#Niklas Fegraeus
tiny-design · 7 years
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One of the most important gameplay rewards that Star Wars Battlefront provides is the use of iconic characters that join the fight with their team. It isn’t just a change in a weapon or an upgrade to current abilities, it’s an entirely different character who possesses significantly greater capabilities than the player’s basic counterparts. However, these iconic characters can only join the fight for so long, and while they may turn the tide of a battle, it requires the input and use of the entire 30-40 person team to bring victory to fruition.
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cellerityweb · 7 years
QUO VADIS Special Offer: Two Conferences for the price of one
Get two conferences for the price of one – QUO VADIS newest offer gives you the chance to see 100 talks of last year, plus visit QUO VADIS 2018 in April.
QUO VADIS, the 2003 established games conference, is hosted since 2007 in Germany‘s capital Berlin – the »city of freedom«. In 2017, QUO VADIS was able to drew about 3,000 visitors, what makes it the biggest congress of the games industry in Germany and one of the three largest conferences of the gaming industry in Europe. Featuring a diverse programm including panel discussions, presentations and workshops. If you missed the chance to participate last year, the team of Quo Vadis may has a tempting offer for you. If you buy a Business or a Conference Pass for QUO VADIS 2018, you get full access to all 100 conference talks via Vimeo. The talks include industry veterans such as Glen Schofield (Dead Space, Call of Duty), Niklas Fegraeus (Star Wars Battlefront), Patrice Désilets (Assassin’s Creed), Brian Chambers (Star Citizen), Pawel Sasko (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt), Dominic Eskofier (Nvidia), game design legend Don Daglow, and many, many more.
First-class conference program
To name a few of the exciting topics of last year’s edition of QUO VADIS: Legend Don Daglow talked about the surprising twists and turns that the game industry may take in the next five years. He shared five major changes he believes we’ll se by 2022 and told how you can prepare for them now. Some wild stories, a bit of time travelling, and a healthy dose of video game history make up Glen Schofield’s behind-the-scenes retelling of his 30+ years in the game development industry.
Get two conferences for the price of one! You missed QUO VADIS 2017? Don’t worry, you can still watch all 100 conference talks today. You can even get them for free: Buy a Business or a Conference Pass for QUO VADIS 2018 at
If you are interested, use the following promo code: QV18_VIDEO.
QUO VADIS is taking place from 24-25 April 2018.
The post QUO VADIS Special Offer: Two Conferences for the price of one appeared first on Making Games.
QUO VADIS Special Offer: Two Conferences for the price of one published first on https://thetruthspypage.tumblr.com/
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talkstarwars · 7 years
E3 2017 Battlefront 2 Roundup
Since its reveal back in May last year we have had next to no information except for a small teaser but finally EA have confirmed we will be able to play Battlefront 2 when it is released on November 17th on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
E3 is well underway and EA have released a ton of information on the upcoming Battlefront 2 including a fantastic gameplay trailer that you can watch below. The game spans the history of the saga and includes characters such as Darth Maul, Boba Fett, Rey and Kylo Ren.
Battlefront 2 will not have a paid season pass but instead will give everyone free themed content starting with a The Last Jedi update presumably around December when the movie is released worldwide.
What the game will have, as confirmed by design director Niklas Fegraeus is microtransactions, enabling you to purchase content that can be earned using in-game money. He stated that you can earn all of these perks and upgrades just by playing but if you are someone that can't put in the hours then you can speed up the process. He did go on to mention that "it's not about buying the winning item" and "no one can say I'm going to spend my zillion dollars and them I'm going to dominate".
Microtransactions have a bad stigma attached to them so I'll be wary to see what effect this has on the systems but given the DLC will be free I can see why they feel the need to monetize some aspects of the game.
To unlock special characters and vehicles tokens have been dropped and a new Battle Points system has been utilised. These can be saved up to unlock special units but the more coveted the special is the longer it will take to unlock. This is where I believe the microtransaction system will be abused, leading to certain players grinding missions using high level heroes.
Another big change is the Class System, replacing the load-out system of the previous game. You will be able to customise your character from one of four archetypes, Assault Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Specialist and Officer, each having three slots for abilities. Using Star Cards you will be able to mix these up for a varied player set as each class has unique abilities.
Battlefront 2 is looking to be everything that its predecessor wanted to be but given time restraints BF just slightly missed the mark. I will be looking forward to November as BF2 is shaping up to be a great looking game. Take a look at some screen shots and images released by EA below.
Thanks for reading and MTFBWY
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fulvius · 7 years
Sabemos que os DLCs de Star Wars Battlefront 2 serão lançados gratuitamente a todos os donos do game, mas o jogo também terá microtransações, segundo a Electronic Arts. O diretor de design de Battlefront II, Niklas Fegraeus, confirmou que o game terá microtransações, em entrevista ao site GameSpot. "Você poderá progredir e desbloquear itens com a moeda in-game, mas se quiser acelerar este processo caso não consiga jogar por uma semana, será possível comprar", explicou Fegraeus. Leia mais: Jogam
via: http://eexponews.com/e3-2017-star-wars-battlefront-2-tera-microtransacoes_5150755976118272
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moviesteem · 7 years
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Will Have Microtransactions
While Electronic Arts will release DLC for Star Wars Battlefront II free of charge, the game will also feature microtransactions.
Battlefront II design director Niklas Fegraeus confirmed the game will include microtransactions in an interview with GameSpot. You’ll be able to progress and unlock content using earned in-game currency, but “if you want to accelerate that, if you can’t play for a…
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geekcavepodcast · 7 years
Star Wars Battlefront II Gameplay Trailer Drops at E3 2017
The game looks stunning. Let’s just hope that those vehicles handle well. 
Also, free DLC maps and...microtransactions. Speaking to GameSpot, design director Niklas Fegraeus revealed that EA decided to give away DLC maps for free in order to keep the community together. If you want to speed up your progress, though, there are microtransactions. Fegraeus stressed that the microtransactions won’t create a pay-to-win situation since everything can be earned through gameplay and in-game currency. Hopefully, the pay vs play ratio is balanced.
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lovetechnews-blog · 7 years
E3 2017: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Will Have Microtransactions
[ad_1] Share. But it won’t be a pay-to-win system. By Alex Osborn While Electronic Arts will release DLC for Star Wars Battlefront II free of charge, the game will also feature microtransactions. Battlefront II design director Niklas Fegraeus confirmed the game will include microtransactions in an interview with GameSpot. You’ll be able to progress and unlock content using earned in-game…
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symbianosgames · 7 years
Die erste kostenlose Season in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 bringt unter anderem zwei bekannte Figuren der neuen Trilogie ins Spiel.
Im Rahmen der E3 hat EA bekannt gegeben, dass sämtliche DLC-Inhalte für Star Wars: Battlefront 2 kostenlos erscheinen werden. Wie bereits mehrfach angedeutet, ist damit ein Season Pass oder Map-Packs komplett vom Tisch.
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Stattdessen wollen die Entwickler regelmäßige Season-Inhalte veröffentlichen. Den Anfang macht ein DLC zum Kinostart von Star Wars: The Last Jedi im Dezember. Darin sind Finn und Captain Phasma als neue spielbare Helden und der Planet Crait aus dem ersten Teaser-Trailer zum Film verfügbar.
Spaltung der Fans verhindern
Die Gratis-Inhalte für Star Wars: Battlefront 2 umfassen laut den Entwicklern neue "Maps, Fahrzeuge, Spielmodi, Waffen, Sternkarten und mehr". Außerdem soll es regelmäßige Herausforderungen und Live-Events geben.
Durch das Abschaffen der Bezahlschranke für neuen Content will man eine Aufspaltung der Community verhindern. Game Designer Niklas Fegraeus sagte im Interview mit GameSpot dazu:
"Das Ziel ist es, die Community zusammenzuhalten. Wenn es um die Marke Star Wars geht, geht es um ein Familiengefühl. Wenn du ein Fan bist, gehörst du dazu. Das aufzuteilen und zu sagen: Wenn du diesen Content hast, kannst du hier spielen, wenn du jenen Content hast, kannst du dort spielen - das funktioniert nicht. Wir möchten das Spiel als eine Reise betrachten. Zum Release von Battlefront 2 startet diese Reise durch verschiedene Seasons […]. Niemand wird wegen irgendwelcher Käufe irgendwo ausgeschlossen."
Die Kehrseite der Medaille: In Star Wars: Battlefront 2 wird es Mikrotransaktionen geben. Gegen Echtgeld gibt es Lootboxen, die wiederum Sternkarten enthalten und die sind relevant für's Gameplay. Wie fair dieses System ausfällt, bleibt also noch abzuwarten.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Screenshots ansehen
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Gameplay-Trailer von der E3: Schöner als die Filme
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kazvent · 7 years
Breve: Star Wars Battlefront II tendrá un sistema de microtransacciones
Ayer Electronic Arts confirmaba su intención de ofrecer todo el contenido de Star Wars Battlefront II de forma gratuita con el objetivo de mantener unida la comunidad, pero esto no significa que la compañía vaya a renunciar a la posibilidad de monetizar el juego. Niklas Fegraeus, director de diseño, ha confirmado que Star Wars Battlefront II ofrecerá un sistema de microtransacciones. Todo el contenido de Star Wars Battlefront II estará disponible o se podrá conseguir jugando mediante la moneda virtual con la que recompensa el juego, pero aquellos jugadores que no tengan tiempo de… Leer noticia completa y comentarios » from ElOtroLado.net http://ift.tt/2r7IPPB via IFTTT
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ogaofherotaku · 9 years
E3 2015: Star Wars Battlefront Gamplay Demo Video During E3 Today, EA released a Game play Demo for their upcoming Star Wars game Star Wars Battlefront!
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videogamenostalgia · 13 years
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Battlefield 3 Limited Edition Details Revealed
Four fan-favourite multiplayer maps from Battlefield 2 will be making a comeback in Battlefield 3 in the Back to Karkand DLC. The DLC map pack will be free to anyone who pre-orders the limited edition of Battlefield 3.
"It’s pretty simple, really. These are evidently some of the very best maps we have ever built. We have unquestionable data and feedback from the community saying so." --Lead designer Niklas Fegraeus' post on the official blog
(via: gameinformer)
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symbianosgames · 7 years
I think you'll agree when I say that the only thing better than watching Star Wars would be actually venturing to a galaxy far, far away. 
Alas, until we develop interstellar travel or succumb to our feverish delusions, the only way to make our fantasies come true is by diving into DICE's sprawling galactic shooter, Star Wars: Battlefront.
Released just a month before The Force Awakens made its theatrical debut, Battlefront tasked EA DICE with bringing Star Wars to life like never before. The challenge was clear: capture the essence of Lucas' revered original trilogy and rekindle the romance after the bitter break-up that were the prequels.
The consensus among critics and fans is that the game succeeds in capturing the iconic look, feel, and sound of the iconic action setpieces from the film franchise. We asked DICE about the process of working with such a well-established and beloved property.
Do or do not, there is no try
Stripping down the original trilogy's spectacular battles and recreating them digitally was no easy feat, but the willingness of Lucasfilm to let DICE use its experience and do its own thing helped the studio get to grips with the task at hand. 
"Of course, there are constraints and guidelines when working on something like Star Wars," says Battlefront design director, Niklas Fegraeus. "However, we were given an incredible amount of creative ownership. One could easily imagine dealings with a massive property like this to be very formal and directed, but that was never the case."
"Once we started seeing the first results in-engine, we knew we had something incredible going on."
"[Lucasfilm] gave us full access to reference material and even original props and recordings, allowing us to recreate things in great detail. I always felt there was a very welcoming spirit of common fandom in the whole process."
After getting access to the sacred Lucasfilm archives -- a world where nostalgia knows no bounds -- the DICE team set about developing a series of photogrammetry workflows to transport George Lucas' original models into their digital workspace. 
He adds that one of the biggest contributors to their success were the photogrammetry workflows they developed. "Photogrammetry is a technique that uses photographs of an object from multiple angles to calculate its 3D shape. It was quite the process to get to a result we were happy with, but once we started seeing the first results in-engine, we knew we had something incredible going on."
Actually bringing those models to life was a painstaking process of trial and error. With only the movies as a reference point, Niklas and his team had to use all of their experience to figure out how each ship and vehicle would feel in real life.  
"This is where I think we got a lot of good results out of our previous experience in developing physics systems for online environments. Combining that experience with a meticulous analysis of film reference, we basically tweaked things over and over to reach a result that felt genuine and authentic," recalls Fegraeus. 
"It’s not easy though, since film and games don’t always play nice with each other, such as when games require balance and fairness to be fun, but a film does away with that in order to create drama."
He adds that one vehicle in particular presented a massive challenge for the team. "Creating a huge AT-AT walker that treads the same ground as the players, with all the physics, animations and systems that go into it, was a monumental task. Let’s just say that there are some very good reasons why we don’t see real war machines built like that!
From screen to screen
In order to make sure those vehicles, along with the environments and blasters, sounded as authentic as possible, the design team was given unprecedented access to the original trilogy sound bank. 
"That made us geek out for a few days - but those were obviously from movies," says Fegraeus. The challenge then became integrating those sounds into a fully 3D world that would be reacting and shifting based on the actions of 40 online players. 
"The whole soundscape we needed to develop had to complement those originals," continues Fegraeus. "How does a blaster sound sound like when it bounces between sulfuric rock at a 150 meter distance? [We had no idea because it's] not in the films, so we needed to figure out how to treat the sounds in order for them to maintain their authenticity in all situations."
"We needed to figure out how to treat the sounds in order for them to maintain their authenticity in all situations."
Ultimately, says Fegraeus, it was a process that was as exciting as it was daunting, and it was one that the team relished from start to finish.
"I think my biggest takeaway is how costly, but also how rewarding, it is to really try and recreate something to this level of authenticity," he says. "When you are aiming for such level of detail, all based on your deep love and respect for the source material...it’s very hard work, but also so incredibly satisfying to feel like you were able to give something to fans like yourself, enabling them to feel that instant familiarity and immersion."
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