#Nigeria prophecy
segunolumide · 5 months
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fortressofserenity · 6 months
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arthistoryanimalia · 11 days
#TwoForTuesday :
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Batons in the Form of Birds
Igun Eronmwon (Brass Casting Guild), Nigeria, Edo, Benin City 16th-19th c. CE
Copper Alloy
Penn Museum display AF2048, AF5085
“The bird of prophecy predicted defeat in a 16th-century battle. The Oba ignored the warning and won an important part of the Niger River. At the ceremony of Ugie Oro, chiefs beat brass birds with rods to remind them that the Oba is more powerful than prophecy.”
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Ending growth won’t save the planet. (Washington Post Op-Ed)
Ever since Thomas Malthus argued just over 200 years ago that population growth would outstrip “the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man,” there has been a continuous parade of Cassandras fretting that humanity is about to exhaust the planet’s carrying capacity.
Neo-Malthusian thinking inspired such 20th-century writings as Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 book, “The Population Bomb,” and the Club of Rome’s 1972 “The Limits to Growth,” which predicted civilization would end “sometime within the next one hundred years.” In “Toward a Steady-State Economy,” published in 1973, economist Herman Daly argued that economic growth should be resisted for the sake of the environment.
Climate change is drawing out such sentiments again. Yet the prescription — that economic growth must stop — is as wrong as it was when the grim Rev. Malthus predicted that a growing population would outstrip the Earth’s capacity to produce food, requiring famine, war and pestilence to bring humanity’s numbers back to a sustainable level.
“Degrowth” — the brand name for neo-Malthusianism — ignores how ingenuity and innovation have repeatedly empowered humanity to overcome ecological constraints identified by Malthus, Ehrlich, et al. Degrowthers ignore basic lessons of history: The world experienced no growth for hundreds of years. Getting ahead economically during certain periods of the Middle Ages, for example, required plundering one’s neighbor. Transactions were zero-sum. The outcome was centuries of conquest and subjugation.
Malthus made his predictions just as England and the rest of Europe were about to enter a two-century era of unprecedented economic growth, which liberated much of humanity from misery and drastically improved health and well-being. Ehrlich’s prophecies came just as the Green Revolution in agriculture was saving hundreds of millions from hunger.
Growth built a world in which one person’s gain needn’t require another’s loss. Consensual politics and democracy wouldn’t have been possible without it. We wonder how Daly or his acolytes would be received in the bustling yet poor megalopolis of Lagos, Nigeria, proclaiming the end of growth (or procreation) to save the planet.
And yet degrowth is coming back in fashion. The ranks of degrowthers include progressive journalist Naomi Klein, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and even Pope Francis. At least one European university is now offering a master’s degree in degrowth.
The truth is that degrowth wouldn’t fix climate change even in the unlikely event it could be imposed. Carbon emissions from economic growth can be understood as the product of four factors: population growth, growth in economic output per person, changes in the amount of energy needed for economic production, and the change in how much carbon dioxide is released when energy is consumed.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates these variables up to 2050. One inescapable conclusion: Zeroing out growth in gross domestic product would do little to reduce emissions. Even if output per person remained stuck at 2023 levels all the way to mid-century, humanity would still miss its 2050 target to reach net-zero emissions — by 26 billion tons of carbon dioxide.
Halting growth in rich countries alone — allowing poor countries such as Nigeria to keep growing, hopefully to one day attain the economic well-being that affluent nations enjoy today — would do even less for the climate. Under this scenario, the world would miss its mid-century CO2 target by 38 billion tons.
Cutting emissions to safer levels would require epic degrowth. Getting carbon dioxide emissions below 10 billion tons per year in 2050 would demand inducing recessions that would cut world GDP per capita by about 5 percent per year — more than the loss during the 2008-2009 Great Recession.
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ejesgistnews · 1 month
By Lere Olayinka   Yesterday, I saw one of the videos of Apostle Johnson Suleman, leader and founder of Omega Fire Ministries International, a church based in Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. In the video, Apostle Suleman claimed that a member of his church, based in Germany received a prophecy for a church in France. God told him to go to France, but he had no DOCUMENTS. Documents in this regard will mean VISA and Flight Ticket. But God told him to go to the Airport. When he got to the Airport, he met people on the queue, presenting their documents (passports and flight tickets). He joined the queue. When it was remaining six people on the queue, God told him to go to the toilet. He entered the Airport Toilet and started praying, speaking in tongues. As he finished praying and opened his eyes, God told him to go out of the toilet. He went out of the toilet and saw himself walking out of France Airport Toilet. The church shouted Hallelujah!!! Now, my observations. 1. The man in question was living in Germany - How did he get to Germany? Without Passport and Visa? 2. Can a Nigerian be in Germany without a Passport and valid Visa? 3. With Visa of Germany (Schengen Visa), no Visa is needed to go to France. In fact, with say a Valid Germany (Schengen Visa), you can travel from Germany to 26 European countries, France inclusive. 4. You can also travel from Germany to France by road or rail. a. Germany (Frankfurt) to France (Paris) covers 562km. With FlixBus, it will take about 8 hours from Frankfurt to Paris. b. Berlin (Alexanderplatz) to Paris (Gare du Nord) by TRAIN will take about 10 hours. c. Flight time from Germany to France is 1 hour, 27 minutes. 5. When you get to an International Airport, won't you have to CHECK IN and go through Immigration Checks first before going to the Boarding Gate? 6. Can you be allowed to get to the Boarding Gate without travel documents like Passport and Boarding Pass? 7. When the man traveled from Germany Airport Toilet to the France Airport Toilet, how did he get out of the Airport? He was not checked by the Immigration? 8. How many times has Apostle Suleman, himself travelled like this? May be he has been entering his Church Toilet in Auchi and appearing in Abuja, Lagos, London, etc. 9. Why did Apostle Suleman not use this power of Toilet Airport Travel to avoid those attacks in 2022 and 2023, in which many of his aides, including Policemen were killed? Before some of our Gatemen of Heaven and Jesus Christ PAs will come here with their usual "Carnal minds can't understand spiritual matters Bla Bla Bla...", let me say here that I believe that there is nothing God cannot do. However, things God can do, but He won't do are many. In fact, they are plenty. One of such things is what Apostle Suleman said. For instance, you are in Lagos, God can make you wake up at the middle of the night and find your husband or wife who is London, lying beside you. It is what God can do. But he won't do it. Or how will you feel if you suddenly find your friend who is in Abuja, by your side while driving on 3rd Mainland Bridge in Lagos? Or you planted rice in your farm today and when you get to the farm tomorrow, you find the rice plantation ready for harvest, how will you react? God has provided means of transportation and has even blessed most of our Daddy GOs and Mummy GOs with Private Jets. He therefore do not need to act like a magician by making them enter a Toilet in Abuja Airport and appearing in Lagos Airport. God has made for processes of getting things done and no spirituality will alter those processes. For instance, without pregnancy, no child can be born. Even when there were no means of transportation, Prophets of God did not fly through Airport Toilets. For instance, Abraham had to trek from UR (now Tell el-Muqayyar, Southern Iraq), his place of birth to Haran, where he first settled. It was a distance of 641 miles (1031 Km) from UR to Haran, and God did not make Abraham to enter a room in his father's house in UR and come out of the room to appear in Haran!
So this miracle of Germany Airport Toilet Flight to France Airport is a LIE, BIG LIE! Most importantly, we are in the age of empirical evidence, not the age of tales of ÌJÀPÁ (tortoise and YÁNNÍBO (tortoise wife). Therefore, let this mockery of God stop. Let this assault on the collective sensibility of Nigerians stop too. We don dey wise abeg! Olayinka, a journalist lives with the Irunmales of Oke Agbonna in Okemesi Ekiti, Ekiti State
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warningsine · 3 months
Chigozie Obioma is the Nigerian author of the novels The Fishermen (2015) and An Orchestra of Minorities (2019), both shortlisted for the Booker Prize for their unique, folkloric tales of Nigerian life in decades past. Like them, his 2024 novel The Road to the Country is “tinged with fable and prophecy”. It’s set in the brutal Nigerian Civil War of 1967-1960, fought between Nigeria and the Republic of Biafra, a secessionist state which had declared its independence. This epic story of “a young man seeking redemption in a country on fire” is about a shy Lagos student whose brother disappears during the war. He sets out to find him and make right something that happened in the past. We asked Obioma about the work.
Why did you undertake this story; how did it reveal itself?
I knew I wanted to write this book from very early on. In 1993, during a visit to my parents’ eastern village for the first time, I saw a lot of people with physical deformities of all sorts. I was surprised by this, having grown up in a city where I hardly saw anything of that sort. I asked my mother why these people were like this and she said to me, simply: “The war”. The village is in the former Biafran territory.
That stuck with me, and I never forgot it, so that, years later, I began to research the war very avidly and as I read and read, I realised I was going to be writing about it.
Then a couple of years ago, I had the idea of a Yoruba man from the west of Nigeria being conscripted to fight for Biafra, whose army was primarily made up of Igbos and minority groups. That gave me the window into the story and, almost immediately, I found the narrative pulse of the novel, which is centred on the journey into war of a man called Kunle looking to atone for a mistake he made as a child and ending up finding love and regeneration.
Was it a painful experience to recreate the war scenes?
I think so – this is historical fiction and I was looking to recreate a time in history that has not received as much attention as it should. And these events actually happened to people. I know it’s a cliché to say that people who have experienced the horrors of war, especially combatants, do not like to speak about it, but Biafra is especially unique in that this was a war of unequal forces to the nth degree.
As I depict in the novel, much of the time the Biafrans were fighting without weapons. We are talking of a company of 70 soldiers with only 40 rifles and very limited ammunition going against a federal unit equipped with tanks and heavy weapons and aerial support.
Why is family and brotherhood such a central concern of yours?
I am interested in relationships, which for me is the energy for storytelling. How do people form connections, break those connections, and sometimes attempt to put those connections back together again? This is what I am interested in investigating in stories, and it so happens that familial relationships have been part of that (The Fishermen).
I have also explored varied relationships including romantic relationships between a man and a woman and a mystical relationship between a man and his spirit (An Orchestra of Minorities). In The Road to the Country, I investigate the relationship between Kunle and his comrades, and a romantic relationship between him and his love interest, Agnes. So, while brotherhood features in many of these novels, it has not been the only focus.
What role does Igbo identity play in the work?
I believe that a writer is a sum of herself. There is the sense of who you are, have become and are becoming. These are the things that shape your writing to a degree. That is to say that these things are malleable, and must constantly change or, at least, shift.
Identity is too stiff, too anchored to be useful for the serious writer – I think. So, it doesn’t play a role. That said, it is obvious that I am interested in Igbo worldview, cultures, traditions and history.
Part of the reason for this interest is that I see a lot of unmined treasures for storytelling there, rather than for any sentimental reason. But I am also curious about the Yoruba cultures, American, Turkish, Danish, Swedish, Indian, Jamaican and all the places I have lived in or am interested in.
That said, outside the page, I am of course Igbo, Nigerian, African, Black…
Why the war? Why is a younger Nigerian writer interested in it?
I don’t know who wouldn’t be interested in something of that scale. The Biafran War of Independence was a catastrophe of epic proportions in the history of Nigeria. It reshaped the country and helped birth Nigeria as we know it today.
I wanted to write this novel because I was surprised to find that there was an abundance of non-fiction written about the war. There is some war-time fiction: that is, fiction in which the war is the backdrop. What you don’t find are many war novels: fiction in which the war is the central focus. I wanted to write a novel very much focused on the war, like All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, which depicts the fighting in the first world war.
What do you want readers to take away?
I framed the novel as a general warning on the consequences of not engaging in dialogue. What starts wars? Isn’t it often years of neglect, inability to arrive at a meaningful dialogue and shared understanding? That is why large scale violence is still occurring today.
So, the war portion of the novel itself has been presented to us in its entirety as a vision of the future so that it appears as if this war, though a historical fact, has not yet happened and can somehow be prevented if only we heed the warnings of the seer. The prime question for any society in this world then is this: who is or are your seers? Are we listening to them?
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igniteatelier · 3 months
ONA IWA MIMO C&S CHURCH NIGERIA & OVERSEASTUESDAY, 11th June, 2024TOPIC: LIVING IN THE LAST DAYSBIBLE READING: Acts 2:14-21 MESSAGEIt is likely that every Spirit-filled believer who is living in the days of God’s last work on earth will be misunderstood and mocked. The precedent event was the Pentecost when the great prophecy of Joel (Joel 2:28-32) began to be filled in the lives of the…
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watchmanis216 · 6 months
Shaking of Nations, Prophecy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Christian Persecution @WarnRadio
Shaking of Nations brings us to the next episode of the Advocacy for the Persecuted Church. Here we look at the Shaking of Nations and prophecy as we go over the latest news happening on the Persecuted Church level. The landscape today #globally is one o
Shaking of Nations brings us to the next episode of the Advocacy for the Persecuted Church. Here we look at the Shaking of Nations and prophecy as we go over the latest news happening on the Persecuted Church level. The landscape today #globally is one of shaking and stirring the status quo of everything within the global situation of the #nationsofmen. Be prepared for anything.…
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toptowngist · 7 months
This was me ministering in a small church run by an older Pastor in Lagos MANY YEARS AGO…
I travelled from Abuja where I lived to Lagos on his invitation … I bought my own flight ticket and he put me in a hotel.
He was much older than me and I was just a very young and passionate Evangelist.
On getting to the hotel, he said to me “Evangelist, it’s Christmas oh. I haven’t bought anything for my family. I need money. That’s why I organised this revival.” Honestly, I got scared.
On the first day, I ministered and as usual, prayed for the sick. That was my gift. That was what I loved to do – praying for the sick.
That night, he came to my hotel after the service and told me money can’t come if that’s all I came to do – pray for the sick. He told me that I needed to add Prophecies and that the people only believe prophecies. I told him I wasn’t called to be a prophet and he said he’s older than me in the game and has the right to advise me. I was in my 20s. He was in his late 50s. He could literally biologically father me.
That night, he told me the names of some of his church members – there’s this guy he told me about and how he was seeking for a visa to travel abroad.
During the service, he introduced me as a prophet that night and ‘gingered’ the congregation with how forensic I can be. He told them that the previous day was just introduction and that the second day would be “HOT “…. Pentecostals love Red Hot Speakers… Unfortunately, I was never one. I am soft spoken. I have a soft voice. I can’t even scream with a mic.
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Back in the days, each time I sang that song, I would cry… Even as I type this, I still feel the tears as I typed the lyrics. And everywhere I sang that song, I preached with genuine passion.
But that night, I walked to the brother who had been seeking for a visa according to the host pastor. I called him to come to me. He came. I asked if he’s been applying for a visa and he said Yes. I asked him to tell me his story. He said “Sir, my family is p00r. My mother is sick and dying. I have spent everything to look for a visa to go abroad and fight for me family. Sir please help me”.
I asked him what sickness his mother had and he said Cancer. My heart broke. I started crying. I asked him to go back to his seat. I couldn’t preach. In few minutes, I dropped the microphone and left the church.
I called a friend to get my things from the hotel and I moved into another hotel.
The pastor called me and threatened to destroy me. He said I messed up his church by not prophesying as he told me to. He told me that all the money he spent on inviting me was a waste. I told him my conscience was more important than his invitation.
That night, I couldn’t sleep. I cried about the young boy who just wanted to leave Nigeria and make a living to save the life of his mother who was dying of cancer. I cried about the Ignorance of church members who were mere objects of manipulation to their prophetic papas. I cried about my lack of funds to travel back to Abuja. I couldn’t sleep.
The next morning, I got a call from a family in Canada who were supporters of my ministry. They paid for my ticket back to Abuja and when I told them the whole story, they asked me what my honorarium would have been if I played along. I told them and they paid that amount into the ministry’s account.
Someone mocked me recently about how I am hustling as a Tech guy when my mates in ministry then are controlling millions of people around the world. He said I failed in ministry. I laughed at his Ignorance but cried at the current state of the PENTECOSTAL church in Nigeria.
Don’t come here and say “there are still genuine prophets.” Just calm down. You don’t know anything if you were never in ministry. I will only respect the opinion of any true mission minded pastor who will read this with sobriety. They know the truth. They are also victims of this other gang. But for you who is just an “ordinary church member” or son/daughter of a prophetic papa, this post is above you. You should spend some time in ANALYSING THE PROPHECIES YOU WITNESSED.
The biggest fraud is no longer carried out by Yahoo boys, the biggest fraud is what has become of the PENTECOSTAL Prophetic church movement in the past 20 years. I took a break for the sake of my conscience – and I am proud of my choice. I have left all forms of religion and I am focusing on what is practical and factual like Technology and science. I have a personal spirituality but I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ORGANISED RELIGION besides telling my story – my truth.
© Charles Awuzie .
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
Chocolate City - Cypher Lyrics feat Blaqbonez, A-Q, Loose Kaynon, Ice Prince, Jesse Jagz, MI Abaga
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Today in the history of music, the most dominating pure Hip-Hop record label in Nigeria and Africa, Chocolate City, popularly called Choc City by fans celebrated its golden jubilee by doing what they know how to do best. In a single titled Chocolate City - City Cypher Lyrics we see all the rap gods of Chocolate City, Blaqbonez, A-Q, Loose Kaynon, Ice Prince, Jesse Jagz, and MI Abaga rise to the mic, dropping bars on bars and leaving fans with nothing but a scream of wow! Take it or leave it, rap is not dead Hip-Hop is alive!
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Chocolate City Chairman, staff and the amazing rappers.
Chocolate City - Cypher Lyrics feat Blaqbonez, A-Q, Loose Kaynon, Ice Prince, Jesse Jagz, MI Abaga
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Chocolate City - Cypher Lyrics feat Blaqbonez, A-Q, Loose Kaynon, Ice Prince, Jesse Jagz, MI Abaga Chocolate City - Cypher Lyrics Chocolate City - Cypher Lyrics : Blaqbonez yeah yeah riding for my door from a start this basic principal rest of y'all pitiful Hush Puppy I'm interpol talking to you Twitter trolls I'm not trying to be condescending my I'm just speaking from the Pinnacle every second is billable a ship is Unsinkable 2023 whip the evidence is clear but yours is inadmissible I'm a 6ft skinny boy I'm and ... can get physical better than black that's fictional who lied to you that's kind of typical of yes man's delusional me and stupid not mixable all my niggas got something upstairs another Bungalow every single move is another play for the envelope never settle for less I'm not trying to stay afloat I'm really trying to buy a boat Jeff Bezos in 6 months that's a slender hope if you're not feeling me that you take away your right to vote the disrespect man it's forgivable Jesus said turn your left cheek y know it's biblical that's what I told your girl last week when we was frictional I don't do back and forth with no chick unless Arena though I could lose every point but you know I'm going serve the charm is irresistible couple bags no fundable and make a must shine not tribalistic it's traditional social engineering got me feeling like I'm back in school Mr Gbadebo look at me I'm unapproachable I this rapper for like 5 years don't get no ideas go conversation I will be there that's what you guys fear y'all niggas want hits It's really go to a Miss I'm way to versatile quietly making hella moves they gave me an in universe that's hella rude my only celebrity crush is Mega good I'm kidding there's a ton of beauts, ton of bad bitches sh bad niggas A-Q Hip hop is 50 that's golden I'm still here it's Gods engineering I got two here three coming Rose from the concrete in September I shed a few tears I've been blessed forever before I grew beards they too scared back in C City I was the bag boy for a few years now this City Boys is at the helm of affairs it's a new year running hip up fuck your rap link I'm on some soft thighs she's nasty, nastier than Nasty C's top five I see the greatest is debated if it's not I, what a surprise I'm someway on the beach watching the sunrise tell me what's the upside when publishing is sinking us diamond in the rough but sharp enough to get your princess cut study my prophecies, my lyrics are now my doctrines young soldier of the Lord, the YSL is on my stock jeans truly humble under God this young thug is going to judge him turn the Gunna in your crew to a gunner like the sports team shots ring, hands all over you like a touch screen from dust you came from dust back to the dust bin you rappers are disgusting tell me something more compelling than walking up to me hands open like Jude Bellingham don't let them gas you I'm Noble but I'm unstable out of my elements still shaking up periodic tables created the system you're just files in the folder and when I feel like folding I hold my composure that's pep talk Lexus came with police escorts standing on business if it's business homey let's talk anything else don't get a response I just press pause why the fuck am I here I got meetings with investors I'm ghost Loose Kaynon look red s like Bigfoot here's another one stand cool like an island so I don't bother none do business by the cold I treat my niggas like my mother son they want to get the team back together go on another run now I'm living different a babysit in the whip an accountant on the team he's babysit in the splits you can catch me on the beach chair lazy sip in the sprits but don't boost me the call I'm crazy spitting this shit so here goes you bunch of weirdos look the part Bo you some scarecrow cosplaying a giant this niggas wear stos I don't do verbals just pay attention homie There's levels I stay behind the scene pulling the strings I'm shapedo you rocking shit in the same spot but you got motion I laugh it off cuz I know better Yeah you need promotion you ain't fooling nobody plus you ain't pulling no bodies All that killing niggas in your verse we ain't see no bodies Every day I leave my enemies pipe dream i bet Your favorite rapper sell his soul so just to switch places I'm still spitting pen flooded with ring my pockets favors pounds over naira Is a bit racist so what we have here A bunch of wannabe;s I the Rolly on my re so you want one of these don't you jump out the window Wony you I know my smile provoke you go ahead now stop on Faking I take them shots why don't you My OG told me you ain't easy to like so they pretend to be your friend Cuz you ain't easy to fight it's all right see heavy is the head and my neck hurts You focus on the best first I'm trying to flip my network aiming higher than messages P then to man built like me rarer than Le is ours It's lyrical genius how pressure this vows turn them to Diamonds Yeah you welcome the pleasure is ours Ice Prince Ah when I first test the mic I was in jss1 mind me records from Heavy D and krs1 Doctors call me a rapper from the day I was born I came Mo my mama wom talking like j electron I mean cold blood with a mean face had this rappers ate like a girl with a thin waist Swimming with the shars don't know how to sedem taste me I grew up in the city where you know the machines blaz cock you with it niggas your back I ain't stopping it when I caught the trigger I'm on my Fire and Ice they call me Godzilla I do all my albums with no fucking fillers I just tell the truth Nothing made up no concealers so tell them that we back in the booth when CHOC boys commute You know the beat is in soup i mean I got to keep props to choc City since 2007 the family stuck with me Jesse Jagz no need to introduce myself First I choose myself then I used myself two decades ago I reproduced myself choc city was the keys but I produced myself hip hop is the build and I am the foundations Communications caught off online around stations choc boys fully prepared the crown station Jesus has returned Skies open the ground shaking I levitate on ink niggas think I'm a ghost Stay a mile from the shore we let them swim for the boat Now this is a toast to the king of the coast now niggas fuck the script we never sing to the notes Big up truck city IC niggas that's where the science be extraordinary leader a legend in my Society Finally my niggas is pumped fuck sobriety looking for something higher see something that will inspire me Blessing to the nation the patience the dedication all my people is here for celebration I show you the beginning and end the Revelation these are the 48 Laws to preparation Oh my niggas we bought the Federation the lyricism will inform a generation 20 something years in the game that shit ain't new to me I walk through the game with that diplomatic Community MI Abaga rest in peace mohbad welcome back all ours back all ours i squat for road like make i do the shit for the streets reported live and correct for be like white journalist i be the highest night you know how high dollar is pound for p still the mj 100% check the roots of this shit i'm the kunta kente check the genesis i'm adam i'm the block i'm the new dekembe root flow i spit some rudimentary i spit that shit that hit you hard and get you to comprende i seen it all ain't nothing new to sensei the hip hop superintending eventually transcended to a god a lot of done it really well but ain't no niggas been this hard lyric ma grande like maryland and odumodu men dey you too weak for this walk you be like 10 days my spirit pure getting better i'm mature like some whiskey in a glen case wo and this is how it sounds when you the template when god gave me this flow he said forget about the return date nowadays i'm working so jtown can reach miami and taraba reach gidali we go get that gradu that's on god's name i know i wear ghost but i'm into technic niggas camp there and show dem i'm doing large things yep things i never even post you say seeing is believing you you dey see the holy ghost the hater is negligable to see through hip-hop music is the voice of got to lead the people many evil sons of achan are hating and they follow shatan go check in joshua chapter 7 i'm acting brand new might time to mavin but ch c ins still the haven 20 years later and it's like he did something amazing this for jeremiah gang who laid the paving for jimmy jags ice bal price noah for dice milly ck lamber ruby vicky koka for young john black bonez dj k street billy and candy bleaks ruby loose critical classic major asia aniq and this for everybody rapping i pray you all be topping and shots with the tracks you dro and popping like you sh poppy and any rapper chopping come to the hip hop event we got you we believe you die we know they doubt you we sef dey plug artist to we did share palliative over here and the vibe is so native over here everybody is a king making loot how the six best rappers from the same fucking crew what you niggas going to do my nigga this a legacy this was all built on rap let's not forget to say hip hop we thank you for being a foundation from chocolate city to all of our fans you are amazing thank you yo so abi chi made the call he know we don't want to do ciphers no more but we had to do this one for history 50 years of hip-hop 20 years of chocolate city the indomitable indestructible force we love you to our fans we love you to our haters Read more about Chocolate City on Wikipedia Read the full article
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topnewsmedia · 9 months
RCCG's Pastor Adeboye Shares Prophecy on Nigeria’s Future Amid Hardship
    The general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has said that he believes Nigeria still has a great future     The revered preacher made this known during an event in Abeokuta, the capital of Ogun state   The RCCG leader noted that sometimes when people thought there would be no more Nigeria, they still found out that the country was…
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fortressofserenity · 9 months
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ekechi · 10 months
Apocalypse Nigeria, a haunting prophecy,Where chaos roams freely, the land gripped by agony.A nation once vibrant, a tapestry of diverse hue,Now stained with innocent blood and sorrow, as dreams bid adieu. Leaders, wolves in disguise, their motives twisted,Corruption’s grip tightens, leaving the people enlisted,In a cycle of despair, where hope is but a ghost,As they navigate a landscape, where…
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade President Tinubu’s appointments have doused Muslim-Muslim ticket fears by Nigerians A group of Christian leaders under the auspices of the National Solemn Assembly says President Bola Tinubu’s appointments have doused the fears of ‘Muslim-Muslim’ ticket in the 2023 Presidential elections. The Chairman of the group, Archbishop Leonard Kawas, told newsmen in Abuja that many Christians were initially apprehensive of the Muslim-Muslim ticket ahead of the presidential election. According to him, the All Progressives Congress (APC) Muslim-Muslim ticket contributed to the tension in the polity in addition to the prophecy of doom that Nigeria was going to disintegrate. Kawas, however, said that Christians and Muslims had their equal share in the appointments so far made by Tinubu and there was no sign of Islamisation. “We were all scared of the idea of a Muslim-Muslim ticket, it brought a lot of fear and shipped shivers down our minds. “But as God will have it, that ticket produced for us, a President and his vice who have demonstrated nothing but balance in the political appointments that they have made. “We have seen that nobody can cry of marginalisation because Muslims have gotten their fair share and Christians have also gotten their fair share. “And, so this is one of the reasons why we must thank God because some people thought that the Muslim-Muslim ticket will Islamise Nigeria but there is no sign,” he said. Kawas said that many Christians were satisfied with the balance they had seen so far and also that the prophecies of doom that came on the nation did not come to pass. The chairman said that assembly would hold a day of praise and worship on Dec. 1, in thanksgiving to God for the outcome of the electiony. He announced a 40-day fast to commence on Oct. 20, urging all Nigerians especially Christians to join in the fast and participate in the praise and worship day. (NAN)
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princeofgod-2021 · 1 year
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John 1:4
Part of the last lesson we looked at, actually opened us to another type of Prophecy, and quite an interesting one.
You might have your own name for it when you have read the followings.
Dan 2:27-28 Daniel answered in the presence of the king, and said, The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king; But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. THY DREAM, AND THE VISIONS OF THY HEAD UPON THY BED, ARE THESE; KJV
Now when Daniel received the revelation and answer, he called them Dream & Visions.
But what was it called when they first came to Nebuchadnezzar?
Dan 2:1 During Nebuchadnezzar's second year as king, HE HAD DREAMS. They bothered him, and he could not sleep. ERV
They were plainly Dreams, but Daniel’s revelation implies that one could have Visions embedded within Dreams.
They were weighty Prophecies and hence, were quite terrifying in Nature, and you will definitely always remember every single detail of the Visuals.
These were Prophetic statements about Governance and the Economy, hence they were shown to Incumbent Leaders of Nations, even though they were pagans.
Remember Pharaoh too?
Gen 41:5 BUT HE WENT TO SLEEP AGAIN AND HAD A SECOND DREAM, in which he saw seven heads of grain, full and good, all on one stem. BBE
The repetition shows the importance, and implies that people must know about whats coming and may need to do something about it.
The uniqueness of Visionary Prophecy [sometimes] is that someone else always has to interpret.
God gave dreams to pagans that only Christians can interpret.
Gen 41:15-16 The king said to him, "I HAVE HAD A DREAM, AND NO ONE CAN EXPLAIN IT. I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT YOU CAN INTERPRET DREAMS." Joseph answered, "I cannot, Your Majesty, but God will give a favorable interpretation." GNB
Now, Prophetic Visions could also come to Believers and Prophets, but they are rarely explicit in meaning.
We may need someone else, the Holy Spirit or Angels to interpret them to us.
I have also had such a Vision about the Youth in Nigeria, and it came to pass during the END SARS movement.
I didn’t have any angel to interpret to me then, though I prayed.
Sometimes, you only understand [fully] when it finally happens. Just pray for Mercies and Positive outcome.
Amo 7:4-5 The Sovereign LORD showed me this: I SAW THE SOVEREIGN LORD SUMMONING A SHOWER OF FIRE. It consumed the great deep and devoured the fields. I SAID, “SOVEREIGN LORD, STOP! HOW CAN JACOB SURVIVE? HE IS TOO WEAK!” NET
We’ve said before, if God has revealed something to you, it is a Mandate for you to act upon.
If it wasn’t revealed to you directly, but the vision has been explicitly detailed and applies to you as you read, then you must run with it and without delay.
Hab 2:2 And Jehovah answered me and said, WRITE THE VISION, AND MAKE IT PLAIN ON THE TABLETS, that he who reads it may run. MKJV
To make the Vision PLAIN, implies that it was seen and interpreted to the “Visioner”, and he writes it for all concerned.
Also, a visioner may only talk with you about something he has seen about you. You simply pray and look out for the confirmation, then run with it.
1Ki 15:29 At once he began killing all the members of Jeroboam's family. IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT THE LORD HAD SAID THROUGH HIS SERVANT, THE PROPHET AHIJAH FROM SHILOH, all of Jeroboam's family were killed; not one survived. GNB
You may wonder: “would God today, send anyone to end the lives of certain offenders, by His declared Prophetic Judgement?”.
We will look into that a little later.
I pray that you will never have conflicts in details of your Mandate, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Wednesday, for more of this insightful and enlightening Sub-Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Monday, September 18, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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hardynwa · 1 year
Peter Obi: Social media cannot control voice of prophecy – Fr Mbaka
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The spiritual director of the Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria, AMEN, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has warned those attacking him, especially on social media, that he will keep talking. He insisted that social media cannot control the voice of prophecy. Mbaka’s statement was contained in a video posted on the ministry’s Facebook page. The video was recorded while the cleric was ministering in one of his church programmes. The fiery cleric said God reveals the future through vision, and people will see it. Apparently referring to Peter Obi’s loss in the 2023 presidential election, Mbaka said: ”Please, if the gift you have is not genuine, ask God for the real one; stop fabricating things. When there is a lot of noise on social media, then somebody begins to speak because you think that if millions of people are speaking of somebody, that means the majority will win the vote. No, it is a different thing from prophecy and vision. ”In a vision, God will reveal to you the future. You will see it. It was so clear. Even in the time of Jonathan, I told him, look at what the Holy Spirit says you should do, ‘remove this person if you want to win the election. If you don’t remove him, you will lose, and Buhari will take over'”. ”People will never understand Father Mbaka, and they will begin to talk rubbish on social media. Whether you understand me or not, I will keep talking. ”Social media cannot control the voice of prophecy because, in the end, it will happen the way God said it must happen,” he said. Read the full article
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