#Nintendo please :)))))))
sexy-luigis-blog · 1 year
God, Luigi In the new movie was a babe 😭 I adored him, it’s so nice to see him and Mario so close and loving to each other, and not to spoil anything, it’s always a treat to see Luigi face his fears to save his brother, they were both such sweeties, good boys ❤️💚
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natewithacake · 23 days
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Nintendo please this isnt funny i need one now
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marenwithanm · 1 year
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I. Nintendo you CANNOT be serious. When he made this face I burst out LAUGHING. This guy I'm supposed to find intimidating??? With that dopey grin??? This is worse than anything ganondorf face did in wind waker! And I do not say that lightly lol
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chiefxthegreat · 2 years
Can we bring back Samus having green hair please??? like it looks so cool!!! not to mention it’d make Samus even MORE distinct and cool!!
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art credit to: @cptHamburger on twitter
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ashleyleygraves · 9 months
After a while of playing Tears of the Kingdom, I have some complaints. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved Tears of the Kingdom, but there are some things that I don't really enjoy. Some of these are things other people have stated they don't like, and some of these are actually something that are controversial.
Let's start with the ones people can agree with:
There are too few sky islands and there's almost nothing on them. There are a few exceptions like the Great Sky Islands, the entire way up and including the wind temple, the diving islands, etc. But the majority are copy and paste empty islands and all of them were Zonai related. I wish they added Monk Maz Koshia's sky island directly above the Great Plateau like in BotW's DLC, the islands from Skyward Sword, and the City in the Sky from Twilight Princess for some examples.
A real explanation of where Sheikah tech went. Like, we all know what the developers said: "they all vanished suddenly after the Calamity was over" we know that's bullshit because Purah and Robbie still use the ancient Sheikah technology for their towers, the Purah Pad, Purah's telescope, Robbie's mini Cherry, and the lone guardian on the roof of the Hateno Ancient Tech lab. Also it didn't just vanish after the Calamity as the true ending cutscene in BotW shows at the most a month after the Calamity and Vah Ruta broke down, not vanished.
The empty depths. I love the ruins and lightroots of the depths, but on the scale of the entire kingdom of Hyrule? It's empty. Up above you would find Koroks, small structures, different surfaces (sand, grass, rock, snow, etc), enemies and even citizens. I know that you can find mine ruins, the construct factory, Yiga outposts, and enemy mines; but the depths were so vastly empty with the exact same scenery no matter where you were. I would've preferred far smaller areas than the surface counterparts or even just have the Faron, Eldin, and Central Hyrule depths since that's all you actually need to go.
The Lightning Temple. Listen, I love the Lightning Temple. I just wish that they had used the Arbiters Grounds instead of a completely new dungeon. No, I don't mean I wanted Twilight Princess's Arbiters Grounds instead, I mean that there would've been some really cool, subtle lore that the Arbiters Grounds had been destroyed after TP and was rebuilt as the TotK Lightning Temple. Like, could you imagine seeing "The Lightning Temple: Arbiters Grounds rebuilt"
Sage abilities. How they implemented this was the absolute worst. If I were to redesign the sage abilities, I'd have it work more like BotW's champion abilities but with the same reload time as the sages. I'm going to say how I would've implemented each one. For Tulin's ability, I would've pressed the sneak button while in the air to gust forward. For Sidon's ability, I would've held down the block button like Daruk's Protection but swung the weapon while blocking to have the "water slice." For Riju's ability, when you use the bow, you hold block and instead of it Z-targeting the enemy, it would turn the arrow into a lightning arrow (a different type of arrow than electric arrows because it's used as Riju's ability to call down a lightning strike.) As for Yunobo and Mineru's abilities, they would've been the same as before. So, Yunobo basically is the only one with an Avatar and Mineru just follows you as is.
Dragon Tears. No, it's not because it's too similar to finding Link's memories in BotW, it's because you can find them out of order and before finding Impa. Yes, I am frustrated that the first dragon tear I actually investigated was the death of Sonia and I had no clue what was happening. I wish that it forced you to find the tears in order. Like, the geoglyphs would appear one at a time. Or maybe give the same cutscene as when the final tear appears. The light dragon has a tear drop and we need to go find it.
This one is the most controversial thought I feel like... Ultahand. Yup, I don't like ultahand. I don't like building my own vehicles. I don't like building robots. I just don't like engineering games. I love the Zelda puzzles, but when I had to build the solutions in shrines? I hated it. I prefer the BotW shrines where you find a solution by thinking outside the box. In TotK, there is no box to think outside of because whatever you try, it's possible with what we gave you. Make a bridge out of car wheels? Go ahead we love that! I would've personally felt more satisfied with finding a solution that wasn't intended, but in this game every solution was in fact, intended.
That concludes the things I didn't like about the game, everything else, though was absolutely fantastic.
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realgreenjupiter · 4 months
Im so in love with Frye splatoon, I have never loved a character more than I have Frye splatoon, every hour I'm awake I am thinking about Frye, every night I sleep I dream about Frye. Frye consumed every waking thought and feeling I experience, I am failing Geometry because its my first period class and I am also thinking about Frye splatoon. Nothing in the splatoon series besides tower control has angered me more than the fact that Deep cuut (and therefore Frye) didnt get a ton of screen time, Nintendo it is Deep Cuts game so why did we only see them for like 5 minutes, Calamari Inkantation 3mix was really good but whyd it take so long for Deep Cut to get their after fest song? UGH anyway I really like Frye I think her Splatoween outfit was really nice and I also really liked her Frostyfest outfit, she looks good in LITERALLY every outfit shes in, any haters are jealous they arent her. I wish I could be Frye splatoon Im not a hater and I still wish I was Frye Splatoon, everyone wishes they were Frye Splatoon. I want to see more Frye splatoon so Nintendo if you can hear my prayers PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me more Frye Splatoon
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nortsauce · 4 months
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it is so joever 😭
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freshbeeth · 4 months
streets are saying sprinkler/screen for the custom hydra……. lads it’s so over
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pixiatn · 3 months
I think it's time Nintendo introduced other princesses from different kingdoms, and their names should also be based off fruits and flowers
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shinovii · 1 year
Nintendo...holy smokes this Direct!
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I will admit I never got into the Mario VS Donkey Kong games back then but if there was ever a reason to give it a shot, this would be it.
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Love me some Spy × Family and with more episodes on the way this announcement was a welcome surprise, definitely a fun and relaxing time it seems!
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Okay wow, Gex coming back wasn't enough we had to give OG Tomb Raider love too! Admittedly another series I never got to play much of (aside from a GBA proof of concept demo I found last year) but man it's reputation wasn't lost on me throughout my life (and on my birthday too, this remaster picked a great day to release)!
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It's been so long since Peach had her own game, finally it happens again and wow she's gonna be a total badass in this! I can already sense the fanart of all the costumes being made as I speak, people are gonna have a field day with this!
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Okay on one hand it's not what anyone expected...but on the other hand NINTENDO GAVE US AN F-ZERO BATTLE ROYALE, what a timeline we live in!! I mean when you really think of it this is a great idea, it's like that Death Race mode in X but fully realized and online! Just off that alone the replayability is unlimited, and hopefully this is a sign of things to come for this series.
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Every day I'm reminded that I need to pick up Splatoon 3, tho considering the updates it had to get since launch waiting hasn't always been bad for me. With the Side Order DLC looking real good the temptation is getting higher and higher, there's only so many games I need to catch up on with the Switch and Nintendo knows it lol!
Okay Nintendo you had your fun with this direct, way to make Thursdays even more fun and excit-
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...2004 a young boy walked into a BlockBuster, rented a sequel to an N64 RPG he loved a lot, and continued to rent it until he beat it, loving every sound, visual, character, and chapter of its incredible story! Now 2 decades later dang near and this incredible story has come back to grace the boy turned man once more, and no amount of Hype Ringos can show the excitement and joy he feels with this announcement...
That being said however, OH MY FLIPPING GOSH TTYD IS BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!
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i-am-trans-gwender · 1 month
I wrote new lyrics about DK's Dad for the Donkey Kong Rap
He's never around, he's nowhere near. He's been gone for years and nobody's clear. He's left the crew without a peer. He's always absent year after year. He's never involved it's sad to hear: Daddy Kong left to get beer!
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hummus-birb · 1 year
My bingo card for the Nintendo Direct!
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naozuri · 1 year
Nintendo is so wrong for dumping all of *that* on us and then making us wait half a year
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of-kats-and-crows · 3 months
With Nintendo feeding us real good with direct...
I need a new Mystery Dungeon-
Not a remake, but a new one-
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dragonanon · 3 months
Since Nintendo is releasing a remaster of Donkey Kong Country Returns for the the Switch, I SINCERELY hope that they make a remaster of another beloved Donkey Kong game from my childhood 😭❤️
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v0id-echoes · 10 months
this is horrifying wtf
I need this kit to be good istg please give me fizzy
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