#Nodebox network data
dritashoppe · 2 years
Nodebox network data
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#Nodebox network data software#
#Nodebox network data license#
#Nodebox network data license#
The dagre-d3 library acts as a front-end to Dagre, providing actual rendering using D3.ĭash Cytoscape : a Component Library for Dash aimed at facilitating network visualization in Python, wrapped around Cytoscape.js.ĭracula Graph library : a JavaScript library released under the MIT License to display and layout interactive connected graphs and networks, along with various related algorithms from the field of graph theory. D3 combines visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.ĭagre-d3 : a JavaScript library released under the MIT License to lay out directed graphs on the client-side. It includes graph theory algorithms, from BFS to PageRank.ĭ3.JS : a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data using HTML, SVG, and CSS. It is used in commercial projects and open-source projects in production and designed for users first, for both front-facing app use-cases and developer use-cases. The core layout is based on a complete rewrite in JavaScript of the C++ LibCola library.Ĭytoscape.js : a graph library written in pure JS with a permissive open source license (MIT) for the core Cytoscape.js library and all first-party extensions. It works well with libraries like D3.js, svg.js, and Cytoscape.js. It visualizes data in a circular layout.Ĭola.JS : an open-source JavaScript library released under the MIT License for arranging your HTML5 documents and diagrams using constraint-based optimization techniques.
#Nodebox network data software#
It is an open source library available under GPLv3 License developed in the Helikar Lab.Ĭircos : a software package in Perl for visualizing data and information. You can use it with canvas, SVG, or even positioned HTML elements.ĬcNetViz : a lightweight JavaScript library for large network graphs visualization using WebGL. Arbor provides a force-directed layout algorithm plus abstractions for graph organization and screen refresh handling, leaving the actual screen-drawing to you. Most customization of the application takes place by overriding default configurations, rather than direct implementation via JavaScript.Īrbor.JS : a JavaScript graph visualization library released under MIT license using web workers and jQuery. The latest version of AfterGlow 1.6.5 was released on 07/08/13.Īlchemy.js : a JavaScript graph drawing application built in d3 to get up and running with graph visualization applications. It reads CSV files and converts them into a Graph. Graph visualization of the "Cosmic Web" dataset, study of the network of galaxies List of graph visualization librariesĪfterGlow : a script written in Perl that assists with the visualization of log data.
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tonkisrus · 2 years
Nodebox network data
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On the internet and with intranets, most physical network nodes are host computers identified by an IP address. These nodes also include DTE, such as digital telephone handsets, printers, routers, servers and workstations. These include switches, bridges, modems or hubs that perform signal conversion, coding and line clocking. In data communications, physical network nodes include data communications equipment or devices that sit between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data transmission circuits. One way is by network type another is by network topology. There are several ways to categorize nodes. In a computer network these may be cable, fiber optic or wireless connections. Nodes connect over a link or communication channel. A node checks for identification, such as an IP address, to grant access to the node. These devices recognize transmissions from other nodes and forward them to other nodes. In a computer network, nodes can be physical networked devices, such as modems, PCs and printers. It transmits data to communicate with other nodes in the network. Depending on the application, network nodes perform a variety of functions.Ī network node sits at a point in the network where it sends, receives, stores or creates information. The concept of network nodes came into being with the use of distributed networks and packet switching. Nodes have either a programmed or engineered capability to recognize, process and forward transmissions to other network nodes. Each node is an endpoint for data transmissions or redistribution. Computer networks make things like video streaming, social networks and cloud networks possible.Ī network node is a connection point in a communications network. It is made up of many smaller computer networks. The internet is an example of a computer network. They are built on top of a physical network.Ĭomputer networks aim to share information and resources among multiple digital devices.
Logical networks are software representations of a physical network. A physical computer network is a real network comprised of the cable and devices that send data back and forth. Networks can be defined by their geographic location, the protocols they use, the physical arrangement of the network components and their purpose.Ĭomputer networks can be physical or logical. Network protocols define how information is sent and received. These links allow the computers and other devices to send information over the network. What is a computer network and where do network nodes fit in?Ī computer network is a system of computers and computing devices that are connected via communication links.
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jeniferdlanceau · 8 years
Generative design software will give designers "superpowers"
Generative design tools that produce optimum forms for products and buildings without human intervention are set to transform both the physical world and the role of the designer, according to software experts.
The software can automatically make aircraft lighter, buildings stronger and trainers more comfortable – with the designer acting as a "curator", rather than making all the decisions.
The emerging technology uses algorithms to generate every possible permutation of a design solution. The designer simply enters a set of parameters and then chooses the best outcome generated by the software.
Generative design, which mimics the way organisms evolve in the natural world, was the hot topic at Autodesk University – a three-day technology conference held in Las Vegas last November.
"Generative design is a departure from the way that we have traditionally done design," said Jeff Kowalski, chief technology officer of software company Autodesk. "But these technologies are not a threat, they're more like superpowers."
The digital design method relies on cloud computing to create a multitude options based on a set of fixed parameters. It often produces fluid, lattice-like forms, as the software imitates the way nature creates the most efficient structures possible.
The result can be seen in the cellular midsoles of the trainers – personalised for each runner – that sportswear brand New Balance launched in 2015, and 3D-printing projects by designer Joris Laarman that range from furniture pieces to an entire bridge.
The aesthetic is also visible at the recently completed Elbphilharmonie, the interior of which was acoustically optimised for music performances using the technology.
The emerging technology uses algorithms to generate every possible permutation of a design solution, resulting in products like these 3D-printed trainer soles
Generative design is similar to parametric design, which involves the user gradually tweaking spatial parameters until a desired form is reached. It is responsible for some of the futuristic-looking buildings by Zaha Hadid Architects, MAD Architects and more.
But with generative design the parameters are fixed, and the computer quickly builds all the possible solutions for the user to chose from – learning their preferences as it does so.
Architects and designers can specify their desired result – a chair, a floor plan or a facade pattern – along with parameters like materials, manufacturing methods, and cost constraints.
"The computer generates not only the shape, but many, many, many options," said Autodesk strategist Diego Tamburini, who described the method as a "brute-force approach" to design.
Many designers are experimenting with generative design to produce new forms and improve existing products.
Alessandro Zomparelli of Italian design studio MHOX, which produces 3D-printed fashion accessories using its own customised software, says designing with computer algorithms is like exploring a new material.
"It's exciting to be a designer today, because we have digital tools that allow us to create something incredible," he says during a movie filmed by Dezeen in 2015. "We are interested in exploring the aesthetic consequences of this evolution of technology."
Designer Francis Bitonti recently used generative design to reduce the size and weight of orthopaedic braces worn by young scoliosis sufferers.
The technology also allowed for the braces to be easily customised to the wearer, and create a product that – with its swooping shape and looks more "fashionable".
Generative design mimics the way organisms evolve in the natural world, producing the most lightweight structures possible
Generative design has been around since the early 1990s, and was first used to create simple artwork and animations.
But it is now trickling into a wide range of CAD programmes and therefore becoming accessible to more designers.
The improved processing power of computers and availability of cloud computing – using a network of remote internet servers to store, manage and process data – are also accelerating the uptake.
Generative design platforms currently available include NodeBox, Element and Generate – all of which provide similar tools.
Autodesk is set to launch its own generative design tool Dreamcatcher early this year. It will be integrated into some of the company's current 3D design software programmes, like Fusion 360 and Inventor.
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Dreamcatcher was developed to be able to handle a wider variety of parameters than previous generative design tools, and is already being used to configure interiors and even design entire buildings.
"We're taking the success we've now had in creating a system applicable for manufacturing and now trying to apply it to another context in architecture," Kowalski said.
It has been adapted to be able to calculate and map out floor plans with optimum natural light, efficient circulation and layouts based on the different needs of the building's users.
Autodesk is using it to test options for the company's new offices in Toronto before employees move in.
"Each of those things can be evaluated individual basis across those floorpans and scored so that we know which floorpans winds up being the most fair, most equitable, the one that ends up maximising good qualities of the programme," said Kowalski.
Italian studio MHOX, which used generative design to create this mask, is "exploring the aesthetic consequences of this evolution of technology"
He believes that these upgrades will alter the relationship between designer and computer.
"Our role in generative design as a user, as a designer, changes from this directive relationship with the computer – 'here do this, put this line here, make this wall here, make this hole in the part here' – to more of a curator," he added.
"We're relying more on the computer to create and evaluate options concurrently, and show us what the entire solution space looks like, before we commit to one."
Because the software only adds material where necessary, additive manufacturing processes like 3D printing lend themselves to producing the resulting organic forms.
"We are going to see these organic shapes more and more around us," Tamburini told Dezeen, "because those are the shapes that are optimal for light-weighing."
"Cars are going to get lighter thanks to generative design technologies, aeroplanes are going to get lighter," he continued. "The segments of the industry where light-weighting is critical, they are going to eat this up."
Generative design promises to save time on the design process, save material by creating the most efficient structures and save money by working out the most cost-effective way to manufacture them. But it is not without potential skeptics.
There's a risk that designers will feel threatened by removing a large part of the creative process from their work – simply left to chose between a set of options each time.
Dutch designer Joris Laarman has used generative design to optimise everything from furniture to bridges
Kowalski aimed to assure that generative design will allow designers to push the shapes and functionality of products further than ever before, while Tamburini said that the designer's role will certainly change as the technique becomes more widely adopted.
"We humans will be less in the business of forming or 3D modelling," he said, "and more in the business of really understanding what are our requirements of the design."
"What is it that we want to get? What are our boundary conditions? Our operations assumptions? Which is kind of what humans are better at," he added.
With Autodesk's software expected imminently, and many others currently available or on the way, a host of similar innovations can be expected as generative design proliferates.
Healthcare, transport, furniture and architecture industries are already catching on – steadily creating a more lightweight and curvaceous world.
The post Generative design software will give designers "superpowers" appeared first on Dezeen.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217598 https://www.dezeen.com/2017/02/06/generative-design-software-will-give-designers-superpowers-autodesk-university/
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