aajkaakhbaar · 1 year
Discover practical strategies for coping in a loud world when noise sensitivity is a challenge. Learn how to manage the stress which makes you disturbed.
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not-ellaaaaa · 11 years
please dont shout
i honestly cannot describe how much i HATE shouting, even if its not aimed at me, it upsets me so much. panic attacks and anxiety attacks are utterly disabling. like , to the core of my soul. the feeling of impending doom is so fucking inescapable, idc what anyone says, they are the worst things in the world and i wouldn’t wish them upon anyone, not even my worst enemy. noise anxiety is something that i have only just recognised- i feel like im locked inside a very small box, like claustrophobia inside my head, and im struggling because nobody understands. today i was shoved in the councillors room, without my consent before hand, ‘that’ll sort her out’- no, no, it absolutely will not- talking to a complete stranger who clearly didnt even know what to say was horrible and i dont want to say anymore, im tired and i want to sleep forever
im sorry, rant over
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