anarcha-heathenry · 1 year
No Frith for Fascists
There is no frith for fascist ilk, be it nationalist, cop, or terf. No love can they hold, soft and sleek as silk As they commit to their own unworth.
Forsaken by Freyja; every one a dishonest, abusive coward. No sanctuary for them no joy or compassion As her wrath they have foolishly conjured.
By creed of Skadhi, their lives forfeit, stripped of warmth, light, and vigor. Endless their anguish no mercy nor respite Her vengeance, an endless Winter.
Hunted by Fenrir with bloodlust and fury, their doom ever inevitable. No quarter given no peace nor amnesty As the black wolf devours the intolerable.
There is no frith for fascist kind, no hope for them, enjoyed. No future given no refuge to find Ill-fated to be destroyed.
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