#Nocabra naming
dahscribbler · 7 months
Nocabra naming
So here's a little snippet into what goes down when clones are encouraged to name their animal companions.
Once the nocabras are settled into their stables, Keogh encourages the troopers to think about choosing a name for them. Some suggestions are fitting and meaningful. A big draft type called Beskar. An all-rounder dubbed Scout. Jaig for the noca that had markings similar to those worn by Captains Rex and Fordo.
Many however, were not so meaningful.
“What do you mean “Danger Noodle” is a stupid name?” Scorch gripes at Fixer. “He’s dangerous, and he’s a noodle!”
“Hey Thorn, I have the perfect name for yours!” Thire called out with a mischievous grin.
Thorn resigned himself to his fate with a sigh, “Let’s hear it then, Vod.”
“Thistle!” Thorn shoved his fellow commander.
“I know exactly what I’m calling mine.” Boost proclaimed with a satisfied smirk.
Sinker raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah?”
Sinker looked at Boost unimpressed, “”Rocket”… Seriously?”
“Ooh! You know what you should call yours? “Hookline”!”
“So Keogh,” Fives begins, “out of all you’ve trained so far, who wins for dumbest mount name?”
“Well…” they pause for a moment thinking, “I wouldn't say dumbest but there have certainly been some… “unique” names.” 
“Okay but if you had to pick the weirdest one?”
Without hesitation they answer, “I think that title would have to go to trooper Calico with “Scaly Long Chonk”.”
“Of course it would be Calico.” Papaver muttered fondly.
Keogh smiles at Pav, “Oh, you know him?”
“Unfortunately. He’s often referred to as Scales nowadays.” Papaver informs. “It turns out shouting “Scaly Long Chonk” was a bit of a mouthful in the heat of battle.”
What names do you think the boys would come up with? Silly or serious. What would your OCs call their Nocabra? I'm curious. 😁
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