#No Hormones Chicken
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admrlthundrbolt · 3 months ago
Danger To Myself (Krampus x Chubby Easter Bunny Reader)
After reuniting with his brother. Krampus didn't think his life could get any better. How will he deal with meeting a cute chubby bunny on top of that. Will he be able to keep his instincts under control?
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. I have a confession, I love Krampus. Ever since learning about his legend, I've been a huge fan. So when Red One showed him in such a different light, I knew it was my time to shine.
Anywho, hope you enjoy.
He frowned at the mirror in front of him. Don't get him wrong. He was happy to rekindle his relationship with Nick. But a reintroduction dinner wasn't something he had been expecting. Still he was happy the other man wanted him in his life.
A knock came from the bathroom door. Breaking him away from his contemplated thoughts. Combing a hand through his already tousled hair. He opened the door, seeing the man on his mind.
His brother was cheerful as always. Slapping the taller man jovially on the back. That quickly turned into a tight hug. Nick was always one for physical affection. “What are you doing all cooped up in here. The guest are arriving.” His smile was wide and inviting.
Everything that the goatman wasn't feeling. Running a hand across his face, he shook his head. “Nicholas, I do not understand why you wanted this. Is it really a necessary thing. To introduce myself to all of these people?”
Taking the man's shoulders into his hands, he faced him. “Look at this as the start of a new thing. No more being holed up in your castle. I know you enjoy everyone's company there. But this is a golden opportunity. Broaden your horizons and all that.” Patting his shoulders a few times. He led him to the dinning room.
All the while he grimaced and regretted agreeing to his brother's offer.
Ok, so maybe his brother was right. There were a lot of new people to pop up since his banishment. It hurt to admit that they were also more interesting than he would have guessed. Jack Frost was a prankster, that he already made plans with to torment Nick. Garcia had finally grown out of his awkward teenage phase. It was still fun to tease him about it though. All in all it was a good time and dinner hadn't even started.
Then you walked in. He always knew he had a thing for larger women. But you were a different kind altogether. You were wide and plush, the perfect picture of fertility. It made his fingers twitch at the thought of how they would sink into your pliable flesh. His pulse was pounding as he took in your other more animalistic features. The flopping bunny ears, button nose scrunched, and cotton tail poking out of your pants. It was enough to have him gripping his drink to hard. The sound of shattering glass caused many eyes to swing his way. But the only ones he cared about was yours.
Your face became concerned as you rushed his way. Shifting the large dish you held to one hand. You grabbed his palm and looked it over carefully. Your touch was gentle and warm. Like a fire on a chilly winter night. Shifting his hand in your own soft one, relief washed over your face. Looking up at him you beamed. “Seems like there wasn't any harm done. But what else should I expect from the great Krampus.”
He flushed under his fur. Between your compliment and having to stop himself from reaching out for your touch. It was an intensity that he hadn't experienced before. One that he wasn't sure if he should give into or shun.
Before he could speak Nick's wife was coming over with a broom. “Oh, must have been a faulty glass. Let me clean this up.” Sweeping the broken bits into a festive dust pan, she smiled. “Eostre it's been to long.”
Bringing the smaller women into a one arm hug, you nodded. “Far to long. Especially if your using that outdated name. You know I prefer (Y/N) now.” Keeping your arm around her, you join her. Leaving the room for who knows where.
If he had an excuse he'd follow as well. Until then he'd have to wonder what was in your arms. Savoring the feeling of your name on his tounge.
It wasn't long after that that dinner was served. It was quite the spread. Many of the items were Geman in origin. His bother did always know his favorites. Including the different varieties of alcohol. Piling his plate high, he sunk into the feast.
Everyone tucked into the food. Enjoying bits of conversation between bites. As he finished off his serving, eager to go in for seconds. Something caught his eye. A large dish half filled with a familiar dish. He wanted to kick himself for not noticing it sooner. It was a childhood favorite, Geman Baked Eggs. Ignoring all if the other platters, he scooped a large portion onto his plate. Bring a spoonful to his mouth, he had to pause. It was enough to make him hold back a moan. Butter, cheesey, and like velvet on his tounge. Better than any he had ever tasted before.
He quickly went for another bite. Only to be startled by your gaze on him. You were smirking and had raised an eyebrow at his obvious enjoyment. A part of him was defensive, while another was intrigued? He wasn't sure what to make of your attention.
Nick interupted the tension building between you. “Oh, I'm glad you noticed the casserole. The first time (Y/N) brought it over I told her how much you would enjoy it.”
His gaze snapped from you to his brother and back. You made this delicious dish from his homeland?
Your smirk seemed to widen at his confusion. Shrugging your shoulder, you leaned forward. As if you wanted to share a secret with him. Without a second thought he copied your motion. “We do share a similar history. Animalistic legends bound to a holiday. Just differing in attitude, that's all. Plus I always have plenty of eggs on hand.” You ended your statement with a wink.
Slumping a bit in his chair, he pondered you words. It was obvious you were tied to Easter. But he had never thought to visit the other legends from his own country. Always opting to stay tucked away in his keep. Or in the old days, with his brother. Maybe he had missed out on good times.
Returning your smile, he said. “It is a wonderful dish. You do our homeland proud.” Tapping a fist to his chest, he tips his head in your direction.
This causes your expression to become more sincere. Your foot begins to thump rhythmically on the ground. Something you hadn't done since a young age. Taking a gulp from your glass, hoping to cover up your embarrassment. “You should come by sometime.” His face shifts to one of surprise. “I can you know, show you around the farm. Give you a tour of the operation.” You hope that it didn't come of as desperate as you thought it sounded.
Nodding again he went for another bite. “That would be nice.” He would take his brother's advice. His horizon did seem to be broadening.
You had given him directions to a vast glenn. It was filled with various flowers. Shrouded within a large thicket of old trees. It was a sight he hadn't enjoyed in quite some time. Looking around the beautiful scene before him, he grew nervous. What if you regretted allowing him here? Would he do something to offend you. Causing you to kick him out. Yet another place he would be banished from.
Shaking his head, he frowned deeply. How had you wrapped him around your finger after only a single meeting. He felt like a boy with a school crush. As his eyes landed on you across the field. He couldn't find it in himself to care. It just mattered that you wanted to spend time with him.
Jogging over to him, you smiled brightly. “I'm glad you could make it. It wasn't to hard to find was it?” You shuffled your feet a bit. It was always felt awkward the first time you invited someone over. The anxiety of it all made you foot want to bounce.
His heart flutter, between your concern and flustered appearance. He was sure this day would overload his senses. “It was no trouble, kleines Kaninchen. I am looking forward to today.”
You had to steady yourself. Little rabbit, you had never been called such a thing before. It was this moment that you were thankful for your fur. Not wanting the embarrassment of him seeing your blazing cheeks. “That's good. Now let's head down the rabbit hole.”
Snatching up his hand, you took off. He was startled at the strength your soft hand held. Sure he had expected speed. But the power in your hand wrapped around his own. If he had to guess, he belived it would be no challenge for you to carry him. Even at the hastened pace you were going at. You were practically lifting him off the ground.
He would have continued marveling at your strength. If it wasn't for the fact that you were pulling him towards a very small hole in the ground. Before he could call out, the burrow widened. Easily large enough to fit the two of you. Jumping in, you gave him a mischievous look over your shoulder. His breath caught as he plummeting down with you. And he could confidentiality say it wasn't the fall that caused his breath to stutter.
It didn't take to long for the tour. Even if the farm was large, how else could you provide so many eggs and chocolates. There were only a handful of key buildings to show off. You offered to tell him all of the hens names. But the suggestion overwhelmed him. So you moved on from the vast field.
Coming up to a large building, you leaned towards him. In a low voice you said. “Don’t let the ladies know, but this is my favorite pass time. I could spend plenty of time with their feathery rumps. This though, will always be my passion project.”
Heading through the entrance, he could see what you meant. The sweet smell of chocolate filled the air in a delightful way. You made your way through the facilty. Nodding to the fellow woodland workers as you went. He knew being a goatman himself, it could be hard getting along with others. So it was a shock to see so many other animalistic humanoids. It made him feel oddly at ease. Though as he looked down at you. It seemed that was a feeling he was experiencing more and more.
Finishing up your conversation with a fox woman you nodded. Grabbing his arm, you wrapped it with your own plush one and continued forward. “I think you’ll enjoy our next stop as much as I do.”
The warmth of you body spread into him. If you were taking him there, he was sure he would enjoy every moment of it. “I will hold you to that, kleines Kaninchen.”
There it was again. The way it rolled from his tounge had you fighting off shivers. Your smile softened as you guided him deeper into the building.
Opening the door to your final destination, you glanced at him. Taking in his wide eyes and surprised expression. Stepping away from him you swept your arms wide. “This is our quality assurance room.” Candy was lined up, from wall to wall. It was organized by type and batch number, showing the sheer amount of variety. Making you way over to a smaller table, you waved him over. “I thought you might be interested in some of the more traditional chocolates. Though there is plenty more to try. If your taste is a bit more exotic.” You didn't miss the way his eyes seemed to dilate at your suggestion.
Heat pooled in his belly and he had to pause. You were a temptress, no a goddess of seduction. His muscles burned to pick you up and indulge in your taste. Bringing his face closer to yours his eyes become half lidded. “What would you recommend?”
In a flash your eyes lit up. Grabbing a speckled egg shaped chocolate you placed it to his lips. He was a bit shocked at your sudden change in demeanor. Still it was hard for him to resist your excitable nature. Closing his lips around the small confection, his eyes widened. It was creamy and smooth. As he bit into it he was surprised at the rush of spiced liquor flooding his tounge. “You are full of many surprises kleines Kaninchen.” Steping closer, he pressed his body against yours. “Show me more.”
You wasted no time, jumping up and wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips moved feverish as they collided with his. He met you with just as much ferocity. Bringing his up hand to firmly grasp your plush bottom. He reveled un the way his finger sunk into you malleable flesh. Your bodies were flush against one another. Thrumming in the throws of passion.
When the door suddenly swung open. A deer man was looking over a clipboard as he entered. “Hey (Y/N), we need your….” As his gaze lifted from his work he gasped. Lifting the papers to his face he backed out of the room. Stammering out apologies profusely along the way.
Breathing heavily, he gently lowered you back to the floor. The both of your pulses were hammering in your ears. You sheepishly looked at him through your lashes. Admiring his rugged features as he gazed down at you. “I guess we could have picked a better place for something like this”
He smirked and nodded. “Perhaps I could return your hospitality. Have you ever explored in the depths of a castle?” His eyebrows raised suggestively as you giggled.
Resting your hand on his firm chest, you beamed. “I'm always up for a new experience. I've heard of a castle that has eternal Krampusnacht. I wonder if they can keep up with a bunny there.”
Your taunt got his blood boiling. Hefting your plush body up with one arm, he grins. Your lips met in another scorching kiss. “We will have to see, kleines Kaninchen.”
With that the two of you made your way out. Hoping that you hadn't mentally scarred you worker. But eagerly anticipating what your next meeting might bring.
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seabeck · 25 days ago
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Hand a chicken an egg and she shall make another
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fkapple · 11 months ago
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Emily and Shane on fake eggs
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years ago
I have seen multiple people get distraught about the potential stress their hen might endure if they get the Suprelorin Implant for their hen which prevents egg laying and recently The Unusual Pet Vets on Facebook posted about an ISA brown who underwent the procedure so I wanted to share it to help ease anyone's anxieties. If a hen is well handled they shouldn't have to be put under for this as local anesthetic should work just fine and shouldn't put the bird under any unnecessary risk.
This post should also be a good reference for how your vet should treat your bird, with consideration and respect.
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As you can see Maple here was not very stressed during the implant insertion and went right back to eating treats after her treatment. If you have a beloved hen who has reproductive problems and you have access to this treatment do not hesitate if you are worried about the risks of the procedure as it is not very stressful to the bird. It can help hen's lives who are having reproductive troubles improve sometimes within just a few days.
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deadeadeadea · 9 months ago
I juuuuust want some dickkkkkkkkkk
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theninthnoah · 14 days ago
Booked an appointment to talk to a doctor about getting hrt
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vveirdvvitch · 4 months ago
*screams with excitement* I never shoulda doubted you Eddie!!
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supercantaloupe · 8 months ago
craving. pita sandwich...
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rainbowslag · 8 months ago
t-shirt that says 'added hormones or steroids'
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elibeeline · 1 year ago
Idk if its the hormones but im emotional over soup again
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cultivating-wildflowers · 2 years ago
#between casual political discussion with coworkers (practicing patience for me lol) and reading Jayber Crow and having garden season upon us#it's a good thing I do not often act impulsively or I'd drop everyone and run away into the woods#or I'd drop everything and buy a cow#or some chickens like my neighbors#and I know it's mostly the hormones talking but I hate it when people blindly adopt opinions without doing even the slightest bit of resear#*research#and they get angry at what they perceive as injustice without...the research#isn't it EXHAUSTING being so angry all the time?#I don't want to be like that I really don't#and I know that's the point lol#I know the whole point is to keep people idly and uselessly angry#at the world and 'opponents' and their own friends and family#and all of it amounts to so little#it happens on both sides#(I hate saying sides but you know what I mean)#on my end we've got people crying about how the world is so horrible and terrible as if humanity has just discovered cruelty#and how that must mean it's the end of the world#meanwhile I'm reading Jayber Crow and they're staring down the War to End All Wars and like???#not to diminish the State of Things but I think....I think it's always been this way#and I'm just so tired#I want some trees and a cow and to mind my own business and for people to just...chill#and to stop pushing around wheelbarrows full of rocks to create hills to die on#anyway it's 5:00#I'm gonna go home and walk my dog in the sunshine and then eat something delicious for supper
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seabeck · 24 days ago
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Moments after pecking my eyelid so hard I bled
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homeofhousechickens · 11 months ago
From Poultry DVM
"Suprelorin is a sustained release subcutaneous implant that releases slow doses of deslorelin acetate to suppress the hen's reproductive endocrine system by preventing the production of pituitary hormones. It temporarily stops hens from laying eggs.
Stopping egg laying helps in the prevention and treatment of the following reproductive diseases in hens:
👉 Cloacal prolapse
👉 Egg binding
👉 Egg yolk peritonitis
👉 Fatty liver disease
👉 Ovarian cancer
👉 Ovarian cysts
👉 Oviduct impaction
👉 Salpingitis
The product was originally created in Australia for use in dogs and has been available in Australia and New Zealand since 2007 and the European Union since 2008.
In the USA, this product is sold only for use in ferrets for treatment of Adrenal disease. It is used off-label in birds and illegal in chickens, ducks and other poultry since the FDA considers them "food animals"
The implant comes pre-loaded in an insertion device and administered while the bird is sedated or under anesthesia. The duration of effectiveness ranges from 4 to 6 months depending on the size of the implant (4.7 mg or 9.4 mg) and the particular bird."
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(Yes it is illegal to use this implant in a food animal. If it's a pet chicken a lot of vets will prescribe it to your bird anyway. This is because you don't want to use hormones with potentially food producing animals despite the implant stopping egg laying.)
My leghorns have used these for years and it definitely lengthened their lifespan. Unfortunately they can stop functioning with chronic use but it can still save your birds life or lengthen their lifespan for a few years.
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bredforloyalty · 2 years ago
this is why i don't watch kindhearted fun stuff it makes me feel inadequate 🙄
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b-h-art · 1 year ago
what the fuck??????? i never thought i'd want to be a chicken but what the fuck????? does this also mean dinosaurs could transition too?????? brother i eat chicken why does that not give ME the power to transition ???? wait do they do that at will or like is it a hormonal imbalance thingy like does it bother them somebody answer me
so i'm in this backyard chickens group on reddit and someone just discovered their hen is transitioning and everyone is stoked
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anyway in case you didn't know chickens will sometimes spontaneously f2m and it's pretty cool
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jensownzoo · 8 months ago
Took the panel out of the pet door between the two halves of the old coop's run to let the two groups of chickens (2 older hens, 2 year-old hens) interact directly. It went really well. No significant altercations at all.
Of course I did still have to go out at sunset to organize roosting, but that's only because Boss Bitch plants her feathery ass on the ramp for the evening and if you aren't in the coop by the time she decides it's bedtime, it it tough shit. The new hens haven't experienced this, so I had to shoo BB into the coop to let them in. They'll learn to adjust their own bedtime habits for this eventually. Until then I'll go check and assist if necessary.
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