plasticsnovanative · 2 months
: Lusin Clean 1500: High-Temperature Purging Compound for Polycarbonates
Lusin Clean 1500 is a high-temperature purging compound specifically formulated for the processing of polycarbonates. This highly concentrated compound consists of top-quality thermoplastic resins and effective cleaning additives, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleaning process. The compound operates effectively at processing temperatures ranging from 250°C (482°F) to 350°C (662°F), making it suitable for a wide range of polycarbonate applications.
The application of Lusin Clean 1500 is easy and efficient. The compound should be mixed in a ratio of one part purging compound to three parts unfilled resin. This mixture is then used to clean injection molding machines, extrusion lines, and blow molding machines. Lusin Clean 1500 is highly effective in removing color and material residues, ensuring that your equipment remains in optimal condition and free from black specks and carbon residues.
One of the standout features of Lusin Clean 1500 is its ability to clean without leaving any milky traces or generating unpleasant odors. This makes it an ideal choice for maintaining the quality and transparency of polycarbonate products. Additionally, the compound is economical and safe for use, reducing overall maintenance costs and ensuring the safety of operators. By choosing Lusin Clean 1500, you can enhance the efficiency and cleanliness of your polycarbonate processing operations.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
Azriel x reader: please… - Part 2
A/N: and so the story begins, woo!
-Part 1- -Part 3-
You’re in your own chambers when he finds you a second time.
Despite how calmly you lower the brush and shift on your padded stool, he knows he’s startled you. It takes only a moment before you’re sliding into character, raising your head slightly to look down your nose at him. “You came.”
He makes no effort to move, refuses to give anything away, forcing you to lead the conversation.
You stand from the vanity, the demure night dress swishing on the floor, cinching gently around your ribs, the collar comfortably loose around your neck. It’s perfect against the natural cold of the rock, especially paired with the robe that overlays it, sleeves down to your wrists, only your hands and face to be exposed to his gaze.
You stop what you feel is a healthy distance away. “Do you have it? Or have you come to offer me a bargain as you’ve misplaced it?” You can’t help the hope that creeps into your words, the need for the warmth of another living creature. That painful softness.
The Shadowsinger holds his hand out, and the Veritas is deposited in his palm, released from one of those pockets of the world.
You take some steps forward, since he’s refusing to do anything to your benefit. Except having brought it back. Personally.
You feel his eyes—his senses, narrow on you as you take the orb from his palm. So careful to avoid his touch this time.
You vanish it into your own pocket, making a note to later return it to its home, safe and sound. Your father none the wiser.
“Do you know of all the artefacts in your father’s possession?” The male asks, and you raise your gaze to his questioningly. “I do…?”
The air around him trembles ever so slightly—he’s indecisive.
If he refuses to voice the question, you won’t push him. Let him think you’re finished. Let him think he needs you.
You turn, moving smoothly back to your vanity, where you again pick up the brush, teasing the ends of your hair through the teeth. “Is that all?” You ask him in the mirror, reaching for the long spool of fabric—soft and nonabrasive for your hair. Carefully, you wrap it up, securing it tightly so it won’t slip out during the night.
The gloves slip over your fingers seamlessly, keeping the warmth in as you stand, moving across the room toward your bed. He watches you through it all, and you’re beginning to feel unnerved.
It’s only once you’ve removed your robe, hanging it over your bedside armchair and sat on your bed, sliding your feet out of your slippers to dip them beneath the duvet, that he speaks. “What do you know about the Ouroboros?”
He watches as your features drain of colour, the warmth of your skin cooling. “Why do you seek it?”
Azriel shrugs with casual ease, “my High Lord has taken an interest in it. I wish to retrieve it for him.” Again, the air thrums around him.
You tuck yourself under the covers needing the warmth, having suddenly become aware of the cold. “It’s yours for the taking,” you murmur, watching him keenly. “It’s not something that can be possessed by someone. If you can overcome it, it’s yours. Fair and simple.”
“What’s the catch?” He asks, moving closer to you, observing your features for a hint of untruth. “Must there always be a catch?” You reply, narrowing your eyes at him. Why does he have to ask after that damned mirror?
“Various scholars have written about certain…obstacles, in retrieving it. So I’ll ask you again: what’s the catch?” His shadows become denser at his back, wreathing his wings in darkness. Your lips kick up at the edges, “what will you give me if I spill that precious information to you?”
You aren’t a fool. You know a war’s coming. And the timing is too perfect. There’s no way their court isn’t desperate, if they’re asking after it. The question is: why?
His expression remains neutral as he takes you in: your relaxed position, the set of your features, that gleam in your eyes. He knows what you want from him. What you’re surely craving by now. It’s been months since that initial visit.
“What do you want, Truth-Teller?”
Your breath catches a little at the title, an embarrassed flush heating your cheeks as you look away. “You know what I want.” Your eyes longingly flick to his hands, which he has hidden behind his back. To anyone else, it would look like a sign of good-will, of amnesty; subservience. But to you…he’s withholding something vital.
His shadows mark your attention. “Yes. I do.”
“Give it to me, and I’ll tell you whatever I know.”
“Rather demanding,” he drawls, stepping so he’s beside your bed. A spec of discomfort settles in his chest as he catches the way your eyes settle on his mouth as he speaks, before hurriedly zipping away. He has to be careful to not give you any ideas. He’s not sure if he could stomach it if you asked him to… He pushes the idea away.
“Why does the High Lord want the ouroboros?” You ask, eyes flitting up to his own, gathering your senses, cooling your head. His eyes gleam with amusement, “he wants it for his High Lady.”
You narrow your eyes, observing the air around him. “And why does she have a need for it?”
“I didn’t say she has a need for it.”
“But she does.” He doesn’t reply. It’s confirmation enough. “She wants it…not for herself. No, she couldn’t stand it for herself.”
He watches as you murmur to yourself, thinking.
“She couldn’t stand it…so why does she want it? Why would she want it? She must need it. Why would she need it?” Your teeth have slid beneath your nails, chewing lightly. “Why would the High Lady need the Ouroboros? And what about the timing? The timing fits nicely, yes. Why does the timing fit nicely?”
Your eyes lift to his, and they’ve shifted. They’re deeper. Darker. A little mad. “Why does the timing fit nicely?” You’re staring at him as if he’ll reveal the answer. Like you’re burning through each carefully constructed wall, every practiced mental shield, crumbling.
Your legs swing from your bed with a grace he doesn’t recognise, and then you’re taking a step toward him, reaching—
He’s pulled his blade from its sheath faster than you can blink, and quieter than is safe. “Easy.” The tip stings against your sternum, bringing you to a halt. He could have sworn something rippled through the air, but his attention is snagged by the absolute darkness of your eyes. As if your eyeballs have withered and all that’s left is the glassy film that overlays it.
“What are you?” He breathes, pressing his blade tighter to your skin—
He’s blinking, as if clearing away a fog. Your eyes are changed to normal, his blade in its sheath, and you’re settling back beneath your duvet. “Is it a deal?”
He’s trying to figure out what you did. What happened to him? There’s an inconsistency in his memory, a gap of sorts where nothing arises to his questioning. “What did you do?” He growls, but doesn’t reach for his blade.
Your eyes flick away, then return to his as you sigh. “It’s what happens when I get too…drawn in. To a truth, I mean.” You lie smoothly. “My powers are…complicated. I am still learning to control them. Sometimes when they rile, odd spots appear. Discrepancies.” It’s not completely a lie. Blended with truth. A fruitful mix.
He doesn’t look like he believes you, and you wonder if you’ve squandered your only chance at a friendly touch. If you’ve squandered your only chance at a friend. You swallow down your anxiety.
“The deal?” You question, settling into bed.
He paused, considering. “I do as I did last time, and you’ll tell me everything you know of the Ouroboros?” He questions carefully.
You hesitate.
“I…” you begin, nervously. “I want to guide your touch this time.” You keep your voice steady, and pray he needs you enough to follow through.
When you see the wariness in his eyes, you’re reminded of where his mind wondered last time you had made a request, discomfort lining his features with a tinge of disgust. So you clarify, “in the same way as last time. With the same…boundaries.”
He’s silent, but nods. Once. “It’s a deal.” You feel its sting, but this time you’re prepared. You still flinch at the pain—across your breast bone, atop your heart. You wonder where it’s inked on him as you peer at his palms, but they’re devoid of the marking.
You reach for him, desperate for that bone-deep warmth he gives you, as if your entire being could melt away into him, your soul condensing into a heat that pours its nourishment through your blood. Revitalising you in a way that’s a necessity if you ever wish to flourish beneath the weight of this mountain.
He pulls away, “greedy.”
You nearly whimper with need but keep as much of your mask in place as you can, instead glaring at him. He just watches you beautifully, with that silence grace of his. “You’re going first after that little stunt.”
Your brow furrows, “I don’t trust you to fulfil your end afterward.”
“You should have specified a time.” And just like before, you forgot to. Too caught up in your desires.
“I’ll tell you half now,” you begin, “and the rest after.” He shakes his head, features set in a careful mask of stone, mouth in a bland line. You bite the inside of your lip. If you give in here, he’ll know how desperate you are. But if you don’t…
He might walk away.
Is it worth revealing the depth of your power to him? If only to ensure he stays? Your brows knit together. Which choice will secure him? At least for now.
His shadows swarm—as if he’s preparing to winnow.
“The Bone Carver.”
He stiffens. Shadows still wreathing him. Their nature has shifted. From harmless darkness to something more…sinister.
You smile a bit, wickedly. “It is the Bone Carver.” You say it in a way that suggests he’s confirmed a suspicion—you can’t let him know your true depths. Not even him. You’ve only met him twice, including now.
You pretend to examine your nails beneath your gloves, adjusting them as you settle back in the pillows. “You should really work on concealing your emotions better, Spymaster. Can’t have a little thing like me getting through so easily now, can we?”
His expression doesn’t shift but the air around him spasms a little, syncopated beats jerking and jutting in places. “What do you want?” He grits out, words cold and clipped.
You give him a small, sweet smile—one you know doesn’t reach your eyes. You need to remind him you’re a daughter of this court. Not his. “You need me much more than I need you, Spymaster. Don’t forget that.” You tuck yourself further into your plush nest, snuggling beneath the bedcovers. “Now come here.”
Azriel weighs his options. Any information on the Ouroboros could be vital in the war. Whether it’s truly impossible to claim. If one will go mad from looking into it as the ancient texts have claimed. The thought of his friends—his family… They needs every ounce of help they can get. He can’t walk away from you, can’t walk onto that killing field, knowing he could have done something to give them a better chance…
He stops at the edge of your bed.
You gesture for him to sit.
He suppresses the urge to bare his teeth at you in a snarl—it would reveal his cards. So he sits, quietly.
“I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about it.”
His eyes flick to yours in silent surprise. But you aren’t looking at him. You’re looking at the mirror on your vanity instead. Small enough to be moved around, large enough for you to see yourself fully. “Some claim that if you look into it, your soul will fracture. Others claim it will be sucked inside the mirror, trapped in whatever hell awaits the beholder. Some even go as far as to claim that to look into it is to bring yourself to an early death.”
The male listens quietly, drinking in every word, searching for a deeper meaning, comparing it against his own truths. So far they match up.
“Apparently,” you begin, stressing the word, “it was once in the possession of the Weaver of the Wood—the Dark Mother’s. Whether it was evil before it fell into her clutches or was somehow imbued with her malevolence is a matter of which scholar you’ve read; no one really knows.” You pause, bringing the duvet tighter to your body, almost hiding beneath the sheets.
“Either way, most agree that to look inside it is to sentence yourself to madness—at least. Why ever you need it, I would consider carefully if insanity is worth it.” You warn.
“Why do people go mad? What lies inside it?” He pushes, prompting you for more information. You seem to know more than any of the scholars. How? You aren’t old enough to even have read all of them, if he is to assume your knowledge is at an equal level for every artefact within Kier’s trove.
He watches as again the warmth drains from you skin—your eyes flick to his hands. It’s a struggle to remember you’re looking at them longingly, and not in disgust. To fight the urge to put them out of sight. Offensive as they are in the daylight.
Your fingers tighten on your covers, and he listens.
“There’s a tale in one of the old tomes of a girl.” You begin, starting the tale you’re about to recite to him. “She was curious, and inquisitive. There were a great many things that took her interest whenever she perused through the world, but the Ouroboros…it had a pull. Something dark, and…awful, that she couldn’t pull away from.” Your brow furrows with the emotion behind the tale. “Like standing at the edge of a cliff and you know all it would take is one step. So little standing between the ledge and that plummeting drop—it was tempting. And she fell for it.”
He stills. “She looked into it?”
You swallow, shaking your head lightly. “No, she… Not directly.” You nod to the mirror on your vanity, the one that could easily be moved. “She put one opposite, and looked from there.”
He knows he doesn’t imagine the tremor that runs through you, the tremble to your fingers. He made the right choice in staying. To have a real account of someone who’s looked into it…and survived.
Well, you haven’t claimed she lived, but rather long enough to set pen to paper.
You inhale deeply. “At first, she saw nothing. But that only encouraged her further.”
Azriel isn’t even sure he’s breathing. Rapt with attention.
“It was to lure her in, gain her trust, play on her curiosity and her arrogance at ignoring the wave of horror that sang from it.” You bite your lip. “And so she looked further—through the second mirror, but she still fell deeper.”
He could swear your breath shakes as you open your mouth to recall what follows. “But the mirror couldn’t take her. It was powerful, yes, but without that direct line of contact…it couldn’t reach her. But it could reach her reflection.”
It’s barely a breath, a quiet exhale of trembling air, but he hears it. And understands your dread, how far its reach could stretch.
“And so it stole that part of her. A part that shouldn’t have even mattered. But something invisible to everyone else. She was foolish, and fell for its temptation, but had tried to thwart it. Perhaps it was angry, perhaps that was just its nature, but it still snatched something from her for trying to out-wit it.”
Your eyes raise to his, haunted. “And so it took her reflection. Stole it from her, so she would never behold herself as others could. Cursed to live an immortal life without that innate understanding of self.”
You sigh heavily, slumping into the pillows, as if the story has drained you. “Why ever you seek the mirror. Consider if it’s worth the price of eternal madness, Spymaster. It cannot be conquered through wit, or cunning. It demands to be faced head on, and will demand retribution on those who attempt any sleight of hand. It will not be kind.”
He watches as you swallow, as if trying to wash away a foul flavour on your tongue: the aftertaste of the tale.
“Are there any records of what she saw?” He probes, disregarding your sallow complexion. He needs as much information as he can, and he’s lucky enough that you’ve taken your job seriously while you guard Kier’s trove. He can see why you were trusted with its safety.
Your eyes dart to his hands. “I’ve given plenty. Start on your side.”
He doesn’t object, shifting closer as he raises his hands, and your eyes flutter closed. Seemingly content to be swept into oblivion.
He starts with small touches, tracing the side of your face with the pad of his middle finger, brushing his thumb beneath the swell of your lips, trialing his hand to sweep beneath your jaw.
Your breathing catches as he props up your chin, his free hand repeating his actions on the left, except he drags two fingers round the edges of your features. He stiffens when you raise your own hands to wrap over his—but it’s part of the bargain, so he has to allow it.
In your world of darkness and warmth, you indulge yourself, wrapping your right hand over his, resting over your stomach, bringing your left hand to guide his. Your brows curve with need when your feel that distinct impression of his scars against your skin—callouses catching.
You lean into that dry heat, pressing your cheek into his palm, sighing softly, squeezing his hand. You can already feel yourself on the verge of disintegration. As if a single exhale of breath would knock the life from your skin, have you steadily collapsing as you fall in on yourself.
You lace your right hand with his, fingers sliding between one another and you squeeze your eyes shut to keep out your tears.
Of his own accord, he moves, gently. The pad of his middle finger sweeping beneath your lashes, but you can’t find the willpower to be embarrassed, even if you know he felt the salty dampness of unshed tears.
Your breathing turns shaky as you guide him beneath the cut of your jaw, moving so his fingers splay across your skin, dancing across your surface so carefully you feel a stray tear fall. It rolls silently down your cheek, Azriel continuing the elegant waltz across your features.
The gentleness of his touch is cruel—why have you been denied it for so long. Has anyone ever held you so carefully? As if you’re on the verge of shattering…as if he doesn’t want that to happen.
A quiet sob escapes your lips in the form of a trembling exhale, and you tighten your hand on his, squeezing as your brows curve together at the feeling. He traces the skin between your eyes, beginning the descend as he tips over the swell of your nose, skipping over your lips to sweep beneath your jaw, moving with the grace of waves.
He’s careful to avoid the fabric neatly concealing your hair, but settles his hand carefully, thumb brushing over your cheek, then climbing higher, at some point dancing through the teardrops.
He pays close attention to your reactions, notes how your breathing is beginning to deepen as it evens out, becoming more regular. As if you would be content to fall into unconsciousness right here, his hands still continuing their meandering path across your skin.
“What did she see?” He asks.
At the flutter of your eyes, his shadows settle around you, brushing with feathery softness across your skin, and he could swear you shudder. But your eyes remain closed, dwelling in that space of peace you’ve created for yourself.
“At first…nothing. She she got braver, chose to give more of her attention to the mirror, to that darkness that dwells inside.” You answer, without much hesitation. You need his warmth.
“Then, when she was well within its grip, it revealed its intent. Apparently…” you trail off, peeking your eyes open, latching onto his own. You don’t shrink away from the shadows at your side. How could you? When they’re lapping at your skin so softly, like heated silk.
You hand tightens in his. “Apparently, she saw a…creature. Something that shouldn’t have been seen. It wasn’t of this world. Too pure, and undiluted to exist on any of our planes, so it was held within the mirror. Separate to us.”
He can feel the tremors running through you. He can’t tell if they’re from his touching or terror at the story.
“If you look into that mirror, Spymaster, you’ll have to face it. And once you do, you can’t turn back. You can’t run away from it, and neither can you harm it.”
“So how is the creature defeated?” Your lips press together as another shudder runs through your body. “It’s not something to be defeated,” you hiss, “have you been listening at all?”
He keeps from narrowing his brow but makes to pull away, your hands tightening on his to keep him still. “You must face it. No weapons, no deceit. Straight on. You must bear it, see it, make it through whatever it shows.”
He pulls away this time, standing from your bed, leaving you feeling cold, and withdrawn. You hiss, “longer.”
He shakes his head, “you’ve told me what you need. The bargain has gone. I owe you nothing.”
Indeed, the ink upon your heart has vanished, leaving the skin void of any marks. You search for anything else to keep him here, beneath the mountain with you, but come up empty.
You grind your teeth, but accept your defeat.
Sensing you have nothing left to give him, his shadows behind wrapping about his body, preparing to sink into the darkness. Maybe it’s worth keeping tabs on you. He seems to have stumbled upon an untapped goldmine. He wonders where else your knowledge stretches, how pure are the veins of your power.
please… Taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @hyemishii
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 9 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 3 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Mr. Jeon gets your number and offers to drive you to the Modiste but don't really give you an option to say no Paring: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 3.5k~ Warnings: Like one cuss word but thats about it lol a/n: This took longer than I had expected to post but I hope you guys like it! p.s. roughly edited because I wanted to get it out asap lol
"So start from the beginning again. What exactly did he do?" I hear as Jesse's voice come through the speaker. "He's just trying to intimidate me" I groan, not wanting to relive it again.
"He thinks that that kind of tactic is going to work well enough to make me into a 'lady'. I really don't understand how some of these upper class people think. They're acting like it's the 18th century or something" I complain, walking around my room and putting away the new clothes I bought for this whole charade. 
"I mean they more or less are if they're still concerned about stuff like having a girl go through this whole song and dance just so the rich boys know that they're up for grabs now. It just doesn't make sense" he sympathizes. "I'm glad you agree" I say, relieved that I don't have to explain myself to him. "Well why don't you just talk to him about it?" he suggests. 
"James? I would but I don't want to make it seem like I'm trying to back out or complain about it. Plus my mother would never let me hear the end of it and she really might convince him to make me get a job instead. 
"No I meant Jungkook, or Mr. Jeon or whatever the hell you call him. He could probably answer your questions if you ask nicely" he taunts at the end. 
"Talk to him? He doesn't bother to initiate any sort of conversation with me, other than when he tells me to do something. Even when he asks questions he expects me to answer with a 'yes' or 'no' and stops me from asking him anything even if I try" I groan, disgusted at the thought of trying to speak to him like I would any other person.
"He would probably just reprimand me for not doing the homework he gave me since it probably has all the answers I'm looking for" I huff. "Have you done the homework?" Jesse asks, clearly knowing the answer.
"I read the spark notes okay" I admit rolling my eyes "So I know gist of it. I showed you how thick those books were right? There was no way I'm going to be able to finish all of them by Monday" I groan, tossing myself onto the bed. 
"Well it's either read or talk and if I were you I would talk to him and get on his good side. It would benefit you more in the long run" he say, stating the obvious that honestly I had not thought of, considering how much he infuriates me.
"At the end of the day though it's up to you babes" he finishes. We talk for a bit more before he has to go and he doesn't forget to remind me to read some more before I go to bed to which I brush off and wrap up the call to prevent any further nagging. But before I'm even able to lock my phone after ending the call I get a text from a random number...
Unknown: You have a fitting tomorrow so we'll be meeting there instead.
I frown for a second as I stare at the screen, contemplating if I should answer or not.
Me: Mr. Jeon?  I question making certain that my suspicions are correct.
Unknown: I see that no one has told you yet. Yes it's Mr. Jeon, I acquired your number from Matthew so as to ease our means of communication. He finishes matter o factly.
I stare at the screen again and contemplate how to respond but before I'm able to he sends another message. 
Unknown: I hope this hasn't made you uncomfortable. If you would like I can continue to send messages through Matthew instead. he offers after noticing my hesitation to respond 
Me: No this is fine, it would make things more convenient for the both of us. I answer, feeling almost as if a barrier between us has been broken down with this nonabrasive conversation we're having at the moment.
Unknown: Agreed. I just checked and noticed that I pass your college on the way to the modiste so I will pick you up instead. he sends, telling me more than offering. 
Me: You don't have to do that, I'm perfectly capable of getting myself there on my own. I reply, not appreciating the way he's gone about this.
Unknown: The location is quite far, farther than my house so it would be more cost effective for you if you were to simply accept my offer. Although I've already told your father and he said he would send someone over to pick up your car from the University. So unless you would like to walk there I suggest you come with me. There's the Mr. Jeon we all know and hate...we meaning me.
Me: Yes Mr. Jeon. I reply, knowing that I've lost the battle before it has even begun.
Unknown: I shall meet you outside the main building at 4:15. Sweet dreams. he finishes leaving me confused. 
'Sweet dreams? Sweet dreams?' I repeat in my head. 'That's the first remotely nice thing he's ever said to me. Why would he say that? He could've just ended it at 4:15.
Why Sweet dreams?' I shake my head hoping that would in some way get rid of whatever overthinking my brain starts to do but it's no use, especially since I still have it right in front of me. 
I change his name to 'Jungkook' because at least that way I can feel like I'm disrespecting him on a daily basis without his knowledge, assuming he will be sending me unnecessary reminders of stupid things he thinks I'll forget.
Knowing me though I probably would've forgotten it anyways since I kind of black out during our lessons at times. He talks so much that after my already mind numbing classes I can hardly focus on what he's supposed to be teaching me. 
I walk down the front steps and see an all black car waiting right in front, leaving me to assume it's Mr. Jeon. "Get in or we'll be late" he says after rolling down the window. I roll my eyes and open the door, plopping myself down in the back seat.
"What are you doing?" he questions, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Putting my seatbelt on?" I answer just as confused as he is. He takes a deep breath in and out and starts up the car, driving away before saying anything else. 
"Oh did you expect me to sit up front with you?" I ask now amused at his behavior. "Seeing as I am not your personal driver yes, I did expect you to sit up front" he says tonguing his cheek. 'Huh, so he does that when he's irritated. Noted'.
"Yet you gave me no choice but to drive me there" I argue back. "I did this as a favor so we would both show up on time. I guess I won't offer next time" he says and I can see how much he's trying to restrain himself. 
"Mr. Jeon did something happen?" I ask, genuinely curious as to why he's acting like this. He's usually upfront and intimidating, but never angry with me. Maybe a little irritated but the feeling is mutual. "No, now will you please stop being a brat for five seconds? We have a long journey and I would rather we spend it in silence than listening to your insolence" he says raising his voice. 
I decide that it's in both of our best interests if I remain quiet but it takes everything in me to do just that. 'Who does he think he is? Calling me a brat?' I scoff quietly to myself and put in my headphones, not missing the glare he sends me through the rear view again. I press play and rest my head against the window, deciding to get some rest instead of dealing with whatever attitude that's got him all messed up.
"Wake up" Jungkook says once we get there. He looks back and finds me fast asleep with my headphones in, leaving him rolling his eyes and getting out of the car, making sure to slam his door on the way out. He goes around and opens the door I was lying up against and let's me fall a bit but catches me half way before I actually topple out of the car. 
"Hey!" I whine, now unfortunately being forcefully woken up. "We're here. Get out and wipe that drool off your face" he says and pushes me back in so I'm sitting upright and makes his way over to the building, not bothering to wait for me.
"What's his issue today?" I groan and reach up to wipe the drool off my face he had spoken about but I find none leaving me even more irritated with the fact that he's not only grumpy but he still has the audacity to try and tease me.
When I finally make my way into the building I'm met with so many different kinds of dresses and fabrics and ribbon and everything that you could possibly imagine that would be in a dress maker's shop. 
"This must be y/n!" an older woman, most likely in her sixties says as she comes up and gives me a little smile. "Hello" I say shyly, remembering the scolding that Jungkook had given me earlier until I glance over at him and see that he is giving me an even bigger scowl than he had before. 
"I mean it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" I say giving her a nod. "She's still got a lot to learn" Mr. Jeon says and walk with the dressmaker and talks her through everything that we've planned to do today but I can tell she is already well versed but continues to let him explain all the same.
"Y/n" I hear him call out my name, leaving me bringing my attention back over to him after I had just started to look through the different bolt of fabric that are sitting on the various shelves. 
"Yes?" I say remembering to give him a verbal response. "Please go ahead and stand up on that stool over there and wait for her to come up and measure you" I look over at the area he's motioned to to make sure I know exactly where to go so I won't get scolded for not doing as I was told. "Yes Mr. Jeon" I say and make my way over and wait for her.
"Oh you're going to look beautiful in the gowns we're making for you!" the woman says as she happily continues to take my measurements. She notices my reaction and looks around for Jungkook and sees that he's on a phone call in the other room.
"It's okay I won't make them girly and pink". "How did you kno-" "A woman always knows, especially when I've been in this business for so long. Also don't feel a need to be formal with me love. I don't subscribe to that stuffy nonsense" says with a chuckle. 
"But you make dresses for them" I say confused with her stance on things. "It's good money dearie, plus I enjoy making them. I started sewing at the age of four believe it or not!" she says looking up at me over the edge of her glasses as she checks to see how long she'll need to make the dresses. 
"Are you clumsy at all?" she asks rather randomly if you ask me. "No not really, why?" I ask tilting my head slightly. "I just wanted to see if I should make the hem a bit shorter so you wouldn't step on it but I think you'll be just fine" she finishes and take a final look at me and at the measurements she's written down. 
"Perfect! Go ahead and sit down over there and rest you legs a bit while I bring out some dresses that you'll be trying on" she says and turns to make her way over towards the backroom. "Dresses? There's more than one?" I question and she unfortunately doesn't hear me since she's already out of earshot. 
"You'll be trying on at least five dresses today. Just so we can make sure we choose the right one" Jungkook says right behind me, scaring the shit out of me. "Sh- I mean, you startled me" I say placing a hand over my chest. "You'll live" he says simply and goes to sit on one of the chairs facing the stool I had been standing on.
"Are you going to just sit there and watch?" I question, seeing as he hasn't made moves to do much else. "It's one of my tasks of being your tutor" he says and fishes out his phone to respond to what I assume is another message. 
"Your job is to watch me try on pretty dresses?" I question, amused by the situation. "Yes y/n, it is my duty to make sure that the dresses we choose match the themes of whatever events we are going to, as well as being appropriate to the trends nowadays" he finishes and lowers his voice when he sees the seamstress come back. 
"I heard that" she says while rolling a rack of dresses into the room. "Do you see one you like?" she asks and motions for me to come closer. I look at the rack and see there are so many dresses of different colors and patterns and styles, I just don't know what to pick.
"Which one do you think I should try on?" I ask turning towards her. "Well why don't we let Mr. Jeon choose, since he so kindly reminded me that my taste is out of date" she says and winks at me, showing me she's teasing while simultaneously giving Jungkook the cold shoulder. 
"I did not mean it as any disrespect. What I was trying to say wa-" "Oh hush child, just come over here and chose a dress before I really start to get upset with you" she teases and he walks closer to the rack looking through the dresses while he sends a glance my way most likely debating on which one might suit me best.
He takes a second to think after looking through all of them but doesn't seem to find one he's satisfied with. Looking around the room for a second he finds another dress on display and walks over to it to take a closer look. 
"This one" he says almost bored and walks back over to sit in the chair he had been occupying moments ago. "He's cranky today isn't he?" she whispers to me and I nod my head quickly agreeing. "I'm glad you noticed too" I say and she walks to the back and grabs that exact dress in my size. "Go ahead and change over there and I'll grab some pins incase we need to alter it" she says and I do as I'm told. 
Coming out of the little dressing room she has I smooth the dress out and watch as her eyes light up. "This looks incredible on you! I don't even think I'll need to alter it at all!" she says excitedly. I smile at her and thank her silently and see Jungkook walking over to take a closer look. 
He takes in my figure from top to bottom and has me do a slight twirl to see it from all angles. "We'll take this one" he says and starts to walk over to the counter to settle the bill. "That's it?" I question her, confused as to how we actually managed to finish this all without me having to try on a bunch more. "I mean he did pick the perfect dress for you" she says walking me up to the full length mirror and I'm shocked at how much I love it as well. 
I twist and turn around a bit more to see the movement of the dress and the more I watch the more I fall in love with it. "You're right, this one's perfect!" I say and turn my vision towards where Jungkook had gone to and I notice that he's most likely been watching me this entire time. He clears his throat and fixes his posture to try to cover up for himself but I can see how almost bashful he looks from being caught in the act. 
"Why don't you go change and then we'll have this all settled by the time you're done" she says and ushers me back in the room again. "By the way, is there something going on between you two?" she questions, catching me off guard. "What do you mean?" I ask turning around to face her. "I mean I've never seen him look at someone like he just was a few moments ago" she points out, confirming my suspicions. 
"Plus, in all my years of him bringing his students here he has never once put in any effort to pick out a dress, and half the time the student ends up loving the dress while both Jungkook and I disagree but he lets them choose it nonetheless" she says and I take a look at myself in the mirror again, trying to asses if this is the one that I really truly want.
"It just seemed like he knew you and he knew exactly what would look good on you without even having to try" she says giving me a smug smirk. "No ma'am please it's nothing like tha-" "I'm just kidding child don't worry. I swear no one in your generation can take a joke anymore" she says and walks out of the room laughing at the slight panic I had started to go through.
"Thanks for the ride" I say when we pull up to my house, this time having sat in the front seat. "No problem" he says and looks over at me, this being the first time he truly had this entire trip, or at least the first time I noticed. "Hey can I ask you a question?" I say, stopping before I reach for the handle to get out. "You just did" he says, this being one of the first times he's tried to make some sort of joke. 
I roll my eyes at him and I see a flash of an almost smile but it's gone as soon as it came, being replaces with his usual stoic expression. "How did you know what dress to choose for me?" I ask and watch as he gets awkward again just like he had done when we were back at the modiste.
He turns to look out the wind shield, this time giving me a full view of how the tips of his ears have gone a bit red from the question. "I'm not sure, I think having to go through that process so many times it just seemed like that one was the obvious pick" he says and gets out of the car.
"What are you doing?" I ask following suit and watch as he pulls the garment bag out and starts walking up the steps to the front door. "I'm making sure the dress stays well taken care of. I'll hand it to one of the staff when they open the door" he says and waits for me at the top of the stairs. Before I'm even able to reach for my keys I hear the door being unlocked and the face of my mother comes into view. 
"Oh hello, you must be Mr. Jeon" she says sending him a bright smile to which he reciprocates and bows a bit as a sign of respect. "Hello, I just wanted to make sure that y/n and her dress got back safely" he says and she waves one of the housekeepers over to carry it up to my room for us although it would've been fine by me if I could've just done all of this by myself.
"Well that was very sweet of you. Would you like to stay for dinner? It should be ready soon, plus we would like to show our gratitude to you for making such a long journey there and back for her" she offers. 
"Perhaps another time. I have a business meeting across town tonight but thank you so much for your generosity" he says, politely declining. "Well thank you again for bringing her home" she reiterates and I start to not so subtly try to usher her back inside.
"Come on mom he said he has to go" I say to her under my breath. "Well it was so nice to meet you Mr. Jeon. I hope we'll see each other again soon" she says, leaving me having to almost push her inside. 
"Thank you Mr. Jeon have a good night" I say and as I turn to close the door he says the same thing that had me over thinking just last night. "Good night y/n, sweet dreams" he says with a soft smile and heads to his car, driving off and leaving me with a confused mix of emotions yet again. 
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The 14th Department Goes to the Aquarium
So, Ell finds the jellies absolutely ethereal.  He’s lived up in the Celestial Realm his whole life and the otherworldly calmness that they exude almost remind him of home.  He and Jamie spend an hour at the jelly exhibit, and Ell is so enraptured by the sight of them that his clumsy self bonks into the aquarium glass four or five times—on separate occasions—when he steps too close.  After he is sufficiently amazed by the jellies, he goes to hang out with his father Youssef and the Manager, who together haunt the aquarium café, sipping on caramel lattes and watching over the other Soul Reapers.
Like Ell, Jamie loves the jellies.  Something about their soft and translucent form makes him feel incredibly peaceful.  He could’ve spent hours taking in their mesmerizing beauty, but soon moves exhibits in order to take in all the “wonderful lil’ critters” the aquarium has to offer.  He is particularly interested in the beluga whales because “Bless my heart!  Don’t they have the friendliest face you ever did see?”  Overall, he enjoys the museum trip because animals of all kinds amuse him, and the low burbling of the water in the tanks is so soothing.
Ghilley is highly intrigued by the octopuses—with their extensive abilities to camouflage and maneuver their bodies, they’re even better at sneaking up on people than him!  He read on the sign next to the octopus tank that the animals are so intelligent that they can solve problems, predict, remember, dismantle things, and even do puzzles, which is one of his favorite hobbies!  Licht teases him by saying that Ghilley himself must be one of the ancestors of the octopus, since he is so old, and they are so similar.  Ghilley allows the tease with an “Ufufufu,” but secretly vows to cover his boyfriend’s roommate’s bed in Legos as revenge.
He initially doesn’t have that much enthusiasm for going on this field trip (“Who’s going to admire my beauty in an aquarium?  What, the fish?  We should go somewhere with more people, darling!”), so Licht stalwartly shadows Ghilley in the octopus exhibit, commenting that he wished he himself was an octopus, since being able to change one’s “outfit color” based on one’s surroundings just sounded so tantalizing!  Bored after standing in one exhibit for so long, Licht wanders into the amphibian section of the aquarium, where he stands, enrapt at the gorgeous colors of the (poisonous) frogs, for a whole hour, before calling over the Manager (who takes a “break” from her “coffee break”) to ogle at the animals with him—her close proximity and warm scent causes him to rethink his stance on the engagement of aquariums.
Theo finds himself in a conundrum: he wants to spend time with Junee and the Manager, but he also desperately yearns to discuss the aquarium cleaning regimen with the staff.  With how long he expects the latter conversation to last, he’s not sure he’ll have time to do both activities in the eleven hours that the 14th Department intends to stay at the aquarium!  He almost takes up Cyrille, who professes to have discovered the secret to cloning, on his offers of allowing Theo to be in “two places at once,” but decides that on his day off, he might as well just get some info on what kind of industry-standard and nonabrasive detergents the staff uses to clean the aquarium, for he can spend time with Junee any other day.  However, seven hours into the discussion with the staff, Theo feels a prick of conscience and spends the rest of the day gallivanting about the aquarium with June and Day.
Slightly disheartened by the fact that Theo initially chooses to spend what looks like the entire day with the aquarium staff, June is rescued from squeezing out a few manly tears by Day, who encourages him to do as he does and see how many times he could visit all the exhibits before the day is done.  June likes the idea—only a true man could see all the animals in the aquarium more than once in a given day—and the pair cause a general ruckus as they speed through the various exhibits, staring at the animals in awe for no more than two minutes before rushing to the next tank.  He feels especial pity for the turtles: if only he had thought to bring extra running shoes for them to feel the joys of speed as he did!   
Louis, with a clothespin over his nose to block the stench, spends much of the day in the penguin exhibit.  He can be heard announcing “Thou art a very dapper bird, although not as fine as me!” to every penguin who is willing to hear his blathering.  He is most appreciative of their debonair coat of black and white and is even more intrigued when a trainer tells him that there is a breed of penguin called “Emperor.”  A fellow royal, just like him!  Upon the Manager’s request that he spend his time admiring the other animals as well (the penguin trainers were having trouble hiding their laughter at the pompous prince, and she wanted to give them a break), Louis bothers Verine and Ethan at the sea star habitat, and the sickly Soul Reaper wonders if life is worth living at all if this is how it’s to be spent (listening to the prince).  Louis connects to the sea stars deeply because he, too, is a star!
Like many occasions when he has to interact with the other Soul Reapers, this field trip is a special brand of hell for Ethan.  He stays with Verine by the sea star tank for some time, before his roommate, Louis, prances in and begins all manner of comparisons toward himself and the sea stars.  Ethan, after listening to Louis for seventeen minutes, has to relieve himself of the prince and begins quietly examining the exhibits en route out of the main part of the aquarium and into the adjoining café and gift shop area.  He spots Ell, Youssef, and the Manager there, and as he finds those three not entirely unpalatable in terms of disposition—Manager, especially—he joins them, although he scoffs at the trio’s preference for coffee over tea.  
Sian is one of the few people in the entire 14th Department that visits the aquarium like a normal person.  He and Noah throw out the terrible maps that they bought from Mori and peruse the exhibits at their own leisure, admiring the animals, and spending more time at the exhibits that strike their fancy.  Sian personally finds the seahorses to be some of the most entertaining aquatic creatures in the whole aquarium; there are so many different designs they can take!  As he and Noah stroll among the tanks, he can’t help but wonder if they’ll catch a glimpse of the Manager (he doesn’t know that she’s retired early from visiting the exhibits to drink coffee).  Of course, he’s not going to say that—“Y—yo, don’t take that the wrong way!  It’s not l—like I’m interested in hanging out with the Manager or anything!”  No one believes him, though.
Enthralled with the idea of a more educational field trip, Cyrille is on Cloud Nine.  He forgoes any interaction with his fellow Soul Reapers, preferring to study the various informational signs on the tanks, check the cleanliness and ethicalness of all the habitats, and interrogate the workers in the aquarium as to how they are maintaining all the animals and their tanks.  He is satisfied in knowing that the aquarium takes care of all their wildlife properly and makes sure that their animals are comfortable and are in habitats as close as to the ones they would have been living in in nature.  Although Manager tries to coax him from his awkward questions, he’s far too interested to take notice, but he ends up having the most fun of all the Soul Reapers during this field trip, when all his queries are satisfied.
Kati fights with Aitachi the entire bus ride to the aquarium and spends much of the time inside the building screaming obscenities like “Noctu and Noah are stupid!” from the top of his lungs.  He is thoroughly shut up when Manager advises him to vent his feelings to the corals, which he does, and becomes much more relaxed.  He had plans to follow Noah and bully him the entire time (he just wants some attention from his roommate, poor thing), but after seeing that Noah and Sian are too busy being mature by actually enjoying the aquarium, he thinks better of it, and instead, stations himself at the sea otter exhibit.  They are so cute—although, not as cute as him!  There, he finds Aitachi, who is also charmed with a childlike passion by the otters, and immediately threatens to bite him.  He is rescued from being obliterated by the much-more experienced warrior by Noah, who “coincidentally” decided he wanted to drop by the sea otter exhibit.
As mentioned earlier, Noah enjoys the aquarium with Sian, perhaps in the way that it’s supposed to be enjoyed.  He likes taking it easy, not wanting to cherry-pick any exhibits to see, but instead, choosing to admire the interesting ones as they came along.  After seeing most of the aquarium together, he and Sian part ways, Sian deciding to go find the Manager (he finds Quincy instead), and Noah, feeling that Kati probably had gotten himself into trouble by now, decides to go look for the younger Evening Team member.  He texts the Manager to see if she knows where Kati is (she says he’s in the sea otter exhibit) and goes to find him.  He is just in time to see Aitachi and him ready to begin dueling, and delivers Kati from getting clobbered by the young Atiyah warrior and insists that it was an “accident” that he happened to bump into the pair.  Noah forces Kati to apologize to Aitachi, and even though it was done in a most begrudging manner, the pair do not have any more quarrels (in that day).
Despite Nine’s frequent wishes to be alone, he has long since realized that in public places where they have never been before, the three other members of Noctu will follow him around like orphaned children.  As he’s pretty sure that the trio would get themselves into trouble otherwise—and on accident, of course—he’s contented himself to live with it.  He and the rest of Noctu traverse the aquarium in a group and mostly juggle their party between the freshwater and saltwater fish exhibits.  They do visit the rest of the aquarium, though, and Nine is overcome with panic when Aitachi is found missing from the group for all of twelve minutes.  He is most excited when him and the rest of Noctu sign up to watch a video presentation on sharks (which do not have a live exhibit at the aquarium), but he mostly zones out during it and enjoys the silence of his own mind.  Because they finish perusing the aquarium much earlier than anticipated, Kirr, Aitachi, and him retire to the aquarium café with Youssef, Ell, Ethan, and the Manager.
Day has been counting the days for this field trip the moment he heard it announced, and his excitement is rewarded with a great day at the aquarium.  He loves this opportunity to “play” with Nine-Nine and the rest of his teammates and see all the pretty fishies!  Day likes the freshwater and saltwater fish a lot—the clownfish amuse him to no end, but he is even more enamored when the group visits the dolphin exhibit.  They remind him of himself—playful and smart!  Day, who has no grasp on the concept of money, throws away his ticket to the shark presentation that he had already paid for, and decides that he’d rather still explore the museum further instead of sitting around to watch a video (he can’t sit still for very long).  He finds June sadly, but earnestly, wandering about the exhibits by his lonesome, and instantly invents a way for them to hang out and see the entirety of the aquarium together by ways of running around it like a lunatic and see all the exhibits as fast and as many times as possible.  It’s great fun and brightens June up considerably!
Having lived high up in the mountains all his life, Kirr is astonished by the sheer amount of aquatic life present in the aquarium.  He has a terrible habit of calling every organism around them “a fish,” whether it be a spindly lobster or an entire coral reef.  Kirr does not fear when Aitachi becomes lost, knowing the young warrior can take care of himself just fine, but he still looks for him and successfully tracks him down in the sea otter exhibit.  Kirr is the first one to agree when Nine suggests that the group sign up to watch a video presentation on sharks, especially when he sees the poster promoting the video call sharks “the hunters of the sea.”  The informative presentation teaches him nothing new about hunting, but he appreciates it nonetheless.  Him, Aitachi, and Nine retire to the aquarium’s café after strolling about the entirety of the exhibits and are delighted to find Ell, Youssef, and the Manager enjoying coffee together.  He himself is significantly less excited upon seeing his opponent, Ethan, there, as well, nursing a cup of what appears to be hot leaf juice.
Warrior Aitachi does not know what to expect upon entering the “aquarium” place that Miss Manager insists that the 14th Department tour.  He is, however, sufficiently pleased when he realizes that it is a place to view many fish, even if it is merely a fruitless pastime.  Nevertheless, he is enthralled with childlike vivacity at all the exhibits that he and the rest of Noctu visit and loves the sheer amount of color present in the watery tanks.  He is not entirely distraught when he become separated from the rest of Noctu, for he can definitely take care of himself!  Aitachi is wise enough to stay at the exhibit where he last was with the Night Team—the sea otter habitat—so his team can find him more easily.  There, he watches the cute antics of the otters and is content until Licht and Ghilley, who were coming back from the aquarium bathrooms, have the audacity to compare his “cuteness” with the otters’!  It puts him in a bad mood, and it is even worsened when that intrepid Kati comes from out of nowhere and bites him.  He would’ve had no qualms at honorably cutting down the Evening Team member, but alas, Kati is rescued by Noah.  After receiving an apology from Kati, Aitachi is reunited with Noctu and they head to their scheduled shark presentation before seeing the rest of the museum, and heading back to the aquarium café with the Manager.
If it isn’t already obvious, Youssef prefers to spend his time in the aquarium in its café, for he has seen many aquariums in his youth and would prefer to spend this trip to the museum watching over the other Soul Reapers.  Since the café is elevated enough so one can look down from its ledge over the entire aquarium, he is joined by the Manager, so she, too, can survey what is happening among the rest of the members of the 14th Department.  Youssef immediately orders for the Manager and himself two caramel lattes and they sip and chat and watch over the Soul Reapers like mother hens.  Their small party of two grows as the day passes, and by the end of the field trip, it comprises he, the Manager, Ell, Ethan, Kirr, Aitachi, and Nine.  Even though he appreciated the alone time with the Manager, none of the other Soul Reapers are unwelcome and only heighten his enjoyment of the trip.
Mori sees the aquarium field trip as an excellent business opportunity.  He already sold several copies of a map of the aquarium (complete with animal facts pulled from Otherworldipedia) he had made prior to the trip to Noah and Sian.  They sold for a hefty price and even if he had made no other profit that day, Mori would have still been satisfied, even though Quincy had called his maps fit for nothing but to be used as toilet paper and that was only if the world had run out of its supply of one-ply.  Nevertheless, he stations himself outside the aquarium entrance and sells twenty-four copies of his map pamphlet before aquarium security ask him to not charge money for what they were already giving away for free inside.  Mori is unabashed, however, and makes his way to the aquarium gift shop, where he sells many mass-produced, underwater-themed trinkets that he bought from a bulk party store online.  He happens to make a killing, before the aquarium security, once again and less politely this time, ask him to buzz off.
Criticism is his strong suit, so Quincy wanders about by himself making rude remarks on all the fish and other underwater life.  He only does this, however, to hide how bored and lonely he is, especially since his roommate, Verine, had decided to be boring and spend his entire afternoon embroiled in the sea stars.  Despite this annoyance with Verine, Quincy still texts him hourly reminders in typical Quincy fashion (read: rudely) to take his medicine.  He is infinitely satisfied when he finds Sian, who is a kindred spirit in criticism, and together they stroll about the aquarium, judging the creatures inside the tanks as if they weren’t completely and utterly entranced by their beauty.  Quincy particularly likes the birds of prey exhibit (although he wonders why the aquarium, which focuses on underwater life, has one), for he has to admit contentment in watching the little moles and mice get absolutely massacred by the owls and hawks in the enclosure.
Verine doesn’t enjoy the museum one bit: it’s cold, it’s stuffy, and there’s too many people (which means more dust in the air).  He has to content himself with his pills and tissues in the least popular exhibit with the sea stars (coincidentally, corals are significantly less interesting to watch than sea stars, but considering they have much more of a media presence with the “save the coral reefs movement,” more people tend to frequent their exhibit).  He is secretly flattered with Quincy’s constant reminders to take his medicine, because it shows he cares, in his own denigrating way.  He is not, however, amused by Louis’ frequent inquirings after his health, for they all follow a split-second look of pity, just as the prince begins one of his long ramblings about his own beauty, and how Verine should, instead of “focusing on his deformities,” look to the handsomeness that was the prince.  He much preferred the awkward silence he had been sharing with Ethan before the prince’s arrival!  
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babyawacs · 13 days
#patina #role ‎ @all @world @bbc_whys the german govt knows the chronsaeule stamps of theirs and the highpotential stamps and such they rated eventually thinker vs doer as thinker early on know the case as one of the v u l n e r a b l e s ‎and analytical creative
#patina #role @all @world @bbc_whys the german govt knows the chronsaeule stamps of theirs and the highpotential stamps and such they rated eventually thinker vs doer as thinker early on know the case as one of the v u l n e r a b l e s ‎and analytical creative creative analytical and wouldhave put the case in something abstract nonabrasive nonburning complexity what it is instead is shuffle…
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mezzaforte78 · 21 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Godinger Crystal Hershey Kiss Candy Dish.
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ainews · 3 months
Many marriages are threatened by a lack of understanding when it comes to communication and compromise. This is why finding ways to be nonabrasive to one’s spouse is so important. In recent years, the idea of leveraging glutamates—or the use of mild words to subtly nudge a partner in a hoped-for direction—has become increasingly popular among marriage counselors and other experts.
Glutamates can help to avoid the appearance of criticizing one’s partner, but still provide direction. Instead of more aggressive comments like “Stop doing that!”, glutamates offer a gentle nudge such as “I appreciate it when you do X instead of Y.” This allows for a less confrontational exchange between spouses, allowing them to move on to resolution without any damaging accusations or counter-attacks.
Not only does the use of glutamates help to reduce the potential for resentment or hurt feelings, it can also lead to positive outcomes. By showing respect for one another’s feelings, spouses can truly listen to each other and then agree to alternate courses of action. This can help foster communication while avoiding the escalations of moving towards a heated argument.
It may take some practice getting used to the idea of using glutamates with one’s spouse, but the result can be tremendous. By curbing communication that could become overpowering or disrespectful, spouses in marriage can find routes to meaningful conversations. This can ultimately lead to a healthier and happier relationship.
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angelinajhonson0 · 5 months
Raw Crystal: How to Clean & Identify Them, and Unravel Their Enigmatic Beauty
There is a possibility that your Raw Crystal requires a more extensive cleaning once the above process is complete. If this is the case, then we suggest that you scrub the raw crystal with a soft nonabrasive brush, and while doing so, be mindful of not pressing too hard against the stone. Pressing too hard can cause scratches on the stone’s surface. Once done, the raw crystal should be allowed to dry off naturally.
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plasticsnovanative · 2 months
 Ultra Purge C6090: Safe, FDA-Compliant Cleaning for Thermoplastic Resins
Ultra Purge C6090 offers a safe and FDA-compliant solution for cleaning thermoplastic resins during material transitions. Specifically designed for polycarbonate (PC) and poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA), this purging compound ensures that transitions are smooth and free from contaminants, maintaining the integrity and quality of the final products.
Operating at temperatures between 190°C (374°F) and 320°C (608°F), Ultra Purge C6090 is versatile and effective for various applications, including injection molding and extrusion. The compound requires no additional mixing or preparation, making it easy to use and handle. Its non-abrasive formulation protects sensitive equipment components, ensuring long-term operational efficiency and safety.
Compliance with FDA regulations (21 CFR) is a significant advantage of Ultra Purge C6090. All components of the compound are either Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) or permitted for direct or indirect food contact. This makes Ultra Purge C6090 an ideal choice for food-related industries, providing assurance that the purging process is safe and compliant. By incorporating Ultra Purge C6090 into your cleaning routine, you can maintain high safety standards and enhance production quality.
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frenchelshade · 10 months
How To Take Care Of Your Vintage Lamps?
Vintage lamps exhibit timeless appeal and lend a touch of nostalgia to any decor. Carefully maintaining your antique lamps will keep them shining for years, whether you received them as a gift or found them at a flea market. Here, you'll learn how to care for your treasured antique lights so that they retain their luster and efficiency for years to come.
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1. Dusting and Cleaning
Dusting softly: Use a soft, dry cloth to regularly dust and clean your antique lights. This easy maintenance routine keeps the lamp free of dirt and dust, extending its life and beautiful look.
Cleaning products: Choose gentle, nonabrasive cleaners wherever possible. Cleaning vintage lamps with harsh chemicals risks ruining their fragile surfaces and coatings. Cleaning using a solution of mild soap and water or vinegar is usually safe.
Careful polishing: Metal and brass lamp parts can restore their shine with periodic cleaning. Use a reputed metal polish applied with a soft cloth, and be cautious to avoid scratching or wearing away any protective coatings.
2. Protection from the Natural Factors
Sun protection: Lamp shades and finishes are especially susceptible to fading and cracking when exposed to direct sunlight. Protect your antique lamps from direct sunlight by placing them in a shaded area or using window coverings.
Constant temperature: Vintage lamps, especially those constructed of fragile materials like glass or porcelain, are susceptible to damage from sudden shifts in temperature. Keep lights in a steady atmosphere to avoid cracks and other damage.
3. Safeguarding Electrical Components 
Check wiring: Older vintage light wires may become brittle and eroded over time. Regularly check for fraying, exposed wires, and other damage indicators in the wiring. Contact an expert to rewire the lamp securely if you discover problems.
Proper bulbs: Ensure you use the right wattage and bulbs specified for your vintage lamps. Lampshades and other parts can be damaged by the extra heat produced by bulbs whose wattage is higher than what is advised.
Disconnect timely: Remove your antique lamp from its power source before cleaning or maintaining it. This elementary measure protects you from harmful electric shock and protects your lamp. 
4. Presentation and Location
Strategic positioning: Think about the room where you plan to put your vintage lights. Avoid having them get bumped into or knocked over by keeping them out of high-traffic areas. Choose areas where they may be enjoyed without severe wear and tear.
Keep changing: You should alternate using your collection of vintage lamps. It guarantees that no one light in your collection is subjected to excessive wear and tear due to overuse.
Expert care: Seek the advice of repair professionals if you have a precious or sentimental old lamp that needs work. They may restore your beloved lights to their former splendor by renewing old coatings and fixing structural issues.
Cleaning Services: Periodically cleaning your antique lights by a professional is a good idea. Professionals have the tools and training to clean the lamp carefully without damaging the fragile elements.
In conclusion, antique lamp maintenance entails routine cleaning, thoughtful positioning, and occasional expert attention. If you take care of your antique lighting correctly, it will continue to shine its warm light and share its story with future generations. Bring the timeless beauty of well-maintained vintage lamps from Fenchel Shades into your house and let their light carry you beyond time.
Original Source, https://bityl.co/MTbb
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groutmastertampa · 11 months
Best Grout and Tile Cleaning Services in South Tampa
In today's busy era, sometimes maintaining tiles, grout and other surfaces can be difficult. Even for the tiles experts and cleaning companies. That’s why you should always look for someone who specializes in tile and grout services and that are far beyond services like sweeping, dusting, mopping, scrubbing and etc.
Methods that are nonabrasive in nature and effective helps to loosen the soil embedding in the tiles and other dust accumulated there. 
for more details, please click the link below-
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jrehomedecor · 1 year
The Irresistible Craze for Gemstone Framed Wall Mirrors
Gemstone framed wall mirrors, an enchanting trend in the ever-evolving world of home decor, have captivated interior enthusiasts. These exquisite creations ignite a new found fascination among homeowners and designers alike. This blog delves into the captivating beauty of gemstone mirrors, explores their impact on interior aesthetics, and reveals why they have become indispensable statement pieces in modern homes.
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(Source: https://www.jrehomedecor.com/product/blue-sapphire-gemstone-necklace-luxury-designer-decorative-accent-mirror/)
The Beauty of Gemstone Framed Wall Mirrors
Gemstone framed accent wall mirrors captivate with their undeniable beauty. Each gemstone possesses a unique allure, transforming every mirror into an extraordinary masterpiece. From the regal tones of amethyst to the earthy greens of malachite, the array of gemstone options resembles a vivid painter's palette. Carefully chosen, cut, and polished, these precious stones enhance the visual appeal of the mirrors, enveloping them in an aura of elegance that exceeds ordinary glass.
Gemstone Wall Mirrors as a Statement Piece
A gemstone framed wall mirror is undeniably present in any room. Its grandeur and luxury effortlessly draw the eye, acting as a focal point. Placed in the living room, bedroom, or hallway, these mirrors exude elegance and instantly add sophistication. Moreover, they complement various interior design styles whether contemporary, bohemian, or classic making them versatile additions to any space.
Customization and Personalization
Gemstone framedaccent wall mirrors possess an undeniable allure. Not only do they exhibit inherent beauty, but they also offer the opportunity for personalization to match individual preferences. Homeowners can carefully select gemstones that harmonize with their desired colour scheme and interior decor. The expertise of skilled craftsmen and artisans transforms creative visions into tangible reality while leaving infinite possibilities for customization within reach. Through this personalized approach, homeowners are empowered to curate a space that truly reflects their distinctive style and personality.
Gemstone Wall Mirrors and Sustainable Design
In today's era of increasing environmental awareness, gemstone mirrors have embraced sustainability through responsible practices. These mirrors prioritize the ethical sourcing of gemstones and the use of eco-friendly framing materials, ensuring that they are not only visually stunning but also in harmony with nature. By opting for gemstone mirrors crafted with eco consciousness, homeowners can actively contribute to a more sustainable world without sacrificing elegance and luxury.
Caring for Gemstone Framed Wall Mirrors
Proper care is essential for preserving the timeless allure of gemstone mirrors. To maintain their lustre and shine, it is recommended to clean them with a soft, lint free cloth and mild, nonabrasive cleaning agents. Regular dusting also helps prevent debris build-up that may affect their brilliance. By following these simple care tips, homeowners can enjoy the beauty of their gemstone mirrors for generations to come.
In the realm of home decor, gemstone framed accent wall mirrors have captured the attention and admiration of both design enthusiasts and home owners alike. Their captivating beauty, positive psychological impact, and commitment to sustainability make them cherished statement pieces in modern interiors. As we envision the future of home decor, these gemstone mirrors continue to radiate their timeless charm, enchanting us with their radiant reflections.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
hi! what r ur thoughts on a pisces sun, leo moon, virgo rising with an aries venus and aquarius mercury ? I feel like I've heard descriptions of my placements but I don't really understand how they work together... thank you for your work, i hope u have a happy saturday! 💗
hopefully i can convey this in a pithy way (but i do recommend a full natal reading if you can get it! i sell them in my etsy and there are many other great astrologers around) but in short this is an energetic and bubbly vibe, you'd be a sweetheart but you maybe come off a little more stuck up or simply goody two shoes than you actually. and it doesn't mean you're not good, just that you have depth and other interests, especially in humanitarian ways, a force for justice and generosity but in a kind, nonabrasive way. radical kindness will do best for you even if you don't always naturally operate from it.
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petalstopicots · 1 year
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These scrubby dishcloths are the perfect all purpose cleaning cloths. They are double sided with a gentle cotton side for nonabrasive cleaning and a scrubby side for tougher jobs. Make a set for yourself or to give as a gift. https://www.petalstopicots.com/free-scrubby-crochet-dishcloth-patterns/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=814377143381088&set=a.590689945749810&type=3
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qocsuing · 1 year
The Progressive cavity (PC) pump is a positive displacement pump. The pumping element is a single “screw” that has a round cross section and rotates inside of a stator made of rubber which has a double cross section. Cavities are created between the geometry of the rotor and stator that travel along the length when rotated, to move the fluid. There is slight interference fit between the rotor and stator which seals the cavities. The rotational speed of a progressive cavity pump is typically determined by the size of the pump and pumping application. Smaller pumps tend to run at higher RPM’s, Some PC pump designs run at direct motor speeds like 1800 RPM. Most PC pumps run at reduced speeds, lower than 500 rpm. The speed is reduced by using a gearbox or v-belts between the pump and the motor.To get more news about screw pump stator, you can visit hw-screwpump.com official website. A screw pump typically refers to a 3 rotor or 2 rotor screw pumps. These differ from a progressive cavity pump in that they are typically used for pumping lubricating fluids. Screw pumps are all metal pumps and are typically used for nonabrasive fluids. They also can pump at much higher discharge pressures that a progressive cavity pump. Screw pumps typically run at direct motor speeds. The advantages of a progressive cavity pump are the ability to pump highly abrasive fluids and fluids with large solids and have reasonably long service life on these difficult pumping applications. The low speed results in low velocities through the pump and this helps extend the pump service life on abrasive applications. Progressive cavity pumps are also used for applications where the flow varies and the pump flow can be easily changed by changing the pump speed, typically by using a variable frequency drive (VFD). The progressive cavity pump is a great, low cost alternative for applications that require a measured flow. Another advantage of a progressive cavity pump is that when it is turned off, the fluid will not flow through it, it acts like a valve in this way.
The advantages of a screw pump are they can pump at extremely high pressures. They are also very good for oil-based fluids like lube oil, fuel, oil, hydraulic oil and any hydrocarbon in refinery applications like asphalt. Screw pumps are very mechanically efficient, meaning they require much less power than a centrifugal pump, they are also very quiet in operation where noise is a concern and when properly applied, they are very reliable for long service life. High pressure applications are typically hydraulic fluid, Bearings on heavy machinery and as high-pressure coolant pumps for machine tool applications.
An advantage of both progressive cavity pumps and screw pumps is they can easily pump about the same flow no matter what the discharge pressure is or if the discharge pressure varies. Centrifugal pumps have dramatic changes in flow with changes in discharge pressure. They PC and screw pumps both have little or no pulsation. The disadvantage of both progressive cavity pumps and screw pumps is that they can not be run dry or they will be damaged. They also can not pump against a closed discharge or they will be damaged.
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ainews · 3 months
In the 1920s, angora wool became a popular fabric for clothing and household items due to its soft texture and luxurious feel. However, it wasn't just humans who were attracted to this new material – it also proved to be nonabrasive for lice, a common insect pest at the time.
Lice, also known as body lice or clothing lice, are small parasitic insects that live on human skin and feed on blood. In the 1920s, poor sanitation and hygiene in cities made lice infestations a widespread problem, causing discomfort and health issues for many people.
One of the main reasons why angora wool was nonabrasive for lice was its natural oils. Unlike other fabrics, angora wool contains lanolin, a waxy substance secreted by the sheep's skin, which makes it soft and smooth to the touch. This natural oil made it difficult for lice to grip onto the fibers of angora wool, preventing them from moving around and causing irritation on the skin.
Moreover, angora wool is also known for its insulating properties, which kept the wearer warm and comfortable. This made angora wool a popular choice for winter clothing, especially in colder climates where lice infestations were more common. The warmth provided by angora wool was not only beneficial for humans, but it was also unfavorable for lice. Lice thrive in warm, moist environments, and the insulating properties of angora wool kept them away from the human body.
Furthermore, angora wool is naturally lightweight and breathable, making it a comfortable fabric to wear. During the 1920s, people often wore layers of heavy, bulky clothing to stay warm, creating the perfect environment for lice. However, the lightweight and breathable nature of angora wool allowed for better air circulation, making it less appealing for lice to live and reproduce.
In addition to its practical benefits, angora wool was also very fashionable during the 1920s, making it a popular choice for clothing and accessories. Women's fashion at the time often included long, flowing dresses and skirts, which provided easy hiding spots for lice. However, angora wool's smooth, silky texture made it difficult for lice to cling onto, reducing the chances of infestation.
In conclusion, angora wool's natural oils, insulating properties, lightweight nature, and fashionability all played a role in making it nonabrasive for lice in the 1920s. Its popularity as a clothing fabric not only provided warmth and luxury for humans but also helped to alleviate the common problem of lice infestations during this time.
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