miyuzarry · 2 years
New question round! What are your OCs' favourite painting/mural/sculpture/any piece of art?
Hi! :D
Theodora's favourite piece of art is the Portrait of Crown Prince Nicodemus of Dyarvall. She loves the art style and colours used.
The painting itself is hanging in the National Art Gallery of Elthonia in Moryk. (Moryk used to be the capital of Elthonia.) It was a gift of HRH Crown Prince Nicodemus himself for HM The Queen at that time, Queen Mary, mother of Queen Beatrice. They were lovers, and didn't bother hiding that. xD
Mary's husband definitely wasn't a fan of that guy but couldn't really do anything about it. No one really knows if the Prince Consort really is the father of Queen Beatrice, and the Royal Family never allowed DNA testing, so this will stay a secret I suppose xD
Worst part is, though, that Mary had her husband executed to be with Nicodemus, but since he was heir to the throne of his kingdom, he didn't gave up his title to marry her. Instead, he became King of Dyarvall and married a noble woman to carry his heir and spare. (big yikes) Crown Princess Zenobia (also known as The Queen that never was) and Prince Ophelius Argrastos of Dyarvall. He had several affairs and his wife hated him so much that she tried to poison him several times. The last attempt failed so bad, because the plates were switched, that she died herself. (Bigger yikes)
Mary and Nicodemus then realised that they still love each other and well ended up marrying, and becoming a United Kingdom. (But no one calls it that) New Dyarvall is now a big city in Elthonia. (Dyarvall as a kingdom wasn't really big, so that works well lol)
So yeah! A beautiful portrait of a guy whose had a messed up life... o-o
Thanks for your ask 💖
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