#Niall Horan au
loversipod · 1 year
Perfect Storm
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Summary: Niall is a single dad who, when the train is late, accidentally meets y/n who falls asleep on his shoulder. You always meet twice in life, this time it was pure luck.
Pairing: single dad!niall x reader
Wordcount: 843
Trigger warnings: none
A/N: I’m sorry that I disappeared for so long with my writing. Just a lot is going on and work is so stressful. I would appreciate it when you share it :) I’ll try my best to get more out soon.
The spring night is cold, with a gentle breeze and a small rainstorm. The night sky was often clear and you could see the stars shining, but not today. It was a beautiful spring day. Parents were in the park with their children, he wished he could do it too. Their parents watched their children and they looked so happy, some of them were walking with their dogs.
The train was stuffed full of people with barely enough space to move properly through the crowd. His phone died so he watched the people around him. He was glad he had a seat. He is claustrophobic and passes out when he doesn’t have enough space.
He was torn from his thoughts, by a woman who tapped his shoulder. One seat was free next to him, only his backpack was in the way. “Is this seat free?” The first thing he noticed was her red cheeks and nose. It must be cold outside. The brown scarf hides a lot of her neck and chin. Her hair was beautiful, the colour was perfect and her skin looked flawless. Her voice is sweet and quiet, she talked gently.
It was embarrassing he just stared at her, he still hadn't answered her. He moved his backpack and nodded. “Do you have a charger?” He asked shyly with a soft voice. He doesn’t want to scare her. It’s weird to ask a stranger you just met. She searched her backpack and gave it to him, “thank you.”
Ten minutes passed and the storm got stronger. A lot of people left the train when they reached the city. Now some get inside their home and some leave the train to meet up with friends.
The raindrops started a race, the drops run the glass faster down and more joined their competition.
His ocean-blue eyes wander around, the strangers were interesting enough to observe. Especially the woman next to him. She had a hard time staying awake. He couldn’t watch her the whole time.
What would she think of him?
He fixed his eyes on his phone. He saw that he missed four calls, so he called immediately. Something must be wrong, at home. When someone picked up he heard the sweetest voice talking to him. She always sounds like honey, “I’m sorry sugar the train is delayed. I know I promised—” he stopped talking.
Her soft hair tickles a bit on his smooth skin. His gaze fixed on her. She fell asleep on his shoulder. The small voice said, “be safe,” he forgot he talked to her.
“I will be,” he said.
The brown-haired man started to watch the woman. Her breathing is calm and small puffs of air leave her mouth. She even snores quietly. What if she got a cold, after standing outside so long, on a cold evening?
“Excuse me,” he touched her arm gently.
She opens her eyes and you can see the shock in them. Her pupils are blown big out of fear, probably. She raised her head. “I’m sorry— I—” she started to talk but he immediately stopped her.
He flashed her a gentle smile, “it’s okay, I need to go, my station, it's next.” The beautiful woman stood up and was embarrassed.
“Have a good night,” she told him.
“Thank you, you too.”
The next couple of days he always wondered what if he asked her for her phone number. What was her name? Maybe he got a little crush, but that was over, after four days. He doesn’t have time for dating. He had his hands full with his job and his daughter needs a lot of attention too.
He heard the doorbell and saw behind the door the woman from the train. “Hello,” she whispers embarrassedly.
He couldn’t believe his eyes.
He opens the door wider, “please come in.” He took a deep breath, “so you must be my new babysitter?” He was surprised to see her again. You only get your chance once. If you don’t ask, you never know what would happen, what could have become of it? And sometimes you get a second chance and it stands on your threshold.
“I’m y/n, sir,” today her hair was curly and her cheeks were again red but this time not from the cold. This time it was out of embarrassment. She couldn’t stop playing with her rings.
His pink lips left a chuckle, “I think we can both agree that sir is not the right thing to call me after you slept on my shoulder,” she looked into his face. He teased her about it, “please call me Niall,” he had a big smile on his lips.
After the interview, he decided it was y/n new job to take care of his little one. He liked her the most and she’s the youngest that applied for this job so he knew she isn’t strict with his daughter. He wants her to like y/n, and see her as a friend.
Who knows how their story will continue?
533 notes · View notes
harrywavycurly · 9 days
Texting Boyfriend Niall Horan Part 1: You’re Lost?
Masterlist: Here
CW: Language
A/N: Niall isn’t shocked that you’re stuck somewhere all because you wanted a snack, he will always come rescue you. Also y’all’s banter is top tier and I hope you enjoy✨
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45 notes · View notes
justmeinatree · 7 months
01 - Astoria : Ripplin On By
Summary : you find yourself trapped on a pirate ship, desperate to be saved. or is the pirate that needs saving …
feels far from home close to the veil, goodbye mother’s fairytale
TW : murder, talks of sexual assault
Word Count : 5k
A/N : we can all thank @niallthebadboi for reminding me of the niall/james corden halloween music video 🤐
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“oi, mate. mate, come here,” he whispers, his index finger in a come hither motion.
niall’s ears perk up, the quietness of the lower deck echoing even the faintest of sounds. he looks behind him, spotting one of the crew members, furrowing his eyebrows, “what is it ? m’a little busy.”
with his boots sludging through the thick waters on the bottom deck of the boat, the smell of the salt water mixed in with mould due to the slowly rotting wood, niall was filtering through boxes upon boxes. he knows he can find what he’s looking for, if he’s just given enough uninterrupted time. christ, there’s a lot of shit down here.
“did you hear ? there’s supposedly a lass on board.”
and well that, makes niall laugh, shaking his head, “don’t tell me you’ve fallen for that rumour. no way there’s a lady on this ship. not a single lass, in her right mind, would board onto a boat with a bunch of pirates. bloody death wish if she does,” he adds, muttering to himself.
“nah, s’not a rumour lad. can’t you feel it ?” he hums, smirking, dirty brown teeth poking through his chapped lips. “we can all tell. the energy’s different. oh what i would do to get my hands on a sweet young lady.”
“bloody disgusting you,” niall laughs, shaking his head. although he can’t help but fantasize about a woman from time to time. spending the majority of his adult life on a ship full of men, and maybe, just maybe, he can feel some sort of shift in the air. but that could simply be all the idiots up on deck getting themselves worked up for nothing. it’s not like it’s the first time niall hears about rumours like this one.
“can’t tell if i’d rather have a little taste, or pray for her wellbeing when she’s found,” he hums, shaking the thoughts out of his head, making his way back up, calling down to niall, “whoever finds her first gets first dibs.”
niall huffs, turning around and getting back to his task at hand. there was obviously nothing to get worked up about. because there was obviously no girl on the ship. they haven’t ported in almost a week now, no way a lady would have made it this long. pirate ships aren’t exactly anything close to nice accommodations.
but for now, he searches through crate upon crate, why they had so much crap stuffed away down here, he’ll never know. no one ever comes down here anyway, it’s too sludgy and too rotten. it’s not until he rounds a corner that he hears the small squeak. he’s no stranger to rats and mice, but this, well this wasn’t quite it.
peering over, he spots someone. 
you were terrified. fear stricken over your features, back pressed against a wall ? some boxes ? you weren’t sure. it felt like your breath had caught into your throat, fingertips going slightly numb, unable to move an inch, as you stare back at him, panic settling into every bone in your body.
“hey,” niall hums, confusion etched on his face, because fuck, there really was a girl on this ship. 
you coward back at the sound of his voice, small whimper leaving your chest, barely heard over the creaking of the old wood. your eyes squeezed shut, ready for the worst. it was hard to see his face, only small cracks of daylight filtering through the old wood to illuminate the dampened space. and with his hat perched upon his head, the specks of clarity weren’t quite reaching his face.
“no, no, s’alright,” niall murmurs, hand darting out for you, quickly retreating it when he notices you flinch away.
“please dont hurt me,” you hiccup, tears filling your eyes.
“m’not gonna hurt you, it’s okay,” he coos, trying to muster up as much calm as he can. although he can’t say he’s felt much of anything remotely close to calm since joining this crew.
“no,” you hiccup again, bottom lip starting to tremble, pressing yourself impossibly further back. “i- i heard yo-you talking,” you stutter. “i know you’re gonna-a hurt me.”
“no, no,” niall coos, shaking his head. “that’s not-. you heard the othe-.” he sighs, biting his lip and starting over. “m’niall, what’s your name, love ?”
“dont call me that,” you huff, the tiniest bit of bite to your voice.
that pulls a smile from niall, a slight breathy chuckle, “alright, m’sorry. how about you tell me your name so i know what to call you.”
“y/n,” you murmur around a few deep breaths, trying to regulate your heart as your brain determines if there’s any imminent threat or not.
“y/n,” he hums, tasting it out on his tongue. “what are you doing on this ship ? s’not safe for you.”
“i messed up,” you peep quietly, fresh tears gathering in your eyes. “everyone was gone, and i just picked a boat. didn’t think there were pirates ported at the docks.”
niall bites back a laugh, not wanting to upset you, but still, what were the odds really. he doesn’t think he’s ever met someone with such bad luck. “we have to eat too,” he chuckles, “gotta reach port sometimes. have ya seriously been here all week ?”
you nod softly, sighing, “when they started coming back onto the ship, i ran down. just kept running. v’been hiding out here. you’re the first one to come down this far below deck.”
“you’ve been down here all week ?” he asks, shocked, eyes grown wide. “fuck, you can’t stay down here that long, you’ll get sick. there’s too much mould for you to breathe in.”
“i’ll take my chances,” you murmur, biting your lip, looking up at him with desperation, “s’better than going up there with the crew.”
and well, niall cannot disagree there. thinks he’d rather live down here with the rot and the sludge if the alternative was to head up to the crew and have every shred of his being ripped apart. so he nods, looking sadly at you, because you’re right, there’s no denying it. “must be hungry then. how about i get you some food ? try to track down some fresh water,” he suggests. 
at that, you perk up, eyes shining with some level of hope for the first time, in a week, apparently. you nod, looking hopeful at niall, asking curiously, “when’s the next time we dock ?”
“not for at least another week, m’afraid,” he sighs, adding a bit more enthusiastically, “don’t think about that right now, just sit tight, i’ll be right back.”
and with that niall was off, bounding up the steps, loud wooden creaks echoing under each of his boots. he makes a bit of small talk with a few other crew mates as he passes them, fishing through crates and flour sacks full of beans, biscuits, and salted dried meats, grabbing a good handful of each, tucking them into his satchel. 
unfortunately, he doesn’t remember a single day as a pirate where he’s actually had access to water. it’s always been beers and ales and rums. at least that’s what’s made readily available. 
if he was going to find water, he’s going to have to sneak around, and sneaking around takes time. time he doesn’t think he has. for some reason, he fears for your safety. you were so innocent, so fragile, so full of fear when he found you gazing back at him. he can’t even begin to imagine what the others would do if they found you. doesn’t think he’ll be able to live with himself if he has to watch that innocence get wiped off your pretty porcelain face. he may be a pirate, but his mam raised a good man.
and although the crew typically never hits the lowest deck, one of them is bound to discover you. especially with the flying rumour of a young lass on board.
so he decides, for now, that some ale is the best he can do in terms of beverage, figuring he’ll have more time to sneak around once all the lads are passed out drunk for the night.
when he returns to the lowest deck, he finds you sitting on one of the large crates, feet tucked up to give your poor skin a break from the constant saturation. he feels his heart grow heavy. a now foreign feeling to him, as he’s learned to grow a thick callous around his emotions. if he spends too much time contemplating his life decisions over the last decade, he’ll throw himself overboard. there are countless moments for which he’s significantly less than proud of. murder being a number of them. he’s just had to do what he’s had to do.
but with you, being dealt a really bad hand, stuck on a pirate ship, condemned to a level that the pirates themselves don’t really come to, he feels real sadness, and real fear, and real protectiveness. he wants to help you. he’s not sure why, he’s never felt the need to help anyone. but seeing that desperation in your eyes, and the sheer willpower you’ve held onto for this long, he empathizes with you in ways he’s not even sure he fully understands.
niall trudges over to you, placing his satchel down on the crate next to you, opening it up to show you its contents. “sorry it’s nothing better. s’really all that survives the long trips.”
“don’t worry about it, please. it’s food,” you smile, reaching in and taking a handful of beans. 
“i couldn’t find any water,” he sighs, “that one’s going to be a bit harder to come by. i’ll go lurking later tonight, when they’re all passed out,” he nods towards the upper deck, where the crew are currently working. “for now though, i hope ale’s okay ? at least it’ll fix the thirst for a bit, yeah ?” he hums hopefully.
your smile only grows wider, swallowing down a bite of the biscuit you had reached for, “niall, don’t make a fuss,” you murmur softly. “you’ve gotten me a meal, and you’ve been nothing but kind to me. i really appreciate all of it,” you hum, taking a sip and another bite, finding yourself hungrier than you thought. the slowly waning adrenaline causing your body to need a  refuel.
“it’s no problem,” niall smiles, “really. just want you to stay safe, and to make it off this ship unharmed.”
you feel heat rise to your cheeks, your eyes trained down on the food he’s provided. you could not have a crush on a pirate. you. could. not. you had to get off this ship and never, ever, look back. fuck.
you take a deep breath, looking over at him, “you seem too nice to be a pirate.”
niall’s mouth quirks up in a smirky smile, breathy chuckle rumbling from his chest, he shakes his head, “there’s a lot of nice lads here. but pirate mentality tends to take over and the next thing you know, you’re doing something you’d never ever thought of doing.”
your eyes lock with his, reading him for a moment, a silent moment, as you both exchange a sad, knowing gaze, “would it have been different if you weren’t alone when you found me ?”
at that, niall sighs, shoulders deflating. he reaches up on his head, gripping his hat and taking it off, resting it on the crate, behind you. it’s the first time you see him without it, expecting to finally get a glace at his hair, you’re only slightly disappointed to see a tattered, muted green bandana wrapped around his head. although you do note peaks of brown tousles poking through behind his ears and by his neck. small hoops pierced through his lobes.
without his hat, more light hits his eyes, which you note are a deep blue. his skin was tanned, darkened from long days in the blistering sun. he’s gorgeous. you cannot. cannot. have a crush on a pirate.
“i’d like to believe that i would have stood up for you,” niall murmurs. “like to believe that when i saw that look in your eyes, i’d be getting them away from you. can’t even begin to imagine the alternative, to be honest, darling.”
you let the pet name slide, too caught up with the fact that he keeps saying he’d like to believe. it’s not quite as reassuring as you’d hoped. you aren’t completely sure how much you can trust him yet. after all, a bit of food is a nice peace offering, but he hasn’t proven himself just yet.
it’s a few hours after that, before you see niall again. he does need to spend some time, enough time, with the crew, working. he can’t let anyone notice that he’s gone too long. or at least, where he’s going. if any of the lads find out that he’s spending time down there, they’ll suspect something. he needs to do this very delicately. needs to be smart about this. 
as he returns, he smiles wide at you, waving a pair of boots around. “smallest ones i could find, keep your feet dry.”
your eyebrows furrow squinting your eyes, the darkness of early evening settling, less and less daylight filtering through the small cracks in the wood.
“s’hard to see innit ?” niall hums, patting his pants, fingers finding some matches in one of the pockets, striking one against a crate to light it, the dim flame just enough to illuminate his face and the pair of boots he’s holding up.
“you got me some boots ?” you look up at him, a burst of warmth spreading through your chest, biting your lip softly as you reach for them, slipping them on. “these are perfect,” you hum, clicking your feet together.
niall searches the walls and ceiling, finding a small gas lamp, unhooking it from its perch, and lighting it. a small corner of space sees proper lighting for the first time in a long time. taking a look around, he thinks he prefers it when it’s dark.
but upon looking over at your feet, he sees you were exaggerating quite a bit. the boots were far from perfect, much too big on you. “you seem to be handling all of this really well for someone as prim and proper as you are.”
you laugh, a true laugh, your first one in god knows how long, shaking your head. “didn’t grow up like this,” you explain, hands waving up and down to display your expensive dress. “one of the richest men in town, for some reason, had his sights set on me.”
“make that sound like a bad thing,” niall hums, hoisting himself up on the crate across from you, setting his hat down again.
“i hate him,” you murmur vehemently. and again, you both lock eyes in a silent moment, the flame flickering a dim glow over both of your features, intensifying the connection. 
niall snaps out of it first, “wanted to bring you the boots, and check in on ya. it’s gotten pretty dark out, the crew’ll be out cold in a bit. i’ll try to find you some water. i’ll be back. keep that light, makes it a little less glum.”
and again, he’s off, just as quickly as he came. you were forever grateful for the bits of company. and the little things he’d bring you every time he dropped on by. in the meantime though, you were lonely. tucked away in the depths of despair, longing and awaiting for your gorgeous pirate’s return.
christ, stop. you did not have a crush. you did not. however, you could admit to yourself that having a place of escape, in your mind that is, helped pass the time a little bit. a place where you and niall were on a grand adventure at sea, wind billowing in your hair, fresh salty air, nothing but beautiful sunsets on the horizon.
how you longed for a breath of fresh air. to feel the wind on your skin. it was getting increasingly hard to be held up like you were. you had no idea that rot and severe lack of sunlight could affect someone so quickly.
you were growing increasingly desperate. and thinking back, niall had mentioned countless times that the crew pass out cold at night. maybe you could sneak around too ? just enough to make it a bit higher up. 
this was foolish, you kept telling yourself as you take slow steps towards the stairs, and yet, you couldn’t stop yourself. it’s like if your body could feel its impending death if it stayed put. your sheer will to have some clean air seemingly taking over the fear for a split moment. 
you were two floors up before you started noticing signs of life. sticking to the empty staircase, peering over quietly to notice breathing lumps of men, tucked into hammocks slung around randomly. 
continuing on your way, you stop a few steps from the very top, sitting on it, not risking being seen on the wide open deck. you breathe in deeply, crisp nighttime air filling your lungs. tilting your head back, eyes blinking up, you notice the vast array of stars. smiling to yourself, you enjoy a moment of calm. 
that is, until you hear some sounds from below you. what seems to be a conversation. and by the rumbling, tumbling steps, and the slurring, cackling voices, you’d best believe they were drunk. with the sounds getting louder, they were heading up to the top deck.
panic rising in your chest, your eyes dart from side to side, figuring there was nowhere to go but up. you climb the rest of the stairs, finding the large expanse of the ship to be empty. rushing, you look around to find a hiding spot, just about to take your first step towards a barrel, when a bone chilling sentence hits your brain. 
“well, well, well. look at what we have here.”
“hmm, pretty young lady. looks like we get to have some fun tonight.”
you whimper, frozen in fear, hearing the loud chuckle from behind you, “i get her first !” one of them shouts, surging forward and gripping your shoulder. he walks you forward towards the very barrel you were planning to dash for, just moments ago, pressing on your upper back, between your shoulder blades, bending you over.
you can feel him lean over you, pressed up against you, murmuring against your ear, “such a little treat aren’t you ?”
“what the-“ you hear from further behind you, the man no longer pressed against you, as he looks behind himself. 
“fuck- what are you-“ just as you look behind yourself, curiously panicked, worried that you may have an even worse imminent future ahead. 
instead you’re met with the sight of your attacker, pulled back into niall’s chest, held down by his mouth to muffle any sounds, watching niall glide a blade through your attacker’s throat. 
you feel as if your heart was about to beat out of your throat, eyes bulging wide, trying to take in the scene in front of you. two men, in a heap on the floor, throats gushing blood. you were gasping for breath, slowly backing away, until your back hit the barrel.
“what in god’s name are you doing ?” niall snaps, looking around to make sure no one’s seen anything. “why would you do something so fucking stupid ?”
he was furious. and you could tell. instantly regretting your decision to try and reach some upper floors. “i-“ you sigh, looking down, unable to look him in the eye. you felt like a small child, being scolded. and truthfully, you deserved it. what you did was stupid. and if niall hadn’t found you right then and there, you’re not sure what would be happening right now. 
your gaze tentatively flicks up towards his, shame plastered on your features, as you do something you never imagined doing. you lunge forward, wrapping your arms around niall, the force of it all making him take a few steps back.
he was shocked. he hadn’t been privy to a hug in over a decade. his eyes blink rapidly a few times, before slowly wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you to him, hearing a faint, “thank you for saving me,” puff out from your lips, warm breath hitting his neck. 
niall’s eyes flutter closed, his head resting against yours, taking in a breath. the fresh cleanliness of the soap you used in your hair was still clinging on, under the scent of the sea, a welcomed change his nostrils revelled in. 
he found himself relaxing into your arms, the protective anger he was feeling over you fading, murmuring, “please tell me what the fuck you were doing.”
you slowly pull away from the hug, sighing, “i was desperate for some fresh air. you kept talking about the crew passing out at night, figured it’d be my best shot,” you shrug.
“christ, darling, let me in on your plans next time yeah ? let me keep you safe. d’ya have any idea how bad that could have been if i wasn’t here ?” he shakes his head. “fuck, lets not think about that. need to take care of my mess. then m’gonna find you a change of clothes. can’t have ya sneaking around in that dress. s’too obvious.” 
he turns around, hoisting the bodies one at a time, rolling them over the edge of the ship, to crash into the frigid waters below.
“niall, you-“ you take a deep breath, your shoulders slugging, “you killed two people. for me. i- fuck, i can’t believe i-“
“shh,” he hums, shaking his head, pressing his index finger against your lips when he notices you about to speak again. “don’t have ta say it. m’honestly so fucking glad i was here.”
your breath catches as his finger makes contact with your mouth, a tingle of warmth spreading through your entire body, leaving your fingers and toes slightly numb. for a moment you find yourself wanting nothing more than to kiss him. with the sweat on his brow and the dirt on his skin, and fuck even the blood on his hands, you were so attracted to him. you cannot have a crush on a bloody pirate.
he slowly pulls his finger away, eyes locked on yours, feeling the erratic beating in his chest, because my god, he’s never felt such soft lips. doesn’t remember wanting to kiss anyone so bad in so long. not that there’s been even remotely close to a kissing prospect. ���c’mon, that’s gotta be enough fresh air for today. can’t risk it any longer. lets get you back down there, darling. i’ll go sleuthing for some clothes.”
“niall,” you rush out, gripping into his arm just as he was trying to walk away, “thank you. for everything.”
a small smile tugs at his lips, blush rising to his cheeks, turning away again and setting off with you, making sure the coast is clear every step of the way, until you’re back to the safety of the bottom deck.
it had been days since your little adventure to the outside. and as much as you were craving a trip back up, you were slightly petrified. 
niall had brought you some clothes, and even though you could fairly blend in with the crew, you weren’t quite ready to test it for real. 
in the meantime, niall’s been your source of friendship, coming to check on you regularly, whenever he could sneak away, bringing you food and drinks. he even tracked down some water for you a couple of times. 
tonight, however, you couldn’t hold out anymore. so when niall comes by for his late evening visit, you hop down from the crate you’d made yourself comfortable on, bounding over to him, “can we go up tonight ?”
he looks over you, eyes wide, “you really want to try that again ?” he asks quietly, out of fear for you. fear of what could happen to you, to him for hiding you. 
but with the large puppy eyes you were feeding him and the severe level of empathy he has for you, he ends up giving in pretty quickly, nodding his approval, “yeah, alright. suppose it’s something you need. please stay close. and do whatever i say.”
“yes sir,” you smirk, saluting him. as soon as your hand left your forehead, you felt like a complete fool. embarrassing yourself in front of the man whom you’ve grown more and more affection towards.
he giggles though, a real giggle, shaking his head at you, “m’a pirate, not in the fuckin navy, darling.”
you laugh along with him, ever grateful for him. you’re unsure of how you’ll ever be able to thank him for all that he’s done for you. including murder for fuck sake. you have to come up with something before leaving the ship.
you stay quiet, following him up the stairs, niall checking each floor as he goes, confirming that everyone is rightfully asleep. once he makes it to the top deck, he takes one look around, finding the entirety of the space, completely abandoned. niall’s hand reaches out for yours, helping you up the last few steps.
taking a deep breath, your eyes close momentarily, enjoying the feeling of whipping wind against your skin, tiny droplets of sea water spraying you from time to time. it was so refreshing, so incredibly needed after the time down below.
walking over to the edge, hands gripped into the side of the ship, looking at the vast expanse of pure, pitch, darkness. there was nothing but stars as far as the eye could see. 
niall coming over to stand next to you, he hums softly, “what’s got you so focused ? s’nothing but black out there.”
“kinda nice innit ?” you ask quietly, “the stars, the open sea, how tiny we really are in the grand scheme of things.”
“you think that’s nice ?” he asks, slightly confused. “isn’t that a bit scary ? what’s the point of it all ? we wont really make a difference anyway.”
at that, you hum, your head resting against niall’s shoulder, his arm instinctively wrapping itself around your shoulders. you never thought you’d be over the moon to be cuddled up with a pirate, but he actually made you feel comfortable, safe, a feeling that was fairly foreign for you at this point. and you were revelling in it.
“you think you won’t make a difference ?” you ask softly, turning yourself a bit more into him, “you’ve already made a huge one,” you explain. “you’ve saved me. saved my life.”
“but-“ niall furrows his eyebrows, “that’s just how my mam raised me. to be kind. s’not really making a difference in the world.”
you shake your head, humming a protest, “one person can’t change the entire world, that would be a bit of a pompous thought,” you chuckle, adding quietly, “but you’ve made a difference in my world.”
niall feels his heart burst, prickling heat shooting from his chest throughout his entire body. he buries his face in your hair, pulling you closer to him, “think you’ve made an even bigger difference in mine.”
moments before he was about to turn your face towards his, he hears it, a deep chuckle coming from behind, “looks like nialler found a treasure. gonna share with your brothers ?”
he feels you go stiff as a board next to him, feels the moment the air leaves your body, feels the panic encompassing every fibre of your being. he looks down at you, trying to convey any form of safety in his gaze, mouthing to you, “run,” before pushing you off towards the stairs. 
instantly, the other man is taking off after you, bounding down the stairs two at a time, niall quickly in toe. 
you just make it back to your dark and dingy secluded hideout, when a large, rough hand presses you into one of the crates in front of you, making your forehead smack down hard on the wood. 
you whimper, the man’s hands closing on your hips, squeezing roughly, painfully. and just like the last time, a moment later, he’s lifted off of you, niall’s blade slicing through his neck.
niall’s catching his breath, trying to calm his nerves, as he looks down at the scene, taking the moment in for the first time, because fuck, this is not good.
he looks up at you, noting the gash on your forehead, “christ, darling, you alright ?” he asks, fingertip darting out to gently touch the wound.
you flinch back, bottom lip trembling, as you feel yourself giving out, niall quick to catch you before you fall into the sludge water, leaning heavily on him, face tucked into his neck, “i can’t do this anymore,” you cry softly. “i can’t, i can’t. i need air, i need sun, fuck,” you tremble. “m’always so scared. i just can’t anymore niall.”
he holds you tightly, heart shattering for you. you hadn’t asked for this. you were a good person. you didn’t deserve any of this. mind reeling after the events of just moments ago, niall comes up with a plan, “we’re getting off this ship.”
“what ?” you ask exhaustedly, peering up at him, every ounce of your being, drained.
“you can’t stay here anymore. s’too dangerous. and you need air. we’ll take one of the lifeboats,” he explains, before nodding towards the body, “s’the first mate. someone’s going to notice he’s missing. and m’not about to lug him all the way up to throw him overboard, someone’ll see.”
“niall, i can’t make you do that,” you sigh. “can’t make you leave the safety of the ship for me.”
he cups your neck in his large hand, his thumb stroking your jaw, eyes peering into your own, conviction in his tone, “can’t go alone, darling. i told you i’d keep you safe. couldn’t live with myself if you were out there all alone. we’re leaving. tonight.”
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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tags : @cc-horan
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stellatekintsugi · 2 months
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Niall Horan
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edgeofmyniall · 1 year
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Moodboard | taglist | story board | playlist | extras | face claims okay so I am TERRIBLE at math so the flashback scenes maybe wrong I will make a post putting them in order lol Let me know what you think!!
The Funeral: Part Two
Niall’s heart was hammering inside his chest, begging to get out. His mouth was dry and he had tunnel vision, directed only at the one other person who knew about the divorce…Poppy. A million thoughts raced his mind, tearing at the sight of his ex-wife who was merely looking at the bottom of her whiskey. She hated dark liquor, merely taking a sip at the end of the toast. Her vision didn’t falter from the glasses. As if she had just been caught in the scheme.
It took all of his strength to excuse himself from Alex and cross the room like nothing ever happened. Like his secret hadn’t shown its face. She had broken the contract. He didn't know what the consequences would be if the contract was breached. He had merely known that Poppy would follow it- follow the rules like she had always done. He grabbed Poppy’s arm and pulled her toward the nearest bathroom that sat just under the stairs. The murmurs of his friends roared loudly in his ears. 
It was a small bathroom with little room for anyone taller than Niall and with the two of them sharing such tiny space, the room was more than stifling. Poppy could tell anger was taking over Niall, his face was becoming red and his breathing ragged. Her brow furrowed as she looked up to him in a concerned look.
“Did you tell Alex?” Niall wagged his finger in Poppy’s face, a thin line across his mouth as if he was punishing her something she didn’t do. She merely pushed his finger out of her face before speaking. 
“No!” Poppy’s voice rose on the defensive. “Why would I when you want to-“ Niall cut off Poppy by putting his hand over her mouth. 
“Don’t raise your voice. It must have been Justin.” Niall released Poppy’s lips from his grasp and began to wipe off the residence of lipstick from his palm. Niall runs his fingers through his hair, his fingertips staying at the nape of his neck. He was mentally going through all of the people who knew about the break up. Justin had found out before the contract had been thought of. Justin came into Niall's office, throwing papers and books- a reaction that Niall thought Poppy should have had.
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Two Years Ago
“What are you doing?!” Niall exclaimed as Justin threw a book at his friend. Niall barely ducked out of the way before the book came flying across towards his face. Niallwent to stand up, but Justin only threw whatever he could get his hands on. His body, tired and hurting, was full of rage. 
“Are you mental?” Justin asked as he shoved papers off Niall’s desk. “What are you  doing?” Justin’s hands balled into a fist, and before he could think better otherwise, his hand connected with Niall’s face. 
“What the fuck?” Niall jumped out of his chair. Shelby, Niall’s assistant, was on the phone, whispering into the receiver. He knew that she was calling security. They both locked eyes through the glass window before he quickly shook his head.
“Her?” Justin pointed an accusing finger at the brunette with the red lips. Not breaking his stare, Justin only let out a small laugh. “That’s who you’re sleeping with?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Justin. What is wrong with you?” Niall asked, forcing a confused look on his face. A small smirk formed on his face. 
“Drop the act, asshole. I know you’re cheating on Pop with her. She told me.” Justin let his arm fall before taking another step closer to his best friend. Justin goes to open his mouth, as if he was about to speak, but only closes it, shaking his head. It was a hopeless situation. “She deserves better than this. Than you.” 
“You have no idea what you’re talking about!” Niall shouts at his friend, anger billowing in his body. “You weren’t there.”
“I know enough,” Justin turns around. He was about to leave when Niall spoke. “Do you know where I just came from? Your house. Or what’s left of it. And you know what I found when I got there? Poppy, broken in the corner. She told me everything.” 
“You can’t tell anyone. It’s bad for everyone involved.”
“You're not the least bit sorry, are you?” Justin asked. There was a hint of accusing his best friend for falling short of his marriage. 
“Of course I am,” Niall stated, puffing his chest up. “I feel terrible about it all, but she wouldn’t talk to me.”
“Did you even try?”
“We went to therapy,” Niall confessed. He shook his head at the mere thought of sitting on the brown leather couch ever again.
“Did you try?” Justin asked again. Silence fell between them as Justin only sighed. “Guess that’s that then. You’re letting go of the best woman for someone who-” He looks over to Shelby, shaking his head. Justin turns to leave. Opening the door, he turns his head over his shoulder. 
“I’ve already told Pop, but I’ve got cancer. It’s terminal. Call me when you’ve got your shit straightened out.” Justin left the office and left Niall standing in a state of shock.
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“What are you talking about? No one besides Justin knew,” Poppy asked before her eyes went wide from a sudden realization. “Alex did mention to me that Justin did tell her a secret. But that was a long time ago. I just thought it was that he planned on marrying her…not, you know, about us.” 
“Jesus Christ Penelope. And now, I’m about to make a speech at his funeral in front of all our friends. How the hell do you expect me to look Alex in the eyes?” Niall whispers, but his soft voice is harsh and more yelling than whispering.  He searches his ex-wife’s face for anything… any sign or clue as to what they were supposed to do now. He was out of ideas and he was tired of leading. 
“He said he would take it to the grave, Niall. I dunno,” Penelope feels the tears brimming over as Niall blames her once again for their troubles. She wanted to tell him that he could look at Alex the same way he looked at her after he told her that he was seeing another woman, but before she could open her mouth, Niall spoke again.
“Not to be funny, but he had one foot in the grave before he blabbed everything to Alex,” Niall shifts his feet before grasping Poppy’s by her elbows on each side. He was trying to breathe but the world was sitting on his chest and it was getting heavier with each try. 
“Niall?” Poppy cupped her ex-husband’s face, searching for any sign of the man she once loved. His eyes were scattered about her, watching the room slowly swirl around them, but the softness of Poppy’s soothing voice and her gentle touch kept him alert as he felt his head spin. “It’s going to be alright.” 
“I just-“ Niall’s eyes were swimming in tears as his voice cracked. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” It was a confession that Poppy never thought she would hear from him. Her own heart was far too broken, too damaged, for his concern now.
“Too late for that,” Poppy feels her chest cave in as she responds- a deepening breath sucking the air out of the small bathroom. She grasps Niall’s hands and holds them up to her own as the tears fall down Niall’s face. She wanted to tell him that she forgave him, but the words failed her. Everything she wanted to say, every word disappeared before her as Niall cupped her face in his hands- his thumb circling her flushed skin. His forehead rests on hers, their noses gently touching as their heavy breathing fills the room. Niall closes his eyes and drinks in Poppy’s scent- the same perfume he gave her as a birthday present. 
“Poppy, I…” Niall begins to say. If he could only say the words, “I want you. I still love you.” but the words no matter how hard he tried to force himself to say them came out as a ghost of a whisper. How could she still hold him when he failed her so much? Her arms were clinging to him, praying he wouldn’t let go. All he had to do was place his lips on hers, remembering the way Poppy tasted, and he would be home again. 
His bottom lip quivered at the thought of kissing Poppy again, nervous and scared like he was the first time he kissed her. 
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Seven Years Ago 
Poppy was sitting across from Niall in the small corner booth of the local college bar as they awaited their food. They had been seeing each other over the last few weeks after Niall found Poppy crying as she sat on the carpet across from her professor’s office. They had gotten on well and they spent much of their spare time together. Poppy had found herself asking if Niall wanted to tag along while she was running errands and Niall always asked Poppy her opinion on everything. They were honest with each other, only wanting the best out of one another, and that is what kept Poppy by Niall’s side- his ability to tell the truth even when it was painful to do. 
Their first date had gone splendid. Niall did everything he was taught by his mother to do. Open up doors for Poppy, compliment her, not just her looks, but by her intelligence and smile. He held eye contact, which was excuracting to do, when all he wanted to was to swim around her brown eyes. Every time she looked at him and held his gaze his stomach turned and twisted into knots. He tried clearing his throat to cover up his voice breaking from nerves, but it was a failed attempt. By the end of the night, Niall had been so nervous, he had forgotten to kiss Poppy goodnight. 
One night, at the end of their date after seeing a B rated horror movie, Niall cupped Poppy’s face turning hers towards his and kissed her gently. Her plump lips were sticky from her lip gloss that she had reapplied, but the way her mouth moved against his, with ferocity, set off fireworks inside both of them. It was worth the wait.
“Niall,” Poppy sighed as she sipped on her condensating drink, “I want you to kiss me.” Niall looked at Poppy, her straw rolled over on her lips as her tongue swirled around it like it was playing a game of cat and mouse. 
“Well, c’mere,” he wiggled his finger in the air, toying with Poppy to lean across the table. Putting her knees in the leather seat, she leaned over the table and began to kiss Niall with fever, as if she was starving for his touch. Her hands intertwined in his brown hair as she pushed her tongue inside Niall’s mouth, the salty taste devouring them. Her fingers trailed down his neck to the open space of the collar of Niall’s shirt as she began to tug on the button, begging it to come open. She moaned in his mouth as Niall gently pushed her off him.
“We’re in public,” Niall, wide eyed and breathless, said as he watched Poppy bite at her bottom lip. Her brown eyes had gone black by the time the waitress had shown up with their food. “We...uh… actually have an emergency,” Niall swallowed as he tried to not look the waitress in her eyes. He felt his pants grow tighter with each passing minute. “Can we get the check and to-go boxes?” The waitress, unamused and unfazed by the lie, left to find the styrofoam boxes. Niall cleared his throat before looking up at Poppy who was sliding a single french fry in and out of her hollow mouth. “Jesus Christ Penelope….” She laughed as Niall squirmed under the pressure of time. “You can’t do that. Now all I can think about is making you mine.”
“Make me yours then,” she whispered as the waitress handed the two patrons the boxes and check before turning away. 
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There was a sudden knock on the bathroom door, pulling Niall and Poppy away from each other. The rapid sound pulled them back into reality where Poppy and Niall were no more. Poppy cleared her throat as Niall briskly opened the door to find Amelia wide eyed at the doorway. “Family’s here. We’re all heading out.”
“Thanks,” Niall called out as he grasped Poppy’s hand, leading her to the front door.
“Got everything?” Poppy nodded her head before closing the front door. The immediate family stood beside a long black limousine as everyone gathered around. A young girl no more than seventeen stood in the middle as she quietly wiped the stolen tears away. 
“I want to speak to Sarah,” was all Poppy said to Niall before walking off on the snow covered walkway. Poppy pushed past Justin’s grieving parents to wrap her arms around Sarah, Justin’s youngest and only sister. Sarah, smelling the recognizable scent, pushed her swollen red face into Poppy’s shoulder as she began to cry. Poppy kissed the top of Sarah’s head before strumming her hair. 
“Niall, it’s good to see you,” Justin’s father said, breaking the silence, shaking Niall’s hand. “Heard the business is taking a bit of a bump, but it will swing back in no time.”
“This is no time to talk business, Jerome,” the small boned woman said to her husband, “We’re about to bury your son for Christ’s sake.” Sarah leans her head up to see Poppy’s half smile. 
“They’ve been fighting like this since he died; I can’t take much more of it,” Poppy began to sway her and her companion as Sarah spoke.
“You can come stay with me for a while. Niall will be away for a month or two so you can get away.” Sarah nodded, a small smile forming on her face. “Good, that big house gets lonely and Arlo would love to see you.” Poppy kissed the top of Sarah’s head before Gerald spoke. 
“Thank you all for coming as we lay my- our son to rest. We know that he was very loved by all of you, and you are more like family than you will ever know. Please be careful on the way. The snow is thickening and the roads will be wet. Thank you.” The short but precise speech motioned for everyone to begin to wander to their cars. Poppy gave a quick squeeze to Sarah before letting go. Walking back, Poppy tucked one arm around Niall’s and leaned her head on his shoulder before letting the tears she had been fighting go. 
Niall opened the passenger door of Niall’s coupe for Poppy and as she sat down, Niall’s heart broke for two reasons. One: he was about to say goodbye to his best friend for the final time and Two: watching Poppy and Sarah together made him realize that he could never give Poppy the family she wanted. 
The car ride was silent as the windshield wipers scraped the fallen snow off the glass. Poppy sat in the passenger seat picking at her nails as she tried to stop crying- her grief much too heavy to carry. Niall reached over, squeezing Poppy’s hand in his before pulling it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the outside of her hand, causing Poppy to cry harder.
“I’m sorry,” he said, breaking the silence. Poppy wasn’t sure what he was sorry for, but she only nodded her head and pulled out of Niall’s grasp before looking out the window. 
Parking his car in the side parking lot of the church, Niall turned to Poppy to ask a simple, yet complicated question. One that opened an array of answers. 
“Are you okay?” He stretched his hand to catch a fallen tear that fell from Poppy’s eyes. 
“I feel so bad for Sarah. She won’t--” Poppy tried to breathe but it was too hard as the sobs became more apparent. “She doesn’t have a brother anymore. She doesn’t,” Poppy looked at Niall with reddened eyes. “And I don’t have you anymore.” Niall didn’t know what to say to that. She was right… mostly. There would always be some part of Niall that belonged to Poppy, that would be hers, but the man sitting next to her was a stranger in parts. Before Niall could think of anything to say, Poppy opened up the car door and stood in the cold.
Niall climbed out of the car, pulling his jacket on before placing his hand on the crook of Poppy’s back. He found himself in a familiarity again with doing this. It’s not like he led Shelby like this. She was young, and wanted her hand to be held the entire time. Poppy always wanted the constant reassuring touch so that she too could lead when the time was right.
Falling into the ease of things was not something that Niall wanted. He cleared his throat before turning to Penelope. “I don't know why I did what I did, but I want you to know that I’m sorry.” Poppy only blinked away at the falling snow. There were no words for her to say. Niall’s knuckles brushed against her cold skin, before resting on her cheeks, her small gold hops between his thumb and index finger. He had given those earrings to Poppy the night of his first major sale, and when he brought them home to celebrate, her eyes lingered on the gold and not the man.
His apology was something that she desperately wanted, especially in the late night when loneliness crept in and took over her. She didn’t realize what she was doing before it was already done, but her arms wrapped around Niall’s torso and she held him tightly as Niall lowered his head to her shoulder and sobbed. 
It was the overcoming rush of grief that took over Niall. His best friend was gone and he lost his wife by his own actions. Now he was left to face the consequences of his actions. He had to bury both his companion and his marriage in one single evening. He knew that Poppy would never forgive him. Even now that the contract needed to be altered.
Niall’s apology wasn’t exactly given at an ideal time, or the lack thereof, and Poppy still wasn’t sure what he was sorry for. For cheating? For ruining their marriage? Or for not fighting for them? Was he sorry for breaking her heart and leaving her to deal with the repercussions of loving someone?
“We are gathered here today, not to grieve but to celebrate the life of Justin Williams. He lived his life like there was no tomorrow and faced death with a grin, excited for the next adventure.” Niall’s hands were sweating as the priest began his speech. His stomach turned at the thought of him being next to speak where he would lay his heart out on the line in front of everyone, but the one person he was most nervous about sat beside him holding his hand like it had been her’s all along. He wished he could take away Poppy’s pain and sorrow. He wished that he could take away all the pain he caused her for being selfish. He wished he had never cheated on her. 
He hadn’t planned on apologizing, especially going into what they were now facing, but he had said it. It wasn’t a grand apology that Poppy deserved, but it was an apology nonetheless.
“Here today is one of his friends that would like to speak on Justin’s life. Niall?” Niall cleared his throat before running his opened hand through his hair. As he was getting up, Poppy gently squeezed his hand and a soft smile formed on her face. What he wouldn’t give to kiss her right now. Walking up the aisle, he felt every pair of eyes on him and he prayed that he didn’t show his secrets to life. Standing in front of everyone, his eyes found the pair that should belong to him still. Pulling the crumbled paper out of his inner jacket pocket, Niallbegan to read.
“Justin has always been a staple in my life. He was more than a friend- he was my brother. I have a room in his childhood home that still holds a lot of memories. I had a seat at the Williams’ table, especially when food was scarce in my home. He was there when I dealt with my first bully. He was there when my dad left my mom, when we made enough money to move out of Hell’s Kitchen, and he was there the night that Poppy and I lost our baby. We were on the verge of giving up having children when we found out Poppy was pregnant. Justin was all in during the few short months that the baby was around. He said that he wasn’t going to be a normal uncle. He was going to be the best uncle. And he was.” Niall paused as his voice wavered, his eyes clouding up with tears. He cleared his throat and blinked away the grief before continuing on. 
He was there through a lot of sad and dark times, but that means he was also there through the good times as well. When Poppy and I were married, when I became so drunk that I thought the idea of getting a tattoo actually sounded good. No, you can’t see it. Just know it was most definitely a bad idea. Justin was there to help me pick out the engagement ring that Penelope lost in the garbage disposal a week later,” Poppy laughed at the memory of her losing the ring. She hadn’t really, but during the five minutes that she thought she did, she called Justin over to help her retrieve it. “He was there when Amelia was a part of the exchange program in school. Justin had thought at one time Amelia was the prettiest girl in our grade, but quickly realized that she would knock him down a peg or two. After the excruciating show that happened in the lunchroom, she wedged herself into the friend group.”
“But Justin was also there when he wasn’t, and by that I mean, he weasled himself into situations that changed my life. And one of those times, I would like to share with you all so that you can be just as appreciative as I am of my best friend. See, I never would have gone back for my jacket the day I met Penelope if it wasn’t for Justin. I left in a hurry down the elevator that did actually work. There was a sign hanging on them that said it was out of order, but they were in perfect condition.” He looked over at Poppy with a soft smile. Tears began to form in her eyes as she listened. “Justin had texted me to grab the jacket because he needed it for a date. And on this day, it was pouring rain. And sweet little Penelope had been late to turn in her term paper because of the weather.” Poppy knew that Niall was lying. She had told him when they met for drinks afterwards that she had procrastinated until she had completely forgotten it was due. It wasn’t until one of her classmates had texted her to ask her a question about the paper that she remembered and spent half the night writing it, going off sheer hope that the first draft was good enough.  “If Justin had never texted me, I would have never met the love of my life that rainy day. She would still be sitting on the floor completely drenched crying, looking, as she says, a hot mess express. And I thank Justin and God every day for that little miracle because without Justin, I would have never been this happy.” 
Poppy felt a pain in her chest as Niall spoke his story. Every word that he spoke about her was the truth and yet it was a lie. He had become his own paradox full of half truths and complete lies. He was lying to her, to himself, and to the congregation. She wasn’t the love of his life anymore. He had moved on from her in the most seering of ways, but yet the way he still looked upon her held the half truth that Niall, speaking on his dead best friend, swore to love Poppy for the rest of his life. Until death do us part.
He was happy with someone else and no one knew except the two of them and a body that was being lowered into the ground shortly afterwards. He loves her, not Poppy. The villainous woman who wedged herself between the once married couple. It hit her at once, the anger, the hurt, the betrayal. Niall stood in front of everyone, acting perfectly fine with the lie he just told, and not once did he even flinch at his slander. He truly was okay with them being apart.  
“To know Justin was to love him and we all did. However, I am so glad that he is no longer suffering and we no longer have to suffer from his terrible jokes.” As Niall made his way down and into his seat, the once warm feeling from Poppy had turned cold. She moved her hand when he tried to grab hers and she slid down the row when he outstretched his arm to bring her closer. She had already gone through enough heartbreak caused by Niall that she refused to live the lie another second longer.
She turned to her ex-husband and in a breathless whisper she mouthed the words she never thought she would say.
“I hate you.”
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@beautyispayno @kare38 @socialfake @heatherranch @theresnooneheretosave @naillsguitarthings @therealniallgrande @halfpinthoran @watercolorskyy @niallerlover @niallsguinnesss @lovelywordsblog
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horansqueen · 2 years
Lost Without You - chapter 1
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Story Masterlist ❤
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- written from both Niall and Oddie’s POVs - i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. - AU. Smut. Fluff. Comedy. (tw : cheating) - 3k - i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! - if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
Have you ever been in love? The feeling that spreads inside you when you realize that the person you're in love with is also in love with you, is something that can not be defined with words. It's something you have to live with your own being, with your heart, with your soul, with your head. It invades you from the pit of your stomach to every single extremities of your body. It makes you euphoric in a way nothing else can, making you believe that anything is possible, and that you're the luckiest person in the world. It makes you think that every single day with this person will be as wonderful as the first.
It's a lie.
Of course, I think love is wonderful, don't get me wrong! But the older you get, the more you change, and you can't expect the person you love to still be the same person you fell in love with decades ago. You're different, too, and that's okay. For some people, it makes them stronger and for others it tears them apart. It's a 50/50 chance and if you don't win, then you have to decide what to do with the relationship you spent so long building. Should you hold on to it in hope it'll get better, or try to start over to get back that inexplicable feeling you used to feel, but this time with someone else?
"Hey, kiddo, are you okay?"
I got out of my thoughts and nodded quickly, taking a sip of my now cold coffee.
"No really, tell me what happened. I sort of thought this morning would have been fun."
Angela was my oldest friend and I loved her. We met in high school and she was pretty much the only friend I had left. Starting a family and getting married at a early age can do that to your friendships, sometimes.
"Oh you know, with Mack knocking at the door while we were doing the missionary, and the fact that Ryan was almost late for work, it was a pretty ordinary morning."
My friend took a sip of wine while staring at me, her eyebrows raised. "Fun." she finally said with sarcasm, putting her glass back on the counter. "That sounds like my last birthday morning, too."
Angela had a son that was a year older than my daughter and had been with her husband for a few years, too. Somehow, I felt like she was the only one who could understand me, even if not completely.
"Let me be brutally honest, Oddie." she added, licking her lips and sighing. "You don't seem much happy these days. In fact, you look depressed and you have for a few weeks now. How are things with Ryan? Do you still love him?"
"Yes, of course I do love him, I mean, he's my first love and, we're perfect for each other." I shrugged, trying to figure out if my words were true.
"Correction, darling : You used to be perfect for each other." she added, tilting her head. "That was over a decade ago, and you were both teenagers."
I wanted to argue with her about the love Ryan and I had for each other, because we did love each other, but instead, I grabbed my glass and took a sip of it. "Are you going to help me with the preparation of this damn party, Angie, or are you only here to convince me that my marriage is a failure?"
I sent her a small smile that she sent back before chuckling. "I just want you thinking outside of the box!" she explained, still smiling. "Think out of this relationship you have."
"It's more than a relationship, we're a family, Angie." I explained gently, getting up. "And my family is the most important thing in my life."
It was true. I was not ready to give up what I had for what I could have. The truth was, I had never loved anyone else but my boyfriend. Of course, a few times, I had met some interesting and pretty persons, but I always ended up comparing them to Ryan, and they never made the cut. To me, it was enough.
We prepared the cake and cooked food for an army. I hated cooking but I knew Ryan preferred it to a caterer and i wanted to make him happy. We decorated the living room and the kitchen, and finished with wrapping up a few gifts, putting them on the coffee table in the living room.
"Shoot, there's no wine anymore."
I glanced at my friend and let out a chuckle. "You drank the whole bottle already?"
"Don't judge me. It's the first day in weeks that I don't spend with my son." she argued. "Can't I have a little fun?"
"Just try not to be completely drunk before the guests arrive, will you?"
The first few guests got right on time, which is half an hour before my boyfriend got back home and then the doorbell never stopped ringing. I got a text message and quickly checked the name on the screen.
I had been communicating with a friend from his work that I had never met before so he would bring my boyfriend on time for his surprise. It was a guy he had spent all his university years with, that he graduated with, and that he now worked with after a year of two of not seeing him. I was pretty sure Ryan suspected I was doing something for him on his birthday, but it didn't matter, I knew he'd be happy tp spend the evening with his friends.
'We'll be there in 5 minutes! Can't wait to meet you for the first time!'
I smiled at my phone and sent him a thumb up and a smiley before putting my phone in my pocket and looking up, biting my bottom lip.
"Okay everyone, Ryan will be there in five minutes! Be ready to scream 'Happy Birthday'!"
It seemed like forever until the doorknob started moving and I felt my heart hit my chest hard when everyone shouted. My lips curled immediately and I started nibbling on my bottom lip.
"Oh my god, thanks everyone!"
I chuckled low, staring at my boyfriend, until someone moved next to him, appearing suddenly in my line of sight. The first thing I noticed was his smile, and the way his light blue eyes shined. He laughed, patting my boyfriend on the shoulder, and finally turned to me. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other. For some odd reason, we recognized each other without knowing who we were. Of course, I couldn't be sure if Ryan had showed him a picture of me or not, but it didn't matter. I watched them walk my way and took my eyes off of Niall with difficulty to look at my boyfriend.
"Thank you baby." he whispered, wrapping his arms around me as I tilted my chin up. "That makes me very happy." His lips pressed against mine and I felt his stubble scratch gently my chin.
"You know I love making you happy." I murmured back, kissing his lips against with a smile. "Go have fun with your friends."
He moved slightly away and sent me a smile before grabbing Niall by the sleeve, pulling him closer. "That's my friend Niall, I don't think you two ever met."
"No, but we sort of kept in touch for the past week or so." I admitted, making my boyfriend frown and Niall chuckle. I glanced at him and he looked down before looking back in my eyes. "I found him on your facebook and asked him to help bring you home on time."
Ryan's lips curled and he shook his head slightly. "You're amazing." Once again, he bent down and kissed me but this time, he made the kiss grow and it made my heart jump in my chest for a reason I ignored. "Okay, I'll go talk with people. Thanks again, babe."
I nodded, feeling his hand slip away from my waist and slowly turned to Niall. He passed his hand in his hair and I licked my lips, wondering how it would feel to do it myself. It was crazy. Like I said, I did find other people attractive in the decade I spent with Ryan, but with Niall, it felt different, or at least that's what I thought. Perhaps I would wake up tomorrow morning and roll my eyes at the feeling invading me at this moment, and somehow, I hoped that's what would happen. After all, I was taken, and he was my boyfriend's close friend.
"Thanks a lot for the help." I let out with a small smile, tilting my head slightly. I was a bit scared he'd come back too early."
"Or too late. The guy loves his work."
I laughed and nodded, licking my lips again. Perhaps it was a sign of nervousness, who knows.
"You can go meet people, I need to be a good hostess."
Ryan had a picture of him, his wife and his daughter on his desk, at work, which means I already knew what Oddie looked like. She was cute, nothing more, and I never really thought anything about it. Not only was she dating one of my oldest friends, she didn't really catch my eyes anyway. When she messaged me about Ryan's birthday, we started talking and I quickly understood why Ryan liked her so much.
I ended up thinking that hanging out with both of them would be fun, but then my eyes met hers. I had not expected her to affect me the way she did. It was like something special emanated from her only to reach me and confuse me in a way I never was. She was looking at Ryan with love in her eyes, and somehow, I wanted it too. I was not sure if I wanted her to look at me like that, or if I had just been single for way too long, but it did something to me that I couldn't explain.
I smiled and pushed my hands in my pockets when Ryan left us together but only a few seconds later, she left. My eyes followed her until she walked in the kitchen and I blinked a few times, licking my lips and looking around. I didn't know many people and it was not something that normally stopped me, but the only person I really wanted to get to know was Oddie.
I shrugged and made my way to the kitchen too, feeling suddenly a bit nervous. I didn't know if she wanted to be left alone, and I felt bad for intruding or imposing myself. I knocked gently and passed my head through the door frame. She turned around, her light brown hair moving around her head, and when she noticed me, her lips curled into a smile.
"I don't want to bother."
She shook her head slightly and closed her eyes for a second before they fluttered back open. "No don't worry, I could definitely use some company."
I walked slowly inside and pressed my lips together as she moved around the kitchen to put more food on plates.
"Can I help?"
"Oh, uhm," she glanced up at me. "Could you get the bottle of white wine in the fridge please?"
I nodded but held my breathe for a few seconds before taking a few steps closer. To reach the fridge, I would have to walk around the table and the isle, or squeeze through her and the counter. I chose the later and without thinking, I put my hands on her waist to hold her in place while I moved on the side to slide behind her.
The way her body responded to my touch made me swallow hard, or perhaps it was the way my body reacted, I was not sure.
"Sorry, I didn't want to-"
"No, no it's cool, no worries." she replied quickly, stammering slightly before sending me a shy smile.
I opened the fridge and grabbed the bottle before finding a glass and pouring some in it. I handed her the glass and she tilted her head before squinting as she stared at me.
"How did you know it was for me, and not just for the guests."
I shrugged, raising my eyebrows and still holding the glass up. "Lucky guess."
She waited a few more seconds but finally chuckled and took the glass from my hands before taking a long sip of it. I watched her, my lips curling more and more as she emptied her glass.
"Very, it's going to be a long evening."
"You don't like socializing?" I asked, putting the bottle on the counter and leaning against it.
"I do, I'm just not good at organizing things, and it stresses me a bit. I always feel like people need more things, or are just bored." she admitted, moving her shoulders up. "But Ryan is good at that, so hopefully he'll entertain his friends."
"And why didn't you opt for a sweet and loving evening only the two of you?"
Oddie breathed in and sighed before tilting her head again. "Ryan prefers evenings like this. Which, I believe, is something you enjoy too. Isn't it how you two met?"
I laughed and nodded. "It's true, we did. But I also enjoy a good evening at home, cuddling on the couch and watching a show."
Her eyes fluttered again and she pressed her lips together. "Yea, me too." She breathed in and shrugged again. "Okay enough chatting, I need to bring the food to my guests."
Something caught my eyes, moving behind her and I looked up only to see Ryan, putting his finger over his lips to tell me to keep quiet. For some reason, I felt like Oddie was not the type of girl who enjoyed being scared from behind but I kept my mouth shut.
Ryan quickly wrapped his arms around her and she jumped, letting out a short but high scream that made him laugh.
"Fuck! I hate when you do that!"
"I know," he replied with a smirk, bending down to kiss her neck. "That's why it's so funny."
I raised my nose up in a grimace but again, remained silent. Who was I to judge the dynamic of their relationship?
"So Niall, what do you think of my girlfriend?" my friend asked me, making me hold my breath.
I watched Oddie move forward to get out of his embrace and finally smiled. "She's cool."
I wanted to tell more but I was not sure why, and I also was not sure he wanted to hear it.
"Damn right she is." he agreed with a chuckle before moving his bottle up. "Beer?"
I nodded quickly as I noticed Oddie grabbing a few plates and walking past her boyfriend to go back to the living room. We followed her but when she moved to the right, I followed Ryan to the left, glancing at his girlfriend as she started talking with a few people.
I tried to put my complete attention back to Ryan and when he handed me a beer, I took it and thanked him. He started chatting about a few things and presented me to a few of his friends. After about an hour and a few beers, I had almost forgotten about the weird feeling Oddie had made me feel.
"I can't believe I'm leaving for a whole weekend." Ryan let out with a sigh after a while. "I mean I love my job, but I'm not sure about leaving my girlfriend and my daughter for two days."
"Why, are you gonna miss them?" I asked with an amused smile, raising my eyebrows.
"Probably, yea." he admitted, looking behind me, probably at his girlfriend. "I mean I've never spent more than a few hours away from them. Also, our boss asked for next weekend, and probably a few more in the next few months."
I didn't understand how you could miss someone after only two days but I didn't argue and took an other sip of my beer. It was getting late and I knew I should go home, I just didn't feel like it.
I ended up sitting on the couch with only a few guests left. Oddie was sitting right in front of me with Ryan's arm laying at her shoulders' level, on the back of the couch. I could see how tired she was. Her eyes were closing by themselves but she was trying really hard to stay awake anyway until she breathed in and shook her head slightly.
"I hope you guys can excuse me, but I'm very tired, I got up early this morning." she let out, catching everyone's attention. "I'm so sorry."
She said her good night to everyone and when she got closer to me, I quickly got up. She moved her chin up to look in my eyes and sent me a tired smile that made something stir in my stomach.
"Good night, Niall. Thank you for the help, I hope we can meet again soon."
"Of course, it was a pleasure to finally meeting you."
Her smile turned into a fond one and I bent down to kiss her cheeks gently. She put both her hands on my shoulders and I felt the warmth of her palm reach my skin through the fabric of my shirt. Without thinking, I put one of my hands on her waist and felt her tense a bit before relaxing suddenly.
"Take a cab, okay?" she whispered just as her cheek pressed against mine. "You drank too much to take your car."
I didn't argue, I just nodded and she did the same before walking past me to reach the stairs. After she disappeared, I breathed in deeply, realizing I had stopped, and turned to Ryan.
"Hey mate, I'm leaving, it was night spending that time with you."
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1dcommunityficrecs · 5 months
University AUs!
It's the very first crowdsourced fic rec! We have 23 amazing fics listed here, about the trials and tribulations, the adventures and anarchy, the good decisions and bad decisions and downright terrible decisions that come with post-secondary education. We might have graduated high school, but we still dumb as SHIT.
Please enjoy, share, leave a kudos or a comment -- and get your reccing fingers ready for the next theme!
From Eight Until Late, I Think About You by supernope (35227, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is juggling an English degree at the University of Brighton, a budding YouTube channel, and an intense crush on a fellow YouTuber.
Reccer says: It's so cute watching their feelings and their friendship grow, from flirting in the YouTube comments to texting to finally meeting up in person (oh my god they were (hotel) roommates)
you can hear it in the silence by imogenlee (234857, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
When Harry Styles was accepted into a post-grad degree, he knew he could no longer afford his flat, leaving him with three options: 1) Move back into student halls. 2) Become homeless. 3) Move in with his best (and only) friend, Niall, and three of Niall's other mates. He went with the third option. But it was a close race. Or, two boys couldn't misunderstand each other more, but they want to.
Reccer says: The aaaaangst. The way they can't stop wanting each other despite the misunderstandings.
if it looks like, feels like, tastes like love by tempolarriefics (16600, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
harry and louis hate each other but pretend to date to be able to live in university ‘family housing’, zayn and liam are their nosy next door neighbors, and niall is the friend who made it all happen
Reccer says: this fic is such a cute read and the author included a lot of fun details that also have you cracking up throughout!
High heels on, 'm feeling alive by thebreadvan (14596, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry damages a car when drunkenly stumbling home after a fun night out with his friends. Feeling horribly guilty, he tries to find the owner and make it up to him.
Reccer says: Harry wearing heels <3
Unbelievers by Isthatyoularry (136814, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry and Louis have always hated each other. Or not…
Reccer says: Sport AU, enemies to lovers, College AU
Speaking of marvels by Navigator, quitter (100585, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is at university in California. On vacation with his parents in New Jersey, he meets Louis. Their story is only supposed to last through summer
Reccer says: This fic is in my opinion unfairly forgotten these days even though it is a Fandom Classic, just wonderful
Don’t have to go to the pool by Kingsoftheimpossible (40857, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is the captain of the swim team, Harry is in love with him a bit, and there's this ritual before Big Meets. Everything goes fine.
Reccer says: A simple an effective plot, a joy to read
Search and rescue me by Wildhalos (17423, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis never really paid attention to Harry until they get stuck in the locker room together.
Reccer says: The two characters who find themselves stuck in locker rooms, with all the sexual tension that goes with it. Perfect, right?
Your best line ever by Green_feelings (55116, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
University AU, in which Harry has a terrible job and lies about his name to drunk people, Louis is one of the drunk and has to move out of his flat, Liam shaves his hair because he fights with Zayn, Zayn protects Liam from creepy stalkers and Niall always has a solution, because he knows just about every person relevant!
Reccer says: Already, if Green_feelings writes something, we can already be sure that it will be good. This is even more true with a Uni AU
If walls could talk by Wickedarcher_08 (10028, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is in love with his straight best friend. He thinks he doesn't have a chance, until Louis presents him with a challenge he can't refuse.
Reccer says: A short story with a simple, effective plot
My worst Nightmare by BooBear411 (191000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan /Zayn Malik, Harry Styles/OFC)
they’re two students who struggle with what they feel. Harry is bisexual and has a girlfriend in the first part of the fic. They live in the same dorm and basically grow in love slowly, but steadily
Reccer says: Well written, the characters develop very coherently with the plot
Fading by tothemoonmydear (202000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Eating disorder
Harry is a science student, Louis studies fashion and ask Harry to model for him. They get closer and develop a solid crush for each other. Harry gets it that Louis is hiding something and he can feel Louis is not completely open about himself. He will love him unconditionally.
Reccer says: Louis’ eating disorder is depicted in a very thoughtful way
The school of extraordinary lovers by Stylinsoncity (191000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Minor violence, domestic violence, past character death
Harry is a third-year witch and violinist at magical academy, with dreams of taking on the world, and hopefully breaking the centuries-old curse on his family while he's at it. he does not dream of facing off against his childhood rival and duet partner, but louis is back in town after six years abroad, so that's exactly what happens
Reccer says: Original plot, writing styles
Blue Moon by aquietlarrie (152907, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Slight mention of death and grief
1950s au - gentle & beautiful coming of age.
Reccer says: So beautifully written, character development, feels like you grow with the characters
Reeling Through The Fall by Zarah5 (40068, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
AU. They hate each other. Except for when they don’t.
Reccer says: Zarah5 is always perfect
Anonymous Said by alivingfire (21158, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry has a crush on the sweet boy who he sends anons on Tumblr. He also has a crush on the cute boy in the bookstore. Fortunately, they're both the same boy and they both like him too.
Reccer says: Watching Louis and Harry fall in love with each other TWICE in the same fic? my crops are watered my skin is clear my cows are fed 18/10 no notes
The First Year by parmahamlarrie (46972, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry and Louis are roommates, sunshine and punk AU.
Reccer says: The way they get together through it all, and the fluff that comes after *chef's kiss*
knock knock, I love you by beautlouis (86066, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.
Reccer says: It's wonderfully cheesy and fun! The perfect fluff! Just adorable, fluffy fic and a real serotonin boost
painted on jeans by QuickedWeen (6822, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Girl Direction sorority au, friends to lovers, perfect mix of fun and hot!
Reccer says:
like fires in the night by coldflasher (138520, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Drug and alcohol use
Louis' got a secret stash of weed under the floorboards, his grades are going to shit and his mates keep getting pissed. There are secret passageways in the wardrobes and he can't stop thinking about the mysterious Harry.
Reccer says: a brilliant blend of absolute hilarity, angst and a whole lot of Very Bad Decisions.
Red Brick Heart by hazmesentir (98194, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn't expect is a surprise roommate who's loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he's ever wanted.
Reccer says: It has been a long time, but I remember loving this story quite a lot. Well written.
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante (112853, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Homophobia, sharing of nude photos without consent, bullying
American Uni AU. Louis hates football players and Harry. Harry doesn't know why. Through a bet Harry and Louis get closer, but the bet might be what breaks them apart too
Reccer says: I liked Harry and Louis dynamic
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12 (208589, Not Rated, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles, Liam Payne/Zayn Malik, Niall Horan/Josh Devine) Warnings: Religious trauma, conversation therapy, homophobia/internalised homophobia, OCD and self harm
Harry's new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
Reccer says: The dynamic between the characters, Harry's character in general and also the random famous people in the story
164 notes · View notes
adoringhrry · 1 year
“She’s mine!”
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“Tell me why,” Harry exclaimed from the bathroom, his voice drifting into the paired bedroom. “we always hang at my room?”
Y/n looked towards the door, abandoning the page of her book she was reading. “Because your bed is comfortable! And smells like you.” She mumbled the last part, but knew he could hear it.
She knew because of the giggle that erupted from the other room.
Harry spit out his toothpaste and walked out to greet his partner. He looked over to their white duvet, where she was snuggled under in his t-shirt. Although she didn’t think the same, Harry believed that his things was as much hers as it was his.
“We’ll don’t you smell good now!” She smiled, brushing her brunette hair out of her face.
“Do you not like my after-show smell?” He smiled, walking towards her.
“Sweaty teenage boy? Pass, respectfully.”
Harry flopped onto the bed which a humph, flickering his eyes to meet hers. “I think that smell makes me feel quite manly.” He shrugged his shoulders and moved to his hands and knees. “The shower washes that away.”
Y/n giggled at him, opening her arms to welcome any cuddles he wanted. “I think the soap smell mixed with your cologne is pretty sexy.”
Harry’s eyebrows rose, and a shit-eating grin enveloped his features. “Really? On a scale of sexy, what are we talking? Like Johny Depp sexy or Brad Pitt sexy?” He asked, crawling over her.
A laugh bellowed from her throat, arms hooking around his neck. He was such a goof, it amazed her. “Ryan Reynolds sexy.”
Harry’s jaw dropped, eyes going large like he saw the lord himself. “Really? Are you joshing me?” He waited for a response and when he didn’t get he attacked her with kisses. “I can’t believe you called me a god!”
“Don’t let that go to your head though, boy.” She said, playfully slapping his cheek. She craned her neck to kiss him, relishing in his presence.
“Yes, my queen.” He smiled.
“Oh my god!” She shouted, pointing behind Harry’s head.
“What?” He squeaked, head whipping over his shoulder. “The cat?” He asked.
Harry’s cat, Midnight, wasn’t seen very often. He was a cat who hated being interrupted in his own element. The night the band had filmed the video for Midnight Memories, they wandered into the pet store on their break.
Niall bought the first cat he saw, which was a little kitten who was all black except for a patch of white fur in the shape of a heart on his head. He bought the kitten and decided it was the perfect gift for Harry’s birthday.
Harry has brought that cat everywhere.
“Fur baby!” She beamed, pushing Harry away from her.
Face down into the comforter, Harry grumbled out a response of how much he wanted her to stay in bed.
“Midnight stealing my woman. She’s mine goddamnit!”
“Midnight is gonna be my lap cat, watch!” She swore, running over towards the ‘Kitty baby’.
531 notes · View notes
butdaddyilovehim-hs · 9 months
Stars Around My Scars: Part I
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Summary: Y/N and Harry meet by chance on the street and Harry just so happens to be Y/N's longtime crush. Sparks fly between the two but there's just one problem... Harry has a girlfriend. Featuring our favourite 1D boys and soft Harry <3
Word Count: >1k (super short to set up the story) Warnings: none
Based off this ask
"Liam you forgot the candles!” 
“They weren’t on the list Y/N.”
“But it’s a PARTY, of course we need candles?!”  Y/N rolls her eyes at her roommate who sits unbothered on the couch, stuck in the latest round of whatever new game he had bought.
 “They. Weren’t. On. The. List.”
 “Ok. Fine.” Y/N sucks in a deep breath before grabbing her keys. “I’ll go get them. You’re lucky we still have time before the party tomorrow.” 
Liam groans in response and Y/N rolls her eyes again before heading to the store. Party planning is not for the weak. She isn’t quite sure why she’s taken on such a large responsibility especially because it’s Niall’s 30th so she can’t mess it up. But he’s one of her best friends so obviously she had to throw him a party. And then her idea of a small gathering spiralled out of control and now it’s a surprise party with over 100 guests. It’s not like Liam and Louis have been much help because well… Liam would rather be doing anything else than helping her plan the decor and Louis can’t keep a secret to save his life so he doesn’t even know about the party. Y/N has over a million things to prepare before tomorrow and getting these candles was definitely not on her to do list for the day. 
She rushes out of her car and into the party store, grabbing the first packet she sees, pays for them and rushes back out to her car. However in her rush, (and due to the fact that she was looking at her phone) she slams into someone. Hard. Said someone grunts softly at the impact before reaching out a hand to steady her.
“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going, I didn’t mean to- holy shit.” 
“No worries love. You alright?” The man in front of her smiles, making sure she’s regained her footing before gently letting go of her. 
“Oh I’m fine… it’s just. Well. You’re Harry Styles.” Y/N can hardly believe her eyes. Her first thought is that his eyes are even greener in person. Her second thought is that he’s even more attractive in person and that’s saying something because he was pretty damn good looking in his pictures. And in the posters Y/N used to have (still has) on her wall. 
“That would be me. You look really familiar love. Have we met?” His voice is low and slightly raspy and it sends a flurry of butterflies to Y/N’s core. 
“Um well no. But I’m Liam’s roommate so maybe you might have seen a picture of me on his instagram or something? It’s really lovely to meet you. You’re… taller than I imagined.” Y/N wants to die. It’s like she’s forgotten how words work all of a sudden because her childhood crush is standing right in front of her and he’s smiling at her like that and Y/N doesn’t really remember how to breathe either. 
“You’ve imagined?” He sends a smirk her way and Y/N’s knees almost give out. 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” She blushes and Harry chuckles at how flustered she is. 
“Well anyway, it’s nice to properly meet you… I’m so sorry love, I don’t remember your name.” He winces as if it’s something he should have committed to memory. 
“Oh. It’s Y/N.” 
“Y/N! That’s right. Pretty name.” He tests it on his tongue and she shivers slightly. Y/N decides she only wants Harry to say her name from now on. It certainly sounds pretty coming off his lips. 
“The boys mentioned you were living in LA? What brings you to London? Just visiting or…?” 
“I’ve moved back actually. I bought a new place and my uh girlfriend and I just moved in a few days ago.” He runs a hand through his hair and Y/N can’t place the slightly sheepish expression on his face. Girlfriend. Of course he has a girlfriend. He’s Harry fucking Styles. She’s probably a model, Y/N thinks to herself. Blonde, skinny, legs for days. 
“Oh that’s… wow. I’m sure the guys will be thrilled to catch up with you. I’ll have to let them know I saw you.” Y/N offers him a weak smile. She isn’t exactly sure what she was hoping for. For him to fall in love with her on the street and whisk her off to his apartment to have his way with her? Actually that’s exactly what she was hoping for. 
“I’m throwing Niall a surprise birthday party.” She blurts out, filling the silence. 
“Oh really? It’s his 30th yeah?” 
“Yeah it is. You should come. If you like. No pressure. You could bring your girlfriend?” 
“Sure we’d love to. It’ll be nice to see the guys again.” Harry perks up at the invitation. 
“I’ll get your number off Liam and text you the details if that’s ok?” 
“Nah, I’ll give it to you now. I’ll surprise all of them by showing up.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket. He rattles off his number and Y/N quickly enters it into her phone before sending him a text so he has her number too. They say their goodbyes and Y/N finally makes it to her car, sitting in silence in slight disbelief as to what just happened. She’s staring, slightly dazed out of the window when her phone buzzes.
 (1:05pm) Harry: Send me the details! Lovely to meet you :) 
Harry Styles is texting her. 15 year old Y/N would have passed out by now and current Y/N isn’t really sure she’s got function in her limbs.
A/N: This is something just to tide you guys over until I can get part 2 of obsession out!! My laptop died on me so it's taking me a bit longer I'm afraid. BUT I adore you all for loving that series so much, and I hope you enjoy the start of this 😘
If I haven't added you to my tag list because I've missed your message or forgotten, please message me or comment! Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated xo
@lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-1994 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrl @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou @velvetballaspark @harrys-flower @macy-tpwk @mema10 @jerseygirlinca @daphnesutton @rafaaoli @allthelovehes @lovrave @tenaciousperfectionunknown @namelesssav @hsonlyangelxo @smartcookee @laurenstears
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wherebrkenheartsgo · 3 months
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Summary: You’ve known the international pop star since the One Direction days, but only the past year and a half have you been able to call him your boyfriend. This series is all about what life is like being a normal person who just so happens to be dating the one and only Harry Edward Styles. This texting series will show that every relationship has it’s highs and it’s lows so buckle up because dating Harry isn’t always easy, but damn does he love you. 🪩✨
Status: Ongoing
Tag List: Open
Story Type: Established Relationship
A/N: I hope y’all enjoy this texting series and it may be a Harry series but you’ll see a certain Irish man a few times as well because I can’t write Harry without mentioning Niall✨
*this is mainly a texting series but you’ll find everything below*
Instagrams: Coming Soon✨
Conversations: Coming Soon✨
Everything Else: Here
Part 1: That’s Odd
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harrysolaf · 22 days
ᒪᑌᑎᑕᕼ~OᑎE ᔕᕼOT
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ᕼᗩᖇᖇY’ᔕ ᑭOᐯ
I was at the country club one afternoon after playing golf for majority of the day. When this girl named Harlow was working the bar that evening, and oh- she was pure seduction. My first that was ‘I could eat that girl for lunch!’ She was dancing so well and the conversation was so swell. That I had to take her back to my hotel room, and told her ‘that the room was under Claire because we were something rare.’ So, she called me when she got there and she tasted like she was the one. Tastes so sweet she dancing on my tongue. After that I couldn’t get enough it became a craving by the touch. From up the stairs, arching on the chair, and the pulling of the hair. I need the recipe so I don’t overheat. Telling her ‘let’s take this to the shower babe and take off your clothes. I’ll put them on the counter after I help you take them off.’
ᕼᗩᖇᒪOᗯ’ᔕ ᑭOᐯ
I’m saying ‘I’ll take pictures in your mirror if I can use you as a volunteer so we can become something extra rare.’
ᕼᗩᖇᖇY’ᔕ ᑭOᐯ
Here I was thinking this was going to be a one night stand but I’m saying ‘I’m interested in being more than friends on this thin hunch.’ So I can bend her on the craving of eating her for lunch. Yeah, she’s the one with the way she’s dancing on my tongue.
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Love you xxxx
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loversipod · 1 year
Zoom Call
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Summary: Niall and y/n are in a long distance relationship and call every night, but one time he got caught up in work and forgot how late it will be by her when he finally does.
Pairing: boyfriend!niall x reader
Wordcount: 550
Trigger warnings: none
Y/n waited all day for Niall to call her. But he didn't, maybe he forgot it. They are in a long-distance relationship, and she is still waiting for a proposal, but he said he waits a bit more until they can live together again.
Instead of sitting the whole time before the laptop and waiting, she decided to do her skincare and get herself ready for bed. Niall is living in another time zone due to his job. He loves his job, but sometimes all he wants is to spend more time with his girlfriend instead of traveling around the world and doing concerts.
He hates to be apart from her. And she does too.
After two hours he still hasn't called and y/n falls asleep. She’s too tired to stay up and wait. Y/n hates time zones. She hates that she can’t be with him or see him whenever she wants, but breaking up isn’t an option; they're both too much in love.
Niall is the love of her life.
Her phone started ringing, she opened her eyes a little bit and searched for the phone, but it wasn't the ringing that came from there. It was Niall calling her.
It took her a while to open her eyes properly and adjust back to the light. She answered his call and he saw the dreamy look on her face. The dreamy look he loves so much. He loves the way her eyes look at him and her lips in that small smile. “Hey, did you sleep well?” He whispers, he doesn't want to be too loud and wake her completely up. She nods, “sorry I got caught up in work.” The dreamy look on her face is so beautiful. He already took a picture.
“Did my skincare and couldn’t stay up,” she spouts. “It's so late here.”
“I know and I am sorry,” he apologies to her, “soon.”
She smiles shortly. “Promise?”
He showed his finger and it made her giggle, “pinky promise,” They talked about everything, from what they had for lunch, to what was the best part of their day (the call). How much they miss each other and how much they love the other person more everyday.
They are perfect for each other.
Y/n mentioned that she loves him and wants to start a family when he’s back and he has the best reaction she saw.
Her boyfriend was so adorable she had to take a picture.
They talked for so long that y/n couldn’t keep her eyes open. She tried her best to stay awake, to talk more but her body didn’t allow her. One thing she didn’t hear was that he’ll come home in two weeks, her eyes were already closed and her eyes shut down. So it will be a perfect surprise for her.
He sang her to sleep and ended the call with a big grin on his face. He’s so happy to see her every day, even when it’s just on the screen of his laptop or phone, but better than not seeing her at all. He loves her too much to only call once in a while. They both need those calls.
After every call, they feel better and more loved by the other one.
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harrywavycurly · 6 days
I love the banter with Niall and reader! Could we see how they talk on the phone or something? 😇
Hiii babes!! So happy you like their banter 😂 I will happily give you some random phone/facetime convos between the two of them! I hope you enjoy 💖
-find all things boyfriend Niall Horan here✨
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“Why do you even read that trash?” “It’s not trash Niall it’s how I keep up to date on my celebrity gossip…oh god…why do they always use the most unflattering photos of me in these things?” “No such thing as an unflattering photo of you babe…definition of beauty you are…broke the mold they did when they made you…no one even comes-” “that’s enough thank you…oh guess what I just found out.” “Uh Harry has six nipples and an eleventh toe?” “No…but apparently we’ve been secretly married for two years.” “Huh and here I was thinking that I’d always remember my wedding day…” “oh and you’ll love this…I haven’t been seen drinking in a few weeks so that means I’m pregnant.” “Come again?” “I’m pregnant.” “You’re what?” “Oh god no…no like I’m just reading you what they are saying in the teen magazines Niall I’m not-” “you’re fucking pregnant and you’re telling me on FaceTime? What the-” “breathe Niall! In and out…deep breaths okay? I’m not pregnant…I’m just telling you that the world thinks I am because I haven’t been drinking-” “I can’t feel my legs…I’m gonna pass out.” “Jesus you’re so dramatic…” “I’m dramatic? You’re the one who cried and stomped your feet in the middle of a pub because they didn’t have anymore fucking chips.” “I was drunk and upset okay?” “Yeah well my secret wife just told me she was secretly pregnant so I’m also upset okay?” “That brings me to the question apparently everyone wants to know the answer to…why do you hide me so much Niall? Are you embarrassed of me?” “Oh right I hide you so much that I bring you everywhere with me and even talk about you in interviews and post you on my instagram…but yeah you’re my little secret…” “I love you…wanna hear about Brad Pitt’s newest love interest?” “I love you too…still not over him and Angelina splitting…that shit was messy.”
“These are your options lover and if you don’t see one you like too fucking bad I’m not going to another shop.” “You talk so sweet to be Niall…oh is that a magnum bar?” “Uh…yes…yes it is…that the winner?” “Yes that’s the winner…oh is that cookies and cream?” “Nope…your eyes are messing with you babe.” “Did you just lie to me Niall James Horan?” “No….yes?…but only because I know you’re gonna make me pick one for you and I’m gonna end up picking the wrong one and you’re gonna be annoyed and…I just say go with the first one you saw and…and you know what? fuck it I’ll get both…I’m good for it.” “Yeah…you’re good for it.” “I’ve got a few spare dollars for the love of my life’s ice cream addiction…”
“Oh hello there my darling girl…I just got your little to do list thingy and I have questions.” “Okay lover of mine…what questions do you have?” “Number one…why the bloody fuck is this list called my lover’s list of things to try when all it has on it are errands you need me to run and like…chores and shit? That title would make one think this list is full of…other…things like…for the bedroom.” “Because you haven’t ever done anything on that list so therefore you’re going to be trying it…hence the name my lover’s list of things to try.” “I beg your fucking pardon? I have mowed the bloody lawn before thank you very much.” “Oh have you?…really? Wanna tell me when?” “Uh..when…I lived in that house in uhm L.A by myself…” “You’re so full of shit…you got half way down one side of your lawn and gave up because you didn’t have the blade dropped properly.” “Oh I love it when you talk lawn care to me baby…it’s so sexy.” “Did you see what was last on the list my little handy man?” “Uh no let me take a gander….Jesus fuck you can’t go writing things like that on a list I’m meant to take out in public.” “Sorry next time I’ll send it to you via email then is that better?” “You really want me to try that on you….again? It didn’t go very well last time…” “that’s because you have no patience and tried to rush it.” “Okay that’s….yeah I did do that but you can’t fucking blame me I was just excited.” “Do you have any other questions Niall or can I get back to work?” “Yeah uh…is this list in any sort of order or can I do them as I want?” “Do them in the order they are written please…and thank you.” “At this rate I’m not gonna get to the last one till bloody Christmas.” “It’s six things Niall…don’t be such a ninny.” “God I love it when you’re mean to me…just does something to me.” “You’re so annoying…I have to go now okay? I love you and I’ll see you when I get home.” “I love you too…have a good rest of your day my little pet.”
“Hello? Baby? Are you okay?” “Uh yeah I’m fine why?” “Uhm well I’m on hole six and you normally don’t call me while I’m golfing unless you’ve run out of snacks or you’re hor-” “as if I’m the one who calls you when I’m in the mood you’re the one who calls me Mr. Small Talk…” “Baby…please don’t be offended but…do you need something?” “Oh shit I’m sorry no…I was just on my way home from target and you know how I like to talk on the phone while I drive.” “Target huh? How much did you blow on pointless shit?” “That’s none of your business….but sorry I’ll let you get back to your little uh…game?…round?…session?…thing…” “it’s amazing how little you know about a sport I’m so involved in…” “awe you think I’m amazing? You’re so sweet Niall.” “How far from the house are you?” “Why?” “I can spare a few minutes to keep you company till you get home.” “I am pulling into our neighborhood…who’s winning?” “Why do you ask such rude questions like that?” “Ah…it’s Harry isn’t it?” “No…not by much anyway…I still have time to come back and kick his lanky ass.” “That’s my man! Kick that Styles ass.” “If I win what do I get?” “Uh you get to rub it in his face and add a tally to your side of the scoreboard in the game room?” “How about if I win I get a proper blo-” “oh look at that I just got home…have a good rest of your game…love you! Bye!”
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justmeinatree · 3 months
03 - Astoria : J’adore La Mer
Summary : you find yourself trapped on a pirate ship, desperate to be saved. or is it the pirate that needs saving …
i’m on my own, you came alone, all dressed up in bad news
previous part /// jump to pt. 1
TW : mentions of abuse / sexual assault
Word Count : 4.3k
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you weren’t exactly sure what it was that woke you up. but it was still very dark around you, and you were momentarily in a state of pure confusion as you’d been woken so suddenly. you really just needed to put your head back down, and fall right back to sleep. 
that is, until you hear it again. an earth shattering explosion, blood curdling screams, smell of smoke. and before you have time to process it, a piercing swirl of wind, followed by another large bang, this one much too close for comfort. 
you look next to yourself, your husband wide awake as well, eyes gone wide, his brain working as quickly as it could in such a moment. “hide. quickly, get in the closet or something,” he orders quickly, grasping his rifle and exiting the bedroom, door left creaked open.
in pure fear, hearing the shouts and bangs and general rioting ruckus outside, you do as told, rushing off to the closet, your heart beating so fast you had trouble sucking in anything close to a proper breath.
your eyes squeeze shut, as you jolt, hearing the loud bang of the front door to your house being blown clean off its hinges, followed by uncoordinated, unclear screaming and chattering now incredibly clear without the wood blocking the shouting cries from the outside.
it’s the rumble of footsteps trudging through your house that makes you fear your safety, and the one of your husbands. and yet here you are, poking your head through the closet door, curiosity getting the best of you, because what in the hell was happening in your little town ?
as you step out of the half assed protection of the flimsy closet doors, about to peer around the bedroom door, it swings open, crashing hard against the wall behind it. 
again, your eyes squeeze shut on instinct, pure fear shooting through your veins, trembles taking over your body, as you step backwards until your body smashes against the far wall, a large hand quickly wrapping itself around your neck to hold you in place. 
your breath hitches, lungs constricted, frozen like a small wounded animal having been caught, succumbing to fate. but then, nothing happens. the hand leaves your neck. and your eyes flutter open momentarily. 
deep blue eyes, open wide in pure shock, looking back at you. 
“niall,” you breathe, a wash of instant relief flooding through your bloodstream, your pounding heart slowing just a tad.
you hadn’t seen him in almost 2 years. since that fateful day when he rowed off into the horizon, never to be seen again. until now. 
as quickly as your eyes can scan him, you take in his appearance. it was dark in the room, but he looked even better than you remember. for the first time, he doesn’t seem to have a bandana under his hat, wisps of sun blonde hair poking out from every which way. his eyes seemed bluer, clearer, crisper. it made your skin prickle, you were absolutely itching for him. 
you’d done your best, all this time, to push all of the thoughts of him away. the way he’d treated you. the way he’d looked at you. the way he’d made your chest burst. the way he’d been so god damn caring for someone he didn’t even know. something the people around you, that have known you for years, couldn’t even seem to do.
“gotta hide better than that, darling,” he murmurs through a breath. and just as quickly as he’d appeared, he was gone. heavy boots stomping down the stairs, shouts of “let’s go ! nothing upstairs,” echoing through the front hall, rumble of fleeing men indicating that they’d moved on.
you stood absolutely shell shocked, unable to move, your mind reeling. it was niall. niall’s here. in your town. as much of a whirlwind tornado that was just left behind, you felt a sense of calm. there was always a deep seeded comfort that followed him. like if nothing could happen to you when he was there. possibly because he’s literally murdered to keep you safe, but that was just a minor detail at this point.
if you were honest with yourself, you’d been craving that level of safety and comfort for a while now. longer than you’d like to admit. 
and just as quickly as the thought could fly through your mind, you were contemplating going after him.
no. no, no, you could not do that. but really, why couldn’t you ?
was it the fear of the unknown ? sure. was it the fact that you were leaving everything and everyone behind ? of course. was it that you’d be following a pirate, at hopes of a better life ? absolutely. had you actually gone insane ? probably. but here you were, rummaging through the depths of the closet, grasping onto a pillow case. one you’d kept tucked away, far away, for a long while now.
as you pull out the fateful clothes, the pirate clothes and boots, the very ones that niall had stolen for you, you’re brought back to that time on the ship. tucked away in the bottom level, hidden in sludge and mold. and just the prospect of niall’s soothing presence, was enough encouragement to make it all worth it again. to escape your current hell for one of muck with a tinge of comfort.
without much more thought on it, you slip the outfit on, taking a moment to look at yourself in the mirror. it was dark in your bedroom, but you could still see the outlines, darkened by shadows. is it really possible that you feel a sense of clarity ? almost like a solid weight being lifted off your shoulders ? you truly must have gone insane. running off to your potential doom on board a pirate ship was somehow making you happy. giddy even. a true testament to how complete shite the last couple years had been.
niall was following the herd, pirate mentality and all that, but his mind was so far gone, he’s pretty sure he completely missed the fact that there was tons of jewelry in that house. or was it the last one ? maybe there wasn’t any at all. fuck, what had you done to him ?
not a day had gone by where the thought of you escaped him. how good your hair smelled, how soft your skin was, how sweet your voice sounded, how delicate and dainty your hands were, how smooth your lips were, how warm your breath was. it’s the only thing that’s kept him going for the last couple years. 
every single morning, he’d woken up thinking about you, if you were alright, if you were safe, if you were happy. and well now, he guesses he has that answer. he saw the house you were living in, and he saw the man that was protecting his home with his rifle. saw the quaint little community you were a part of, every house looking more expensive than the last. 
and so now, as he trudges back onto the boat, lads dragging along with large pouches of food, jewelry, and any sort of valuable they could find, he assumes that his early morning thoughts of you will be different. he knows that you’re safe, knows you’re alright, knows you have money and means to get by happily. 
with every pilfered thing now stored accordingly, the pirates having their fix of alcohol and starting to turn in for the night, niall closes his eyes, wondering what thoughts will fill his brain tomorrow morning. will they still be of you, just with a different twist ? or have you seemingly moved right out of his brain now that he’s gotten some form of “closure” ?
it’s something he’ll never end up knowing, as at some point, in the middle of the darkness of late night, he hears your voice. a soft breath calling his name. once, twice, he must be having the weirdest dream, this is much too vivid. maybe you hadn’t checked out of his mind at all. 
but then, he feels it. like really fuckin feels it. the smooth glide of soft fingertips running down the back of his hand and following the length of his finger. and then it hits his nostrils, the sweetest smell he’s been privy to since the last time you were on a boat with him.
so when he hears the whispering call of his name again, he blinks one eye open, peering up into yours, your bottom lip bitten between your teeth.
he blinks a few times again, confusion etched over his features, breath stuck in the depths of his chest, because fuck, could you really be right there ? how much had he drank ?
“s’not much of a hiding spot, darling,” he croaks out half asleep, still blinking his eyes heavily, willing the sleepiness and the alcohol induced fuzz away.
but his response has pulled a chuckle out of you, a soft little giggle, a tune he’ll definitely be tucking away for a rainy day. 
the flooding relief that you felt through your entire body was as instant as the giggle that left your lips. you hadn’t so much as cracked a true genuine smile in years, much less anything close to a laugh, and here niall was, doing so effortlessly without so much as even being fully awake.
“i missed you,” you breathe quietly, your eyes going wide as you realize you said that out loud. it was true, fuck it was so true, but you weren’t sure you should be telling him that quite yet. honestly, he made you nervous, always had. and now that you’d literally ran away, to him, you were even more tense.
niall looks you over, as he sits up properly, calloused fingertips darting out to glide along your cheek, the softest cheek, taking in your appearance. 
he recognizes that clothes, fuck how could he forget ? it’s exactly what you were wearing when he rowed off, leaving you behind. it’s exactly what he’d stolen for you. “why’d you still have that clothes ? fuck, what are you even doing here ?” niall asks quietly, very aware of the fact that you were surrounded by sleeping pirates.
but it’s when he sees your bottom lip get sucked into your mouth, a slight sadness in your eyes before they move downcast, he realizes those probably shouldn’t have been some of the first words out of his mouth. he was honestly just shell shocked. and a bit on edge at the prospect of having to protect you from this bunch.  they were nothing like the other pirates.
niall sighs, eyes crunching up for a moment, because this was really happening. his hand reaches out for yours, just as soft as he remembers, wrapping his digits around yours.
it quickly got your attention, eyes flicking up to find his locked on your joined hands, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. 
a moment later, his face softens, hand pulling yours up to his mouth, sea chapped lips leaving a warm trail over your knuckles. his gaze flicks up to yours, face in such close proximity, you could feel his soft breaths. 
niall was taking you in, eyes peering over your features, drinking you in, filing every bit of you to his memory. it was dark, and he couldn’t see you as well as he’d like, but he was in very close proximity, so he was revelling in it. how beautiful you are, how strong the sweet smell of vanilla was wafting from your hair. 
he’s quickly pulled from the moment, a bit of rustling from the hammock next to his, thankfully just a half asleep roll, eyes never even opened, but it’s enough to snap his brain back to reality. he lifts his head from yours, eyes scanning the room, before nodding towards the left. 
he gets up, your hand in his, pulling you quietly towards the steps, leading you down a few decks. niall leads you to a darker corner, somewhere he’s sure no one will be able to hear you both speaking, “i missed you too,” he nods, starting over from earlier. “thought about you every single day.”
“you have ?” you ask softly, hope etched into your voice. truthfully, you were scared out of your wits, the truth of the situation at hand had started sinking in, and well, maybe you were far gone past insane. 
“i have. really have. wondered if you were safe, if you were okay, if you were happy. wondered where you ended up, who you ended up with,” he adds quieter. “seems you were doing great, living in that little town. christ, i can’t believe i ran into you. do you have any fuckin idea how lucky you were darling ? please tell me what ever possessed you to come here.”
for a moment, you bite your lip again, pondering what he’d just told you. because you weren’t really all that safe, you weren’t okay, and you weren’t happy. so, really you weren’t doing great, you were excited to be on a pirate ship. which honestly speaks volumes. 
“you’re wrong,” you murmur, eyes downcast, suddenly feeling very nervous around him. you hadn’t even noticed that you’d started pacing, a little trail back and forth in front of niall, back and forth, and back and forth. “i wanted to come here. wanted to come find you. you were the only good thing in my life,” you whisper.
niall can feel his eyes going wide before his brain even really catches up with what you said. there’s no way he’s heard you right. there’s absolutely no way, on this earth, in all the seas, that he could be anything good in anyone’s life. 
but before he has time to question much of it, you continue on, “do you remember some of the things we talked about last time ?” you ask, trying to peer into his eyes, the darkness of the lower decks making it a bit difficult. but you do catch his nod, a reassuring sigh leaving your lips. you finally felt safe enough to pour out everything you’d been tucking away for years. 
and so, on you went, “i had to go back to him. i had nowhere else to go. i couldn’t stay on the street, i couldn’t sleep in the park, i couldn’t come to you. there was nowhere safe. i had to go back. not that it was completely safe, but it was better than the open street, you know ?”
niall can hear the slowly invading sadness as you speak, the slowly invading fear, regret, uncertainty, anger, annoyance. he didn’t want to interrupt, wanted you to be able to tell him. he wanted to know, christ, he’s spent the last two years wondering. there’s nothing more that he’s wanted, than just knowing what had happened to you. 
“he doesn’t treat me good, niall. my life is awful,” you cry out, your voice getting louder as you go, emotions pouring out hard seeing as you could finally let them out. “it looks great, doesn’t it ? even had you fooled. but behind those gold plated door knockers, i’m just someone’s bitch. nothing’s ever good enough, nothing’s ever clean enough, nothing’s ever done right, nothing’s ever anything. i’ve spent a lifetime listening to someone order me to do things over and over and over again, without any say in the matter, just to then tell me that none of it is right, that i need to start over.”
“darlin, darlin, shh,” niall speaks up, stepping right up to you, hands landing on your upper arms to stop the pacing. “you’re speaking really loud, don’t want to wake the others, yeah ?” he hums smoothly, calmly, soothingly. his hands rub up and down your bicep gently, making you take a moment to calm yourself. 
you hadn’t noticed how worked up you’d gotten, how loud you’d gotten, until you heard the softness of niall’s voice in comparison. your breaths were deep, eyes closed, just taking him in. he was every little thing you’d been dreaming about since the day you met him. 
“sorry,” you murmur, now so so close to him. the sea air, beer, and sweat smell that seemed to just be niall was invading your senses. you should probably be disgusted, but in all reality, there was nothing better. nothing more to remind you that you were in the presence of niall. 
“s’okay,” he mumbles just as quietly, offering a small smile, one you can only see due to the proximity. “m’glad that you can talk to me, just need to do so quieter, alright ?”
it was your turn to nod, taking another deep breath to centre yourself before continuing on, “the house always needed to be cleaned, there wasn’t any dust or fingerprints, wasn’t any hair or webs. but i was always cleaning, and it was never clean enough. we had more food than we could ever eat, but i was always making more. and he never liked it, never liked anything. i made everything exactly as he would tell me to, followed the recipe to a T, but it was never right. i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve had to throw out amazing food, just to make it over again. i was always doing laundry. our clothes was brighter than anyone else’s and it still wasn’t enough. i was never enough.”
“did he hit you ?” niall asks quietly, unsure he wants to know the answer, but asking none the less. “did he ever hurt you ? put his hands on you ?”
“not like that,” you sigh, starting to pace again. you didn’t want to talk about this. you didn’t want to relive any of this. you were leaving it, running away from it, forgetting it. but then, you guess that niall does deserve an explanation. you had to talk about this. 
“what does that mean ?” niall asks, fear, sympathy, empathy, anger all laced in the simple sentence.
you shrug, sighing, “means that he didn’t hit me, didn’t do anything you’re thinking. i just had to do the tasks over and over and over again, while he was sat in his cigar room with the boys, enjoying whiskey and smokes. i was so exhausted. always exhausted. physically and mentally drained, not a moment to relax. not until bed time anyway. but even then, my tasks for the day weren’t done. i’m his wife mind you, it’s my duty, it’s what he deserves. i was just so tired, i couldn’t even do that right.”
niall’s eyebrows furrow, head following your pacing, trying to catch a proper glimpse at you in this mother fucking darkness, because were you trying to tell him what he thinks you’re trying to tell him ? “darlin,” he sighs, shaking his head, “did he- ?”
“no,” you’re quick to jump in, shaking your head, stopping dead in your tracks to face him. or well, face the shadow that is him, adding quieter, “i mean, i never really wanted it. not with him. but i’m his wife and it’s what i’m supposed to do.”
“that’s bullshit and you fuckin know it,” niall snaps softly, sighing hard for a moment, eyes shut tight as he processes the information you just gave him. but it’s when he opens his eyes, ready to lose his absolute mind, that he notices how small you look. how scared. how lonely. how vulnerable. and so he takes a deep breath, deciding that this may not be the best time to jump down this rabbit hole. deciding that maybe you weren’t quite ready for this, given the circumstances of your late night escapade to a pirate ship, clearly looking for a fresh start, in the worst place mind you, but niall’s not one to judge much. 
so he tucks those thoughts away for a time when you’re ready, or for a time when the weight of it all sneaks up on you, whichever case, he’ll be ready. ready to be whatever you need at the time.
and either way, for now, there was one much bigger question at hand, “darlin,” he speaks up softly, getting your attention. “what exactly is your plan here ?”
niall can see the bit of anxiety shoot through you at his question, something he doesn’t like doing. making you nervous that is. or more nervous, that is. he can see it in you. can tell that he makes you a bit nervous, on edge. he typically goes out of his way to try and keep you calm.
he understands, doesn’t blame you for a second. supposes he’d be pretty anxious had the roles been reversed. so overall, he tries to keep the atmosphere smooth, quiet, comfortable. but he hadn’t expected this question to throw you.
you shrug at his question, eyes casting down, sighing before you speak, “it’s probably stupid. i should have thought about this more,” you groan to yourself, before blurting everything out. “i was hoping we could start a new life together.”
and that’s it. you stop there. breath caught in your throat, because you said it. whatever answer niall gives you, it’s out there now. that you actually, wholeheartedly, want a pirate. want to call him your own. want to be with him. want to love him.
niall looks you over, eyebrows furrowed, because really, you can’t be serious. there’s no possible way that that’s what you truly want. him ? there’s no fuckin way.
“please,” you murmur, slightly deflating. you didn’t think he’d need all that much convincing. leaving piracy. wouldn’t that be a nice turn of events ?
“why on earth do you want me ?” niall asks softly, not wanting to startle the soft, quiet moment, breath leaving his lips, as he contemplates. could you really want this ? maybe everything that had happened throughout the night, plus the severe lack of sleep, was playing with your mind. that had to be it.
“don’t you get it ?” you groan, exasperated, “you’re the only person that’s ever stood up for me. the only person that’s ever listened to me. the only person that’s ever helped me. the only person that’s ever cared about me,” you explain, voice getting louder, until it stops. both of you so close. so fucking close. breathing each other’s air. thick air. eyes wandering each other’s faces, the proximity giving you the advantage, as you whisper, “the only person that’s ever saved me.”
niall’s lips instantly press to yours, the feeling you’re describing, pulling at him from the depths of his core. the feeling he so longed for. he never in a million years imagined being able to do that for someone. it made his toes tingle, his fingertips prickle, his chest burst. he couldn’t explain it, but he wanted to be that for you. wanted to give you what you so deserved. every day. every single day.
you were trembling, hands landing to cup niall’s jaw and neck, one of them gliding back to his hair, slipping under his hat, making it fall. 
his kiss was so delicate, and yet so deeply passionate, making your toes curl in your boots, fingertips gripping his hair. so soft. the ocean water clearly having its effects over time. one you’re letting yourself revel in.
“let me save you now,” you murmur against his lips, niall’s hold on your hips tightening, pulling you closer to him, arms wrapping tightly around your waist, holding you to him, forehead resting against yours, eyes peering into your own.
“gonna row off into the night with me ?” niall asks quietly, “again ?” he adds cheekily, watching you nod with a smirk, before his features turn serious, his gaze locked on yours. “i’ll never be able to thank you enough.”
“you’ve saved me more times than i can count,” you hum, “think i’m the one that can’t thank you enough.”
he’s quick to shake his head, nose fluttering against your own, index finger coming to rest against your lips, keeping you from going on, “i’ll never hesitate to save you, darlin.”
without much thought, your lips press to his again, softly, quickly, much too quickly for your liking, niall groaning softly, “sorry, trust me, there’s nothing i’d rather do,” he sighs, chuckling. never thought he’d be turning away kisses, especially from such a beautiful lady, even more especially given the lack of female encounters for the last decade, but, “s’almost morning. gotta get off this ship, m’lady.”
a wide smile spreads over your lips, little giggle leaving your lips. you felt like a teenager with a crush, all over again. a feeling that made you more excited than anything you’d felt in a very long time.
with no time to dwell on it, you follow niall up to the top deck, thankful that the others were asleep, jumping in to help him lower the lifeboat. something you remembered from the last time.
it all happened so fast, the next thing you were registering, you were watching niall row, the darkness of night slowly being invaded by wisps of dark blue.
“gotta warn ya darlin,” niall hums, “this island isn’t as nice as the last one. kind of a shite spot to be honest. we’ll just rest up and be on our way.”
you shrug, smiling at him, “m’with you, it really doesn’t matter,” you hum, cheeks feeling warm at the incredibly cheesy admission. 
but niall smiles wide, a little breathy chuckle leaving his lips, because maybe this was the path he was meant to follow in order to find a treasured future. 
and maybe, just maybe, you were the key to it all. 
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tags : @cc-horan28 @acesofspadess @lostinwildflowers
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stellatekintsugi · 5 months
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Lewis Capaldi & Niall Horan
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edgeofmyniall · 1 year
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okay so I am TERRIBLE at math so the flashback dates maybe wrong I will make a post putting them in order at the end of the story
The Arrival: Part Three
Poppy watches as Niall pushes the door open with his elbow while still holding on to the bourbon bottle. He clamors inside the room with his luggage  falling off his shoulder. He stands in the middle of the room, looking everywhere but in his ex-wife’s direction. The room was still the same: the same blocked quilt lining the outside of the full size four short poster bed, the faded blue wallpaper that was beginning to peel off its host, the same cold wooden floors that became home to a light layer of dust. The same room that Niall spent so many nights in when he was running away from the fighting, running away from the cancer that was his parents’ marriage, and the cancer itself. This small bedroom had always been Niall’s safe haven from the outside world, and when he brought Poppy to this room, he prayed that she would understand the unchanging sentiment behind every loose thread and and creak in the floorboards. She had laid on the bed, arms sprawled over the quilt and only sighed in relief. “This is how I imagine a home would feel,” is what she said and she meant it.
Now, Poppy pulls her own luggage to the opposite corner that Niall claimed in a room so unfamiliar that she felt unwelcomed. She was unwelcomed, she realized, because behind her was the man who broke her heart, the man that chose someone else over their marriage, over their love and hard work, over their grief. She looked out the window onto the snow covered street-her fingers mindlessly toyed with her rings. 
The cool metal felt foreign against her skin as if the two rings were contraband. She felt tears welling up inside her. She was tired of living a fabrication of a false life and the web of lies she carefully practiced was drowning her. It was over a year since the divorce was finalized and through that year, she had receded inside herself. She couldn’t muster up the mental willpower that it took to keep up the appearance of still being married. The small lies had only snowballed from the biggest lie yet, and some day someone would catch on. 
“Why can’t they know?” Poppy asked and when she turned around, she saw Niall hastily close the door and turn around with a surprised look on his face. Family dinners and holidays held questions in the year they had been separated, and every lie made Poppy relive the pain.
“Why should they know, Penelope? Have you asked yourself that? What business is it of theirs to know?” Niall cocked a brow with a demeaning look on his face- the alcohol giving him false bravery. His lips were pressed into a thin line-a sure sign that he was annoyed. “The business could go under. Our friends would look at us indifferent. We’re supposed to be the one couple that makes it.”
“Everything is a business transaction to you, isn’t it?” Poppy quips, cutting Niall off intentionally. “And you call me shallow.”
“Excuse me?” Niall huffed. His feet found themselves standing toe to toe with Poppy after crossing the room. He waves his finger in her face, letting out the year of anger suddenly.  “I worked hard for you to live this life. I was the one who made all the sacrifices. I was the one who made sure that you were taken care of and had everything you wanted.” How could someone standing so close to her feel so far away like they’re worlds away- a distance she never expected to travel from Niall.
“I never wanted this!” Poppy’s voice rose at Niall playing the victim. “I only wanted you! That was it! And now I’m living this lie for you to keep your reputation in tact because fuck all if everyone finds out that we didn’t make it ‘cause you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants.” Poppy’s tears stained her reddened face. Everything she wanted to say since the day she signed the papers in the sweltering lawyer’s office was projectile vomiting out of her mouth.
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A Year and Half Ago
He sat at the small white linen covered table, his leg steadily bouncing as he looks over the familiar menu. He knew the selections of meat, al carte sides, and wines like the back of his hand- they had been there many times together, both happy and somber, as they celebrated the ups and downs of life. He sat at their table, ordering their wine, waiting on her as always. He had figured where they started their marriage when they back home from Maui, he could end it there as well. 
What a beautiful thing- the beginning of a relationship: the full effort, the conscious decision making, the growing to know one another more. 
What a beautiful disaster- the ending of a relationship: the fighting, the tears, the utter heartbreak that would ensue for months to come. 
It’s inevitable that everything good comes to an end.
She had to have known this was coming. The constant fighting, the lies to cover the stench of infidelity, the secrets being kept, it had been there in her face and she turned a blind eye. 
Niall looks at the small glass encased candle that flickered every once in a while as he waited for Penelope. How was he supposed to do this? He had putting it off for a while now; he kept telling himself that he didn’t want to break her heart, but the longer he kept his decision to himself the more the hurt would crumble down her and sit with her longer.
He wished she would hurry up and show herself here. Shelby was waiting on him to come back to his penthouse where she spent most of her free time laying around only loving him. She had listened to him with intention, and she had cared about him when Penelope fell flat. She had weaseled herself into his head and made a permanent camp on his heart. 
“Here we are, mademoiselle,” the suited man pulled out the chair, and when Niall attempted to stand, Penelope had only held a hand out stopping him. Her lips were stained red, and the dress was a dark emerald with a swoop neckline. Niall studied her chest, the singular diamond hanging on a silver chain had play peek-a-boo with the dress. Why had she worn the dress that he had once ripped off her for him to only say goodbye to their marriage.
“Took you long enough,” Niall growled through a forced smile, picking up the menu again. He was mustering up the courage to tell her the truth, to face the reality that he created. 
“Sorry the traffic was terrible,” Poppy smiled, placing her elbows on the edge of the table. She reached out to touch Niall’s hand with her own, but he only retreated off the table. Her hand hovers for a moment before she clears her throat and pulls her hand back to her side of the table. Poppy had known what she wanted to eat, and when they placed the order, Niall had made a statement that broke her heart.
“I want a divorce.”
“I didn’t know they had a live band during the weekdays,” she said, looking over to the semi-full dance floor.
“Did you hear me?” Niall asked in a hushed voice, “I said, I want a divorce.”
She had heard him. It was clear what his intentions were for this dinner. She had held on to the high hopes that he wanted to try again, to fix the broken parts of their marriage, to become them again. She looked over to her husband, the man who had just broken her heart, and only smiled. 
“I heard you.” She kept the mask on. She hid the screaming, the wailing, the utter brokenness her heart desired her to do. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes, but she only blinked them away. Looking at the candle as it flickered, she sipped on the white wine. 
“We can still be friends. I don’t mind you taking half of everything, Pop. You helped-” Penelope held up a finger to him, her tongue running on the inside of her mouth as it tries desperately to run the vile taste away. 
“You don’t get to call me that anymore. Not after what you just said, Niall,” she smiled, a twisted anger building up inside of her. “I don’t want shit from you.” Her voice was hushed, straining to grasp at anything concrete. Her emotions were getting the best of her. She had been on the receiving end of a punch one too many times and she was tired of being the bag. “Don’t diminish me to ‘just friends’ either. Don’t be an asshole.”
“Penelope,” Niall clears his throat as their dinner was served searching through his thoughts. This isn’t how he thought she would react. He had prepared for anything but this. Calm, cool, and collected was not on his radar. “You can’t say you aren’t shocked. It was coming.”
She had only smiled softly, shaking her head, as she tasted the food. 
“Are you even listening?” Niall asked, shoving his fork onto his plate. She was being childish playing her games, but he was done moving his chess piece around hers. 
“I’m listening just fine, Niall. I thought you would have been man enough to save our marriage, but you only tuck tail and run the first chance you get. What’s like to be you?” She cocks a brow as she looks up at him. She was beautiful, he admitted. Confident, angry, and desperate to hang onto something that was only torn to shreds.
“What?” Niall furrowed his brows in confusion. He shakes his head at the absolute nonsense that his wife was spewing.
“What is like to be you? You have a multi-million dollar business that has clients all over the world. You have a beautiful home and a wife that still loves you, even if you just broke her heart. You have a penthouse that overlooks the city and your mistress. She must love our bed. I was stupid, I admit, to think that you called me here to revive our marriage, but I guess that shows how naïve I am with you still. If you want to call it quits, then fine, you can have your cake and eat it too.” She stands, pushing the chair out. She walks over to her husband, leaning over him to kiss him on the cheek. Her body was shaking. He could tell. She had stifled a sob when her lips touched his skin. 
When she started her car was when she felt her entire soul shatter and there was no stopping the grief then.
“Keep it down,” Niall growled, his voice deep and hypnotizing. The booming of the music could be felt through the floor as Poppy scoffed. She folded her arms across her chest as she stared the stranger in the face.
“Tell me one good reason why I shouldn’t go down there and tell them.” Poppy quirked a brow. “It’s no skin off my back. I’ll show them the stupid contract and they’ll forgive me, but you. Oh, you’ve got it coming for you.”
Poppy had remained silent in the days and weeks after she found out that Niall had been infidelitous. Niall had refused marital counseling, and in most of the forced conversations, Poppy sat with her arms crossed, never speaking a word. 
“Because I don’t want you to lose the life you came to love.” The silence rushes between them as Poppy hangs her head.
“I loved it because you were in it. You were there with me. Right beside me, but not anymore. You decided that I wasn’t good enough at some point.” Poppy feels the tears brimming in her eyes. “You are such an asshole for doing that to me.” Poppy sits down on the bed, folding her hands in her lap before asking the question that any ex-wife dreads. “What’s she like, Shelby?”
“What?” Niall asks, confused. He’s still standing by the window sill when his first real love asks the question out of nowhere.
“What is she like?” Poppy looks to Niall for an answer. He runs his fingers through his hair as he searches for an answer.
“She’s got a wicked sense of humor and she’s got this charity thing for the whales or something, I dunno.” Niall takes a sip of bourbon. Poppy knew she shouldn’t have asked the question. The answer was too painful for her to bear, but the other woman is someone Niall needs.
“What did I do wrong?” Poppy asks, her voice cracking. Niall rushes over to his ex-wife squatting down next to her to push her blond tendrils out of her face.
“Nothing, you were- are perfect.” Niall cooed, her soft skin lightly a fire under his own. “Why didn’t you fight?”
“Fight? For us?” Poppy questions, her voice rising in the hurt and anger. “Why should I fight for someone, for something, that was already halfway out the door?”
“I would have stayed if you would have fought, Penelope, but you made it incredibly difficult to work through a marriage that was on borrowed time.”
“So this was just another gamble to you. I was another high risk for you,” Poppy can taste her tears as she stands to face her ex. Even though it all, her heart still craved him. Niall runs his hands through his hair in frustration before answering.
“No, you were never… You never talked to me. You never wanted to spend time with me. It was always the house or your car or the beach house or that god forsaken ring.” Niall’s hand gestures to the engagement ring Niall had given Poppy all those years ago. “You never shut up about how expensive it looked.”
“Because all I cared about was you, you dumb ass. I could care less how much you spent on this,” Poppy holds up her hand that the diamond sits on. “You could have gotten the blasted thing from a gumball machine and I would have been happy, but all you cared about was showing off your success to all your friends. That’s why Justin was the only one who came around after you left. He was dying and he still found the time to come visit.”
“What?” Niall asked, his eyes wide with confusion. “You knew he was sick?”
“The day after you left he came around, and I was not in a state to lie to him so he knew,” Poppy sighed, rubbing her forehead with her hand. “He only cared about you. Not what you could give him.”
“He never said a word.”
“Because he respected you. He was your friend, Niall. He thought…” Poppy’s lungs begin to burn as she fights for air. “He thought we would have worked it out,” she whispers. “Why did you leave?” Poppy asks, looking Niall in his eyes. “I was so in love with you. Just you. And, and… I never felt betrayed like that in my life. After the…” Poppy can’t bring herself to say the word. It was still too fresh. “I know we had problems, but you shut down on me. You didn’t want me to kiss you or to touch you. Like the thought of me coming near you made you sick. I hated myself for so long. When I knew that you no longer loved me, I realized that I valued your happiness over my own. I knew you wanted out so that’s why I never fought. That’s why I let you leave.”
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Two and Half Years Ago
It was Poppy’s thirtieth birthday party and Niall was nowhere to be found. Poppy casted a smile on her face, fooling her friends and family. She felt her heart sink as the sudden realization that Niall never planned to come. He was too busy with her. Tears streamed down her face as she ran to the bathroom as her stomach pushed out the day’s contents. The vile burned and singed as she held her head over the upstairs bathroom. Rubbing the vomit away with the back of her hand, red lipstick smeared across her face. A light knock on the door made Poppy’s tears come faster.
“Just a minute,” Poppy called out, trying to sound as normal as possible. 
“Pop?” Justin’s voice came from the other side. “You alright?” Poppy began to cry hysterically forcing Justin to open the unlocked door. 
“Just a… Just a bit of bad food,” Poppy lied. Justin sat his drink on the sink counter before squatting down. He cupped Poppy’s head, tilting it to make Poppy look at him.
“Want me to get Niall?” Justin asked unknowingly. Popped squeezed her eyes shut, stifling a sob, but the concaving of her chest forced to breathe in. The look on Justin’s disappointed face told Poppy that he knew. He knew why his friend wasn’t here. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed while I make a call.”
Justin carried Poppy to the bedroom and laid her on the side he presumed she slept on. “Want some covers?” Poppy shook her head as the tears began to stain the pillow case. “I’ll just be outside the door if you need anything, alright?”
She never knew that a heartbreak like this could hurt so much. She read once that people could die of a broken heart, but she only dismissed it as a lie, but now, she knew. Her heart hurt physically as she felt her entire life begin to crumble. 
“Niall, where the fuck are you?” Justin’s voice is clear even through the closed door. “Poppy’s worried sick. What do you mean you’re busy? It’s your wife’s birthday, dude. The fuck is going on?” The rest of the conversation is drowned out by the sound of Poppy hysterically crying.
Niall opens his mouth to answer, but there was no real reason why he left. His heart still belonged to Poppy and he knew her soul was torn in two the day he left. “I’m sorry, Penelope.” Niall straightens his body, but only after kissing Poppy on the forehead before leaving out of the room. Her skin burns under his gentle gesture. Grabbing the dark brown liquid, he walked out of the room without a word.
The moon had begun to rise when Niall came back into the room. Poppy had already finished up some work and changed into her pajamas when Niall began stumbling upstairs. He reeked of alcohol and the musky smell of weed filled the room. He stood in the doorway, his white buttoned shirt coming undone letting his chest hair to be visible.
“Hey,” Niall’s words are slurred as he sways over to Poppy. “I think we need to talk.” 
“Not while you’re drunk, Niall.” Poppy peers over her phone to her ex as he begins to shed clothing. Her eyes linger on his bare back and she feels herself biting in the inside of her cheek. 
“I won’t talk to you any other time,” Niall says, looking at Poppy through the mirror. 
“Then we won’t talk.” Poppy pulls the bed sheets over her body as she slides into the warm abyss. “Turn the light off when you’re done.” She heard Niall’s short huff as he let his pants fall on the floor. 
“Just like old times,” Niall said, his voice more cheerful than expected as he turned off the light. Darkness invades their room with only the moonlight pushing through the window. Niall crawls into bed, his body facing Poppy who is facing the wall. He reaches out to touch her, to feel her under his hands, to pull her close. The glisten of his wedding ring catches his gaze, stopping him from crossing the line. 
Niall rolls over, his heart hammering in his chest as he feels the absence of their marriage in one singular space. He wanted to make things right with Poppy, to make things better, but he tainted it by falling for another woman. He broke his promise to her, and he will regret it for the rest of his life.
Poppy wanted nothing more than to scoot her body besides Niall’s- to feel his warmth, to hear his heavy breathing, the silent mumbling. Her soul screamed out for him to give her any sign to move closer to him. Poppy pulls the quilt over her shoulders and she hears the soft sighs of Niall. The ringing of Niall’s phone breaks the silence. He pulls the phone to his face, his eyes already adjusted to the light, and huffs before whispering a single curse word.
“Hey babe,” he squeezes his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose. “No, everything is fine. Yeah, they got the flowers last week. Yeah,” Niall rolls over, looking over in Poppy’s general direction. “Yeah, she’s good. She’s asleep right now.” Niall rolls to side and sits up, holding his phone between his shoulder and ear. He rubs the nape of his neck. How many times had this happened to him and it was Penelope on the phone? It was familiar yet foreign at the same time. “How was your appointment? Did they say?” Niall turns to look over at Poppy’s still body unknowing that her body had went rigid when he answered the phone. She didn’t want to listen to every word, but it was impossible to ignore the adoration she held for the man that had only comforted her hours earlier.
“I love you too. Yeah, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Good night, sweetheart,” He ends their conversation and sighs. He lays back down and rolls over with back to Poppy. Silence enveloped them as Poppy tried to push the declaration of love out of her mind. He loved her now. It was evident.
His quiet words, soft and dreamlike, in his drunken sleep, caught Poppy by surprise. She second guesses herself before turning over, replaying the three words in her head like a broken record. The three words she was most desperate to hear for a year now. They echoed off the wall and strangled her thoughts making her heart and soul scream for Niall. “I love you, Pop. I’m sorry.” Poppy covers her mouth, stifling the crying as she feels her heart break when the apology she needed came too late. 
Poppy wakes to Niall’s arm thrown over her torso. His calloused fingertips etching into her bare skin where her shirt had risen. Soft snores fill the room as Poppy slowly places her own hand over Niall, his stomach touching Poppy’s back. She stares at the ceiling, ignoring the pain in her bladder in need of relief. She wanted to relish in this moment by herself, hoping that Niall would forget last night’s conversation. For a moment, she forgets wait awaits her when Niall awakes.
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Six Years Ago
Poppy studies the small boy that’s permanently smiling in a tee ball uniform. His bat hangs off his shoulder with his blue eyes squinting from the sun. There was no worry line or stress marks on his face to be found. Niall had been quite content once in his life. 
“Made a terrible first baseman,” Niall said, half laughing at the memory of his younger days. “Dad wanted me to try something different, and it was a complete disaster. Never picked up the sport again.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Poppy looked at her boyfriend with glee. She was nervous, meeting Niall’s parents, but for him to share his life with her was the pinnacle of their relationship. 
“I hit myself in the head with the bat.”
“Never mind,” Poppy rolls her lips in, trying not to laugh. Niall grasps Poppy’s fingers and leads her upstairs where Niall’s childhood bedroom still is in the same condition he left it in. Twin sized bunk beds lined the farthest wall with the Spiderman sheets still on display. A desk with an older computer sits in front of the window with a purple lava lamp still plugged in. Posters of half naked women and cars lined the free walls- a true male bedroom. 
“This is where the magic happened,” Niall shows Poppy the bedroom with outstretched arms. His smile was wide- proud of himself from starting here and making something of himself. 
“I’m sure with Mr. Winky over there, there was a lot of magic,” Poppy nodded to the worn teddy bear with one button eye. Niall quickly grabbed his stuffed animal guardingly before placing the bear back on the bed.
“He’s been in my life since I was born.” Niall sighs, letting the nostalgia of his past flood his mind. “Ya know, mom’s still cooking so we have a few minutes, if you…”
“She could hear us,” Poppy’s eyes close as Niall kisses his girlfriend’s neck, “Niall, I-”
“Just be quiet.” Niall breathed. They made love on the carpeted floor of Niall’s bedroom and it was the best they ever had.
Poppy feels Niall stir and she lets her gentle grip go. She sits up and rushes to the bathroom before Niall can speak to her.
Niall felt like shit. His head was pounding and the distinct feeling of regret loomed over him. He hated fighting with Poppy. He hated seeing her cry and he hated the reason why she was constantly crying. 
Niall grabs his phone and proceeds to call Shelby, hearing her voice soothes his mind only for a bit. The last part of their conversation replays in his head. He had been drunk, but not drunk enough to forget. He felt guilty for feeling happy in this moment. After they said their goodbyes, Niall sat up in the bed and reread his speech for later on today. He hated speaking publicly, but he was glad that Poppy would be next to him when he did. Poppy opens the bedroom door with only a towel covering her body, her wet blonde hair clinging to her back. She smiles slightly as she begins to lay out her black dress on the bed.
“Funerals today,” she says, her face and voice full of void. She sits at the desk and begins to put her makeup in front of the mirror.
“Did I say again last night that might…” Niall asks, the pit of his stomach empty like a black hole.  
“No,” Poppy says too quickly. She focuses back to her reflection as Niall stands behind Poppy. All she needed to do was tell him that she still loved him and he would get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. He hadn’t really known why he left Poppy for Shelby, just that he did and that he was miserable for doing so. The guilt was eating at him every day and it was an endless cycle for him to hate himself for the decisions he made. Shelby had been there in the tight dresses and high heels every day and the next thing he knew Shelby was on top of him in his office with her dress on the floor and his mouth was on her breasts. 
“Alright then, if you don’t want to talk…Maybe that’s why I didn’t fight. You just didn’t care anymore.” Niall walks out of the room, slamming the door leaving Poppy alone with her tears and silence.
@niallsguitarplaying  @threalniallgrande @@@lovelywordsblog @niallerlover @kare38 @halfpinthoran @beautyispayno @niallsguinesss @watercolorskyy​ @theresnooneheretosave​
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