sashaisready · 10 months ago
Chapter Five
Lee Bodecker (The Devil All The Time) x Femme Reader
A year after the sudden death of your husband you find yourself at a loose end, unsure what to do next. You're also learning about your sexuality - your hidden desires and fantasies creeping out now you're no longer playing the role of the good wife. A certain Sheriff in town could be the one to awaken something in you.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
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(gif not reflective of how Reader looks)
As you walked through the station out to Lee's cruiser you could feel the stares burning into you, hushed whispers following you out the door. You tried to keep your head high, reminding yourself there would be something else to talk about soon enough. Davey shot you a friendly smile and a wave as you passed him, which you were grateful for.
"What were they saying?" you asked Lee sheepishly as he backed out of the lot, one hand on the steering wheel and one against the back of your seat. You were in the front now you were a passenger rather than a criminal. You kept glancing out of the windshield at the bonnet of the cruiser, remembering the feel of the warm metal against your thighs.
"Who?" he asked innocently, keeping his eyes on the road.
"You know who" you mumbled.
Lee sighed. "Well. They're happy to have new gossip, of course. And yeah they are pretty shocked. But mainly they think you've had a hard time after your husband's passin' and this is something to do with still dealin' with all o'that".
You nod. They weren't wrong, really. 
You were both silent for a while as Lee drove out of town and headed towards your house. The air in the car was thick with a type of weird tension that made you feel uncomfortable.
"At least they don't know everythin', huh?" he joked.
You knew Lee was just trying to lighten the mood, but you feel so sick thinking about what it would be like if they all knew that you can't even make a joke of it. You don't respond.
"Are we just not gonna mention it ever again then?" Lee asked. "Gotta say hon', it's like I met a different girl out there in the woods".
You shuffle in your seat, visibly uncomfortable and unable to look at him. It was almost as if he sounded anxious, which you'd never seen from him in the slightest all the times you'd ever spoken to him. 
"I guess I just...I don't want you to think I do stuff like that all the time, with men. I mean" you started.
Lee nods. He was anxious. You were all over him like a rash earlier, fucking him with wild abandon like it was the last days of Rome, but now you could barely look at him. He had whiplash from the change in you.
"I just...I know you probably think I'm just some whore..but-".
The slam of the brakes interrupts you as Lee suddenly pulls over to the side of the road.
"Lee wha-?"
He puts the car in park and turns to you. "I don't think that. I would never think that. Look at me." he tells you firmly. His tone so earnest that you nearly laugh.
You are taken aback by his intensity, slowly turning to face him. "I'm sorry Lee-"
"I know whores, darlin'. Trust me. So I know you ain't one".
"I just..." you try to think of the right words. "I know I was forward. But I just need you to know I don't normally do stuff like that, alright? You're the first man I've been with since Arthur, and only the second man in my life I've ever been with fully." You surprise yourself with your honesty, you hadn't realised you were going to be so open until it happened.
He nodded. His cock twitched in his pants at that. He liked the idea of you waiting for him. He knew the other men in the town wanted to see what was under your dress and liked that you had denied all of them except him. Lee was no stranger to loose women, and he knew that wasn't you.
"So...why me, hon?" he asked thoughtfully, his hand brushing your thigh. His touch felt like hundreds of volts of electricity shooting through your entire body.
You sighed, embarrassed, feeling exposed under his watchful eyes. Oddly, talking to him like this felt more intimate than what you'd done together earlier.
"I mean I dunno, Lee. Something about the way you were looking at me. Telling me off. Being handcuffed in the back of your car...something just took over I guess. I don't even really understand where it came from".
You exhaled deeply. You knew you couldn't hide from him.
"The truth is very attracted to you. I-I like your broad shoulders. You're solid and...manly. Your eyes are the damnedest blue I've ever seen in my life. Truth be told...I've thought about you before, when I'm in my bed by myself you know? I get awful lonely. And today I were touching me and being the Sheriff and..."
You trailed off as you watched his quizzical eyes change into something altogether hungrier. Suddenly he was on you. His hands in your hair. His tongue in your mouth. His fingers caressing your breast. You shuddered as if all of the air had escaped from your body at once and then kissed him back, your hands eagerly clutching his face, grateful to have the use of your arms this time.
Lee was ecstatic to hear you talking candidly about your desire for him. The mere idea of you touching yourself while thinking of him was almost too much to bear. He only wished he could've seen it for himself and then lend you a hand. Today was full of surprises, but it proved that he had severely underestimated you. Clearly there was more to the stuck up widow than meets the eye.
He pulled you roughly onto his lap without breaking the kiss, his hands exploring every inch of your body before finding their home in your underwear. His finger coiled around the fabric as he began to rub your clit and you moaned into his mouth. You began to grind against him, feeling his erection pressing into you.
"You've always been so sexy honey...uhh" he groaned as he felt your wetness on his fingers and your body rubbed into his. "Have always thought so. Ohh fuck. In the diner...oh...I think about...fucking you over the counter..uhhh. Sometimes I just wanna lift your uniform up and...ohh shit. And then was like all my Christmases came at once. Uhhhh. I can't have just one taste baby..I can't".
You were thrilled that he had been thinking about you too. You knew he was looking at you in the diner during those fleeting moments where you'd caught his eye.
He lifted you up higher to get a better angle but your butt hit the car horn as you moved, startling you both, freezing you on the spot in case someone had spotted you. 
It broke the trance.
"Lee...we gotta stop" you plead as you try to get your breathing back to normal. "Anyone could see us. We're on a main road. I'm sorry. We can't".
You re-align your underwear and climb off him back into the passenger seat, your crotch now sodden from his touch.
Lee groans and adjusts his achingly hard cock through his pants. He knows you're right, this is a busy road connecting to the town which many use. Even now he can see some traffic appearing in the mirror coming up behind. He doesn't really care who knows but he knows you do, and he wants to keep you sweet. Plus he doesn't want people in his business. 
Your mind races as Lee pulls away again and continues along the road. You hadn't exactly thought very far ahead when you kissed him back in the woods. It clearly wasn't a one-time thing if seconds ago he was fingering you in the front seat. What now? Was this just what the two of you did from now on? What did it mean? What if he told people? You didn't really want to be sneaking around with the Sheriff. Plus, you didn't know if you were ready for this yet. And even if you were, you wanted to be courted, charmed, a gentleman bringing you flowers and taking you to the movies...not ripping your panties and splitting you in two out in the woods.
But God, it had felt good.
Lee just did something to you that you'd never experienced before in your life. He reverted you to your base instincts. Every rational thought or logical step just flew out the window. There was no past or future, no thoughts about consequences, just he and you in that present moment. You just wanted him to tear you apart, devour you. Your desire for him was primal. Your body cried out for him.
"Home sweet home" murmured Lee.
You realised you were lost in thought, not paying attention while he had pulled into your driveway. Lee was right earlier, your car was parked up just like he said it was. He handed you your keys.
"Thank-you for the ride, Lee" you said shyly.
"Just doin' my duty, sweetie" he replied. You could see that he was examining you, maybe still hard from your brief dalliance on his lap.
Every logical part of you told you to go inside and let everything blow over for a few days, hunker down and then come back into town for your next diner shift and hope the residents had moved on from your little display – all the while avoiding the Sheriff as best you could and hoping another young lady would catch his eye to keep him busy.
"Did you wanna come in for a coffee Sheriff? To thank you for the lift?" you found yourself asking. So much for your plan, then.
He grinned. "Why thank-you, sugar. That'd be great".
Once you gotten inside he'd taken his hat off and was looking around at your place. You were just at the sink getting the water for the coffee when you felt a pair of strong arms around your waist, lips warm and sloppy against your neck as eager hands found their way up your torso.
You moaned softly, dropping the coffee maker onto the counter and leaning back into him, allowing him to sweep you away. He spun you around to face him and gave you a lingering kiss, he tasted faintly of whisky and sugar and if you wondered if he'd snuck a snifter of liquor alongside his afternoon doughnut at the station. His hands were quick across your chest, your hips, as if you'd be snatched away from him at any moment.
"Lee we shouldn't..." you pleaded feebly against him, but your arms had their own ideas as they locked around his wide back and drew him closer. You shut your eyes as your lust took over once more and cupped his crotch. You could feel he was rock hard and he groaned a little as your fingers grazed him.
He vaulted you up onto the sink so that your ass teetered over the edge and your legs swung against the counter. You can hear him panting, the urgency building within him. Then he dropped to his knees and lifted your dress for the second time that day. He removed your underwear again, the ones he had bought you to replace the pair he destroyed, rolling them down your legs more carefully now and discarding them behind him. You opened your legs without even thinking about it, a Pavolvian response to his touch. He looked up at you briefly and your breath hitched in your throat as his steely blue eyes tore through you. It was as if you were the only woman in the world, when he looked at you like that. You didn't stand a chance.
He then buried his face between your legs, consuming you greedily like a starving man finally offered a meal. It sent waves of pleasure through your body as his tongue seemed to vibrate against you, playing you like an instrument.
Your fingers clawed through his hair and you bucked hard against his face, riding him so hard you momentarily worried he couldn't breathe. But he moaned against you, embracing every movement, lapping at you insatiably. You pressed your hand up against the kitchen window behind you, wondering how you might appear to anyone wandering up your lawn.
"Oh, Lee" you cried out, arching your back and throwing your head to the ceiling. "Oh God, yes Lee, yes...just like that, oh God".
Your cries were like Lee's favourite song, spurring him on and causing his cock to twitch, aching to be inside of you.
As you felt your orgasm swell, you suddenly remembered how Lee had ejaculated deep inside of you earlier, and that you had not been home since. The thought of Lee tasting himself on you as he feasted was so obscenely filthy that it pushed you over the edge – you came hard, shattering into a thousand little pieces and losing your balance - slipping backwards into the sink and slamming your back against the faucet. But you barely noticed as you relished the aftershocks of your climax.
Lee jumped to his feet and kissed you roughly, transferring the slicked remains of your orgasm onto your own face. You moaned at the obscenity of it, licking his lips with your eager tongue and swallowing your own residue. He watched you intently, fascinated by your performance.
"God...look at you" he muttered in awe.
He took you into his arms which made you giggle, you loved the way he lifted and threw you around effortlessly, like you weighed nothing. He strolled forcefully into the living room and planted you both down in an armchair, with you straddling his lap. He made quick work of unbuckling his belt and throwing his pants and briefs down onto the carpet. You pulled your dress off as he unclipped your bra, burying his head between your breasts. You could feel his cock digging into you angrily from underneath.
He sat back for a second and looked you up and down, taking you all in. His hand tenderly pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, the gentleness of it catching you off guard.
But then it was like a switch was flicked again and he was back to it. He took his cock in one hand and pumped it a few times, then grabbed your hips and pulled you down on top of him, filling you entirely to the hilt. You wheezed as he entered you. It was already a lot when he penetrated you from behind earlier, but now with you on top you felt utterly impaled, as if your organs would need to rearranged in order to accommodate him.
He chuckled at your startled expression and adjusted you slightly to get the angle he wanted.
"Get bouncin', hon" he demanded.
So you did.
It was almost painful at first due to his huge size but it became easier each time, your hips gyrating up and down as you found the tempo he wanted. His strong fingers guided your hips and you threw your arms around his shoulders for support, using him as a launch pad. Soon it began to feel incredible, he was perfectly hitting your g spot with each thrust. Your breasts jiggled obscenely giving Lee the ultimate view. He was in ecstasy, leaning back in the chair and gritting his teeth, a low whine filling the room as he occasionally slapped your ass.
"That's my good girl" he muttered in your ear. "You're so tight, baby. You love bouncing on my big cock, don't you sweetness?"
You whimpered in response, galvanised by his dirty talk you began to go harder.
You could see he was close, the soft whining was getting louder and he was gripping the sides of the chair, his eyes screwed shut. It was so erotic for you to see him like that, so deep in the pleasure fog and all because of you. You were suddenly struck by inspiration.
"Lee?" you asked breathlessly.
"Yes, babydoll?" he groaned.
"Where would you like to finish?" you asked.
His eyes flew open, startled by the sordid proposition. He stared up at you with an intense yearning, his expression hungry.
"Anywhere you want, baby" you cooed. "Anywhere you want".
He groaned then quickly ripped you off of him, throwing your exhausted body onto the floor beneath.
"Get on your knees, sweetie" he barked as he pumped himself with his hand.
You obeyed, swaying slightly as you kneeled for him – your legs like jello from your exertion.
Lee tucked two fingers under your chin then leant over you with his cock in his other hand. With a long moan he came hard over your face, splattering across your mouth, nose, cheeks, eyelashes. He cried out, his legs buckling from the ferocity of his climax. He groaned as he looked down at you, overwhelmed by the sight of his release sliding down your awestruck visage. Marking you as his.
"Just when I thought you couldn't be any more be beautiful..." he chuckled.
You were shocked. Horrified, actually. You had never done anything like this before and the degradation of the act had astounded you. It was as if someone else had taken over your body and told him he could finish where he wanted.
But it was you. This is what you wanted. And as shocking as it was to you, you had loved every second of it.
You grinned up at Lee, making a show of running your fingers across your cheeks and sucking on each of them lasciviously. He gasped at the profane act, unable to comprehend his luck as a slow smile spread across his face.
"Honey, I have never in my life wanted to back to work less than I do right now".
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grianthedecayingbird · 5 months ago
Better wait a minute
Ya better hold the phone
Better mind your manners
Better change your tone
Don't you threaten me, son
Ya gotta lot of gall
We gonna do things my way
Or we won't do things at all
… Ya don't know what you're messin' with.
You got no idea
You don't know what you're lookin' at
When you're lookin' here
Ya don't know what you're up against,
No, no way, no how
You don't know what you're messin' with,
But I'm gonna tell you now!
… Get this straight!
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space
And it looks like you been had
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space,
So get off my back 'n get out my face,
'Cause I'm mean and green and I am bad
… Wanna save your skin, boy?
You wanna save your hide?
You wanna see tomorrow?
You better step aside
Better take a tip, boy
Want some good advice?
You better take it easy,
'Cause you're walkin' on thin ice
… Ya don't know what you're dealin' with
No, you never did
Ya don't know what you're lookin' at,
But that's tough titty, kid!
The lion don't sleep tonight,
And if you pull his tail, he roars
Ya say, "That ain't fair?" Ya say, "That ain't nice?"
Ya know what I say?
"Up yours!"
… Watch me now!
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad.
I'm just a mean green mother, a real disgrace,
And you've got me fightin' mad
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space,
Gonna trash your ass,
Gonna rock this place,
'Cause I'm mean and green and I am bad
… Don't you talk to me about old King Kong
You think he's the worst, well, you're thinkin' wrong
Don't talk to me about Frankenstein
He got a temper, ha! He ain't got mine
… You know I don't come from no black lagoon
I'm from past the stars and beyond the moon
You can keep The Thing, keep The It,
keep The Creature, they don't mean shit
… I got one style, major moves
I got the stuff and I think that proves
You better move it out
Nature calls
You got the point?
I'm gonna bust your balls
… Here it comes!
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad
I'm just a mean green mother, a real hard case
You can't beat this trouble, man
I'm just a mean green mother from outer space,
So just beam him up
It's all over, ace
I'm mean and green
… Mean green mother from outer space
… I'm mean and green
… Mean green mother from outer space
… I'm mean and green
… Mean green mother from outer space
Mean green mother from outer space
… And I. Am. Bad!
Ah, ah, ah, ah
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resurrection-of-soul · 7 months ago
Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 5
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Adonis, Koga, Rei, Kaoru
Koga: Just remember. If ya try n' pull any funny business, I'll crush ya mercilessly. This feels like somethin' Adonis would say, but… I'll protect UNDEAD.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Adonis: Through the "subsidiary" HELLSING, we've been able to expand the scope of our activities. Thanks to that, I believe we will be able to provide adequate service to all our fans, satisfying everyone. Though it does feel a bit lonely to be separated from our real senpai.
Koga: Not like that's anythin' new. After all, we were separated for a bit right after those two graduated from Yumenosaki, too. Things've just gone back to bein' the way they were.
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Adonis: That does not make it less lonely. But it can't be helped, this seems to be the best solution at the moment. We will maintain the status quo and continue with our idol activities while investigating the mastermind behind the "AIIE" experiment. By uncovering the truth, we can find a fundamental solution to the problem. As for what comes afterwards, we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
Koga: It ain't our job to think too hard. All we can do is to keep tirelessly dealin' with each problem as it comes, like children pilin' stones on the banks of the Sanzu River.¹ Just hopin' that maybe this time, it won't all fall apart.
Adonis: It's a precarious tightrope to walk. All we can do is try our best not to fall.
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Koga: Yeah. So somehow or other, we'll find out who's behind this incident n' destroy 'em before anythin' goes wrong.
Adonis: …But what if I really am the culprit?
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Koga: The hell? How the fuck could it be you? I'd believe it was almost a~anyone else over you! Ya can't even bring yerself to kill bugs, can ya?
Adonis: Do you remember the dream we saw during the experiment? In that dream, we witnessed memories of the past which seemed to differ slightly from the actual events which occurred in reality, and there was one particular incident which stood out. Delinquents calling themselves "vampires" ran around causing trouble, weakening the town's security. The leader of those "vampires" was said to be me, Otogari Adonis.
Koga: The only one claimin' that was the past Sakuma-senpai. Even in that shitty dream, there wasn't any real proof, n' you were released in the end due to inconclusive evidence.
Adonis: Yes. But because of that, the atrocities being committed by the "vampires" did not stop. In real life, Hasumi-senpai — wielding the student council's authority — lead DEADMANZ to suppress the delinquents. But in the dream, the "vampires" continued to run wild. Even the past Sakuma-senpai could not convince them to stop. Though they were originally supposed to be his devotees, they had become completely dedicated to their new boss, only listening to his orders.
Koga: And that new boss was you? So what, you tryin' to say yer on the same level as Sakuma-senpai?
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Adonis: Of course not, I don't have that kind of charisma. But there are no other suspects, and even though those memories were distorted, I cannot help but to feel that Sakuma-senpai would never make a mistake. If he says I'm the culprit, I'm sure it must be true.
Koga: God is always just, huh? C'mon, just what do you take that guy for? Curious as I am about that, though, it's not really relevant. All that stuff was just a dream. The problem is this absolute chaotic mess we're dealin' with in reality.
Adonis: …Is this truly reality? Or is it just another dream? Strangely, it doesn't feel real. Everything's kind of floaty.
Koga: Well, it is a seriously unrealistic turn of events. But no matter what, this is the world we live in, and this is where our souls reside... So we have no choice but to keep doing our best to survive.
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Rei II: […Done talkin' yet?]
Koga: ……
Rei II: [Cause we're good to go over here~ Don't worry, we followed yer instructions properly when dealin' with Hasumi-bou.] [It's seriously tough recreatin' that old man talk though, so he might be a bit suspicious.] [Buuut, even someone like him'll have a hard time guessin' this kinda science fiction-y turn a' events.]
Adonis: We thought so too. Dealing with Hasumi-senpai's interrogation must've been tough. Thank you for your hard work Sakuma-senpai, Hakaze-senpai.
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Kaoru II: [……]
Koga: Hey, Adonis, ya don't gotta bother showin' any respect to these assholes. But, weeell, you're the kinda guy who even speaks kindly ta yer harmonica, so I guess it can't be helped, huh? The fake Sakuma-senpai's at least tolerable, but the fake Hakaze-senpai's especially bad. He won't even talk to us, let alone make eye contact. There ain't any need t' be polite ta someone who's so rude.
Kaoru II: [Hey, so like~?] [Could you please stop trying to get me involved and stuff? I'm like, so not into the idea of investing time and effort into guys, y'know~? ♪] [That's why I haven't been talking. I'm doing my job properly, so it's not a problem, right?]
Koga: O, oh, 'kay… Man, there's somethin' kinda nostalgic about this Hakaze-senpai... Right, these guys're copies of us from a while ago. Guess that means the fake Hakaze-senpai's still actin' like a dumb playboy. Well then, since people might get suspicious if I go around callin' ya fakes in public, from here on out I'll call ya Playboy and Vampire Bastard ².
Rei II: [Do as ya like.] [By the way, Hasumi didn't come by just to interrogate us. He was apparently actin' as a messenger for someone in the upper echelons a' RhythLin.] [Seems like our recent achievements have been acknowledged, n' we're gettin' a tour soon.] [We'll be travelin' nationwide, singin' for the sake a' the fans who love our "radical n' immoral" selves.] [Rock, Rock, Rock n' Roll ♪] [Ain't it great? It's like a dream come true, right, Puppy?]
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Koga: …The ones I wanted to sing with weren't you two, though~ Well, whatever, it can't be helped. Until the mastermind's been defeated, I'll just obediently follow the path fate's laid out for me.
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Koga: Just remember. If ya try n' pull any funny business, I'll crush ya mercilessly. This feels like somethin' Adonis would say, but… I'll protect UNDEAD.
[ ☆ ]
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tl;dr: A saying meaning to repeatedly perform a difficult task for no recognition/reward. The Sanzu River is the river said to be at the border to the underworld, which the dead must pass over to reach the afterlife. The weight of a person's accumulated sins, offset by their merits, is said to determine how difficult the crossing will be, as well as whether the person will go to heaven or hell. Children who die before their parents are said to be too young to have accumulated any merit, while also being weighed down by the sin of being unfilial to their parents. Due to their young age, instead of being condemned to hell, these children are instead told to demonstrate filial piety by piling up stones to build a pagoda honoring their parents, which will allow them to accumulate enough merit to safely cross the river. However, whenever a child gets close to finishing their work, a demon will come by and topple the stones, forcing the child to start over again.
For those unfamiliar with UNDEAD's ! era stories, these were Koga's old nicknames for Kaoru and Rei. He switched to using their names after Repayment Fes, with the implication that it was because he wholeheartedly felt them worthy of his respect from that point on.
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keefwho · 1 month ago
September 22 - 2024 Saturday
Today was kinda chill, kinda meh. As usual Saturday was meant to be my semi-productive day but I didn't do as much as usual. I took some time to take pics of and advertise the VRchat worlds I've made as of late. I'm bad about posting VR stuff I make so I had to catch up. I still dont know how to effectively advertise these things. My usual social media surely does not care much.
In book club today we finally started covering heavy stuff. I was worried I was doing poorly managing things because of how bland the sessions have felt lately but I think that was only due to the subject matter. Turns out people have much more to talk about when it comes to their experiences than a Magic Treehouse book.
I had a lot on my mind tonight but all stuff I've chosen not to speak or act on quite yet. My therapy homework right now is to decide when I should confront these things so I'm still developing that criteria. It was kinda hard not to talk about it though which leads me to think maybe it should be sooner rather than later. I will see.
My dealine to take the written drivers test is approaching. I need to set a time next week and make sure I am super prepared for it. I refuse to keep putting this off, now is my time.
0 notes
white--moon · 2 years ago
He makes a speculative sound even as his eyes go to Shiro’s mouth. But he is charming. It’s kind of awful how well it works.
To be fair, he didn’t have a boyfriend at the time, but also, who cares about being fair? Certainly not his dad. He just likes to stir shit up, so Ichigo shrugs, somewhat morose, before deciding he better give a more definitive answer unless he wants to show up to a pile of ash instead of his family home. “No, that probably wouldn’t work. He’s pretty resilient.” Obnoxiously so. He tilts his head though. “If I tell him I have a boyfriend, he’ll just want to meet you. Fuck, he’s going to love you. Jeez, he’d probably tell you that you could do better and start setting you up next. We should skip it for a while.” Just to avoid the headache.
He’s a little lost in thought still and hums. “Better send someone you don’t like, because you won’t be getting them back.” Which. “Actually…” He looks over to gauge how serious Shiro is and decides he’s not and is a little disappointed. “Never mind.”
Ichigo’s fairly neutral on this subject. He wouldn’t want to deal with Shiro’s past flings, but he's fine with kids. He shrugs. Younger Shiro sounds easy and that sort of works for him and he’s not sure why.
“So you keep telling me and I keep not seeing.” Which is not really true. He’s mostly just giving him a hard time. “And you barely have any eggs to crack. I need a side gig.” Except as soon as he says it, he decides he doesn’t like the flavor of it in his mouth. He should go back to fighting. It was decent money. “That’s good. Then I don’t have to bother deleting them.”
For a hot second, he kind of takes that sad little shrug to mean he's on the right track with offering to burn the place down. He could probably arrange a different type of accident, if Ichigo preferred. But then he gets turned down instead. "But there'd be no old people around for him to try settin' you up with, at least for a few months while they rebuild." He blinks. "Really? Not wantin' to meet me, that seems normal but I feel like I do a lot of things dads probably wouldn't like." Maybe if Ichigo glosses over how they met, why he left his girlfriend and what he does for Shiro non-sexually. He nods. "Yeah, ok." He's in no real hurry to meet Ichigo's dad of all people.
He arches a single brow and looks over at Ichigo. He snorts a laugh. "Don't forget, I don't play fair. Since you're my second best guy, I'd send third through tenth at you all at once and then you wouldn't have any teeth and I'm not into that, so don't get any ideas."
He scoffs. "Rude. Firstly, dealin' with that bunch'a assholes at the warehouse is a full time job. Second, I literally just said I give you a lot of the stuff I normally did. Third, I got shit goin' on behind the scenes too so fuck off." He's not actually upset, but maybe a little offended by the insinuation that he doesn't do much, even if he doubts Ichigo's serious. He rolls his eyes. "That's 'cause the better at it you get, the more they hear about you and more of 'em start payin' up on time. Now they're hearin' about me and about you comin' to collect and who in their semi-right mind would want anything to do with bein' on the receiving end of that?" No one. Word spreads around the street fast. He throws back the rest of his drink. "You were gonna be jealous of your dad?"
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wigglingpandaboi · 5 years ago
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear you were havin a hard time recently. i dont follow you, but i know ur blog because of ur fics, you seem like a super nice cool person and its wack that you be dealin with stuff.
Aww thank u!
Yeah i was having a hard time but im doing. Kinda better
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thatssonanii · 6 years ago
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A/N: A visitor shows up on Hanna's doorstep.
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While Hanna cleaned up the mess from the lunch she had fixed her kids and grandkids they were all in the living room watching a movie. She hummed to herself listening to them laugh and talk, she was so happy that Benny was home. Even though he was as dumb as they come, she didn't know what she would do without him.
The doorbell rang but she didn't bother to get it, she figured one of them would get it it was probably just Caleb being an ass to them again. He always told them if they sitting their asses in the house while he's working then one of them could get up and open the door for him. She stopped wiping the counter hearing the doorbell go off again and sighed.
"Yall don't hear that doorbell," she yelled.
"Watchin a movie, Nana."
Hanna laughed at her granddaughter' s response, she knew they heard it they just didn't want to get up. She let whoever it was know that she was coming as she walked down the hallway to the front door. A gasp escaped her lips when she opened the door. Her arms flew open invited the person in.
"Where has your butt been?" She asked pushing her guest into the house.
"Dealin' with a few things but I'm back now. Y'all missed me?"
Hanna pulled him down the hall to the kitchen. "Of course we did, Zion. I'm sure Alaina missed you the most though."
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He smiled at the mention of his little sister. Zion is one of Alaina's brother, older than her but the youngest of the three boys which made him and her closer. They were only two years apart. Zion is the reason Alaina even knows Hanna the way that she does. Cameron and Zion were friends growing up until both of them went to prison. Zion got out a few years prior to Cameron.
"I missed her too. She here? I heard she moved out of her house."
Hanna eyed him, she always wondered how him and Cameron were "hearing" things. They were hardly around yet they knew everything.
Hanna nodded folding her arms across her chest. "She did. Her and my grandbabies moved into their new place a couple of weeks ago," she confirmed with a sigh, "They're in the living room with my other children."
"Lil B in there, too," Zion asked with a laugh.
"Yeah, your best friend is in there also."
Cameron's ears must have been burning, he entered the kitchen with a scowl on his face until he realized who had come on. His scowl was replaced with a grin as he walked over to Zion, slapping his hand and pulling him into a hug.
"When they let yo ass out," Zion asked playfully.
"Shit, you know they can't hold me down for too long."
Hanna shook het head going back to cleaning the counters while they talked. She let them slide that one time with cursing seeing as they hadn't seen each other in a while. They talked a few more minutes until Cameron told him up step into the hallway. Hanna pulled her phone from her pocket to check up on Caleb.
"Hey babygirl."
"Hey yourself. How's work?" She asked leaned against the counter.
"Good. Y'all alright? Benny need anything?"
She smiled at his protective side. "We're fine. Alaina's brother came by."
"Which one," he asked quickly. "Better not be Lucas."
"No, no," she laughed, "It's Zion."
"Cameron's best friend? Ah, shit. It's been a long time since I've seen him."
"Watch your mouth, you sound like your son."
"As long as you mean Cameron and not Benjamin. But listen," he laughed, "I've got some stuff to finish them I'll be home. I love you."
"Love you too."
Just as Hanna hung up her phone, Cameron was walking back into the living room with Zion behind him. Zion snuck next to Alaina, who was sitting on the edge of the sofa with Treasure in her lap. He wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her shoulder hard making her jump.
"Cam, I'm gon whoop," she said as she turned towards him, "Zion!" Treasure jumped out of Alaina's lap at her outburst. She stared at her mama like she was crazy as she watched her hug Zion. Benny, Melissa and Cameron smiled as they watched their interaction. "I missed you, Zi."
"Missed you, too, lil bit."
"I got a new daddy," Treasure asked with her hands on her hips. "Cause I don't want one."
"Nah, Goldie. I'm ya Uncle." Zion said picking her up. "I haven't seen you since you was like 1."
"Where you go?"
"On a trip. I'm back now though."
"Daddy say don't talk to strangers," she said looking warily at Zion.
"He's not a stranger, baby. He's Mommy's brother and Uncle Cam's best friend."
Treasure turned on her uncle's lap to stare up at him. He stared back giving her an amused smile.
"Uncle Cam don't like my daddy," she said softly, "Do you?"
"Truth," Zion asked placing his forehead against hers. She nodded. "Not really no but as long as he's good to you and your brother, I'm good with him. And if it makes you feel better, I don't like your Uncle Benny either."
"TeeTee Lissa don't like him either, she say he dumb like a rock."
Benny reached over Zion pinching Treasure's cheek while everyone else laughed. He knew he needed to do better, he couldn't be dumb forever.
"Aye, Zi," Cameron called. "Come ride."
Zion nodded, kissing Treasure's forehead. "I'll be back, Goldie. Tell your mama let you stay up and wait for me."
Zion put his niece in Alaina's, ignoring the look she gave him. He kissed Alaina's forehead then left out the room with Cameron.
Benny pouted, his arms folded across his chest. "They ain't ask if I wanted to go."
"Awe, baby," Melissa pouted playfully. "It's okay, you can keep your lil cute, dumb self right here with us."
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valentinesparda · 6 years ago
that's understandable. it's hard with working with people who aren't good with not using gendered language and stuff. i'm sorry that you've been feeling invalidated about that. you're very much supported here and free to vent as you need!
i’ve been dealin’ with it for the past, hm....5 years? so on one hand it’s like, whatever, because of where i live and just how difficult it is to be really super conscientious about that stuff. like making the switch to using neutral language is pretty damn hard and even i still falter on it. it takes a lot of brainpower to catch yourself on that shit.
on the other it’d be nice if they at least like, tried sometimes? i don’t hold it against ‘em at all. it’s really all on me right now irt being all sad and mopey and stuff. it’s a good 40/60 split of being upset at them and being upset at myself for getting stuck in this loop again
really ironic that this all happens to hit me on National Coming Out Day but it’s whatever. just gotta let this all pass and eventually get to sleep and then i’ll be fine for like the next few months or however long it is until my next breakdown lmao
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bowieleblanc · 3 years ago
What do you think your biggest challenge is right now in life?
"I got a real bad habit of taking on everybody else's shit, and in Olympus, there is a lot of shit to deal with damn near all the time. Settin' up a boundary or a space or somethin' to deal with me and my own stuff before dealin' with anybody else's can be hard for me. But I do know I try solvin' everybody else problems as a distraction from my own. I'm tryin' to get my shit together, though. Tryin' not to wear myself too thin."
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