#North Face x Gore Tex
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🙄👨🏽😒😕🧍🏽♂️😅 Just three brothers talking
Mesh Credits: @diversedking @lazyeyelids @darte77
#Sims 4#In Game Shots#My Sims#Denim Tears#Supreme#North Face x Gore Tex#Benny Wilding#My recolors#Bomani Guillory#Nabil Guillory#Najee Guillory#Guillory#Cactus Plant Flea Market
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Do you know where I can get good shoes for standing all day at work? I'm a cashier and I want some cute like combat boots to wear but I'm not really sure because most work shoes are sneakers? I know it's dumb but I feel so ugly at work and I'm there 90 percent of my life anyway so might as well try to feel good about how I look no? Lol
These are a few combat boots I've seen recommended for their style and comfort:
GUESS Women's Orana Combat Boot ($70 USD)
Sorel Hi-Line Lace-Up Combat Boot ($92-$118 USD)
Hush Puppies Amelia Lace Boot ($109 USD)
Vionic Women's Charm Lani Lace Up Ankle Boot ($169 USD) (this is probably my biggest suggestion even though they're more expensive, because they're designed for people with foot pain).
Sam Edelman Women's Lydell Combat Boot ($177 USD)
I've also heard good things about the brand TUK, which makes alternative-style shoes.
You can also make shoes more comfortable by making sure you have the correct size and width of shoe, making sure to break them in properly, and using orthotic inserts or shoe cushions.
You might also look at a hiking boot, since they're designed to be worn all day and in difficult conditions (and plus, then you'll always have a pair of hiking boots):
SOREL Brex™ Boot Lace ($129 USD)
Merrell Moab 2 Hiking Boot ($160 USD)
Salomon X Ultra Mid Gore-Tex ($175 USD)
The North Face VECTIV Exploris 2 Mid FUTURELIGHT Hiking Boots ($179 USD)
In terms of the best shoes for standing in overall, they're not very edgy, but you can get some that will at least blend in with the rest of your look:
Skechers Slip-ins Work: Summits SR - Enslee ($80 USD)
Allbirds Wool Runners in Natural Black with Black Sole ($110)
Brooks Ghost 13 Running Shoe ($129)
HOKA Clifton 9 in Black/Black ($145)
Kuru Atom ($160 USD)
And for a completely out-there suggestion:
Crocs On-The-Clock Work Slip-On Clogs in Black ($37 USD)
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Liam was pictured with a fan wearing this Supreme x The North Face pullover. The piece comes from the Spring/Summer 2017 collection and features Gore-Tex nylon waterproof fabric and decorative patches, including the American flag.
SUPREME X THE NORTH FACE Trans Antarctica Expedition Pullover (sold out)
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https://vimeo.com/166623466 Accessed 11.2.21
https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/north-face-futurelight-vs-gore-tex 11.2.21
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https://phaisana.wordpress.com/2018/04/08/prada-brand-prism/ Accessed 17.2.21
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https://blog.weavabel.com/brands-who-have-embraced-eco-friendly-manufacturing-and-packaging-solutions Accessed 3.3.21
https://backbeat.co/ Accessed 3.3.21
https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/138907969747503874/ 3.3.21
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https://3dinsider.com/3d-printing-fashion/ 29.1.21
https://www.irisvanherpen.com/ 29.1.21
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Trend Forecaster
Trend Forecasters usually work about two years ahead of the season of the trend that they are forecasting. However, due to fast fashion and the consumer always wanting the next new thing, the turnaround from forecasting to design to shop floor is accelerating. Trend forecasters examine how the fashion market will look in approximately a year’s time. Predicting what designs will look like in the future based on research of colour, material, and print. To begin with forecasters, look into the availability of materials including the yarn and colours. Once they know what they have to work with they are then able to then go on and create design samples from forecasted pattern, print and key shapes. A collection can then be created alongside the buying and merchandise teams.
When looking for a potential new trend, forecasters begin by reviewing a broad range of sources and not just fashion, including, technology, food and drink, the arts, the news, beauty, travel, imagery, the economy, environmental factors, anything really that can be a research point for a new trend. Once all of the data has been collected the researcher has to use their instinct before mapping out the trend by asking themselves, is it new? If it is, how and why? And what do they like about it? once the have completed this they can then map out the trend looking at the key ideas driving the trend, how the trend has been established, how the trend will affect the consumer and their current buying habits, and how the trend will be influential in the future.
A method that is sometimes used to check the legitimacy of a trend is the thrice a trend rule or 3x3. This enables the researcher to see if the trend is in more than one industry. Firstly, you find three examples of a product with similar characteristics. Then you go on to find three items with a similar aesthetic all from different industries (Holland and Jones, 2017).
The trend ‘Happy Camper’ from WGSN’s S/S 22 forecast is based around the outdoors, with simple block colours and lightweight fabrics. There is a main focus on sustainability with recycled nylons and biodegradable coatings along with functional features and detachable accessories.
The three fashion examples that I chose for my 3x3 include a K-Way coat, Surfdome coat, and an X Karla coat. All three focus on the outdoors and outerwear with block colours. K-Way also pride themselves on being functional, technological, and coloured. The Surfdome coat is made from a Gore-Tex fabric which is weatherproof and lightweight. According to the X Karla website a generous donation has also been made to an American forest restoring charity in honour of their outdoor performance, brightly coloured collaborative collection (X Karla, 2020).
My three industry products include a The North Face travellers duffle bag, Beauty & Go bioactive beauty drinks, and a Qaou tent. The duffle bag is block coloured and made from a durable nylon with detachable straps, hidden compartments and additional features and fastenings. The beauty drinks are drinkable skincare that are enriched with nutrients from fruit, they are all brightly coloured, bioactive, and in recyclable packaging. The tent has links to the outdoors and is made from recycled materials, it is also weatherproof with functional features. All of these products have some way of relating to each other and the main trend itself, with some having more similarities than others.
Two of the main trend forecasting companies are WGSN and LS:N. I will be using WGSN to find my trend for my Lookbook and will go on to use both sites to help me with my research.
Fig.6 Happy Camper, WGSN (2020) Womenswear Forecast S/S 22 - Euphoric
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EDGE Undercover ‘Neoboy’ Gore-Tex Parka SS09 GG 15S-ES-TK01 EPT 03 | ΛCRИM P23TS-CH Supreme Beanie | Cav Empt X Ashram Glove #2 Nike Free Huarache Carnivore SP Supreme X The North Face Roo II Pic by Brian Valdizno
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Kilimanjaro Packing List
KILIMANJARO PACKING LIST WITH KILIPEAK ADVENTURE: During a day on Kilimanjaro the temperatures can easily range from the high 20's (centigrade) right down at night to -15c. To cope with this huge range in temperature your clothing and kit strategy needs to be based around combining lots of thin layers that you build up and take off as the weather demands. Please note that Tanzania is implementing a ban on the use of single-use plastic bags on 1st June 2019. Please ensure that none of the items in your luggage are packed in plastic bags - if you are looking to separate items in your bag, please consider re-usable 'packing cubes'. Please also be aware that disposable plastic bottles are not permitted on Kilimanjaro National park. Kilimanjaro National Park operates an absolutely strict limit of 15kg per porter for your main equipment bag, which includes your sleeping bag. This is more than sufficient for your needs on the mountain. Your bag will be weighed before you leave the hotel to start the climb and if it is overweight you will have to check unnecessary take items and leave them at the hotel or we can arrange for an extra porter on the briefing time.
Solid Hiking Boots- Boots should have high ankle support with a solid Vibram®, or equivalent, sole. Gore Tex®, or other waterproofing, is recommended to have for wet days as well as added insulation. Be sure to break your boots in at least 4 WEEKS prior to departure. Additionally, bring a spare set of laces.
SunGlasses – Your sunglasses should have 100% UV protection and should reduce glare as well as visible light. The frames should be lightweight with a wrap-around design for enhanced grip and staying power. Additionally, side shields are recommended to block peripheral light.
Day Pack – The most important things to look for if you need to purchase one are size (30L is good), hydration pack compatibility, hip, and chest straps, internal frame, good padding on shoulder straps, and water bottle holders.
Water/Windproof Jacket – Your water/windproof jacket is your outer water-repellent layer. Gore-Tex, seam-sealed is recommended as well as a hood for added warmth.
Water/Windproof Pants – Your water/windproof pants will be worn on summit day as well as on rainy afternoons. These pants are essential for warmth and should be Gore-Tex lined and have lower leg zips.
Water/Windproof Mittens or Gloves – These are used for extreme temperatures and primarily worn on summit day. Be sure your gloves or mittens have a wrist cord as well as a reinforced palm to maintain grip during wet conditions. A removable liner is essential for drying, washing, and replacing.
2 large duffel bags – One we will leave at the hotel in Arusha to store non-essential gear when on the mountain (such as clean clothes for changing when off the mountain and for onward travel) and the other for carriage by the porters when on the mountain. THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND ABOUT THE ESSENTIALS Look for items that will add less volume to your overall pack. We will be using porters to carry our equipment however they are limited in the amount each can carry. Heavy synthetic materials will be very limiting and could cause issues when packing up for the hike.
2 pairs of synthetic warm weather trekking socks – These socks are for trekking in the warmest part of the day since they are made of a Coolmax® fabric. What is Coolmax®? – CoolMax® wicks moisture dries quickly and breathes well, keeping your feet dry and preventing blisters.
4 pairs heavier synthetic or wool blend socks – Your wool socks are ideal for around camp when the temperature drops as well as on cold mornings. Merino wool is very comfortable and dries quickly with fewer odors than synthetic blends.
2 pairs long underwear top – This will be your base layer for colder mornings, evenings, and days where the temperature drops considerably. The material is lightweight, tight-fitting, moisture-wicking, and comfortable.
2 pairs long underwear bottom – This will be your bottom base layer for colder mornings, evenings, and days when the temperature drops considerably. The material is lightweight, tight-fitting, moisture-wicking, and comfortable.
Warm pants – These pants are ideal for evenings around the camp and cold days on the trail. Typically made of lightweight fleece and Wind Pro material, these pants should offer the added warmth in case of cold nights or high winds on the summit.
Fleece Top – This Polartec® 200 weight top will provide added warmth during the evenings as well as on a cold morning starts. Please look for fleece material and stay away from cotton sweatshirts. Ideally, this item is worn over the thermal base layer and underneath your water/windproof jacket.
2 pairs Shorts/Pants for Hiking- These convertible shorts/pants will be what we hike in every day. They should be of a lightweight, quick-drying nylon material. Some come with UPF protection and mosquito protection.
2 pairs long or short sleeve shirts for the trail – Your trekking shirt is what we should wear early in the climb in warmer climates. The shirt is moisture-wicking, lightweight, and designed for multi-day hikes.
Mid-Layer Top – This shirt is a long sleeve version of the one provided above. The long sleeve trail shirt offers added warmth, more protection from the sun, and an additional layer for evenings and early morning starts.
Warm Hat – This fleece or wool hat is ideal for evenings and will be valuable in the event of cold weather and temperatures on the summit. The hat should be tight fitting with minimal loose ends.
Lightweight Gloves – Fleece gloves are essential. Look for gloves that are Polartec® 200 weight with leather reinforced palm. For more protection windproofing is available and will add an extra layer of warmth.
Balaclava – The balaclava provides added warmth on summit day and colder evening. The balaclava should be of synthetic or wool material, lightweight, and close-fitting.
Sun hat – Your sun hat should be worn at the lower camps and should provide ample coverage for the face. A full brimmed hat is good for added shade and increased sun protection. Additionally, a neck scarf should also be considered to protect the back of the neck”.
Waterproof breathable Gaiters – Your gaiters should be lightweight and durable. Look for Gore-Tex lined with the ability to fit over your boots. Velcro or adjustable sides for easy access is recommended.
Down Jacket – 800 fill down jacket will add much need warmth for cold evenings as well as the added layers for summit day. Down is recommended for its compressibility and is comfortable around camp in the early nights on the climb. Patagonia, Mountain Hardware, Marmot, and North Face are brands the guides wear. ADDITIONAL ITEMS:
Head Lamp- Petzl® and Black Diamond® make several models of small and efficient headlamps. Look for ones that have multiple lighting levels, LED bulbs, and uses AAA batteries. * Please bring at least 3 sets of spare batteries to ensure ample lighting on your summit attempt.
Camp shoes (Teva, Crocs, Sandals) – These are great for around camp after a long day on the trail. These can also be used for creek crossings that may be higher than the boot. Flip flops work well in warmer climates but are not as effective during cold nights.
Hydrator – Hydrators are ideal when hiking for several hours because they enable you to drink slowly and frequently. 2-3 liters is a good size and should fit easily into your pack. All Camelbaks® come with a bite valve, or on/off switch, as well as a large access port for filling. You must bring a NEOPRENE SLEEVE for the hose to prevent freezing.
Bug Spray – DEET based products work well and we find that the spray-on versions last longer and are less messy. 4-6 ounce repellents that are perspiration and splash resistant are great.
Sun Screen – 30 SPF or higher is recommended as well as waterproof and sweatproof. 8 ounces will be plenty and we typically carry one with 45+ SPF for our faces and a 30 SPF for other exposed areas. Banana Boat, REI, Kinesis, and All-Terrain are good options.
2 wide mount water bottle – A 1-liter water bottle is essential for hydrating at lunch, around the camp, and refilling throughout the day. Stay away from glass and heavy metals and look for lexan® for durability. * For males, a third water bottle should be considered for use as a potty at night and must be labeled accordingly.
Pillow– A Thermarest® pillow that compresses down or folds into itself is ideal. A good benchmark for size and weight is 18 X 14 inches and 9 ounces total.
Dry Bag – A 20 liter + dry bag is great for ensuring your personal items are safe in case of rain. Cameras, wallets, money, and any other valuables can be kept dry at all times.
Pack Cover – The pack cover is an additional item we recommend everyone carry in case we encounter heavy rains. The pack cover should have a drawstring cord and elastic edges to fit firmly over your bag. A 40-liter cover will work well on any day pack.
Trekking Poles – Collapsible poles are great for steep downhill terrain and assistance up the hill. If you have knee problems they reduce the impact on your joints by 20-30%. A nice soft foam grip will help prevent blisters and the poles with an aluminum shaft are durable and lightweight.
Camp Towel – the camp towel should be of a polyester-nylon blend that dries quickly and compacts tightly in your pack. The large (50 X 27 inches) is a good size and can be used to wash up at the end of the day. Stay away from the house or beach towels. KILIMANJARO PACKING LIST WITH KILIPEAK ADVENTURE OPTIONAL ITEMS: Camera Paperback book Journal with pen or pencil Person First Aid Kiband, moleskin or second skin, Ibuprofen, Aspirin) Hand sanitizer Sani-wipes Hand & feet warmers (2X) – Gel/ air activated are best Bandanna Cell phone (with solar charger e.g. solar monkey charger) since you tri and quad-band phones work on Kilimanjaro Flavored chocolate/energy bars for snacks A supply or rehydrate sachets 2 extra garbage bags for waterproofing and separating dirty laundry Earplugs iPod or MP3 player Pocket knife Water-flavoring to mask the iodine taste in the purified water Read the full article
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A waterproof & breathable fabric membrane created and trademarked by W. L. Gore and Associates in 1969, GORE-TEX can repel water whilst still allowing water vapour to pass through, designed to be light weight and for all weather use.
I have known about GORE-TEX for a while and have used it for a couple of previous projects, I'm a big fan of materials like this as I love the finish it gives to completed garments.
I have also heard of the material through various collaborations with brands such as Paria Farzaneh, Nike’s ACG line & HYKE x The North Face.
images sourced from: www.Instagram.com/GoreTexStudio
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#Nabil Guillory#Bomani Guillory#Tariq Guillory#Cinque Guillory#Guillory#3 generations#Sims 4#My Sims#My recolors#Najee Guillory#Denim Tears#Supreme#North Face x Gore Tex#Benny Wilding#streetwear#sneakers#In Game Shots
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Sock-Like Athletic Footwear – The North Face x GORE-TEX Velocity Knit Capsule is Contemporary (TrendHunter.com) (TrendHunter.com) The North Face x GORE-TEX Velocity Knit capsule collection is a technical range of footwear that will offer wearers a way to maintain comfort and agility when heading out on their next adventure....
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^*^ Brain Dead x The North Face Gore Tex Mountain Jacket Pale Yellow Size Medium https://ebay.to/36NMVkk
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Description Brand: The North Face Style: Mens 2020 Jester Jacket Color: TNF Black Condition: New with tags Item Details:SHELL:50D x 65D 113 g/m² 100% polyester with durable water-repellent (DWR) finish; INSULATION:Heatseeker Eco 50% Post-Consumer Recycled Polyester Insulation: 80 G In Body; 60 G In Sleeves And Pockets Reversible water-repellent, lightly insulated jacket for winter layering or lightweight warmthNorth Face's Standard fitZippered hand pockets on one side, snap pockets on the otherFixed cuffs with snap closureHem cinch-cordApprox. center back - 28" Shipping Domestic We ship worldwide. Please use the shipping calculator, click the shipment tab for available shipping options. Insurance is included in the shipping cost for all domestic and international shipments. Tracking information will be automatically emailed and updated to the order details page, when your item ships. Please allow 1-2 business days from payment received to process your order. Transit estimates are not guaranteed. We are not responsible for transit times. Estimates are provided by the carrier, which exclude weekends and holidays. Processing and transit estimates may vary during peak periods and extreme weather conditions. Any shipping promotions are for the initial shipment only, and do not apply toward any additional required shipments from unclaimed or undeliverable packages, etc. Buyer will be responsible for any additional shipping fees. International Customs processing may extend transit estimates. Online tracking updates may be delayed, till items clear customs. Buyers are responsible for tracking their item and for contacting the post office within 5 days of an attempted delivery. Unclaimed packages will be returned to us and we are not responsible for re-shipping fees. Buyer will be responsible for any customs fee’s or taxes that may occur. We are not responsible for transit times or customs delays. Combined Shipping Click "Add to Cart" and eBay will automatically calculate the combined rate, prior to purchase. If your countries eBay site is not showing the cart, you can log into the U.S. site. Prices are calculated by combined weight and size of items. May not be available on oversize orders. Payment Payment is to be made by PayPal only. We will only ship to the address on the PayPal payment. It is the buyers responsibility to have all shipping and payment information accurate and up to date. Policy We guarantee all of our items to be 100% authentic. We will only ship to the address on the PayPal payment. All items are sold AS-IS, we express no warranty, or manufactures extended warranty. All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. It is the buyers responsibility to know size and preferred fit prior to purchase. Pictured items may be a stock representation unless otherwise stated. We strive for positive feedback with a 5 star rating, and your satisfaction is very important to us. If you have any issues with your order, please message us and we will be more than happy to assist you. Questions asked during holidays and weekends will be answered the next business day. Additional pictures, specs, or measurements are not available. Positive feedback will be automatically reciprocated. When shopping for outerwear it is important to consider how you're body reacts to different weather conditions and aerobic output during snowboarding, skiing, etc. For some, a shell or lightly insulated piece is sufficient if they have a tendency to heat easily. Otherwise, non-insulated and tech apparel items are great pieces for building layering system's. DWR is a water resistant treatment. It does not make the fabric waterproof to the level of a nylon or Gore-Tex fabric. So if you are planning on being in storm weather, we recommend a fabric with a higher water resistance rating or that is made of GORE-TEX. Read the full article
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THE NORTH FACE 90s guide jacket “GORE-TEX” made in USA !!!! - フードにアジャスターが付いた90年代のアメリカ製🇺🇸、定番のレッドxブラックのガイドジャケットです✌️ オンラインショップをチェックしてください☝️ - Online-Shopオンラインショップ👉https://chameleonwearhouse.com - (Harajuku, Tokyo(原宿)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3or07WFJm1/?igshid=tdh823ckaqut
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The North Face Lostrail Ski Jacket, Grey/Blue Zip up and go big: The North Face's Lostrail Jacket is a sleek snowsports layer that packs plenty of alpine protection. The two-layer GORE-TEX® fabric is completely waterproof, allowing you to stay dry through hours of powder. The snap-away powder skirt and jacket-to-trouser integration provide further lower-half protection. Throw over the helmet-compatible hood to play safe on the slopes, and bring your goggles and music player along for the ride - there’s no need to head home early when you’ve got everything you need with you. Bottom Line: Get lost seeking powder in the glades with this weatherproof Gore-Tex® shell that’s equipped with a snap-away powder skirt to keep your back snow-free in the deepest stashes, and underarm vents for added breathability during technical sections. Jacket features: Ultra-warm and waterproof ski jacket with hood and powder skirt Standard Fit Dedicated, helmet-compatible hood Snap-away powder skirt Dual-zip, secure chest pockets Secure-zip hand pockets Internal media pocket with media port Two internal goggle pockets Underarm vents Secure-zip wrist pocket with goggle wipe Jacket-to-pant integration Integrated cuff gusset Integrated thumb-loop cuffs AquaGuard® zips Fabric: Shell: 78D x 70D 158 g/m² Gore-Tex® 2L—100% nylon woven available at www.ed-star.com #clothes, #fashionpost #look, #lookbook, #lookoftheday, #womenswear menstyle, #menswear, #womenswear #outfitoftheday, #streetfashion, #streetwear, #styleblogger, #styleinspiration, #stylish, #trending, #trends, #trendy, #wiw, #wiwt #edstardenim #FashionBlogger #LookBook #WIWT #FashionWeek #FashionStyle #StyleBlog #Blog #jacket #bomberjacket #thenorthface https://www.instagram.com/p/B3jst5XhWE9/?igshid=uj0hs7n9cd16
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