#Nona won’t lay down and snuggle with me
what-if-angels · 5 months
I just moved my cat into our apartment about twelve hours ago and she’s very anxious and hasn’t moved before, save for when she was a kitten and moved into our house. It is currently about 2:45 AM and I’m trying to sleep on a futon on the kitchen floor near the bathroom she chose to stay in. Unsurprisingly, I’m sleeping poorly, and now that she feels safe enough, she’s walking around and exploring, which means I can’t SLEEP. My girlfriend’s cat is territorial, and although she’s confined into a different part of the apartment, they can still see each other and I don’t want them flipping out, so I really gotta supervise.
Anyway, post = I wanna sleep
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italiansteebie · 4 years
when billy and steve move into their apartment, steve takes some of his things from italy with him, and i can imagine one time he's cooking, waiting for billy to come home, he's just listening to and singing to the old records him and his mum would listen to. so billy walks in on him singing italian in the ktichen 🥺
Billy groans as he slumps into his car, it had been a long day at the car body shop he works at and all he wants to do is go home and snuggle with Steve. He drives along with the windows rolled down and his Def Leppard playing softly through the speakers. He rubs his face as he pulls into the driveway seeing Steve’s car already parked in front. He grins knowing he won’t have to wait for the cuddles he pondered about the whole way home.
He puts the Camaro in park and gets out, he can hear soft music playing  through the sliding glass door in the backyard. He quietly walks in stopping when he hears Steve singing to an old Italian record Billy has caught him listening to a couple times before. The fondness and admiration for his lover spreads from his chest all over his body, making him feel warm and content. 
He leans against the wall and watches Steve in his element. From what he can see and smell, Steve is preparing a lasagne. The recipe coming from the book that was a present from Steve’s Nona in Italy, the one member of the Harrington family that Steve loves will his whole heart. Billy can hear his voice gently floating through the air, it’s soft and soothing. Billy wishes Steve would sing more, his voice is comforting, like a mothers’ and it reminds him of the times his mom would sing to him before she left when he was young. 
“Lui fece un'altra casa piccolina in Canadà con vasche, pesciolini e tanti fiori di lillà, e tutte le ragazze che passavano di là dicevano: "Che bella la casetta in Canadà,” Steve’s voice gets quieter as the song ends, humming as the instrumental fades and goes back to laying the pasta in his pan, hips gently moving with the ending movements of the song. “I love your voice pretty boy, why don't you ever serenade me like that?” Billy grins. Steve jumps at the sound of his voice, not noticing Billy until now, “Bill, how long have you been standing there? You know I don’t like when you sneak up on me,” Steve says as  Billy snakes him arm around his waist and pulls him in for a tender kiss. “If you would have heard me come in, I would be able to listen to your pretty voice, princess.” Billy says as he smiles at Steve. 
Steve looks at him, eyes full of love, and smiles, “Sit down Bill, dinner will be ready soon.” He puts the lasagne in the oven.  He walks over the the record player and turns up the volume, then walks back to where Billy is sitting at the kitchen table and plants himself in Billy’s lap. He snuggles close, and their dinner in the oven is soon forgotten as they enjoy each others company. 
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Conman AU
Hi guys! I saw a post about a fic they wouldn’t write, several post actually, so I decided to pick them up and write them out. I give credit to that person who came up with these and the photo collages. All I did was write the story. The story is: Peggy and Daniel are con artists trying to get back on the straight and narrow. Then their old boss, Joe Manfredi, pulls them in for one more job. The target: billionaire Hugh Jones. Hope you all enjoy! :)
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As the night begins to turn into day, the birds sing their morning serande, waking the two lovers in bed. The woman stirs first, snuggling closer to her man as he wraps his arms around her tighter. She rests her head above his heart and her arm to his chest; grazing a hand within his hair. He chuckles and tenderly kisses her head.
"Morning, Peg." He smiles.
"Good morning, my darling." She says in return, placing fervent and slow kisses over his torso. He chuckles again and brings her body flush with his.
"So what's on the agenda today..." Peggy reaches up and brings her face to his, catching his lips in hers. They kiss until they are out of breath, leaving Daniel to embrace her closer.
"I'm not sure...I thought we agreed to take it easy for a while. No more rough jobs."
"That we did," He caresses her back, making her moan softly and arch into him, "But we're running low on cash. And neither of us has found an actual...normal job yet." As he says this, she laughs lightly.
"Normal? Honestly Daniel." She rolls onto her back an turns to face him. "We're so use to this life, its much more difficult to go back." He turns on his side and kisses her neck.
"I know. But we gotta find something soon. We can't keep living in these run down motels." Peggy closes her eyes and sighs, asking him why not. "Because, Peg, you deserve better." And this brings another laugh from her. Daniel hovers above her as he speaks, both hands on either side of her face. "It's true, amor. You deserve the world. And I can't give it to you if we're living like this, struggling to make ends meet. I know we said we should leave our old life, start over together... but I think we need the money."
"Daniel...we agreed. I cant see you get hurt again. It nearly killed me seeing you like that." He lays his own head on her chest and places his hand over her waist.  Bringing her some comfort before she indulges in that horrific memory.
"I know." He kisses her softly as he sets up on his elbows, looking down to her again. His hand playing with the necklace he stole for her. A small, golden, circle with an engraving. It reminded her of her old home in London so he took it while they were on an old assignment. Now he can't do that anymore. "No more thieving, manipulating, or conning. Just us and the real world."
"Together." She says, lacing their hands together, placing one more kiss on her lovers lips. When he pulls away, she chases after his lips, bringing a laugh out of him. They get out of bed and dress for the day. Daniel wears a plain, beige office shirt with a blazer, and some khakis. Peggy wears her lower cut pink blouse and her navy skirt. As the two walk about the town, getting ready to enter a diner, they're stopped by an old college... Joe Manfredi.
"Well this can't be good." Daniel mutters as they follow him to his covert cover of an italian restaurant. As they enter the building, they walk to the back and sit down at the table.
"I see you two have gotten...close." Peggy and Daniel share a smirk, but don't indulge in his observation. "Oh I see how it is. No kissing and telling. Alright, I'll respect that." And the two lovers chuckle. "So. Let's get down to business."
"And what business would that be, Manfredi? We told you we were out."
"I know. I remember." He looks at Peggy. "But I got one more job for the two of ya. And then that's it. I won't bother you again after this."
"Why us?" Daniel speaks. "You have dozens of guys who work for you. Why bring us back?"
"Well Danny boy...that's because you two are the best at what you do. And none of my guys would be able to pull this job off half as cleanly as I need it to be done."
"And what job is that?" She asks, leaning back in her chair, arm against the back.
"How does a billion dollar job sound?" Daniel and Peggy straighten up and share a glance. "Now of course, me and my guys get most of it. But you two can walk away with a million each. At the least." They perk up at their strike of luck and listen to the plan. "The billion dollar man himself, Hugh Jones. He's got an estate that we need to get into. Heavy security and of course...its locked up nice and tight. The only way in is with his special access key."
"Can't we duplicate it?"Peggy asks, brow raised as if its the most logical option.
"Unfortunately no. It's impossible to remake something as unique as this one. You'll never get a good enough replica to pull it off." At this they both curse under their breaths. "But, I was thinking you two can do your thing and sneak into his main office, steal the key, and be on your way."
"Sounds easy enough." Daniel exclaims. "We've dealt with a lot more than breaking and entering into a billionaire's front door." And Peggy hums in agreement. "So when do we start?"
"How's about today." And then they get to work.
Joe Manfredi draws out the plans for the estate and where the load of cash is; along with the main office Jones works at. They go over his day-to-day schedule and talk about when it's best to break in to find the access key. For hours they go over this, learning the ins and the outs of the plan; preparing to finish it all tomorrow. They all are offered plates of spaghetti, all except Peggy. She looks offended by Manfredi's Nona; so Nona says something that isn't in English, points at Peg, and spits on the ground.
"She thinks you're the devil." Manfredi laughs, and she simply rolls her eyes and focuses on the plan. When night begins to set in, Peggy and Daniel leave the restaurant; hand in hand.
"You wanna go out somewhere to eat?" Daniel asks. She turns to him with a smirk on her face.
"What? Are you not stuffed from eating Nona's spaghetti?" He laughs at her and shakes his head.
"You know I hardly ate any of it." She nudges him playfully as the continue to walk down the street.
"Besides, we have no money right now to go out." He looks at her with a sly smile as he stops walking, and reaches into his coat pocket. "No! Daniel!" She squeals. "Where did you-"
"Shh." He laughs, giving her the cash. "I took it off of that lady you bumped into this morning. Before went into the diner." As he says this, Peggy looks at him in wonder, frozen in place. "What?" She laughs and snogs him silly.
"Have I told you how much I love you today?" She chuckles.
"No, not today." He wolfishly grins. "But you can show me when after dinner."
"Why wait?" Peggy grins in return, dragging him back to their hotel room.
As they next day rolls in, the two con artist roll out and into their car. They use the money lent to them by Manfredi to purchase everything they needed for disguises. Daniel wears a plain office suit as an undercover man wanting an interview and Peggy wears a skirt and blouse with a wig, disguised as a secretary. The plan is to have Daniel distract Jones during the interview while Peggy sneaks in his office to find the access key. Everything is going smoothly in the beginning, until Jones appears as she looks through the filing cabinet.
"What's your name, darling?" She startles and turns to him, quickly going into actress mode.
"Good morning, Mr. Hugh- I mean Mr. Jones." Peggy says in her perfected american accent. "I was sent to grad a file for accounting. Something about the bank records being unorthodox and needing this file for a new personnel." "Oh don't I know it. I was just getting ready to do an interview now, but once I get back, I think I can help give you some special attention when I get back. Maybe a more...attentive job than fetching files for those dull slugs." She chuckles and watches him leave.
"Arrogant plonker." She mumbles as she gets down form the ladder and continues to search. For several minutes she looks, but finds nothing. And as if her luck hasn't been tossed already, Jones appears in his office.
"Oh, well hello again." He flirts. "Can I help you with something?" He walks over to her as she smiles. She stares blankly for an excuse, but comes up blank.
"Well I was, uhm..." But then an idea surfaces in her mind, and she half leans against his desk. "I was just waiting...for the special help you said you would provide." She smiles, flirtatiously, as he walks closer. She's trapped and has no idea what to do next; that is, until she reads the sign on his wall. It read 'the key to success is on you'. Peggy then realizes exactly where the key is located; Jones has it on him. He stands in front of her, and raising to her waist.
"I see. Well how about we go look over those...files and get started." He winks. And while he is distracted she shoves him, causing him to loose balance. He looks up from the floor, surprised. "Well if you wanted to get straight to the point then-" But she cuts him off with a solid right hook; knocking him unconscious.
"Disgusting pig," She mumbles as she stands over him looking for the key. She finds it hidden in his belt and takes it. When she leaves, she finds Daniel waiting in the car. "Ready to go?"
"Damn right." Daniel exclaims. "I hate this dull ass office." She laughs at him before placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Our new salary awaits," She smirks. And with that, they drive off to meet Manfredi.
When they get to the cover restaurant, they all go over the plan on the estate they'll be breaking into. It's a large building with tight security, an electrical fence, and vaults with their own lock. They needed the spacial key to get into the front door, then they're on their own.
"Sound like a plan?" Joe says. The lovers exchange a glance, but shrug nonetheless and agree to the plan.
When the arrive at the building, the disarm the electrical fence with a device stolen from the SSR. Daniel ushers Peggy to go through the back way while he takes the front, and then they will meet up inside. Everything seemed to be going as planned, but Daniel still hasn't showed. She starts to get worried and leave her post, when he suddenly appears.
"Daniel?" She rushes over to him and examines the cut above his eye.
"Come on, we'll deal with my injuries later. We have a job to do," He smirks before kissing her, then unlocking the door with the access key. "Ready?"
"As ever." She says, still worried about him. He drags her along and they work their way through the maze of a building, before they finally reach the vault the need. It's the biggest of them all, which means its loaded with all the cash. "Alright...lets get our paycheck." She smirks. Peggy pulls out her lock pick and breaks in without any problems. She looks to her love and they both smile before taking the loot.
"Jackpot." Daniel exclaims. They grab everything they can and make a hasty exit. As they leave, Manfredi and his crew are waiting on the other side.
"Well look what we have here." He laughs. "I knew you two could pull it off." He looks at all the cash and then back at them. "Of course you got nicked." Manfredi shakes his head at Daniel and they all laugh; including Daniel himself.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Its one cut." They all laugh again and are handed their share of the money, along with a bandage for Daniel. The gang leaves with their hare, leaving the lovers alone.
"Your're hurt," Peggy says, rubbing the bandage above his eye.
"It's okay, amor. I'll live," He chuckles. But he can still see the worry in her eyes. "Hey...we got the job done and walked away with 2 million dollars. 2 million, Peg!. We are set for life. No more run down motels, no more struggles, no more dangerous cons; just us." She looks at him, hesitant, but smiles under his gaze.
"Promise." And the two meet in the middle for a tender kiss; which only grows hungrier by the second. "Lets go home." She laughs and they get in their car, driving away to start their new lives.
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