#Nico is crying behind the cam
hischierdevils · 1 year
omg a scenario where abby and dougie are babysitting and they almost kiss until one of the boys is crying about having a nightmare
They both slumped onto the couch and took a deep breath. “I have no idea how Nico and y/n manage all three of them.” Abby says as she pinches the bridge of her nose. Nico had taken Y/n to a concert for a surprise date night and had asked Abby and Dougie to babysit the three boys.
“Especially just y/n when Nico’s away.” Dougie chuckles. He feels like he just finished a ten minute shift in penalty kill mode. They finally got all three boys wrangled into pajamas an hour after bedtime and the three of them were finally asleep.
“Thank you for coming over to help me today.” Abby tells him as she stretches her legs before grabbing the remote to the tv. “I really appreciate it.”
“Yeah, of course. Those little Devils are a handful.” Dougie laughs. He also suspects that Nico had ulterior motives when he asked Dougie to help Abby watch the boys. Dougie hasn’t said it out loud, but it’s very obvious he’s had a little crush on Abby for a while now.
“Did you um, want to watch something? Unless you want to get home?” The usually confident Abby blushes at Dougie as she waits for his reply.
“I’d rather be here with you then home alone.” Dougie grins and places his arm on the back of the couch, behind her head. “What were you thinking?”
“There’s friends reruns on.” She says as she relaxes into his side and settles on the channel.
“Oh is this the one where Joey lies about knowing French? I love this one.” Dougie laughs making Abby look up at him.
“You remind me of Joey.” She says, maintaining eye contact with him.
“Is that a good or a bad thing?” He asks her as he slowly leans his head towards her.
“How could that ever be a bad thing?” She giggles and nudges Dougie’s nose with hers. “You’re adorable just like him.”
Dougie’s heart swells and he realizes this is his chance. He’s just got to bring his mouth to hers…
“Mommy?” Cam’s cries break through the silence just as Dougie’s lips hover over Abby’s. “Mommy I’m scared.”
They both sigh as they break apart and Abby gets up to comfort the smallest boy. She gives Dougie a shy smile before walking up the stairs to Cameron’s room.
His heart beats wildly in his chest thinking about how close he was to making his move.
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ediblepansy · 2 years
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Name: Robin “Robbie” Marion, son of Aphrodite
Age: 26
Familiar: “bird” the dove
Hair: Dark brown, short and curly Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6’1”
Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Robin prefers a clean shaved look, but while hanging out with Kit or on a conquest he’ll let a stubble or beard grow in. After turning 17, Rob started his physical transformation to better his performance in public and on the field. His strength and intelligence are his favored attributes, some may know him for his equally affirmed loud opinions. He’s no longer a wallflower. Around camp, Robin usually dresses for the part with thick warm jackets, tees, and jeans that wont get in the way. Some of the leather bound warriors don’t approve of his ankle revealing sneakers, however. He doesn’t wear jewelery with the exception of a wrist watch for fancy occasions. 
Talents: Robin is a genius when it comes to online presence. It was a safe space for him at a young age and he sort of blossomed there long before he had at camp. Now, he runs a cam girl/boy business that has been very lucrative and aided in his independence. Be it his own stubborness or the inspiration he found in other demigods, a great deal of his ambition went into the business. Fortunately, it’s paid off. For work and friends, Robbie has learned Spanish to be bilingual. While growing up, he grew to care for communities that lack priviledge including the disabled. He does his part to donate funds to charities, predominantly because he does not like bullies. Robin enjoys dancing, of all kinds. He loves to solo travel and do exactly what he wants as long as he wants. Reading is also a passion of his, he tries to read at least one book per week—but this isn’t always acheivable. Art interests him, studying strategy, and physical training. He prefers doing the latter for himself, rather than “the cause” however.
Early days: Robin arrived at camp when he was 12 years old. Scrawny, crying and wearing glasses. Now, he’s a far cry from the kid you might have met back then. Kit was his first friend and between life on earth or at camp, Rob’s shown up for him and vice versa. This includes the occasional Kit bail out charge. Nico is the demigod who gave Robin his scar, when he was 17 due to an armory accident. Robin has some admiration for Evan due to the son of Ares pure passion and ambition, Rob’s taken the same approach toward his own business. Harlan and Robin have always had an understanding in common regarding their outlook on being born demigods. Since Harlan’s wiggled his way into Rob’s life via befriending Kit, Robin has somewhat turned the other cheek. Though he hopes it’s clear that he was with Kit first. So.
Bio: Robin appeared in Camp Halfblood during his twelth year. His natural dark curls were cropped short, as a convenience to his human caretakers. Unremarkable, sniffles were hidden behind tight fists and reading glasses. Here he was, at last, to face the still distant presence of his estranged mother. An all mighty Goddess. He was never entirely “game” in confronting destiny. Playing the role seemed like a ridiculous farce. A few fellow demigods proved him wrong by earning their merit year after year, while others relied entirely on a name for their whole identity. Still, Robin had no interest in proving anything to the gods. Instead, he remained desperate to earn his immediate fathers love and pride. After turning sixteen, Robin found himself caught in a wild romance with an older man. For the first time in his life the he felt truly alive and special. He couldn’t see that he was just stuck in an old pattern, a desire for validation. Finally, he received it, but the affair didn’t last. Robbie was abandoned and left to pick up the pieces. Again. (This affair remains a secret, he never speaks of it.) It was after this experience that his old facade of the weak outcast was abandoned. Robbie built a tall wall between himself and the world. He stood up for himself, became loud, opinionated. Strength and knowledge were what he craved, and if he couldn’t find that at camp he would create it on earth. Over the last few years, Robbie started and managed his own cam girl/boy online service. Since coming of age, he dedicated time to himself and the success. A proper distraction while Robin’s family pulled further away from him. Due to the lingering danger attached to his birth right. He is a tough man, but if a friendship is earned Robin will be loyal and protective.
Extra notes:
He’s never “been with” or hooked up in camp. All of his affairs happen on earth with humans who are emotionally expendable and have no skin in the game.
Robin can be found at Kit’s greenhouse regularly, reading.
If a demigod proves their worthiness by their own merit, they will usually earn Robin’s respect. Not that he’ll make that known.
Did I mention Robin hates bullies?
Robin didn’t grow up with pets and in his adult life didn’t have time for them. “bird” is his first exception, though it wasn’t really a choice and bird’s not exactly a pet.
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blurryfeather · 4 years
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Wow I didn't post in a while here
A little drawing I did a while ago of Will and Mini Bianca Lea in the strawberry fields of CHB the colours aren't really finals, it's kind of a WIP but I'll never post it otherwise haha
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
I’m here with a “good luck nico” ask. Can the clip be about how to control the alphas when it comes to periods?
“Hey Nico, it’s your big sister Sae. I decided to make these videos for you so when you're older you can better navigate our crazy family.” Sae smiled while looking into her mom’s old cam recorder. “Currently you are four months old, and everyone in the family kind of wants to kill you.” Sae panned the camera over to her baby who was playing on her stomach. “Your teething and you really don’t want to sleep.”
“Sae honey what are you doing?” Sana asked from the other side of the room, sitting next to Nico and helping her play.
“I’m making videos for Nico to watch when she’s older.” Sae explained. “I was going to give her advice and stuff, basically like the things I wish people had told me when I was growing up.”
“Aww that’s really sweet.” Sana smiled at the camera. “Hi Nico it’s mommy. I love you.”
“Yeah you’ll come to find mom refers to herself as mommy no matter how old you are.” Sae turned the camera back to herself. “Let’s go meet the rest of the family.” Sae got off the couch and found Saki sitting at the kitchen table with her homework. Saya was sitting across from her playing a video game on her laptop. “Ah yes, Saki doing homework. You know if you're a good kid you will always do your homework, you don’t want to turn out like Saya.”
“What are you doing?” Saki asked.
“Oh I’m making videos for Nico to watch when she’s older.” Sae explained. “Say hi.”
“Hi Nico. For the love of god I hope you’ve learned what sleeping through the night is by now.”
“Saki and I’s rooms are fairly close to yours, so we can hear you every time you cry in the middle of the night.” Sae explained.
“Every time.” Saki looked at the camera. “Anyway, yes do your homework. The last thing this family needs is another Saya.”
“Hey!” Saya finally looked up from her game. “Anyway hi Nico. I just want to say you ruined my life. And Saki I’ve been told I’m awesome.”
“By who? Mom?” Saki scoffed.
“No by lots of people.” Saya taunted.
“Oh yeah who-”
“Okay. I’m going to go find Sai unnie.” Sae took the camera and panned it away from them before they could fight.
“She’s still sleeping.” Saki informed, Sae nodding and walking towards Sai’s room. Sae didn’t even knock as she went into her sisters room.
“It’s currently one pm and your oldest sister Sai is still fast asleep.” Sae zoomed the camera in on Sai’s sleeping form. “ As you can see her room is a mess, but it’s not as bad as Saya’s. Hopefully you won’t understand what I mean. What I mean is hopefully Saya’s moved out by the time you watch this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she hasn’t.” Sae said as she closed the door. “I’ll get started on my lesson for today before we go see ka-san and mama. I don’t know if you're an alpha beta or omega but if you're a beta or omega you will definitely want to use this.” Sae explained as she walked with the camera. “Now in this family we have a lot of alphas, five of the eight of us are alphas. And one thing female betas and omegas have that alphas don’t is periods.” Sae stopped in front of her mama’s office door. “Watch and learn.” Sae moved the camera behind her back as she knocked on her mama’s office door.
“Come in!” Tzuyu yelled. Sae opened the door and came inside with the camera still in her arms.
“Mama can you buy me some chocolate?” Sae asked.
“Huh why?” Tzuyu asked. “I don’t know I don’t have a lot of time before this deadline-”
“My period is starting tonight.” Sae explained.
“Oh! Then what chocolate do you want? You know what I’ll just get them all for you princess!” Tzuyu changed her demoner.
“Of course princess. I’ll go get the chocolate right now!” Sae giggled as her mama got up and left. Sae took her camcorder back to the living room and put the camera down in front of her and put the baby in her lap.
“That’s basically today’s lesson Nico. If you are having a period, use it. Mama isn’t the only alpha in this house afraid of girls on their periods.” Sae moved the baby so she was looking at the camera.
“Yeah the alphas in this house will do anything if you are on your period.” Sana laughed and agreed. “They can sometimes go a little crazy though.”
“They do, so be careful you don’t ask for too much at once.” Sae giggled. “But if you ever do get a period, well good luck Nico.”
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
✒ P.S. I Love You ✒
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"Okay, so, listen up!" Nico announced later that afternoon as she faced all the occupants in the dining room, including herself ( who was at the head of the table ), V ( who was standing next to the fireplace away from the others, arms crossed over his chest, and Shadow lying on the floor next to his feet ), Avery ( who was sitting next to Nico on her right ), Roman ( who was sitting very close to his fiancée, feeling nervous and frightened ), and Griffon ( who was perched on Roman's chair and making the man much more nervous ). "The wedding is in five days, and we need everyone to participate in this. Ya don't want any frickin' ghosts photobombin' on yer wedding pictures and worse, yeah?"
"We'll gladly help." Avery asked as she took Roman's hand in hers and began squeezing it.
Roman, who bravely nodded and placed a hand on top of hers, spoke, his voice sounding admirably resolute. "How can we help you?"
Nico looked at V's direction and nodded at him, gesturing for him to come forward, and a few seconds later, (Y/N)'s journal, the old wooden box of photographs, and the radio containing all the voice recordings were scattered on the table for everyone to see.
"During our investigation, we managed to find these items that, we think, are vital clues to what's really happenin' here." Nico explained, then opened the wooden box to let the couple see the various photographs in it, especially the ones where (Y/N) and Victor were involved.
With furrowed eyebrows, Avery took some photographs and stared at them in disbelief. "Hey, this is great gran! I didn't know I still have these!"
"This man looks like V!" Roman added as he pointed at Victor in the pictures. "Why is he with her? I thought she's married to Doctor Lancaster in 1898!"
"That's exactly what we have to find out." V answered as he opened the journal and showed them the writings in it, which baffled the couple. "Apparently, Ms. Avery, your great grandmother was in love with someone else. She's in love with a man by the name of Victor Blake."
"Shut the fucking door up!" Avery exclaimed as she took the journal and read (Y/N)'s entries in it, herself. She, then, looked up at V and gave him a scrutinizing gaze as if he was telling them lies. "So, you're telling me that this man, this Victor Blake, is a third wheel, or something?"
"We're not yet sure. That's why we have to investigate further into this matter. Because," V said as he pointed at the strange image in one of the photographs showing (Y/N) and Victor's wedding. " ... something else was at play there."
"And because of that, we believe that we finally have a suspect." Nico added as she threw another photograph at the table. It wasn't an old photo, though. It was a printed screenshot of the strange man in white who materialized last night. And when Avery and Roman looked at it, the two felt shivers run up and down their spine.
"Oh, my God!" Avery exclaimed.
"It's the same man from the pictures!" Roman observed.
"And we're not done!" Nico said as she took her radio and played the recording in it, which made Roman's skin go pale. She turned it off before it could make the poor man faint.
"That strange man, these hauntings, and great gran's connection to this Victor." Avery hummed as she pondered for a while with all the available clues in front of them. "Something doesn't connect! It doesn't make any sense, at all!"
"We have our own,... suspicions. However, it would stay as that - suspicion. Unless we do something to uncover the truth. Only then,... can we put an end to these,... hauntings." V replied.
"So, here's what we need to do." Nico relayed, her tone as gravely serious as it can possibly be. "We need to split up into three teams. V, of course, would investigate on his own. Each team would have a radio and a spy cam, just like that one that the little chicken is wearing. The plan is simple, we just need to find more clues such as these. Along the way, we should also record every single thing with these gadgets. We might find the recordings useful later on."
"Saying that we need to split into groups, do you mean to say that we also have to check what's on the upper floors?" Avery questioned as she took one radio for herself.
"Okay. I would go upstairs with V, then. I have access to the other rooms, after all." Avery offered as she stood up, determined to help with the investigation.
All the occupants in the room stared at Roman as he held his fiancée’s arm. He stood up and took one radio for himself. And with a brief nod and a sigh, he said, "I'll do it. I'll investigate the upper floors."
"But, sweetie!" Avery complained.
"Sshh, sshh. It's okay. It's time for me to prove I'm not always this poor scaredy - cat man you knew. I'll do it. You investigate here."
"Oh, sweetie!"
Nico and V awkwardly looked away as the lovers began smooching in front of them. And if it weren't for the tattooed woman clearing her throat, the two won't stop showering each other with kisses.
"I'll go with you, then - " Nico began but, she was interrupted as Roman's hand went up. Really showing off now, aren't we?
"I'll take the bird with me." The man announced, which made Griffon's eyes widen in shock and his beak drop in awe. "If you would allow me, Mr. V?"
The poet saw the horrified look on his familiar's face as the poor bird shook his head over and over again, probably in a gesture to not allow Roman to take him along.
Unfortunately for Griffon, though, V was moved by Roman's decision to finally man up and actually face his own fears.
"Of course." V answered, making Griffon almost fall off Roman's chair.
"Alright then. You go with me, Ms. Avery." Nico decided as she also stood up.
"Umm,..." Avery began. "Can we take the big black cat, V?"
V looked down at Shadow and nodded at her. The familiar understood this and went over to the ladies.
"So, good luck to all of us, then." Avery said as she took her own camera.
Nico turned to V as she playfully punched him on the arm, just like that one time before all the hauntings messed up their life. And with a sweet smile that V hasn't seen from her in a while, she said, "See ya later, V."
Strangely enough, Nico's words seemed to leave behind an impression on V. Over the last two days, he realized how reliable she was and how friendly she actually was compared to Dante, who just bossed him around. While he did survive the Qliphoth incident, he's still learning to live as a free man without having to worry about dying, or being judged by others due to his physical appearance and his unique personality. And Nico was actually the first person who welcomed him as a new member of the Devil May Cry squad. Not Dante, and not even Nero. It was her. She even went to such lengths to help with this mission of his, albeit with personal agenda of delving more into something paranormal and not demonic for a change.
But, still. Nico extending some extra effort with this,...
She deserved a token of appreciation. After all, they're kind of like friends now. When they see each other in the morning again, he would tell her that he agreed on splitting the pay in half. And maybe surprise her with a little gift after the mission. A new toolbox, maybe? Or a new hammer? Would she like that?
These things were still in V's mind as he made his way to (Y/N)'s room, and as he was about to enter the room ( there's no door now since Griffon destroyed it last night ), he heard a very pleasant noise that was coming from the first floor.
It was,... a piano? And a trumpet?
V turned and noticed that he was, once again, plunged into the past with the sudden change in the atmosphere. And as he searched for the source of the music, he noticed that there were few people in the place unlike the last time he went for a visit. He made his way to the library / music room and found a small group of people gathered there as they listened to some musicians performing some sweet and soothing music.
He turned to his right and actually noticed Victor Blake standing alone in one corner of the room, leaning on his cane, and looking intently at something in the distance. V followed his gaze and saw (Y/N) sitting in one of the plush maroon sofas. The beautiful evening gown she's wearing and the way her hair was styled suited her perfectly, and she was holding a fan just like the rest of the distinguished females in the room.
Yes, everyone else looked beautiful. But, to V, (Y/N) simply stood out among others. And Victor seemed to think of the same, as well, as he slowly made his way towards her. The girl noticed this and looked shyly away as she covered her blushing cheeks with her fan. And when the poet arrived and kneeled before her once more, she finally gave in and held out a gloved hand, which he proudly took and kissed. It was the actual scene from the first photograph of them he ever saw.
Then, the music slowly changed as the atmosphere around him seemed to morph, as well. And a few moments later, V found the two sitting in front of the piano. Victor played the instrument as (Y/N)'s angelic voice filled the room.
The atmosphere morphed once more and V saw them sitting together in one of the maroon sofas. Victor was now reading something to her, and as she listened with a look of wonder in those beautiful eyes, the poet looked at her with much more. It was deep, and, in a way, possessive. Like his eyes refused to leave her for even a second. Again, this was one of the scenes from those old photographs.
The surroundings around V changed and morphed several more times, showing him how Victor and (Y/N) grew close with each other, until it led him to the part where they were surrounded by other people, by very close and loving friends, who were trying to push them together to stand on a makeshift platform made of pillows. Daniella placed a veil on (Y/N)'s head and her maidservant gave her a single stem of a deep red rose. A man, who was standing in front of them, cleared his throat and began reading something from what looked like an encyclopedia. He fished out something from his pocket, making the others laugh, and produced two rings. He gave one to each lover and went on reading his book.
V smiled to himself as he watched the couple speak their vows and how they slid the ring on the other's finger. And when the people began cheering for them, Victor cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks and gave her a very sweet and gentle kiss that lasted for at least a minute.
The atmosphere changed once more and V saw (Y/N) dragging Victor upstairs towards her bedroom. He followed closely behind them and noticed the girl taking a folded stationery from her pocket and giving it to Victor. She, then, pressed a kiss against two of her fingers and pressed them on the note on Victor's hand. She smiled, stood on her toes, and gave the man a chaste peck on the cheek. She waved good night and opened her door, went in, and gave him another smile before finally closing it.
Victor didn't wait a moment longer and unfolded the note, and what he read there made his eyes widen. He abruptly knocked on the door, and when (Y/N) opened it, he hastily engulfed her in a tight embrace.
V felt his heart swell as the lovers shared a very passionate kiss.
Hands caressing and exploring. Lips moving in a rhythmic pattern. For a moment, V saw himself as Victor.
For a brief moment, he saw himself passionately kissing and caressing (Y/N).
The girl stepped backwards, leading Victor inside but never breaking the sweet kiss. After a while, V's eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he saw Victor's, his, metal cane flying from the room to the hallway, along with his cravat and one of (Y/N)'s shoes. Victor came out a few seconds later, looking so in love and excited, to retrieve the items. Then, he entered the room and closed the door.
Then, everything went quiet. V was about to turn and leave when he saw (Y/N) dragging Victor once more to her room. They kissed. They embraced. The cane flew once more. Victor retrieved the cane. They laughed.
Then, the same thing happened for several more times. Of them kissing. Of them embracing. Of the cane flying.
And after a few moments, everything went silent.
However, V didn't see the two of them again.
All of a sudden, a hand swiftly went down to V's shoulders. He turned around to see Maria, Avery's old housekeeper, looking worriedly at him.
"Young master, you've stayed too long! We must go!" She told him, took his arm, and dragged him away from the room. "Your friend needs you! You must hurry!"
"My friend?!" V felt like he was suddenly punched in the stomach upon hearing the words from Maria and immediately went down to see for himself.
No, no, no,...
This can't be! It can't happen! It can't -
V's shoulders dropped as he saw Avery, Roman, and Griffon looking down at something on the floor with pained looks on their faces.
"She was attacked, V." Avery told him. "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything,..."
V ran to where they were and saw, in his utter shock, Nico's unconscious form on the floor. There were slashes all over her body but, what stood out the most was the wound on her right palm, looking as though it was intentionally put there. He took a closer look at it, and finally saw what it was.
The wound,...
... was in the form of three digits.
✒ @la-vita , @micaelagua , @v-vic , and @birdgirl69 .✒
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thrashermaxey · 7 years
Ramblings: Hampus Hat-Trick (Dec 22)
  The best fantasy options in hockey are the Islanders’ top line and whoever is facing off against the Islanders. Last night’s big winner: Hampus Lindholm netting a hat-trick against Jaroslav Halak.
Lindholm could probably have more relevance, but he’s stuck behind Cam Fowler and Brandon Montour for power play time. He does have some value in leagues scoring hits and blocked shots because he’s capable of netting 30 points and piling up big peripherals in a shutdown role.
Montour had an excellent bounce-back after being a healthy scratch on Tuesday night. He notched an assist and fired eight SOG. I’m not sure there’s room for Montour to have universal relevance with Fowler eating up the top minutes, but he remains a dynamic offensive talent. He has proven a capable #1 option and is absolutely the guy any time that Fowler is absent.
Ryan Getlaf has run his scoring streak to five games, peaking with last night’s four-assist performance. I don’t think you need me to tell you that he is a stud, but it’s amazing that he isn’t universally owned. I know that Getzlaf has been limited because of injuries, but he’s got point-per-game talent so even after missing 20+ games he has value in season-long leagues.
A flu riddled Bruins squad clawed out a 2-1 shootout win over the Jets to continue Tuukka Rask’s hot run. He has allowed just 15 goals in his last 10 starts, an incredible run. Rask’s game has really taken off since the Bruins were able to reunite the line of Brad Marchand, Patrice Bergeron and David Pastrnak. That line has folded the opposition to an extreme degree.
Marchand was questionable to play with that flu bug, but managed to suit up. Both Ryan Spooner and Riley Nash were held out. This is something to watch for on Saturday, when every team in the league, but Calgary, plays. No sense in taking a chance on a maybe in your lineup when you’ll have other options.
Those injuries saw the return of Frank Vatrano to the Bruin lineup. Remember him?
Vatrano has scarcely played despite the opportunities that have been afforded to youngsters throughout Boston’s lineup. This is a testament to how well Danton Heinen, Jake DeBrusk and Anders Bjork have performed, but it is also damning of Vatrano. The once promising youngster is drowning with just two points in 20 games and has been unable to scratch out more than 10 minutes per game when he has played. He is venturing into that tweener zone that precedes full on bust status.
We’re less than two seasons removed from Vatrano scoring 36 goals in 36 games at the AHL level and following that up with eight points in 10 games for the US at the World Championship. It feels impossible given that pedigree that Vatrano hasn’t translated into an NHL regular. He is still only 23, but I wonder if he needs a fresh start on a rebuilder or if last season’s injury is still impacting him.
The Blue Jackets have now scored a power-play goal in four of the last five games, a stretch in which they are 4/17. Keep an eye on this heading into the second half. If they are even run-of-the-mill bad instead of completely impotent they’ll have some players emerge as useful fantasy options. Columbus has settled into the following group as their top unit:
Artemi Panarin – Alexander Wennberg – Cam Atkinson – Pierre-Luc Dubois – Seth Jones
This has come without Zach Werenski for the past two games due to injury. He looms as a threat to bump Jones or one of the forwards, but given the Blue Jacket PP woes Werenski has not been guaranteed top unit minutes. Werenski’s good enough to maintain relevance without top unit time, but it would cap him out at roughly 40 points, which is a far cry from our expectations after his breakout rookie season.
I am growing smitten with Dubois who is centering what has been an elite top line for Columbus with Panarin and Josh Anderson. Dubois getting top unit PP time with it actually clicking is icing on the cake. He has 12 points in his last 13 games. He is trending towards being a second-half star. If you don’t have room for him yet, keep him on the watch list.
Patric Hornqvist did indeed return for Pittsburgh after a game off due to injury. He skated just 14:04 on the third line, but was back as the net-front man on the top PP unit.
Conor Sheary has completely vanished from relevance with just three points in the last 15 games. It would take a few hurdles for Sheary to jump back into relevance. He’d need to get back into the top-six consistently AND the Penguins would have to get their act together at 5-on-5.
On the plus side, the Penguins are currently sitting outside the playoffs, which puts them in position to need a big second half. This is not dissimilar from the situation for the Lightning when they rode Nikita Kucherov down the stretch in an effort to make the post-season. This will benefit Pittsburgh’s best, and Sheary could potentially see some trickledown from that if on the right line. I have much more confidence in Jake Guentzel and Hornqvist than Sheary as far as secondary options on Pittsburgh go.
Some lineup shuffling for New Jersey with Jesper Bratt sitting out with an injury and Marcus Johansson returning from injury. Check out the lines:
#4           16.3%    STAFFORD,DREW – WOOD,MILES – ZACHA,PAVEL
You have to figure that Bratt will bump Brian Gibbons back to the fourth line when he returns, giving the Devils two juicy scoring lines. Obviously, the place to be is on that top line with Taylor Hall. Nico Hischier and Kyle Palmieri are locked in there.
Palmieri notched a pair of assists and will be an awesome fantasy option if he can stay healthy, which has been an issue throughout his career. He is getting you exposure to Hall at even strength AND on the top PP unit and is a bonafide 30-goal-scorer himself. A lot to like with Palmieri.
Hischier notched an assist to end a six-game scoring slump, but the overall trend here is downward. Without top unit PP time he will struggle to sustain relevance.
Mika Zibanejad has been held off the board in two games since returning from injury, but he is back in his top line spot, as well as being back on the top power play unit. All of the ingredients are there for Zibanejad to get back to near point-per-game production. He is available in over 40% of Yahoo leagues, and is a must-own if available.
I am more than happy to share Dobber’s thoughts on Cam Talbot:
{source}<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Six straight wins for Cam Talbot. Looks like I jumped the gun making him the cover player on my Midseason Guide as a "Can they bounce back?" question…</p>— Dobber (@DobberHockey) <a href="https://twitter.com/DobberHockey/status/944064598092550149?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 22, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>{/source}
I mentioned a counter-offer I made in one of my leagues yesterday and it was accepted. I landed Talbot and Sean Couturier for Scott Darling and Vladislav Namestnikov. Suffice it to say that I am very pleased to be landing Talbot. I had him as one of four top tier goaltenders. With the Oilers pushing to get back into the playoff picture he could be in for a huge second half. I think the buy-low window is still open.
Over the last few weeks Jason Spezza has shown flickers of returning to relevance. Last night he was back on the top power play unit, where he has been used sparingly this season, but more frequently over the past few weeks. His PPP was his first since November 18. He has five points in 11 games this month. We aren’t at a point where we should get him back onto our teams, but the flashes are there.
Tyler Seguin ended an eight-game goal scoring slump with a pair of goals. He has been shooting like crazy, on pace for 349 SOG. With that kind of shot volume, he’s a threat for 40 goals, even with Ken Hitchcock tightening the reins. It helps that Seguin’s shooting percentage has bounced back after scoring on just 8.6% of his shots.
After a scorching November, Alex DeBrincat has come crashing back to earth. He has just one goal and four points in nine games this month. A slowdown was inevitable considering he has not been seeing top unit PP time, or anything in the way of exposure to Patrick Kane.
DeBrincat had seen his minutes bumped into the 16-17 -minute range while skating alongside Jonathan Toews and Brandon Saad, but he has been limited to below 15 minutes in each of the past two games. With DeBrincat failing to click alongside Toews and Saad he could be shuffled back down the lineup.
Saad, by the way, has spent the past few weeks punted off the Blackhawks’ top PP unit. He is still a threat to score 50 points, but that is rapidly becoming his ceiling after a slow start. Increased PP usage should have helped Saad break out to 60+ points, but instead he has struggled to score in all phases. He still provides enough shot volume to have relevance in a lot of leagues, but he’s turned into waiver fodder for me in 10-/12-team leagues.
Brent Seabrook has gobbled up top PP minutes over the past couple of weeks, but simply has not clicked. His last PP point came back in October. He still has use in multi-cat leagues, but cannot be counted on for any reasonable amount of points.
The Hurricanes handed the reins over to their second PP unit for last night’s game giving Jeff Skinner and Co. the bulk of the minutes. The result: a 2/6 performance for a team desperate to kickstart a bottom-five power play. I doubt that this is a long-term option for Carolina, but it also isn’t a terrible idea to get Skinner more time with the man-advantage. It’s crazy that Skinner is a perennial 30-goal threat despite this being the fourth straight season of him seeing only secondary PP time. The only reason I trust Skinner to remain relevant with this sort of deployment is that he has proven he can do it.
Noah Hanifin had a big three-point performance that should alert you to his emergence as a relevant option. Hanifin is far from universal relevance. He is skating only 18:25 per game, with usage on that same #2 PP unit as Skinner. He is being used in favourable situations with almost two thirds of his shifts starting in the offensive zone. He has taken advantage piling up big shot totals.
Despite the secondary usage, Hanifin is on pace for 17 goals, 46 points and 191 SOG. Those totals would be relevant in every fantasy league, but I am skeptical that he’ll keep shooting 8.9%. He came into the season with a 3.5% career average. I will never tell you not to use a player who is producing well, but I don’t think that what Hanifin has done is particularly sustainable, despite his obvious talent.
Justin Faulk, as snake-bitten as he has been, represents the better option going forward. His assist ended a 12-game scoreless drought. He has just eight points in 34 games and is shooting just 1.1%. The career 6.6% shooter should certainly improve. Faulk is accustomed to getting points on roughly half of all the goals with him on the ice, but has instead scored on just 23% of said goals. Every single metric screams regression, but I understand why you’d have dropped him by now. Games 1-34 Hanifin has clearly been the better option, but I’d still bet on Faulk producing more in games 35-82.
Craig Smith was held out of the Predator lineup due to a lower-body injury. No timeline for Smith, but this could derail what has been an excellent run for him ever since Kyle Turris arrived in Nashville. The trio of Smith, Turris and Kevin Fiala have all scored at a point-per-game clip for over a month now.
Scott Hartnell took Smith’s spot on that line and on the top PP unit alongside Filip Forsberg et al. Smith’s absence was not enough to slow down Kevin Fiala who has scored a goal in five straight games and eight of the last nine. With this kind of run, Fiala is plug and play, no matter your format. I suspect he’ll slow down at some point because of reduced minutes, but you cannot ignore this hot run from an extremely talented player.
Aaron Dell stole away another start from Martin Jones. He wasn’t overly impressive conceding four goals on 40 shots, but did enough to win his fifth straight. I discussed Dell’s threat to Jones in Tuesday’s ramblings, so I won’t reiterate that, but this will only help Dell to chip away at Jones’ starting gig.
San Jose’s power play has gone absolutely bonkers over the past couple of weeks. They have scored on the PP in seven straight games going 12/33 in that stretch. With this run of excellence, the Sharks have climbed into the top-10 in PP efficiency at 22.2%. Crazy what a couple of weeks can do.
For the most part it’s been the usual suspects getting it done for San Jose. Brent Burns has led the way with 11 points in these seven games, eight of those coming with the man-advantage, but there has been plenty of offense to go around. Joe Thornton has nine points in these seven games, demanding to be scooped back up after being left for dead a month ago. We have also seen Kevin Labanc and Tomas Hertl get in on the action, especially with Logan Couture out with a concussion.
Labanc had a four-point night, including scoring the overtime winner. He has nine points of his own over the past seven games, with four coming on the power play. If this keeps up, his spot on that top unit is safe.
As fantasy players you’ll love this one from Elliotte Friedman’s latest 31 Thoughts:
29. Wanted to empty the Derek Dorsett notebook from our conversation with him. First, he confirmed Ryan Johansen’s hilarious story about the penalty-minutes race from 2011–12. Dorsett entered game 82 of the season in second place, nine minutes behind Philadelphia’s Zac Rinaldo. Johansen said Dorsett told him to start a scrum, so the latter could “come in hot” and pass Rinaldo. Dorsett, however, said he got only seven minutes out of it and needed more mayhem. The opponent that day was the New York Islanders, and Matt Martin understood what was going on. One fight later, Dorsett owned the crown.
I’m not a huge fan of PIM as a fantasy stat. Generally speaking, PIM are a negative stat. That being said, I have always enjoyed the strategy of streaming in an enforcer to try and steal away the PIM category. It’s hilarious to know the NHLers get up to these shenanigans in the real games.
Check out Ian Gooding’s latest Finding Fantasy Value column.
I am overjoyed that we will again be bringing you a Mid-Season Guide this season. Look for it to drop on January 12. The best way you can support the site – AND YOUR FANTASY TEAMS – is to pickup the guide. Let us help push you over the top in the second half.
Merry Christmas! You can follow me on Twitter @SteveLaidlaw.
from All About Sports http://www.dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-hampus-hat-trick-dec-22/
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