#Nobody actually cares about your nose unless it’s PROMINENTLY misshapen or malformed or something
a very lengthy lesson on beauty, by Katina
I’ve known that beauty was arbitrary, superficial, and at its crux, incredibly insignificant since I was a young teen, and I feel like anybody with a functioning brain can recognize that fact as well, but I think what truly solidified that revelation for me was my personal experiences wherein it was my sheer charisma, confidence, intelligence, intellectualism, assertiveness and wit—my essence, effectually—that not only got me to important places and enthralled people with ease but also made people view me as much more beautiful than I already am even though I’m probably considered ‘objectively’ ‘beautiful’ in the face/body, am a former runway model/pageant girl/athlete/etc. and have been described as a beauty queen in various respects by very prominent people (even when younger me lead a low-maintenance lifestyle as the result of being low-income, in forceful isolation & in cohort with unsavory people so my appearance was collaterally affected and I’d taken a lackadaisical approach to it).
Hell, I’ve literally accrued hundreds of thousands of followers on multiple social media platforms without showing my face (and, until this year, revealing my name) once for nearing 10 years because people were 1.) impressed and captivated by my words/thoughts/opinions and the firm manner in which they’re articulated, and 2.) intrigued by the mystique and the preemptive prevention of anybody’s preconceived notions of me and their self-projections onto me that accompany me eschewing my online identity while I transmit words, and people have correctly concluded that I must be a goddess roaming the earth without knowing a single thing about me beforehand because of that fact. Simply put, I do not need and have never needed to use solely my face or my body to reel people in. My hair & my attire are also the things that typically manage to entrance people about me, second to my disposition/character; my facial and bodily ‘beauty’ are legitimately the last priority for other people and they are last in priority to myself, too.
Anyhow, the point that I’m trying to make with this is that I guarantee a vast majority of you are not “ugly” or even average or above-average, you just lack charisma, personality, knowledge and confidence that you need to build in order to get by in this world and you also fail to recognize that beauty is subjective and adhere to the old adage “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”; ergo, someone that you may regard as gorgeous is probably regarded as grotesque-looking to someone else, and somebody probably finds you with your “averageness” more beautiful than a literal high-profile supermodel (with a very crafted, curated, regulated and micromanaged image, bear in mind) because different niches appeal to different people. Even if you are foundationally “ugly”, misdirection is a concept that exists and can be easily utilized through the means of simply accentuating another feature of yours in order to misdirect people away from your “ugliness” e.g. your style of dress, your sense of humor, your gait, your hair, your sociable personality, your taste in music or art, your accessories, your nails — and notwithstanding all of this, it is perfectly fine to just exist as an “ugly” individual and not appeal to others or make the effort to appeal to others because you just do not give a shit. That is perfectly acceptable as well, and you are under no obligation to conform to the ever-fleeting beauty standards of today (another thing that I see many women struggle to cognize and accept, even without taking into account the Photoshopped and surgery-ridden ‘influencers’ that litter social media; beauty is not only subjective but it is also fickle and malleable).
“Beauty” is insubstantial, but more or less, the true form of beauty is just being yourself without caring a modicum for what others think about you because you weren’t put on this planet to care nor to appease everybody (which is an impossible feat to achieve, anyway), you were put here to grow and improve yourself — which is the most important thing you should do and focus on doing. There’ll always be at least one person that appreciates you for who you are, regardless of looks or personality or status, even if unknowingly or from a distance—consider that fact, and try to survive. You could lose your life at any time for any reason—live it to the fullest before that can happen, cherish it, and don’t waste it being a people-pleaser and a slave for something as meaningless as “beauty”.
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