#Ngl credit to fantasy factual cause like their Mario stuff has put me in a Mario mood
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Mario oc character species go brr, thus far unnamed
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So character lore conceptually they have a common ancestor with whatever species Bowser is known as, I've seen someone call them Kaiju Koopa so I'm going with that!
Of course ancestor is probably quite a ways back along the family tree, the only common traits the two species share is the defined Koopa nose, massive size, strength, some degree of armor scaling, fire breathing and general audacity.
While Koopa developed shells and the Kaiju variants like Bowser horns and spikes this species developed without shells instead getting robust defined wings which probably implies the ancestor had the capacity for both they just probably couldn't physically afford both features cause big wings heavy shell that's a lot of energy burnt so certain individuals had one or the other due to gene expression ect and then they'd probably go on to mate with those sharing traits with them or with individuals that didn't express either passing on the genes for either shells or wings thus becoming more specialised and splitting off from each other ect whatever look im starting to doubt my own fake lore sh sh.
From there others likely developed like how Bowser has Koopa Troopers and Para Troopers ect, there's likely smaller wingless versions as to grow the wings was still difficult it took a lot of energy and some individuals likely had faulty or wing genes that were recessive and didn't show leading to needing less food and diversity within the species and creating subspecies ect.
Some likely became specialised in their claws turning to digging up roots and tubers ect so theres Koopa Trooper sized individuals with powerful claws for slashing and kicks, there's likely a hammer bros type variant that is bigger than the Trooper like ones but is just more muscular bulky that hunted prey and capable of taking down bigger prey items to grow bigger than the clawed variant that stuck to fruit and probably a more stealthy shy variation that grows spikes from their back in defence displays as although they don't have the genes to create a full shell the genetic makeup to create spikes was still there.
These spike back individuals becoming with time the equivalent of magikoopas as they likely would guard food supplies with magical properties scaring away prey and predator with the threat of spikes and ultimately becoming magical from eating the magic plants fruits roots ect cause mushroom world magic rules idk. They would in modern day still need to eat magic plants to replenish their inner magic levels.
Being that they're probably the smallest and meekest looking of the bunch they were permitted closer to the large wing variant as they saw them as no challenge in fact spike backs were very good for scaring away predators from the nest when their chicks were small and both parents were away foraging so the spike backs were allowed to stay and were provided for in return for protecting the nest and naturally became the winged rulers advisors and overseers as the species developed.
As for the winged variant only the largest more aggressive ones with access to food and intellect managed to thrive using their flying privileges to access new food sources the others could not allowing them to continue producing offspring with the wing gene and the other genes resulting in their vast powerful appearance as they have access to the claws for slashing the gene that makes them muscular and the spike gene. They're the ultimate accumulation of their species really they hold all the cards.
They essentially become as the species and subspecies grew in intellect the Royals as more food and more care input from parents and probably being slower growing with longer life spans made them smarter and also generally biggest strongest is the leader.
Of course I imagine historically there was horrible bloody territorial battles between this species and the Koopas. While the territory they both developed in originally were likely vast and fruitful during the development of the defined species and the shifting of the world the Koopa territory started to grow barren while the territory this species resided remained lush with vegetation and complex ecosystems that they'd evolved to be apart of. And they weren't going to allow Koopa to come in and take their hunting grounds or threaten their nesting spots.
Due to the access to magic plants the spike back variants at this stage were likely far more intelligent than those around them, the two species during these territorial battles had not yet developed cultures or civilisations so they weren't going to communicate and work it out peacefully a peace treaty trade was not something that would occur for many years they were still young animalistic species even if future hierarchies of what would become Royals and citizens were clearly established within them.
They used their magic to separate their home from the rest of the world almost like putting it into a bubble, I feel like what they did was somewhere between straight up putting the whole area they considered their territory between dimensions so it just poofed but also making a copy of it so their civilisation could live in peace in an almost other world a powerful magical veil around their territory that separates them from the rest of the world while the forest and lush area still exists in the original world. If one went to the edge of the kingdom they could see the shimmering veil and see out into it the other world that was likely taken over by Koopa or destroyed by natural world stuff, though if they were to leave they may not return. Someone could stand right next to the veil on the other side in the actual world and they may sense the magic but would not be able to access their kingdom.
To some degree it was purely selfish reasons from the spike backs they didn't want to share their magic resources and potentially see the giant winged variants that they gain protection through be potentially slaughtered and have to hide flee and provide for themselves once more.
Their civilisation grew in this magic veil held up by the many generations of spike backs, they gained Royals they managed to survive in their territory creating a thriving town of their species.
Of course I'm awful and this character here was a princess and could've been next in line for the throne. Could've be. But unfortunately an illegitimate child of her grandfather and of the muscular strong man subspecies of their kind challenged that, hes smaller than a true full grown winged Royal but he's much larger than any of the other subjects, he grew claws and spikes but his wings are insufficient as he cannot fly with them and thus he has no claim to the throne. Had he had viable wings he would be accepted as a potential heir despite not having both winged parents, ya know prevents inbreeding since a lot of the times the winged variant genes are dominant and will produce a valid heir so they can marry who they like. The drawn characters father was likely a clawed variant while her mother had the full winged and extra genes.
However he wouldn't accept this long standing tradition and accepted system of inheritance believing it his birth right as most others born of a winged royal had the acknowledged traits to be next in line and he was bitter he was one of the rare few who did not. So he took it into his own hands. Or claws. He slaughtered the other viable potential heirs, he killed the then king and Queen and destroyed their brood.
Save for one egg. A spike back who had been with the Royal family for many year as council and guide descended from one of the original spell casters of the veil and even believed to be descended of one of the first few spike backs to begin cohabiting with winged variants had taken one of the eggs before the brute got to the nest. She would have taken more but she could only grab one in her hurry and he knew there was a nest full had she taken it all he wouldn't have stopped until he'd smashed them all. Being unable to stop him from slaughtering her Royals and being helpless to save more than one of their young is one of her biggest regrets.
She took the egg through the veil as it would not be safe in their kingdom, being one of the first of their kind to step foot in the mushroom kingdom world for many many years. She raised them hidden in one of the dense thick unexplored jungles of the world that no other species toad Koopa or otherwise had yet adventured. The feral plants and brutally cruel wildlife quickly got rid of any that did manage to get through the vegetation. The area along with its unusual fruit remeniscent of the original kingdom territory in its youth, so the old spike back was quickly able to readjust the instincts still residing inside her old bones on what to do. Though it was still incredibly dangerous for a curious hatchling.
For now they remain there hidden, the princess knowing hardly anything of her origin of her home or the outside world and the old spike back her only family. The old magic one terrified of what will happen should the other kingdoms learn of their presence, it could easily spark a war especially with the brutal Koopa King, she knows he is powerful and she doubts the king would take well to the Princess likely triggering some deep rooted territorialism maybe even seeing it as a direct challenge to his authority, she doesn't want him finding out about her and killing her. As for the other Princesses of a much different kind, smaller and soft,,, their kingdoms are powerful with many citizens and she has heard tales of them having unstoppable immortal warriors, they may see her young royal and simply regard her as another Koopa a threat and have her destroyed.
Or if the self proclaimed new king were to ever become aware of their existence outside the veil. He may break the veil rip back the curtain that once separated them from this world to hunt them down and would no doubt trigger assault from both the Koopa and Toadstools potentially destroying completely the civilization her ancestor worked to hide and protect due to his arrogance.
Basically it's straight up not a good time and she doesn't want Peach or Daisy knowing of their existence in case the Mario bros are sent to destroy them as she doesn't know that they'd probably be pretty alright and maybe even helpful as I feel like Peach would recognise that yea this isn't a Koopa they've never threatened us you're in danger we'll protect you. However Bowser probably would see the winged royal and it set off a deep instinctual territorial behaviour especially as she's not yet full grown but I think she will challenge him in size so I doubt he's gonna want something that'll potentially become bigger than him around for long especially as he may perceive her whole existence as a threat against his young as well what if she beats him and then kills his young so there's nothing to take over from him and challenge her in future. Pure animal logic there but understandable.
Of course eventually the secret will come out what is hidden cannot remain that way forever and they will meet and interact with the outside world one way or another by their choice or not. Me thinks Bowser Jr may accidentally fall in a fight into the dense uncharted jungle scared alone hurt and unable to call for help he's just a kid I think it would reduce him to tears and really luckily for him Bowser Jr shares enough traits with the young of the princess' kind that she'd see him and go "Oh that's a baby" and instinctually want to protect him and make sure he's safe even if he looks a bit strange. Baby instinct yall could save your life. Of course the old spike back is gonna have a heart attack when she sees the princess feeding and cuddling the offspring of THE KING BOWSER in their nest because oh they are so doomed and so dead. She knows bowser will be looking for his child and he may rip them apart, if they release the child to find his own way home he'll tell on them to his dad. This poor old lady cannot catch a break bout to have a heart attack.
I will attempt to when I have time draw the other species individuals so clawed, muscle and spike backs and hopefully name the species to give them proper classifications. For now I'm thinking of naming the old spike back caregiver of this oc Kamit keeping the kam theme of Kammy and Kamek two magikoopas cause hey they were related once a long long time ago and cause she's going to Kamit treason against the false monarch. Typical I name the character I didn't draw
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