#Nikki Sixx YOu
mrsrdlw · 5 months
“You look more like Kirk Hammet”
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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another day, another fluff fic 🤭
wc: 1.2k
author’s note- The reader is Dustin’s sister!!!
Now, you were at your work, at Family Video, just waiting for him. It was like a routine. Every friday he would walk through the door and search for movies for his weekend.
At first, you only knew Eddie because of his reputation. "Eddie 'the freak' Munson" as the people in your school used to say. Honestly, you never knew why people would call him that. Only because he liked to play Dungeons & Dragons? Your brother did too, and he was no freak! Was he incredibly annoying? Yes! But it's not like he would worship the devil for that.
But with time, you got to know him a little bit better and you got to see he was nothing but a sweetheart. That's probably when you started to crush on him. You were in the senior year and, consequently, would share classes with him. It's not like you would talk to him all the time, but the times you did, even if it was just to say that he dropped his keys on the floor, your heart would melt.
On this friday, Dustin said that he wanted to come with you for work because he wanted to talk to Steve. So there he was, whispering something to Steve while Robin were organizing the new movies in the shelves and you were just singing along with the radio, which was playing a song of Mötley Crüe, a band you definitely didn't only like because of Nikki Sixx.
When the bell rang, announcing that someone was entering, you stopped singing and turned around seeing him walking to you. You could feel your cheeks getting red.
"Hey you. How was your week?" he said placing the movies he got in the last week in the counter
"Hi Eddie. It was good, thanks." You said looking at his hands full of rings
"Do you mind if i leave this here while i look for some movies?" he asked already looking to the horror section
"No, not at all!" You said giving him a smile which he reciprocated. You felt your stomach do a flip
As he walked to the shelves, Robin got close to you, giving you a mischievous smirk.
"What?" you asked and she only raised her eyebrows. "Oh please Robin, we're at work."
"I didn't say anything! I just think that, you know... you should go for it. You have a shot!" She said while you both looked at him trying to make a decision between two movies.
"Oh yeah, like if thats true! I don't think i have and honestly i don't think i want to figure it out." You say putting your hair into a ponytail "What if he reject me?"
"You'll only know if you ask babe." She said going to the back to get more boxes
Of course you wanted to say something to him, but how could you? You didn't know how things could go if he said he wasn't interested on you. It's not like he was going to spread gossip, he could never. If you knew one thing about him, it was that he was not like the jerks at school, he was respectful and gentle. Well, at least with you. All you got....
"Y/n!" He called you making you snap out of your trance.
"Sorry. I was just... thinking." you said getting the movies on his hands. Your fingers touched for a moment and you could still feel the warmth from his hands.
"What got you all up in your head?" He said taking his wallet and with a little concern in his face.
"Oh nothing. Just, stupid teenage girl stuff." You said laughing a little and he didn't say anything else.
The song in the radio was another one from Mötley Crüe and you hummed the song while handing him the movies he got.
"You like Mötley Crüe?" He said trying to see if he heard you hum the song or if he was just mistaken.
"Tell that to her bigger then 40 inches Nikki Sixx poster in her bedroom wall" Robin said behind you looking to the computer.
"Robin! Shut up!" You scolded her. It was not even that big "I'm sorry" you said looking at Eddie who was getting amused
"Oh yeah? Nikki Sixx, huh?" He said giggling "I look a little like him, don't i?"
You study his face for a second, as if you needed to. "You look more like Kirk Hammet"
"Oh yeah, this one is making company in the wall for Nikki too!"
"ROBIN!" You were getting redder by each second. So embarrassed to look at the man in front of you. But he found the whole situation very funny.
"Well, i'll take that as a compliment." He said looking at your eyes "So, Metallica too? You don't seem to like this kind of music"
"I wouldn't say that i'm a huge fan of them, i only know a couple songs and that's it. It's not like i listen to metal all the time like you. I only have the posters because i, uh, i think they're pretty" You said nervously talking before thinking and not really realizing what you're saying.
"It a'right. They're pretty metal!" He said but got interrupted by you brother
"Eddie! What are you doing here?" Dustin said happy to see his friend. You didn't know how they knew each other
"What do you think?" He said showing the video tapes on his hands "What're you doing here?"
"I'm here with my sister! Do you know her?" Dustin said looking at you
"Y/n is your sister? Of course i know her! How come i didn't know you were related?" he said looking back at you
"You've never asked if i had a sister."
"How do you know him?" I asked curious as well, too confused to connect the dots
"He's my dungeon master y/n, i told you i got in a d&d club!" Now everything connected.  "Can i talk to you? i had a incredible idea for a campaign!" Your brother said while Eddie head out of the store
"Sure. Bye gorgeous!" He said winking at you and that was it. You were melted inside.
"What are you waiting for? He's flirting with you! It's your chance." Robin said giving you courage to go after him before he left
You stormed out of Family Video when Duntin came in again. There he was ready to leave when he saw you.
"Hey, uhm, hi." You said too nervous going to his opened window. His van was tall so you were face to face with him.
How could he get even more hot with sunglasses on. You had to be tough.
"So i, uh, i was just wondering, you know, if there was any chance of us going out sometime, even to watch a movie if you want, i just really like you and"... You were cut. Speaking as fast as you could, trying to be brave, you didn't realize he shut your mouth with a kiss.
When he let go of you, leaving you speechless he only smiled at you "You're so cute when you're nervous. I'll pick you up at seven, how about that? You can come to my house to watch these movies i got."
"I'd love that!" You said in a state of haze. Looking at him passionately
"Then it's a date. I'll see you sweetheart" and he drove away.
You stood out there, watching him leave, touching your lips to make sure it wasn't a dream.
"I told you, you had a shot" Robin came to you putting her arms around your shoulders .
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ghostinavenue · 20 days
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
Something Special
A/n: No one asked for Nikki but I like Nikki Idc that he's 65 HE'S PRETTY this is also so not how he'd react but I thought it was cute so sue me
Warnings: Smut, reader is a little bit of a stalker, thigh riding, oral (m receiving), slight angst, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Nikki Sixx. Six foot tall crude bassist of big glam band Motley Crue.
You were obsessed.
You went to as many of their shows as you could, attending any after parties they had, all in the hopes of ‘accidentally’ running into Nikki and having the night you’d been touching yourself to for the past few months.
You couldn’t help it. You were all alone in bed with nothing but your thoughts to fuel you, no wonder your hand slid down between your thighs. Countless times you’d pretended it was Nikki’s hand pleasuring you, picturing his soft lips caressing the shell of your ear and whispering the dirtiest things to you, the room filled with your moans of his name and curses spilling out of you like a mantra.
At long last you got your hands on a backstage pass to one of Motley’s concerts. You got yourself all ready, wearing an outfit you were sure would catch Nikki’s attention. Leather skirt with matching boots, ripped fishnets and a cropped band shirt with a leather jacket thrown over to keep you warm. You spent hours on your hair and makeup all with the thoughts of what it would look like completely ruined by the end of the night.
You made it into the mosh pit, getting right up close to the stage where Nikki was. It was about halfway through the concert and you begrudgingly came to the realisation that you looked just like every other girl in the crowd. You knew that this whole time, it was always in the back of your mind that everyone trying to get with Nikki would be dressed how they thought he would want them to dress.
It killed your mood and you almost thought about not going backstage. Almost.
The concert ended, they came back out for their encore before hiding away again, inviting those with passes to come on backstage. Since that was you, you followed the herd heading that way.
As expected it was another party, a Motley Crue party. You walked around on the sides, slipping past people in the search of Nikki. You thought you saw him a few times but he always seemed to slip away. Eventually it led you to a door that you stared up at in awe.
There was a small placard on it that read ‘Nikki Sixx’.
You found his dressing room.
You thought for a moment. You couldn’t really go in there, could you? Of course you could, and you did, sneaking in without anyone noticing.
There was a couch on one side, a vanity on the other and in the middle was a small table covered in snacks and drinks and drinks and even more drinks with a small mirror dusted with a bit of white powder. But none of that intrigued you as much as the pile of clothes in the corner.
Of course the costumes they wore on stage were very extra and it made sense that they would change into them upon arrival rather than come in wearing them.
You got closer and saw a pair of boxers placed atop the pile. Your mind filled with a lustful haze as you got on your knees and held the piece of clothing to your nose, inhaling his salty, musky scent, getting high on his pheromones.
Your hand moved down to your heat, pulling your skirt up so it bunched at your hips, giving you better access to yourself. You’d decided not to wear panties, the whole goal was to get with Nikki so why would you need them? Your skirt was tight enough anyway so you figured it would be fine. Right now, though, your only concern was Nikki and his garment now in your hand, shoved into your face as your eyes rolled back in euphoria.
Then, the door opened. Your neck snapped to the direction of the disturbance, your breath heavy and fast, your hand frozen on your swollen clit. It was Nikki, and he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by your presence.
You stared at him as he took a seat on the couch and poured himself a shot of Jack Daniels. He swallowed it quickly and poured another. “Well don’t stop.” He encouraged before downing the second shot.
You stayed put for a moment, unsure of what to do. When your mind finally caught up to what was happening you crawled over to him, situating yourself between his legs and looking up at him all wide eyed.
Nikki smiled down at you and placed his shot glass back down on the table before relaxing back into the couch. “You got yourself a backstage pass so you could sneak in here, huh?” He asked, sounding more proud than anything. “I saw you in the crowd, you know.” That caught your attention. “Shaking your ass for all those losers out there.”
“You saw me?” You asked, looking up at him with stars in your eyes.
Nikki chuckled and nodded. “Of course I did,” he said, one of his big hands cupping your cheek, “couldn’t keep my eyes off of you.” Your cheeks hurt with how you were smiling. Nikki’s thumb swept over your bottom lip before pushing into your mouth. “I’ve seen you before.” He said, pressing his thumb on your tongue. “At other shows, you follow us around don’t you?” You nodded and Nikki smirked. “Figured, that’s why I led you in here.” You paused.
“You led me in here?” You asked, pulling away slightly. Nikki nodded.
“Of course, when I kept seeing you dressed up it was pretty easy to tell what you wanted, when I saw you in the crowd tonight I decided to give you what you wanted.” His hand went to the back of your head, guiding you forward until your head was resting on his thigh. “Good girls deserve rewards.”
Your head bobbed up and down, taking his dick further down your throat. Nikki’s hand was still holding your head, fingers tangled in your hair as he pushed you down his length. His head fell back on the couch as he let out deep guttural groans.
He was twitching in your throat and his noises were getting louder. He started bucking his hips up and holding your head in a tighter grip to the point where he was fucking your face, using your mouth as a fleshlight. You were getting light headed and you were loving every moment of it.
Soon he was cumming down your throat, pushing your face into his crotch as his hips snapped up a few final times. You pulled away when he let you and took a few deep breaths, finally getting to breathe again.
Nikki laughed at you as you regained your breath. He grabbed your face in his hand, squishing your cheeks harshly. “Let me see.” He demanded. You opened your mouth to show him you swallowed it all and he gave your cheek an affirming pat. “Alright, you can go now.” He said as he relaxed back into the couch.
You were at a loss for words. All this time you waited for that? No way, you needed more, you deserved more. “But-but I was good.” You said, not moving from your spot on the floor between his spread legs.
Nikki looked down at you with a raised brow. “So? Plenty of good girls out there, what more do you want?” You bit your lip. He was right, there were so many other girls out there that wanted him just as much as you. Still, you weren’t gonna let this be all there was.
You stood up and got on his lap, holding his face in your hands and crashing your lips down on his. No matter what you did, how much you moaned or whined against him, if your tongue explored his mouth, he just didn’t care. You could feel him smiling into the kiss, it carried such a demeaning tone to it.
You ground yourself on his thigh, needy cunt craving any kind of friction. Still, no reaction from him. It was just like you weren’t even there.
Hot tears trickled down your cheeks, tainting the kiss with a saltiness. Nikki’s hand came up to your shoulders, pushing you away gently and you could see the genuine concern in his eyes as he wiped your tears. “Are you crying? Why are you crying?” He asked in such a sympathetic tone it caught you completely off guard. Just a moment ago he couldn’t care less about you, and before that he was using you as his own personal fucktoy.
You sniffled softly and Nikki pulled you tight to him, letting you hide your wet face in the crook of his neck. “Shh, shh, come on now, there’s no need to cry.” He whispered to you. “Pretty girls like you don’t need to be crying.” You sniffled again.
“You think I’m pretty..?” You muttered. He held your face in his hands again as he looked at you.
“Of course I think you’re pretty, only an idiot would think otherwise.” He kissed your forehead.
“But-” You spoke only to be cut-off.
“I don’t wanna hear it, tell me you’re pretty.” You stared at him blankly. “Say it. Say you’re pretty.” He repeated. You hesitated, was this a trick? Some kind of sick mind game?
“I-I’m pretty...” You mumbled. Nikki shook his head.
“Say it like you fucking mean it.” You didn’t say anything, still unsure of what was really happening. Nikki rolled his eyes and grabbed his half hard dick, pumping it a few times. “This is what you wanted, right? Wanted me to fuck you?” Your gaze fell to his pretty dick, all leaky and glistening from your saliva still. You gave a slow nod. “I’m gonna fuck that thought into you.” You were still confused but you understood that you were getting just what you’d always wanted.
Nikki ripped over your fishnets, tearing down your thighs before pushing into you. Your jaw dropped over in a silent moan as your eyes shut tight. All those nights you’d spent imagining what it would be like to have him inside you, nothing compared to this feeling.
He laid you down on the couch, your shirt had been tossed to the floor, leaving you fully exposed for Nikki to gawk at as he thrusted into you at a brutal pace, his thumb rubbing harsh circles against your clit. It had your mind running wild. “Fuck, Nikki! Nikki, ‘m close!” You moaned, back already arching off of the couch.
“Say you’re pretty.” He grunted. You looked up at him with a confused expression. “Say you’re pretty.” He repeated in a stern tone.
You let out a whine. “I-’m pretty.” You mumbled, hoping it would satisfy him.
He stopped and pulled out of you completely. Leaving your cunt fluttering for more. “If you don’t mean it you can’t cum.” He said in a degrading tone. “Tell me one thing that is pretty about you.” Your mind wasn’t working too fast but you still tried to come up with something while the bassist stared down at you. “Seriously? Not even one thing?” You sucked your bottom lip.
“I-I think I have pretty eyes..?” You said. Nikki rolled his eyes.
“Jesus, do you hate yourself?” You stared at him. “Say it again.”
“I... think I-”
“No!” Nikki stopped you. “Say one thing that’s pretty about you.”
Again you hesitated. “I have pretty eyes.” You said in an almost confident voice.
Nikki huffed. “We’re not leaving until you love yourself.” There was a determination in his eyes you’d never noticed before. Oftentimes when you’d see pictures of him with other girls he’d have a smirk or something but there was never this in his eyes. There was something special about you.
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sweetheartedbylust · 28 days
Nikki sixx NSFW headcannons
Hey hoes, this one’s for all the Nikki stans , love you. Hope you like em and all. Leave requests or feedback :3
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• ALR, so this man’s a dom, yeah.. he likes control over everything in his life so ofc he would try to dominate you every chance he gets
• LIVES FOR PUSSY , like I dont think you understand how much he loves it like he will eat you / fuck you anywhere he pleases/ you ask
• this man also probably has a breeding kink like something about him dumping his load in you and you just taking it , gets him going
• also likes fucking you with toys, * y’all know that one cropped out photo of him with the groupie ? She literally has one in her mouth and one in her pussy* so there’s that.
• loves to mark you as his, wether it’s hickeys or him just kissing you in public he loves it. He always really likes it when you kiss him with lipstick/ lipgloss on and its leaves a mark.
• this man always will degrade you or mock you , for instance you couldn’t take his cock Cause you were so overstimulated, this man would be talking like “ can’t take my cock? , c’mon baby . Take it like a good girl” with the most devilish grin on his face too .
• also his sex drive is out of control but if your also a nymphomaniac I think y’all will be justtt fine.
• besides that he adores you , you can be his cute little girlfriend one minute and his personal slut the next and honestly it’s cute for you and him
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sixx6sexx2love · 1 month
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urnothere12 · 23 days
could you write a nikki x femreader morning sex smut/fluff.
they’ve been in a relationship for just over a year and they’re so in love. (nikki especially). the smut is just pure love for each other, nothing rough or anything yk? praise, compliments etc.
and then aftercare/fluff at the end?
sorry if this is weirdly specific but thank you if you write this for me 🫶🏻
heyyyy so sorry it’s late I was doing fics on my other account but here it is I hope you enjoy it!!!
Morning Love
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words: 539
warnings: *smut* *fluff* *praise kink* *p in v*
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Nikki and you have been in a relationship for over a year and you both are just so in love with each other that sometimes you feel that Nikki loves you way more than you love him. He always talks to you sweetly and kindly even when he is under a tremendous amount of stress. Nikki has never hurt you physically or mentally. Nikki never raises his voice at you. You both trust each other a lot and can count on each other during difficult times. 
You and Nikki just woke up from a deep night's sleep. You and Nikki both feel so refreshed and so energetic. Nikki starts to caress your thigh. He is trying to signal that he wants sex. Nikki swiftly gets out of bed and he needs to get fresh because he likes doing that before sex. After he exits the bathroom he has an urgent look in his eyes. You get out of bed to get fresh too. Nikki sits on the bed waiting patiently for you. You immediately go over to Nikki and get on his lap. Nikki is so sweet when it comes to a lot of things like when you need help but he is very sweet when he is making love to you. 
“Baby you look so beautiful as you always do” Nikki purrs.
“You look so handsome Nikki,” you say in a melodic tone.
You get on the bed and climb into Nikki's lap. Your lips start to connect and your tongues connect. You both let out small moans and grunts. 
Nikki starts to take your clothes off asking for your consent.
“Can I take your clothes off?” 
You start to nod. He takes your clothes off and throws them somewhere on the floor and he picks you up and removes his belt, his pants, and shirt while your legs and arms are wrapped around him. He discards his clothes on the ground.
“You're so gorgeous you know that?” Nikki asks gently 
You start to blush.
“You're so good to me Nikki you're perfect” you moan
You both start to feel even more aroused. Nikki puts his cock at your entrance and you immediately feel like you're about to come with just his tip inside of you. Nikki wants to do whatever you're comfortable with.
“Is this okay, Princess?" he asks.
“Nikki, can you go faster?” you whine.
Nikki starts to go faster and his hips grind against yours. It takes very little time but you feel your legs shaking and your head going back.
“Oh, Nikki” you moan. 
“You're doing great baby” Nikki groans.
Your pussy clenches around his cock, it's pulsing with passion. 
“Oh, Nikki fuck fuck” you moan. 
“You feel so good, Nikki” you cry out 
"You're so tight” Nikki responds. 
Nikki finally feels he is about to come inside of you. He releases his warm seed in your pussy that was throbbing for him in the morning. 
You both decide that you're done and he takes himself out of you. 
“You want to take a nice warm shower together hon?” Nikki asks 
You immediately accept the offer and don't waste another second. You start the warm water in the shower and you both hop in.
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sixxrock666 · 7 months
★Tommy’s sister
Nikki!Sixx x fem!reader, Tommy!Lee x sister!reader
summary: you and Nikki have been sneaking around for a few months now but what happens when your brother finally finds out
warnings: unprotected sex, angry Tommy :o happy ending
1.6k words, not proof read
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With the alcohol running through both yours and Nikkis veins, you two were sloppily making your way to your hotel room, too occupied with trying to kiss each other.
You finally hit the right door as Nikki leaned in and started making his way down your jaw and neck, nipping at your beautiful skin. You moaned lightly as your hands went behind his back and grabbed his perky ass. He chuckled into your neck, continuously sucking at your skin, leaving pretty purple marks.
It was when you felt his hard dick rubbing up at you that you rememberd you are still in the hallway.
"Nikki, the door" you gasped out as he started palming your ass.
"Shit yeah on it"
He started looking for the room key awkwardly with one hand as the other was still glued to your ass while his lips to your collarbone.
As he finally found what he was looking for he went to unlock the door, not taking his eyes off of you.
"Fucking lock" he grumbled out getting impatient as he couldn't open the damn door.
When he finally got it you two stumbled back in to the room, Nikki closing the door with his leg.
He snaked his fingers under your shirt and slid his hands up while kissing you deeply. His hand grabbed at your curves all over while he sat down on the edge of your bed.
You steped back and pulled your shirt over your head as well as your skirt. You stood there in your lacey black set looking down at his pretty face. Nikkis eyes were blown with lust as they were lingering on your body.
His hands grabbed at your thighs and pulled you in between his legs. He looked up at you with his dreamy eyes full of love.
"You're absolutely fucking ethereal" he whispered out.
You smiled down at him, your heart filled with nothing but pure love. He pulled you on top of him and you straddled his waist while your hands pulled off his shirt.
You started grinding on his lap, trying to get some friction going. Nikki was absolutely loving it, a wet spot already forming on his pants from your wetness.
Nikkis hands were on your hips guiding and pushing you forward to set the pace. He let out low groans of pleasure with his head resting on your shoulder and clutching you in his arms.
"Fuck baby imma cum before we even get the pants off"
You chuckled lightly pulling back a bit "then be quick" Nikki understood the task immediately and unbuttoned his pants only pulling it down low enough so he could get his dick out.
His hard cock was leaking with precum as you gently rolled your hand over its head making his whimper slightly.
"don't tease baby"
You kissed him hard before lifting up and guiding his dick to your entrance. You aligned it slowly and sat down taking him inch by inch.
You two were both a moaning mess, impatient to get it going. Nikkis hands went to your hips and he pushed you down so you bottomed him out. You both let out another groan of pleasure as your foreheads connected.
You looked up right into his eyes and smiled
"I fucking love you, you dumbass"
He kissed you back passionately and that was all you needed back, as he slowly started moving upwards. With Your hands on his shoulders you bounced up and down while leaving wet kisses all over his neck.
You pushed Nikki down so he was laying on the bed while you tried to take all control and fucked him. He of course wouldn't let you that easily so he still had his hands on your pretty thighs and guided you.
He was so fucking whipped as he watched you milk his cock, your tits bouncing, with your fucked out expression, moaning all prettily only for him.
"Fuck baby 'm close" he dragged out while hitting all your sweet spots.
"Me too"  you whisperd out as he felt you squeezing his dick. He grabbed your hips more firmly as he felt you getting closer pulling you down on him even harder.
"M gonna cum nik- fuck"
You hit your high as nikki moaned lowly shooting his warm load into you, rutting upwards. Your legs were shaking as he fucked you through it.
You felt cum drip down your thighs as you leaned forward to kiss your boyfriend, his cock still deep inside you.
"You're still hard" you smirked at him, looking at his sweaty face as you tried to catch your breath. He sat you two up and stood up unexpectedly causing you to let out a yelp of surprise.
He started walking with his dick still buried in you to the bathroom. "Round two in the shower?" He asked with a smile on his lips
you were gently treading your hands through your boyfriend mop of black hair while he was laying on your naked chest, nuzzled into your neck. Nikki was placing lazy wet kisses down your neck as he caressed your hips with his other hand. It was a peaceful moment after a long session of sex.
You and nikki had been together for the past 5 months and going. It all started as an exciting forbidden friends with benefits. It was fun sneaking around and stealing glances and secret touches when you weren't supposed to. But somewhere along the way you two unexpectedly caught feelings for each other and made it official. Well not really, the only problem being your brother. Tommy
You love tommy with your whole heart but he made himself fucking clear that he doesn't want any of his band mates fucking you, touching you or even looking at you the wrong way because as he claimed, he knew them the best and didn't want to see me end up hurt.
You were scared that if tommy found out he would freak. He could either kill nikki & you or hate you forever. You were so fucking scared because you loved and respected your brother but apparently not enough as you were currently laying naked with your sweet boy.
You let out a frustrated sigh as Nikki lazily lifted up his head. "What's wrong baby"
"Hmm nothing just thinking about Tommy"
He cracked out a smile and asked
"We just fucked and here you are thinking about your brother...should i be concerned?"
You laughed slightly as he put his head back down on your chest.
"don't worry we will tell him soon"
You placed a tender kiss to his hair as you felt yourself closing your eyes. The last this you heard before sleep engulfed you was Nikki whispering i love you into your ear.
You woke up to loud banging coming from your hotel door as Nikki stirred in his sleep.
The sound of your brothers voice outside made you scatter up as quickly as you could throwing on the first pair of pants you could find and a shirt from the floor.
"Y/n will you open upppp i have been standing here for 5 minutesss"
"Just a minute i was in the shower" you shouted as you tried to wake up Nikki.
"Wake up you bastard, Tommy's here"
At the mention of your brothers name Nikki quickly shoot up with a panicked expression on his face.
He cursed as he started messily, still half asleep grabbing his clothes from the floor along with his boots.
You suddenly hear the door open and in walked Vince, Mick and at the very end Tommy.
"Mick got the spare key from the recepti-" Vince started blabbering but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the scene in front of him, whipping around to look at Tommys reaction .
It didn't look good. Nikki was in his boxers, hands full of his clothes while you were standing beside him in his shirt and pants. Vince and Mick knew about your relationship so it was no surprise to them but Tommy on the other hand looked like he had seen a ghost.
"Tommy listen we can-"
Tommy in fact didn't listen because your words stopped the trance he was in and he lunged forward and grabbed your boyfriend.
"Are you fucking crazy you fucked my sister" he started shouting at poor Nikki as Vince stepped in and tried pulling him off, but to no avail.
"Tommy wait it's not like that" you quickly tried to pull his hands away from Nikki.
"No then what is it like huh, he just fucked you and now he's gonna find another girl to have fun with and leave you" tommy spit out as he kept staring daggers at Nikki, like he doesn't do the exact same.
"Stop you are hurting him" you said as you were looking at Nikkis eyes, now genuinely concerned.
Tommy seemed to budge at this and release him. You put your hands on both sides of Nikkis face and gently caressed his cheeks while checking him over if he's okay. He only smiled softly and placed a tender kiss to your forehead.
He then pushed you softly behind him and looked up at Tommy.
"I love her man" he stated with all seriousness in his voice looking straight into Tommy's eyes. Tommy looked behind at you, a questioning look in his eyes. You nodded confirming your love for him.
He let out a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If you fucking make her cry or hurt her in any way I'm gonna fucking kill you" he said still annoyed
Nikki and i finally seemed to relax at his statement, so he snaked an arm round your waist and kissed the crown of your head happily.
But Vince had to casually speak up and ruin the moment "Nah man if he wanted to hurt her he could've done it in the past 5 months they have been together"
Tommy was already latching onto Vince while screaming "You fucking knew and you didn't tell me"
You and tommy burst out laughing alongside Mick who was snickering to himself.
would love some feedback:)
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 5 months
The Dirt (Your Version)
Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Trigger Warning- Suicidal thoughts, self-harm, child abuse, heavy mentions of cancer (you all know what's coming)
Previous Chapter
Chapter 18- A is for Angst
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"Y/N..." Vince began to say but seemed to be in too much shock to finish the sentence.
Fuck. Fuck. Fucking, fuck.
Vince was never meant to see the cuts. Not again. Not while his daughter was dying in hospital.
"I-I gotta go. Sorry."
You were on your feet and out the room before Vince could say or do anything.
It was late at night, the only people walking around the floor were a few nurses with clipboards who didn't look twice in your direction. The hospital was quiet which you were grateful of because it didn't take long for the elevator door to open. However, just as you stepped inside and pressed the button for the ground floor, Vince slipped in between the closing doors.
"Show me." He ordered, his voice forcefully stern as he slammed the 'stop' button on the control panel forcing the lift to come to a stop between floors.
There was no getting out of this. It was too late to lie, and it was too late to escape the elevator. And Vince knew it too.
"No." You simply responded folding your arms across your chest defensively. "There's nothing to show."
Vince's expression hardened, his jaw clenched and unclenched as he stared at you with an unreadable look in his eye. For a few tense seconds, neither of you moved or said anything. The silence in the enclosed elevator was deafening. You could practically hear your heart thumping in your chest while your hands trembled a little by your sides in anticipation for what was to come.
Your brother never yelled or got angry when you were kids, but right now, he looked on the verge of snapping.
He didn't need to worry about this. His daughter was in hospital with cancer. He shouldn't have to worry about his little sister too. You didn't want him to worry or know about this in the first place, but now he did.
Suddenly, Vince stepped forward and grabbed your hand before forcefully yanking your sleeve up exposing the cuts on your inner arm. He stared down at your skin taking in the fresh angry red cuts mixed between the still healing scars. Tears were beginning to rise in your eyes, but you forced them back.
Vince let out a frustrated sigh dropping your hand and rubbed his face before his brown eyes met yours. And he did not look happy.
"Why?" He questioned.
You shook your head, "it doesn't matter."
"You're cutting yourself and you don't think it matters?!" Vince shouted, his voice raising an octave as he stared at you in utter disbelief. "At least tell me why?"
"I don't know."
"I don't know!" You shouted back.
"Do you want to fucking die? Is that it?" Vince questioned bluntly, his voice rising along with his anger. "Is your life really that bad? My daughter has fucking cancer! And you're slitting your wrists, for what? Attention? Or are you trying to kill yourself?"
You averted your eyes and stared down at the ground. Vince could always read you like a book, and you did not want him to know how close to the mark those last few words actually were.
"Answer me!" Vince screamed taking a step closer causing you to flinch back on instinct.
Memories of your father's anger and wrath washed over you. Vince wasn't anything like your father. Sure, he had a bit of his bad temper, but Vince would never hurt you, not like your father used to.
"I- shit." Vince swore softly under his breath realising that he had scared you. "I'm not him, Y/N."
You took in a deep breath and met his gaze, "I know."
Vince remained silent for a moment his eyes filled with guilt and worry before he spoke, his tone now calm and levelled. "Please tell me why you're doing this to yourself."
"It helps." You admitted, your voice coming out a mere whisper.
"It helps. I-I don't know, it just helps."
"Helps with what?" Vince asked, but he didn't sound angry anymore, he just sounded confused.
How were you meant to explain it to him though? Vince wouldn't understand, and you didn't want him to.
"You swore you'd never do this again." He whispered shaking his head. "You fucking promised!"
"Yeah? Well, you promised that it was me and you against the world, but then you fucking left! You abandoned me just like my mother did!"
Vince's body physically recoiled, his eyes widening, "is that why you did this? Did you cut yourself because I left?"
There was so much guilt and pain in his voice it broke your heart.
"No." You answered quickly but then paused because you couldn't tell him why. You couldn't tell him that the car accident and Razzle's death still haunted you. You couldn't tell him that seeing his daughter dying in hospital was bringing up old feelings about your miscarriage. You couldn't tell him that him leaving Mötley Crüe affected you on the scale that it did. You had no right to complain about those things and feelings especially not to Vince.
"I don't want to wake up one morning to find that you've killed yourself, Y/N." Vince suddenly said, snapping you out of your thoughts like a punch to the face.
"You won't." You insisted, shocked at his words.
It wasn't like you hadn't thought about it. Most days you thought about it, but you were too weak to pull the trigger. You'd never be able to go through with it which was why you silenced those suicidal thoughts with a blade to numb the pain.
"You don't need to worry about that." You answered, pulling the sleeve of your shirt down before meeting your brothers' sad eyes. "It's not about wanting to die. It's more about being able to live."
"I don't understand."
You smiled sadly, "I know. But you don't need to worry about me, okay? I'm fine. You have enough on your plate anyway. Just focus on Skylar, Vin."
You leant over and pressed the button on the control panel causing the elevator to shift before it began to descend back down to the ground floor once again.
Vince didn't say anything after that, but you could feel his eyes watching you like he wanted to say more but seemed unable to.
After a few seconds the elevator came to a stop and dinged before the doors slid open exposing the empty lobby of the waiting room. You hesitated before taking a step towards the door but then a hand grabbed your shoulder.
"I can't lose you too." Vince said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You turned to face him. His brown eyes were laced with tears which only made the tears you had been fighting back earlier resurface as you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from crying. You wanted to tell him that Skylar wasn't going to die. That she would get better and be out of the hospital soon. But you both knew the chances of her surviving weren't good. Skylar was dying and the doctors might not be able to help her.
Instead of saying anything, you stepped forward and pulled your brother into a hug. Vince's body was stiff in your arms for a moment, but he was soon wrapping his arms around your back and hugging you tightly.
After Vince finding out, you didn't dare add to the cuts on your skin in fear of him checking and seeing anything fresh. But you picked at the scabs of the older ones making them bleed and start the healing process again. It defeated the purpose but made it a little easier to breathe.
A week later, you were sitting beside your niece's bed reading one of her favourite princess books trying to distract her from everything that was happening.
"Can you read it again?" Skylar asked once you closed the book.
Her little voice sounded so weak, and you were instantly opening the book back up again, holding it out for her to see the bright colourful pictures.
"Absolutely." You smiled softly at her, hating how pale and frail she looked before you began to read the book from the start once again.
A few minutes later, Sharise walked back into the room after speaking to a doctor and by the look on her face, you knew whatever the doctor had said wasn't good. It never was.
"Skylar, sweetie." Sharise began to say sitting down on the edge of her bed and grabbing her daughter's small hand. "The doctors need to do another operation. It's only going to be small and after that, we can go home. Does that sound good?"
Another operation?
How many more times were they going to cut this little girl open? How much more could a four-year-old endure?
Skylar looked up at her mother and said in the weakest, saddest, most innocent voice you've ever heard; "mummy, I don't want to die."
You had to get up and leave the room right there and then. And once you were out in the corridor, you burst into tears.
Memories of that day in hospital with Nikki and Tommy after your miscarriage flooded over you. The pain and sadness of losing a baby hitting hard and now again at the possibility of losing your niece was killing you.
Skylar knew that what was happening to her wasn't normal. She knew that all the smiles and jokes coming from you adults were forced, that the relatives and friends who visited never used to cry when they saw her.
In four months, she had gone from a happy four-year-old to a sad wired-up dying child.
Then, one day, you were walking into the hospital with a new stuffed animal for Skylar when you were greeted by the doctors. They had that look, the look that said everything and nothing at all. You braced yourself and knew before a word was spoken that this was it.
Before the doctors could confirm your fears, Vince came running into the hospital shouting something about receiving a call from Sharise, but he came to a halt in the waiting room when he saw you standing by the doctors.
Vince was by your side instantly, frantically asking the doctors what was going on and if his daughter was okay. But then the doctors lowered their heads and looked between the two of you sadly.
Vince's eyes filled with water before they even spoke. The tears hung there suspended, covering his eyes like contact lenses, until the doctor said the dreaded words, "she's gone." And then the dam burst, and tears drenched your brothers face.
Skylar had passed away in her sleep. The doctors reassured you all that it was painless, but that was a lie. Skylar had been suffering and in pain for months. It was anything but painless.
Vince was a total mess. And after leaving the hospital that day, you stayed with him at his mansion. He was incapable of showering, changing his clothes or doing anything for himself. So, you stepped up.
He slept with the blanket Skylar had died in from the hospital. It was dirty and needed to be washed, but there was no way you would ever wash it. The blanket, although smelt like a hospital, also smelt like his daughter and it was the only thing he had left.
You had no idea how to help Vince. You couldn't even help yourself.
The cuts on your wrists that had finally healed were now fresh and bloodied under the bandage secured over them. Skylar's death hurt more than anything, but you hid your own feelings to be there for your brother.
Sharise's parents organised the funeral and you feared your brother wouldn't be able to get himself cleaned up and sober enough for his daughter's own funeral, but with your help, he did.
The funeral was held at the cemetery and was kept small and lowkey. It wasn't advertised, not wanting to risk paparazzi showing up and snapping photos. So, you had no idea how your father and stepmother found out about the funeral.
The last time you saw them was the day you and Vince had run away from home. You hadn't seen or heard from them since, until now.
Your stepmother looked the same as the day you had left. But your father had aged dramatically since that horrible day. The drugs and alcohol having finally caught up to him.
Vince didn't notice their appearance from where the two of you sat in the front row and to your relief, your parents didn't come over. They shifted to the back of the crowd and took their seats silently while the rest of the family and friends slowly wandered in and filled up the rows of chairs. You didn't tell Vince that they were there. He had enough to deal with.
You sat silently holding your brother's hand while staring at the pink casket. It was so little. She was so little.
By the end of the service, Vince had gone through all the tissues you had stashed in your pocket. He was a blubbering mess and through your own tears, you tried to be strong for him.
Eventually, everyone began to filter out the cemetery after giving their condolences to Vince and Sharise on their way out.
After seeing your nieces pink casket get lowered six feet down, you had completely forgotten that your father and stepmother were even here. And it wasn't until you thought everyone had left and you stood up about to lead your brother to the car when they approached you.
"Your mother and I are so sorry for your loss, son."
Your entire body became impossibly still hearing your fathers voice for the first time after all these years. Vince's own body had turned tense as he lifted his head and looked passed you to where your parents were standing.
Slowly, you turned around and came face to face with your father while your stepmother hovered in the background silently.
"What are you doing here?" You questioned, glaring at your father through your sunglasses.
"We don't want any trouble. We heard the news and wish we could have met Skylar before she passed." Your stepmother spoke up softly.
Vince was on his feet beside you in an instant. He hadn't moved an inch since the funeral started, but his body was now practically vibrating with sudden rage.
"I was never going to let you meet her!" Your brother sneered, pointing at your father and ignoring his mother. "I was never going to let you fuck up her life like you tried to do to ours!"
Your fathers' nostrils flared, a predatory expression shifting over his face and even though you weren't a weak child anymore, that look still had you flinching back a step, your heart hammering in your chest. But Vince didn't back away, instead he stood up straighter ready for a fight.
"I didn't fuck up your life. Look at you now. You're famous, son. You're welcome."
"I did this!" Vince growled. "Y/N and I did this ourselves with no help from you!"
Your father shook his head, "I made you who you are. You owe me."
Oh, hell no.
"Get the fuck out of here!" You ordered, marching forward and planting yourself between him and Vince. "You're nothing but a poor, fat, old man trying to use his sons grieving state to his own advantage. So, get the hell out of here!"
Your father stared down at you, a mixture of surprise and anger washing over him at your words and courage. 10-year-old you would have been terrified right now, but you were done dealing with your father's abuse. You were done with everything.
"I wish your mother never dumped you on our doorstep." He snarled.
"I wish you weren't my fucking father!" You snapped back, but that only made your fathers face break out into a sickening grin and your blood turned to ice.
What were you missing? Why the fuck was he smiling?
"I'm not your father, Y/N."
You blinked, thinking you had heard him wrong, "what?"
"Your mother was a whore. I knew her well, but I never had sex with her. You're not mine, but she dumped you on our doorstep and then blew her brains out the next day."
Your mouth opened but no words came out. Your brain seemed to be short circuiting, unable to process the bombshell your father had just dropped.
He wasn't your real father? All this time... all these years, you thought your mother might've been out there somewhere, but she was dead. She killed herself after giving birth to you.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Vince questioned from behind you.
"She's not your sister, Vincent. You two aren't even related."
That wasn't possible.
Vince was your brother. You were siblings. You were related. You had to be related.
"Get out." You whispered, shaking your head at him as hot tears filled your eyes. "Get out of here! Get the fuck out!"
You stepped forward and shoved your father's chest roughly causing him to stumble back a step.
"Get the fuck out of here!" You screamed at him, the tears in your eyes falling down your cheeks.
Although your father was older now, he was still fast.
His hand was suddenly around your neck. Not hard enough to be strangling, but not not hard enough to be painful. Your father was yelling, if his red angry eyes and moving lips were anything to go by. But you couldn't make out his words, it was like you were underwater, everything muffled and just white noise.
The fingers tightened around your neck like a vice.
You choked, gasping for breath as you tried to pry away his fingers, but he only squeezed harder blocking the air from getting to your lungs.
The pain pulled you out from under the make-believe water, and the first words you heard were-
"I kept a roof over your head and food on the table! You're not even my fucking child but I took you in and gave you everything! I kept you alive! I kept you both alive! You little shits owe me!"
"Honey, stop!" Your stepmother shouted in the background somewhere.
If you weren't being strangled to death, you would have commented on how it only took her 20 something years to speak up against your father. Usually, she'd just turn her head away and pretend the abuse never happened. Guess she finally grew a backbone after all this time.
Your father ignored her but didn't get a chance to say anything else before Vince suddenly yanked him off you and threw him backwards. Your father stumbled back a few steps, unable to keep his footing before falling on his ass in the dirt.
You doubled over grabbing your neck, coughing and struggling to breathe. You sucked in shallow shaky breaths trying to get air back into your lungs.
Vince now had your father pinned on his back throwing punch after punch and there was nothing the old man could do to stop it. His mother was crying for him to stop, but all Vince could see was red. All the rage and anger that had been simmering inside of your brother after losing his daughter had erupted out of him. He needed to let out his emotions, so you didn't try and stop him straight away.
"Don't you ever touch her again! Don't you ever show your fucking face here again! Do I make myself clear?!" Vince screamed slamming his fist down against your fathers bloodied face and showed no signs of stopping.
"Vince. Come on." You said, your voice sounding weaker than expected as you reached over and grabbed his elbow stopping him from laying out another punch. "He's not worth it. Let's go."
To your relief, Vince simply nodded breathing heavily through his nose as he staggered up to his feet allowing you to guide him away. His mother rushed over and dropped to her knees beside your father not saying anything to either of you as you walked away.
Once you returned home, Vince's anger had subsided, and he switched back into a protective big brother while he inspected the damage your father had caused. He hadn't mentioned Skylar since the funeral. He was trying to distract himself from thinking about his daughter, so he focused on you instead. Vince had fractured his hand from the punching, but all he cared about was the darkening finger shaped bruises around your neck.
"We're not even related." You whispered, using all your strength to keep yourself from crying.
Vince's eyes shifted away from the bruises on your neck before meeting your gaze, "I don't care what that asshole said. We were raised together. We did everything together. Playing, fighting, surfing, singing, everything. You're my sister."
"Am I?" You asked, your voice a mere whisper as you thought back to what your brother had said in the studio.
'Vince, come on, I'm your sister.' 'Not anymore.'
Your brother's expression dropped, and he lowered his head with a heavy sigh remembering his own words all too well.
With everything that had happened in the last few months, neither of you have had a chance to really talk about that day in the studio. You never bought it up because there were bigger things to worry about and neither did Vince... until now.
"I didn't mean what I said that day." Vince admitted, lifting his head to meet your eyes. "I was angry. I was lashing out and I shouldn't have said what I did. But you and me? We're siblings. You're my little sister, don't you ever forget that."
Over the following week, you slept in Vince's spare bedroom upstairs. You didn't want to go back to your house alone and Vince didn't want you to leave because he didn't want to be alone either.
Neither of you knew what to do. You were both messes, but you tried to be strong for him.
Vince had gone back to drinking heavily and it broke your heart seeing him like that. If he kept going down that path, he was going to drink himself to death and that possibility scared you more than anything. A small part of you wondered if that was what Vince wanted.
Did he want to drink himself into an early grave? Could he not bare being on Earth without Skylar?
You were so scared of the answer that you didn't dare ask. It wasn't like you hadn't thought about it either. Just one deep slice of the knife and it would all be over. The pain, the grief, the sadness, everything. It would be so easy to just end it all, but you feared that if you did then Vince would do it too and that horrifying thought was enough to stop you.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself, Vin." You whispered, leaning against the doorframe watching Vince sitting on the porch steps already halfway through a bottle of vodka trying to drown his sorrows.
"Is that right?" He said, glancing over his shoulder. "Roll up your sleeves then."
Vince raised his eyebrows, challenging you to do it because he knew for a fact that you had been cutting again. He never saw you do it though. You always hid it from him, but he knew.
"That's what I thought." Vince turned away taking a sip from the bottle. "You don't understand how this feels... the pain of losing a child."
"I... I kind of do."
Vince lowered the bottle from his lips, "what?"
Ah, shit.
Were you really about to tell him?
You, Tommy and Nikki had agreed not to tell Vince. But that was back when you thought your brother didn't know about the three of you being together. Things had changed.
"I know how you feel because I felt it. And I feel it every day. So, when I say that I am sorry Vince. I really mean it."
His brows furrowed in confusion as he slowly turned to face you properly.
You smiled sadly at him through the tears now threatening to spill from your eyes. A dread of realisation washed over your brother, his face turning pale.
He figured it out.
"Were you..." He seemed unable to finish the sentence, so you simply nodded.
"I was pregnant. I had a miscarriage."
His eyes widened into saucers, jaw practically hitting the floor.
You slowly walked over and sat down on the porch step beside him taking the bottle of vodka and swallowing a few mouthfuls because if you were going to talk about this, you were not doing it sober.
"Why-why didn't you tell me?" Vince asked and his voice sounded so sad, so hurt that you had kept this to yourself, and it broke your heart.
"I couldn't." You whispered, blinking back tears.
"Was it after I left?" He asked, guilt heavy in his voice.
"No. It was before that."
"Then why didn't you tell me?"
"You would've killed the father."
A beat of silence passed between the two of you before horrible realisation hit him like a slap to the face.
"Nikki or Tommy?"
He didn't sound angry though. He just sounded sad.
"Honestly? I don't know." You admitted, staring out at the dark ocean in the distance.
"Jesus Christ." Vince swore softly under his breath before reaching up and wiping away the tears you hadn't realised were in his eyes too.
"I know it's not the same but... but I'm here for you, Vince. Let me help you."
"Fuck… I’m sorry." He whispered, glancing over at you sadly before he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side while he cried silently. "I'm so sorry."
You weren't sure if he was apologising to you or to Skylar or both. It didn't matter though. You rested your head against your brother's shoulder and let him cry while overlooking the beach that had once been your safe haven as children.
The next day, Vince checked himself into rehab and committed to it.
With Vince gone, you didn't know what to do.
You couldn't stay at his house and the thought of going back home to your own empty cottage made you want to cry. You were happy Vince was getting help, but now you were left alone. No brother, no niece, no baby, nobody. You were alone... again.
If you went back to your house alone, you knew it would end badly. So, that afternoon you found yourself standing in front of a familiar wooden door knocking hesitantly. There was no answer for a couple of minutes, and just when you began to talk yourself out of it and turned to leave, the door suddenly opened.
Nikki Sixx stood in the doorway visibly shocked by your presence, but when he saw the bruise around your neck and tears in your eyes, he stepped forward and pulled you into his chest without a word.
Then, in the safety of his arms, you let your guard down and cried properly for the first time in a long time.
Next Chapter
MASTERLIST pinned to profile
If anyone wants to be tagged just let me know
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motley-cruelty · 3 months
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Nikki Sixx
Without You <3
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unknownperson246 · 25 days
Can you do something where Vince starts to flirt with reader and Nikki gets jealous so he grabs readers arm and drags you to the bathroom to show the reader and everyone else who the reader belongs to?
hiii sorry for this being late but hope you enjoy it!
Shes All Mine
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Words: 538
Warnings: *smut* *p in v* *jealous sex* *angry sex* *exhibitionism*
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You, Nikki, Vince, and Tommy are at a bar in L.A. Mick was at home because he wanted a chill night at home. You are wearing a gorgeous red dress it's not too flashy but has some glitter on it and the beautiful red dress goes to your knees. Tommy is in the corner of the bar enjoying his drink and talking to women with his drumsticks. Vince's eyes are glued on you and he has a devilish smirk on his face. He comes over to you and starts to talk to you.
Nikki hears what Vince says to you but he decides to ignore it for now.
“Y/N you look so sexy today your so goddamn beautiful” Vince Hollars at you. 
Vince decides to smack your ass in front of Nikki which was a huge mistake. Nikki suddenly is overcome with anger and jealousy from what Vince did when he smacked your ass. You start to freak out.
“Vince, get the fuck away from me you asshole,” you yell as you are mad at Vince for smacking your ass especially when you were Nikki’s woman.
Vince smirks at you and Nikki as he comes over to you. Vince knows what is about to happen to you.
“Come with me,” Nikki's voice is full of jealousy as he grabs your arm harshly.
He shoves you into the bathroom stall it was co-ed. People were concerned as they saw Nikki shove you into the bathroom stall 
Nikki whispers in your ear, his sweet voice sounds like it's full of lust in the passionate and heat-full moment.
“You are mine Y/N. You belong to me let me show you how you belong to me” 
You don’t say anything as you are scared of what he is about to do to you. He takes off your red dress and he hangs it on the hook. He roughly slides your red panties off he unclips your red bra that matches.
“Nikki,” you say gently trying not to push his anger further.
“Y/N let me show everyone that you are mine. Let me show people that your my slut.”
Nikki takes his pants off. He slides his erect cock in your wet pussy. Nikki has the intention of showing everyone in the bathroom that you are his. 
“Oh Nikki”  you start to moan out. His hips grind with your hips in sync he starts to go faster and faster. He hits your soft spot multiple times and it causes you to make a lot of noise causing a lot of attention.
“You hear that everyone? Y/N is mine she's all mine. Stay the fuck away from her Vince!”
More heavy moans escape your mouth, with Nikki's name coming out.
He starts to pull out of your warm and juicy wet pussy after he finishes giving both him and you enough pleasure for the day. He puts your bra and your panties back on. He slips your red dress back on you and he pulls his pants back on. Nikki comes out with you from the bathroom stall. It seems like people are looking at you with concern. You get all embarrassed and your cheeks start to turn red. 
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robocoplesb · 9 months
YOU'RE THE GIRL THAT I WANT, nikki sixx. [ 03 ]
warnings: reader drinking, reader smoking, nicknames, female rivalry?, mention of using drugs, reader drunked.
author's note: i ask that you be patient with me when it comes to posting and requests. i'm going through a difficult time, but i'll try to stay active. good read, kisses<3
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NIKKI SIXX (bassist): “we get closer after that, but no one knew that except us. only when vince and mick had already returned home, and tommy had gone out to buy something for us to drink or use, or even when he passed out drunk on the couch. those were the only moments i talked to her properly."
nikki sat next to you, the wave of cold coming from the floor of the porch step passing through his body. the wind that beat against you was light, but freezing. He looked at you in a mixture of surprise and confusion, staring at your shoulders covered only by the thin strap of your tank top and how his body didn't shiver even an inch from the cold.
"— looks like you're going to sleep here, kitten”
you quickly turned back to see your brother sprawled out on the couch, laughing at the thought that with a little push he could fall to the ground.
“— what did he take?" — you asked.
“— i don't know, but i think i want to take it too.”
you both laughed softly before silence fell over you. not that you minded, you just took another drag of your cigarette and continued looking at the empty street in front of nikki's porch. with him, it was different. not that he generally cared what people thought of him, but he wanted you to like him, not only as the bass player in your brother's garage band, so every time it was just the two of you, he approached and tried to get your attention. you two talked a lot about music, even if your favorite artists didn't look much alike, he discovered that you were an eclectic person, that was a little into the heavy and hard rock after spending nights discovering bands with your brother.
he would never admit that a lot of what you said in these conversations may have influenced just a little what he wanted to do with the band, but he thought that even if you were a girl, you knew what you were talking about. he also left some flirtations in the middle of conversations, which you laughed and ignored, taking as a joke.
but when nikki sees you like this, cigarette between your lips, green and yellow street lights illuminating your skin and no trace of you going to continue the conversation on your face, he feels pressured. pressured to do it himself. because, besides the fact that he simply wants some validation from you, he thinks he can't bear to keep staring at you like that, even though it's a pleasant sight.
“— so... it's a good name, right? ‘mötley crüe’..” — he started, trying to bring up a random topic. in this case, the name of the band, which had been decided today.
“— it's fucking good. i've never seen a name like that before. mick is definitely a being of light sent to guide you, because i swear i would never let my brother play in a band called christmas.” — you laughed, remembering the stupid name Nikki had considered earlier.
“— it wasn’t ‘christmas’. and it was a social critique, lee!” — he said defensively.
“— it's still pretty bad, cutie.” — you smiled when you saw him chuckling with the nickname. “— but seriously, it's original. no way of a band ‘mötley crüe’ not be successful. the syllables sound like fame. m-o-t-l-e-y-c-r-u-e. see it?”
he knew it was a joke, but he saw sense in what you said. he thought it was cute how you believed in the band. you went with them to look for vince, you watched all the rehearsals and sometimes nikki even let you take a look at the lyrics and give some suggestions for the songs. you were actually following them like a fifth member of the band, and he knew it was because of tommy. the first thing he noticed, you would do anything for your brother, but you would never admit it.
“— really, you're pretty good. the only thing i would change is the vocalist whore girlfriend-”
nikki held back a hysterical laugh. he didn't totally hate vince's girlfriend. of course, she was petty and liked to spend her time putting the rest of the band down to highlight vince, but damn, she was hot. unlike you, who hated her with all your strength. you've lost count of how many times you've held yourself back from hitting her in the face, but you know it was a lot. usually, when vince brought her to watch rehearsals, you hid in the kitchen and drank while listening to the muffled music. well, you had a mutual hatred.
“— ah, she's not that bad-”
“— she literally tried to fuck tommy last week!”
“— wow, he's a lucky man.." — he laughed as your hand hit his shoulder, scolding him.
“— god, men are so desperate” — you sighed as you threw your cigarette on the floor before squeezing it under your shoe, putting it out.
“— you will really deny she's pretty?”
you blushed at the question. “— you are really saying you wanna fuck the daddy's girl who says you're not good enough for her boyfriend, who is literally on the same page as you?”
“— jealous, kitten?” — he asked you with a mischievous smile.
you rolled your eyes. “— for the guy who would even fuck a mannequin as long as it had a pair of legs?” — you said as you stood up and walked to the kitchen. nikki passed the room before following you, taking something from his backpack.
when he caught up with you in the kitchen, you were mixing vodka with liquor, two things he had no idea were in his fridge. you noticed he kept both hands suspiciously behind his back as he waited for you to finish your drink.
you drop the two bottles on the table and bring the glass to your lips, swallowing the bitter taste of alcohol with ease.
“— what you got there?”
he laughed and walked to the table, facing you. he leaves a small package on the table and looks at you smiling.
“— for you, gold dust woman.” — you rolled your eyes at the nickname (that you didn't understand, but he didn't interfere, because besides being a good song, you knew that asking him to stop would only lead nikki to call you that as if it were your name) and offered him the glass. he took a sip as he watched you unwrap the wrapping.
you ran your fingers over the plastic, automatically recognizing the cd titles just by the covers. you smiled, wondering why nikki sixx, of all people, would be giving this to you. you quickly realized that he was probably sticking to what you said in your conversations, or it was too much of a coincidence that he chose your two favorite albums. you looked at him with a smug smile on your face.
“— you bought this for me, bassist?”
yes, he did.
“— no.” — he answered quickly. “— my...huh...i went to a friend's house and he said he would donate some things. i brought these for you. it's your favorites, right?”
you thought it was cute how he bothered to lie even when the cds looked untouched for how new they were and had the store sticker on the back.
“— yes, they are.” — you smiled genuinely. It took you a while to consider nikki a nice guy. at first, you thought he was nothing but talented and desperate for a job. after a few early mornings like this, you liked him. not like tommy, who sometimes acted like he was a god, but definitely liked him.
you soon understood why you allowed yourself to get closer to him. he was the first person who seemed to care. you didn't loved music because your brother was into it, and he was the first one who noticed it. he was the first to hear you monologuing about records and artists and didn't take it as some passing interest.
you felt your back hit the soft mattress, automatically relaxing onto the bed . nikki, who carried you bridal style to the bed, dropped your gift on the side dresser and looked at you again.
“— comfortable, kitten? want another pillow?”
“— noo...ah, this bed feels like heaven.” — you moaned at the pleasure of your muscles relaxing as you stretched out on the bed, truly looking like a kitten.
your drunken voice was obvious. you drank that entire glass while babbling random things to nikki, hearing him agree with everything while laughing. he thought you had enough after you almost fell over while hugging him, thanking him for the gift for probably the fifth time that night
he nodded and turned, showing that he was going to leave the room. that's when he felt your hand grab his wrist, feeling your long nails gently scratching the spot. you pulled lightly, making him involuntarily take a step closer to the bed.
“— where are you going?” — you whined.
“— to sleep. i’ll stay on the couch with tommy.” — he smirked and tried to move away again, being stopped by an even stronger pull on his wrist, this time making him fall on the bed.
“— tommy is like, aaaaaall sprawled out on the couch, you'll never be able to squeeze in there with him.” — you said slurred, struggling to keep your eyes open.
“— is this your excuse for not saying you want me to sleep with you, princess?” — he said while stroking his own shoulder that had hit the bed too hard.
you laughed and blushed. i mean, nikki is pretty sure he saw you blush. his cheeks already had a pinker tone than normal because of the drink, but he's sure it got a little stronger.
he wished he had gotten closer. he could only faintly smell the drink. he wished he could smell you. he wished he had run his fingers through the curves in the length of your hair. he wanted to touch his lips to your face. he didn't understand why, but in that moment, the first time he felt comfortable with the silence between you, he wanted to touch you.
but he didn't.
he watched the way you slowly accepted the sleep. his eyes closing as he listened to your murmurs getting quieter and quieter. you were even more beautiful when you slept. he’s never seen you so relaxed before. is angelic, delicate, untouchable.
and when he thinks he's falling asleep, sad because he'll only be able to see you when he wakes up, it's you he dreams of.
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“ i need an easy friend
i do, with an ear to lend
i do, think you fit this shoe
i do, but you have a clue.”
— about a girl, nirvana.
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vincess-princess · 2 months
we, the psychos: masterpost
this fic is growing so fast it warrants its own masterpost now
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Fandom: Motley Crue, Guns n’ Roses (secondary), Kiss (secondary), the list may be updated
The Feelgood Asylum, home to the sickest and the maddest, welcomes a new resident. That’s Tommy Lee, once a heir to a noble family, and now disowned and sent away for seeing what no one else sees and laughing when no one else laughs. At first horrified by the living conditions and the labor that patients have to perform, he then quickly finds new friends… and enemies.
Nikki Sixx, Frank Feranna for others, constantly loses battles with his own demons. And it’s not helping that the worst patient in the asylum, sex-addicted maniac Vince Wharton is sparing him too much - and at the same time not nearly enough - of his attention. And the new patient disturbs their already turbulent relationship even more.
And Mick Mars, who keeps quiet during the day and screams at night, never wanted any of this.
Warnings: mental illness (duh) and everything that it entails, self-harm, sexual assault, unethical medical treatment, period-accurate homophobia. The list may be updated
This fic was inspired by this post by amazing @smokeandmirrorz
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Last updated 21.05.2024
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 18 days
It's Over p.1
A/n: I just wanted to think about Nikki jerking off, honestly. That's the whole reason this exists.
Warnings: Smut, masturbation, face sitting, riding, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
Part 2
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Nikki's hand moved up and down his length slowly, heavy breaths leaving him, airy moans scattered between them.
You were gone on a work trip and still wouldn't be back for another week. You weren't picking up the phone and he needed to hear your voice.
His mind was running wild with images of you.
Your hands in your panties, playing with yourself as you moaned out his name.
Thinking of your face pushed into the pillow as he fucked you, his hips snapping into yours over and over.
How you'd feel wrapped around him, sucking him in for more.
Fuck, he needed you.
His hand moved faster, his breathing picking up as well. His soft moans turned to low grunts and groans. "Oh, fuck~ Y/n, fuck, feels s'good." He couldn't help but smile as he pictured you with him, straddling his lap and bouncing on his cock which was leaking pre down his hand.
You'd move faster, he'd smack your ass and you'd moan out his name. Your eyes would cross and your tongue would lull out past your puffy and bruised lips.
His head fell back onto the couch and he thought of you hovering over him, seeing your swollen, needy clit begging for attention, your fluttering hole leaking his cum.
He thought of how you'd grab him by the hair and ride his face, sensitive nub bumping his nose with every move of your hips causing you to moan out for him again and again.
All of it crashed into one when he bucked his hips up into his hand and his cum spurted onto his bare stomach and chest.
He looked down at himself, leather pants pulled down and bunched at his ankles, chest rising and falling rapidly, streaks of cum slowly rolling down. "Fuck." He muttered to himself as he reached for the phone again and dialed your number, the number of the hotel you were supposed to be staying in.
"Hello?" A voice answered.
"Hi, can I talk to Y/n?"
"Sorry, I'm not allowed to give out-"
"I don't care what you are and aren't allowed to do, call her." He demanded. The line buzzed and another voice answered.
"Hello?" You asked, wondering who could be calling at such a time.
"Y/n, I knew I'd find you."
"Nikki," you started, "I told you, it's over."
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sweetheartedbylust · 23 days
“ fill you up to the brim” Nikki sixx NSFW
Okay hoes, back at it again being a whore for this man but honestly y not. Hope y’all like it :3
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It was good, too good. Nikki was too damn good to you. Tonight he was bringing you to your edge as he sweetly talked to you despite his rough pace.
You and Nikki were pretty good friends, but you didn’t really expect that tonight would end up with you bouncing on his cock. ,
“ that’s it, be a good girl and ride that dick” he teased as he played with your clit as you kept burying him inside you. “ ah fuck! Nikki.. mm” you whined as he slowly started to thrust up into you.
“ mhm, let it out” he grinned as all he could feel was how your arms were wrapped around him and how badly he wanted to ruin your pussy.
You couldn’t help it, he was too good and all you wanted was for him to just fill you to the brim and he knew it, he knew that’s all you wanted .
“ look at you working for it huh? , work that tight pussy baby.. work it” the end coming out more high pitched as Nikki felt his high approaching.
“ baby- I’m gonna fucking fill you up.. atta girl” he said as he felt you clench around him before your juices coated his dick and you felt his load deep in you.
You brought yourself down to kiss him And before you could even lay your head back , Nikki popped up and caught you with
“ good girls take more then one..don’t they?”
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sixx6sexx2love · 16 days
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seductive-farter · 2 days
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All from Pinterest. I hope I didn't get confused in the links, because there were really a lot of them.. That's not even all I have. I also had a couple of photos with Michael Monroe, but bro not really on topic here
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