#Nikia oc si
mamamittens · 1 year
Nikia Character Details for Reference (Updated 6/26/23)
reference sheet for Nikia (my SI/OC). Maybe one day I'll actually have consistent character design lol
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Updated with blue hair (Dark blue top with gray streaks and teal undercut) but otherwise remains identical
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Name: Nikia
Zodiac: Gemini
Age: 27
Sex: Female (Gender Apathetic but defaults to she/her)
Orientation: Demi-pan sexual/romantic
Race: Skypiean Adjacent—no official title
Birthplace: Summer Isle
Occupation: Rescue Ranger and Writer
Skills: Advanced flight, stealth, sniper, writing, violin, and advanced observation Haki.
Morality Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: Introvert, quiet, socially awkward, shy, dry humor, and mischievous.
Favorite color: Tie between jewel tone colors, pastels, and neon.
Random details:
Wings are more emotionally expressive than her face, which has strong RBF energy.
Wings and hair is more wavy/curly, particularly when longer. Feathers not strictly on wings, covering the area immediately around the base of her wings and up her shoulder blades.
She has incredibly bad eyesight and is nearsighted.
Doesn’t enjoy uninvited physical contact unless she’s close to them, but will accept light contact if asked. Usually.
Hates having her neck touched or exposing thighs and arms.
Sensitive to the cold but tolerates heat well.
Enjoys naps, reading, and winter.
Lightly germophobic and will not eat/drink after others.
Prefers smaller social groups.
Has southern (American) accent that strengthens when she speaks fast, gets frustrated, or passionate.
Curses a lot but occasionally uses softer curses like “ah, beans” for humorous effect.
Weird about eye contact (all or nothing) and likes structured days.
Nervously fiddles with her hands such as picking, cracking her knuckles, preen, and vague gestures.
Has issues with textures on her skin and with food.
Often scares people by politely waiting for them to finish what they’re doing off to the side. Does find this funny despite not usually meaning to do it.
Prefers layered clothing like sweaters, sweatshirts, and jeans. Cannot wear heels.
Basic rapid fire background
Lives on the Winter Isle, which is very close to the much more popular tourist destination Summer Isle. Both function as tourist destinations with modest local communities that are a mix of human, sea-folk, and a local variety of Skypiean who naturally have larger wings (typically from head to knee in terms of relative body length). They fish, hunt, and host a variety of activities on both islands.
Winter Isle in particular is known for luxurious natural hot springs as it's main draw. Summer Isle is naturally known for its beaches and luxury spas that compliment the one on Winter Isle. A ferry service runs between the islands daily to facilitate travel without overwhelming the ports or overly disturbing local fishing expeditions.
Nikia happens to be one of the first that have spontaneously grown wings large enough to support flight with evidence that this is a growing trend for the local population. She often has to hold her wings back and out to prevent excess dragging on the ground in leu of heels.
Nikia typically lives alone in a cabin that can accommodate her wingspan and larger guests. She works on writing between her normal duties as an Elite Ranger for the Winter Isle. Due to her ability to fly (and the required skill of Observation Haki for Rangers), she is one of the first called to find lost tourists, particularly children that she can easily carry with minimal equipment.
Since the isles are tourist destinations, it's often visited by would-be slavers. Unbeknownst to the tourists, these slavers are spotted and isolated to be 'disposed of' without ruining the upbeat atmosphere. Nikia is the first, and currently, only user of a specialty made rifle capable of shooting from high altitudes through blizzard conditions for sniper shots on particularly dangerous opponents. Her use of this weapon is passed off as self-defense or for hunting predators on the mountain to keep her guests at ease.
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mamamittens · 3 months
Where I'm At
This is sort of a brain dump as well as a check in with where I'm at for these various stories. If I forget one, well, that's a statement in itself but I'll add it if it's brought up.
Oh Sweet Child of Mine: One Piece: I still have the platonic Ace, platonic whitebeard, and NSFW Ace ending to do but not going to lie, my motivation for it is quite dead. I'm definitely not adding anymore alt ending besides these though, so consider the story finished as it is. Last Updated: 1/21/24
How our Seeds Grow: One Piece: I'm currently still working on the next chapter, about 3~ pages into what I'm hoping to be at least 10? Unsure. But I'm definitely not doing alt endings for this one. Once the main plot is done, it's done. Last Updated: 9/10/23
A Lone Melody: One Piece: I still have some fondness for this story, I won't lie. But my motivation to write it really isn't there. Was barely there to start with. Honestly, I only really started writing it because it seemed like there was a lot of interest but perhaps it should have just stayed an ask-box fic? Certainly got more fun interaction that way. And it was pretty clear that the reasons I was interested in the story was not the same as why others were interested. Last Updated: 8/13/23
Worst Isekai: One Piece: Due to the general state of my TBD list, this isn't even really started. I have no idea what kind of plot I'll do other than vague vibes but I really do need to put more down to actually write the story. I do like the general idea and would like to make a bullet list for plot but until I have any idea what I'm doing, this can be considered a proto-story. Still workshopped and all that. No chapters currently exist in any format.
(No working title): One Piece: currently just a self indulgent fic I've been tooling for myself shipping Nikia (OC/SI) with Thatch and now perhaps Izou. No current chapters exist online, though I've written some for it. Including smut.
Let's Get Crackin': Pokemon: A fun new idea born of my revitalized interest in the franchise. Still tooling things and have a handy document with vague plot details. I likely won't start writing anything until I at least have a set beginning/middle/end. A sort of trial run to see if this helps me actually complete a work since my fics usually die if I falter in the middle and lose interest due to frustration. No current chapters exist.
We're leaving the Tumblr fics at this point so if one slipped my mind, well... yeah.
A Friend of Charlotte: FNAF: Security Breach: I really like the general story and vibe I've made for Blaire and would like to write more, but my motivation currently just isn't there. I'd be really depressed if I finally gave up and dropped it though, as there's a lot more for her that's been left unwritten at this point. Last updated: 8/27/23
Python Scramble: FNAF: Security Breach: Also a considerable fondness, I've just once again run into the issue of bridging the start to the finish. It's where I usually tend to stall--hopefully with more careful plotting this won't keep happening but I guess we'll see. Last updated: 2/7/22
Dreamcatcher: Hollowknight: Ah, the baby of my very intense Hollowknight fixation. It's been far too long and I just... stopped writing it at some point. I still really want to finish Olivia's story though. Last Updated: 12/6/19
Seeing Fire and Lionhearts in the Night: Undertale/Underfell AU: Basically dead at this point. Really didn't plot this one out to start with, just had a brief, engaging idea. I don't like looking at it cause I just... don't know what to do with it at this point. Last Updated: 7/14/18
Monster I have Become: Undertale/Underswap AU: I could finish this in one chapter (likely a tad long) and be really sad about it because I really could have done better. It would be rushed and not very good, but it'd be done at least. And I don't know which is worse. I don't know. I just... I hate starting a fic and not even ending it. But ending it poorly feels even worse. Last Updated: 6/1/18
I'm not going to lie, this list is rather depressing for many reasons. I don't like having written this list, nor that I have fics unfinished after years despite starting them really strong with a lot of passion. I don't know what happened. For most of them my motivation just sort of... died.
And for the most part, I seemed to be the only one interested so once I lost interest what was the point? It didn't make me happy anymore to use my sparse free time indulging in my hobby like this. So why bother?
but I remember brainstorming these for hours. days. Week. Some even months or years in some form or another. And now I can't even look at them I feel so ashamed. Either it's been so long the quality of my work feels so stark--why bother now?--or I just... don't know how to continue. If it's even worth it to try.
I know there are people who may be genuinely excited to see these update. Happy to reread the story to have all the context again like it was just yesterday that it last posted. And I am so sorry if you're one of them. Because I am too.
It's just been hard lately... no. It's been hard for a really long time. And it hasn't really gotten better. So once the high of a new story wore off... I just ended up leaving. And the cycle begins anew.
I hope this list brings some closure to some of you.
Maybe it's not that serious.
Maybe no one cares. Not really.
But this is for those that still do.
Those that flooded my inbox with hyper, energetic, silly asks. Wrote long, trailing comments and disjointed tags. Got swept up in the moment and took me with you.
And the 'me' that couldn't imagine that a day would come when it's been months or years since I last touched a story I'd spend all day fawning over.
Thanks, I suppose.
And I am so very sorry it's been so long.
And that it may very well be longer still before you see more of these stories or any others from me.
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mamamittens · 11 months
I've been working on that comm (mostly brainstorming cause I'm so tired I literally zoned out and the day was over yesterday). And I had another fun idea that would actually use the backstory I've got for my SI/OC. Loving the "Not a Sir" au but I really like the background for Nikia.
This time with more world building for the islands and it's tourism economy. Basically someone is getting married on the Moby Dick and Whitebeard wanted to officiate for his son. Or daughter. I haven't decided yet. But the islands are the wedding destination cause the bachelor/bachelorette parties can take place in either the hot springs on Winter island or a whole ass spa day on Summers island.
They could just do it real quick on their own ship but wheres the fun in that? Since when have they turned down the opportunity to throw a raging party?!
And Nikia has to help out cause it's such a big event while low-key insuring that no shenanigans pop up since she's a certified Elite Ranger with a literal license to kill guests that are a threat. They can handle themselves but this is meant to be a celebration. Winter/Summer isle takes the happiness and safety of their guests very seriously.
Besides, I feel like Whitebeard would be thrilled to officiate a wedding for one of his kids.
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mamamittens · 5 months
Not bed time yet but I am having some fun considering this in my head.
More nonsense for Nikia's story!
You know, when I was making her, I did consider other shippy stuff besides Thatch.
Mostly my top fav blorbos, because why not?
It's not a long list (will likely be longer when I actually catch up to OP)
Ace was tempting but out because I mostly just want to hug the poor bean. He needs more of those and some light teasing, it's what he deserves. Nikia and Ace would just devolve into sibling bullshit, I can see it now. She just pesters the shit out of him and while a little bit of that is fine, thats not usually a very healthy couple dynamic.
Marco was another nice idea but that's just my bird + even cooler bird = Really Cool ✨ birds ✨ thought process at work. He also deserves some head kisses though, make no mistake, but less aggressive than Ace's and more "sleep now, u fucking workaholic". They'd vibe together really well though in chill time.
Shanks... I just don't think Nikia could take him seriously and the excessive drinking would not appeal to her at all. Just a no go all around but she would find him fun to hang out with at a party so long as she didn't have to drink too.
And that's about as far as my thoughts went before zeroing in on Thatch for no discernable reason.
Actually, I think it's the smile. I just really like a nice smile.
Funnily enough, I also put some thought to his most popular ship, Izo X Thatch. Not sure how it happened, to be honest. Though I can see why with some thought, it's not as intuitive as Marco X Ace (what with all the fire and contrasting traits). I would be interested to know how this ship got so ubiquitous, it may just be a case of these two not having many other ships in general.
Which raised the question of putting Nikia in there too, but I'm still a tad thrown with the idea of shipping my SI (as somewhat warped from myself as she is) with anyone, let alone two people.
But it has popped up in my mind again. It would give me more plot to thicken up the overall story. Hate writing short stories for OCs, seems like a waste, idk how else to put it. And it would give more reason on Thatch's side to not initiate if him and Izo have a more open relationship. Maybe they can take another lover if the other approves or at least knows (I imagine this is a useful rule as long as you don't get jealous and it helps avoid any awkwardness if it's suddenly revealed).
Some fun drama of Izou chiding him for stringing some poor girl along for a fling and Thatch being offended like "I don't want a fling though! That's the problem!" So they unpack that together as Izou chides him more for giving her his nicest foulard despite not going for it at all. But ultimately understanding why he doesn't because damn, that would be pretty rude to enter a serious commitment only to leave her most of the year while he gets to stay with his other lover. And she hasn't taken a lover of her own yet so she'd literally be left in the cold waiting for him to call! He can't do that! Not to mention it seems a bit much to throw in Izou to the mix when it took so long for Thatch to warm her up to him.
Too complicated and messy despite really wanting it.
And it would give me the perfect opportunity to let Nikia know earlier since Izou would definitely call her once the dust settled. Might keep the dick move of having her still think Thatch is dead but as a deliberate ploy from Izou to partly keep her safe if Teach found out about their... Thing they had going on and so she doesn't accidentally reveal Thatch survives (or maybe at first Izou really did think he'd die). The other part was in the hopes that she'd find someone she could actually commit too without the complicated bullshit of being in a long distance relationship with pirates.
Probably takes a bit to realize that she absolutely really loved Thatch more than a friend and feels horrible for lying.
She doesn't and always asks how he's holding up before even hinting at her own grief, which doesn't help Izou feel any better about lying. Izou would get some shit for that and he feels increasingly worse for his ruse as he calls her regularly to talk. Feels nice to mourn a (sort of) lover with someone who isn't also reeling from the personal betrayal of a shared brother. Maybe he catches feelings too (Thatch will laugh hard at him for this). Admits that he'd have approved wholeheartedly if given the chance but stops before including he would have liked to be involved too, she'd have fit so well with their dynamic on board. Stops because he meant to let her keep her feelings to herself to mourn as she wants without mixing himself with it (how mortifying to be told my a 'dead' man's lover that they know how you felt after the fact the whole time) but the call breaks down into a very emotional one that, once again, does not help his guilt.
Just, the timeline where I bully everyone for a needlessly long time before letting them be happy.
Or maybe I won't do any of that at all but it does make the overall story more interesting, that's for sure!
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mamamittens · 2 years
Powdered Sugar pt. 3
I have no words other than I wanted to feel soft for a bit lmao.
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Word Count: 951
Ace was laughing at him. Hard.
“Ahah—snk—hahaha--!” Ace struggled not to choke and Thatch sort of wished he would already just to shut him up.
“Nikki—sweetie… tell me you weren’t avoiding the kitchen because I was using it.” Thatch begged, face beating red in shame.
The snail’s expression twisted from a deadpan to an awkward grimace, refusing to look at him.
“L-Look… it just… seemed rude.” Nikia explained softly.
“It was your kitchen.” Thatch hissed, ready to tear his hair out. His family like to tease him about having a one-track mind sometimes when it came to food—but he really didn’t think it was this bad.
“And you were a guest! That… never seemed to leave.” Nikia huffed, “Most people warm up and leave, you know. I… I’ve never really had someone stick around for so long. Kind of thought you would leave on day two but you kept cooking more food and I never wanted to assume—”
“It was for you! The food was for you to eat!”
“AHA-AHA-HAHAHA—GHA—KACK—“ Ace finally choked on his spit and fell onto the ground, trying to breathe again. Served the little shit right.
“Well, I didn’t know that!”
“I said it was for you to eat!” Thatch countered, desperately trying to wrap his head around this misunderstanding, “Why would I make food in your kitchen and not make any for you?!”
“I don’t know—And that was only on the first day with breakfast! You’re a guest! You weren’t even supposed to be cooking food to begin with!” Nikia screeched.
Thatch groaned. A local custom, he assumed. That explains at least part of his misstep, but still, he really should have noticed. It was a little odd how such a small detail threw Nikia off though. Thatch cautiously assumed that was also because she just wasn’t very social to begin with. It explained a lot, actually.
“If I hadn’t of kept handing you plates of food—would you have eaten while I was there?” Thatch asked, hopeful that Nikia wouldn’t say what he thought she would.
“…Probably when you stepped out for a bit.”
Thatch wanted to scream.
He was a chef. Literally a commander of a whole division dedicated to feeding a massive crew with even bigger appetites. It physically pained him to imagine someone going hungry because he was present.
“If I ever—And I do mean ever—let you or cause you to go hungry, punch me. Knock my lights out where I stand.” Thatch demanded before adding on for good measure, “I am so sorry I made you feel like you couldn’t eat. That was never my intention.”
Ace was breathing heavily on the floor, looking up at Thatch with a soft smile.
“You monster~” Ace mouthed.
“You remind me a lot of my little brother, did you know that, Nikia?” Ace looked startled but kept quiet, “Sure he’s more… prickly and fight-happy, but you both tend to shut people out. He’s got a lot on his mind and I knew you were the same way. I guess I was so focused on seeing more of you that I stopped paying attention to how I was affecting you. But I was right about one thing.” There was a long moment of silence.
“What’s that?” Thatch sighed, heart warm at the memory.
“You have a beautiful smile.” The snail mimicked a small, shy smile. Eyes soft and twisting in a way that made him wish he was there to see it in person. They were good at mimicking people, but unfortunately there was always something lost in translation.
“You really don’t know when to stop, do you?” Thatch laughed.
“Seems like it! But…” Thatch leaned in closer, “I promise I’ll always listen.”
“You’re a nerd. Opp—gotta go. Someone’s at the door.” Nikia huffed, “Stay safe, Thatch. Good luck breathing, Ace.”
The snail went still suddenly, instantly falling back asleep. Thatch chuckled, hand cradling his cheek as he stared for a moment longer at the dozing snail.
“…Wow. You’re in it, aren’t you, Thatch?” Ace asked quietly, having made himself comfortable on the floor. Thatch couldn’t help but nod.
“Yeah… It looks like I’ll have to up my game though.” Thatch mused, “Maybe flowers would be more clear?”
“On a permanent winter island?” Ace scoffed, “You’re better off just telling her straight that you’re interested. She seems pretty… literal? Like, she doesn’t like assuming.” Ace tried to explain but Thatch waved the young man’s concerns off.
“No, I get what you mean. Feels weird not having food be my first option but…” Thatch rolled his shoulders cockily with a grin, “I’m a pretty adaptable guy myself!”
It hit him suddenly.
“Oh shit! I forgot to ask about the books!”
Ace let out another loud, obnoxious peal of laughter.
“…Hey, what are the chances she was always really awkward when I talked about them because she didn’t know how to tell me she wrote them?” Ace cackled at Thatch’s dilemma.
“Ah-After th-aat conversation?! Pretty fucking goo—oood ahaha~!” Ace grinned rolling on the floor a little. “How did you manage to find someone as bad at socializing as you are good at it?!”
Thatch sighed, allowing the air to fill his lungs to the brim before dramatically planting his face on the table.
“I don’t know. I really don’t know… but she’s so cute Ace, you don’t understand—” Thatch groaned, giving up trying to explain.
He was doomed.
The memory of her soft laugh pressed against her hand before she kissed his cheek the second time came to mind.
And Thatch couldn’t bring himself to care as much how screwed he was.
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mamamittens · 2 years
Powdered Sugar Pt. 2
ThatchX(OC/SI) Nikia
More self indulgent nonsense because I realized my favorite romance trope is the "oh" moment. Not quite the moment someone falls in love, but that soft instance of time where a character realizes something inherently beautiful in someone else.
Continuation of this! Actually, it's what happened between the call and the end.
No warnings, all fluffy feelings here.
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word count: 1629
Naturally, Thatch’s elaborate plan to make Nikia smile happened to involve what he was going to do anyway. Cooking delicious food with the new ingredients he was presented with! But nothing seemed to work?! It didn’t matter if he made delicious sauces, perfectly sautéed meat, or even tried the dog-eared pages of the cookbooks she owned. In fact, there were times she wouldn’t have eaten at all if he didn’t set a plate down in front of her. It was like she just… forgot?
Thatch had spent so long around people (and one very determined dog) who would constantly ask about the next meal that he was floored by this attitude. One not inspired by holing up in your room to escape the ever-growing pile of paperwork that waited in your office. At any given point in time she was in sight of the kitchen. Nothing and no one to stop her.
He thought at first that maybe she just got so busy and had light snacks to tide her over, but he was literally always in her cabin. Frankly, it was too cold out for long trips in a way Thatch was ill prepared for, even with his new clothes. And if she wasn’t reading, she was napping. If she wasn’t napping, she was writing… something? He wasn’t sure. And he wasn’t brave enough to be too nosy about it after considering she could be writing for a logbook of some kind. He had enough paperwork on his own, thanks.
After Nikia called Marco to make him go back, Thatch reconsidered his strategy. Just a little.
Clearly, food wasn’t the answer. Somehow.
And while she wasn’t too bothered by his perusal of her book collection, conversation about it was stilted. Even for his standards. It was… odd.
Thatch had plenty of brothers that were more about quiet contemplation—maybe not a lot of them, sure, but enough that he wasn’t a stranger to the concept. But there was a… sort of air about the cabin, now that Thatch thought about it. Like it was waiting for something but in no hurry to get there.
Thatch took a moment to consider what it must be like to live here.
Nestled inside a cabin on a snowy mountain. Visitors few and far between. Just the sound of a fireplace and the occasional call to action.
Nikia was perched on the window seat, wings splayed out as she read a book quietly to herself. He almost couldn’t see her past the fluffy mass of wings, the occasional feather dotting the room. Thatch leaned on the counter, arms crossed under his chin. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem all that lonely here. Something Thatch was surprised about in comparison to his own life on board the Moby Dick. He went from a constant bustle of activity to literal isolation.
He supposed some people just… didn’t mind that sort of thing.
The lady at the shop did say she wasn’t very friendly.
But… was she happy like this?
Thatch naturally found himself wanting to know. The idea was fascinating.
Confirmation that his quiet host was really quite happy with her lonely life.
Thatch couldn’t imagine life outside of his family. His crew. And he was man enough to admit that it was probably a sentiment Nikia shared with him about his own life.
So… he wanted to know.
There was a familiar huff from across the room, Nikia shaking out her wings as she slowly walked over to the fire pit. Feathers puffed out and refusing to settle.
Thatch could vaguely recognize the body language as discomfort. Something supported by how one of her wings stretched out, obscuring her hands as she messed with something in her feathers. After a few long moments, Thatch put the pieces together.
She was preening in front of the fire. Allowing the warmth to settle in past the layers of feathers as she worked. It was clear this was a lengthy process at the best of times… Thatch realized she probably couldn’t even reach the ones on the back. Her feathers puffed out and resettled a few more times, but the jerky movements told him that the problem was still there. Whatever it was.
Quietly, Thatch walked out of the kitchen.
“Can I help?” Thatch asked, waiting just behind Nikia. There was a soft, startled sound as she looked back at him. Wide eyes peering through her glasses before she turned with an odd huff of air he’d heard her make before.
“I’d appreciate that, actually… just be careful.” She commented before setting back to work. Thatch smiled and sat down on the soft pillows, scooting closer to take a better look.
He’d never really looked at the feathers back here before. He actually expected something more… orderly. But the thick feathers were almost tangled together. A far cry from any bird he’d ever seen. Cautious, Thatch began threading his fingers through, combing down as a test. They didn’t go easily, snagging on each other frequently. With his nails, he carefully picked them apart and settled them back neatly. Occasionally taking out a bit of dirt here and there.
She really couldn’t clean back here much at all, could she?
“How do you clean these usually?” Thatch asked, studiously attending to the feathers farther down. They seemed to thin out away from the base of her wings, growing smaller along the way. He supposed it made sense. It wasn’t like Nikia was feathered all over. But it was interesting so see up close how the white down feathers faded seamlessly into pale skin.
“We have pools with these… small fish? Usually, they’re involved in spa treatments. We go in and dip our wings if we can’t be bothered—or can’t reach—and the fish go through and eat everything they find. Usually, they’re looking for insects or loose skin. Mites. That kind of thing… It’s about time for me to go but drying is such a pain.” Nikia explained.
Thatch was a little surprised, but it did make sense. It happened in nature often enough. A loose feather came out under a light tug and he cursed.
“Shit! Sorry. A feather came loose—I—I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Thatch asked. The feathers moved under his hands, soft fluff sweeping between his fingers.
She made that odd huff sound again.
“No, you didn’t hurt me.” Nikia sighed, “It’s about time to molt anyway. I’m not really that surprised.”
“You molt? Does… Everyone molt?” Nikia nodded.
“It’s usually not a big deal, but I can’t fly when it does happen. Gets really itchy too.” Nikia grumbled, sighing abruptly as Thatch fixed a particularly large feather to lay flat again.
There was a faint sort of… oil on his hands that came from the base of her feathers. Thatch’s nose twitched as that earthy scent picked up again. Must be something to help keep her feathers clean. With that in mind, Thatch smiled and got back to work. Losing himself in the relaxing task of preening feathers much like he would when making bread for the crew. A repetitious motion of his hands, gentle but firm. He barely noticed as he went all the way down one wing and to the other. Setting aside the handful of feathers that came loose along the way.
It was amazing just how soft and smooth all the feathers were, even as the curled around his hands, the mass thick enough to almost reach his wrist.
He was almost sad when his work was finished.
Thatch leaned back to make room as Nikia turned around, wings careful to not smack him unlike those times he may have… gotten onto her nerves while pestering her to eat. She looked at him then, eyes locked as she pushed her glasses back up her nose.
Lips curled into the smallest smile he’d ever seen, nose flaring as she huffed again.
A laugh?
A laugh.
Thatch was frozen as she leaned in and kissed his cheek before laying on his chest. His body slowly falling back as the realization settled in. With one last amused look, Nikia closed her eyes.
The whole time he’d been trying to impress his host with delicious food she’d been laughing at him. Sure, not out loud or anything, but she’d definitely been smiling more often than not. A small, restrained thing compared to the rainbow of smiles he was used to. A soft, content smile alongside polite amusement and exasperated sighs. Thatch got so wrapped up in himself he had missed the obvious all this time.
She was alone, sure, but never really lonely. Content with her quiet life and…
Thatch’s heart warmed with realization.
She didn’t really mind him breaking the silence at all.
This was enough to make her happy.
Basking in this warm, relaxed embrace was enough.
“Oh.” Thatch whispered.
She opened one eye and looked at him curiously, wings resettling into place like a heavy blanket. Soft blue eyes like the snow on the windowsill.
Thatch smiled and shook his head, hand carding through her soft hair as he leaned back and closed his eyes.
“Nothing.” He murmured, curling his other arm around her shoulders, brushing the soft feathers.
The cabin settled in a hazy, warm glow of peace and contentment. Quiet and miles away from the chaos outside on the Grand Line.
Like they were both waiting on Thatch to settle down and rest. Just for a moment. While the snow drifts outside climbed up the windows and the world slept.
It was the comfiest nap Thatch had ever indulged in, in his whole life.
And Thatch realized that the shopkeeper didn’t quite have it right after all.
Nikia wasn’t social, sure. But she was definitely friendly.
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