#No irl contagion please at least no non-conensual one
selene-and-the-cold · 13 days
Recently my brain is stuck on a scenario where a character A is sick with a bad, messy cold, but insisting that they don't need to be in bed because it's "only a little cold" and not contagious at all...
They get challenged over this by character B, who keeps pointing out that A caught more than just sniffles and should be at home in bed instead of spreading their cold around. B also criticizes A for being so careless and sneezing their cold around.
A insists that they are fine, and so an argument ensues. At some point, A challenges B to prove that A's cold is contagious. There have been some romantic vibes between them all along, so B ends up kissing a squarely on the lips, making sure to really go for the kiss and collect A's cooties. Fast forward a few days, B shows up at the office sick as hell with A's cold, thus providingproof that A was in fact contagious.
A, who had noticed that B is not the only one sneezing their head off, admits sheepishly "I guess I shouldn't have come in with my cold after all..."
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