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xbeeblebrox · 11 months ago
ich bin ein streunender hund, ich suche nur ich finde nicht. ich bin ein streunender hund, ich bleibe nicht, ich geh auch nicht. ich bin ein streunender hund, leg mich an die leine und lauf los. ich bin ein streunender hund, das leder steht mir gut. in die stadt, in die schon tausend andere gepisst haben, leg ich mich nieder auf den strassen. pflastersteine auf narben, hilfst du mir die alte haut abzuschaben, augen zu untermalen? such mir neue kleider aus, die ich dann trage. such mir neue farben aus, mit denen ich dann male. such mir ein gewehr, mit dem ich dann jage. such mir mich, such mir mich. // leg dich zu mir, wir demontieren mich bis nichts mehr übrig ist. leg dich zu mir, wir demontieren mich bis nichts mehr übrig ist. oh.. bis nichts mehr übrig ist. // ich bin ein wüster kläffer, das haar hängt mir ins gesicht. bin ne getretene töle, der dreck taugt mir gut. blut unter den pfoten und blau hinter den augen, brech mir meinen schädel auf und reiss mir meine sinne raus. dickes fell auf dünner haut, sortierst du mir meine leeren seiten aus, treibst mir meine seele aus? such mir neue kleider aus, die ich dann trage. such mir neue farben aus, mit denen ich dann male. such mir ein gewehr, mit dem ich dann jage. such mir mich, such mir mich. // leg dich zu mir, wir demontieren mich bis nichts mehr übrig ist. leg dich zu mir, wir demontieren mich bis nichts mehr übrig ist. oh.. bis nichts mehr übrig ist. // und ich renn, renn, renn, renn, renn, ich renn, renn, renn, renn, renn, ich bin ein räudiger köter..
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musikblog · 16 days ago
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https://www.musikblog.de/2025/01/juli-gilde-feat-nikra-nichts-tut-gut-neue-single/ Die Berlinerin Juli Gilde hat heute ihre neue Single „Nichts Tut Gut“ feat. Nikra veröffentlicht. Es ist die erste Single von ihrem Debütalbum „It’s Hard To Be A Blizzard“, das am 14. Februar via K&F erscheint. View this post on Instagram A post shared by N I K R A (@nikra.musik) Zwischen Industrieschloten und urbaner […]
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aikoiya · 4 months ago
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Another request! I would love to hear some phrases or words to indicate insults/jabs/straight up savage commentary. Like either something directly mean, like your mother is disappointed in you, or something to mutter under ones breath, like how the sun had already fried what little sense one had left. Just a range of insults and commentary, if you would be so kind!
I do have a few! Though, again, I'd recommend looking through my LoZ Cultural Masterlist 2, because I have, like 7 or more entire different posts with Gerudo Language word lists.
Sāflaemedstah = 1) Sword-swallower. An entertainer able to swallow swords. 2) Alternatively, though not the original meaning of the word, it can also be used to refer to one who is especially skilled with swallowing “swords.” Can be either used as a jest or an insult depending on the tone & context. Not really a compliment unless it's more so used to mean someone has a natural talent for it, because, otherwise, it implies a degree of hands-on practice, which many tend to interpret as looseness, which, while the Gerudo are fairly sex-positive, there is also a line that is drawn between not a prude & a nymphomaniac.
*Dōrfé = Sorcerer. One born with magic in his blood. - Not an insult, but I think it's necessary to understand the next one.
- Gánōdōrfé = A Warlock-Sorcerer. Specifically, a man who was born with magical capabilities in his blood, but who's made an evil pact with a demon for power & become a practitioner of black magic. Distinctly different from a regular warlock in that a Warlock-Sorcerer already had the capability to use magic, while a regular one only gains access to magic upon making a pact. - This is Ganondorf's traditional Gerudan name, whereas "Ganondorf" is more of a Hyrulean transliteration of his name.
*Nikra = Sorceress. One born with magic in her blood. - Again, not an insult, but I think it's necessary to understand the next one.
- Gánōnikra = A Witch-Sorceress. Specifically, a woman who was born with magical capabilities in her blood, but who's made an evil pact with a demon or some other evil entity for power & become a practitioner of black magic. Distinctly different from a regular witch in that a Witch-Sorceress already had the capability to use magic, while a regular one only gains access to magic upon making a pact. - This is the term that the Gerudo most often used to describe Kōme, Kotake, & the Twinrova.
Note: A Gerudàn Gánōdōrfé or Gánōnikra will often take on a more sickly complexions due to exposure to & use of black magic. The reason being due to the fact that Gánō or black magic, essentially being Malice or Gloom, which is magic fueled by On'nen or hatred/grudge. And, hatred is known to do bad things to not just the body, but also the brain. Thereby making black magic go from not just bad for one's health, but also outright corruptive, eventually leading to madness the more that one relies on it. This creates a vicious cycle where black magic practitioners begin to rely more & more on it in order to get the same effects as before. And, to gain more, you have to sacrifice more lives in order to get it, thereby resulting in black magic also being similar to a drug. In this way, their complexions tend to act as a form of warning to others in a similar way to how extremely poisonous frogs showcase this to show that "I am dangerous, touch me at your own peril." It is because of this that most animals avoid or even outright despise black magic practitioners. Especially corvids. Despite what general assumptions might have you think, only corvid monsters would ever be a black magic user's familiar. This assumption is mostly based on the fact that corvids are so often associated with death & their propensity for stealing rupees. However, something to take note of is the fact that corvids don't steal rupees because money, they do it because shiny.
This is, very specifically, NOT a Gerudo phenomenon only thing. It's a mechanic of Hyrule’s world & how black magic works, in-general.
However, this isn't common knowledge & even if the individual is aware of such things, it's entirely possible that the black magic practitioners just sniff at those who warn them, saying that they are weak or allowed themselves to be manipulated rather than manipulating, not seeming to realize their own arrogance in believing that they could somehow outsmart something that has been playing this game of theirs since the dawn of time. It matters not how strong or cunning the practitioners think they are. You play stupid games, you get stupid prizes.
In this way, it is little more than a manifestation of how evil turns someone into a monster. It's just that, on Hyrule's earth, it’s literal.
I mean, what do you think a number of monsters are?
Remember, Redeads, Gibdos, Poes, & Stals aren't just monsters that resemble the undead, they are the undead. In fact, in OoT, if an adult becomes lost in the Lost Woods, they can literally turn into Stalfos. And in MM, a man nearly turned into a Gibdo, but was able to be saved by Link playing the Song of Healing, which turned the Gibdo curse into a mask, leaving the man alive.
Then, there's the fact that Iron Knuckles are just outright brainwashed Gerudo in OoT. So, why do Iron Knuckles poof away like monsters in other games?
My thoughts are that it's due to them being turned into monsters via corruption.
Similarly, in FSA, Hyrulean knights have been corrupted into Big Dark Stalfos against their wills.
So, it's very possible that Wizzrobes might just be examples of the eventual fates of dark magic users.
If true, then Downfall Ganon could easily be viewed as Bandit, eventually succumbing to the same fate as all other black magic practitioners. Which, in such a case, would show that he was no better than any other. Sure, Boar King Ganon is far more powerful than most others, but his personhood eventually erodes just like all others that don't turn away from that path.
Surmúta = Slut or whore or harlot. A slur. Can be used to either refer to someone who sells their body for money or someone who just sleeps around a lot. Is used gender neutrally as Gerudo look down upon serial sex, hypersexuality, & all-around philandery in both men & women equally. Like, you can get freaky with a concubinus or your spouse however much you like, but casual sex with whoever is viewed unfavorably. - Before the curse that made them a female-only society, the Gerudo were a relatively sexually active people, but to them, there was a very fine, but very distinct line between not being a prude & being loose with your body or selling it for money. Vo'màzren & Vo'màziahn aren't considered Surmúta as they don't do these things of their own free will, they also don't get paid for it. Only if they became Hra'tàkdham Vo'màzren would it be considered accurate to do so. Though, it isn't uncommon for particularly terrible patrons or their mistresses to refer to them as such. - Note: Not considered a curse word in Gerudo society. The reason being that, though it is an insult & even slanders, it is also a simple statement used to sum up observed character traits.
*Kihàré = Idiot or moron.
*Gàta'ra = Murderer
Mànfi'zī or Vanozī = Banished one.
Vaa'bàs = Bastard.
*Càrjoch (Pronounced: CAR-yosh) = A fool; derogatory term for a male.
*Vehsun = Fool.
Murkhàbakārm = Folly, stupidity, or foolishness. Specifically, an act of stupidity.
Gágàtï = Hellcat. Mythologically, it refers to the feline beasts believed to roam the Gerudo hells. Said to be quite large with teeth like sabers & made of black flame. - However, it can also be used to mean witch (specifically where her magic originates from an evil source). Can also refer to a malicious, spiteful, violent woman with a fierce temper; a shrew. A disagreeable or unpleasant woman. In spite of this, it can also be synonymous with fenrīta.
Yéntīva = A word used to describe a woman who is a gossiper or busybody. A meddler or someone unable to keep a secret. Someone known to spread scandals. Invokes the image of a shrewish woman conspiring & manipulating those around her by being nosy & using what she learns to blackmail others. A female talebearer, scandalmonger, or gossipmonger.
Nàmám = A talebearer; someone who maliciously gossips or reveals secrets.
Fèdiha = A scandalmonger; someone who stirs up public outrage toward someone or their actions by spreading rumors or malicious gossip.
Vōbu = A stupid, but sexually attractive man. The equivalent to calling a guy a himbo, but much less affectionate & more sex-driven. Honestly pretty predatory depending on the way it's said as it can very easily come across as mocking.
*Àmalàq = Asshole; while vulgar, this one can also be used as playful banter between close friends.
Gàdha or Gàdàma = Ass; donkey. An insult.
Gáro'kāvt = Heathen. Literally, "hellbound.”
Omnōx Makalkïl = Literally, "carrion eater." Another word for vulture. Often used to refer to someone as greedy.
Uregōl or Uregōtil = Murderer.
Shàvī = Brat. Word for a kid. - An insult, but in the way that Cabron is an insult among Latin communities.
- Yàrïbaqàf = Little shit. Word for a kid. - Similar to Shàvī, but with a bit more bite to it.
Fàsyaash = Lecher.
- Hārifaai = Pervert.
Hàrnunja'vai = Crazy lady or madwoman. A lunatic. While an insult, it can also carry a bit of fondness or bewilderment to it depending on the context.
- Hàrnun’voe = Madman. A lunatic. While an insult, it can also carry a bit of fondness or bewilderment to it depending on the context.
Fānotyin = Traitor.
Muzyaf = Fake, false, untrue, lie. When muz is used as a suffix or "honorific," indicates that something is fake or that someone is a liar, pretender, or deceiver.
I also have some based on my tendency to try look at things from the Gerudo's perspective & the fact that the literally only get 1 man every century & the fact that they tend to either be monocultural to an exclusionary extent or just outright not allow men into their settlements, & the natural conclusions that one can draw from Buliara & Riju's reactions to BotW Link being discovered to be male despite being dressed as a female. However, I'm hesitant to speak of it as I am cautious of it being mistaken for hate or bigotry on me part. It wouldn't be the first time.
As such, I will skip over those.
Màzuay = A slave.
- Sāq’uay'ùl or Sāquay = A slave. Literally, “life owned.”
I have other words for a specific type of slave, but I have a very vivid memory of answering a similar question & someone other than the asker coming flying in about 'racism' despite that not being the intention. And... I just don't have the energy to deal with that right now.
Vo'ttar = Slang for king. Like saying "kingy." Considered very disrespectful.
Và'tta = Slang for queen. Like saying "queeny." Considered very disrespectful.
Và'lta = Slang for princess. Like saying "princess" in a sarcastic or demeaning way or as a way to call a Vai spoiled. Considered very disrespectful.
Vo'tlo = Slang for prince. Like saying "princy" or calling a man "princess." Considered very disrespectful.
*Gel'hàrnī = Desert madness. Used to say someone has lost their minds to the desert.
Nubúk = Jackal. Can also be used to refer to someone as a traitor or backstabber. However, it can also be used in a playful manner, like how when your best friend throws a pillow at you when you weren't looking & you respond with "Traitor!"
- Nubīsta = Female jackal. Can also be used to refer to someone as a traitor or backstabber. Again, it can also be used in a playful manner, like how when your best friend throws a pillow at you when you weren't looking & you respond with "Traitor!"
Finally, there's a very new one:
Painted Peahen = It is much like referring to a woman as Cake-Faced. Refers to how peahens tend to have more dull colors compared to their male counterparts, but have their own beauty that need only be accented to draw it out, so to paint a peahen is a woman who, in her attempts to make herself more beautiful, ends up looking fake or unnatural. - I haven't gotten the "painted" part yet, but peahen would be Wahē Vúrévir or Wahē Vúréta.
These one's were also in the Endearments answer, but I feel like they belong in both:
Mohdaavúré = Captive bird. Can be used to refer to prisoners of war or thievery. A newly caught slave.
Bīvt’vúré = Chained bird. Typically used to refer to prisoners of war or thievery. Specifically, used by slave owners in reference to or when addressing those who’ve been made into sex slaves. When used by owners, is used in a condescending, yet paradoxically tender way. Asteistic.
Kāvjih’vúré = Bound bird. Typically used to refer to prisoners of war or thievery. Specifically, used by slave owners in reference to or when addressing those who’ve been made into sex slaves. When used by owners, is used in a condescending, yet paradoxically tender way. Asteistic.
Kàx’vúré = Caged bird. Typically used to refer to prisoners of war or thievery. Specifically, used by slave owners in reference to or when addressing those who’ve been made into sex slaves. When used by owners, is used in a condescending, yet paradoxically tender way. Asteistic.
Sayfnï = Literally, “my sword.” When used as an endearment, then it becomes a double entendre. One that is just innately sexually-charged by nature. However, depending on the context, can either be used to mean “my defender/protector” or as a euphemism. In the case of a euphemism, it’s not typically something most would call someone in public (unless it's whispered in the ear, *wink* which edges the endearment with a hint of 💖promise💖). Just outright lewd.
Tzhamdnï = Literally, “my sheath.” When used as an endearment, then it becomes a double entendre. One that is just innately sexually-charged by nature. However, depending on the context, can either be used to mean “my safe place/resting place/where I go to hide from the world” & has a similar significance to Baynï or Amïnq'tonï. Or as a euphemism. In the case of a euphemism, it’s not typically something most would call someone in public, especially out loud with others within hearing range, as it's just outright lewd, very bold, & downright shameless to say it out loud. Not to mention very disrespectful of the recipient. Though, if it's whispered into a partner’s ear, it's much less so & even gives it a feeling of daring &, “I feel at home with you.” - Though it is typically only used to refer to women, it can be used to refer to men as well, though it is considered, in a word, humiliating to those men.
Shvōkh = Old man. - An insult, but in the way that Cabron is an insult among Latin communities.
- Ràj’ābezàn = Old Bones; a weary elderly individual. - An insult, but in the way that Cabron is an insult among Latin communities.
This one is less an insult & more a word of warning:
It was always said of the Centennial Kings that “the raging boar always springs forth from the coils of the opportunistic snake.” - This refers to how, generally speaking, the king born under the boar constellation tends to always be anteceeded by a king born under the snake constellation.
“At dawn, the old, temperamental snake snaps at the young, headstrong boar.” = It refers to an old cautionary tale or proverb in which, as a young, prideful boar stampedes into the field in the morning, he knowingly & irreverently tramples the nest of an old cobra, who strikes him in revenge before his death. However, in so doing, he infects the boar with his poisonous temper, causing the boar (who is not nearly as able to restrain his temper as the cobra) to rampage & gore his own sisters before eventually succumbing to the poison in his veins. The moral was, “let hate die & the circle breaks, for those unwary ones who strike out in bitterness will inevitably poison the coming generations with that same hatred, which will result in them lashing out & harming those closest to them as well. Hate’s victims inevitably devour each other & then themselves.” - This is partially influenced by the IRL term "pigheaded," which specifically means "stubborn & obstinate to the point of self-sabotage." Of course, that's the simplified meaning, but I feel that it is enough to get the point across for now.
And, from this proverb, has sprung a number of actual insults pertaining to it. Such as referring to someone as being boarish.
However, it is also very old & the meaning behind the term within Gerudo culture has basically been reduced to simply meaning "stubborn" or "irreverent." Or, in the case of some, the younger generations may well be aware of the proverb, but much like most youth, they might disregard it as "the talk of old fools that don't know what it's like to live in this day & age." Which, I very much see the Dorfs being.
I'm sure that I can think of more, but this is what I have so far. I hope it helps or at least intrigues! :D
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wildwechselmagazin · 7 months ago
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merlesrandomstuff · 1 year ago
(everything in no particular order and I'll add/update whenever I need to) - Bands - Motorsports - Wintersports
Remote Bondage
Jack Pott
Radio Havanna
The Rasmus
Formula 1:
Yuki Tsunoda
Kevin Magnussen
Alex Albon
Valtteri Bottas
Oscar Piastri
Nico Hulkenberg
Formula 2:
Dennis Hauger
Victor Martins
Franco Colapinto
Marcus Ericsson
Marcus Armstrong
Pato O'Ward
Felix Rosenqvist
Pietro Fittipaldi
Alexander Rossi
David Malukas
Callum Ilott
Brad Binder
Jorge Martin
Marc Marquez
Alex Marquez
Aleix Espargaro
Pedro Acosta
Fermin Aldeguer
Alonso Lopez
Tony Arbolino
Aron Canet
Celestino Vietti
Filip Salac
Darryn Binder
Deniz Öncü
David Alonso
Collin Veijer
Antonio Giovinazzi
Olli Caldwell
Fred Vesti
Clement Novalak
Skijumping Teams:
Skijumpers (Male):
Eetu Nousiainen
Stefan Rainer
Remo Imhof
Stephan Leyhe
Bendik Heggli
Valentin Foubert
(and more)
Skijumpers (female):
Alex Loutitt
Eva Pinkelnig
Abi Strate
Natalie Eilers
Frida Westman
Silje Opseth
Anna Rupprecht
Jenny Rautionaho
Josephine Pagnier
Annika Sieff
Malsiner sisters
Nordic Combined Teams:
Nordic combiners (female):
Nathalie Armbruster
Lisa Hirner
Annika Malacinski
Anju Nakamura
Minja Korhonen
Nordic combiners (male):
Jiri Konvalinka
Johannes Lamparter
Kristjan Ilves
Ilkka Herola
Ryota Yamamoto
Eero Hirvonen
Einar Lurås Oftebro
Jens Lurås Oftebro
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flossinspector · 6 years ago
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So here’s the Sisters of Flight I’ve designed so far. I know I’ll be adding to them as time goes by. I have an entire race of birb ladies to fill out.
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nikranel · 6 years ago
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hello guys! I made a ko-fi page so if you want you can support me and my art there
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alustriel-the-star · 7 years ago
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DA2. Fenris and Nikra by Sino666
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aceofintuition · 8 years ago
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this isn’t a new piece per say -- rather my half of an old trade with @alienalfredo, we made fanchars for each other’s species and I still like this one enough to post it. Her name is Ih Nikra, she’s a rather unsuccessful treasure hunter.
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charlie-mcavoy · 6 years ago
Happy 1 year anniversary, Sarolas!
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Oh, right and... Happy Birthday, Nik :P
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gliklofhameln · 3 years ago
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Siddur me-he-Arizal ha-Nikra be-Shem Kol Ya'akov [Prayer book of Rabbi Isaac Luria called Voice of Jacob]. Slavuta: Dov-Ber ben Israel and Dov-Ber ben Pesah, 1804.
An important Hassidic siddur based on the traditions of Rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, more familiarly known by the acronym ARI. Edited by Polish kabbalist, Rabbi Jacob Koppel ben Moses Lipschitz of Mezeritch (d. ca. 1740), this comprehensive prayer book contains daily, Sabbath and holiday prayers as well as the Passover haggadah, order of ritual slaughter, and more. The formulation of the Lurianic kavvanot (the mystical intentions and meditations during prayer) served as a basis for later hasidic prayer books. An approbation by Rabbi Asher Tzvi of Ostrog states that the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism, saw the manuscript of this work and that it "found favour in his eyes."
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yoshifics · 5 years ago
What a beautiful drawing! She gives off a kinda ghosty ethereal vibe and I love the detailing of her skin! (And freckles!!)
Idk about a name but I feel like there's an L somewhere in there and it ends in -ra
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original character… developed with the help of @bucksreyes… help me name her!! 
done on photoshop cc xx
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deanstits · 6 years ago
cosmicannibalism replied: 
Kevin McAllister       
Cosmo Belcher
Nikra mcphail      
Dumb thotticus   
I love all of these, thank you for blessing me
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ask-short-blixer-blog · 6 years ago
Nikra and is corrupted form Arkin! His nickname in his corrupted form is colorblind basically...
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flossinspector · 3 years ago
//I’m in the “please talk to other background muses” mood. Which includes Tooth’s mom Rashmi, dad Haroom, Baby Tooth, or any of the 3 Sisters of Flight i’ve designed so far. (Ahste, Nikra, and Vanni)  Or Tooth at different child ages
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nikranel · 7 years ago
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- Are you an elf? Really? - Yes - Say something in elvish - Ilana venin al nuve delve (now you'll get a knife in the eye)
better do not ask elves to say anything in elvish. it's very annoying xD
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