#Noah Sebastian Davis Twins
sorrowsofsilence · 3 months
G E M I N I ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian!Davis Twins x ofc!Jude (really just a name, no description)
Words: 4.4k
Warnings: smut 18+ (threesome, fem!receiving, male!receiving, PnV pls wrap it b4 u tap it), twins (no twincest here, just both involved with 1 person), alcohol/weed use.
Summary: Why bother choosing, when both Davis twins are an option?
Authors note: I edited the pics above and below, feel free to use w/credit if you'd like! :) also this whole Davis twins idea was inspired by the martial art twins @thefallennightmare mentioned 🤭 (also, songs are Gemini by Del Water Gap, and Gemini by N i G H T S)
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Identical twins; yet both are polar opposites.
Noah Davis; guitar/bass playing skater boy: Sweet, warm, delicate. The smell of milk and honey. The epitome of the sun’s warmth as I rest in the passenger seat of a car.
Sebastian Davis; party boy singer: charismatic, mysterious, unpredictable. The smell of petrichor and cologne. The epitome of my body hanging out the car window, wind running freely through my hair.
Perhaps it was fate I met them, the deities pulling the strings and leading me straight into chaos- or maybe it was just a strange coincidence.
A victim of chance.
“C’mon let’s get another shot.” Niamh’s voice was distant as she snaked far from my grasp through the crowd. As I was sucked further into the sea of people trying to catch up I couldn’t help but audibly groan. The smell of alcohol and sweat lingered in the air, my nose scrunching in distaste. I wasn’t nearly drunk enough for this scene yet.
Mumbling a string of sorry’s I pushed past various people, squeezing between bodies before finally reaching the counter, my best friend already downing two shots and asking the bartender for another.
I placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her toward me, shaking my head, “Girl, you’re going to regret that once it hits.”
The blonde laughed, leaning into me as she smiled at the bartender, pointing a thumb in my direction, “Two more please, tequila. For her.”
With a smile, I put my head on hers, “You got me there, my weakness.”
A new voice in my ear made me jump, turning quickly with a hand over my heart.
“Jesus-” I laughed nervously once I made eye contact with a grinning brunette, his long hair cascading down his face in delicate layers. The strobe lights danced off his features, highlighting his pointed nose and distinct jawline. He was stunning, my heart pointing from the jumpscare and his presence.
“That’s your weakness?” His voice was faint from the blaring music as he towered over me to hand the bartender a bill, “Two for me as well.”
I stared at his tanktop, the 1975 logo faded through various washes and uses, paired with a set of black skinny jeans with two holes in the knee. My eyes began grazing over his arms and neck, as he was adorned with tattoos. I tried to hide the warmth that rose to my cheeks.
The bartender slid the glasses over the counter I reached for one, “I am a fan of some blanco.”
An inked hand reached out as well, the long-haired brunette smiling down at me as he held the alcohol toward me, asking for cheers.
Our glasses touched before we tapped them simultaneously on the wooden counter before I tilted my head back, the smooth liquor running down my throat.
The boy leaned into my ear again, yelling over the music, “I’ve never seen you around before,” taking the empty cup from my hand he gave it to the bartender, “What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing in a place like this?”
I laughed as we both grabbed another, following the same ritual before I stuck the lime between my lips, the sour citrus tangy against my tongue, “Do you tell all the girls that?”
Looking over at Niamh she grinned ear to ear, eyes flicking between me and the stranger, “Well, I need to pee so, I’ll see you in a bit.”
That was her code for ‘I’m giving you space to talk to him’.
I shook my head quickly in protest, grabbing her arm but she slipped away quickly, leaving me behind at the counter.
“Nah, no one has been worth complimenting quite like you,” he admitted, turning to lean his back and elbows on the wood as he watched the dancing crowd.
I followed, turning to eye the swaying bodies as the bass shook my chest, feet vibrating against the floor, “Could just be the alcohol talking.”
I watched him chew the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his grin. He bent down again, warm breath fanning over my ear, “Then the alcohol speaks the absolute truth. You’re stunning.”
As my ears warmed I stood on my toes, leaning up to him to respond, “What’s your name, pretty boy?”
The way his lips spread into a cheeky smile made my heart pound, the red that tinted his nose barely visible due to the lack of light in the club, “Noah.”
I held my hand out, “nice to meet you, Noah.”
His hand wrapped around mine and I couldn’t help but look down at the flower inked on the top alluring. His fingers were bare, but his grip was strong as he pulled me toward him.
“Pleasure is mine…”
“Jude,” I nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear in habit.
Noah chewed on his cheek again, watching me briefly before looking back at the bartender.
“I think we need another round, don’t you, Jude?”
Nodding, we took two more shots before Noah grabbed my wrist, tugging me into the crowd. I followed, letting him take me with him in drunken ambition, the music deafening and the lights blinding.
As we joined the group of swaying bodies my limbs heated as the world became fuzzy, my drunken state beginning to take over. His slim features made my stomach swirl with butterflies, the deep ocher eyes that tried to focus on mine captivating.
“You’re so cute,” I yelled, holding onto Noah’s shirt as his hands nervously touched my waist, afraid to go lower than my hips.
Perhaps he could help me forget.
Perhaps I could let go, just for one night.
“Really?” he smiled, his eyes joining in his expression as we moved in sync, the music leading our bodies naturally.
I nodded with the beat, limbs loose as I closed my eyes, hands reaching up to clasp behind Noah’s neck.
He lowered his body, forehead resting against mine. Gazing into the brunette’s eyes I watched him contemplate for a moment.
As his eyes closed he brushed his lips against my own, a test of my reaction and I bit back a smile, pushing upwards to copy him, the delicate skin warm and inviting.
Before Noah could react I pulled back gently, letting my hands slide down his arms, lingering at his fingertips as I stepped away, “I think I need another drink, care for something?”
He hid his disappointment with a slight grin and a nod before I moved toward the bar once again.
Something about Noah was immensely warm and inviting. I’ve known him all of fifteen minutes and I already want to run off into the forest to live in a cabin with him, reading books while he played with our shared labrador retriever.
I let my middle finger run over my lips in excitement as I grabbed us a rum and coke, turning around to head back into the crowd.
“Jude!” I turned my head to the vague of my name. Niamh was waving in the distance near the washrooms.
I walked toward her as she danced, mouth making playful kissy faces in my direction.
“OOh! Where’s the hottie?” She looked past me before holding her mouth open happily at my drink, reaching for it.
“This is for Noah,” I laughed, pulling it away from the blonde.
“No-Wuh,” Niamh slurred, continuing to dance even though the music was far quieter over here. Joining in my body swayed as I turned, looking down the hall toward the washrooms.
Once my eyes met his my heart stopped, just as if time slowed. My brows furrowed in confusion as my ears rang, my mind racing.
I stopped dancing as the short-haired brunette tilted his head to watch me, eyes trailing across my body suggestively.
Closing my eyes I shook my head before opening them again, the man leaning against the wall still there. Real.
I stood completely dumbfounded until my legs carried me down the hall toward him. Music dampened behind me, and Niamh didn’t call as she ran off onto the dance floor.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” He said, his voice eerily similar.
“I-” I began, squinting up at him, completely fixated on his features. He chuckled lowly as if he found my reaction humorous.
He looked just like him, yet not at all. His face was slightly wider, and the black t-shirt he wore was filled into his muscular frame, tight around his tattoos; tattoos that I’d seen before. The dark grey sweatpants he wore hung loosely at his hips, the white Nike’s resting on the wall he leaned on.
Hit attitude though? It was completely different.
“I was getting a drink…” The pathetic laugh that escaped my mouth made me shake my head again as I stared at him, not even hiding my fascination, “For you…”
“Couldn’t have been me,” He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a vape pen. Clicking the button he held it, bringing it to his lips and sucking, “I don’t drink.”
I blinked, watching as he blew the puff of smoke in my direction, the faint weed smell dissipating within seconds. His eyes were hooded as they flicked between me and the beverage.
“So how do you know my brother?”
Then it clicked. Twins.
I flipped my wrist with the glass in hand, pretending to look at the top of a watch, “hmm…met him about half an hour ago.”
He nodded with a snicker, running a hand through his strands. The brunette locks sat parted in the middle, the ends just past his ears in a messy wave.
He was hypnotizing.
“I’m Sebastian,” he stuck his hand in my direction, a strange sense of deja vu.
Sebastian’s fingers were tattooed, unlike Noah’s; and the callous of his palm touching my own sent shivers along my arm, my face warming for what felt like the hundredth time.
I told him my name, and he hid his smile as he took another puff of his pen, “You free in an hour?”
Taking a sip of my drink, I shrugged, “Depends.”
“On?” He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Where you wanna take me,” I chugged the liquid, holding Noah’s cup in the air, “I owe your brother a drink.”
Sebastian’s lips tugged into a sly smile as he looked down at his shoes, “I’ll see you around, Jude.”
“They’re playing a gig at the place next door,” I said to Niamh in the bathroom. Flicking my hair around I tucked one side behind my ear, taking a deep breath. Twins. Two extremely hot twins.
My reflection swayed in the mirror as the room wobbled with me. Leaning over the counter I stared at myself, wiping away the fallen mascara underneath my eyes.
Niamh adjusted her top, turning in the mirror to check her outfit, “Rockstars! And they’re Twins! This is so exciting J, maybe you can finally forget Dakotah-”
She covered her mouth with a shocked hand, eyes wide before her lids sunk shamefully, “I’m sorry. He who shall not be named.”
I gave her an empathetic look, “No stress Niv.”
She rested a forehead on my shoulder in defeat, “My own rule broken. SMH.”
I laughed, pushing her off me gently as I entwined our arms, pulling her out of the bathroom, “You could just, you know, shake your head instead.”
The grumble that left her throat made me chuckle again as we exited the club, the outside air fresh and free from the clasp of hormones we left behind.
“So they’re in a band? These twins?” Niamh asked as we stood outside for a moment longer, soaking in the cool breeze that caused my skin to crawl.
“Called Gemini, or something,” I said, folding my arms.
Once I saw them on stage together, I was completely infatuated.
“So here's the setting, we met fucked up at a wedding Shoulders back, throwing her hair, yeah She said, "It hasn't been pretty, stuck in a walk-up in Philly Ain't exactly feel like Paris, yeah"
Noah held a white bass in front of him as he rocked back and forth on stage, slim fingers picking at the strings. He smiled once he met my gaze in the crowd, and his lip fell between his teeth. The brunette threw his head forward, his long shaggy cut falling across his features like a veil.
“And she don't understand I get so distant And it ain't any comfort to know that she's sufferin' too And nothing she can write me makes a difference And it's all in my head but I wanna believe she'll be mine in a year, maybe two”
Sebastian held the mic between his inked hands, the stand placed between his legs as he moved to the melody. His eyes were closed in concentration before opening to mine, glazed with temptation. I moved to the music, enthralled by the thrill of both boys playing for an entire audience, yet both watching me as if their lives depended on it.
“I'll drop her a line when I'm feelin' like myself again 'Cause lately I ain't in the mood to pretend Gemini, when I'm feelin' like myself again Maybe I could be more than just a friend”
Ever since then they had consumed me, my mind captive to the thoughts of Noah and Sebastian for countless days, replaying how both of them devoured me with their eyes the second we met.
What was wrong with me?
Noah gave me his number after the show, his twin lingering in the background, eyes shifting between us and the ground.
A few days later he invited me over to their apartment, and I secretly hoped Sebastian would be there too.
I picked at my sleeves, the hoodie I wore suddenly feeling way too hot. As I hesitated to knock, the front door opened right before my knuckles touched the wood.
“What’s up Beautiful?” His facial hair had grown slightly, scruffy yet perfect. The beanie he wore left his hair flicking out from underneath, and the t-shirt he wore was baggy against his slim frame.
“Hey,” I gave him a warm smile, chest fluttering at the compliment. Stepping foot into their home, it smelled inviting, lemongrass verbena strong in the air.
Noah wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest with ease. As I felt his heart pounding below the fabric, my own began matching its pace.
There was no doubt I was falling for him, his mere presence made me giddy, filling with butterflies and elation.
“Want to watch a movie?”
The blankets scattered across the pull-out couch, and the two of us fell into the sheets comfortably.
The sound of the movie playing in the background was stagnant and monotonous, my focus on Noah’s hand as his fingers trailed down the skin of my waist, gripping the dip of my torso when he pulled me closer to his body, engulfed into his kiss.
His lips moved with mine slowly, the taste of mint subtle as his free hand caressing my cheek in a dance of devotion. The brunette’s long hair tickled my face as we lay there in each other’s embrace, longingly craving one another’s touch.
Our limbs entwined, legs wrapped around one another as I told him the silent story of my soul, his hands roaming down my thigh, pulling it up to his hip; as if I wasn’t close enough.
Sweet, warm, delicate.
The smell of milk and honey. The epitome of the sun’s warmth as I rest in the passenger seat of a car.
He was everything I wanted; everything I dreamed of.
Noah pulled away from our reverie, smiling as our noses brushed together, “Hungry?”
I nodded, my hands balling his shirt in my fists as I kissed him again, my lips tingling in adoration.
A chuckle vibrated from his chest as he pulled away again, fingernails reaching up my sweater, dragging across my skin lightly.
“Me too” He sucked in a breath, squeezing my side, “But I meant for pizza. I haven’t eaten all day.”
Noah left to pick up dinner, leaving me smiling as I sat on the couch, waiting for him to return.
As soon as the front door closed, a creak sounded from behind.
“Told you I’d see you around,” The voice was titillating as I whipped around, chest pounding with anxiety at his sudden appearance.
Did know what Noah and I were doing? Was he watching this whole time?
His hair messily hung from his forehead as he tucked his hands in his hoodie pocket, turning on his heel as he then led us up the stairs.
I felt my abdomen clench as he revealed his bedroom, the red LEDs intimidating. He sat on a chair in front of his computer, beckoning me over.
“Are you coming to the show on Friday?” Sebastian asked, clicking around a few files as he spoke.
Shaking my head I carefully watched him and he hummed in disappointment, “Shame, you’d think that Noah would’ve told you about it.”
“I can come if you want me to,” I shrugged and he reached for my wrist.
Sebastian tugged me down onto his lap, and I immediately tried to hide my face in my hands.
This felt wrong.
He handed me a set of headphones, clicking around on the computer, “I want your opinion on whether we perform this or not.”
He clicked on the file named Gemini, and the trap beat left my head nodding lightly. This already sounded completely different from the song I heard them play a few nights ago.
“Pick apart everything about ya Lying to me like a Gemini does Late at night makes me wanna sigh, yeah Dive into you every single night, yeah Every time it makes me wanna die, yeah Fucked you in the moment for the hype, yeah”
Holding the headphones against my ears I listened, watching the lyrics pop up on the screen. Sebastian’s hands held my hips firmly against his lap, making sure I was completely still.
My breath hitched once his hands slid down my thighs, running back up to my hips as the song went on.
“Love the way you taste, I'm fucking balling Making other plans I'm involved in Preying on your fears just like a lycan Hunting pussy everything single night, yeah”
I swallowed harshly reading the screen, and the way Sebastian revered my body made my stomach swirl.
“Love the way you miss me, make it rough, yeah Lust only pops in mysterious ways Sleepover, don't get invested Fall in love and then I pay her rent, yeah”
This was wrong.
But I didn’t want it to stop.
“Why are you showing me this?” I asked, his hands stopping on my inner thigh, my eyes watching him tease me.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you. You’re fucking divine.”
I was silent momentarily, unsure what to say at his confession. Noah made my heart flutter…but Sebastian made it race, “You don’t even know me.”
“Then I’d love to get to know your body's taste if you’d let me.”
Sebastian tugged at my pants, motioning for me to turn around and face him, to straddle his waist.
As I sat above him on his gaming chair he watched me from below, face subtle, afraid to give anything away. Yet pupils dilated in complete desire, exposing the short-haired brunette as his arms wrapped around my back, pulling me into a haste kiss.
His mouth was warm and rough, fingers clawing at my shirt in desperation as his tongue flicked my lower lip, translating unto me with greed.
His hands burned my skin, heat radiating off every inch of my body. Charismatic, mysterious, unpredictable.
The smell of petrichor and cologne.
The epitome of my body hanging out the car window, wind running freely through my hair.
He was everything I desired, everything I needed.
“This is bold of you considering I was here with your brother.”
Yet I completely gave in, my hands taking over for my heart and gripping his hair.
“I need you, Jude. Now.”
I let my hips roll into his, bodies rocking together for seconds; until the front door opened and Noah called out my name.
This game went on for months.
Both boys consumed me, both knowing that I was with the other.
They didn’t care- not until the hunger for both was no longer satiated.
I wanted each of them at once.
And they wanted me to choose.
“Selfish, to want us both,” Sebastian sunk in his chair, spinning back and forth slowly, a form of distraction.
Noah sat on his brother’s bed, watching me as I stood in the doorway, “You’re not going to choose, are you?”
The short-haired brunette chuckled lowly, hiding his suggestive smile, “Can’t just pick one.”
I looked between them, face warming, “You both want me.”
The twins looked at each other momentarily, almost as if communicating telepathically. Noah nodded.
“Tell us,” He tucked his hair behind his ears, looking up at me, “Tell us you want us. Both.”
“Say it,” Sebastian chimed in, his eyes menacing as he stared, determined to hear my admission.
“I- need you both.”
I’ve slept with each of them before, the contrast between the two night and day.
Noah whispered sweet words, taking me against every surface he could find as if claiming me for his own. He made me his, etching his being into my skin with every praise, every nickname.
Sebastian’s gaze held a million words, words he could never say; but with each thrust held my neck, pounding into my body with such proclamation and force that he told me his story. He shared his secrets.
They were the exact opposite of one another, but when put together, they made me whole.
“I want to be both of yours,” I whispered, Noah’s tongue buried between my legs as he sucked my skin, periodically licking long stripes along my arousal.
My breathing turned jagged as Sebastian kneeled on the side of the bed, kissing up my neck as his hands gripped my chest, worshiping my body with his fingertips. He dragged his mouth down to my collarbone, biting at the skin.
A moan left my body as I let my hand grip Noah’s hair, tugging him toward me as I rutted my hips against his tongue desperately.
I grabbed Sebastian’s arm, whispering toward him, “I want your cock in my mouth.”
He loved being wanted. He desired to be needed.
Sebastian stood up, rubbing his hand along his arousal over his sweatpants. Taking mine he placed it on top, sighing at the contact.
“Feel this?” With his hand on mine, he moved me along his erection slowly, “All for you baby girl.”
“Pretty boy,” I whispered, tugging at his pants. He freed himself, looking down at me with hooded lids and smiling at the praise.
Sticking out my tongue he slapped it with his desire, then let me wrap my lips around him. I sucked, swirling saliva around the tip; just as I learned he liked.
It started slow, with me moving my head along Sebastian as Noah ate me out, making my legs shake and squeeze around his face as I reached the edge, orgasm taking over my nerves.
Sebastian then leaned over the bed, free hand gripping my hair to hold me in place, shoving his cock down my throat with slow thrusts.
“Fuck, just like that baby.”
I gagged on him, taking his offering as Noah pulled his mouth away, kissing up my stomach delicately.
I watched him as his twin filled my mouth, feeling dirty and lascivious as Noah placed himself at my core, running his erection through my folds.
My brows furrowed as I bucked my hips toward him in greed and he shook his head, holding my abdomen down with a firm hand.
Noah’s hair hung over his face as he watched himself tease me, rubbing along my desire, “Hmm, you’re not very patient, are you?”
His words made me moan in protest, leaving Sebastian to groan from the vibration.
I cried, mouth sliding off of Sebastian as he reached down to rub my clit while Noah thrust into me with haste, his hips rapidly rolling.
Noah’s grip around my ankles tightened as he held me for support, flicking between our story and my eyes, smiling at me, “This what you wanted princess? Both of us at the same time?”
I squeezed my eyes shut in reverence as my body shook with every thrust, nodding.
“That’s our good girl, ”Noah groaned, tilting his head back before pulling out, switching places with his brother.
Sebastian then flipped me over, pulling me by my hips to slide my ass into the air, exposing me.
“Oh, fuck,” He whispered, bending down to lick up my body in hunger, before plunging into me.
With one hand he held my thigh, the other pushing my head into the bed. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure through my body. His slow and staggered rhythm left my body clenching around him, crying with each connection his hips made to mine.
Noah slid onto the bed underneath me, abdomen by my mouth as he lowered my lips onto his body. As he leaned back into the pillows, the taste of us lingering along his cock made my stomach churn with adoration. Gripping the base and licking along his skin I groaned, Sebastian’s powerful grip enthralling, pushing a second orgasm.
“Shit,” Noah’s hand was gentle as he guided my mouth, soft pants leaving him as he twitched, his release coating my throat.
I swallowed everything he offered, afraid to waste a single drop.
His chest he smiled, hand reaching down to hold my face.
Noah’s thumb caressed my bottom lip with approval, and he bent down to kiss my forehead.
My body rocked with Sebastian as he clawed down my back, Noah sliding beneath me again to kiss me, mouth open and tongues pressing against one another.
“Your pussy feels so fucking good,” Sebastian growled, his pace quickening as nails dug into my hips. A string of curses escaped him as he reached his orgasm, releasing inside of me.
I was his. I was Noah’s. I was theirs.
And they were mine.
“We could fuck you all day long,” Noah smiled, ghosting his lips across mine in prayer.
The room was filled with heavy pants as I moved to lay beneath Noah’s arm. Sebastian joined, resting his head on my stomach, wrapping his arm across my waist protectively.
“Who’s saying that can’t happen?” I suggested, and Sebastian’s deep laugh made me squeeze my legs together, his hand trailing back down my thighs in temptation.
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Tags: @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @th4t-em0-k1d @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies
@spicywhenspeaking @veronicaphoenix @lma1986 @calleyx13 @somewhere-diamond
@auratheopossumwitch @blackveilomens @skulliecadaver-blog @silentglassbreak @darkmxgician
@philomenie @sprokat @thatchickwiththecamera @reyadawn @xserenax-13
If you want on or off the taglist, pls let me know! Most tags are re-used so just lmk! <3
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tikosblogg · 1 month
My Brothers Best Friend..
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Summary: Noah is your brother’s best friend, that you happen to have a huge crush on.
Warning: smut….thats all, with some plot tho.
A/N: Bestfriend Noah is my number one trope, but gotta love brothers Bestfriend too😅❤️ this is the hair I imagine Noah with in this.
As people shuffled from one table to the next I sat at our usual spot, at our favorite lunch spot in town, my heart racing as I glimpsed at the love of my life, Noah Sebastian Davis striding over with effortless confidence, his inked arms moving in rhythm with his laughter. His hair falling around his dark eyes, and every time he flashed that charming smile, it left me breathless.
“Hey, Kitty” he called out, his voice teasing, as he ruffled my hair. I rolled my eyes, trying to mask the fluttering in my stomach. To everyone else, it might seem like just a nickname. But to me, it felt like a secret between us, a small bond forged in the teasing that had become routine.
“Don’t call me that,” I whined, patting down my hair trying to keep my tone flat, but I could feel the corners of my mouth betraying me, threatening to break into a smile.
“Aw, come on!” Noah leaned against the table, his tattoos on display like a gallery of artistry. “It’s cute.”
“Not cute. Annoying,” I shot back, although I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I didn’t know how to explain to him that every time he called me “Kitty,” my heart raced, my panties dampened and I felt everything shift into a different dimension.
My twin brother Tyler, seated across from me, smirked knowingly. “He’s just messing with you, Katy. You know how he is.”
“Yeah, well tell him to pick on someone his own size!” I snapped, though my tone was lighthearted.
Noah laughed, a rich, deep sound that made the corners of my stomach flutter. “But you’re the funnest target!” He poked a fork into my plate playfully, stealing a piece of my lunch. “And admit it, you love the attention.”
“Ha yeah..,” I muttered, more to myself than to him. The truth was, I loved this attention too much. It was infuriating and intoxicating all at once. I watched as Noah leaned over the table, a mischievous glint in his eyes, clearly enjoying our playful banter.
“See?” he said, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. “Admitting it is the first step. Next, we’ll work on accepting it.”
Before I could retort, he waggled his eyebrows in that infuriatingly adorable way of his, and I felt heat bloom in my cheeks again. I couldn’t help it – he was beautiful, all sharp angles and easy laughter, covered in stories told through ink.
Tyler asked for the check, signaling that he’s ready to get the hell out of here, Noah stood up and shared a knowing glance with me. “we’re rehearsing tomorrow at my place, you should come with Ty. I’ll show you some new songs we’ve been working on, I need more opinions.”
My heart did a little jump. I had been to his rehearsals with Tyler before, where the music pulsed through me, and the electric energy of the band’s passion radiating off him. I loved watching him lose himself in the music, his eyes lighting up as he sang.
“Yeah, maybe,” I said noncommittally, though the flutter in my chest made me want to say yes immediately.
Noah looked at me long enough that I felt my heart race again. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”
“Fine!” I threw my hands up, relenting. “I’ll come, but only if you promise not to call me ‘Kitty’ the entire time.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Not happening, kitty.”
As he walked over to the front counter with Tyler, I couldn’t shake the hopeful feeling blooming inside me. Noah was my brother’s best friend, and there were boundaries I probably shouldn’t cross, yet this connection between us felt electric and alive.
I reclined on my bed, scrolling aimlessly through my phone It was a quiet, typical evening at home for me. The sunlight poured through the half-closed curtains, casting a gentle glow on the pale pink walls of my room. The day had been uneventful, and I found myself daydreaming much more than scrolling through social media posts.
Suddenly, I heard two deep, familiar voices yelling from downstairs, their laughter piercing through the tranquility of my sanctuary. Curiosity turned my laziness into movement; I dropped my phone down to my chest, my heartbeat quickening. What on earth was happening? Before I had the chance to investigate, my bedroom door swung open, swinging nearly off its hinges. I let out a startled shriek.
Standing in the doorway were Tyler and Noah, the two most chaotic forces in my life. Tyler’s expressive face was full of mischief, and Noah—gorgeous, tattooed Noah—grinned widely, the corners of his lips curling up as if he had a secret that only I could unveil.
“Surprise!” They yelled, almost in unison.
In a flash, Noah leaped onto my bed, landing right on top of me. I was engulfed in a storm of laughter and confusion as I was instantly pinned down by Noah’s hands, his fingers darting into my sides, tickling me mercilessly. I squirmed beneath him, half-giggling, half-screaming, my laughter echoing in the confines of my room.
“Tyler, help!” I gasped between bursts of laughter.
But Tyler merely bounced up and down on the edge of my bed, brandishing a pillow like a sword, and began swatting at me with it. “You can’t escape! This is what you get for being moody towards us all day!”
Amidst the chaos, I felt the familiar fluttering in my stomach when Noah’s fingers brushed my skin, an electric warmth that set my cheeks ablaze. There was nothing more maddening than feeling trapped under Noah while knowing the reason behind my blushing cheeks had nothing to do with the tickling. As he caught my gaze, there was a moment—just a moment—where I thought he might be having the same thoughts. But then I was thrown back into the whirlwind of laughter as they finally relented and let me sit upright, gasping for breath.
"Okay, okay! What do you want?” I managed to ask, still catching my breath.
“We’re ordering pizza and picking up some beers to watch the UFC fight tonight, and we obviously need someone to help us make fun of the guys getting punched in the face,” Tyler announced, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
I raised an eyebrow, pretending to contemplate. “Pizza and UFC?”
“Uh-huh,” Tyler chimed in, nudging Noah with his elbow, earning an exaggerated eye roll from him.
“Join us, Kitty,” Noah said, his voice low and inviting, making my heart pitter-patter against my ribcage.
Finally, I nodded, unable to resist their playful enthusiasm. “Alright, I’m in.”
The boys whooped and hollered, and it was as if my protestations didn’t matter at all. They bounded out of my room like the glimmering stars out of my reach, leaving me with the heady blend of embarrassment and giddiness.
Once they departed, I leaned back against my bed, taking a moment to collect my jumbled thoughts. I couldn't remember a time when Noah’s presence didn’t invoke butterflies in my stomach. He was everything I admired—incredibly talented, with his music echoing through our quiet neighborhood from the garage two houses down from our home. Sometimes I’d eavesdrop on their band practicing, losing myself in his raspy yet melodic voice. Those moments felt like brief glimpses into the life I wished I could share more intimately.
The playful bickering between Tyler and Noah brought a smile to my face as I dressed quickly, donning my favorite band tee and a pair of comfy jeans. I didn’t want to look too made-up — I just wanted to be comfortable around them. The anticipation of spending the evening with Noah and my brother filled my head with daydreams of laughter and joy. It also brought the slightest hints of anxiety; what if Noah tried to talk to me while Tyler was distracted? What if I accidentally blurted out how I felt?
“Do you ever stop thinking?” I muttered to myself as I ran a brush through my hair. Perhaps that was my problem—overthinking everything.
I skipped down the stairs, joining the boys just as they returned with a stack of cheese pizzas and a case of beer. Noah looked up and caught my eye, flashing that breathtaking smile that could light up the darkest corners of my worries.
“Look who decided to join us! Katy finally freed herself from her phone.” Tyler teased, shooting me a playful wink.
“Yup, I’m here for the pizza,” I said, smirking.
“Good, because I’m starving!” Noah replied, plopping down on the couch. I settled into the space beside him, my stomach flipping nervously, but my heart raced with a euphoric thrill.
As evening wore on, laughter filled the room, intertwining with the excitement of the fight on the screen. There was a playful dynamic between Tyler and Noah that pulled me into their world, and I loved every second of it — especially being so close to Noah.
It wasn’t until he leaned towards me, sharing popcorn and a honeyed comment about a knockout punch, that I felt my heart race again. His arm brushed against mine, sending shockwaves through me, and I glanced sideways, catching a glimpse of him studying me for a split second. The moment felt suspended in the air, fragile yet electric. A thrill surged through me, whispering that maybe, just maybe, the butterflies I felt weren't one-sided..
My brother was the life of any party, but tonight he was immobilized in the recliner, a sixth beer consuming him like a heavy blanket. I couldn’t suppress the chuckle that escaped my lips as I watched him and the way he was sprawled out, snoring softly, blissfully unaware of the world spinning around him.
The living room was engulfed in darkness, save for the flickering light of the television, the only witness to the silence that enveloped the house. My heart raced as I shifted my gaze to Noah, who was sitting beside me. His tattooed hands rested casually on his thighs, the dim light showcasing the intricate designs that danced along his skin. I often wondered what stories each tattoo told, but my own story was simpler. I watched Noah, admiring the way he simply existed.
Awkwardness washed over me. My fingers fidgeted with the hem of my shirt as I glanced over at him, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. Should I say something? Do something? With Tyler out for the count, my usual social safety net was gone, leaving me feeling exposed, vulnerable. Maybe the best course of action was to get up and distract myself; I stood up abruptly, shaking off the nerves that crept up on me.
“I’m gonna clean up,” I announced, more to fill the silence than anything else. I walked toward the kitchen, my heartbeat thudding loudly in my ears. I wasn’t afraid of the dark, but with only the glow of the TV behind me, the shadows felt alive, wrapping around me like a second skin. I focused on the trash can, tossing in the empty beer cans and the remnants of our late-night snacks, but my mind wasn’t on that. It was racing somewhere else.
Suddenly, I heard shuffling behind me. Startled, I spun around, half-expecting an intruder. Instead, it was Noah, slipping into the kitchen like a shadow. I huffed out a laugh, hand clutching my chest as I felt the adrenaline course through me.
“You scared me,” I said, mustering a teasing tone, though the truth was my heart raced for entirely different reasons. He gave a small, sheepish smile that sent flutters racing through my stomach.
“Sorry,” he replied quietly, his voice low and soothing. My cheeks heated as he reached up, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. The simple act sent electrifying shivers down my spine, and I nearly forgot how to breathe.
His gaze bore into me, filled with an intensity that made the world around us fade away. He stepped closer, invading my personal space in a way that made my throat dry. I looked up at him, suddenly feeling small and fragile under the weight of his presence.
“What’s wrong, kitty?” His voice dropped to a whisper, and that simple nickname for me danced like a feather against my skin. I found myself frozen in place, staring at him, at those dark eyes that held unsaid promises and secrets. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, the kind I had only ever read about in stories.
“I—uh…” My words stuttered out, falling flat as I felt a rush of heat wash over me. In that moment, I could barely think straight. My heart pounded, thrumming against my ribcage as I stood there, caught in a moment that felt suspended in time.
Noah shifted slightly, the warmth radiating off him pulling me in like a moth to a flame. His fingers danced along my lips, tracing a path that set my nerves ablaze. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he breathed, the words wrapping around me like a warm embrace.
His voice, low and husky, ignited something deep within me, something I had kept hidden beneath layers of shyness and uncertainty. I whimpered, both in surprise and in longing. I wanted to reach out and pull him closer, to bridge the divide that felt both exhilarating and terrifying, but instead, I stood still, swept away by the gravity of the moment.
Then, just as quickly as it had begun, he pulled back, that boyish grin blooming on his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he winked, that familiar spark in his eyes still illuminated by our connection. And with that, he vanished back into the living room, leaving me behind in the dark kitchen, breathless.
When I took a moment to collect myself, I leaned against the cold countertop, my heart still racing. The encounter played over and over in my mind, each detail electrifying me like a surge of caffeine. Noah had chosen to reach out, to bridge the gap between us, and my shyness suddenly felt like a hurdle I was desperate to overcome.
What had just happened? Did he really mean what he said? The thought sent my mind reeling. I could only hope that he did, that behind those tattoos and carefree laughter, he felt the same pull toward me that I had felt toward him.
The soft glow of the setting sun filtering through my curtains cast a warm golden hue across the room. Everything felt surreal—my thoughts tangled like the fairy lights draped around my bedside. I had spent the entire afternoon consumed with worry, anxiety pulsing through me like a restless current. I decided not to go to Noah’s band practice with Tyler today. After what had happened between us last night, I could hardly bear the thought of being around him.
I flung myself onto my bed, a flurry of sheets and pillows engulfing me. The warmth of the memory rushed back: how his deep voice had murmured in my ears, “what’s wrong Kitty?,” and how his gaze had felt like fire, igniting something within me that I had desperately tried to keep contained. All night, I had replayed the fantasy of his lips against mine, imagining the taste of him, the softness contrasted with the rough edges of his skin. I buried my face in my pillow, smothering a small whimper. This was torture.
The clock on my wall read 6 PM. I knew their practice should be over soon, but it felt like a lifetime ago that I decided to skip out. Anxiety coiled in my stomach, squeezing tightly. With no other options in sight, I padded into the bathroom. The shower washed away the weight of my thoughts, leaving only the comforting sound of water cascading around me.
After a thoroughly long soak, I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into my room, feeling slightly lighter—a moment of respite, perhaps, but short-lived. My heart nearly stopped when I saw him: Noah, sitting on the edge of my bed, clad in his usual black hoodie that hugged his powerful form, the tattoos peeking out like art pieces on a stark canvas on his throat. He had an annoyed look on his face, and I couldn’t help but let out a small shriek of alarm, hand flying to my chest.
“You have to stop scaring me like that!” I huffed, heart racing as I registered his intense scrutiny. He didn’t respond. Instead, his gaze lingered on me, and I felt a flush creep up my cheeks. I awkwardly stood at the edge of the bathroom door, half embarrassed, half entirely captivated.
“Why didn’t you come with Tyler?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling through the space, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine.
“I… I was tired,” I managed to stutter, avoiding his gaze. But I felt him watching me, studying me—all of me. There was something almost predatory in the way he was looking at me, like I had become the only thing he could see in the world. I could feel a knot of tension tightening in the air, and it was thick enough to cut with a knife. Noah didn’t seem convinced.
“Really?” His brow raised in disbelief, and he motioned me towards him with his fingers, a simple yet commanding gesture. I walked cautiously, my heart racing and instinct screaming to turn back. As I approached, he grabbed my hips, pulling me to stand between his thighs. There was something intoxicating about the closeness, something electrifying as our bodies aligned and we nearly became face to face.
“I’ll ask you one more time.” he murmured, his hands sliding up under the towel, brushing against the bare skin of my hips. Time seemed to hold its breath.
The reality of the situation hit me, ambushing all my reasoning. “Noah…,” I whispered, but I didn’t know what I was trying to say. He was so close, my skin tingling as I realized how dangerously little space there was between us. All I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss him, to feel the soft warmth of his lips against mine.
“Why didn’t you come?” he repeated, his tone more insistent now, tinged with an awareness of the game we were playing. His hands paused on my hips, the tension coiling tighter, as he searched my eyes for an answer.
I weighed my options. I could tell him the truth—that I was terrified of my feelings, the longing that turned into a burning urge whenever he was near. Or I could gather my courage…and show him.
In a sudden rush of bravery, I leaned forward and pulled him into a heated kiss, our lips crashing together with a passionate urgency that had been building for far too long. It was as if a dam had broken, and the secret yearning that I had held within was finally free.
He responded immediately, his hands tightening around my waist as he deepened the kiss. I melted into him, feeling his warmth envelop me, and my heart raced even faster. It was chaotic and beautiful, every nerve in my body alight with electricity. I could taste the ink and warmth of his skin, both sweet and forbidden.
We pulled apart, breathless and eyes wide. Noah’s dark eyes searched mine, a mix of surprise and desire flickering across his face. He slowly dragged my towel off of me, letting it fall at our feet. I gasped, my cheeks flaring with heat, but he pulled me down onto him, straddling his lap, as he pulled me into another kiss that felt frantic, but also exhilaratingly perfect.
I melted into him, kissing him back with a fervor that surprised even me. I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped my lips as he ran his hands down my back, gripping my ass. He ground my core into his hardening length, as he grunted in pleasure.
His lips left mine, trailing gentle kisses down my jaw and to my throat. I moaned his name, gripping his hair in my fingers, the overwhelming sensation washing over me like a tide.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, Kitty,” he murmured against my skin, his breath sending shivers cascading down my spine. “Me too.” I whispered, not believing that this was finally happening.
Before I could think anything else, he twisted us around tossing me onto my back. He pulled off his hoodie, before crawling up the bed between my legs. His big hands gripped the insides of my thighs, pushing them apart as far as they’d go.
“Fuck kitty, your pussy is fucking perfect.” I whined at his vulgar words, silently begging him to touch me. He leaned down, biting the inside of my thigh his cheek lightly brushing my swollen clit. “Fuck Noah please.”
He smiled up at me, settling onto his stomach. “I’ve got you baby.” without another word, his tongue met my clit, as he softly flicked it over and over. I moaned, softly bucking my hips against his face. He pulled back, one of his hands slid up, gripping my hip, as his other softly rubbed down my slit.
He rubbed two of his fingers around my dripping hole, before slowly sliding them deep inside of me. I gasped at the stretch, his long fingers hitting the perfect spot. “Fuck noahhh….please.” I begged, already missing his mouth. He leaned back down, sucking my clit softly.
My fingers flew back into his hair tugging on it hard, as he groaned against me. “You gonna cum for me kitty?” I nodded, crying out as he pumped his fingers harder. “Oh fuck yes yes yes..” I babbled like an idiot, fully riding his face and fingers at this point.
Before I knew my orgasm was flooding my body. I whined his name, as my thighs tensed around him. “Ohhh fuck good girl…..just like that.” He groaned, as he continued fucking me through it. He slowly pulled out of me, before sucking my release off his fingers.
He hovered back over me, kissing me. Our tongues gliding across each other. A loud ringing interrupted us, as we pulled away. Noah pulled his phone from his pocket, as he stayed hovering over me. He answered with a smirk on his face. “What’s up Ty?”
My heart stopped, as I tried pushing Noah off of me, as if Tyler could somehow see us through the phone. Noah smiled before gripping my throat, and pinning me to the bed. I fought to keep my mouth closed, trying not to moan out loud.
“Yeah she’s just drying her hair right now, we’ll be there soon.” His eyes never left mine, as he smiled down at me. I softly whimpered, as his fingers tightened slowing down the blood flow to my brain making it fuzzy. I could feel myself getting wet all over again.
“Yeah she’s fine, just said she’s tired. She definitely looks exhausted.” He chuckled down at me. “Don’t worry she finished, we’re on our way.” He hung up the phone, putting it back in his pocket, releasing my throat, as he placed a gentle kiss to my lips.
“We have to go meet the guys, they wanna go get dinner. They sent me here to get you.” I couldn’t help the slight pout on my lips, from not getting to feel him inside of me fucking my brains out. He stood up laughing down at me. “Go get dressed, we’ll finish this later.”
He left my room, as I sat there dumbfounded. Noah Sebastian….the guy I’ve been in love with for two years….my brother’s best friend…just ate me out…..and said we aren’t finished. I couldn’t help the excitement that filled my body. I can’t fucking wait.
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xbarrjallenx · 7 years
Fandom List
This is the list of the fandoms and characters that I would write for:
* 13 Reasons Why
Alex Standall Clay Jensen Hannah Baker Jeff Atkins Jessica Davis Justin Foley Montgomery de la Cruz Skye Miller Tony Padilla Tyler Down Zach Dempsey
* Arrow
Felicity Smoak Oliver Queen
* Before You Exit
Connor McDonough Riley McDonough Toby McDonough
* Celebrities
Alex Lawther Alisha Boe Brandon Flynn Brandon Larracuente Caleb McLaughlin Cameron Monaghan Camila Mendes Casey Cott Charlie Heaton Charlie Puth Christian Navarro Cole Sprouse Devin Druid Dylan Minnette Dylan Sprouse Ethan Cutkosky Finn Wolfhard Gaten Matarazzo Grant Gustin Jessica Barden Joe Keery Justin Prentice Katherine Langford KJ Apa Lili Reinhart Madeleine Petsch Miles Heizer Millie Bobby Brown Natalia Dyer Noah Schnapp Ross Butler Sadie Sink Shawn Mendes Stephen Amell
* Dolan Twins 
Ethan Dolan  Grayson Dolan
* Glee
Finn Hudson Sebastian Smythe
* Life Is Strange
Chloe Price Kate Marsh Maxine Caulfield Nathan Prescott Victoria Chase Warren Graham
* Nerve
Tommy Mancuso
* One Direction
Harry Styles Liam Payne Louis Tomlinson Niall Horan Zayn Malik
* Parenthood
Drew Holt
* Riverdale
Archie Andrews Betty Cooper Cheryl Blossom Jason Blossom Jughead Jones Kevin Keller Veronica Lodge
* Shameless
Carl Gallagher Debbie Gallagher Ian Gallagher Lip Gallagher Mandy Milkovich Mickey Milkovich
* Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson Jane Hopper Jonathan Byers Lucas Sinclair Maxine Hargrove Mike Wheeler Nancy Wheeler Steve Harrington Will Byers
* Supergirl
Alex Danvers Kara Zor-El Winn Schott
* The End Of The F***ing World
Alyssa  James
* The Flash
Barry Allen Caitlin Snow Cisco Ramon Iris West
** P.S.: I don’t write smut imagines!
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sorrowsofsilence · 7 months
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MDNI • 18+
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Burning Out
8/? parts • x fem!reader • ongoing
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect, but everything changes once he meets you.
(warnings: smut, crime, drugs, heists, mentions of suicide/murder )
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Desolate Love
noah sebastian x fem!reader • complete
His October eyes sang secret confessions as he poured his soul into the melodies of desolate love; but you weren't meant to be sung for, even if you loved each other first.
warnings: none, just angst
doctor davis x fem!reader • complete
You had no idea your past highschool school hook-up would be your substitute doctor during your annual check-up; but let's just say you were in desperate need of a physical.
warnings: smut, doctor
Professor Davis x fem!student!reader • complete
Professor Davis is a stuck-up know-it-all who hates when you talk back, especially in front of the class. Perhaps, some discipline is necessary to keep you in line.
warnings: smut, student x professor
echo of my shadow
Noah Sebastian!ghost x fem!reader
His soul was lost, bound to find yours again in this life… and in every lifetime to come.
warnings: implied death/afterlife, implied smut
NoahSebastian!twins x ofc!jude
why bother choosing, when both the Davis twins want you?
warnings: smut, threesome, twins (no twincest)
if I’m here
x fem!reader
request: hyper-independent reader who fears taking help from anyone
warnings: none
I Was Always Yours
one || two • x fem!reader • complete
You grew up with Nick Ruffilo and Noah, but its been years since you’ve seen your best friends due to them being away touring. When Ruffilo came back to your hometown, opening his home tattoo studio, you get the opportunity to reconnect with him, and Noah. Deep down you’ve always had something for Noah, and it turns out he’s always felt something for you too. Perhaps seeing eachother years later, after you’ve both changed, sparked something.
warnings: smut
x fem!reader • complete
you know what they say, vocalists do it louder
warnings: smut
Memento Mori
xgn!reader • complete
“If you’re watching this I’m dead.”
warnings: angst, death grief
x fem!reader • complete
You wake up from a nightmare, and your best friend Noah finds a way to keep it off your mind.
warnings: smut
The Crow
Noah!draven x fem!reader
"People Once Believed That When Someone Dies, A Crow Carries Their Soul To The Land Of The Dead. But sometimes something so terrible happens, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right."
warnings: 18+, implied smut, murder, violence
The Beach
best friend noah x fem!reader • complete
getting drunk together on your weekend getaway leads to more than both you and your best friend thought.
warnings: fluff, smut
The Bet
bad omens x reader
Threefold Desires
noah x fem!reader x folio • complete
Noah and Nick had only one rule while living with them: that you could be used however and whenever they pleased.
Warnings: threesome smut
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noah wouldn’t ask you to moan, he’d make you
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more to come
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