#None shall pass the coffee titans
bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
For The Love Of Humanity’s Strongest (Part Nine)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be in a taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to do it for anyone!
(Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Summary: When all seems lost Y/N knows that she can count on one person to always be there for her brother, Eren Jaeger, and herself. Can humanity’s strongest not only keep Eren in line, but keep his relationship alive as well?
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six: *NSFW Ahead!*, Part Seven, Part Eight
AO3 Link
Word Count: 3.3k
Part Nine:
By the time I reached the common area everyone was already down there. I entered the doorway and stretched, a yawn covering my face. Eren sat at the table with Hange, she was still rambling about Titans. Poor Boy. His face looked like he would pass out at any moment. As I entered the room and stood next to the rest of the group I heard her words. “Now let’s review shall we?” 
We all groaned in the corner and as we turned to make our exit a member of the scouts burst through the door. “Section Commander Hange!” Hange stopped talking and looked to them. “It’s the test subjects, they’ve been killed. 
I had never seen Zoe move so quickly in her life. We all grabbed our cloaks from the hanger by the door and made our way out of the building. Who would do such a thing? They were tied down, they weren’t a threat. 
When we all reached where they were holding the Titans Hange jumped off her horse, running as fast as her legs would carry her. I turned to Levi and the rest of them. “I’m going with Zoe, you guys go see Erwin.”
Levi nodded to me. “Take Eren with you.”
Eren jumped from his horse and followed me as I jumped from mine. As we got closer to where they had been holding the Titans I could already hear the mortified shrieks coming from my best friend. 
Zoe held her head in her hands and fell to her knees. “How could this happen?! Someone tell me this isn’t real!”
I looked behind me at my brother. “Stay here.” I slowly approached Zoe. I hadn’t seen her this distraught in a long time. I put my hand on her shoulder and knelt down next to her. “Zoe, I’m right here.” She turned to me and buried herself in my arms, shrieking into my shoulder. 
I heard the squad come up behind us. Eren looked to Levi. “How did this happen?”
Levi watched on as I tried to comfort the one person I knew could never be comforted right now. “Let it go, it’s a matter for the Military Police now.”
Levi left him, but Erwin walked up behind him. As Erwin spoke to Eren our eyes met. “What is it you think you see?” Eren’s eyes grew wide. “Who do you think the real enemy is here?” Eren didn’t say anything, he just stared at him in confusion. “Ignore me. Loaded question.” Even I was confused by his statement, but before I could say anything to him he walked away with Levi on his heels. 
* * * * * * 
Eren tended to his chores as the rest of the squad watched on. None of them lifted a finger but me to help him. We both held buckets up to the horse’s mouths, hoping they would get some food into them when Gunther spoke up. “Hey Eren, do you know if any of your classmates are planning on joining the scouts?”
The Recruitment Drive was tonight. Anyone from the training classes that graduated was able to choose which branch they wanted to join. Eren looked over at them. “Yea, there’s a few.” He turned to the horse. “Or at least, there were. I’m really not so sure now.”
Levi’s horse approached and as he stopped abruptly we heard a shout come from Gunther. “Fall in!”
We all gathered around him. He looked to the three of us that had been outside. “Make ready, we’re going on Patrol.” Gunther and Eld saluted him and left, obeying their orders. 
Eren came running up behind me, stopping next to me. He saluted him. “Good morning Captain, reporting for duty.”
“Eren, you will stay within ten meters of your sister and me at all times. The only reason you’re out of your cell is because I’m keeping an eye on you. Understood?” 
“Yes sir.” A small nod from Eren was given. 
“Let’s ride then.”
I put my hand on my shoulder. “Grab my horse Eren.” As Eren ran off and left Levi and me by ourselves my worry started to show. “We’re leaving early?” All Levi did was nod. “Why Levi? Erwin was dead set on waiting an entire month before we went out. He wanted us to fully grasp Eren’s ability if we can.”
“And he thinks that we’ve grasped it as well as we can right now. We need to see him out in the field before we can say more. He wants us back in town for two days, then we leave. The new recruits we get in tonight will be tried on this mission.” His face turned serious. “You are to stay within ten meters of me at all times as well. I need you to stay objective out there Y/n, you know what that means.”
I swallowed hard. “I will. I promise.”
Eren approached with the horses and we all climbed on, following Levi at full speed. Tonight was the night of the ceremony. I couldn’t believe that Erwin was going to take a chance at having the mission two days early. I couldn’t believe that he was going to take brand new recruits out there. That wasn’t like him at all. I couldn’t deny that it would be good to spend a couple of nights in my own home again tho. 
* * * * * *
When we were all back in town the squad split up, using the last two days to spend some time with our families since we knew we were all about to leave the walls. Levi and I had talked about keeping Eren with us for the next couple of days. I couldn’t bring myself to leave him in a cell until we left. The familiar surroundings that welcomed us when we unlocked the front door of our apartment were like heaven. The pictures of Levi and I hat hung on the wall, the pictures of my family from another time that sat on the coffee table in the living room as you entered. 
I pointed to the back hall and smiled at Eren. “The guest bedroom is right down that hall and the bathroom is right next to it.” I had forgotten that in all the years Levi and I had been together and living in this apartment Eren had never been there. I pointed behind us. “If you need anything during the night Levi and I’s room is over there.” Our room was on the other side of the kitchen. 
The night quickly approached us, time going by at fifty times the speed since we were about to embark on a mission. It always had right before them. 
I stood in our bathroom that connected to our bedroom, closing the door behind me. Just that small difference had alerted Levi as he came into the room. It wasn’t like me to shut the door behind me. I couldn’t help it this time. My nerves were shot, all that had been running through my mind all day was the possibility of us having to kill Eren. Nausea took over as I jumped for the toilet, wrapping myself around the bowl. 
Levi knocked softly on the door after a second. “Open the door Y/n.” I had forgotten I had locked it so I slowly crawled over and did so, returning to the toilet a second later. Levi walked over to me and knelt down slowly, taking my hair in his hands and holding it back. I could hear a small sigh come from him as he pulled me into his arms, sitting on the cold bathroom floor. “Stop stressing yourself out. You’re just making yourself weaker. You have to stay strong for him.”
I leaned into him. “I can’t help it. What if something happens and you guys have to kill him?” I could feel the knots in my stomach coming back but I ignored them. “What if you have to be the one to do it, Levi?”
“I promise that I’m going to avoid having to at all costs, and you know that the rest of the squad will do that same. You know that we have your back as well as Eren’s. He’s all you have left and we all know that. We don’t want to see anything happen to him.” He brushed my hair back with his hand and kissed the top of my head. “Now brush your teeth and come to bed. We have a long day tomorrow. We have to take Eren to meet more of the members before we leave.”
I nodded and sat up slowly. My stomach stopped doing flips as my anxiety calmed a little. I would never understand how Levi was able to do that for me. A rough day of training was ahead for us. It was now or never to get some sleep.
* * * * * * 
Daybreak approached without warning and as I rolled over to say good morning to Levi my arm fell onto the empty bed. My eyes opened and I hopped out. Levi was always right there when I woke up. I swung the door to the bedroom open. “Levi?!”
Eren was at the kitchen table, a cup of warm tea in his hands. “He told me to wait for you and meet him at the training area when you woke up. He’s already there with Hange. Today’s the day they’re gonna stick me in the well and hope I can figure out how to transform again.”
I felt that same uneasy feeling creeping up on me again. I held my finger up to Eren and turned back for the bedroom. When I returned a moment later Eren looked worried. “I’m fine. Don’t worry little brother. It’s just my nerves.”
Eren relaxed a little, but I could tell he wasn’t going to let me off that easy. He’d be watching me the rest of the day. Guilt riddled his face, he knew my nerves were about him, but I would never admit that to him. 
* * * * * * 
We approached the well on horseback, Hange, and Levi already there waiting for us. We both hopped off the horse and I gave them each a weak smile. The flipping in my stomach hadn’t gone away this time. Not a good sign. Levi walked over to me as Hange directed Eren on what to do when he was in the well. “Are you okay?” He placed a hand on the small of my back. 
“I’m fine.” My voice was weak, even I could hear it.
His eyes watched me even though he didn’t protest to what I had said. Hange looked down the wall at Eren. “Are you ready my dear? When we’re a safe distance from the well I’ll fire off a smoke signal. What happens after that is entirely up to you.”
The day was still breaking, the sun still barely risen. I watched the clouds float by as I listened to them speak. Eren raise his hand and shouted back to her. “Ready when you are Commander.” We hopped onto the horses and Levi grabbed the reins to Eren’s horse, leading it up the hill with us. Levi grabbed his signal flare and handed it to Hange, letting her shoot it off.
We waited in anticipation for it to happen but after a few minutes, Hange grew confused. “I don’t understand it. Maybe he missed the signal?”
“Perhaps,” Levi watched the well with intensity. “Or perhaps we’re naive to think he can just turn it on and off.” Levi advanced and hopped down, approaching the well with me in tow. “Eren, enough, we’re done for today.” He could tell there was something wrong before he even reached him. 
I looked down the well at my brother and my eyes grew wide. He stared back up at us with defeat in his eyes. Blood covered his hands and mouth. I grabbed for the ladder, but Levi pulled me back. Eren’s fearful voice broke my heart. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do it now.”
* * * * * * 
We all sat around a table, other scouts filling in the area as the day passed by. Eren wouldn’t let himself feel alright about what had happened earlier. He was so upset that he hadn’t been able to transform that he was beating himself up. I stood next to Levi a little distance from the table, just far enough away that they wouldn’t hear us. “What do we do Levi?”
“We do nothing.” He took a sip from the tea in his hands. “There’s nothing we can do about it. We just have to figure out what makes it so he can transform.” 
“Levi, the bites on his hands aren’t even healing. Usually, they’d be gone way before now.” 
His tone changed as he approached Eren, now worried about that. “They really don’t show any signs of healing?”
“None sir.” Eren rubbed the bandages on his hands. 
“No offense, but you’re not much good to us in this form.” I glared at Levi, his words cutting me. “If you can’t change then our plans for Wall Maria go up in smoke.” Levi’s tone changed from worry to anger. “Pull it together, and that’s an order.”
I watched his pissed of figure leave the table and sat next to my brother. “Don’t take it to harshly.” Petra approached him and my glance changed to her. I hated it when she even went near him alone. “He doesn’t mean to be so angry, he’s just got a lot riding on this plan.” I stood from the table and hoped that I had eased my brother’s mind some, but I couldn’t let the one that was lovestruck by Levi spend too much time with him.
As I listened to Petra question Levi about the whole operation we were all hit with intense heat and wind. I looked behind me and held my arms up, debris swarming the area. The other three members of Squad Levi were flying through the air and Titan steam now filled where the picnic table had been. My heart started to pound out of my chest as the smoke cleared. Eren was standing on top of a half transformed Titan’s arm. 
Eren desperately pulled at his arm, trying to break it loose from the Titan’s arm. “Damn it, why now?”
I ran for my brother at full speed, the rest of the squad reaching him as well. Each one of the four of them drew their blades, pointing them at Eren. My instincts kicked in and I stood in front of all of them, my own blades drawn, pointing them toward my team. “Leave him alone!”
As the steam cleared out more and Levi realized what had happened he ran to us, planting himself between the team and me. “Calm down!”
Eren was frantic behind us, he had thought that Levi was talking to him. “I’m sorry Captain I…” Then he saw the team standing with nothing but malice in their eyes as they watched him. 
Levi was trying hard to calm them down. “The situation is complicated. Now calm down.” He glanced back at me. “You too.”
I couldn’t calm myself. These people were threatening to hurt the only family I had left. “They need to put down their blades first!” The desperation in my voice was becoming all too familiar. “I won’t let them hurt him.”
I could hear Hange’s screaming coming from the distance. Cheer in her voice, but I couldn’t worry about that now. I had to protect Eren.
Eld was screaming now. The whole team about to erupt. “Eren, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Sir, please.” The pleading in Eren’s voice was about to send me into a rage as I listened to my team go after him. 
“Nobody gave you permission to transform! Did they?”
Levi’s calls were still falling on deaf ears. “I said calm down!”
Oluo was next. “Answer the question Eren. What got into you?”
I pointed my sword directly at Oluo. “Try to say he did it on purpose again! I dare you!”
Eld walked toward him, each step making my heart pound. “Leave it, explanations can come later.” He pointed his sword. “First things first, you need to persuade us that you’re not hostile like your life depends on it.” His next words made my eyesight turn red. “Prove it or we kill you!”
I moved my sword from Oluo and swiftly moved to Gunther. My blade inches from his throat. “Try it, Gunther. One wrong move and yours is over.”
Oluo spoke now that my blade wasn’t on him. “So much as move an arm and I’ll take your head off. This is the first and only warning you’ll receive. I could end you in a heartbeat, do you understand me, boy?”
Levi screamed again. “Oluo, how many times do I have to say it…” 
Petra interrupted him. “Captain, I need you to step away. You’re too close.” 
Hearing Petra’s words in my haze of anger made me turn to her, my sword still on Gunther. Levi noticed my eyes and spoke to her himself, afraid of what I might say. “Right now I believe you’re the ones that need to step away. DO IT!”
“Why on earth?”
“Gut feeling.” With each passing second Levi was growing angrier and angrier.
Eld’s face was sweating. “Eren better say something.”
My head was spinning as Oluo started in again. “Don’t try anything!”
“Prove you’re not hostile.”
“I’ll do it, I swear to god.”
Eren finally was overcome with anger. “Be quiet! All of you just be quiet!”
Levi approached me slowly, his hand resting on my arm. My eyes still saw nothing but red as he slowly lowered my sword from Gunther’s throat. My breath was shaky as I watched him. “They won’t hurt him. I’m right here.” 
I could barely catch my breath as Hange came from behind us, screaming my brother’s name. “Eren!” As she reached him she looked rabid. “I want to touch the arm, I wanna touch it.” The woman started to drool. “Pretty please with sugar on top. Let me touch this glorious thing.”
Eren objected. “I don’t think that’s such a good…” Hange approached it anyway. “Wait no!” 
Her hand touched the arm and she instantly tore it away. She turned around and slid onto her knees on the ground. “Son of a bitch! That mother is hot with no skin. This is the best day in the history of science.”
One of her squad members ran up behind her. “You’re a maniac.”
She turned back to Eren. “Are you not burning up? What’s it like? How’s it connected to your hand? You have to show me. I really really really wanna see!”
Eren pulled at his hand and Oluo spoke to him again. “Are you ignoring me? Don’t do anything stupid.”
As Eren’s hand let go I jumped for him, grabbing him right before he hit the ground, breaking his fall some. He leaned against me as I knelt down with him. Hange was screaming on the other side as Titan steam started to take away the Titan arm before us. “Oh no! What are you doing? Not so soon! I wanted to put it under the knife.”
Levi walked up beside us. Eren looked over at him, having a hard time catching his own breath. “Sorry captain.”
“So you feeling okay or what?”
He fought for his breath. “Not… exactly… No.” I wrapped my arms around him and put a hand on his head, brushing hair back. My little brother shouldn’t have to go through this. 
Taglist 💕@gamegirl23100​ @super-peace-fangirl​ @pjimochi​ @izzythefanfreak​ @echimozart​ @peachymochimochi​ @primusk​ @hunie-hun @absolute-randomness-forever​ @omg-lexiiloveyou @dazaismaniaclaugh​ @renaissance-tragedy​ @titaniabuck @always394patronus​ @yeoulkim​ @thefirelordm​ @inmyouwnthoughtss​
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unvvoundjustice · 5 years
interview the muse!
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tagged by:: @clivedoveplblog​ wishing to compare Past vs future tagging:: ​​​ waves hand
► ARE YOU SINGLE?   ➭  " Single. ‘’ ► ARE YOU HAPPY?   ➭  " ... No. While being free is a relief there’s still a titanic weight on me. This will go unmentioned though as to why or what it is. ‘‘ ► ARE YOU ANGRY?   ➭ "Not anymore.“ ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ “ Currently they passed away, probably happy. I’m glad they still believed in me despise everything. ‘‘
► BIRTH PLACE   ➭   “ London, but it’s gone in ashes.’‘ ► HAIR COLOR   ➭  “ Brunette, on the light side. ‘‘ ► EYE COLOR   ➭  “ Dark brown. ‘‘ ► BIRTHDAY   ➭   “ ... Probably I forgot it at this point. ‘‘ ► MOOD  ➭   “ Calm, tired. But offer a cup of coffee and I shall offer some hospitality. ‘‘ ► GENDER   ➭   "Male.” ► SUMMER OR WINTER   ➭  “ Winter. ‘‘ ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON   ➭  “ Afternoon, there’s less people around. ‘’
► ARE YOU IN LOVE?   ➭  “ Currently no. And I don’t think I’d like to share my burdens with anyone. ‘’ ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?   ➭   " No. ‘’ ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP?   ➭  " Friendships, reputation, all of them cut by my hand. ‘’ ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART?   ➭   ‘’ Most likely, but some things are not avoidable. ‘’ ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭  “ I’d not be deserving of them. But I swallow any comment. ‘’ ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK?   ➭  ‘’ No. ‘’ ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER?  ➭   “ I wonder, but I will not ask. ‘’ ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART?   ➭  “... yes.”
► LOVE OR LUST   ➭   “Love.” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA   ➭   “ Iced tea. ‘’ ► CATS OR DOGS   ➭   “ Dogs... Too Hype for me. May be still allergic but cats are adorable. ‘’ ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS   ➭   " Once Professor layton, Triton and Flora were. I doubt they consider me one anymore. ‘’ ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN   ➭   “ None. ‘’ ► DAY OR NIGHT   ➭   “ Day. ‘’
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT   ➭   “In the past, yes. Now? I hardly can.” ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS   ➭  "Both.“ ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT?   ➭   “ I wish a man’s death, but justice is served better when they face their injustice upfront. ‘’ ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR   ➭   “ Despise the odds that I’d be not alive if it were of someone’s intervention, I might have... considered it. ‘’
► SMILE OR EYES   ➭  “ Eyes. ‘’ ► SHORTER OR TALLER   ➭   “ Short people are fun to bully. ‘’ snort. ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION   ➭   “ Intelligence. ‘’ ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP   ➭   ” ... Relationship. Though I’d hardly allow that to happen. ‘’
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “ They were the most loving family I had, Constance too, and I still thank her with my life... Sadly at this time they are all in a better place. ‘‘ ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE”   ➭  “ Oh boy. ‘‘ ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME   ➭   “ No. ‘‘ ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭   “ No as far as I remember. ‘‘
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS   ➭  ‘’ Perhaps I did. Right now I burned out any hate I had left. ‘’ ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS   ➭  “ I doubt that. ‘’ ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND   ➭   " Pass. ‘’ ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU   ➭  “ The little past me – In a way. He’s a fun lil’ fella! ‘’ 
... ‘’ And perhaps someone else. ‘’ 
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