#Nick bosa fanfiction
boltupbitches · 1 year
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 4
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Contains 18+ content ahead
Natalie sat in her chair, staring blankly down at the floor where the puddle had now soaked into the carpeting. 
Her face was a mess. She just knew it from the dampness of her cheeks. Any makeup she applied lightly today was likely ruined now, yet she couldn’t find it in herself at the moment to really care.
The deep pain in her heart was suffocating.
She wanted so badly to be out of this situation with Mark and be done with him. Yet, she knew that by the way he acted just a bit ago that it wasn’t going to be easy.
He had his moments over the years of being rude and mean, maybe not as cruel as he showed today, but he had a temper. Normally it was never directed at her, but at others - especially when he wasn’t in control of a situation.
That’s what he was losing now. Control of her, of their relationship, and soon the reliability of financial support she provided him all of these years.
It was ending and even if they weren’t addressing it right now explicitly, they both knew it.
Natalie was done with him.
As her phone rang on the desk in front of her and broke her out of her daze, she saw that it was Nick attempting to Facetime her. 
She rejected the call and texted him to give her a moment.
He didn’t and immediately called again, this time a regular call.
She sighed quietly and picked up the phone to accept the call. “Hey.. sorry I’m not feeling up to a Facetime right now.”
“What’s going on Natalie?” He asked with concern, already picking up on her change in demeanor through her tone.
She was quiet for a few moments, breathing in a shaken breath and trying her best to not cry again. She was overwhelmed and stressed.
“Natalie?” Nick called her name urgently through the phone. “Listen, I’m coming over there now to pick you up.”
“What? No! Nick, you can’t show up here while I’m working! You have no affiliation with the company or me as far as anyone knows. Do you know how bad people will talk?” She spat out.
“Well, then what the fuck is going on Natalie? I’m fucking worried here. You have obviously been crying and you’re upset. What did that fucking piece of shit say to you? Did he touch you? Hurt you? I swear to god I’ll kill him.” Nick said darkly, his voice raising with each question.
“No, no. He didn’t touch me or cause any physical harm.” She insisted.
“But he said something or did something that upset you.”
“He was just being a dickhead, trying to sweeten me up and was digging around in my business.. Then when I told him to leave after implying I knew about his infidelity and the rumor about his mistress.. He lost his temper… He swiped the vase of flowers you bought me off my desk and they shattered everywhere..” Her breath hitched as she finished rushing the words out. She was about to cry again.
Nick said nothing as he heard her begin to cry softly once more.
“He’s so fucking awful. I’ve seen him this way with others.. But normally not like this with me. We rarely fought because I normally gave in and shut up to avoid conflict..” She spoke listlessly, staring blankly at the wedding ring on her hand.
In that moment she decided that she would never wear the goddamn ring again. Or the engagement ring from this point out.
“Natalie, can you take the rest of the day off?” Nick asked her calmly.
She was silent as she pondered the idea. She still had stuff to deal with at the office, but she was exhausted and she had a lot of unused sick time she could tap into.
Looking at the mess on the floor, she sighed. She’d have to clean that up herself. There was no way in hell she was going to get the day time maintenance crew to do it, or ask the department secretary to call for her.
As much as she got along with most people in her department, and the various other departments, the gossip culture here was insane. She wasn’t interested in being part of the latest narrative being spun around.
“Yeah, I can.”
“Good. When you leave, head over to your place to pack a bag for a few days. You’re coming over to stay with me for a bit until you see your divorce lawyer. This shit? It’s done, Nat.” He sighed through the phone. “I know you don’t want me involved in this to keep it as stress free as possible, but if he’s showing signs of violence, I’m not about to have you in your apartment with him while he still has access to the place. That’s a big fucking no.”
She was silent again as she processed what he just said. “What if he tries to contact me?” 
“Tell him you are staying with a friend and you are not interested in seeing or talking to him right now. Let your supervisor and the building security at your work know he has no clearance to be visiting you and that you don’t want him on the premises. You don’t have to give a reason beyond a current safety concern.” He rationalized calmly.
Natalie felt silly at that moment. She worked in HR herself, and yet she was here depending on Nick to help her make an action plan and solve her problems. ‘You’re too old to be depending on someone else to help fix this shit.’ She thought bitterly.
“Natalie.. Stop.” Nick sighed through the phone. “I can practically hear the gears in your head shifting on my end. I know you don’t want me involved in all of this.. Ok? I know, but I am now and I’m not staying out of it when it comes down to your safety. I don’t care if this is a once or twice thing that he’s shown physical aggression towards you. The fact that he felt comfortable enough to slip up and show that side to you is reason enough for me to keep you safe from him.”
She knew he was right. Something felt off with Mark. There was a malicious vibe that he was giving off when she attempted to set her boundary with him firmly. His mask had slipped and she saw something ugly under the surface staring back at her before he destroyed her gift.
“Ok.. ok.” She said, breathing a few times to calm herself. “I’m going to let my supervisor know that I’m taking the rest of the day today and tomorrow off due to a stomach bug.. He shouldn’t say anything against that.. I’ll call you when I get to my apartment and get my stuff packed, ok?”
“Ok, and Natalie?”
“Yeah, Nick?”
“I love you. It’s going to be ok. You’re going to be ok. We’re going to be ok. Once this is done and over with, he’ll never be able to bother you again. I swear on it.” Nick said firmly.
And the double meaning to that last part wasn’t lost on Natalie.. Mark would either leave her alone as the law ordered him to in the end.. Or he would be forced to one way or another by other parties..
“I love you too.” She said back, smiling slightly at the sound of his chuckle. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing.” He insisted, sounding happy and relaxed again. “It’s just.. When you say it back to me, it makes me happy. That’s all.”
She felt her cheeks flush and her own grin take over. “Well, you make me happy and give me butterflies too when you say you ‘love me’.”
“Yeah I tend to have that effect on people.” He brags jokingly, before saying, “But only you have that effect on me, babe.”
The call ended and she sat back with a loud sigh. It was time to start handling this shit now before it got worse. 
Natalie was beyond happy when her supervisor suggested she take the next week off to get her affairs in order. It was an extremely difficult conversation to have, but one that needed to be addressed. Her cheeks were still flushed red with embarrassment over how she had broken down crying while spilling her situation to her boss.
Fred Matthews was a kind man and one too good for the cut throat business they worked for. Often someone who reminded her of her own father, she was relieved when he offered her sympathy for her situation and assured her, “Natalie, you have my word that Mark Collins will not ever be allowed to step on company grounds again. We’ll update security for the building to have him on the ban list. And this situation? We’ll be sure that no one takes part in gossiping about it. If you hear anything indicating so, please let me know and we’ll take action. Domestic violence is not a joke.” His eyes were burning with anger as he spoke to her calmly. 
They set up a game plan which gave her a week of work while he excused her for a family emergency. During that time, she would have the opportunities to change the locks on the apartment, update her apartment’s building security on not allowing Mark on the premises, file a PFA, and meet with her divorce lawyer. 
Nick was anxious about the whole situation as well. As soon as she got out of her meeting and packed her office away, he was calling to see if she was ok.
He called again sometime after she spoke with her building manager, got the locks changed on her apartment, and updated building security.
She felt bad over how worried he was about the situation. “Nick, baby. I am finishing up packing my last bag now. I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”
“I know.. I’m sorry. I have been going crazy waiting here for you. I keep waiting for you to call and something bad happening again.. Are you sure you don’t want me to come over and help you finish packing?” He pleaded.
“Nick.. I can’t allow that. I am almost done, ok? 30 minutes.” She sighed.
He was silent on the other end and she worried for a moment that he hung up. “Ok.. Just.. Nat, know that you don’t have to do this alone. I know you worry about what others will think about you or say, but honestly? Who gives a fuck? Your marriage is over and you’ve been all but legally single for months. You know that and your lawyer will argue that too in court when they bring forward how he was the one to not only break his vows to you, but also was stealing money from accounts that he did not have his name on or access to. You don’t have to walk alone and I am not letting you do that anymore.”
She nodded and wiped her eyes that were beginning to tear up while he spoke. She knew he was right, but she just wanted to divorce quietly and not attract additional attention - much less from media given who Nick was and did as a professional. An NFL player having an affair with a married woman over 12 years his senior? Yeah that would make a great news story. 
She knew if they made it long term, they’d go public and her age would be picked at, but being labeled an adulteress was not something she was keen on - especially by people who didn’t know the circumstances for why she and Nick grew close and started the affair.
“You’re right. I’m sorry I’m making you feel like your support isn’t needed. It is. You’ve done so much for me, Nick.. so much. And I’m thankful you’re in my life and came when you did. Thank you.” She said tearfully. 
“You’re welcome, Nat. Anything for you.” He said back. “I’m holding you up on finishing up. I’ll let you go and I’ll see you soon. I have burrito bowls made up for dinner tonight. Hope that’s ok.”
“Absolutely,” She said cheerfully. “You know I love Mexican food. I love you and I’ll see you soon, ok?”
“I love you too. Drive safe and call if you need anything.” He insisted.
After the call ended, she quickly finished packing up. Just as she was getting ready to carry both duffle bags and her backpack out of the bedroom, she stopped for a moment and slid both her wedding ring and engagement ring off her finger. Looking down at them, for a moment, she contemplated just how freeing it would be to no longer be Natalie Collins. Soon, she would be Natalie Romaine once more.
“I won’t miss you.” She mumbled to the set and dropped them into the jewelry box on her dresser. 
Heaving her bags up in both hands, she exited the room, gently kicking the door shut after her. 
After she closed the apartment door and made sure to lock it securely, she sighed once more. Staring at apartment 113 made her think back to the first time she ever bought this place, newly wedded and in her 20s. She dreamed of hosting dinners here with colleagues she would meet and befriend. Maybe the spare room they used initially for home office work would someday be converted into a nursery. She had so many dreams and so many plans.
Looking at the same door now, she felt nothing but melancholy. This place brought her pain. Many nights alone and crying. Coming home to an absent husband and eating dinner on her own, the silence being her only companion. Dinners left in the microwave that went uneaten. Bottles of wine consumed on the couch as she cried to her friends about Mark. And Mark and her arguing about his absences and rumored infidelity.
The only good thing that came from that apartment in the last few years was her drunkenly messaging Nick in her bathroom. 
Funny enough that was the changing point to everything and more.
She knew she’d be back here in about a week or so to get more belongings and get her mail. However, she wasn’t keen on the aftermath of Mark’s freakout when he realized that she cut him off from access to not only her apartment, but all of her financial accounts that weren’t joint accounts. She was going to leave him to drown in his mistakes. Her sympathy for him was non-existent. 
After making her way down to the parking garage and loading up her stuff, Natalie got into her car and headed out to Nick’s place.
Things had a funny way of moving both fast and slow at the same time. Mark’s freakout in her office was only mere hours ago, but it felt like days to her. Her decision to divorce was only a few weeks ago, but it felt yesterday.
Time was a social construct after all, and it left Natalie disoriented with the actual time passed between events in her life.
She knew, however, that no matter how disorienting time and reality was for her currently, Nick was the one thing to anchor her to reality. She decided then, that going forward, she’d make sure he knew that his presence was appreciated and wanted. 
If not for him, she would have never made the move to end her marriage.
Love was strange.
Nick was waiting for her in the parking garage at his apartment complex. She called him just as she pulled in the parking garage. 
She was surprised with how quickly he made it down to her just as she pulled her car in next to his Tesla.
She turned the car off and was unbuckling her seatbelt when Nick opened her car door for her and pulled her into a hug as soon as she got out.
She happily sighed as she snuggled deeper into his embrace. She felt warm, safe, and loved. In his arms she felt like she was home.
He buried his head into her neck, breathing in the scent of her perfume and pressing a kiss against her pulse. He pulled back just enough to press a kiss to her lips, groaning slightly when she nipped his lip playfully. He opened his mouth and squeezed her ass playfully as her tongue slipped in to play with his.
After a few moments, they separated, both gasping slightly and grinning at each other.
“Man, it’s only been two days since I got to touch you and it feels like it’s been an eternity.” He complained. “I kept checking the time on my phone and double-checking my messages and calls to make sure I didn’t miss any calls from you.” He admitted with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Awww. My bear was feeling needy.” Natalie cooed, playfully poking his cheek.
Nick pretended to bite her finger and instead captured her hand, pressing a kiss to the top of it and staring at her lovingly. “I was. I hate being away from you for more than a day.”
“I missed you too.” She bit her lip. “I am happy that I’m finally here now though. In fact,” She gestured behind herself, “wanna help me get this stuff upstairs and we can eat? I’m starving.” 
Nick nodded and moved to the trunk of her car. “Pop it and let’s go.”
She popped the trunk and moved to help Nick, pouting when he gently swatted her hands from the bags. “I can carry one, Nick.”
“Nah it’s fine. I got the duffle bags. You can carry the backpack and purse.” He insisted.
“Ok.” She backed off on that, knowing Nick was definitely not letting her lift anything above 5 lbs at this point. And honestly? Compared to her, those duffle bags probably felt light as a feather to him. Why throw her back out when he had no problem lifting them?
In the elevator, Natalie turned to stand in front of Nick and wrapped her arms around his waist, she nuzzled her head into his chest, stopping to press her ear against the left side of his chest, listening to the soothing sound of his heart beat.
Nick said nothing and allowed her to do so.
When the elevator dinged and the doors opened to his floor, he looked down at Natalie with a smile. “You’re home, Nat.”
She smiled back at him and they headed for the apartment’s front door.
After making it inside, Nick gently sat her bags down and took the backpack from her as she shrugged it off. 
“I hope I didn’t overpack.” She joked as she sat her purse down on the coffee table. “I put so much stuff in them.”
“Well,” Nick stretched his arms outward, “You could bring all your stuff here if you wanted. If anything, you probably won’t be wearing half of your pajamas anyways. You know that.” He shot a cheeky grin her way.
Natalie shoved him playfully as she made her way into the kitchen, him following after her, no doubt eyeing up her ass in the leggings she was wearing. “You have a one track mind.” 
She knew what he meant though. The nights she spent over usually ended with them sleeping naked or next to practically nothing. Nick was a skin contact person and loved to have Natalie’s nude form pressed into him.
She never slept that way before and was extremely shy the first time it happened, but over the last couple of months she had grown accustomed to it.
Nick had wandering hands a lot too. They would be laying in bed, completely spent after lovemaking and she’d feel his hands smooth up and down the slope of her back and lower body.
When they laid snuggled together, his hand would trace circles on her hips or knead gently into her stomach area. He’d plant kisses on her shoulder and neck and nuzzle into her.
She realized that his love language was touch. They didn’t always have to verbally communicate what the other needed. 
One evening, when she stayed over, she spent time on her computer responding to emails she missed the day prior.
Nick, who was watching game film on the other side of the couch from her, had gotten up without a word and came back with a cup of hot chocolate made for her.
After pressing a kiss to her head, he went behind her and gently kneaded her shoulders.
Back to the present, he was warming up the burrito bowls his professional chef had made for them. Knowing Natalie would be staying with him for a while (or indefinitely if he could get her to seriously consider it), he went ahead and asked his chef to start doubling the prep amount.
Natalie was snacking on a bag of tortilla chips near the island counter. She went ahead and poured herself a glass of red wine and was sipping on it as she absentmindedly watched Nick finish warming up the food.
Between bites, they chatted about how Nick’s practice was today. At one point, he lamented about one particular reporter, Grant Cohn, and how much of a pain in the ass he was every time he was there with the press.
“He baited Kinlaw into an argument and then tried to use it to escalate shit further. I don’t understand how this man still has a press pass. It doesn’t help either that he’s constantly trying to egg on players with his articles, video titles, and tweets. The man is just looking to get his ass kicked so he can sue. He’s a weasel.” Nick grumbled.
“Did your coach push to get his pass revoked? Surely there’s some type of repercussion for this guy?” Natalie wondered.
“I don’t know. I know Shanahan was pissed about the whole thing. He was mad about how Grant Cohn hides behind his daddy any time shit hits the fan.. And he was mad as hell at Kinlaw for engaging with Cohn. None of us like Cohn. For a guy who’s supposed to be a Faithful, almost all of his content is just him shitting on us left and right.”
“I don’t follow sports journalism much.” Natalie started to say, stopping to ponder for a moment, “They use a lot of yellow journalism tactics similar to political media journalists and gossip/mainstream entertainment journalists.”
“Yellow journalism?” Nick wondered aloud. “What makes something yellow journalism?”
“Didn’t you study communications in college?” Natalie teased.
He chuckled at that, “Yeah well I was a good student, just doing enough of my school work to keep good grades and my place on the team. Beyond that, I didn’t really delve too much in my studies. I kind of regret that now. In a couple years I’d like to go back and finish my degree with Ohio State.”
“I get it,” She said, taking a sip of wine, “Yellow journalism is when journalists engage in exaggerated or false content without actual evidence or citation. Meaning, they can spread gossip and allege an anonymous source, but there is really nothing concrete to prove their claims are true.”
“Like fake news?” Nick asked.
“Yep.” She said, “Exactly that. Yellow journalism is lazy journalism. It’s a shame too because there are amazing journalists out there that do a lot of work for their communities and sometimes even sacrifice their safety and career security to publish pieces. Not all journalists partake in yellow journalism, but it’s enough that the opinion on the profession has gone to shit by the general public.”
“You know a lot about this.” Nick raised his brow in interest, listening to her explain things.
“My dad was a local journalist.” Natalie smiled sadly. “He wrote an expose that caused a shit storm back home. I was a kid growing up, but I remember us having to leave our house due to the media wanting to interview him. He spoke with many victims that were former patients of a nearby state-run mental hospital. Many of those victims or their families spoke to him over a series of a few years in which he gathered and published a damning story about the various forms of abuse that were going on there and being left undocumented, and how the administration were committing health insurance fraud.” She stared absentmindedly at the glass.
“Wow.” Nick said, impressed by what he was hearing, “Your dad sounded like a great man, Nat.” 
She smiled sadly at him. “He was. I miss him everyday.”
Nick reached his hand over and grabbed hers gently. He gave it a comforting squeeze and said, “I’m sure your dad would be super proud of who you’ve become. I can’t imagine how anyone wouldn’t be.”
Natalie smiled back at him and lifted his hand up, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of it. “Thank you, baby.”
“Anytime.” He smiled.
At some point they had made it into the shower.
Nick wasted no time in pressing Natalie up against the shower well, lifting her to wrap her legs around his waist. He moaned loudly as he pressed his lips roughly to hers, prodding her lips to open up so he could dive inside.
Natalie gave him entry, her hands making their way up, around his neck, and into his hair, tugging at the brown tuft at the top of his head.
“Fuck.” Nick gasped as he pulled away from her momentarily. He eyed her up for another moment or two before moving to press his face into her neck. He sucked a few hickies on her collar bone area, knowing they had to be in places she could hide a little easier. 
He adjusted her position so he could grind his hardened erection into her core. The spray of water against his back, couple with the steam of the shower and Natalie’s panting felt like a warm fever dream that he didn’t want to come out of. 
“Please.” She begged. “Please fuck me.”
“You want it?” He teased her, “How bad.”
“So bad.” She pleaded. “Please, please Nick.”
Nick pretended to think for a moment before grinning devilishly at her and bring his one arm in front of him, his other supporting Natalie’s weight.
He grabbed his cock and tapped it on her pussy a few times, listening to her breath hitch when he did so. Lining up at her entrance, he pressed himself in and immediately moaned at the sensation. “Fuck,” He grunted as he continued to thrust into her, finally buried as much as he could be in this position. “God, you’re so fucking tight.” He rolled his eyes upwards in pleasure when he felt her squeeze around him tightly.
Natalie was no better, her head was thrown back, mouth agape, as she was gasping at the amazing sensation of being so full.
Nick was above average in size. Even fully clothed you could tell he was packing down there.
No matter how many times they fucked, it felt like the first time all over again. He was big all over and it took a few moments to adjust to the sheer size of his cock entering her.
As he started to thrust shallowly, Nick kept his eyes glued to Natalie’s face. “Baby, look at me. Let me see those pretty eyes.”
Natalie did as he demanded and stared at him with hooded eyes, “Hmm?”
Nick bit his lip and smirked for a moment as he picked up intensity and momentum, his free hand moving to rub her clit. “If only you could see yourself right now.” He taunted. “So drunk off my cock. You love it don’t you?”
“Mhm.” She nodded, unable to articulate words in that moment.
“I love this pussy so much,” Nick gasped. “Your tight, pretty pussy. So soft and so sweet. It’s my pussy, right?” 
“Mhm.” She hiccuped.
“Tell me, Nat. Whose pussy is this?” He suddenly jerked his hips forward with one particularly rough thrust.
“Yours!” She cried out.
“That’s right, baby.” He grunted.
Suddenly he stopped thrusting and lowered Natalie onto her wobbly legs, being careful to support her as she stared at him in confusion. “Why did you stop?” Her legs were shaking from how electrified her body felt. She was horny and wanted to finish getting fucked.
Nick pressed a kiss onto her lips, reaching his hand out to pinch one of her nipples as he did so. He pulled back and gave her a commanding look. “Turn around.”
Natalie blinked but did so. “Nick?”
He adjusted her stance and lined himself back.
She knew right then and there what he wanted to do. “Please.”
Nick pushed in and got to work. His thrusts were hard and rough, just the way he knew Natalie liked him being. 
He was in awe as he stared at her form from behind. His hands were holding her waist as he pounded her, watching the way her ass shook with each thrust, the dimples in her back more pronounced as she arched his into each thrust, hungry for me. She had her head thrown back with her light brown hair tossed over one side of her shoulder, its soaked strands sticking to her skin as she pressed her chest into the cool tile in front of her.
Nick was mesmerized at the sight of his cock thrusting in and out of her with the shaking of her ass in tandem. 
His hand let go of her waist and he smoothed his hand over her right ass cheek, careful in lining his hand up just right. He wanted it to sting the way she liked it, but he didn’t want to hurt her.
She knew what was about to come and moaned louder as her hand reached down to rub her clit. Had they not been in the shower and soaked from the water, she was certain her wetness would have dampened her thighs with how turned on she was.
Without warning, Nick’s hand clapped down on her ass cheek, making her cry out loudly. He did it three more times, stopping to rub the reddened skin each time.
“Fuck..” Natalie moaned. 
“You like that?” Nick egged her on. 
“Yesss.” She whined. “Pound me, baby. Please, please, please. I want it so fucking bad.”
That was all Nick needed to hear.
He picked up his pace, pounding into Natalie from behind as his hands gripped her hips tightly. 
He was balls deep in her, head thrown back when he felt her suddenly squeeze around him tightly as she tensed up.
He continued to throw rough thrusts forward into her, letting her ride out her orgasm as he felt the familiar tell-tale signs of his own orgasm building.
“Fuck..” Natalie whined at the aftermath of her orgasm, feeling super sensitive as Nick kept thrusting into her, it was so intense. “Cum for me, baby.” She pleaded. “Give it to me.”
“You want it inside?” He checked with her, his words coming out winded as his thrusts started to falter with the stutter of his hips.
“Hmm.” She moaned, her head turned to look back at him with pleading eyes. She bit her lip and nodded. “Feel me up. Give it to me, baby.”
Nick moaned loudly at that and felt the familiar band of pleasure snap, his vision going white for a few seconds as he pressed himself tightly into Natalie, feeling his cum shooting streams into her. His hips reflexively thrusting through it.
After a few moments, he leaned forward and pressed his head into the crook of her shoulder. He pressed a few kisses there, panting against her neck. He stood back up carefully, and pulled his spent cock free from Natalie’s warm heat. He hissed at the sensation, but quickly turned his attention to the cum slowly dripping out of Natalie’s opening.
He reached forward, scooping some of it up and pressing his fingers into her, in a way to shovel it back in.
“Hmm.. what are you doing?” She giggled, her hips wiggling at the sensation.
“Didn’t want any of my guys to go to waste.” Nick answered back, faking seriousness before breaking into a silly grin.
“Your guys?” She asked him, shooting him a look over her shoulder.
“My swimmers.”
“Nick, you know I’m on birth control, right?” Natalie asked seriously.
“I know. Doesn’t mean a man can’t dream.” He answered her seriously, staring directly at her as he said it.
“You want kids with me?” She asked in surprise, turning around to face him.
“I want everything with you.” And he meant it. “You could wake up tomorrow and tell me you want a baby. I’d give it to you.”
“Nick.. a baby is a big responsibility. I mean.. You’re young and you have a whole career that requires a lot out of you.” She said gently. 
“Natalie… there are people younger than me who do my job and have kids. Hell, there are guys coming out of high school and into college, that want to go pro and do, all with kids and a girlfriend.” He said with frustration. The age situation was for sure a touchy subject for him. “I’m just saying that if you want a baby someday, then I do too.”
“There’s always a chance that you might change your mind later,” She said, trying to be careful in her word choice, but knowing that what she just said hurt him a bit from the flash of pain in his eyes.
“Natalie.. I’m not Mark. I didn’t change my mind the night I found out you were married and invited you over. I didn’t change my mind when I took you on dates and canceled my plans with teammates to be with you instead. I didn’t change my mind when I decided to tell you I loved you and asked you to divorce Mark. I have never changed my mind. I am here. I will be here tomorrow, next week, and forever as long as you’ll have me. I’m not changing my mind. I want you.” He said, frustration and pain clear on his face.
She nodded and reached up to cup his face with both hands, forcing him to look into her eyes when he tried to turn his head.
Even in the water, she could tell his eyes were tearing up slightly from the frustration. She gently wiped the tears away and smiled up at him sadly. “I’m sorry, Nick. I keep making you feel like you’re just a kid and it’s not fair. I’ll continue to work on changing the way I look at things. It’s hard sometimes, I won’t lie. I’m just so scared of stuff going to shit before we can even get off the ground properly… Right now, I don’t have plans to have a baby,” She watched him nod and could see the disappointment just briefly in his eyes before he schooled his expression, “But someday when I’m ready and we are no longer having to be together in the shadows from others, I’d want one with you too.” 
He smiled at that and pressed his forehead into hers. “I’d do anything for you, Natalie. I fucking love you.”
She smiled back, staring into his eyes, enamored with the pure look of want and love in his eyes, “I love you too, Nick. So fucking much.”
They stayed like that for a few more moments, basking in the comfort of the other’s company.
Natalie was scared for Nick’s reputation and future. She knew they’d have to talk more about it another time, but a baby just wouldn’t be a good idea at the moment for either of them.
While drying off and watching Nick brush his teeth, her hand instinctively went to her abdomen, pressing into it as she thought about it. ‘Yeah.. not now.’
Life, however, had other ideas on the matter.
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fictitiousfoodie · 1 year
Nicks Naughty Night
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You and Nick decide to make some noise for the night.
TW: Daddy Kink, SMUT, P in V, No Condom (wrap it before you tap it).
Word Count: 2475
You hadn't been dating Nick long. He had bumped into you a few months ago at a coffee shop and slipped the coffee all down the front of you. He had offered to buy you a new cup, get your clothes dry-cleaned, and an absurd amount of apologies. That turned into chatting for several hours and him asking to take you to dinner in a few days. The rest was history. You had been dating him ever since.
Tonight was the charity night for Nick's football team, the Forty-Niners. He told you it was a black tie event, and you were pleased to get so dressed up. You had gone dress shopping a few weekends prior and found the most sultry black dress. It was floor-length with a hip-high split with the slightest hint of gold detail. The neckline was a pointed sweetheart that plunged with a V down to your rib cage. This wasn't the first going out with Nick in public or meeting his teammates, but this was the first time there would be lots of publicity. You would be photographed with Nick and wouldn't step out in anything that made you feel less than the villain in your own movie. You finished the look with your hair in Hollywood waves and a simple black strapped stiletto.
The event started at 8, and promptly, at 7:15, there was a knock at your door. You opened the door to find Nick in a pitch-black tux that immediately made you horny.
"Hi, Handsome, you look amazing," you said, trying to not give in to the building need inside you.
"Damn, babe. You look incredible. It's a good thing I know how to fight 'cause you are going to be turning every man's head", he spoke while continually dragging his eyes up and down your body. He started to move toward you and went in for a kiss. As you parted your lips and let his tongue in, it became a heated mess. A tiny gasp escaped you as he slid his arms around you, one going around your waist and the other sliding through the slit in your dress to find your ass and squeeze. Suddenly, you heard a throat clear loudly, and you both broke away from the kiss.
Nick seemed annoyed at the interruption and only turned his head to find Ralph, your next-door neighbor who had made several passes at you, to which you had repeatedly stated you were just friends. Ralph was what you called a cigarette man. He was thin and dressed like an intellectual, which was terrible. You just weren't particularly attracted to it. When it comes to romance, especially the bedroom, you like to be more submissive. Ralph was not dominant but more arrogant. He always assumed to be the smartest in the room and had no problem sharing his opinion. When you first moved into the building, Ralph had been fantastic. He helped you with the best places in the neighborhood to eat and tricks to living in San Francisco. He loved books and movies which you talked about a lot. He had become a great friend, but he started to want to be more than friends. He made several requests for dates, and slowly, you had stopped hanging out with him. The last time he had asked was after your first date with Nick, and you had become slightly annoyed at him not taking no for an answer so you had been even more honest and had told him he wasn't your type. You hadn't seen him much since then, but apparently, he decided to make an appearance, and Nick had left the apartment door wide open. You put a smile on your face and quickly stated, "Evening Ralph."
"Y/N," he grunted with a curt nod. "So I guess a hulking giant who likes public displays of affection is more your type," at that, Nick started to growl and let you go, ready to defend you, but you got there first.
"Yes, Nick is absolutely my type because he's big and strong but kind and caring. Sorry about the door we were just leaving," you quickly rushed out as you pulled Nick out of your apartment and locked the door, "we have a charity event tonight, so we won't be bothering you any longer. Have a good night!" You finished as you pulled Nick into the elevator that arrived quickly.
"Whatever, just be quiet when you return, I guess, since you will probably have a drunk gorilla to handle," Ralph replied with a rude and dismissive tone.
Luckily, the elevator doors closed before Nick could say or do anything.
"What is his problem?" Nick asked, clearly and understandably upset.
"I'm so sorry. He thinks highly of himself, and I told him the last time I saw him that he wasn't my type cause he wasn't taking just a plain no thank you as an answer to his date invitations. Please don't let him ruin the night. I am so excited."
"Ruin my night. I don't want him to ruin yours. I couldn't care less what he says about me."
You signed with relief and let a slow smile slip across your face.
"He hasn't now. I believe we were in the middle of something…" you started to say, but then the elevator dinged. The doors slid open to the lobby of your apartment, "Oh darn, I guess we will have to continue later." You whispered while giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
Nick started to pull you out of the lobby with your arm wrapped around his. He suddenly pulled you in front of him with his chest to your back and whispered, "You are a tease and will be paying for that later." You just smiled and hoped the event passed by rather quickly.
The charity ball was beautifully decorated but a little overwhelming. There were cameras and reporters everywhere, not to mention the hands of team owners, coaches, and sponsors to shake and be introduced to. Once the formalities were taken care of, the party really picked up, though. The live band was a great cover band that covered many amazing songs. Nick wasn't the most graceful dancer but would use any excuse to keep you close in his arms. Eventually, the night started to wind down, and you were both ready to go. The song had gotten progressively more sultry, and you were both prepared to be in the privacy of your apartment.
Walking into your lobby, Nick struggled to keep his hands off you. "God, I hope they don't have cameras in the elevator, he growled, flexing his hands on your ass, waiting for it to come down. However, the lobby doors opened right as the elevator doors dinged, and in walked Ralph with his crusty white dog, "Rupert." Nick didn't remove his hands from you but moved them from your ass to your waist. Ralph didn't say anything but made a sound of disgust and silently stood beside you in the elevator. You could feel the awkwardness and felt like something should be said, but all you could think of was to wish Ralph and Rupert a good night as you walked off the elevator. Ralph didn't turn around. Just rudely called, "Keep it down tonight, will ya?" over his shoulder, then slammed his apartment door. Neither one of you really worried about it because you were again alone.
While you tried to unlock your apartment door, Nick had his lips on your neck, slowly kissing a trail from behind your ear to your shoulder. You were struggling to focus but finally got the door unlocked. You both tumbled inside. You started to lean forward to lean on the couch to take your heels off, but Nick grabbed you and pulled you into the front door, twisting to push you up against it. He used one hand to pin your hands above your head and the other to grab your chin.
"You were naughty earlier if I remember correctly, and decided it was a good idea to tease me."
"No, I was not trying to tease you. I was asking where we had left off and was interrupted."
"Oh, so that can be explained, but what do you have to say about deciding to wear that delicious dress. Because I know you wouldn't be able to wear panties with a slit that high." He accused as he tested his theory and moved his hand to the front of you under the dress and was proven correct.
You gasped as his fingers grazed over your center. Unable to answer, he answered himself.
"That's what I thought, you naughty naughty girl. Now I want you to slip that pretty dress off and walk your sexy ass to your bed. Then I want you to climb in on your hands and knees and put your hands on the headboard. Do you understand, princess?"
You were putty in his hands, unable to form words. You just shook your head.
" No, princess, use your words." "Yes, Daddy, I understand." "Good girl, now go."
And with that, he pulled away from you. You slipped the dress off and let it fall to the floor, then strutted (obviously, you would put on a show) to your bedroom, put your hands on the wall, and spread your legs slightly. You may like to act dumb, but you knew what Nick wanted. He wanted to see you in a bra and stilettos in one of his favorite positions.
You heard him walk in and groan at the sight before him.
"Fuck princess, you really are perfect." He had undone his belt, pulled his jacket and tie off, buttoned his shirt a little, and rolled his sleeves up. You jumped and got goosebumps when you felt his fingers against your thighs. They slowly reached your pussy, and suddenly Nick plunged two fingers into you. You moaned out at the intrusion, "Fuck Daddy so good."
"Yea, does my princess like when I play with her wet pussy?"
"Oh fuck… yess, it's so good." You could already feel yourself getting close to cumming. You had been getting worked up all night, and now you wanted to let it all out.
"Daddy, I need you in me. I want you to use me," you begged.
Apparently, Nick wasn't in the mood to tease either because he pulled his fingers out and then was gone for a second. But then you felt his cock against your clit, and Nick was wrapped around your back.
"You sure you're ready, princess? I didn't play with you like I usually do."
"Fuck yes, I have been wanting you all night."
That was all Nick needed to hear. He plunged into you. He wasn't small at all, and usually, he would make you cum once on his fingers to make sure you were ready before sticking his cock in you. Nick gave you a few moments to adjust and then slowly started to move. You both couldn't hold back the loud moans that resulted from the sensation. He intertwined his hands with yours on the headboard and kissed any skin he could get close enough to. Nick started to move at a faster pace, and you could feel yourself getting close.
"That's it, sweet girl. I can feel you squeezing me. I know you're close; no asking tonight, just come for me. I want all that cum on my cock." He continued to pump into you. He let go of one of your hands and found your clit. He only had to rub one or two circles, and you were cumming. Nick slowed his pace slightly and fucked you through the orgasm until you calmed somewhat.
"There she is. There, my princess. You made such a mess. Look at how dirty you made my fingers."
Without thought, you opened your mouth and took his fingers, sucking and licking them clean.
"Such a good girl. Knew what I wanted, and I didn't even have to ask. Now flip over, sweet girl. I want to watch your face as I make you cum again."
Nick pulled out of you for a second to let you turn around and slide down the bed to rest your head on the pillow. Once settled, Nick slipped back in but didn't move.
Worried, you asked, "Is something wrong? Do we need to stop?"
"NO! .. Sorry, no, no, not at all. Nothing is wrong. In fact, I was just thinking how perfect everything is. You, us, tonight everything." With that, he kissed you deeply, wrapping one of his arms around you and holding himself up with the other. You started to squirm under him, ready for him to move. He broke the kiss and smiled.
"Okay, okay, I know." He started to move again and kept his eyes glued to you. He was holding on to your bed frame and was ready for both of you to cum.
"Fuck handsome just like that. "
"Shit princess, you are so sexy."
"Shit I love when you fuck me like this."
"You are taking my cock so well."
"I'm yours, baby; use me."
Nick's pupils were blown, and a dark smile grew on his face with that. "that's right, princess, you are mine. And I am gonna make sure everyone in this fucking building knows it."
"You like when I tell you you're mine."
"Yes, Daddy, I'm yours.
"Yea, and who does this pussy belong to?" he asked while pounding into you, shaking the headboard with each thrust.
"Yours, Daddy! It belongs to you. Fuck Daddy, don't stop. I want your cum daddy."
With that, Nick cam while still thrusting into you. He took a few deep breaths and slowly pulled out from you. You winced as he pulled out. You were certainly going to be sore tomorrow. Nick rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom. A few moments later, he returned with a damp cloth and gently cleaned you up.
"Alright, pretty girl, that was just a temporary clean. We need to get in the shower." You smiled as you saw him offering his hand and took it. You both quickly showered and climbed into bed, exhausted from the night's activities.
The next morning, you woke to find Nick's arm slumped across your midsection. You slowly slipped out from under neither it and threw on some sweats to go out and grab a coffee. When you closed the apartment door, you turned around to find Ralph and Rupert again. When Ralph saw you, his face went bright red, and you remembered that he shared the bedroom wall of your apartment. He quickly entered his apartment without making eye contact or saying anything. You giggled to yourself and walked to the elevator.
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kinzis-writing · 5 months
Requests 🫶
Hey all! I am back from my hiatus, I decided to put writing on hold while I finished this semester of school. My last exam was Friday, so now I am done until august. This means plenty of time for writing! My requests are open. I only have two more requests to post, and they will be up between tomorrow and Friday.
These are the characters I write for currently:
☑ Mattheo Riddle (Harry Potter)
☑ Lorenzo Berkshire (Harry Potter)
☑ Theodore Nott (Harry Potter)
☑ Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
☑ George Weasley (Harry Potter)
☑ Fred Weasley (Harry Potter)
☑ Josh Allen (NFL)
☑ Tee Higgins (NFL)
☑ Nick Bosa (NFL)
☑ Jeremiah Fisher (TSITP)
☑ Other NFL players by request!
☑ Other fandoms/People are available by request! Just send me a message or inbox me!
If requesting a Harry potter imagine and you want a specific imagine. Please be sure to leave me what house you would like for me to write as (what house the reader is in).
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Football *NFL Fanfiction Masterlist
UPDATED 09/21/2024
You can find my work over on Wattpad under ForzaAzzurri. I’m dual posting my one shots/imagines here and there for my Honeymoons and Heartbreaks series.
Wattpad link: ForzaAzzurri
Layla Herbert Series - Justin Herbert
Part 1 One Day at a Time (angst -> happy ending)
Part 2 Today's the Day
Part 3 Cheers to Us
Part 4 My Daughter Thinks I'm Ugly
Part 5 Birthday Boy
Part 6 Three of Us
Honeymoons and Heartbreaks Collection
Jimmy Garoppolo
Joe Burrow (no longer write for)
Her Name? Effie Burrow (fluff)
What Was I Made For? (Angst)
--> What Was I Made For? Part 2
Joey Bosa
Justin Herbert
Coffee Spills (fluff)
The One That Got Away (angst -> fluff)
We Can't Be Friends (angst)
Nick Bosa (no longer write for)
Never Really Over [Part I]   [Part II] (angst -> happy ending)
Sliding in the DMs - Joey Bosa Fic*
*Inspired by She-Bear
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Birthday one shot for Joey with Arty
Lover -Nick Bosa (Spin-off of Sliding in the DMs)
(Indefinite Hiatus)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Fic
(Indefinite Hiatus)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
One shots, Blurbs, and Imagines
Jimmy Garoppolo
Kiss it Better
Joe Burrow (no longer write for)
Damsel in Distress
#1 Fan -> Sequel: Biggest Fan
Green Isn't Your Color
Enemies to Lovers
Joey Bosa
Comfort (18+ content)
Less Than Zero
Hotel Workout (18+ content)
Come In (18+ content)
Safeword (18+ content)
Gonna Make You Sweat (18+ content)
Josh Allen (no longer write for)
Blanket Fort
Justin Herbert
Baby Herb
Jealousy (18+ content)
Bad Habits
Self-Deprecating Losers
The Great Outdoors
Team Photographer
Nick Bosa (no longer write for)
We’re Live!
Welcome to the Family
Black Ties
Tee Higgins
Sam Hubbard
A #94 Jersey
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boltupbitches · 10 months
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 5
Natalie rubbed her hands nervously down the front of her skirt, adjusting her top again and checking her hair in the mirror. She wasn’t certain why her fixation with her reflection had her holed up in the bathroom of her lawyer’s office, but here she was.
She had been ill the past two days, nauseous and weak. She chalked it up as nerves since today would be the day she would officially begin her divorce proceedings. It was nerve-wracking. She had a face full of makeup to cover up the dark eyes, but she knew the puffiness of her face was still there, no matter the cold compresses she applied to her face. ‘Probably my cholesterol or blood pressure from stress eating.’ She thought as she gently prodded her right cheek, watching the fullness of her cheek bounce back immediately.
Nick had been on edge as well. He couldn’t take off from practice in the middle of the season and instead settled with checking in on Natalie while at the facility. 
She knew he was worried about her, but she was starting to worry that her baggage was impacting his game.
Nick had come home yesterday evening in a bad mood. He didn’t call like he typically did when getting out of practice and instead came right home, breezing past Natalie to the bathroom and shutting the door loudly behind him.
She wasn’t sure what was up with him but decided that working outside on the patio was the best bet until he cooled off.
About an hour later he made his way outside and squeezed onto the outdoor sofa, pulling her into him and breathing deeply.
After a while, he spilled about how he had gotten into a disagreement with a teammate who was making remarks about him being too distracted for their upcoming game in a few days. It turned into an exchange of words and both men ended up getting sat down in their head coach's office where they were thoroughly chewed out for their conduct.
Natalie remained quiet throughout his tale, not interrupting him and waiting when he paused for him to continue. After he finished, she gently pressed a kiss to the crown of his head and said, “I’m worried about you, Nick.”
He lifted his head off her shoulder lazily and stared at her with confusion, “What do you mean? I’m fine.”
“Well,” She started to say, biting her lip and thinking for a moment how to word it. “I just worry that all of my stuff is going to hurt you and your job. You have a contract extension coming up next season. I don’t want to contribute to your distractions.”
Nick sighed and sat up, rubbing his hands over his face and staring blankly ahead at the setting sun in the distance.
Natalie quietly packed away her laptop and folder, promising herself she’d finish up her work tomorrow.  She was still bundled in her sweatshirt as she shivered at the cold sensation from the evening breeze. 
Nick had noticed and pulled her gently into him, wrapping his warm arms around her as he pulled her into his lap. He pressed a kiss to the corner of her draw, moving across her cheek with gentle pecks until he pressed his lips into hers, his lips coaxing entry as his hand snuck into her yoga pants. He pulled back and stared into her hooded eyes with his own. “You’re not a distraction to me. You keep me focused and you give me a purpose outside of my career. Don’t ever think you’re hurting my career. Let me worry about that shit.” He pressed his lips into hers once more.
Natalie pulled back and nodded softly, her body already humming the second he pressed a kiss to her jaw. His fingers dancing along her panty-line wasn’t helping the heat pulling between her legs.
It didn’t take long until they were back inside with Natalie sprawled out naked on the couch, her back arched as Nick pumped his fingers into her cunt, his tongue pressed against her clit as he teased her to completion. 
She didn’t have to wait long until she felt the tell-tale sign of her orgasm approaching, her legs raising and her back tensed as the band snapped.
Nick had wasted no time lapping it all up, making sure to keep eye contact with Natalie as he sucked his fingers clean of her essence.
She eagerly rode him the second he sat down, her legs trembled as she mounted him. She had cried loudly as her legs burned and shook with the force at which she was bouncing on him.
At some point, Nick had picked up that she was tired and slowing down. His hands held her hips firmly as he took over and bounced her on him, a smirk on his face as he heard her incoherent cries of pleasure and pleads for him to go harder.
And that was how their night went, Nick keeping her distracted from her divorce lawyer appointment, and her giving him the physical touch he so desperately craved when not in her presence. They were a mess, but they were a mess for each other.
“Well,” her lawyer, Matthew Stern, sighed loudly. “This is quite the predicament. I am impressed with the amount of work you’ve put in to gather evidence, Ms. Collins.” He stared at the financial transactions in his hands, “You say that he has been funneling this into another fund?”
Natalie nodded. “I believe so.. He has a child on the way with his mistress. I found out through social media, but I have not confronted him directly on the matter yet. I think the money is either for the child or for him to keep hidden if we divorce and he’s taken by the mother of the child for child support.”
“It’s always a possibility, and not the most shocking one, unfortunately. Much more common than you think among divorcing couples.” His face pulled into a frown. “Mr. Bosa mentioned that you had some safety concerns as well.”
“I’m sorry?” Natalie asked in shock, “I..um.. Mr. Bosa?”
“Yes, Nicholas Bosa.” He gave her a knowing look. “I spoke with your boyfriend this morning before you arrived. He mentioned covering the fee for all of this and brought up a few things he thought would be helpful. A nice man, Ms. Collins. I’m glad to know you have someone on your side in this whole ordeal who is supporting you. It won’t be easy if the husband decides to contest and drag this out in court, which seems likely.” Mr. Stern explained in a matter-of-fact tone.
Natalie nodded dumbly, her brain still processing that Nick was somehow now involved, by his own volition, in her divorce efforts. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling in that moment. Anger? Sadness? Hurt? Embarrassment? Frustration? It was a toxic cocktail of feelings that she choked down along with the bile rising in her throat. 
“Excuse me, I think I’m feeling sick,” Natalie said nervously, standing and gripping the arm of the chair she was just sitting on as she swayed forward for a moment, her head suddenly feeling light as the room started to spin slightly. 
“Ms. Collins!” Mr. Stern shot up nervously and made his way around his desk to help steady her. “Let’s sit you down.” He helped her back down and yanked a trash can over to her in case she threw up.
He quickly whipped out his cell phone and called his secretary in immediately. “Stay with her,” He instructed as he stood up, “she looks like she’s going to pass out. I’m calling an ambulance.”
Natalie was sitting there in a daze, a cold sweat breaking out as she leaned forward and heaved into the trash can, her skin clammy and pale as she shook. 
The secretary held her hair back, trying to keep Natalie steady as the woman slumped more into her seat. “Ms. Collins?” She asked nervously. 
Natalie couldn’t bring herself to answer as her eyes closed and darkness consumed her consciousness.
The steady beep was the first thing that Natalie noticed, followed by the all-familiar smell of disinfectant that let her know she was in the hospital.
She squeezed her eyes tightly before opening them, her eyes blinking as she took in the darkened room with just a sliver of light coming in through the doorway. Shifting, she flinched as she felt an uncomfortable tug on her wrist and looked down to see an IV set up in her arm.
She wasn’t dreaming. She really was in a hospital room. “What the fuck?” she called out, unsure of what the hell was going on in that moment.
“Nat?” a deep voice asked drowsily. 
Natalie turned her head to see Nick sprawled out on a pull-out recliner next to her bed, his large frame barely fitting on the furniture as he had a blanket draped over his shoulders. He must have been sleeping. 
Nick blinked a few times before quickly coming to fully and leaning up to turn the light on above them.
Both of them blinked in shock at the sudden brightness. “Fuck, sorry. My bad.” He groaned out, turning the light off again. “I don’t know how to use these switches in here. I’ll buzz for the nurse.” He mused as he reached for the call button and pressed it.
Natalie said nothing as she pressed her head back against the pillow beneath her. “The last thing I remember was seeing my lawyer at 2 pm.. What time is it?”
Nick checked his phone and said, “10:00 pm. You’ve been sleeping this whole time. I got you moved into a private suite until you’re discharged. There was no way in hell I was letting you out there to get sick or something if you had to share a room.” He said as he put his phone away.
Natalie nodded, not wanting to push back against what Nick said just a moment ago. She was just glad that the spinning sensations and nausea were finally over. “How did you find out?” She knew he wasn’t on her emergency contact form.
“Mike Stern called me as soon as the ambulance took you. Gave me the hospital name that he got from the EMT. I was just getting out of the facility when the call came through. I quickly got here. They wouldn’t let me see you at first. Thankfully, Stern’s assistant rode along in the ambulance and had your stuff. I had to use your phone to call your mom to get permission for them to talk to me.”
Natalie groaned. “You spoke with my mom, Nick?”
Her head was starting to hurt and her heart rate went up a bit, making the monitor beep loudly.
Nick leaned over and rubbed his hand down her cheek, “Woah, woah. It’s ok. Your mom was nice about everything… She said she’d talk with you more about everything when she flies in next week.”
Natalie nodded and looked away, blinking back her tears. She was frustrated that more and more people were getting involved in all of this. This was one thing she wanted to handle herself. She wanted to tell her mom at a later date.
Nick noticed her silence and opened his mouth to continue talking when a knock at the door interrupted them. “Come in.” He called, his eyes still glued to Natalie’s sullen frame. He reached up and turned the lights on, wincing at the brightness now alighting the room.
“Mrs. Collins?” the doctor asked as she moved out of the doorway and allowed the nurse in behind him who moved to Natalie’s side and proceeded to take her vitals.
“That’s me.” She said flatly. Her head was killing her and at this moment, she couldn’t find it in her to fake friendliness. 
“I’m Dr. Kenneth and I’m in to speak with you about your condition. I heard you passed out today after experiencing a few days of nausea and weakness. Is that correct?” The doctor moved to her side and sat down on the stool in the corner of the room. 
“Yes. I was at an appointment. I haven’t been feeling well, but I figured it has been due to a stressful situation I’m dealing with in my personal life.”
The doctor’s eyes darted to Nick and back to her, a silent question there, asking for assurance that she was safe. 
“Oh - no, I’m ok. He’s my boyfriend.” She rushed to explain. “I’m going through a divorce currently with my estranged husband… and it’s just been a lot on me.”
Her doctor nodded along. “Have you been experiencing anything different with sleeping, eating, or your menstrual cycle?” Her eyes glinted knowing behind them.
“Um.. not really?” She was unsure, worried where this line of questioning was going. 
Nick had caught on as well and had perked up in his seat, leaning forward with his hands clasped in front of him, waiting to hear more.
“Ms. Collins, my reason for asking is because we noticed something with your blood work. You results came back that you are pregnant.” She spoke softly.
Natalie just stared at her blankly, not understanding what she was saying to her. “I’m sorry. I’m what?” 
“You’re pregnant. How far along, we aren’t certain of course, but it appears to be early on in the pregnancy. Which explains the bouts of nausea, exhaustion, hypersensitivity to sounds and light, and the extra stress.”
She stopped speaking and stared at the couple in front of her.
Natalie was clearly in shock.
Nick? He was staring at Natalie, more specifically her stomach area tucked under the blanket. There were tears in his eyes as he wordlessly reached up and wiped the corner of his eye, catching the stray tear that was streaking down his cheek.
“I’m going to go ahead and leave you two to discuss the results. Other than the pregnancy discovery, Mrs. Collins, all of your other labs came back fine. Please be careful with your stress as it can exasperate symptoms and put additional stress on your system.” 
She stood up and reached out to shake Nick’s hand, gripping his large hand tightly as she offered him a close-lip smile. “Congratulations.” She turned back to Natalie, “Please give us a call if you need anything additional. We are going to keep you tonight just for observation to make sure you’re okay and aren’t experiencing any signs of further fainting spells.”
After the doctor left with the nurse, the room was silent once more, save for the rapid heart rate and breathing of the two in the room.
“What are we going to do?” Natalie asked him, her eyes unsure as she searched Nick’s eyes. “Nick… this isn’t the right time.” Her eyes teared up. “There’s so much going on with my divorce. This isn’t a good time.”
Nick nodded and lowered his eyes, not wanting her to see his disappointment at the reminder of reality. Their situation wasn’t ideal. A 5-month affair with a married woman wasn’t on his bingo card for 2022, but here he was. A soon-to-be-father wasn’t planned either.
Yet he was conflicted. He wanted this more than anything. He wanted to marry Natalie and have children with her. He wanted to come home to a family of his own. He wanted it more than he wanted a Super Bowl ring.
For the first time in his life, his career felt so minuscule to the feelings he felt with Natalie in his arms. With her, it was tunnel vision. He thought of her every morning and every night. Whether together or apart, she was on his mind. The books he read or the tv shows he watched, he thought of sharing them with Natalie.
He didn’t realize that he too was now crying softly, openly as the tears poured down his cheeks. He felt frustrated at the circumstances that surrounded their relationship.
In a perfect world, he would have met Natalie, an unmarried woman. They would both be happy at the unexpected news of a baby. She would have met his mom already and had dinner with his dad and stepmom. She would have met Joey and his grandma.
But right now, right now was reality. And reality wasn’t so warm and inviting to the idea of this fairy tale.
Nick wiped his eyes and looked back up at Natalie, forlorn but with understanding behind the pain in his eyes. “I’ll support you, Natalie, in whatever you decide.” His words hurt to speak aloud.
Natalie was crying with him, gently reaching her hand out as an invitation for him to come closer to her. 
Nick got up and crawled in next to her, carefully tugging her against his chest, careful of her IV as he held her shaking frame. He pressed a kiss against her forehead, closing his eyes and breathing in the faint smell of her shampoo. Her face was pressed into his sternum, the fabric of his shirt damp from her tears.
They were heartbroken and unsure, but they had each other. Whatever Natalie decided, she hoped he had meant it when he said he’d be standing by her. She couldn’t stomach the idea of losing him right now - or ever.
Nick felt her breathing even out as she slipped into a much-needed rest. He continued to lay there with her, not wanting to move her. Instead, he adjusted the blanket over the two of them as he stared down at Natalie’s sleeping form.
He hoped she’d consider keeping the baby.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Nick and the team reporter always liking each other <they both were team rookies in 2019> and they finally got together at the start of this season after gerorge and jimmiy had force them to sit down and they had kept it on the dl till one post game where after she interviewed nick he kissed her or something
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We're Live! - Nick Bosa
Nick couldn't fight the smile that was growing with each step he took towards his beautiful girlfriend. He didn't even notice the amount of shouting his name other reporters were doing on the field as he approached his only favorite reporter.
They met the first week of his signing to the 49ers. He was a rookie, green behind the ears but eager to earn his spot and the trust of the organization and the fans. He thought she was beautiful and loved the way she smiled, her dimples showing, and how kind she was to everyone.
When she was reporting for the team and in her 'professional mode', as he liked to call it, she was confident and louder in her tone, but outside of that role she was a bit more reserved and laid back.
He liked that a lot about her.
They spent a good amount of time together his first year and he was bummed when she brought her new boyfriend along with them to the super bowl.
He tried to move on, meeting Jenna and spending two rough years with her, hoping for the best and trying to make it work. He knew though that he was never fully content with the relationship and no matter what, when she was in any proximity to him, his eyes would hone in on her and stay on her for however long she was in sight.
It pissed Jenna off and she started to accuse him of wanting the other woman.
He denied it, and felt guilty that he was still so drawn to her, but he couldn't tell Jenna that. He just said that they were coworkers and friends - that was it. And that wasn't a lie.
They fought a lot between his place in Santa Clara and the condo he owned and lived in in Fort Lauderdale during his off season.
When he found out about her breaking up with her boyfriend due to his infidelity, Nick finally started to distance himself from Jenna, breaking it off with her privately, enduring her angry reaction, and quickly reaching out to his friend.
Yet, while they grew closer, neither could take the leap to confess and make it official. They were the first person the other texted good morning to and good night to daily. Nick would sneak in to eat lunch with her at the facility and always gave feedback on her ideas for interviews. She in return listened to him talk about football and upcoming games, or would recommend books he could add to his list to read.
The change came when Nick was confiding in George his dilemma ("I just got out of a 2 year relationship that I was technically emotionally cheating and unavailable for half of. She'll think I'm a fucking dickhead.") and George going on to gossip to a nonplussed Jimmy G. about it.
Finally, Jimmy himself got the four of them together, set down the cold hard facts and ordered the two lovebirds to talk it out before escorting a nosy George Kittle out of the room.
And it was history from there. Except they had to keep it on the down low and Nick caught himself a few times almost slipping up and exposing them.
Well, today would be the day he actually did because as soon as she turned and saw him, flashing her beautiful dimpled smile and saying, "Congrats Nick on the win!" As if they were just friendly acquaintances, the rational part of Nick's brain took a vacation and the careless, irrational side that typically showed through in his older brother came out front and center.
"Thanks, babe." He said as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
It didn't register at first until the sound of rapid flashes, gasps around them of other media personnel, and their team's own camera man saying, "Oh shit!" did Nick realize he made an oopsie.
He pulled back slowly, his hands still resting on his girlfriend's waist, as she stared up at him in total shock.
Finally she blinked and said lowly, "Nick, what the fuck?!"
"Oops?" He said sheepishly.
Yeah, oops..
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boltupbitches · 7 months
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 7
Disclaimer: I am a HUGE abortion rights supporter. This chapter discusses abortion and deals with Natalie's dilemma of whether she wants to get one done or not. Please know that the decision made does not serve the purpose of persuading readers to oppose abortion. This is purely fictional work.
Nick had noticed that Natalie’s car wasn't there the second he pulled into his spot. He picked his brain to try and remember if she had said anything about going somewhere today. As he got his stuff out of the trunk, he froze. It had been a few days since the discovery. She had mentioned making an appointment… to terminate the pregnancy.
Nick remained frozen there, his hand gripping his duffle bag tightly as dread overcame him. Had she decided to do it after all?
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before he heard a car enter the ramp to approach the level he was on. It was Natalie’s car.
Nick shut his trunk and stood facing Natalie’s car. He schooled his expression blank as he watched her get out of the car with her purse in hand. She looked tired but not as weary as she had been the last few days.
Nick’s heart sank at that. She had done it. 
“Hey, I didn’t know you were going to be home early,” Natalie said softly as she approached him, her hands picking at the loose string on her purse.
“Practice was cut a little early so we’ll be rested up for Sunday’s game,” Nick said flatly. “Where were you at?”
Natalie shifted uncomfortably for a moment before looking back at him, “I went to the OBGYN,” she wanted to look away at the quick pained look that flashed over Nick’s face, “We confirmed my pregnancy and I’m 8 weeks along. The doctor was able to do an early ultrasound imaging… I have copies of them if you want to see them,” She offered shyly.
Nick blinked momentarily as he processed what she had just said to him, “You… you got an ultrasound done? Wait - I thought you were going to get the procedure done.” Nick couldn’t bring himself to say the word as stupid as that sounded. He knew he would be seen as a selfish asshole in the eyes of some, but he had hoped the last few days that Natalie would not get the procedure. 
“No, I did ask about it,” Natalie said honestly, “I still have time to decide, but I think I need to spend some time coming to terms with this over the next couple of weeks. I have by week 24 to decide…” 
Nick nodded, “Are you ok?” ‘And the baby?’ He wanted to ask but did not so he didn’t upset her.
Natalie nodded. “Yeah.. let’s talk inside? I’m tired and the lighting here is giving me a headache.”
Nick nodded and locked his car. He walked quietly in step with her to the elevator that led up to the apartment’s floor. In the elevator, he pulled her gently to him so he could press a kiss to her forehead and wrapped his free arm around her in a hug.
They stayed like that as the elevator dinged to their floor, signaling it was time to get off.
After they got their stuff settled in the apartment, Natalie sat down on the couch, emotionally drained already from her day.
Nick rummaged through the fridge for one of the meals his chef had prepared the day prior. “Are you hungry?” He called to Natalie.
“Yeah, I could eat. I’ll eat whatever you’re having.” Natalie called back.
A few minutes later, Nick emerged from the kitchen and sat on the couch next to Natalie. He placed the food dishes down and two bottled waters.
They ate quietly, with an occasional word or two shared between them. “How was practice today?” 
“Good,” Nick wiped his mouth before continuing, “I’m dealing with some pain in my right shoulder today, got it iced and massaged after practice. I’m going to rest it up for the game coming up.”
“Are you nervous?” Natalie curiously asked.
He shook his head.
Nick didn’t talk much football around her, which would be a surprise for some given how much he loved the sport and was committed to it. Yet, with Natalie, he often talked of other things he enjoyed doing: reading, tv shows and movies he loved, cooking, his desire to travel when he retired, and boating. While football was talked about here and there, it wasn’t the focal point of their daily conversations - even if it took Natalie to DM him a picture of her in his jersey to get his attention.
“My mom is going to be in town - she called me on the way home. She originally planned to go see my brother play, but he has food poisoning and will miss a game instead. So, she’s coming to the Bay to watch me play.”
Natalie gulped at that. Nick was so nonchalant with the announcement, not even realizing that she was terrified at the idea of meeting his mom.
“Is she staying here?” Natalie nervously asked.
“No, she’s going to stay at a hotel nearby. She’s planning to stay for five days and has one of her friends flying in too. They have plans outside the game.” Nick looked at his worried girlfriend and gently gripped her tapping leg that brushed his. “Don’t stress it. She knows a bit about us and is looking forward to meeting you.”
“You told her about us?” Natalie didn’t know how to feel about that. “Nick… if this gets out to the wrong person -” “It won’t.” He interrupted with a firm tone. “My mom is a talker - that’s no secret, but she knows how seriously I value my privacy. She is the only one who knows in my family and hasn’t said a word since I first told her two months ago.”
“Two months?” Natalie felt sick. “She probably thinks I’m some cradle-robbing, homewrecking whore, Nick!” She wanted to cry.
“She doesn’t!” Nick sat his food down and grabbed her’s from her as well. “Natalie, look at me.” He dipped his head to stare into her eyes. “She doesn’t think that… If anything she’s wondering how I landed a beautiful, intelligent, and successful woman like you.” He smiled softly and wiped a tear from her eye that escaped. “She’ll love you. How do I know that? Because I love you. My mom’s not a mean person, Nat. And if something is said out of pocket, I will deal with it right away, I promise.” 
She nodded, feeling stupid for getting worked up over the situation. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been super stressed and emotional as of late.”
“It’s ok. Let’s finish eating and go lay down for a bit.” He suggested as he let go of the soft grip on her chin.
Natalie nodded and took a swig of her water to calm her nerves. “A nap sounds wonderful. I’m exhausted.”
“Same here. Tomorrow we should go down to the beach and relax. There’s a warm front moving into the area,” Nick suggested. He just wanted to spend time with her and take their minds off the divorce, the baby situation, his mom visiting, his upcoming game, and her job. There was so much going on right now. He knew he wasn’t making it easy either by how he reacted to the possibility of her terminating her pregnancy. It was hard for him to process but he knew it was even harder for her to decide. He just knew that when his mom caught wind of all of this he was going to get his ass chewed out.
“I’d love that. To get outside and away from everything for a few hours.” Natalie sighed dreamily. Warm sand and a cool ocean breeze sounded so inviting at that moment. “I miss going to the beach.”
“Yeah, me too. You’ll love the beaches in southern Florida - some of the best in the country.” Nick said with pride.
“I heard there’s an issue with water quality and littering,” Natalie teased.
“Yeah, well, I blame the tourist. Always trashing places.” Nick said defensively, “The places my brother and I go are really nice. You’ll love it.” He promised.
“You think so?” Natalie asked him softly, trying to picture what the next few months would look like.
“Absolutely. We’ll go out boating, hit up the local farmer’s markets not far from my condo, go swimming, lay on the beach…” Nick paused, “I can’t wait until I get to show you Fort Lauderdale and Miami.”
Natalie smiled softly at that, “I can’t wait either. I’ll have to take you up to Massachusetts sometime to visit my mom. It’s not a picturesque beach scene of South Florida, but I grew up in a beautiful area.”
“My dad’s actually from Connecticut - I have been to Boston and a few areas in the region, but not small towns. As long as we go in the warmer months, we’ll be good.” Nick joked.
“You went to college in Ohio, how are you going to be adverse to the cold?” Natalie teased her boyfriend.
“Probably because since then I have only been in California or Florida living.” He shrugged, “Just wait for the Florida heat - you’ll adjust after a month or two, but it can be tough at first.”
“Oh great…” Natalie groaned. The idea of being heavily pregnant in a few months and roasting her ass off did not bode well with her - assuming she decided against the procedure. She still didn’t know what she wanted.
“We can always skinny dip together,” Nick said with a cocky smirk, “I won’t complain.”
“I know you won’t,” Natalie rolled her eyes, “but if the wrong person sees us they might.”
Nick shrugged with his smirk still on his face. “It’ll be a free show then.”
“You’re ridiculous,” She laughed, “Can you imagine being on the news ‘49ers player arrested outside of condominium with 37-year-old mystery girlfriend for indecent exposure.’”
Nick laughed at that made-up headline. “My mom would kill me for sure then.”
It wasn’t long before they started cleaning up their food and getting ready for a nap. While Nick loaded the dishwasher, Natalie went to their bedroom and changed into one of Nick’s t-shirts to be more comfortable. She crawled into bed and started to doze off until Nick came in.
He quietly pulled the blankets back and crawled in behind Natalie. He gently pulled her into him so he was spooning her. Nick pressed a kiss to the crown of her head for a moment before pulling away. 
His mind kept thinking back to what he found in the kitchen.
Natalie had left the ultrasound on the counter where she sat her keys. While he straightened the kitchen up, his hand brushed the envelope. Curiously, he picked it up and flipped it. On the front, in neat handwriting, was written ‘ultrasound’. 
His breath caught in his throat as he shakingly pulled the images from the envelope. He examined the scans with bated breath. The small, almost golf-ball-sized shape was their baby. It was just an embryo right now - he knew that. Nick also knew that looking at these would not do him any favors in making peace with Natalie’s possible decision, but he couldn’t help the tears that filled his eyes. 
Gently, he slipped the ultrasound back into the envelope and placed it back where Natalie left it. He just hoped his mom had some words of wisdom to impart to him with this. He meant what he said that it was Natalie’s decision and that he would do his best to support her. He just never imagined it to affect him this much. He needed to get a grip on himself and fast before the upcoming game. He couldn’t afford for his mind to be somewhere else so close to playoffs.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Never Really Over Pt. II - Nick Bosa
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Nadia was on her lunch break in her office when there was a knock at the door. "Come in,” she called.
The door opened and she looked up to see the front office secretary in her doorway. "Hi, dear, I hate to bug you on your lunch break, but I have a young man here who says he is a friend of yours. Are you expecting anyone?"
Nadia frowned and thought for a moment. She didn't remember anyone saying they'd stop by for her around lunch. Today was a general work day in the law office and with an upcoming custody case they took on, her boss gave her a series of documents to work through for her while she was out of the office for the rest of the day. "I don't think so.. Did he give a name?"
"Yes, he said his name is Nick.. he kind of looks like that one player from the 49ers but I'm not certain." She said quietly back.
Nadia sighed.. 'Fucking Nick..' "Yeah I know who he is. You can send him on back, Marie."
Marie nodded and quickly walked back out to the front office.
Within moments she could hear footsteps coming down the same hall and this time it was Nick in the doorway with a full smile on his face. In his hands were what appeared to be two fruit smoothies and a small bag around his wrist. "Hey, Nadia. I was in the area and figured I'd stop by to see you."
He was lying. She was sure of it, but she felt her heart flutter a bit as she did a quick straightening of her desk before inviting him over to sit down on the small sofa in the corner of her office.
They exchanged phone numbers the night of their reunion about a month ago. Nadia even unblocked him on Instagram and accepted his follow request.
She was always the one who texted more in their prior relationship, but this time it was Nick starting conversations before she even had a chance to text him. He texted good morning daily and would call at least once every other day to chat. They met up a few times for breakfast and even hung out at his apartment a few times. She was thankful she hadn't heard that Katy Perry song since then because at one point it was starting to feel like an omen.
She was adamant to take it slow, but she could see Nick at times getting worried. Yesterday he confessed to her during a walk at park near her place that he was worried he was coming on too strong and would scare her off.
She reassured him that wasn't the case and that him being attentive and social was a good thing - if anything he was more affectionate this time around and she suspected it was because his circle of friends and those he kept close to him shrunk since going pro.
She talked about how much she's struggled since finishing college and being even further away from her family. Nick expressed the same. Sure, his mother visited regularly during the season, and Joey lived in the same state (albeit almost a 6 hour drive away), he too struggled with loneliness at times.
"You didn't have to, Nick, but I really appreciate it." She smiled and took the drink he handed her, leaning in to kiss his cheek out of habit. She blinked in surprise for a moment and locked eyes with an equally surprised Nick. "I'm sorry - I guess habits die hard."
He smiled and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her forehead, something he used to do as well. "I guess mine do too."
They smiled at each other for a moment before Nick cleared his throat and took a seat on the couch. He leaned back with a groan, his head resting on the backrest. Nadia sat next to him and gestured to the bag. "What's that you got there?"
Nick lifted his head and looked down to the bag. "Oh yeah, this." He reached in the bag and pulled out a bag of skittles, handing them over to her. "I got you a giant size bag of skittles from a nearby Walgreens. I know how much you love them."
Nadia gasped and eagerly snatched them out of his hand. "Oh, Nick! That's so sweet. I haven't had Skittles in forever." She sat her drink down and leaned over to give him a one arm hug.
Nick wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in closer. "You used to sit and eat a whole bag in one sitting. Everytime I see Skittles, I think about the movie nights we had."
Nadia leaned back, her arm still resting across his broad chest, and bit her lip. "Mr. Bosa, I know you're trying to 'woo' me." She teased.
Nick bit his lip, reaching up to curl his finger into one of her loose ringlets, "Is it working?"
Nadia made a 'hmm' sound and pretended to think about it. "Maybe.. take me to dinner tonight and we'll see what happens." She then slowly leaned in his kiss him, her hand wrapping around his neck.
Nick eagerly returned the kiss, his hand moving up to tangle in her hair as they languidly made out on the couch.
He had missed this so much - not just the kissing, but just being near her and spending time with her. The last month alone was one of the happiest he'd been in a while.
Nadia leaned back and gently massaged the corner of his jaw as she leaned in to peck his lips once more. "Where are you taking me?"
Nick smiled dreamily at her and said, "Wherever you wanna go, babe. I'll go anywhere you want to."
Nadia laughed a little at that. "Well, I can think of a few places. 6pm ok?"
He nodded and said, "That sounds fine to me. Now.. how long is your lunch break?"
Nadia looked at her watch. "Another 35 minutes."
Nick smiled and pulled her onto his lap. "Well, we better make use of that time wisely, right?" He joked.
She smiled back and leaned forward once more to press her forehead against his. "Time spent wisely, Mr. Bosa." She pressed her lips against his once more.
He smiled into the kiss, his one hand resting on her lower back while his other found its way into her hair once again.
'There is no better way to spend my lunch break on a Monday.' Nadia thought to herself.
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boltupbitches · 1 year
Lover - Nick Bosa - Part 2 (spin off of Sliding in the DMs)
18+ content ahead!
Athena chewed nervously on her lip as she waited for Nick’s car to pull up. The ‘not a date’ three weeks ago at the cafe was a success. She enjoyed her time with him and found him to be very charming and humorous. It was interesting how when she looked up an interview with him in it, he spoke very slowly and had a mellow voice. Yet, when they were together and spending time in each other’s company, he spoke more and with a slightly quicker pace to his voice.
They ended up exchanging numbers that day as well.
Athena felt a giddy sensation rush through her at the idea of seeing him again in–person even though they were just facetiming an hour ago.
Just as she was thinking about the trip to Napa they were about to go on together, she saw a sleek, black Tesla pull up in front of her apartment complex. It was Nick’s as he rolled the window down and waved at her.
Putting the car in park, he got out, stretching for a moment before making his way over to her and leaning in for a hug. She leaned up and wrapped her arms around him in return, feeling him give a light squeeze, his hands resting just above the swell of her backside. 
Nick leaned back and placed a gentle kiss to her cheek and then smiled at her. “Someone looks ready to go to Napa.”
Athena blushed and smiled back at him. “I’ve been so excited all week. Do you think this is too much?” She did a light spin around, showing off the light blue sundress she was wearing. She had her hair pulled up with a matching ribbon, a few loose curls complimenting the look. She was wearing a simple pair of white Keds to pull it off. 
Nick scanned over her body, his eyes lingering on the bust of the dress, which had a ruffled hem that dipped just low enough to show a bit of cleavage. He looked back up to Athena’s face and grinned. “You look beautiful, Thena.”
She blushed at the use of the nickname and his compliment. When they met up for their ‘not-a-date’, Nick had taken to calling her Thena, dropping the ‘A’ at the beginning. Normally that would have annoyed her, but she thought it was cute coming from him.
He gestured to her two suitcases and said, “Let’s get this loaded up and head on over to the airport.”
“Did you purchase tickets already?” Athena asked, wanting to know how much to reimburse him. “Let me know the cost and I’ll pay you back for mine.”
Nick chuckled at that and shook his head. “Athena.. You’re not paying me back. I didn’t even buy tickets, so don’t worry about it.” He picked up both her suitcases and carried them to his car’s trunk.
Athena followed him and looked at him in confusion. “Then how are we getting to Napa if you didn’t buy any airline tickets?”
Nick lifted them both in, moving his stuff over to make sure her’s fit in perfectly. “I rented a jet.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“A jet?!” Athena shouted in disbelief.
The jet itself was nice and roomy. Never in her life had Athena been in something so luxurious. She had flown first class before, but that was the extent of it. 
When they had pulled up and Nick handed over his keys, opening Athena’s door to help her out, she was blown away by the sight of the jet, its pilot, and crew waiting for them with big smiles.
As Nick shook the captain’s hand and introduced Athena to him, the pilot smiled warmly and said, “We are happy to have you aboard Mr. Bosa, and your girlfriend, Ms. Thermopoli.”
Athena blushed brightly at that and didn’t correct it, not wanting to make it awkard as Nick just grinned in response and thanked him.
As the flight attendant was getting them settled, Nick took a seat next to Athena and reclined back, looking at her with hooded eyes and a smile. “You know.. You’re going to have to be my seat buddy for this trip.”
“Oh?” Athena asked as she was adjusting her bow. “Why’s that?”
“I’m not a big fan of flying.” He saw her look of surprise at that. “I know it doesn’t make a lot of sense.. I mean, I do it regularly for my job, but I’m just not the best flier.”
“I understand.” She reached out and placed her hand comfortingly on top of his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We all have things we fear and I won’t make fun of it, promise.” She smiled at him.
He smiled warmly at her, flipping the hand with hers over to lace his fingers through hers. He gently pulled her closer on the sofa and she obliged him, feeling her cheeks warm as they sat thigh to thigh, their hands still clasp together and resting on his thigh.
Nick twisted his body towards her, reaching with his other hand to tuck a curl behind her ears, his thumb brushing against her cheek lightly, causing a shiver to go down her spine.
He saw that and grinned at her. “Ticklish?”
“A bit.” She shyly admitted.
Just as Nick was about to say something, the flight attendant returned with a chilled bottle of wine Nick had asked for, and two glasses. “It’s going to be just another half hour, sir and then we’ll be heading for take off.”
She smiled over at Athena and said, “Your dress is absolutely gorgeous. It suits you really well too. Where did you get it?”
Athena perked up at that and answered eagerly, “I actually thrifted it from a place in North Miami Beach. And thank you! It was such a pretty blue color and it was only $5, so I had to get it.”
“It was a good purchase, you look lovely in it, miss.”
Athena thanked her again, and sipped the wine that Nick had just poured.
Nick was watching her, having just sipped his own glass. “You know… I didn’t know what I was expecting when I made that follow request months ago.”
“Oh?” Athena stared back. “What were you hoping for?”
“Well,” He scratched his neck nervously. “A chance with you. I hadn’t realized you were engaged right away, I just saw you tagged in a picture on Arty’s account..” He saw her stare in confusion, “It was when her and Joey did their stupid mini break up and she was baiting him to come out of hiding to talk to her. I was trying to help him figure out what club she was at.. And yeah, I saw a picture of you on her Instagram and got curious.”
Athena was mulling over his words when she said, “I was on the phone with Arty when I got your request to follow me. And I accepted it because I was curious too. Curious about you and curious about who your brother was to my sister.” She swallowed nervously before staring up at him, “I.. I liked the attention you showed me. I couldn’t admit it with Teddy..” She saw him frown at his name, a look of irritation flashed on his face before he schooled his expression again, “But I did like it.. And I didn’t discourage it because it felt good that someone was being nice to me and showing me attention… When I wasn’t getting it from the one person who should have shown it to me.” She looked down at her lap, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and uncomfortable with admitting that to herself.
Nick gently grabbed her glass, placing it next to his on the tray near him, and leaned in to kiss her cheek.
Athena turned slightly and pressed her lips against him, surprising Nick as he gasped in shock. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him, pressing deeper into the kiss as he opened his mouth to meet her tongue with his.
She wasn’t sure how long they remained like that, with him reclined back against the seat and her kneeling across him, her chest pressed to his as they made out.
Nick’s hands were pressed into her back and on her backside, the latter squeezing her flesh there firmly as she moaned into his mouth.
The two pulled away suddenly, as if they had been caught doing something inappropriate like two teenagers sneaking around.
The flight attendant was trying not to grin at the two of them as she said, “The captain said we are about to take off. Is there anything else I could get either of you beforehand?”
Both shook their heads in response. 
“Ok. I’ll be back soon with the safety demonstration in just a moment.” She smiled at them. Just as she was walking away, she turned back and said, “There is also a bedroom suite in the back if either or both of you need to lay down for a bit.”
Athena blushed at that as Nick just smirked in return and thanked her.
“That’s one way to enjoy a plane ride.” He teased, enjoying the flush of Athena’s cheeks as she was quietly pressing her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment. “Stop…” He groaned dramatically, “You are too cute when you do that.”
She pouted at him. “Now the flight attendant probably thinks I’m some floozy.”
Nick draped his arm around her, pulling her into him and pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Nah, she just thinks you’re my beautiful girlfriend who has a beautiful dress on.”
“I’m not your girlfriend though.” Athena whispered.
“You could be.” He whispered back with a smirk on his face.
Athena hmmed at that and pretended to think. “We’ll see.”
“I’m holding you to that.” Nick said, “Now let’s get this wine drunk so we can sleep through the trip. I got a lot of shit planned for us this weekend.”
The plane ride went smoothly as Athena and Nick ended up using the back bedroom to sleep through most of it. 
Athena could add that to her list of things never done before: sleep in a bed with a handsome man on a private jet.
As they pulled up in the car rental to the hotel they were staying at in Napa, Athena felt her breath be taken away at the sight of the place. The winery/hotel was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen. 
Her eyes scanned over the architecture of the building as Nick pulled up to the valet.
“Well, here is home until Tuesday.” He said as he shut the car off and got out, coming around to let Athena out.
As they made their way in and completed checking in at the front, Nick made sure their luggage would be delivered to their room and guided Athena upstairs to their suite.
In the elevator, she wrapped her arms around Nick’s waist and gave him a squeeze. “Thank you so much for this.. It’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.” She pulled away and wiped her eyes slightly, feeling a tad emotional at the gesture of that was this trip.
Nick smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her this time, pulling her into him and pressing a kiss to her cheek. “You’re welcome. Anything for you, Thena.”
She smiled up at him and he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. They stayed like that for a few moments until they heard the ding of the elevator reaching their floor and stopping.
Pulling up, Nick reached for her hand and led her out of the elevator and down the hall to their room.
Sliding the keycard, the door opened and Nick swooped Athena up suddenly, making her squeal in surprise, as he carried her bridal style through the threshold and gently placed her down on the sofa in the living room area.
He went to shut the door and kick his shoes off before joining her on the sofa and pulling her onto his lap.
She giggled, pressing her face into his neck as he held her against him, shifting them to lay facing each other on the sofa.
“You have pretty eyes.” She whispered at him, her finger rubbing beneath his left eye, touching the very light dusting of freckles that could only be seen close up.
Nick smiled at her and touched her cheek as well, his finger lightly rubbing over the beauty mark she had under her right eye. “Yours are too. Actually, your entire face is gorgeous.” He whispered back.
They laid there, staring at each other dreamily as Athena felt her eyes begin to slightly droop. She tried to blink off the tiredness, something Nick noticed.
“Want to go take another nap? It’s only 11am. We can head out around 1pm to the vineyard.” 
Athena nodded and started to get up. Nick did as well.
They both headed for the bedroom, Athena kicking her shoes off and socks, and undoing her hair as she sat on the bed. Just as she turned to say something to Nick, she was caught off guard at the sight of him.
The moment she turned to look, he was pulling his t-shirt off. Her eyes took in his impressive physique as she bit her lip, her mind going to places she only dreamed of in private. 
Nick caught her looking and grinned at her knowingly, amused by her reaction. He wouldn’t lie - it was an ego booster to know she was attracted to him in such a way.
He got in bed, lifting the comforter and adjusting the pillows. He leaned back, still grinning at her, and said, “You should get in. The bed feels amazing.”
“Oh?” Athena squeaked out. Her face was reddening as she tried to tear her eyes away from his pectorals. “I- yeah.. Ok..”
She crawled in as well, her face still flushed hot. She regretted not wearing makeup today because even with an olive toned complexion, she was sure he could still see the blushing on her face.
Nick was watching her, his eyes slightly darkened as she moved to face him.
She stared shyly back at him. “What?”
“Nothing.. You’re just so beautiful.”
“Thank you.” She smiled back at him.
He turned to lay on his back and held his arm out. “Come here.”
“You’re awful cuddly, Mr. Bosa.” She teased him as she moved over to lay her head on his chest, her hand coming up to rest gently on his chest, her fingers brushing the chest hair he had grown out there.
“With you I am. How could I not be?” He said back to her, enjoying the feeling of her pressed against him so intimately.
Her hand was absent-mindedly drawing circles on his chest, causing him to shiver at the sensation. “Careful,” He warned. “You don’t want to start anything you can’t finish right now.” He said drowsily, his eyes closed.
“Who says I can’t finish it?” She asked him innocently.
Nick opened one eye and grinned at her. “I figured you’d want to be able to walk around and sight-see before we get dessert.”
Athena bit her lip at the images in her head. “Hmm.. I guess you’re right.. Although I do have quite the sweet tooth.”
“Me too.” Nick muttered, closing his eyes again with a smirk. “I especially love Greek desserts. I can’t wait to try this kind I brought with me..”
Athena’s face was flushing red again as she bit her lip and stared at her finger that was still drawing circles on his chest, “I have a feeling we aren’t talking about actual desserts right now..”
“No? Well we’ll have time for those later too.” He grabbed her hand suddenly and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Let’s nap. You’ll need it later.”
He wasn’t joking about that.
After waking up from their nap, and finding their luggage in the living room area of the suite, Athena showered and changed into a white laced corset top and a silky, light-green skirt to match. She finished the outfit off with tan colored sandals and pinned her hair back into a partial french updo. Pleased with her look, she stepped out to find Nick already showered and dressed in the living room.
When she stepped out, he turned and stared at her for a few moments, taking in her outfit. “Wow.. you look beautiful.” He said to her with a grin.
She walked over to him shyly, her hand toying with a loose curl. “Thank you.. You look very handsome as well.” And he did. Nick had changed into some navy blue chinos and a short-sleeved button up. 
Reaching up to tuck her curl behind her ear, he smiled down at her. “Thanks. I can clean up well when I need to.” He teased her.
“I’m sure you look good in anything.” ‘Or nothing at all.’ Thought Athena to herself as her eyes glazed over his arms and up to his face.
There was tension there in that moment as they locked eyes. Athena could see Nick’s eyes darken and him clench his jaw slightly. She could see in his eyes that he was fighting the same temptation in that moment that she was. The temptation to jump the other, skip their plans for the day, and spend it in bed, just the two of them with no barriers between what they wanted from the other.
Yet, just as Nick was leaning in, his watch went off, the timer he had set to be out the door for their tour had interrupted them.
Nick swallowed thickly and placed his hand on her lower back instead. “Ready to go wine tasting?”
Athena bit her lip for a moment and nodded. “Can’t wait.” ‘Can’t wait to get back here later that is.’
The vineyard was stunning.. Just absolutely a vision that was a feast for one’s eyes. Athena and Nick had just finished a tour of where the wine was prepared and were now preparing to try some wine along with lunch as catered by the winery. 
Athena was a red wine person for sure, sipping away at a sangria made from grapes that were imported from Spain. She savored the taste as she lifted her glass to Nick’s lips, telling him, “Try this. It’s lovely.”
Nick locked eyes with her as he grabbed the glass gently from her and took a sip. Setting the glass back down, he licked his lips and stared at Athena for a moment.
“Well?” She asked him eagerly, feeling a bit exposed under his hungry gaze.
“Tastes wonderful. Subtle sweet and fruity flavor.. Reminds me of your lip gloss.”
“Oh?” She inhaled in surprise, not expecting the comparison. “Did you find a kind you like?” 
They had a few glasses that were in front of them with name cards, listing the information of each bottle it came from. The waiter had stepped away for a few minutes to check on their food, leaving Nick and Athena to begin tasting on their own.
“Yeah..” Nick looked for the card for the sangria and lifted it. “This one.”
They stare at each other for a moment. “Did you want to buy a bottle for later?” She asks him nervously, feeling the heat building in her lower body, her face flushing once more as she couldn’t help but picture the two of them later on with a bottle of wine in the huge bathtub within their suite. Her cheeks were burning from the thoughts as well as the effects of the wine.
“Yeah. We can enjoy it later on when we get back to the hotel.” He turned to look for the waiter who was returning with their food. “We still have the spa to go to and then some swimming before dinner.” He told her absentmindedly as he thought about their plans later in the evening. 
“Hello! Sorry for the wait.” The waiter interrupted Nick’s thoughts as he started to serve the food.
Thanking the waiter, who then cleared the wine glasses they were done tasting from, Nick placed an order for the bottle of Spanish sangria Athena liked.
Athena watched him thoughtfully, not realizing that she was staring outright. Nick dug into his food, looking up and catching her eye.
“What?” He asked through a mouthful of food, an amused glint in his eye.
“Nothing.. Just thinking.” She blushed and looked down at her own food.
They ate their meal with small conversation here and there, the two just enjoying each other’s company, the quietness of the outdoor balcony they were seated at for their meal, and the food.
Athena stared out at the vineyard in front of them. She couldn’t help but wish they could stay like this forever. It was so serene.
But she knew that they’d have to return to their daily lives in four days, regardless of what she fantasized about and wanted.
The thought of that made her sad for some reason. She couldn’t pinpoint why. 
The rest of their day was wonderful. Athena had never felt so relaxed after swimming with Nick outside for a while and then having a spa treatment for herself as he took part in separate therapeutic sessions (she was not going to take part in anything with cryotherapy) that focused on active recovery as he prepared for the start of training camp in a few weeks.
They both ended up back at the hotel where they spent time getting ready for their dinner reservations at the French Laundry restaurant in Napa. Athena knew this was a higher scale restaurant and was thankful Nick shared the itinerary for their trip beforehand. She was still beyond surprise at how romantic he was underneath his rugged appearance. He very much was a soft teddy bear at his core.. And she felt blessed that she could see that side of him when he appeared to not show it that often to others outside his immediate circle.
She had changed into a black slip dress, pairing it with diamond earrings, a tennis bracelet, and a diamond necklace. Her makeup was subtle, with the only bold color coming from the red lipstick she applied. Wearing her hair down fully, she worked on her hair, trying to tame down her curly hair. 
Growing up, she was picked on for her hair.. Often because it was frizzy and she preferred to wear it up a lot and not have her mom touch it. Athena had inherited s-curls from her dad’s side and from a young age her mom worked diligently to keep it straightened, often fawning over the straight hair that Artemis inherited from her.
Shaking those negative thoughts out of her head, she reached down to fasten her strappy heels before heading out of the bathroom.
Nick had worn a short sleeved black button up and black slacks with dress shoes. He turned around at hearing her enter the room. His eyes widened and he stared at her in stunned silence at seeing her dolled up. 
“Athena.. You look beautiful.” He said, his eyes still transfixed on her as she shyly walked over to him, her arms wrapped around her waist. 
“Thank you.” She smiled up at him, her dimples showing.
Nick leaned down and gently placed a kiss on her lips. Lingering there for a few moments before pulling back. “Fuck… I wish we didn’t have these reservations.. But we need to eat to keep up our energy.” He murmured. 
“Energy?” She asked, giving her best doe eyes at him, knowing fully well what he was referring to.
“You know..” He smirked back at her. He bit his lip for a moment, scanning over her body before cursing to himself and turning towards the door. “Let’s head out. The sooner we do, the sooner we can get back here for dessert.”
Athena couldn’t wait for dessert.. She knew that for certain.
The doors to the elevator had just closed when Athena had pressed herself against Nick, her lips making contact with his neck as she leaned on her tiptoes in her heels. His hand had made its way down to her backside, gripping her ass in his hands as he leaned back and allowed her to place a series of open mouth kisses across his neck. He groaned as she nipped his skin, likely leaving a hickey as she moved further down, pulling his collar down with her hand as she did so.
Thankfully their elevator dinged at their floor, both of them separating just enough to stumble out of the elevator and down the hall towards their suite. 
Nick got the door open and quickly pushed his way inside, leading Athena by the hand. The door shut behind as he tossed his wallet and the key card onto the counter, bending down and scooping Athena up as he held her against the wall, her legs coming to wrap around him.
Nick pushed his hands up underneath her dress that was bunching up around his waist. His hand yanked at her panties hard enough to rip them off her.
Athena gasped against his mouth, pulling back to look at the now ruined panties on the floor beneath them. They were flimsy, but new.. And she almost mourned at the sight of them because they were one of the few pair that were sexy but comfortable.
“Sorry.” Nic apologized, not sounding really sorry at all. “I’ll buy you a new pair.. Had to get that out of the way.”
Athena stared back at him, still panting from their make out. “Nick..” She said slowly.
“Yes?” He answered, his voice a deeper octave.
“Please.. Fuck me.” She pleaded with him.
Nick didn’t need to be asked twice. It was as if some carnal part of his brain took over.
It was a blur as they ended up in the bedroom, close strewn everywhere as they worked to remove barriers from each other. 
Athena cried out wantonly as Nick had her pinned against the bed, his lips sucking on her right nipple, his right arm keeping him propped up over her as his left hand was occupied down below. He was fingering her roughly, being sure to bury his fingers just deep enough so his palm rubbed up against her clit. His fingers would make a scissoring motion in her walls, taking her breath away at the pure ecstatic sensations blooming from her core.
She could feel tears pricking her eyes as she finally opened them to look at Nick, her breath hitching as she realized his eyes must have been glued to her face the whole time, taking in her expressions and adjusting his ministrations based on how she was reacting.
He released her nipple, leaning over to suckle the other before lifting his head and pressing his lips to Athena’s.
She moaned as his tongue met her’s, his fingers picking up speed, him curling the two inside her in a come hither motion.. Making her cry out as he seemed to hit a bundle of nerves that sent her spiraling in a mess of sensations.
Nick leaned back and started whispering encouragement to her. “Yeah.. look at you.. So hungry for my fingers.. So hungry for me.. You like when I fuck you? Huh, Thena?” He teased her, clearly enjoying her reaction to his ministrations.
She nodded at him, her words escaping her as she felt the tension in her building. 
“You are so pretty, taking my fingers so good. I can’t wait to put my cock in you. I bet you’re so tight.. You’re just squeezing my fingers right now.. I wanna feel your pussy around my cock as I fuck you..” He kept eye contact with her as he said it. “Let me see that pretty pussy cum for me… Can you do that for me, baby? Cum for me?”
Athena whimpered and nodded her head, her legs opening wider as her hips lifted instinctively. “I want it so bad..”
“Go ahead.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Let me see that pretty face.”
A few more thrusts of his fingers later and Athena was crying out as she cummed on his fingers, her lower body arching off the bed as Nick thrusted his fingers rough and fast into her, wanting her to feel the peak of pleasure as she climaxed. 
Her lower body slumped back down on the bed as she stared up at him through hooded eyes.
Nick gently pulled his fingers out, keeping eye contact with her as he sucked on his fingers, cleaning her cum from them.
He held his hand out to her, gently pressing the tips of his fingers to her lips.
She opened them and sucked on his fingers, moaning as she stared back at him.
Nick moaned at the doe eyes she was giving him. She was a succubus - he was sure of that. So beautiful with a soft, innocent look to her. Yet, he could see underneath it that she was yearning for sex just like he was. He could feel the connection the first day they met face-to-face a few weeks ago at a cafe in Fort Lauderdale. 
It was weird - and he couldn’t describe it, but it felt so natural. Being here with her, spending time with her, and having sex with her. He had never felt this intimate connection so strongly before.
Sure he had girlfriends he took on dates, fucked, and spent time with.. But it all ended the same and started the same. There was really just a physical, sexual aspect and nothing more. Making it easy at times to break up and move on.
Yet, with Athena he wanted more. He wasn’t sure what it was about her that made him react in such an innate, carnal manner, but all he could think about leading up to this trip was her.
He was certain her and her sister were witches or something. Because he was surely under her spell.. And he wasn’t certain he wanted to be anywhere else ever again.
Athena was staring up into Nick’s eyes as he continued to deliver hard and long thrusts into her. Her legs were bent at the knees and pushed back almost to her shoulders with Nick’s grip holding them in place.
She glanced down towards where they were connected and moaned out at the sight of his cock pushing in and out from her pussy.
Nick smirked down at her and said, “you’re so fucking tight and wet, baby. You take it so fucking well.” He thrusted particularly harder at the last part.
Athena sobbed at that, her hand reaching out to grab the pillow next to her as she arched her back upwards.
Nick suddenly pulled out of her and gently released her legs. He sat back in his hunches, his cock still hard and glistening from Athena’s juices. “Fuck..” he moaned at the sight of Athena spread out, rosy cheeked and skin glistening in the dimmed lights of the hotel room. “I want you to ride me..” he crawled up beside her, leaning down to press a deep kiss to her lips, his hand cupping her chin and tilting her towards him as he slipped his tongue into her mouth.
He pulled back and said. “Wanna ride this dick, Athena?”
She bit her lip and nodded up to him.
“Tell me.” He commanded.
“I wanna ride your dick, baby.” She whispered to him, her voice hoarse from the screaming she had done earlier.
“Good.” He smirked at her, sitting down and adjusting to get comfortable. He stroked his cock and gestured for her to move over to him. “Come ride it.”
She crawled over to him, gently mounting his lap as he helped her line his cock up at her entrance. She inhaled, tensing slightly at first as she took him inch by inch.
Nick massaged her lower back, telling her, “Relax.. Baby.. just relax.”
Exhaling, she did so, wincing as she felt herself bottom out on his lap. Her ass was resting on his thighs as he reached to grab hold of her waist, careful not to hold too tightly.
Nick moaned out loudly as he felt her tight walls enveloping him again. “Fuck.. holy fuck.. How are you so tight?”
Athena panted as she squeezed tightly around him before shifting to rest on her knees, preparing to move. “I think it’s just your size.” She giggled, her arms coming to rest around his neck as she leaned in and pressed her forehead to his.
Nick smirked and said, “I hope it’s to your liking.”
“Absolutely.” She said back as she started to rock her hips back and forth before pouncing on his cock.
Nick helped her set the speed, the two of the panting. His hand reached behind her and slapped her ass roughly, causing her to squeal and bounce on him again. He laughed and did it again, this time to the other cheek.
Athena moaned at the sensation, her head tilting back as she felt the familiar sensation building again. The wine she drank earlier was making her feel ethereal.. And she knew that even though he had a higher tolerance than her, Nick was feeling it too.
It wasn’t long before she felt the tell-tale sign of her climax building again. She knew it was going to be intense as her legs started to shake with each bounce she made on his cock.
Nick’s hands had moved to cupping her ass, his hands squeezing and palming her cheeks as he panted slightly, feeling his own orgasm building.
Just as she came down once more, Nick had reached in front of her with his right hand and rubbed her clit just right, triggering her orgasm and making her cry out loudly, her head slumping against his chest as she felt the convulsions move through her.
She could see stars in that moment as she squeezed her eyes shut and rode out the sensations coursing through her.
Nick followed shortly after, moaning loudly and swearing “Fuck!” as he pumped into her, enjoying the sensation of her velvety walls milking him.
He leaned his head back as Athena slumped against him, the two of them soaked in sweat from their fucking.
He lifted his arm and rubbed it down Athena’s back, gently massaging her lower back as he felt her panting softly against his neck.
Nick stared at the half-drunk wine bottle on the end table across the room. After he fingered her, they drank half the bottle of the Spanish sangria, the wine furthering their desire for one another. He was for sure going to buy another bottle or two of it.
Nick, although slightly drunk and tired, knew they had forgotten something important.. But he couldn’t remember just what.. 
He shifted with Athena on top of him, careful in laying her down on the bed. She mumbled sleepily and cuddled into the pillow as Nick reached to shut the lights off in the room. Crawling under the blankets with her, and pulling her flushed against his back, he wrapped his arm around her and started to doze off.
Whatever it was, it would have to wait until later.
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boltupbitches · 8 months
Lover - Nick Bosa - Part 4 (spin-off of Sliding in the DMs)
Athena had her head in her hands as she sat up on the bed. Her head was killing her. Nick? He was in no better shape. He just sat there in a daze with no expression on his face. What could either of them say? Not at one point during the night and this morning did they consider practicing safe sex. That was 100% on them, regardless of booze being involved. They both knew that.
“So,” Nick started to say before pausing to clear his throat, “We need to make a trip to a nearby pharmacy to get a Plan B.” He looked over to her and waited for her to respond.
Athena lifted her head and looked at him with bloodshot eyes. She nodded in agreement. 
Nick reached out and gripped her hand. “It’s going to be ok, Athena. Alright? We’ll be ok… I um.. I promise I’m clean.. This is an awkward conversation to have after the effect.. I can get my recent panel results sent over I got two months ago…” He rubbed his free hand on the back of his neck, “Fuck.. I’m so sorry. This is NOT how I planned for the week” He glanced over at her as she watched him with sad eyes. “I mean, I don’t regret the time we’re spending together and I’d be lying if I said I regretted the sex. I just regret not being more careful in the planning and now we’re in this predicament.” He admitted shyly. ‘I ruined all of this now. She probably thinks I’m a pig and a joke.’
Athena could see the struggle going on in his head and she squeezed his hand that was still holding her’s. “It’s not all on you, Nick. I played a part too.” She was sure she was going to cry again.
Nick went to say something else when his phone rang. He ignored it and looked back to her. “Let’s get dressed and go and get that Plan B. Then we’ll get some breakfast.” He stretched before getting out of bed.
Athena watched the naked expanse of his back as his muscles stretched with each movement he made. He was beautifully sculpted and she felt the familiar heat pooling in her nether regions. 
Nick walked to her side and said, “Let’s go shower, princess.” As he scooped his hands under her and hoisted her bridal style in the air.
Athena squealed and giggled as she wrapped her arms around him, her cheeks bright red and showing under her faded makeup.
Nick sat her on the sink as he prepared the shower. He still hadn’t looked at his phone, but he knew whoever it was could leave a message or call back later. He was on vacation.
Just before they headed out, Nick’s phone went off once more and he finally took a look at his missed calls. Three from his agent. “Fuck,” he mumbled. “Thena, I gotta take an important call. Give me like 20-30 minutes. It’s my agent I have to call back.”
Athena was picking up her clothes from around the room from last night. “Ok. I’ll be waiting in here when you get back in.” 
He nodded and walked out of their suite, likely going to find a quiet and private spot to take his call. 
She ok with waiting. Everything was fine. What difference did 30 minutes make? It was fine. Right?
“Oh my my god.” Athena felt the existential dread immediately return with Nick’s calming presence now out of the room. “Oh my god.”
She quickly found her phone and texted the one person she could rely on. Her sister.
I think I fucked up.
No. I know I fucked up.
She quickly dialed her sister’s number, but it rang through to her voicemail.
A few moments later…
What if i was fucking dead, bitch?
Five minutes later her phone rang and Arty’s face popped up to show her incoming call. Athena did not hesitate to answer.
“Finally!” she shouted. “Fucking-finally!”
“Ok, what, what? I couldn’t pick up because I was busy.” Arty defended.
“Busy? What busy getting your back blown out again?” Athena asked hysterically as she started to cry over the phone.
“Athena, are you ok?” Arty asked in alarm, ignoring the remark.
“No. No I’m not. I broke up with Teddy last week, I’ve been crying nonstop and decided to go to Napa.. and while in Napa I had unprotected sex three times with a guy while I was drunk. Oh my god, Arty.. If I get pregnant mom and dad will disown me!!”
She was hysterically sobbing.
“Woah, woah, woah! Wait-” Arty blinked in shock. “First of all, did he force you?”
Athena sniffled, “No, we ran into each other, I kind of know him already.. I was feeling just lonely and upset and he was trying to cheer me up. We drank like two bottles of wine.. And then made our way back to my hotel room at some point. I came onto him.” She admitted.
She was of course lying about half of that, but she didn’t want to admit to her sister that she was hooking up with the brother of Arty’s boyfriend. That would be a headache to explain. 
“Did he leave after?” Arty asked.
“No, he stayed the night… And then... This morning we fucked again.” She admitted quietly.
“Sober?” Arty asked in shock. This wasn’t Athena’s usual way - this was more Arty’s style of stupidity - she wasn’t going to say that to her sister right now, however.
“Yeah... He was just so sweet and showed me attention. I didn’t feel like I had to force myself to get his attention like with Teddy... And he is super attractive, so the second we kissed after waking up... We fucked again.”
“And no fucking condom, Athena?” Arty asked in outrage.
“I know! I didn’t even think about it, neither did he! I mean, I’m on birth control, but I didn’t take it yet this morning when we fucked and I had so much alcohol last night.” She cried again.
“Is he there now?” Arty demanded.
“No.. he had to take a phone call and stepped out to speak with his boss.” 
“I know.” She said quietly back. “I’m sorry, Arty. Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not!” Arty said back. “I’m just worried about you. Why didn’t you tell me you broke up with fucking Teddy? That piece of shit!”
“Because you’ve been so happy with Joey, I didn’t want to ruin that.” She said.
Athena relied on Arty for strength. Her big sister was the one person she could turn to for help and guidance. Their upbringing was a tough one with an overbearing mother and a physically there, but emotionally absent father. 
“Listen, go to a nearby pharmacy and speak to a pharmacist about getting a plan B and seeing if it is still within the time frame that it can be used. Then, get plenty of fluids and rest. Make sure you are eating too. Call me back after the pharmacy trip and let me know what they say. And if shit gets to be too much to handle, my ass will fucking be there.” She said seriously.
Athena sniffled and agreed. “Thanks, Art. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“You’d be going fucking insane and married to Freddy. Now get your ass in gear and call me afterward! Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.” Athena ended the call.
Athena wiped her eyes and breathed deeply a few times. Somehow she felt like she dug a bigger hole than intended just now. “Fuck,” she groaned as she closed her eyes and leaned back on the sofa. “Why am I such a fuck up?”
A minute later Nick was returning through the door, stress clear on his face. “Hey, I’m sorry about that. My agent had an update on my contract extension. It’s just a huge headache.” He sighed as he offered Athena a hand to help her up.
Their trip to his rental car was quiet, both of them in their heads for different reasons. Nick was certain he fucked everything up with Athena. She probably thought he wanted sex from her and nothing more. That wasn’t true.
Athena was thinking about the fibs she told her sister and the effectiveness of the Plan B. Nick wasn’t anywhere in the high priority of her mind right now. As rude as that sounded, it was true. She wanted to get this preventative in her and back on her way to being in control once more of her life because right now? She felt powerless. There was little she had control over and Athena hated that feeling.
Nick had pulled up to a nearby Walgreens and Athena got out. He was about to follow her in when she stopped him. “Just in case anyone recognizes you, it would be better if you stayed in here, ok?” She tried to reason.
Nick frowned and was quiet for a moment, “Ok… will you at least let me pay for it? I’m responsible in this situation too, Thena.”
Athena frowned before nodding and reaching her hand out.
Nick pulled a crisp $50 bill out and handed it to you. “I’ll be out here waiting then.” 
She nodded and walked into the pharmacy.
“Fuck.” Nick sighed as he rested his head back. It only took a day to fuck it up. “Good going, Nicholas.” He said bitterly to himself. 
His phone rang suddenly and it was Joey’s number that flashed on his screen. He answered with a “yo,” expecting to hear his brother’s deep drawl in return. Instead, he got an irate woman.
“Nicholas Bosa, how fucking dare you?”
“Whoah, what?” He pulled the phone back to glance and make sure it was in fact Joey’s number that called him. “Who the hell am I speaking to on my brother’s phone?” He asked rudely in return.
“Just the older sister of the girl you’re hooking up with!” She spat angrily.
Nick blinked for a moment before his eyes suddenly widened. He was speaking with the infamous Artemis. Athena’s older sister. His brother’s girlfriend. “Not sure what your problem is, but can we hash this out another time? I am busy.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are. Busy getting my sister drunk and having unprotected sex with her, knowing she’s emotionally vulnerable after a breakup with her fiance.”
Nick was not here for those accusations and he made known back to her. "I don't know where the fuck you got that info from, but that's not what is happening here. Just because you’re my brother’s girlfriend doesn’t mean I’m going to let you talk to me that way. Mind your own damn business." 
He hung up his phone and tossed it in the cup holder next to him. “What the fuck?” He cursed loudly and smacked his hand on his steering wheel. He needed some aspirin and a nap at this point.
Athena had taken the Plan B in the car and handed the rest of her water and protein bar to Nick, who was sitting stiffly in his seat next to her. 
Nick eyed them up for a moment before taking them and muttering a quiet “thank you.”
They sat there for a while before Nick spoke up, “I had an interesting phone call while you were in the store.”
Athena raised her eyebrows and looked at him. “Ok?” 
“My brother’s number rang through. Except it wasn’t him calling. It was your sister.” He stared at her, his face schooled and his eyes blank. “She apparently somehow knows I took you out here and thinks I’m using you for sex. Did you call her while I was speaking with my agent?”
Athena was shocked for a moment before she tried to stutter out a response. The words wouldn’t string together and she breathed deeply to stop and calm herself, “I did call her.” She admitted quietly. “But I swear I didn’t say you were taking advantage of me or anything. She came to that conclusion herself. I told her that I was worried because I wasn’t being responsible and had unprotected sex multiple times in the last 24 hours. I didn’t think she’d call you and react that way.”
“Well, she did and I got nasty back with her. I’m sorry, but just like I’ll tell Joey when he calls to bitch me out, I’m not going to let her talk to me like that.” Nick sighed, “Fuck. This is a mess. Let’s go get something to eat and spend the day relaxing. Both of us need it.”
Athena nodded. The pit in her stomach returned as did the darker thoughts once more. ‘You just can’t stop fucking things up, can you?’ She asked herself bitterly.
The car ride back was silent as Athena looked out the window at the passing miniature towns and farmland. If she wasn’t so hungover and miserable in that moment she would have been soaking in the beauties of Napa.
Nick was in his mind thinking about his handling of things. Arty’s words pissed him off and cut deep. He knew he slept around and had plenty of hookups between his last girlfriend and his pursuit of Athena. He was always careful with his actions after his disastrous relationship with his ex. Yet, he somehow fucked shit up in such a short time with Athena. He wanted to believe that she didn’t say negative things about him to her older sister, yet a part of his brain worried that he was just wasting her time in the end if that’s how she saw things.
The attraction was mutual. The affection and interest was there. He wanted to believe he wasn’t imagining that. 
Yet Athena had just gotten out of a relationship - a long-term one that almost led to marriage. Was he just making a fool of himself in pursuing her?
He wasn’t certain. He just knew that he wasn’t in control of the situation and his emotions right now. That was a difficult pill to swallow.
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boltupbitches · 1 year
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 1
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Warnings: 18+ content ahead. Age gap - although not significant. Mentions adultery.
She never expected a 1:00 am drunk DM to lead to this. Times like these made her question reality. Was this really happening? How did she end up here?
Here being in the bedroom of Nick Bosa’s Santa Clara apartment.
As she lay on her back with her thighs hugging his head, that was nestled between them as he ate her out, she felt like she was drunk right now. He was a giving lover, in a way that she never experienced before. With her estranged husband, it was never like that. She couldn’t remember in the 15 years married to him that she ever felt pleasure like this. Anything before Nick paled in comparison.
How did it start? Well…
It started four months ago after she had a fight with her husband. At 37 years old, she was dissatisfied with her current life. Her husband was neglectful of her emotions and her needs, her friends were busy with their lives and raising children, and she didn’t want to burden her family with her troubles. When her husband stormed out after their latest argument about his indifference to her and possible infidelity, she decided she had had enough at that moment.
She was downing a bottle of wine while watching tv and scrolling on her phone. While on Instagram, she had seen the latest picture Nick Bosa had shared of him posing after a win. She felt herself warm up at the sight of him, her eyes scanning his god-like physique underneath his uniform. There was not one inch of him that wasn’t perfect. 
Drunk off half a bottle of wine, she sent him a DM, hoping he’d actually open the message request and see it. In it, she had sent him a photo of her in his jersey (from a few weeks ago when she posed up with her friend at Levi Stadium) with the message, “scarlet looks good on the both of us. Wonder what it would look like off? ;)”
At some point she had made her way into the bedroom and fell asleep. When she got back up the next morning, she was so hungover she thought the world was ending. It in fact did not. However, as she came to about the prior night’s events.. She felt mortification seep in as she realized what she had sent to Nick fucking Bosa.. 
Scrambling to find her cell phone, she prayed to God that she could delete the message request and let it disappear into the back of her mind.
Ignoring her killer hangover, she darted into the bathroom, finding her cellphone on near the sink where she left it last night.
Picking up her phone, she felt her stomach drop when she saw quite a few notifications from Instagram…
Sitting on the toilet seat, she swallowed nervously as she unlocked her phone and opened the app.
Pulling up the app she almost dropped her phone in absolute shock. Not only did Nick Bosa see her picture and read her message.. He had responded back with, “Damn.. would love to get together and find out, baby.”
And from there started a flirty banter for a few weeks between the two. One that would lead into a mutual friends with benefits situation while he was in the Bay area during the season.
She’d never forget the first time he invited her over to his apartment. He greeted her at the door as he invited her in. Once she was through the threshold, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek twice, the second being close to her lips. They both realized then that the night was going to end with them fucking - that was a given with how the teasing had built up.
Nick was an NFL player and she worked as a human resource specialist for a tech company in the Bay. Both wanted to keep lowkey for different reasons. He didn’t want the press on his ass so soon after breaking up with his TikTok-famous girlfriend, and she was married; regardless of the estrangement. That would look bad for both of them - even worse for her.
He had his chef prepare them a meal prior to her arrival and was pulling her seat out for her as she entered the small dining room. Throughout the meal, they joked back and forth about different things. They both had a love for history with her suggesting to him the latest book she picked up on the Lewis and Clark expeditions. Nick shared with her his reading list from when he was on the road.
She was surprised at how well they connected. The sexual chemistry was there from the beginning. The first time she has facetimed Nick, she could see his eyes widen before darkening as he bluntly told her “You are way fucking hotter than what you post on Instagram.. And those are fucking hot pics.. But damn…”
Her account was private thankfully, so no one really noticed the new account following her’s, the one with a bear for its profile picture and no posts or other follows. 
After eating spaghetti alla puttanesca and drinking wine, they made it to the couch where Nick ate her out and then fucked her for the first time.
It ended up being a regular occurrence for them. They spoke everyday and saw each other almost every other day in some way.
As they got deeper and deeper into this tangled web that was their relationship, she paid less and less attention to her husband.. Something he had begun to notice and a shift in him started to happen. He was trying to talk with her more.
She didn’t know what was to come next but, she surely wasn't expecting the following events.
Especially, back to the present, as she came down from a high, panting loudly beneath Nick as he rutted into her a few more times.
She ran her fingers up his back, smoothing over his neck and up to his hair. The curly tuft he usually gelled up was sweat-soaked from their love-making. He had leaned his head down to rest on her shoulder, pressing kisses to the soft skin there as he panted for air.
“Babe..” he started to say, slowly lifting himself back up and shifting to rest on his side as he propped one arm up, the other reaching to smooth across her rosy cheeks. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while..”  He started to say.
She stared now, with rapt attention, waiting for what he was going to say. Was he going to break it off between them? Was this too much?
Before her brain started to spiral into the other ‘what ifs’, he spoke again.
“You should end it with your husband. I’ll help pay for the divorce.. I just, I want to be with you. It doesn’t have to be in front of cameras or on the internet. I want to meet your friends and family, and I want you to meet mine..” He said with earnest eyes pleading at her. “I didn’t think this would happen over the last few months.. But I think about you every time we’re apart and I fucking love you.”
She was teary-eyed as she stared back at him, shocked at his admission. She felt the same, but wasn’t sure how to proceed. Divorce was going to be imminent, regardless of the sudden shift in her husband’s behavior as of late. She wasn’t happy with him like she was in this moment with Nick. Would it lead to something permanent with him? She didn’t know that. What she did know is that she wanted to reclaim her life again and find happiness once more. With Nick and their current situation, it gave her a taste of what she missed out on.
“I… I love you too, Nick.. I’m going to have to consult a lawyer about the divorce filing, and I can’t have you pay for that. You aren’t responsible for that.” She saw him speak up in rebuttal, but held her finger up to stop him, pressing it against his lips. “I have more than enough money to file for divorce and hire a lawyer to uphold my prenup. Don’t worry.”
He pouted slightly at that but nodded. He reached out to smooth his hand up her stomach, sending shivers up her spine. His hand stopped at her chest, him palming her breast before moving to rest his hand at the base of her neck, leaning in gently, he pressed his lips to hers languidly.
He leaned back and pressed his forehead to hers, “We’ll figure it out.”
She only hoped they could.. because deep down she had a bad feeling about what was to come next.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Never Really Over Part I - Nick Bosa
Song: Never Really Over by Katy Perry
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
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I was speed walking to my car while praying to God that I didn't catch one of my heels in a pothole on the way. It was raining and I could feel my hair sticking to my face as I focused on finding my car, my hands digging in my purse for my keys. All the while, I was swearing loudly at the fact that I thought coming to this fucking Ohio State luncheon for athletes was a good idea. I played women's soccer during my time here, and I was excited to be here tonight.
I wasn't expecting to see him here. Mr. First Round #2 Draft Pick.. Nick Bosa.
We were a couple for two years while he was at Ohio State.. until he told me the week before draft night that he didn't want to be in a long distance relationship while I stayed here to finish my degree.
I cried like a bitch that day, my heart completely shattered. The day before he took me out to lunch and spent the day watching tv with me, us discussing how exciting our futures would be. I didn't realize I wasn't part of his equation. We made love that night and the next morning he got ready to head out, and before leaving, he broke it off with me.
I can remember standing there in shock as he kissed me on the cheek and quickly left, the door slamming shut after him.
I wasn't sure how long I stood there, before moving onto the couch and breaking down.
I blocked him immediately on everything I could. I didn't want to see him ever again.
Sam reached out to see how I was doing when he heard the news, but he was sympathetic to Nick because "he was crying about it" when he told him. I knew Sam was more loyal to Nick because they were friends first and bros, so I down played my emotions a bit and then avoided speaking to Sam as much as possible. Slowly his calls, texts, and DMs stopped coming through and I was relieved. I distanced myself from our shared circle. Sticking with my teammates and a few other friends I made in the History program.
I focused on finishing my degree and graduating. Fast forward two years and I was working in Santa Clara, California as a paralegal while doing law school part time. I did my best to avoid anything Nick and finally, after two years, I had moved on and found happiness. Or at least I thought I had.
I was mingling with two of my former teammates when he approached me from my peripheral. Clara cleared her throat nervously and discretely nodded in his direction. The second I turned towards him, my breath caught in my throat and I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I wanted to cry as the emotions seem to pour back out. Anger, hurt, sadness, love, and begrudgingly enough, happiness. I couldn't figure the last one out. Everything was mixing together in a rapid fire within my heart.
He was wearing a grey suit with a red tie, similar to his draft suit. It was fitted well, and he looked as good as ever. His eyes squinting as a big smile overtook his face. He looked relieved to see me as he reached up to scratch the back of his neck - his signature nervous tick.
I was a coward. The sight of him made me bolt through the crowded hall and out the nearest exit and into the rain.
That's why I'm here now like this.
Power walking to my car in a Versace mini dress and heels, soaked to the bone from the shitty Ohio weather.
"Nadia! Wait, please!" I heard heavy feet across the wet concrete as he closed distance between us. "I just want to talk for a minute."
I was enraged and turned around with my finger pointed in his face. "Talk? You want to fucking talk? After all the shit you pulled?! Fuck you! How about that for a fucking talk, dickhead?!"
I turned and started to walk away again, but he gently grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him. I lost my balance and fell against him, twisting my ankle. "Fuck!"
"Shit, shit!" I felt him pull me upwards and swoop me into his arms. I'm sure we looked pretty ridiculous. a 6'4" man carrying a hysterical woman in a mini dress. "Shit, Nadia, I'm so fucking sorry!"
"Just please take me to my car and leave me alone." I whimpered. I was sure my ankle was twisted and would bruise a bit for sure.
Nick walked in the direction towards my car and opened the door. Slowly and gently he helped me into the passenger side before quickly rounding the car and getting in the driver's side.
"What are you doing? Get out of my car!"
Nick stared ahead, not saying anything at first, and then he turned towards me. "We need to talk - afterwards, if you don't want to hear anything else. I'll leave you alone and never bother you again, but I have been trying so hard these past two years to reach out to you! You blocked me on everything, you ghosted Sam, and your teammates threatened to castrate me if I even attempted to visit you on campus during practice. I fucked up - I know I can't erase that, but I just want to say I'm so sorry for what I did. I was a coward who was scared that it wouldn't work out and you'd leave me." He ran his hands through his hair and stared forward again.
I said nothing, looking down at my lap, trying to ignore my hurting ankle. After a bit of silence I reached over and turned the car on since it was chilly from the rain and the car was fogging up a bit. The heat blasted and the radio turned on.
And just like a fucking movie, that fucking song started playing me. The one that made me cry every time I heard it after our break up.
"Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best? Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over"
I could feel myself starting to cry when the hook played and Nick looked over in alarm, not sure of what to do.
"This stupid fucking song! This played on my playlist right after you walked out the door. You ruined this song for me!" I started to laugh while crying, seeing the humor in the situation.
Nick reached out his to mine and gripped it tightly as I sniffled and listened to the song. He was listening too.
I could see him shift slightly and bite his lip as he took in the lyrics. I could see him fighting a smile as well.
"Well shit.. yeah talk about timing." He said flatly.
For some reason that was also funny to me and I started laughing as the song built towards its final hook and this time Nick joined in with his own laughter.
"I guess it's never really over, then?" He asked quietly and I stopped laughing to stare at him.
His eyes were sad, but imploring.
I hated myself for falling into his eyes. They were a beautiful rich brown color. I hated that a part of me wanted to jump across the seat and kiss him, but I need more restraint than that.
"Well.. I think we have a lot to address and fix first. Let's start as building our friendship again? I'll give you my new number. I live in Santa Clara, so we can maybe meet up the next time you're back in the area?"
"Wait - you're in Santa Clara? Since when?" Nick looked happy at the news.
"Since last year. I work as a paralegal at a law firm who are helping me pay for my law classes part time."
"So we've been this close all this time?"
"I guess so.. It's a big area and I was sure I could avoid you easily. At least better than I would have if you stayed in Columbus.."
"Ouch.. I deserved that."
"Yeah, you did, but.. I'm really fucking heartbroken and seeing you here tonight brought that all back.. I wouldn't have come if I had known you were here. I thought I was over it. I've been doing so well and even casually dated for a bit without comparing them to you.. and seeing you here tonight.. my head takes me back to happier times and the end of it.. I can't promise anything, Nick." I said quietly.
He looked down at his lap and nodded quietly. "I'll take whatever I can get, Nadia. I mean it."
"Please don't make me regret this, Nick." I said quietly.
"I won't - I promise." He said firmly, squeezing my hand he was still holding on to.
We sat here a few more minutes, listening to Frank Ocean's Chanel before I said to him humorously. "Well, I guess Katy Perry is right. I guess it's never really over."
He just grinned back in return, his eyes shining brightly and full of happiness.
'Please don't break my heart again. I don't want to get over you again.' I thought to myself.
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boltupbitches · 11 months
Lover - Nick Bosa - Part 3 (spin-off of Sliding in the DMs)
18+ content ahead!
Athena awoke, groggy as light from the sunrise peaked in through the gaps in the curtains. She was thirsty, her head ached a bit, and her body felt like it just went through a strenuous workout. She lay there and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt her memories start to come to.
Although heavily buzzed last night, she could recall the details of the night prior. The flirty gestures at dinner last night with Nick and the constant touching he did to her in Uber on the way back to the hotel, and then the heavy make out in the elevator and hotel room.
Then she remembered the sex. It was unlike anything she ever experienced. She wasn’t going to lie - she expected the experience to be good - not amazing but good. After years of accepting the lackluster sex she had with Teddy, her expectations weren’t very high. Nick, however, surpassed those and blew them through the roof. 
He was skilled, his touches felt amazing and each grip or graze of his hands on her left a warm and pleasant sensation that made her crave more. His hands… she was sure he was sculpted by the Gods because of what he could do with his finger alone, it made her face flush red at that thought and her stomach began to feel warm again with arousal.
Nick could put in the work. That was without a doubt with the two rounds they went through last night. When he first thrusted into her, she was actually shocked by the sheer girth of him. Never had she been with a man who had a penis of that size. The thought of it all made her wet.
While immersed in her thoughts, she didn’t realize that Nick had awoken already and was staring at her with a sleepy smile on his face. He was facing her, lying close to her side as she was lying on her back, head turned in his direction.
Slowly, he reached his hand out and grazed it over the exposed skin of her collarbone, his hand tracing over the hickey he left at the base of her neck.
She opened her eyes and blinked in surprise at Nick.
His smile grew into a grin and he told her in a husky voice, “Good morning, Thena.”
She smiled back, her face starting to flush slightly. “Good morning, Nick.”
They lay there for a while like that, in peaceful silence, just staring at one another. Until Nick gently pulled her into him and buried his face into her collarbone, pressing kisses softly to the junction there as she giggled at the sensation of his beard.
“Stop!” She giggled, reaching up to gently tug his hair as he nipped and nuzzled her skin.
He laughed as well, staying put for a moment before lifting his head and pressing a kiss to her lips.
Athena groaned into the kiss arching into his grip around her waist, her own hand reaching up to tangle in the short curls atop Nick’s head.
Nick pushed his tongue into her mouth, massaging it against Athena’s tongue. He shifted them slightly, rolling her beneath him as he gently pulled her legs apart, thrusting his hardening cock against the dampness of her folds. 
They continued to make out languidly, building up the intensity as Nick ground himself into the warmth of Athena’s core, doing his best to tease her and get her worked up.
She pulled back slightly from him, breathing heavily as she stared up at him with dazed eyes. Her cheeks were flushed red and her lips were swollen. Nick’s eyes feasted their way down her frame, taking in the swell of her chest as she breathed heavily. His eyes took in the sight of her tightened nipples on her chest. She was so tempting to him and he couldn’t help himself.
Athena gasped loudly as she felt him dip down and latch onto her right nipple with his lips. He rolled the bud between his teeth gently a few times before suckling on it. He rolled his tongue over the overly sensitive, bruised bud leaning back to blow air on it as he tugged her left nipple with his hands.
Athena had a beautiful set of breasts. Nick loved them. They were full in their shape and beautiful. He could tell as he continued his ministrations on her chest that they were natural. Soft, tanned flesh that felt so soft in his hands. He could wax poetic about them.
He released her right nipple, blowing cool air against it and watching with delight as her skin broke out in shivers at the sensation. He then went on to do the same to her left nipple, giving it the same treatment.
Athena loved the sensations as she felt Nick’s tongue assuage her sensitive bud. Her hand reached up and pulled at the tuft of curls on top of his head once more. She then pressed his head into her chest, her other arm cradling over his shoulders as she held him to her, not wanting him to stop his ministrations.
It went on like that for a few more minutes before Nick finally released her nipple and leaned up to press an opened-mouth kiss to Athena’s, giving her a powerful French kiss before releasing her lips and moving down her body again.
This time he was heading for something else. He grinned up at her in between kisses down her stomach only stopping just above the place she wanted him most. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He muttered lowly, keeping his eyes on her as he parted her lips and ran the flat of his tongue over her, a smile pulling once more at his face when he heard her cry out at the sensation.
He did it again and again, lapping at her core with long, slow licks. His eyes watched her face as she tossed her head back in pleasure. He hummed happily at the taste of her stopping at her clit on the last lick and taking it in his mouth. 
Athena was worked beyond belief. Her body was humming in excitement as the sensations rolled over her in waves. She wanted him to fuck her so bad.
She jolted slightly when she felt his fingers move to take over at her clit as his mouth went farther south, stopping at her opening. His tongue danced around the edges of it, knowing she was waiting for him to dive in already.
“Nick, p-please!” She begged him. Her eyes were pricked with tears as she stared at him with needy eyes.
Nick couldn’t deny that look and immediately thrust his tongue into her pussy, thrusting it in and out as he pulled her tighter to him, spreading her legs wide now with both hands as he buried his tongue as far as he could in her.
Athena whined loudly when he suddenly released her legs and sat up on his haunches. His cock was throbbing and pressing against his abdomen, fully erect now and waiting.
Athena sat up slightly, leaning back on her elbows as she stared up at him, looking beyond fucked at this point, but yearning for more. “Fuck me.” She pleaded.
“Turn over,” Nick instructed and gestured for her to get on her knees.
She did so with no hesitation, sitting up on her knees and lowering her back into an arch as she swayed her ass back and forth, waiting eagerly for him.
Nick wasted no time and lined himself up before thrusting his cock in. He gripped her waist tightly as he bottomed out. “Fuuucckkk.” He groaned as he felt her immediately squeeze around his cock. “You feel so good, baby.”
“Yeah?” She asked as she looked back at him, biting her lip as she felt him begin to thrust into her. She couldn’t hold eye contact for long as she lowered the front of her body into the mattress, being sure to keep her ass arched into the air as she felt Nick begin to build a steady tempo with his thrusts. It was heavenly.
Nick leaned over her, lowering his chest to her back, pressing kisses to the back of her neck before pounding her roughly, using his forearms to balance himself with his weight from crushing her. 
Athena moaned and started panting between his thrusts. It felt amazing. His hips pressed into the round of her ass as she felt his cock piston roughly with each thrust, she turned her face to stare at his forearm resting next to her, watching his muscles tense tightly as he continued his tortuous thrusts into her. She felt herself open her thighs wider - as wide as she could with Nick’s weight partially holding her down.
It was hot. One of the most erotic things she ever experienced. She had never been fucked in this position before. 
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she was suddenly being lifted into a kneeling position, her upper body pulled up to rest flat against his chest as one of his hands reached across her chest, holding her right breast in his palm while his other reached down to rub her clit. 
Nick was kneeling as well behind her, his ups pistoning rougher into her from behind, his hips coaxing her to move in rhythm with him.
He leaned his head into her neck, pressing open-mouth kisses against the junction between her neck and shoulder, nipping the sensitive skin there and sucking a hickey onto her neck.
It was a sensory overload for Athena who was more than happy to take the pounding from Nick.
“I’m going to lay you down on your back.” Nick panted out as he stopped thrusting and helped her into a laying position, making sure she had a pillow to lean back on.
She did so, looking up at him with a needy look as she watched him get into position.
Nick paused to stare down at her, taking a look at her form lying back on the bed, wanting him so badly.
She was beautiful. Nick couldn’t help but admire her as he took in the beautiful mess of her brown curls spread out on the pillow, the freckles on her face just faintly seen underneath the faded makeup thanks to the redness of her face. Her chest was moving rhythmically up and down as she was breathing heavily in anticipation for him to enter her again. He took in the sight of her nipples, stiff peaks with goosebumps dancing across her skin. His eyes trailed further down the curves of her hips to the wet center he dreamed of. Her thighs were glistened from their fucking.
Nick gently gripped her knees, pulling her legs wide so he could fit snugly between her legs. As soon as he lined his cock with her entrance, he sunk back in, groaning loudly at the sensation of being back in her once more.
Athena’s legs locked around his waist in a vice-grip as she moaned loudly. 
It wasn’t long before Nick’s thrusts started becoming sloppy as he quickly reached down to help Athena rub her clit, his hand moving her hand away as he rubbed her clit, smirking at the sight of her hips bucking wildly in return.
She was cumming within moments, her back arching off the mattress as her hands slumped. She cried out loudly, feeling the rush move through her as her orgasm gushed out, soaking her and Nick with her squirt.
Nick followed quickly from the sensation and erotic sight. Pushing himself as deeply as possible as his orgasm ripped through him.
They remained like that for a while, panting heavily until Nick finally pulled out of her and collapsed next to her, equally spent.
Athena felt drowsiness take over her again as she started to come down from the high, her head finally pounding from the hangover she initially had before getting distracted by sex with Nick again.
He wasn’t faring any better as he felt his head throb and his need to get up and use the restroom. He tiredly turned his head and checked on Athena who was dozing off. “Hey,” He said softly. “I’m going to use the restroom, do you need to as well? I can help you up and carry you in.” He offered her.
She nodded and sat up as he got off the bed and gently scooped her up, careful in shifting her as she hissed slightly in pain. Nick carried her off to the restroom and sat her on the toilet first as he filled a glass of water at the bathroom sink, taking a drink to quench his thirst as he waited for Athena to finish before he did his business.
He helped her back into bed before heading back to the bathroom himself.
Athena lay there in a daze, closing her eyes in an effort to stop her headache in the room.
Nick at some point had come back out, closed the blinds, and crawled back into bed, pulling a now dozing Athena into him as he nuzzled her neck.
The were asleep within minutes.
Athena had awoken some time again, mouth dry and head still hurting as she shifted, only to grunt in surprise at the heavy arm weighing her down that was draped over her waist.
She wiggled slightly, feeling a warm, thick appendage pressed into her ass. She came to fully then, realizing it was Nick spooning her from behind. They had fucked again just a few hours ago. It was for sure one of the most surrealist moments of her life to realize how quickly the last three weeks of her life had changed so drastically.
Three weeks ago she was engaged and dealing with relationship issues with her fiance. She then broke off her engagement and followed suit with meeting Nick and taking this impromptu trip to Napa with him.
She felt like a stranger living in her own body. Who was this new version of Athena? This wasn’t her. She didn’t take trips with men she barely knew or had repeated amounts of sex - unprotected at that.
Unprotected.. Sex. 
“Oh my god.” She whispered, her voice so faint and almost breathless in its volume and tone.
She had unprotected sex with Nick multiple times in the last 24 hours. One time was too many... But 3-4 times? Astronomically a huge fuck up decision on her part. She didn’t know his sex history - what about STDs? What if she ended up pregnant? What the fuck was she thinking?
She felt herself begin to hyperventilate when she realized that she had also missed her birth control this morning... Knowing without looking at the clock that it was probably late afternoon now in the day.
She was fucked so fucked.
At some point, the waterworks kicked in and she was crying into her pillow, her legs tucked up to her chest and in a fetal position. The panic was overwhelming. She could feel it in every fiber of her being.
She didn’t even realize Nick had woken up until she felt a hand grip her shoulder and shake her firmly. It was enough to break her out of the ringing noise in her head and focus her eyes on Nick who was leaning over her in pure worry.
“Holy shit, Athena. Are you ok? What’s going on?” He asked, his hand gently petting her hair back from her face. “I woke up to you crying. Are you in pain? Do you feel sick?”
She shook her head and bit back another sob, trying to steady her breathing as the panic continued to bubble upwards.
Nick must have realized this because he laid down next to her, reaching out to help her lay flat on her back, his hand resting on her chest as he instructed her, “Breathe deeply. In and out… Shhhh… it’s ok. Breathe with me.” He coaxed her.
Athena kept eye contact with him, absentmindedly realizing he had turned the bedside lamps on from his side of the bed. His eyes had remained glued on her, mesmerizing her as she stared back into the deep pools there. He was still breathing deeply in line with her breathing exercises.
Finally, what felt like an eternity had passed for her and she lay there, exhausted and drained, as she stared at Nick’s worried face.
His brows were furrowed as he studied her face, searching for something that would tell him what triggered this event.
Athena wanted to hide under the blankets from his searching gaze. She felt embarrassed and humiliated at the vulnerability she was experiencing at that moment. 
“I didn’t take my birth control.” She blurted out suddenly.
Nick blinked at that, not realizing what she was saying at first. “Ok?”
She stared at him, giving him a moment to process what she said.
Suddenly his eyes widened and he said, “Oh shit.”
“Yeah.. oh shit,” she said back sardonically. They were going to have to make a run for a Plan B.
What a shit show they were in right now.
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boltupbitches · 7 months
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 6
Disclaimer: I am a HUGE abortion rights supporter. This chapter discusses abortion and deals with Natalie's dilemma of whether she wants to get one done or not. Please know that the decision made does not serve the purpose of persuading readers to oppose abortion. This is purely fictional work.
After being discharged from the hospital early the next day, Natalie spent most of the day in bed with Nick periodically checking on her.
She felt emotionally numb as she stared at the ceiling above her. Her mind entered a state of dissociation and it felt as if she was wandering freely in her mind with no way out of the daze. She knew it was the shock that set in over the circumstances she was currently dealing with.
Things felt like they were falling apart in rapid succession. She wanted to divorce Mark and keep her relationship with Nick separate. She wanted to keep her three worlds separated. She didn’t want her private life bleeding into her professional career and with Mark’s antics, it did. With Nick, she didn’t want him involved in her divorce proceedings against Mark and she didn’t want to get others involved in their relationship until she knew they would make it a little longer. She didn’t want Mark to know about Nick in any capacity, making the divorce proceedings worse.
Yet, here she was. Nick was not only involved in her divorce proceeding but also spoke to her mother - who now knows about him. It felt like her control of the situation was caving slightly in. It terrified her.
The biggest shock and fear of her system was the pregnancy. She was pregnant. Early on in her pregnancy, but pregnant nonetheless. Natalie felt so stupid for not noticing the signs sooner at 37 years old. As someone who had two prior pregnancy scares in her 20s, this one snuck up on her. She always had a history of irregular periods, but kept up religiously on birth control. The major changes were exhaustion, nausea, light-headed episodes, and increased appetite - all of which she had experienced in some way giving her anxiety disorder and depression.
In her moment of pondering she didn’t even realize that Nick had returned to their room once more until she felt the bed dip behind her.
Nick lay next to her on his side and wrapped an arm gently around her torso as he scooted closer to her.
He pressed a kiss gently to her temple and stayed there as he inhaled the scent of her shampoo from her hair. He pulled back and rested his head on his pillow as he stared at her.
Natalie shifted to her right side so she was now facing him. She studied his face with a blank expression as she took in his faint freckles, the slight crookedness of his nose from a childhood injury, the thicker beard he had been sporting as of late, and his dark brown eyes that were hooded with exhaustion. The emotions in his eyes were a mix of sadness and love.
She could feel a tug in her heart that helped in pulling the fog surrounding her mind. She could feel herself a little more clearly, the numbness was fading now as she continued to stare at her lover’s face.
“Hey,” she softly whispered.
“Hey,” he echoed back faintly.
“I’m..” she blinked, struggling to find her words. It felt like her jaw was stuck and her tongue too heavy to speak, “I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to be,” Nick said urgently. “Please, don’t be.”
His hand reached up to cup her left cheek as he leaned in once more to press his forehead against hers. 
They both breathed deeply, their hearts aching. This was so hard and incredibly painful.
They had to talk about it. Now - not later.
“I think… I think I’m going to call and make an appointment to.. terminate the pregnancy.” She says, tears starting to stream down her face. “I don’t know how else to make this work. There’s too much going on Nick. With my divorce, my work, and your career… how could we handle a baby on top of everything?”
Nick was crying now too, not even trying to school his face into the stoic expression he showed those outside his inner circle. “I could look after the baby when I’m not at practice and I don’t play year-round - it is a possibility.” Please was the word he wanted to add, but didn’t.
She looked up and bit her lip. “It’s only been five months.”
“People have been together and ended up pregnant in much less time, Natalie.” He tried to reason.
“I don’t want to lose you in my decision…” She admitted tearfully. “I don’t want an abortion to be the one thing that ruins us, but Nick, as a woman, please hear me out.”
“You won’t lose me,” he spoke fiercely, “You will never lose me. As long as you want me, I’m staying here with you. I just… Natalie, please give it some more thought before you do it. A baby is a beautiful thing - could you imagine a little girl that looks like us? Or a little boy?” He wiped his eyes, “I could imagine buying a bigger house for us - maybe in San Jose where the really good schools are at. In the summer months, we could spend it in Florida with my family. Your mom can come visit and stay with us whenever.”
Natalie cried more as she listened to Nick’s fantasy. It was clear he had been thinking about this before the pregnancy and it had been something at the forefront of his mind these last 24 hours.
“Ok… I’ll think about it, Nick.” She promised.
She knew she wasn’t likely going to change her mind but she felt she at least owed him that with how much he stayed by her side these last few months. She knew that while it was her decision in the end, she wanted him to know that she heard him.
‘Why did this have to happen now?’ She thought to herself as she forced a smile on her face at the look of relief on Nick’s. 
Nick had spent the last couple of days caring for her, but when Shanahan called and bitched him out about making sure he showed up for practice since playoffs were around the corner (he took a few days for family - not telling his coach the true reason), Nick had no choice but to drag his feet to his car and head to practice.
It didn’t stop him from calling her to check in on her at least three times throughout the day.
Natalie took that time to secretly sneak off to her OBGYN appointment. She went without Nick to get some answers from her doctor without added pressure. He would surely be disappointed for not being included but Natalie felt like she needed some answers on her own.
After checking in with the receptionist, Natalie sat down and started updating her medical paperwork. The waiting room was quiet with no one else in the room with her. The only noise that could be heard was the television faintly playing some telenovela and the central air kicking on above her.
Suddenly, the door opened and a young woman walked in with a car seat. She pushed the door shut and walked to the front desk, passing Natalie as she went. She appeared exhausted and the c was very heavy for her as she leaned slightly over to one side to try and compensate for the weight.
Natalie couldn’t help but stare as she saw a tiny hand reach out in the car seat and move around for a moment before it disappeared from sight once more. 
“Hi, yes, I’m here for my check-up. Marissa Cruz.” She said brightly.
She shifted once more with the car seat as the receptionist checked the system and then said, “Yes, we have you fro 10:30 am. You’re a few minutes late but that’s ok. We recently updated our billing system and are asking patients to provide their insurance cards so we can re-scan. Can you provide yours please?”
“Umm.. Yes, one second.” She turned towards the row of chairs where Natalie sat and approached her, “Hi, I am so sorry to bother you. Could you please just keep an eye on my daughter for a brief minute while I finish checking in?”
Natalie blinked in surprise before setting her clipboard down and nodding nervously, “Um… sure, yeah that’s fine.”
The woman, Marissa, sat the car seat down and thanked her profusely before rushing back over to the receptionist who was waiting for her.
Natalie stared down at the baby who was gnawing on her hand and stared back with curious eyes. “Hello little one,” Natalie said softly.
The baby cooed back in greeting and kicked her feet under her blanket. 
Natalie felt herself gulp and her eyes prick with tears as she thought back to the last week of her life since discovering her pregnancy. Seeing a baby right now was pulling at her heartstrings and making her think about the ‘what-ifs’.
Marissa had returned and sat her bag down with a deep sigh as she turned towards Natalie. “Thank you so much for looking after my baby. I’m Marissa. Sometimes I just don’t have enough arms to get everything done.” 
“My name’s Natalie. I can imagine. I feel that way at work a lot - but I’m dealing with adult babies there.” Natalie joked.
Marissa laughed at that and reached down to scoop up her cooing daughter. “This is Alana. Would you like to hold her?”
Natalie didn’t realize that she was looking longingly at the baby, her hormones having kicked up. “S-sure. Let me put some Germ-x on first. I know babies have sensitive immune systems.” She turned and fished at the disinfectant from her purse and a mask. She put the mask on and cleaned her hands before reaching nervously for the baby.
Marissa passed Alana over and smiled as the baby squirmed in Natalie’s arm. Alana was trying to get comfy so she could stare up at the woman holding her with curious eyes.
“Hi there, Ms. Alana,” Natalie said softly. “It’s nice to meet you.” She looked up to a smiling Marissa.
“How far along are you?” Marissa asked knowingly.
“W-what.. How did you know?” Natalie asked in shock.
“I was sitting in the same place you’re in a little over a year ago. The nerves, the tiredness, and the leg tapping.” Marissa said simply.
“I’m not sure how far along I am. I think less than 10 weeks but I suppose I’ll know for sure soon.” Natalie rocked Alana gently as she explained.
“Will this be your first?” Marissa asked as she reached down to grab her water bottle from the diaper bag.
“Yeah, it’s my first. At 37 years old - I guess that makes it a geriatric pregnancy.” Natalie said jokingly. 
“Ehh. Being pregnant at 37 sounds way better than being pregnant at 24 - which was me. My party days are over.” Marissa laughed.
“Do you miss being child-free?” Natalie asked.
“Sometimes I do. Usually when I wish I could sleep in but now I have a little one who is hungry every day by 6 a.m. I’ve learned to adapt a lot though in the last few months. It is a work in progress.”
Natalie nodded as she stared back down at the now-dosing baby.
The door next to the receptionist window opened and a nurse appeared with a clipboard, “Natalie Collins?”
“That’s me,” Natalie turned towards Marissa and carefully handed the baby over to her. “It was nice meeting you and your daughter, Marissa. Take care.” She smiled as the woman took the baby out of her arms.
Natalie stood and removed her mask as Marissa smiled back. “Same here, Natalie. Take care and good luck!” 
The nurse guided Natalie back to the room and took her vitals. “Alright, Dr. Conti will be in,” she hands her a gown. “Open side is on in the front.”
It wasn’t long until her doctor came in with the nurse at her side.
“Hello, Ms. Collins. It’s good to see you again.” Her doctor smiled. “I got the report from your ER visit a couple of days ago. It appears that you are pregnant?” 
“Yes,” Natalie nodded nervously at the older woman. “Not sure how far along I am but I think maybe 2 months or close to it. The ER doctor just said it was early in my pregnancy, but didn’t elaborate further.”
“That’s not surprising to hear, unfortunately.” Her doctor frowned. “Well, let’s get a look here.”
Natalie laid back as the nurse instructed her and waited as the nurse applied the ultrasound gel to her abdomen. 
After a few minutes and some small chit-chat, an image popped up on the screen. There was a small, golf-ball-sized shape that appeared on the screen. The doctor moved around a few times before refocusing once more. “This, Ms. Collins, is your baby. It appears to be about 8 weeks old at this current time, so you’re very early on in the process. We aren’t going to see much at this point in the pregnancy, but as it progresses, by week 12 it’ll look more like a fetus and less like an embryo.”
Natalie watched with rapt attention at the small object on the screen. Her eyes were tearing up slightly as she reached up to quickly swipe one of her tears away. “I.. wow.” Was all she could utter. 
“It sure is fascinating - I’m glad we can now offer early ultrasounds for expecting mothers. It used to be that you had to wait until you were a few months along to get an image.” Her doctor explained. “Did you want any print-offs?”
“Yes please,” Natalie said softly, as her mind went to Nick who was unaware she was even here. “If.. I decide to not keep the pregnancy, what are my options?”
The nurse was helping her clean her stomach off as Dr. Conti typed a few notes in her chart at the computer. 
“If you decide to terminate the pregnancy right now, it would be a prescription that can be taken until 11 weeks along. After that, an in-clinic abortion can be performed until 24 weeks." Her doctor explained. “Are you considering this option?”
“I don’t know quite yet with everything going on in my life. I just don’t know where I stand with my decision yet.” Natalie said nervously.
“You have time to decide, and you have support here from our office in whatever that decision is,” Her doctor reassured her.
“Thank you.”
“Of course. We’ll leave you to get dressed and you can book your next visit with the receptionist, ok?” Her doctor handed her the printed ultrasound pictures. “Whatever you decide, Natalie, know that there is no judgment here.” Her doctor smiled and then headed out of the room.
Natalie got dressed quickly and gingerly picked up the ultrasound pictures in front of her. Her eyes studied the small blob-like shape on the image as her brain tried to imagine what it would look like as a fully developed baby. Would it look like her more than Nick? Or vice-versa? Would it have Nick’s curls and her nose? 
Her hand shook slightly as she pressed it softly to her abdomen, almost as if reaching true realization of what was growing inside of her. A baby. Not just hers, but also Nick’s.
She knew she still had time to decide on what she was planning to do. Natalie knew that her heart was starting to lean one way while her brain was going the other way.
If only it was an easy decision to make.
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boltupbitches · 1 year
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 3
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Natalie stared in shock at Mark for another moment or two before lifting her phone back to her ear and telling Nick, “Hey I’ll give you a call back in an hour.” 
“Ok? Is everything ok? Who’s at the door?” Nick pressed, sounding worried now.
“Umm.” She looked up at Mark who was staring back at her expectantly to be let in, looking confused. She quickly shut the door in his face and locked it. 
“Hey! Natalie!” Mark called out indignantly, wiggling the door handle in a futile attempt of opening the door.
Natalie backed away from the door for a moment and breathed out a shaky breath, feeling her anxiety spiking as she tried to calm herself. “It’s Mark.” She said quietly to Nick. “I am going to see what he wants and I’ll call you back afterwards. He brought lunch with him and clearly wants something.”
Nick was quiet on the other end for a moment before scoffing and saying. “Yeah probably wants back in your good graces.. If he tries anything on you, Natalie, I will kick his ass.” He said in a serious tone. “I’ll call you in 30 minutes. I love you.”
She sighed, rubbing her forehead as she prayed that she’d be able to get Mark up and out of the building because she had a feeling that if she missed Nick’s call in a half hour, he’d be pulling up. She knew he was serious. “I love you too. It’s going to be ok,” She was certain that was more of a self-reassurance than one for him. “I’ll talk to you in 30.”
They said their goodbyes and she hung up, sighing loudly once more as she stared at the door, ignoring Mark’s call as she could see the shape of him outside the blurred glass pacing back and forth in agitation.
She swung the door back open and glared at him. “What do you want?”
Mark stopped walking and stared back impassively. “Who was that on the phone, Natalie?”
“An HR consultant I was finishing a meeting with.” She lied smoothly.
“And you couldn’t have said that on the phone in front of me?” He interrogated, agitated at her for not inviting him in yet. She was standing firm in the doorway, her body language letting him  know he wasn’t welcomed.
“My work business is my own. Just as I’m sure yours is too, right?” She asked him with a false sweetness, the barbed reference in her words sharp as a knife.
Mark narrowed his eyes at her and said, “Can we talk, please? I didn’t come here to argue. Just to have lunch and talk.. Like old times.”
She was silent for a moment before moving back and out of the way for him to come in. “It can only be a half hour, Mark. I have another meeting at,” she looked at her watch, “1:00pm on the dot.”
“Nat.. come on that’s not even a full 30 minutes from now.” He protested.
Natalie gave him an unimpressed look and moved over to her desk, moving over important documents to clear a space - being sure to quickly slide the note from Nick out of sight and under the pile as she did so.
Mark looked around the room, taking in her office before his eyes honed in on the bouquet of flowers sitting on her desk. They were hard to miss and were a very large arrangement of vibrant oranges and pinks. “Nice flowers.” He comments.
Natalie freezes for a second, her back to him as she’s grabbing a bottle of water from her mini-fridge behind her desk. She swears silently to herself for a moment, hoping he won’t ask who they were from or has spoken to her secretary out front. “Thank you.”
Mark sits the food down gently, still eyeing the flowers with suspicion. “Secret admirer?” The tone of his voice sending anything but pleasant at the idea of it being something more. Not that he had any place to question her, thought Natalie bitterly.
“No. I bought them for myself to celebrate a good quarter in my department.” She said nonchalantly, accepting the food container he offered to her. 
The smell of Chinese food he brought was mouth-watering. She didn’t care at all what he thought as she dug in and started eating, paying him no mind as he watched her thoughtfully. She was eating a lot as of late and chalked it up to stress from her marriage issues and her job. 
“So I was thinking we could get dinner sometime down in Santa Clara. Like we used to every other Friday night.” Mark suggested.
“I can’t tonight.” Natalie says after swallowing her food.
“Why not?” Mark questions with his eyebrow quirked.
“I’m meeting a friend of mine for dinner and then heading over to theirs for drinks and a movie.” Natalie tells him, her eyes impassive and giving nothing away, but inside she was starting to feel uncomfortable at the inquisitive look Mark was giving her. She held eye contact, not wanting him to suspect her dishonesty. Those were her plans after all. She was meeting a ‘friend’ (her boyfriend) for dinner and drinks (at his place). She was just sure to leave the part out where she was planning to have sex too. Mark had his secrets too. Ones much bigger than hers.
“Oh? Do I know this friend?”
Natalie gives him a funny look and says, “We don’t share all the same friends, Mark. You have your friends and I have mine. Not everything in a marriage is shared, right?” She smiles coyly.
“Natalie.. Look.” He tosses his plastic fork down on his takeout box. “I am trying to make this work. I know we’ve fallen to the wayside and have grown apart.. But I don’t want to give up on us.” He pleads, his hand running through his hair, “There’s no one else for me but you and I know I haven’t been the best husband,” he pauses to collect himself. 
‘Understatement of the year.’ She thinks sarcastically, fighting the urge to roll her eyes at his dramatics. She felt nothing for him at that moment and glanced down at her phone to see he had 15 minutes left of wasting her time. 
“I wanted to come here and extend an olive branch,” He starts to explain, his eyes pleading with hers. “I was thinking we could try marriage counseling to help us fix this rift between us.”
Natalie is quiet for a few moments and makes a small scoffing sound. “I won’t promise anything, Mark.. at this stage, what’s the point?” She bitterly asks him. “You’ll just revert back to icing me out and seeking attention elsewhere when you’re bored of this marriage again.”
Mark stares at her in shock. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Natalie stares back at him, her eyes starting to darken with anger as she regards the man and his audacity to play a role of ignorance. “Mark… I think we both know.. And honestly, I’m too tired to give a fuck at this point.. So,” She proceeds to drop her fork into the container, close it, and stare at him. “I think I’m going to cut this little meeting off now for the sake of the two of us. You can go.” 
Mark sits there, too stunned to speak and not used to this side of Natalie.. “Nat.. you’re seriously going to kick me out of your fucking office?” He spats angrily at her. “Be fucking reasonable.”
Natalie stands up suddenly and leans on her desk with both hands, her eyes blazing now at his attempts to minimize her authority in her space. “I don’t need to be anything but frank in this moment. I am done with my lunch, you are making me uncomfortable, and therefore I am telling you to leave and not bother me at my place of work again. I don’t go to your job looking for you and bothering you, or inquiring where you are 4-5 nights a week when you decide to not come home. So please,” she laughs sarcastically, “do not think you can just waltz in here and talk to me that way.”
They stare at each other, neither saying a word for a few moments, anger and tension clouding the room. 
Mark nods and gets up slowly. He packs his lunch up and tosses it in the trash next to her desk. “Ok..” he chuckles, an almost maniacal type that makes Natalie flinch back slightly. “Ok, Natalie.” He nods a few more times before suddenly glaring at her with burning anger. 
The next few moments pass in a blur because suddenly his arm is reaching out and swiping the bouquet of flowers off her desk. 
The beautiful crystal vase shatters onto the floor, water and shards of glass flying everywhere. The flowers lay scattered as well, stems snapped from the impact on the floor.
Natalie stares down in disbelief at the mess on the floor. She barely registers Mark’s cocky saunter towards the door or his sickly-sweet call of “see you at home later, honey!” As the door shuts loudly behind him.
It’s quiet now in her office as she is still standing there, looking at the ruined gift she received no more than a mere hour or so ago. 
And just like the vase now shattered on the floor, she breaks down too.
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boltupbitches · 1 year
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 2
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She was gently tapping her pen on the notes in front of her, waiting for the training session to start as her department head was fiddling with the smart board at the front of the conference room.
Her phone buzzed twice, catching her attention.
She looked around the conference room, making sure no one was paying attention as she opened up her iMessages.
The first was from Mark, her husband - which surprised her.
Did you want to go out tonight for dinner? I know it’s been a while since we’ve had time to ourselves.
She furrowed her eyebrows at that. What was his deal? Why was he trying now?
The next was from Nick. He had sent her a picture of himself, post workout and the caption, “thinking about you baby. Can’t wait to see you tonight."
She bit her lip to hide the smile fighting to spread across her face. He was a sweetheart and he was hers.
“Ok, folks! Sorry about the technical issue! We’re going to go ahead and get started.” Her department head announced.
She tucked her phone in her jacket pocket and tuned in to focus on the meeting.
When it was her turn, he turned to her and said, “Ms. Collins is going to come on up now and present the latest statistics from last years retention rate.” He gestured for her to step up, “Ms. Collins?”
She cleared her throat and stepped up to the front with her notes.
She’d deal with it all after this meeting.
As she leaned back in her desk chair, she sighed in relief that the meeting was over and that she had the next two hours to herself with nothing on her schedule to worry about.
A knock at her door interrupted the peace and quiet.
She sighed quietly. “Yes?” She called out.
In came the human resources secretary, Janet, with a large vase of flowers in her hands. 
“Look what I have for you, Natalie! This was just delivered and I signed for it. Husband working his magic?��� She teased.
Natalie froze up at that and said, “I guess he is! It’s… it’s a nice surprise!” She forced a cheerful smile, reaching out to touch one of the pink roses and then plucking the small card sticking out.
“I’ll leave you to it then. Have a good lunch, Natalie.” Janet waved and left, closing the door behind her.
Natalie inspected the vibrant bouquet, taking in the pristine quality of the flowers, and just how lovely it was. Looking back down at the card, she gently opened it, seeing the message scrawled in it.
I know you’ve been stressed about work and a lot of other things, so I wanted to brighten your day a bit.
Love, Bear 🐻 
She smiled at the message and decided to give him a call.
After the second ring, he picked up. “Hey.” 
“Hey, is this a bad time?” She asked, worried he’d be at practice or in a meeting.
“No, no. For you there’s never a bad time. I’m in my car getting ready to head home. Are you doing ok?” He asked in concern.
“I am!” She said brightly back, her smile blooming across her face. “I actually just got this absolutely gorgeous flower arrangement. I am just wondering who it is since it’s signed by ‘Bear’..” She teased.
He chuckled at that and said, “Yeah on the way to practice this morning I stopped off at a flower shop and placed a delivery to you. Got your work address off a business card you left in my apartment when you were working-from-home the other week. Hope you didn’t mind.. I know we have to keep this on the low.”
“No, no.. that was honestly so sweet and thoughtful. I love them.” She looked at the flowers again, taking in how gorgeous they were. “I didn’t even know you knew flowers that well to pick out. Or was this a pre-designed one?”
“Actually,” He started to say, coughing slightly, “When the lady asked what I wanted, I told her I didn’t know. She asked me who the person is that I am buying for.. So I just started to spill about you, like who you are as a person, what I love about you.. And she just started writing stuff down and gave me a price. I didn’t get to see what it looked like, but I’m assuming with how happy you are that I did it right.”
“You did..” She bit her lip, “You certainly did.”
“Good enough to get you to come over tonight and have dinner with me?” He asked hopefully. 
“I could wing that.. I don’t know if I can stay over, but I’ll be over for dinner and dessert.” She flirted back.
Nick groaned at that, “I can’t wait. You should wear that slip dress over you send me a pic of. I wanna fuck you in it.”
Natalie shifted in her seat, feeling a stirring sensation in the bit of her stomach. She had to bite her lip to fight the urge to moan a little at that thought. “No panties?”
“Up to you,” He said roughly. “Either way you won’t be wearing them when I fuck you.”
“Hmm..” She said back, toying with the button of her blouse. “I have a meeting with a divorce lawyer on Thursday.. Two days from now.” She said quietly, deciding to cool down their flirting before she was forced to do something about it herself.
“Yeah?” Nick’s voice sounded calmer again, still husky, but toned back from the deeper voice he was using just moments ago. “Is it free consultation? Did you get a cost estimate for the hourly rate? Did you check the reviews on them? I can get my agent to do it, no questions asked.”
“Nick..” she sighed. “I can’t have you do that for me. I know you are just trying to help and I really appreciate it. I do - beyond what you can imagine. I just.. I don’t want your name tied to this somehow and it creates conflict for us with others. If the media catches wind of you dating a married, older woman,” She paused to swallow the bitter feeling at the word, “They’re going to tear you to shreds like they did Zach Wilson and my company will let me go for bad image being associated with them..” She trailed off, feeling the sadness at her situation creep up.
“First of all… stop speaking like you’re 55 and I’m 18.. We are 12 years apart. It’s not like you’re being a fucking cradle robber. I’m a grown man and you’re a grown woman. We want this and it isn’t anyone else’s business but ours.. And Wilson was rumored to be fucking his friends mom.. That’s not us.” Nick heatedly argued back.
“I don’t want to argue about it..” She said quietly, already tired over it. Since he brought up the divorce prospect three weeks ago, she was dancing around it. She definitely was going to divorce her estranged husband, Mark Collins. She had collected enough evidence of his two year infidelity with his co-worker thanks to some internet sleuthing.. And she thankfully had a prenup signed during their marriage. As someone who came into money from her father’s death, her mom insisted on a prenup agreement before she married Mark, who at the time was a broke college graduate. She was thankful everyday her mom pushed for that.
“I’m not trying to.” Nick said, this time calmer. “I just hate seeing the sadness on your face when you have to go back to that house. I hate to see you crying over the shit that fucking dick put you through.. I just want to help you get out and be free from that cage he’s put you in.” He said, this time more firmly, the anger building again.
“I love you.” She said to him, tears pricking her eyes. “I’m sorry for being so emotional as of late over this whole ordeal. It’s been so draining and painful. I don’t love him anymore and I haven’t for a long time. We are strangers, but a part of me hurts so much because he has made me so miserable for so long.. And now I'm almost free of him and that marriage.”
“Don’t cry, Nat.. please don’t. He’s not worth it.” Nick soothed her. “I swear on God that I’ll never let anyone make you feel that way again.. I fucking swear. He’s so lucky I haven’t crossed paths with him. Cause I’d fucking rip him a new one for being such a piece of shit.”
“I think..” she started to say, hiccuping from the tears. “He got his co-worker pregnant.. The one I found nudes of on his phone. And I think he’s panicking now because he’s been trying to spend time with me and be friendly to me..” She shared, nervous at Nick’s reaction.
He said nothing, just the sound of deep breathing could be heard.
She knew he was practicing a breathing technique to calm himself down.
“Did he try to sleep in your bedroom again?” He asked, his voice quiet, but the white hot anger was bubbling underneath.
“No,” She shook her head even though he couldn’t see her, “No, I keep the master bedroom locked. He hasn’t slept in there in a year. He has barely been home except as of recently. I avoid him as much as possible.”
“Good. Cause if he tries shit, I’m going to kill him, Nat.” Nick said, his voice serious. “I swear that I will.”
“I don’t know if I want to fight for the apartment.” She admitted. “It’s paid off and in both of our names.. Although I have financial proof that I paid the 20% downpayment on it. I think I’m going to get the lawyer to try and negotiate with him to buy my share of ownership so I can be free of it.”
“How much money?” Nick asked curiously, knowing how high property value was around the Bay area.
“$1.5 million would be my half if it’s sold at market value.”
Nick left out a low whistle at that. “That’s a pretty penny.”
“It is.” She agreed, fiddling with her pen now as she tapped it on her notepad. “I have money saved up from inheritance and from work. I’ll probably rent for a while before considering a purchase again.”
“Move in with me.” Nick said.
“Nick.. that’s asking a lot of you.” Natalie protested.
“No it’s not.. If you want we can split the utilities and HOA bill. I bought the apartment outright after my first year in the Bay. I just bought a condo in Fort Lauderdale where I spend the off-season. You can come out there with me, and work-from-home right? I thought you said you have the flexibility.”
“I do, but I’d have to give a justification for that. If I tell them the boyfriend I have while going through a divorce is an NFL player for the 49ers and lives across the country half of the year, I’m not certain they’ll be so understanding.”
“They will.” He said confidently. “If they want good press and marketing connections with one of the biggest teams in the Bay, they will.”
“You’re going to leverage your star status?” She teased him.
“Absolutely. If it gets you in my bed and with me everyday, then I for sure will.”
Just as she was going to say something else. She heard a loud knock on her door. She was confused as to who it could be.
“Hold on a minute, someone’s at my door.” She tells him quietly. Holding her phone pressed to her chest. She gets up and cracks the office door slightly.
She almost drops her phone in shock as she stares at the man on the other side.
“Who is it?” she hears Nick as faintly.
“Hey Natalie.” The man says awkwardly, scratching his head. In his arm is a take out bag.
She continues to stare at him in shock before finally spitting out rudely, “What are you doing here Mark?”
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