told her steering her to the nurses’ station, “Fran” she called and one nurse was replaced with a different one as Penny was handed off once more.
“Okay” the nurse named Fran began, an iPad in her hand and glasses on her kind face, “let’s begin. Patient’s name was what again?”
“Lieutenant Jake Seresin.”
“Naval Pilot.”
She typed faster, then opened her mouth to ask more but Penny beat her too it, "please" she begged, "is he going to be alright?"
Fran seemed to scrutinize her for a moment, his brown eyes boring into Penny over her glasses, “What is your relation to him again?" she questioned.
Penny stuttered for a moment, but then found her confidence, "I'm- I'm his aunt” she declared daring someone to disagree. The nurse didn’t argue, just typed something on her iPad, “and your name?”
“Penny Benjamin.”
Fran nodded and motioned towards the waiting room, “okay Ms. Benjamin, take a seat and I’ll send a doctor to talk once he finishes his evaluations.”
"But can’t I go back in?“
“You’ve done everything you could for the Lieutenant; now leave it to the doctors.” Fran placed a comforting hand to her arm and squeezed gently, “your nephew is in good hands.”
“What if I didn’t do enough, I tried to put cold compresses, and the water, but he could even grip it properly and I never made him drink-“
“Shhh” the kind woman placated her, “I’ll let the doctors know. I’m sure they will put him on fluids right away, you just sit here.”
“T-Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, I’ll be back later.”
Penny watched her go, falling into the hard waiting room chair and taking her head into her hands. She wanted to scream in frustration and worry, but she knew that wouldn’t help Jake. Instead she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing.
A hand on her arm a few minutes later made her jump. She looked up; expecting a doctor or nurse but finding herself staring at the same security guard she had run past before. The man looked sheepish, clearly feeling guilty for startling her. Penny pulled her fingers through her long brown hair to try to look even a semblance of normal but the security guard didn’t seem to judge. “Ma’am” he began, “I’m sorry to bug you but I really need you to move your car, we got ambulances that need to unload in those spaces and you’re blocking them.”
She looked back at him, her face reddening in mortification; she had completely forgotten about the car she had left parked in the emergency entrance. “I’m so sorry, Sir, I was so panicked before-“
He shook off her apology, “believe me I’ve seen it a million times before. Just move it now and we can both pretend it didn’t happen. I know you got more important things to worry about.” He offered a hand to help her standing and Penny took it gratefully, rising from the chair and heading to the automatic doors leading outside.
Penny moved her car like directed and then took back her seat in the waiting room. She noticed others sitting around, none paying her much attention, everyone lost in their own worlds of worry and fear.
This was why she hated hospitals, especially waiting rooms. It was a place where time simultaneously stood still and yet rushed by. People waited in agony over people in actually agony. Some people were here for last goodbyes while others welcomed new lives into the world. It was a place of overstimulation and over emotion and yet Penny couldn’t imagine herself being anywhere else at the moment. She would wait here as long as it took until she knew Jake would be okay.
About an hour later, a tall man approached the nurse’s station and Penny watched as he was directed to her. "Ms Benjamin?" the dark haired doctor called dressed in scrubs, "my name is Doctor Rask,” he held out a hand for Penny to shake, her grip lacking from her fear, “I’m your nephew's doctor” he told her soothingly.
"Hi" Penny breathed out, trying to control her nerves, "how's Jake?" she asked after no preamble.
If he thought she was rude the doctor didn't comment, instead he went right into Jake's diagnosis. "Lieutenant Seresin has a severe case of hyperthermia, more specifically heat stroke. His body temperature was 105 when you brought him in and that was with the cooling methods you tried to do prior. With a body temp that high our biggest concern is always going to be organ failure."
Penny clutched her hands into fists; the feeling of her nails in her palms the only thing keeping her together. She focused on the slight pain as she struggled to find her voice, "did he-... is his organs... are they okay?"
"He is extremely lucky” the doctor explained, “We don't see any evidence of organ failure but we will monitor him closely for the next few hours to be sure."
"That's- that's good news."
Dr. Rask spared her a comforting look, "it is, especially with how overheated he was but he's not out of the woods yet. Lieutenant Seresin was also severely dehydrated and extremely exhausted. His fine motor skills were so impaired upon admission that the ER doctor ordered a toxicology report because he was convinced Lieutenant Seresin must have been drunk. He wasn't of course but the Lieutenant admitted to being unable to supply the last time he had a full night's sleep."
Penny sighed, "he just got back from a serious mission Doctor Rask, it affective him deeply-"
"I understand," the doctor cut in gently, "and believe me I'm sympathetic but I suggest he find someone to talk to about this. He is beyond normal exhaustion levels which is extremely dangerous, not only in his profession but in all matters of his life."
"I agree. I plan on reaching out to his CO to discuss this as well."
The doctor softened, "we can also recommend people for him to talk to if he didn't want to go through the Navy. My father served and I know firsthand how people can be hesitant to show weakness to their superiors. It’s dangerous and they end up denying themselves the opportunity to get proper help."
"Thank you, I worry about that as well but I can promise you I will personally make sure Jake gets the help he needs, even if I have to drag him myself."
"He's lucky to have you" Doctor Rask shared with a smile.
Penny shook her head, her eyes falling to the floor, “I don't know about that” she admitted softly.
"I do” the doctor told her kindly, “You saved his life getting him in here so quickly."
"So he will be okay?"
"Well like I said before his organs look undamaged which is the best news for his case. He is still on cooling pads right now as we try to lower his temperature safely. We also have him on multiple IVs to increase his fluids and nutrients."
It certainly didn’t sound like he was okay but Penny took the doctor’s calm attitude as a good sign. Still she would only feel better once she could see Jake with her own eyes, "Is he awake?" she asked ready to run to his room if she found out he was.
Doctor Rask shook his head, "we gave him a small sedative which I would normally be against but Lieutenant Seresin was very restless in the room from the over exhaustion. I feared he would tax himself further. It should wear off in a few hours but he will be exceptionally groggy. Do to the severity of the heat stroke and the strain on his body; I want to keep him overnight for observations."
"Can I see him?"
"I would prefer not if I'm honest” he managed a sympathetic look when he noticed her face fall. “It's important for him to stay resting. In his heightened state and with the weak sedation, any disruption could cause him to wake before he's ready and that's the last thing he needs. Rest is his best medication at this point."
"I understand" and she did, no matter how much it broke her heart to think of Jake waking up alone in the hospital.
"If you leave your info with the nurse, I'll call you personally when he wakes, or any other member of his family."
He doesn't think he has any family, Penny's mind automatically corrected but she didn't bother saying it out loud. Besides, she learned many years ago that family went far beyond blood no matter what the medical world said. "Thank you Doctor, for everything."
"My pleasure and make sure Lieutenant Seresin thanks you as well. Like I said before, you saved your nephew's life today Ms. Benjamin, a few more minutes out there and we would be having a very different conversation."
She shuddered but gave her thanks anyway before turning back to her waiting room seat. She knew she had hours to kill before Jake would be up and she could see him so Penny took out her phone and scrolled to Pete’s name. She knew she needed to call the man, knew that the minute he heard something was wrong with one of his pilots he would want to be informed and be there. She wondered for a moment if perhaps she was overstepping until she remember Jake’s sad words in the car. This was a man who thought he was alone in the world and even worse, he thought he deserved to be alone in the world. He thought of himself as a killer for doing his job and pathetic for not being to handle his emotions and his PTSD properly. His hyperthermia would be treated but Penny knew that Jake Seresin had a much longer road to recovery once he was discharged from the hospital. Penny knew that she, Maverick, Rooster and the rest of the Daggers would be there for him every step of the way. They were a family now and that’s what family does.
Her mind made up, Penny hit the call button and brought the phone up to her ear, ready to call on the reinforcements.
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sirensorisons · 2 years
"He tells of the history of Panem, the country that rose up out of the ashes of a place that was once called North America."
(THG chapter 1)
"In school, they tell us the Capitol was built in a place once called the Rockies. District 12 was in a region known as Appalachia."
(THG chapter 3)
Where do you think location of Capitol and Panem's districts exactly?
The Appalachian’s span multiple states. Where do you picture District 12?
How long between this time and Panem rise? 200 hundred years? More?
Thank you so much
the capitol - i subscribe to it being in salt lake city, utah.
district 1 - i've always imagined it as being in southern california, just because that's where hollywood and beverly hills are. luxury district, land of celebrity... los angeles makes sense to me. i could also see it encompassing las vegas, to bring it closer to where the capitol is located.
district 2 - it's a mountainous area near the capitol, so i've always pictured it in denver, colorado.
district 3 - it only makes sense to me for it to be in san jose, california, the home of silicon valley.
district 4 - i picture it as being in northern california. in thg, katniss sees the lights of another district and wonders if it's 7 or 4, so they might be near each other. katniss also suggests in catching fire that part of the reason she has trouble understanding mags is because of her accent making words indistinct, which seems consistent with norcal. then in mockingjay, finnick tells a story about a sea turtle, so district 4 must be somewhere warm. cali checks out.
district 5 - i imagine it being a very urban district (explained more thoroughly in my foxface meta), so i think it might be somewhere that was already very urban in the beforetimes. possibly chicago?
district 6 - i could either see it being in detroit, michigan, where the automotive industry lived and died, or more centrally located at the intersection of various railways, like st louis, missouri.
district 7 - in as long as i'm burning (shameless self-promo), i've placed it in eugene, oregon.
district 8 - i imagine it being close to district 12, since bonnie and twill were able to make it there in catching fire. since they pass through there on their way north to district 13, i think it's somewhere in the midwest. maybe ohio.
district 9 - it's the grain district, and most of the usa's wheat comes from kansas, so it's probably right in there.
district 10 - as the livestock district, it's probably in texas and oklahoma.
district 11 - probably takes up a broad swath of the south so they can work the land, but i've always pictured the largest settlement as being in georgia.
district 12 - i always pictured it in west virginia, but the first movie was filmed in north carolina, and based on the accent suzanne collins used for lucy gray here (contains tbosas spoilers), i think it could go either way. west virginia works better imo because it's closer to where i think district 8 is.
district 13 - since the cover story for their industry was graphite, i could see it being in upstate new york. there used to be some graphite mines up there.
as for the time period... the original script for thg says that the series takes place 300 years from the present day, but personally i think it's more like 300 to 400 years. i could see the technological advances described in the series could probably happen on a timeline of only 100-200 years, and the natural disasters described in chapter 1 could happen even sooner than that.
but based on the changes in dialect and naming conventions between now and the time of panem, i think 300-400 years makes sense. that's analogous to the time between now and 1600 - so their english would be intelligible to us, but still markedly different. (of course, given that amount of time, accents could be very different to what we recognize, rendering my points about mags and lucy gray obsolete... but since the books are written in present-day english and not some projected future dialect, i think we can assume those accents are tied to what we would recognize.)
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muddypolitics · 1 year
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(via Sue's News: A Round-Up of Screw Yous)
Fuck you to Louisiana Republican lawmakers for rejecting bills that would have clarified the state’s abortion ban to exclude miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies.
Fuck you to Texas Republicans for banning gender-affirming care for trans kids.
Fuck you to Nebraska Republicans for sneakily folding an abortion ban into a bill banning gender-affirming care for minors—because they couldn’t pass an abortion ban otherwise.
Fuck you to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for banning public colleges from using federal or state funds on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and limits how race can be discussed. He said at a news conference that DEI stands for “discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination.”
Fuck you to Rudy Giuliani for responding to a former employee’s horrific allegations of sexual abuse by essentially slut-shaming her.
Fuck you to Dallas police for allegedly knowing that the Texas man who shot and killed his girlfriend for getting an abortion had strangled her weeks before. Strangulation is a key predictor of homicide in domestic violence situations.
Fuck you to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) for allegedly using campaign funds to pay for trips to run marathons all over the country and generally live a life of luxury.
And, finally, fuck you to North Carolina State Rep. Tricia Cotham (R)—the formerly pro-choice party switcher who betrayed her constituents on abortion—for voting to override the Democratic governor’s veto of a 12-week abortion ban and clinic shutdown law. The override went through by exactly 60 percent in each chamber, meaning Cotham personally could have blocked it.
a nice summary of GOP fuckery
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ghostflowerdreams · 2 years
Research For What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper?
The reason this post on What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper? came to be was because I wanted to know how in the ancient times did people do their business so that my story would be more accurate.
This of course led me down a rabbit hole and I ended up finding out a lot more. I thought to myself I should make this a post because I might need this info again. It’ll also be convenient to have it all in place. However, at the time I forgot to include sources so I can’t recall all of them exactly.
But I do know that it was a mixed of articles on artifacts, historical documents and old texts, such as literature, personal accounts like journals and so on, because they contained brief mentions of what the people used as toilet paper in them, etc.
Sapien.org - What Did Ancient Romans Do Without Toilet Paper?
The Washington Post Company - Ever Wondered about the history of toilet paper?
Phys.org - What toilets and sewers tell us about ancient Roman sanitation
Farmers' Almanac - The Hole In The Farmers’ Almanac
Liberty Hall Museum - The Colonial Privy (Toilet) at Liberty Hall Museum [PDF]
University of Nebraska Press: Center for Great Plains Studies - Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition | A Natural History | Chapter 2
North Carolina Cooperative Extension: Hoke County Center - Cowboy’s Toilet Paper
Smithsonian Magazine - These Archaeologists Were Looking for Tombs, But They Were Totally Psyched to Find Toilets
ResearchGate - Toilet hygiene in the classical era [PDF]
The University of Texas at Austin - American Wasteland: A Social and Cultural History of Excrement, 1860-1920 by Daniel Max Gerling [PDF]
Cottonelle - What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?
Living History Farm - 1930s Farm Life: Indoor Plumbing
Lancaster Farming - Pondering the Privy: A History of Outhouses
National Park Service - Outhouse-Sauer Beckmann Farm [Picture]
Penn State University Libraries - The Greatest Missed Luxury: Scott Toilet Tissue
Ancient Accounts of India and China by Eusebius Renaudot [Book]
Ars Technica - 2,000-year-old toilet paper gives us a whiff of life on the Silk Road in China
Archaeology Southwest - Of Poop, Toilet Paper, and Worms…
The Plumber - Toilet Paper: The History ‘Behind’ It
Medievalists.net - The Medieval Invention of Toilet Paper
World History Encyclopedia - Toilets in a Medieval Castle
Corinium Museum - Roman Toilet Paper
The Vintage News - What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper?
CBS News - Toilet Paper Factoids
Kapiolani Community College - Where’s The Toilet Paper?
Wellcome Collection - How Brits went soft on toilet paper [Pictures]
Smithsonian Magazine - Ancient “Poop Sticks” Offer Clues to the Spread of Disease Along the Silk Road
Dig It With Raven - What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper?
Scientific American - Toilet Issue: Anthropologists Uncover All the Ways We've Wiped
Italy Magazine - Ancient Romans May Have Used Flat Stones As Toilet Paper
Vintage Ad Browser - Toilet Paper
Discover Magazine - What the Earliest Toilets Say About How Human Civilization Has Evolved
Japan This! - Japanese Toilets
The Archaeology of Sanitation in Roman Italy: Toilets, Sewers, and Water Systems (Studies in the History of Greece and Rome) by Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow [Book]
BBC - A potted history of the toilet
JSTOR - The Early History of Human Excreta
Popular Science - Nature’s best toilet paper substitutes
The Mariners' Museum and Park - A Head of Its Time: A Brief History of Going at Sea
Museums Victoria - Immigration: Journeys to Australia - Privies & Hygiene
RealClear Science - What Did Ancient Romans Do Without Toilet Paper?
The University of New Hampshire (UNH) - Ancient Toilet Hygiene [Video]
The Open University - Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World: What did the Romans use for toilet paper?
National Geographic - What did people do before toilet paper?
National Museum of American History - Toilet
Berkeley University of California: Archaeological Research Facility - The Archaeology of Toileting
Ancient Origins - No Toilet Paper! Do Any of these Ancient Methods Work for You?
LiveScience - What did people use before toilet paper was invented?
HISTORY.com - All the Ways We’ve Wiped: The History of Toilet Paper and What Came Before
Youtube - The Remarkable History of Toilet Paper | Told by The History Guy | History at Home [Video]
Country Life - Curious Questions: What did people use before toilet paper?
Reader’s Digest - This Is What People Used Before Toilet Paper Existed
Free Library of Philadelphia - Unrolling the History of Toilet Paper
Hearthstone Historic House Museum - Flushed with Success: Milestones in Toilet Paper Development
Academia - Evolution of Toilets Worldwide Through the Millennia [PDF]
Ohio State University - Common Mullein- Mother Nature's Answer to Our Toilet Paper Shortage?
Gastrointestinal Society - The History of Toilet Paper
Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences: Powerhouse Collection - Toilet roll made in Australia
Minnesota State University: Centennial Student Union - Potty Talk: Understanding International Bathroom Etiquette
Health Digest - What Did People Use Before Toilet Paper?
BidetGenius - Complete History of the Bidet (Infographic)
Religion Unplugged - Islamic And Hindu Customs Wipe Out Need For Toilet Paper
Science Daily - Biblical Latrine: Ancient Parasites Show That Cleanliness May Have Been Next To Sickliness
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richincolor · 2 years
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Seven Sets of Siblings
I just finished watching a drama loosely related to Little Women and it had me thinking about siblings and the complicated ways that we sometimes relate. Being connected to each other in that particular way can have all kinds of effects on us. Here are a few books that explore sibling relationships in interesting ways.
So Many Beginnings: A Little Women Remix by Bethany C. Morrow Feiwel Friends [Crystal's Review]
North Carolina, 1863. As the American Civil War rages on, the Freedmen's Colony of Roanoke Island is blossoming, a haven for the recently emancipated. Black people have begun building a community of their own, a refuge from the shadow of the old life. It is where the March family has finally been able to safely put down roots with four young daughters:
Meg, a teacher who longs to find love and start a family of her own.
Jo, a writer whose words are too powerful to be contained.
Beth, a talented seamstress searching for a higher purpose.
Amy, a dancer eager to explore life outside her family's home.
As the four March sisters come into their own as independent young women, they will face first love, health struggles, heartbreak, and new horizons. But they will face it all together.
Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Valora Luck has two things: a ticket for the biggest and most luxurious ocean liner in the world, and a dream of leaving England behind and making a life for herself as a circus performer in New York. Much to her surprise, though, she's turned away at the gangway; apparently, Chinese people aren't allowed into America.
But Val has to get on that ship. Her twin brother, Jamie, who has spent two long years at sea, is on board, as is an influential circus owner. Thankfully, there's not much a trained acrobat like Val can't overcome when she puts her mind to it.
As a stowaway, Val should keep her head down and stay out of sight. But the clock is ticking and she has just seven days as the ship makes its way across the Atlantic to find Jamie, audition for the circus owner, and convince him to help get them both into America.
Then one night, the unthinkable happens, and suddenly Val's dreams of a new life are crushed under the weight of the only thing that matters: survival.
Tigers Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry Algonquin Young Readers [Q & A with Author]
The Torres sisters dream of escape. Escape from their needy and despotic widowed father, and from their San Antonio neighborhood, full of old San Antonio families and all the traditions and expectations that go along with them. In the summer after her senior year of high school, Ana, the oldest sister, falls to her death from her bedroom window. A year later, her three younger sisters, Jessica, Iridian, and Rosa, are still consumed by grief and haunted by their sister’s memory. Their dream of leaving Southtown now seems out of reach. But then strange things start happening around the house: mysterious laughter, mysterious shadows, mysterious writing on the walls. The sisters begin to wonder if Ana really is haunting them, trying to send them a message—and what exactly she’s trying to say.
In a stunning follow-up to her National Book Award–longlisted novel All the Wind in the World, Samantha Mabry weaves an aching, magical novel that is one part family drama, one part ghost story, and one part love story.
Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers [Crystal's Review]
Jayne Baek is barely getting by. She shuffles through fashion school, saddled with a deadbeat boyfriend, clout-chasing friends, and a wretched eating disorder that she’s not fully ready to confront. But that’s New York City, right? At least she isn’t in Texas anymore, and is finally living in a city that feels right for her.
On the other hand, her sister June is dazzlingly rich with a high-flying finance job and a massive apartment. Unlike Jayne, June has never struggled a day in her life. Until she’s diagnosed with uterine cancer.
Suddenly, these estranged sisters who have nothing in common are living together. Because sisterly obligations are kind of important when one of you is dying.
Little and Lion by Brandy Colbert Little, Brown [K. Imani's Review]
When Suzette comes home to Los Angeles from her boarding school in New England, she isn't sure if she'll ever want to go back. L.A. is where her friends and family are (along with her crush, Emil). And her stepbrother, Lionel, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, needs her emotional support.
But as she settles into her old life, Suzette finds herself falling for someone new...the same girl her brother is in love with. When Lionel's disorder spirals out of control, Suzette is forced to confront her past mistakes and find a way to help her brother before he hurts himself--or worse.
Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix by Aminah Mae Safi Feiwel and Friends [Crystal's Review]
Jerusalem, 1192. The Third Crusade rages on. Rahma al-Hud loyally followed her elder sister Zeena into the war over the Holy Land, but now that the Faranji invaders have gotten reinforcements from Richard the Lionheart, all she wants to do is get herself and her sister home alive.
But Zeena, a soldier of honor at heart, refuses to give up the fight while Jerusalem remains in danger of falling back into the hands of the false Queen Isabella. And so, Rahma has no choice but to take on one final mission with her sister.
On their journey to Jerusalem, Rahma and Zeena come across a motley collection of fellow travelers—including a softspoken Mongolian warrior, an eccentric Andalusian scientist, a frustratingly handsome spy with a connection to Rahma's childhood, and an unfortunate English chaplain abandoned behind enemy lines. The teens all find solace, purpose and camaraderie—as well as a healthy bit of mischief—in each other's company.
But their travels soon bring them into the orbit of Queen Isabella herself, whose plans to re-seize power in Jerusalem would only guarantee further war and strife in the Holy Land for years to come. And so it falls to the merry band of misfits to use every scrap of cunning and wit (and not a small amount of thievery) to foil the usurper queen and perhaps finally restore peace to the land.
The Ones We're Meant to Find by Joan He Roaring Brook
Cee has been trapped on an abandoned island for three years without any recollection of how she arrived, or memories from her life prior. All she knows is that somewhere out there, beyond the horizon, she has a sister named Kay, and it’s up to Cee to cross the ocean and find her.
In a world apart, 16-year-old STEM prodigy Kasey Mizuhara lives in an eco-city built for people who protected the planet―and now need protecting from it. With natural disasters on the rise due to climate change, eco-cities provide clean air, water, and shelter. Their residents, in exchange, must spend at least a third of their time in stasis pods, conducting business virtually whenever possible to reduce their environmental footprint. While Kasey, an introvert and loner, doesn’t mind the lifestyle, her sister Celia hated it. Popular and lovable, Celia much preferred the outside world. But no one could have predicted that Celia would take a boat out to sea, never to return.
Now it’s been three months since Celia’s disappearance, and Kasey has given up hope. Logic says that her sister must be dead. But nevertheless, she decides to retrace Celia’s last steps. Where they’ll lead her, she does not know. Her sister was full of secrets. But Kasey has a secret of her own.
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How Often Should McKinney Homes Get Their Carpets Professionally Cleaned?
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Keeping your carpets clean goes beyond just aesthetics; it's essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable home environment, especially in McKinney's diverse climate and bustling community. But how often should you schedule professional carpet cleaning? Let's dive into the factors that influence this decision and why it matters for your home.
Understanding McKinney's Carpet Cleaning Needs
McKinney, nestled in North Texas, experiences a climate that can vary from hot and humid summers to cooler, dryer winters. These seasonal changes can impact indoor air quality and affect the cleanliness of your carpets. Factors like pollen, dust, pet dander, and everyday foot traffic all contribute to the gradual buildup of dirt and allergens in your carpet fibres.
Recommended Frequency of Professional Cleaning
Every 6-12 Months: For most McKinney households, experts recommend scheduling professional carpet cleaning at least once every 6 to 12 months. This frequency helps prevent dirt from embedding deeply into the carpet fibers, prolonging their lifespan and maintaining a cleaner appearance.
High Traffic Areas: Areas with heavy foot traffic, such as entryways, living rooms, and hallways, may require more frequent cleaning possibly every 3 to 6 months. These areas accumulate dirt faster and benefit from more frequent attention to prevent wear and tear.
Pets and Allergies: If you have pets or family members with allergies, consider more frequent cleaning. Pet dander, hair, and outdoor allergens can settle deep into carpets, affecting indoor air quality and triggering allergies if not removed regularly.
Benefits of Regular Professional Cleaning
Improved Air Quality: Clean carpets contribute to better indoor air quality by trapping allergens and dust particles, preventing them from circulating throughout your home.
Extended Carpet Lifespan: Professional cleaning removes debris that can cause carpets to wear out prematurely, preserving their appearance and texture over time.
Healthier Home Environment: Regular cleaning reduces the presence of bacteria, mold spores, and other contaminants, promoting a healthier living space for your family.
DIY Maintenance Between Cleanings
While professional cleaning is crucial, maintaining your carpets between appointments is also essential. Here are some tips:
Vacuum Regularly: Vacuum high-traffic areas at least once or twice a week, and less-trafficked areas at least once a week.
Spot Cleaning: Immediately attend to spills and stains to prevent them from setting into the carpet fibers.
Use Doormats: Place doormats at entrances to reduce the amount of dirt and debris tracked into your home.
Choosing the Right Carpet Cleaning Service
When selecting a professional carpet cleaning service in McKinney, consider their reputation, experience, and cleaning methods. Look for certified professionals who use eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques tailored to your carpet's specific needs.
Regular professional carpet cleaning is not just a luxury but a necessary investment in your home's cleanliness and your family's health. By understanding McKinney's unique environmental factors and following these guidelines, you can ensure that your carpets remain clean, fresh, and vibrant throughout the year.
Regular professional carpet cleaning is not just a luxury but a necessary investment in your home's cleanliness and your family's health. By understanding McKinney's unique environmental factors and following these guidelines, you can ensure that your carpets remain clean, fresh, and vibrant throughout the year.
For expert carpet cleaning services in McKinney, contact Home Bright Carpet + Floor Care at 760-949-7274 to schedule your next cleaning appointment. Your carpets and your family will thank you for it!
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roomchailimited · 23 days
Sun, Sand, and Surf: North America’s Top Beach Destinations
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North America boasts a stunning array of beach destinations that cater to every type of traveler, whether you’re seeking the ultimate relaxation, thrilling water sports, or vibrant coastal nightlife. From the tropical shores of Hawaii to the laid-back vibes of California and the pristine beauty of the Gulf Coast, there’s a slice of paradise for everyone.
Hawaii: The Ultimate Tropical Escape
Hawaii is synonymous with paradise, offering some of the most breathtaking beaches in the world. Waikiki Beach in Oahu is famous for its golden sands and iconic Diamond Head backdrop, making it a must-visit for sunbathers and surfers alike. For those seeking a more secluded experience, Lanikai Beach, also on Oahu, provides turquoise waters and soft, powdery sand that’s perfect for a quiet day of relaxation.
On Maui, Kaanapali Beach offers a luxurious beach experience with its resort-lined shore and calm waters ideal for snorkeling. For a more adventurous vibe, head to the Big Island’s Punalu’u Beach, where you can walk on unique black sand and spot green sea turtles basking in the sun.
California: Iconic Shores and Laid-Back Vibes
California’s coastline is dotted with some of the most iconic beaches in the world. Malibu’s Zuma Beach is a favorite for both locals and tourists, offering long stretches of sand, excellent surf, and scenic mountain views. Nearby, Santa Monica Beach combines sun and fun with its famous pier, featuring an amusement park, restaurants, and lively street performers.
Further south, Laguna Beach in Orange County is a haven for artists and beachgoers alike. Its rugged cliffs, hidden coves, and crystal-clear waters make it a perfect spot for swimming, snorkeling, and exploring tide pools. San Diego’s Coronado Beach, with its gentle waves and soft, wide sands, is perfect for families and those looking to unwind in a more relaxed setting.
Florida: The Sunshine State’s Coastal Gems
Florida is home to some of the most picturesque beaches in North America, offering a mix of natural beauty and vibrant culture. South Beach in Miami is famous for its lively atmosphere, art deco architecture, and people-watching opportunities. It’s a hotspot for nightlife, with trendy clubs and restaurants lining the beachfront.
For a more serene experience, Clearwater Beach on Florida’s Gulf Coast is consistently ranked among the top beaches in the United States. Its calm, warm waters and sugar-white sands make it ideal for families and those looking to escape the hustle and bustle. Further south, Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota boasts some of the finest, whitest sand in the world, perfect for a day of sunbathing or playing beach volleyball.
Mexico: Caribbean Waters and Baja Beauty
While not technically part of the U.S., Mexico’s proximity makes it a popular beach destination for North American travelers. Cancun’s beaches are world-renowned, with their powdery white sand and turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. Playa del Carmen, just south of Cancun, offers a more laid-back atmosphere with boutique hotels, beach clubs, and excellent snorkeling opportunities.
On the Pacific side, Cabo San Lucas in Baja California is known for its dramatic landscapes, including the iconic El Arco rock formation. The beaches here offer everything from luxury resorts and lively beach bars to quiet, secluded spots perfect for relaxation.
Gulf Coast: Hidden Treasures and Pristine Sands
The Gulf Coast, stretching from Texas to Florida, is home to some of the most underrated beaches in North America. Galveston Island in Texas offers miles of sandy shores, historic charm, and family-friendly attractions. Further along the coast, Alabama’s Gulf Shores and Orange Beach provide powdery white sands, warm waters, and a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
Florida’s Panhandle, often referred to as the “Emerald Coast,” is home to beaches like Destin and Pensacola, where the sand is as white as sugar and the water is an inviting shade of emerald green. These beaches are perfect for those looking to escape the crowds and enjoy a peaceful day by the sea.
From the tropical allure of Hawaii to the vibrant shores of California and the hidden gems of the Gulf Coast, North America’s beach destinations offer something for everyone. Whether you’re a sun worshipper, a water sports enthusiast, or simply in search of a beautiful place to unwind, you’ll find your perfect spot in this diverse and breathtaking region. For those planning their next beach getaway, Roomchai Limited offers comprehensive travel services to ensure a seamless and unforgettable experience.
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officialnorthtexas · 21 days
Discover the top reasons why Prosper TX is a great place to live in 2024 and find the perfect homes for sale with North Texas Luxury Living.
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Discover the Best Indian Restaurants in McKinney, TX: A Guide to Authentic Flavors
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McKinney, TX, is home to a diverse array of dining options, and Indian cuisine is a standout with its rich, vibrant flavors and aromatic spices. Whether you're a connoisseur of Indian food or trying it for the first time, McKinney offers several exceptional Indian restaurants that promise a delicious and authentic experience. Here’s a guide to some of the best Indian restaurants in McKinney, each known for its unique dishes and welcoming ambiance.
**1. Shiv Sagar Indian Restaurant
Shiv Sagar Indian Restaurant is a beloved choice for those seeking authentic Indian flavors in McKinney. Known for its extensive menu, Shiv Sagar serves both North and South Indian specialties. From creamy butter chicken and spicy tikka masala to crisp dosas and savory sambar, the restaurant offers something for everyone. The lunch buffet is particularly popular, allowing diners to explore a variety of dishes in one visit. The friendly service and consistent quality make Shiv Sagar a top spot for Indian cuisine.
**2. Curry Bliss
Curry Bliss offers a modern twist on traditional Indian fare, with a menu that features a wide range of flavorful dishes. Highlights include spicy tandoori meats, rich curries, and vegetarian options like chana masala and aloo gobi. The restaurant’s contemporary decor and lively atmosphere provide a great setting for enjoying a meal with family and friends. Curry Bliss’s signature curries and aromatic biryanis are especially popular and showcase their dedication to authentic flavors.
**3. Tandoori Palace
For those who appreciate the unique flavors of tandoori cooking, Tandoori Palace is a must-visit. The restaurant specializes in marinated meats and seafood cooked in a traditional clay oven, resulting in rich, smoky flavors. In addition to tandoori dishes, Tandoori Palace offers a variety of curries, biryanis, and freshly baked naan. The cozy ambiance and attentive service make it a great choice for a flavorful and enjoyable dining experience.
**4. India Grill
India Grill is known for its diverse menu and elegant dining environment. Offering a wide range of Indian dishes, including hearty curries, flavorful biryanis, and light appetizers like vegetable samosas and pakoras, the restaurant caters to all tastes. The refined decor and warm atmosphere make India Grill a perfect place for both casual meals and special occasions. The extensive menu ensures that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
**5. Bombay Sweets & Restaurant
Bombay Sweets & Restaurant offers a unique combination of savory Indian cuisine and traditional sweets. The menu includes flavorful curries, rich biryanis, and popular street foods like pav bhaji. What sets Bombay Sweets apart is its impressive selection of Indian desserts, including gulab jamun, jalebi, and rasgulla. This blend of savory and sweet options makes it a great spot for a complete dining experience.
**6. Mughlai Cuisine
Mughlai Cuisine delivers a refined dining experience with its Mughal-inspired menu. The restaurant features rich, flavorful dishes such as creamy butter chicken, aromatic biryanis, and spicy kebabs. The elegant decor and upscale ambiance provide a luxurious setting for enjoying a meal. Known for its high-quality ingredients and exceptional service, Mughlai Cuisine is an excellent choice for special occasions or a sophisticated dining experience.
McKinney’s Indian restaurants offer a diverse array of options for those seeking authentic and flavorful cuisine. From traditional curries and biryanis to modern takes on classic dishes, these top-rated spots provide a rich and satisfying taste of India. Whether you're in the mood for a casual meal or an elegant dining experience, McKinney’s Indian eateries ensure a memorable culinary journey right in the heart of Texas
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saintlucyrepresents · 29 days
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Scott Slusher AFAR
Scott Slusher photographed cowboy luxury with the perfect late-night oyster and shrimp cocktail service at Bowie House in Fort Worth, Texas for the new issue of AFAR magazine. The Summer 2024 issue highlights can’t miss local attractions throughout North America for its cover feature. Written by Terry Ward, the article describes the resort, as captured by Scott, as “the living room of Forth Worth.”
See more of Scott Slusher’s Lifestyle portfolio online here.
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deborahnewsome · 2 months
Find Your Perfect Home in Highland Park ISD!
Curious about living in one of Dallas's most prestigious school districts? Discover North Texas Homeowners' exceptional listings of homes for sale in Highland Park ISD. They specialize in matching discerning buyers with luxury, style, and convenience properties. Whether you seek a historic gem or a modern masterpiece, their expert team ensures a seamless home-buying experience. With unparalleled knowledge of the Highland Park area, they are your trusted partners in finding the ideal home that meets your family's needs and aspirations. Explore Highland Park ISD's finest properties with North Texas Homeowners today!
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newforesthaven · 2 months
New Forest Haven in San Antonio, TX
Since it isn’t easy to find the best luxurious apartment units for independent living nowadays, you should use techniques in doing so. One of the faster ways is researching about New Forest Haven. The property exists for you to enjoy such lifestyle. It has something to do with the best respite care in Denton location. Moreover, if location and convenience are essential to your lifestyle, you've come to the right place. The aforementioned place is also pet-friendly. Just check out their pet policy. Basically, pets are welcome upon approval. In addition, there's also a limit of 2 pets per home. Besides, a pet fee of $500 will be charged per pet. Lastly, cats, dogs, birds, and fish are allowed.
San Antonio, TX
These days, we know that creating a travel itinerary is delightful. If you’re looking for pre-scheduled events in San Antonio, TX, it is vital to check out online posts. Here are examples from Eventbrite website. First, there will be NB Ridaz! San Antonio! Big Gem! Lee valentine and more activity this coming Friday, August 16, 2024, at around 8:00 PM at San Antonio Shrine Auditorium. Second, the 15th Annual White Martini Party is scheduled on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at around 8:00 PM at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Lastly, you can opt to attend The Get Up Kids on Sunday, August 25, 2024, at around 8:00 PM at Paper Tiger.
San Antonio Museum of Art
Many people visit the San Antonio Museum of Art as a famous tourist attraction situated in San Antonio, TX. Aside from that, it’s a perfect place to learn new things. Basically, the San Antonio Museum of Art or SAMA is an art museum in Downtown San Antonio, Texas, USA. Moreover, the museum spans 5,000 years of global culture. Moreover, it is housed in the historic former Lone Star Brewery in 1886 on the Museum Reach of the San Antonio River Walk. Following a $7.2 million renovation, it opened to the public in March 1981. Lastly, the museum has a collection of more than 30,000 objects that represent 5,000 years of history and culture from every region of the world.
Temps increase for North Texas through the weekend
We know that there are many interesting news reports in the San Antonio, TX. One of the stories has something to do with the weather. As reported, temperatures were just shy of 100° at DFW Tuesday and there’s no rain either. In addition, the same can't be said for areas to the east. It wasn't much, most spots picked up trace amounts at best, but any rain is good rain this time of year. Besides, if you got caught under one of these showers, you got a brief reprieve from the heat. Additionally, another hot afternoon is forecast for Thursday, with highs topping out in the mid/upper 90s.
Link to maps
San Antonio Museum of Art 200 W Jones Ave, San Antonio, TX 78215, United States Get on I-35 S from W Jones Ave and Camden St 4 min (0.8 mi) Take I-10 W/US-87 N and I-410 W to I- 410 Access Rd/NW Loop 410/NW Loop 410 Acc Rd. Take exit 14A from I-410 W 9 min (8.8 mi) Continue on I- 410 Access Rd/NW Loop 410/NW Loop 410 Acc Rd to your destination 2 min (0.8 mi) New Forest Haven - Active Adult Apartments 5034 Newforest St, San Antonio, TX 78229, United States
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newstfionline · 4 months
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
The U.S. is facing pressure to approve attacks in Russia (NYT) Ukraine is preparing for a Russian offensive from the northeast, where Ukrainian officials say Russia has amassed some 10,000 troops near the border. The situation there has prompted several Western leaders to call for the U.S. to allow Ukraine to use American weapons to strike within Russia. Without that power, the Ukrainians say their hands are tied. The Biden administration has debated taking such a step but has feared escalating the war. Vladimir Putin warned today that Western countries helping Ukraine strike inside Russia should be aware of “what they’re playing with.”
In a north Texas county, dazed residents sift through homes mangled by a tornado (AP) The dazed residents of a north Texas county sifted through their mangled homes on Sunday after seven people there were killed when a tornado ripped through the remote region near the tiny community of Valley View. Cooke County Sheriff Ray Sappington said there’s “just a trail of debris left” in the area bordering Oklahoma where the dead included two children, ages 2 and 5, in Valley View, a town where barely 800 people live. The county bore the brunt of powerful weekend storms that left 15 people dead across Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Tens of thousands of residents were without power across the three states.
Peru prosecutors file graft complaint against president (Reuters) Peru’s attorney general’s office on Monday presented a so-called constitutional complaint against President Dina Boluarte in an alleged corruption case involving her use of luxury watches, a national scandal that could lead to removal proceedings. The formal accusation comes as the leader’s popularity has sunk to a new low, according to polls. The complaint accuses Boluarte of receiving a bribe. If Congress moves forward on it, the accusation could lead to Boluarte’s ouster.
Spain and Norway formally recognize a Palestinian state as EU rift with Israel widens (AP) Spain and Norway moved to formally recognize a Palestinian state with Ireland to follow suit on Tuesday in a coordinated effort by the three western European nations. Israel slammed the diplomatic move that will have no immediate impact on its grinding war in Gaza but adds to international pressure on Tel Aviv to soften its devastating response to last year’s Hamas-led attack. Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz lashed out at Spain on X, saying Sánchez’s government was “being complicit in inciting genocide against Jews and war crimes.” Relations between the EU and Israel nosedived Monday, with Madrid insisting that the EU should take measures against Israel for its continued deadly attacks in southern Gaza’s city of Rafah. After Monday’s meeting of EU foreign ministers, Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin said “for the first time at an EU meeting, in a real way, I have seen a significant discussion on sanctions” for Israel.
A proxy war (NYT) Over the last few weeks, a Russian blitz has claimed more than a dozen villages in northeast Ukraine, near the country’s second-largest city. This summer, Russia will likely continue its offensive push in the country’s east. Russia’s ability to carry out these attacks is in some ways surprising. War is expensive. And Russia’s economy is limited by steep sanctions from some of the richest countries in the world. Yet Moscow has managed to keep paying for its war machine. How? U.S. officials point to China. China has vowed not to send weapons to Russia. But it has supported Russia’s economy by buying oil and expanding other kinds of trade. Russia uses the revenue from that trade to manufacture weapons. It has also bought parts for these weapons from China, according to U.S. officials. Of course, Washington and its allies have also provided support, including actual weapons, to Ukraine. From that angle, the war looks more like part of the broader contest between the U.S. and China—what some analysts call a new cold war — than a one-off conflict. “We are headed into 30 or 40 years of superpower competition and confrontation,” said my colleague David Sanger. Ukraine is just the current front.
Spying Arrests Send Chill Through Britain’s Thriving Hong Kong Community (NYT) Simon Cheng still visibly tenses when he describes his detention in China. In 2019, Mr. Cheng, a pro-democracy activist from Hong Kong and a former employee of Britain’s Consulate there, was arrested after a business trip to mainland China. For 15 days, he was questioned and tortured, according to his account. Beijing confirmed his detention but denied he was mistreated. When he was finally released, he no longer felt safe in Hong Kong, and in early 2020, he fled to Britain and claimed asylum. His activism—and China’s pursuit of him—did not end once he moved to London. Last year, the Hong Kong authorities put a bounty on Mr. Cheng and other activists, offering $128,000 for information leading to their arrest. Still, like many Hong Kong activists living in self-imposed exile in Britain, he hoped his newfound distance from the Chinese authorities put him far from their reach. This month, three men were charged in London with gathering intelligence for Hong Kong and forcing entry into a British residence. While the men have not yet been found innocent or guilty—the trial will not begin until February—the news of the arrests threw a spotlight on many activists’ existing concerns about China’s ability to surveil and harass its citizens abroad, particularly those who have been critical of the government.
Papua New Guinea Landslide Has Buried 2,000 People, Officials Say (NYT) More than 2,000 people were buried alive in the landslide that smothered a Papua New Guinea village and work camp on Friday in the country’s remote northern highlands, the authorities told the United Nations on Monday. Government officials visited the disaster site on Sunday. And even as the official death toll jumped from a few dozen to 670, they warned that far more victims than expected appeared to still be caught under the rubble.
Typhoon leaves at least seven people dead and thousands displaced in the Philippines (AP) A typhoon has finally moved away from the Philippines, leaving at least seven people dead, mostly due to floods or toppled trees, and forcing the closures of several seaports, stranding thousands of passengers, officials said Tuesday. Typhoon Ewiniar crept by the country’s eastern coast late Friday night and lingered over the Philippine islands for several days, before shifting northeastward away from the archipelago. All storm warnings were lifted Tuesday. The typhoon’s shift in direction spared the densely populated capital, Manila, from a potentially damaging hit.
Iran and nuclear weapons (The Atlantic) In a sharp departure from a years-long policy, Iran’s leading officials are now openly threatening to build and test a nuclear bomb. Earlier this month, Kamal Kharazi, a former foreign minister, said that Tehran had the capacity to build a bomb and that, if it faced existential threats, it could “change its nuclear doctrine.” “When Israel threatens other countries, they can’t sit silent,” he said in an interview with Al-Jazeera Arabic on May 9. To emphasize that this wasn’t a gaffe, he reiterated the position a few days later when he addressed an Iranian Arab conference in Tehran. Kharazi isn’t just any old diplomat. He heads a foreign-policy advisory body that reports directly to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He would not have spoken without Khamenei’s blessing. For Iranian officials to openly acknowledge the possibility that Iran could pursue a nuclear weapon is a momentous change and marks the collapse of a previous taboo.
Pentagon suspends aid deliveries via Gaza pier after repeated mishaps (Washington Post) The Pentagon said Tuesday that it has suspended the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza via its floating pier after mishaps in which four U.S. military vessels were beached, one U.S. service member was critically injured, and sections of the structure were ripped free in bad weather. The damage will require the U.S. military, with Israeli assistance, to disassemble pieces of the pier attached to the Gazan shore, rebuild them in the nearby Israeli port of Ashdod, then transport them back to the Gazan shore and reconnect them, said Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman. That process will take at least a week, temporarily eliminating the pier as an option to deliver humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza aid as Israel continues its months-long military campaign against the militant group Hamas.
‘We have nothing.’ (AP) The tent camps stretch for more than 16 kilometers (10 miles) along Gaza’s coast, filling the beach and sprawling into empty lots, fields and town streets. Families dig trenches to use as toilets. Fathers search for food and water, while children look through garbage and wrecked buildings for scraps of wood or cardboard for their mothers to burn for cooking. Over the past three weeks, Israel’s offensive in Rafah has sent nearly a million Palestinians fleeing the southern Gaza city and scattering across a wide area. Most have already been displaced multiple times during Israel’s nearly 8-month-old war in Gaza, which is aimed at destroying Hamas but has devastated the territory and caused what the United Nations says is a near-famine. The situation has been worsened by a dramatic plunge in the amount of food, fuel and other supplies reaching the U.N. and other aid groups to distribute to the population. Palestinians have largely been on their own to resettle their families and find the basics for survival. “The situation is tragic. You have 20 people in the tent, with no clean water, no electricity. We have nothing,” said Mohammad Abu Radwan, a schoolteacher in a tent with his wife, six children, and other extended family.
Uganda tackles yellow fever with new travel requirement, vaccination campaign for millions (AP) Uganda has rolled out a nationwide yellow fever vaccination campaign to help safeguard its population against the mosquito-borne disease that has long posed a threat. By the end of April, Ugandan authorities had vaccinated 12.2 million of the 14 million people targeted, said Dr. Michael Baganizi, an official in charge of immunization at the health ministry. Uganda will now require everyone traveling to and from the country to have a yellow fever vaccination card as an international health regulation, Baganizi said.
South Africa’s election could bring the biggest political shift since it became a democracy in 1994 (AP) South Africans will vote Wednesday to decide whether their country will take its most significant political step since the moment 30 years ago when it brought down apartheid and achieved democracy. Then, Nelson Mandela led the African National Congress party to victory as Black South Africans who were the majority were allowed to vote for the first time. But while the ANC still governs in 2024, it is amid rising discontent caused largely by high levels of unemployment and poverty. That could result in a majority of South Africans choosing another party this week over the one that led them to freedom. “Thirty years of South African democracy does not mean we should endure an eternity under the ANC,” John Steenhuisen, the leader of the main opposition Democratic Alliance party, said in the run-up to the election.
The Good Old Days (Washington Post) What you consider the peak of culture, music and fashion really does depend on what you thought was cool in middle school. Analysis of a YouGov survey that asked respondents which decade had the best and worst music, economy, movies, etc., shows that for most respondents, regardless of when they grew up, the best economy, movies and television happened when they were around 12 to 15 years old. The best fashion, sports and music period comes a little later, around age 16 to 19.
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litrvluxurytravel · 4 months
Motorcoach Vacation Success Stories: Real-Life Travel Experiences
1. A Family's Cross-Country Adventure
The Smith Family's Epic Journey
The Smith family, consisting of parents John and Lisa and their two kids, Emily and Jake, decided to embark on a cross-country adventure. Renting a motorcoach for the first time, they traveled from their home in New York to the sunny beaches of California. Along the way, they visited iconic landmarks like the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and Mount Rushmore. The flexibility of their motorcoach allowed them to take detours to lesser-known attractions, creating unforgettable memories. The Smiths loved the convenience of having their accommodation and transportation in one, making their trip both economical and comfortable.
2. Retirees Living the Dream
Betty and Tom's Great Escape
After retiring, Betty and Tom sold their home and invested in a luxury motorcoach. Their dream was to explore the vast landscapes of North America without the constraints of a fixed schedule. They spent the past year traveling from the scenic coasts of Maine to the deserts of Arizona, meeting fellow travelers and forming lasting friendships along the way. Their motorcoach, equipped with all the comforts of home, made it easy for them to enjoy extended stays in beautiful locations. For Betty and Tom, the motorcoach lifestyle provided the freedom they had always dreamed of.
3. A Couple's Romantic Getaway
Sarah and Mike's Cozy Retreat
Sarah and Mike, a couple from Texas, celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary with a romantic motorcoach trip through the Pacific Northwest. They spent their days exploring lush forests, picturesque coastlines, and charming small towns. One of their favorite experiences was camping under the stars in Oregon's Crater Lake National Park. The motorcoach gave them the perfect blend of adventure and intimacy, allowing them to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with each other.
4. Friends on a Road Trip
The Adventure Squad's Ultimate Road Trip
A group of college friends, known as the Adventure Squad, reunited for a two-week motorcoach road trip. Starting from Chicago, they drove through the Midwest, hitting popular spots like the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, and finally reaching Yellowstone. Their motorcoach served as a mobile base camp, providing a place to rest, cook meals, and share stories by the campfire. The flexibility of their motorcoach allowed them to spontaneously decide on destinations and activities, making the trip a thrilling and dynamic experience.
5. Digital Nomads Exploring the Country
Jessica and Alex's Work-and-Travel Lifestyle
Jessica and Alex, a pair of digital nomads, decided to combine work and travel by renting a motorcoach. With remote jobs that allowed them to work from anywhere, they set off on a year-long journey across the United States. They outfitted their motorcoach with a mobile office, complete with Wi-Fi and ergonomic workstations. This setup enabled them to work during the day and explore new destinations during their off-hours. From the beaches of Florida to the mountains of Colorado, Jessica and Alex enjoyed the best of both worlds: a fulfilling career and an ever-changing backyard.
6. A Solo Traveler's Journey of Self-Discovery
Linda's Solo Adventure
Linda, an avid traveler and nature enthusiast, decided to take a solo motorcoach trip to find herself and reconnect with nature. Her journey took her through the Rocky Mountains, the forests of the Pacific Northwest, and the deserts of the Southwest. Along the way, Linda discovered the joy of solitude and the beauty of the natural world. Her motorcoach provided a safe and comfortable haven, allowing her to embark on day hikes, photography expeditions, and peaceful nights under the stars. This solo adventure was a transformative experience that left Linda feeling more connected to herself and the world around her.
These success stories showcase the diverse and enriching experiences that Motorcoach Vacation Rentals can offer. Whether it's a family adventure, a romantic getaway, a reunion with friends, or a solo journey of self-discovery, motorcoach travel provides the flexibility and freedom to create unforgettable memories on the open road. For anyone looking to explore the beauty and diversity of North America, Motorcoach Vacation Rentals offer a unique and rewarding way to travel.
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